// @doc
// @module CProfile.h | Declaration of the CProfile class.
// Author: Darren Anderson
// Date: 4/26/00
// Copyright <cp> 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "ppstorage.h"
// @class CProfile | This class abstracts out a number of common profile
// operations.
class CUserProfileBase; class CProfile { public: static const UINT AllMembers = (UINT)(-1); // @access Protected members
// @cmember <md CProfile::m_bInitialized> is true if this instance has been
// initialized with a profile string.
bool m_bInitialized;
// @cmember <md CProfile::m_piProfile> is used to perform ticket operations.
CComPtr<IPassportProfile> m_piProfile;
// @cmember Pointer to global handler base.
CPassportHandlerBase* m_pHandler;
// @cmember Helper function to create <md CProfile::m_piProfile>.
void CreateProfileObject(void);
// @cmember Create a test mode (i.e. site id 1) cookie.
static void MakeTest(LPCWSTR szMemberName, ULONG ulIdLow, ULONG ulIdHigh, ULONG ulProfileVersion, USHORT nKeyVersion, CStringW& cszProfileCookie, UINT cEle );
// @cmember Create a limited consent cookie.
static HRESULT MakeLimited( LPCWSTR szMemberName, ULONG ulIdlow, ULONG ulIdHigh, ULONG ulProfileVersion, PASSPORT_PROFILE_BDAYPRECISION nBDayPrecision, DATE dtCookieBirthdate, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG ulSiteId, USHORT nKeyVersion, bool bSecure, CStringW& cszProfileCookie, UINT cEle ); // @cmember Create a limited consent cookie.
static HRESULT MakeLimited( LPCWSTR szMemberName, ULONG ulIdlow, ULONG ulIdHigh, ULONG ulProfileVersion, PASSPORT_PROFILE_BDAYPRECISION nBDayPrecision, DATE dtCookieBirthdate, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG ulSiteId, USHORT nKeyVersion, CStringW& cszProfileCookie, UINT cEle );
// @access Public members
// Note, two-phase construction. Constructor followed
// by PutProfile.
// @cmember Constructor.
// @cmember Destructor.
// @cmember Initialize this instance with a profile cookie string.
void PutProfile(LPCWSTR szProfile);
// @cmember Has this instance been initialized?
bool IsInitialized(void);
// @cmember Does this instance contain a valid profile?
bool IsValid(void);
// Multiple Get's for different types.
// @cmember Get string-type attribute.
void Get(PASSPORT_PROFILE_ITEM item, CStringW& cszValue);
// @cmember Get string-type attribute, but return as BSTR.
void Get(PASSPORT_PROFILE_ITEM item, CComBSTR& cszValue);
// @cmember Get a ULONG-type attribute.
void Get(PASSPORT_PROFILE_ITEM item, ULONG& ulValue);
// @cmember Get a DATE-type attribute.
void Get(PASSPORT_PROFILE_ITEM item, DATE& dtValue);
// @cmember Get a USHORT-type attribute.
void Get(PASSPORT_PROFILE_ITEM item, USHORT& usValue);
// Membername/domain methods.
// @cmember Retrieve the domain portion of the current user's name.
HRESULT DomainFromMemberName(CStringW& cszDomain);
// @cmember Retrieve the alias portion of the current user's name.
HRESULT AliasFromMemberName(CStringW& cszAlias);
// @cmember Retrieve the display version of the current user's naem.
HRESULT FullDisplayMemberName(CStringW& cszMemberName);
// Profile cookie manipulation functions.
//todo change this later -- make sure to implement kids consent correct!!
static HRESULT Make( CUserProfileBase * cdbCoreProfile, LPCWSTR szMemberName, ULONG nSiteId, USHORT nKeyVersion, KPP nKPP, LPCWSTR szKPPVC, bool bMD5Silent, CStringW& cszProfileCookie, ULONG &ulKidsFlags, UINT cEle ); // @cmember Create a profile cookie string using the parameters passed in.
static HRESULT Make( CPPCoreProfileStorage& profile, LPCWSTR szMemberName, ULONG nSiteId, USHORT nKeyVersion, KPP nKPP, LPCWSTR szKPPVC, bool bSecure, bool bMD5Silent, CStringW& cszProfileCookie, ULONG &ulKidsFlags, UINT cEle );
HRESULT MD5Make(ULONG nSiteId, USHORT nKeyVersion, UINT cEle, CStringW& cszProfileCookie );
// @cmember Create a copy of the current profile cookie using the
// information passed in.
HRESULT Copy(ULONG nSiteId, USHORT nKeyVersion, KPP nKPP, LPCWSTR szKPPVC, bool bSecure, bool bNewReg, CStringW& cszProfileCookie, ULONG &ulKidsFlags, UINT cEles, bool bMD5Silent = false, // TODO: should remove default
LPCWSTR szMemberName = NULL);
// @cmember Add the cookie specified to the response.
static HRESULT Set(LPCWSTR szProfileCookie, bool bPersist);
// @cmember Expire the current profile cookie.
static HRESULT Expire(void);
// EOF