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402 lines
18 KiB

  1. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. //
  3. // @doc
  4. //
  5. // @module nsconst.h | global constants used in Passport network
  6. //
  7. // Author: Darren Anderson
  8. // Steve Fu
  9. //
  10. // Date: 7/24/2000
  11. //
  12. // Copyright <cp> 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
  13. //
  14. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. #pragma once
  16. #include <atlbase.h>
  17. /* use external linkage to avoid mulitple instances */
  18. #define PPCONST __declspec(selectany) extern const
  19. #include "paneconst.h"
  20. //
  21. // Magic numbers.
  22. //
  23. PPCONST ULONG k_nMaxMemberNameLength = 129;
  24. PPCONST ULONG k_nMaxDomainLength = 64;
  25. PPCONST ULONG k_nMaxAliasLength = 64;
  26. PPCONST USHORT k_nDefaultKeyVersion = 0xFFFF;
  27. PPCONST ULONG k_nMaxCredsAge = 2400;
  28. PPCONST ULONG k_nMD5AuthTimeWindow = 600;
  29. //
  30. // Names used to lookup profile items in the profile object.
  31. //
  32. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameMemberName(L"membername");
  33. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameInternalMemberName(L"internalmembername");
  34. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameMemberIdLow(L"memberidlow");
  35. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameMemberIdHigh(L"memberidhigh");
  36. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameProfileVersion(L"profileversion");
  37. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameCountry(L"country");
  38. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNamePostalCode(L"postalcode");
  39. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameRegion(L"region");
  40. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameLangPref(L"lang_preference");
  41. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameBirthdate(L"birthdate");
  42. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameBDayPrecision(L"bday_precision");
  43. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameGender(L"gender");
  44. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameEmail(L"preferredemail");
  45. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameNickname(L"nickname");
  46. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameAccessibility(L"accessibility");
  47. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameWallet(L"wallet");
  48. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameDirectory(L"directory");
  49. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvItemNameFlags(L"flags");
  50. //
  51. // Names used to lookup profile items in the database object.
  52. //
  53. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameMemberIdLow(L"member_id_low");
  54. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameMemberIdHigh(L"member_id_high");
  55. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameProfileVersion(L"profile_version");
  56. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameCountry(L"iso_3166_country_code");
  57. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNamePostalCode(L"postal_code");
  58. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameRegion(L"region_geoid");
  59. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameLangPref(L"language_preference_lcid");
  60. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameBirthdate(L"birthdate");
  61. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameBDayPrecision(L"birthdate_precision");
  62. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameGender(L"gender");
  63. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameEmail(L"contact_email_complete");
  64. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameNickname(L"nickname");
  65. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameAccessibility(L"accessibility");
  66. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameWallet(L"wallet_version");
  67. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameDirectory(L"directory_version");
  68. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameFlags(L"flags");
  69. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDBItemNameMiscFlags(L"misc_flags");
  70. //
  71. // Domain attribute names.
  72. //
  73. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDefault(L"default");
  74. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPassportHome(L"PassportHome");
  75. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrKidsPassport(L"KidsPassport");
  76. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrLogout(L"Logout");
  77. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrAuth(L"Auth");
  78. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrAuthSecure(L"AuthSecure");
  79. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrReAuth(L"Reauth");
  80. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPost(L"Post");
  81. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPostUpdate(L"PostUpdate");
  82. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPIC(L"PassportInformationCenter");
  83. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrRegistration(L"Registration");
  84. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrDefaultReturn(L"DefaultReturn");
  85. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrTermsOfUse(L"TermsOfUse");
  86. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPrivacyPolicy(L"PrivacyPolicy");
  87. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrCustomerService(L"CustomerService");
  88. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPassportImages(L"PassportImages");
  89. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrSiteDirectory(L"SiteDirectory");
  90. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrHelp(L"Help");
  91. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrMPP(L"MPP");
  92. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPasswordOptions(L"PasswordOptions");
  93. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPasswordReset(L"PasswordReset");
  94. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrChangePassword(L"ChangePassword");
  95. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrChangeSecretQ(L"ChangeSecretQ");
  96. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrChangeMemName(L"ChangeMemName");
  97. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrManageConsent(L"ManageConsent");
  98. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrEmailPwdReset(L"EmailPwdReset");
  99. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrEmailValidating(L"EmailValidating");
  100. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrChangeLanguage(L"ChangeLanguage");
  101. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrMobilePin(L"MobilePin");
  102. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrNoSecretQ(L"NoSecretQ");
  103. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrEditProfile(L"EditProfile");
  104. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrContactUs(L"CustomerService");
  105. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrRevalidateEmailURL(L"RevalidateEmailURL");
  106. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrXMLLogin(L"XMLLogin");
  107. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrXMLRegistration(L"XMLRegistration");
  108. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrXMLProfileRequest(L"XMLProfileRequest");
  109. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrWallet(L"Wallet");
  110. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrWalletRoot(L"WalletRoot");
  111. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrWirelessReg(L"WirelessRegistration");
  112. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPinPost(L"PinPost");
  113. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrPinReg(L"PinReg");
  114. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrCSSEform(L"CSSEform");
  115. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrSupplementalAuthUrl(L"SupplementalAuthUrl");
  116. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainAttrMail(L"Mail");
  117. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDomainHotmailError(L"ErrorLogin");
  118. //
  119. // Partner attribute names.
  120. //
  121. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvDefaultReturnUrl(L"DefaultReturnUrl");
  122. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrName(L"Name");
  123. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrCompanyID(L"CompanyID");
  124. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrExpireCookieUrl(L"ExpireCookieURL");
  125. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrCobrandCSSUrl(L"CoBrandCSSURL");
  126. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrLogoutUrl(L"LogoutURL");
  127. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrCoBrandUrl(L"CoBrandURL");
  128. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrCoBrandImageUrl(L"CoBrandImageURL");
  129. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrCoBrandLogoHREF(L"CoBrandLogoHREF");
  130. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrAllowProtectedUpdates(L"AllowProtectedUpdates");
  131. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrConsentID(L"ConsentID");
  132. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrPrivacyPolicyUrl(L"PrivacyPolicyURL");
  133. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrAccountDataUrl(L"AccountDataURL");
  134. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrAccountRemovalUrl(L"AccountRemovalURL");
  135. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrAllowInlineSignin(L"AllowInlineSignin");
  136. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrSupplementalAuthPostType(L"SupplementalAuthPostType");
  137. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrSupplementalAuthPostUrl(L"SupplementalAuthPostUrl");
  138. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrNeedsMembername(L"NeedsMembername");
  139. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrDisableMemberServices(L"DisableMemberServices");
  140. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrDisableTermsOfUse(L"DisableTermsOfUse");
  141. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrDisablePrivacyPolicy(L"DisablePrivacyPolicy");
  142. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrDisableCopyright(L"DisableCopyright");
  143. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrDisableHelpText(L"DisableHelpText");
  144. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPartnerAttrNameSpaceOwner(L"NameSpaceOwner");
  145. //
  146. // Stock profile values
  147. //
  148. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvEmpty(L"");
  149. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvCustomer(L"Customer!");
  150. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvNoCountry(L" ");
  151. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvCountryUS(L"US");
  152. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvPostalCodeRedmond(L"98052");
  153. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvRegionWashington(35841);
  154. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvLangPrefEnglishUS(1033);
  155. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvZeroBirthdate(static_cast<double>(0.0));
  156. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvProfileValueGenderU(L"U");
  157. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvProfileValueGenderM(L"M");
  158. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvTestModeEmail(L"[email protected]");
  159. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvTestModeNickname(L"ILoveMyPassport");
  160. //
  161. // Other PPCONSTants
  162. //
  163. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvFalse(false);
  164. //
  165. // Misc flags
  166. //
  167. PPCONST ULONG k_ulMiscFlagWantPassportMail = 0x00000001;
  168. PPCONST ULONG k_ulMiscFlagShareEmail = 0x00000002;
  169. //
  170. // Flags
  171. //
  172. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsEmailValidated = 0x00000001;
  173. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsHotmailAcctActivated = 0x00000002;
  174. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsHotmailPwdRecovered = 0x00000004;
  175. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsWalletUploadAllowed = 0x00000008;
  176. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsHotmailAcctBlocked = 0x00000010;
  177. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsConsentStatusNone = 0x00000000;
  178. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsConsentStatusLimited = 0x00000020;
  179. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsConsentStatusFull = 0x00000040;
  180. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsConsentStatus = 0x00000060; // two bits
  181. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsAccountTypeKid = 0x00000080;
  182. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsAccountTypeParent = 0x00000100;
  183. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsAccountType = 0x00000180; // two bits
  184. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsEmailPassport = 0x00000200;
  185. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsEmailPassportValid = 0x00000400;
  186. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsHasMsniaAccount = 0x00000800;
  187. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsHasMobileAccount = 0x00001000;
  188. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsSecuredTransportedTicket = 0x00002000;
  189. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsConsentCookieNeeded = 0x80000000;
  190. PPCONST ULONG k_ulFlagsConsentCookieMask = (k_ulFlagsConsentStatus | k_ulFlagsAccountType);
  191. //
  192. // Cookie values.
  193. //
  194. PPCONST char* k_szPPAuthCookieName = "MSPAuth";
  195. PPCONST char* k_szPPProfileCookieName = "MSPProf";
  196. PPCONST char* k_szPPSecureCookieName = "MSPSec";
  197. PPCONST char* k_szPPVisitedCookieName = "MSPVis";
  198. PPCONST char* k_szPPRequestCookieName = "MSPRequ";
  199. PPCONST char* k_szPPLastDBWriteCookieName = "MSPLDBW";
  200. PPCONST char* k_szBrowserTestCookieName = "BrowserTest";
  201. PPCONST char* k_szBrowserTestCookieValue = "Success?";
  202. PPCONST char* k_szPassportCookiePastDate = "Thu, 30 Oct 1980 16:00:00 GMT";
  203. PPCONST char* k_szPassportCookieExpiration = "Wed, 30 Dec 2037 16:00:00 GMT";
  204. PPCONST char* k_szSecurePath = "/ppsecure";
  205. PPCONST char* k_szPPPasswordPassingCookie = "MSPRdr";
  206. PPCONST char* k_szPPClientCookieName = "MSPClient";
  207. PPCONST char* k_szPPDomainCookieName = "MSPDom";
  208. PPCONST char* k_szPPPMailCookieName = "pmail";
  209. PPCONST char* k_szJSStateSecureCookieName = "MSPSSta";
  210. PPCONST char* k_szPPSecAuthCookieName = "MSPSecAuth";
  211. PPCONST char* k_szPPPrefillCookieName = "MSPPre";
  212. PPCONST char* k_szPPSharedComputerCookieName = "MSPShared";
  213. //
  214. // Configuration value names.
  215. //
  216. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPDomain = L"PassportDomain";
  217. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPAuthDomain = L"AuthDomain";
  218. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPVirtualRoot = L"PassportVirtualRoot";
  219. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPSiteId = L"PassportSiteId";
  220. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPFromEmailAddress = L"FromEmailAddress";
  221. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPDomainId = L"DomainId";
  222. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szKidsSiteId = L"KidsSiteId";
  223. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPDomains = L"Domains";
  224. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPDocRoot = L"DocRoot";
  225. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPPAppRoot = L"AppRoot";
  226. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szBadLoginLockTime = L"BadLoginLockTime";
  227. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szDigestNonceTimeout= L"DigestNonceTimeout";
  228. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szSupplementalAuthNonceTimeout = L"SupplementalAuthNonceTimeout";
  229. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szXmlProfReqTimeout = L"XMLProfileRequestTimout";
  230. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szNexusVersion = L"NexusVersion";
  231. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szNumHeadersToAdd = L"NumHeadersToAdd";
  232. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szHeaderNum = L"HeaderNum";
  233. // mobile to enable test with emulators
  234. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szMobileNoHTTPs = L"MobileNoHTTPs";
  235. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szMobileNoCookiePersist = L"MobileNoCookiePersist";
  236. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szMobileCookieDomainFromServer = L"MobileCookieDomainFromServer";
  237. //
  238. //
  239. // Network error flags (f= values)
  240. //
  241. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szBadRequest = L"1";
  242. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szOffline = L"2";
  243. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szTimeout = L"3";
  244. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szLocked = L"4";
  245. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szNoProfile = L"5";
  246. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szDisaster = L"6";
  247. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szInvalidKey = L"7";
  248. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szBadPartnerInfo = L"8";
  249. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szUnhandledError = L"9";
  250. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szIllegalKppUse = L"10";
  251. //
  252. // support for passing CPassportExceptioninfo
  253. // within cookie
  254. //
  255. PPCONST char* k_szErrPage = "err.srf";
  256. PPCONST char* k_szErrCode = "code";
  257. PPCONST char* k_szErrCookieName = "pperr";
  258. PPCONST char* k_szErrCAttrFilename = "efn";
  259. PPCONST char* k_szErrCAttrLine = "eln";
  260. PPCONST char* k_szErrCAttrHr = "ehr";
  261. PPCONST char* k_szErrCAttrStatus1 = "es1";
  262. PPCONST char* k_szErrCAttrStatus2 = "es2";
  263. PPCONST char* k_szErrCAttrStatus3 = "es3";
  264. PPCONST char* k_szErrCAttrTheURL = "eul";
  265. //
  266. // MD5 Login mode
  267. //
  268. PPCONST char* k_szMD5ModeAuth = "auth";
  269. PPCONST char* k_szMD5ModeExst = "exst";
  270. PPCONST char* k_szMD5ModeExst2 = "exst2";
  271. //
  272. // XML node name and attribute name
  273. //
  274. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeClientInfo(L"//ClientInfo");
  275. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeSignInName(L"//SignInName");
  276. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeDomain(L"//Domain");
  277. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodePassword(L"//Password");
  278. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeSavePassword(L"//SavePassword");
  279. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeCountry(L"//Country");
  280. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeRegion(L"//Region");
  281. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodePostalCode(L"//PostalCode");
  282. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeEmail(L"//Email");
  283. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeFirstName(L"//FirstName");
  284. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeLastName(L"//LastName");
  285. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeOccupation(L"//Occupation");
  286. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeTimeZone(L"//TimeZone");
  287. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeOldPassword(L"//OldPassword");
  288. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeNewPassword(L"//NewPassword");
  289. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeSecretQAnswer(L"//SecretQAnswer");
  290. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeCreditCardInfo(L"//CreditCardInfo");
  291. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeBirthDate(L"//Birthdate");
  292. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeAccountIsValidated(L"//AccountIsValidated");
  293. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeSVC(L"//SVC");
  294. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodePCR(L"//ParentCreatingKidsAccount");
  295. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeAllowEmailInProfile(L"//AllowEmailInProfile");
  296. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeAttrID(L"ID");
  297. PPCONST CComVariant k_cvXMLNodeAttrClientInfoVersion(L"version");
  298. //
  299. // XML root tags of requests and responses
  300. //
  301. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szLoginRequestRootTag = L"LoginRequest";
  302. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szProfileRequestRootTag = L"ProfileRequest";
  303. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szSignupRequestRootTag = L"SignupRequest";
  304. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szLoginResponseRootTag = L"LoginResponse";
  305. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szProfileResponseRootTag = L"ProfileResponse";
  306. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szSignupResponseRootTag = L"SignupResponse";
  307. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szChangePWResponseRootTag = L"ChangePasswordResponse";
  308. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szChangePWRequestRootTag = L"ChangePasswordRequest";
  309. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szResetPWResponseRootTag = L"ResetPasswordResponse";
  310. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szResetPWRequest1RootTag = L"ResetPasswordRequest1";
  311. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szResetPWRequest2RootTag = L"ResetPasswordRequest2";
  312. //
  313. // XML redirect and referral
  314. //
  315. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szXMLRedirect = L"Redirect";
  316. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szXMLReferral = L"Referral";
  317. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szXMLAltName = L"Alternative";
  318. //
  319. // Misc constants
  320. //
  321. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szTrue = L"true";
  322. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szFalse = L"false";
  323. //
  324. // PP_SERVICE constants. Passed to Partners CB file as PP_SERVICE="value"
  325. // Tells the partner what service their cobranding is being rendered in.
  326. //
  327. PPCONST char* k_szPPSRegistration = "registration";
  328. PPCONST char* k_szPPSLogin = "login";
  329. PPCONST char* k_szPPSLogout = "logout";
  330. PPCONST char* k_szPPSMemberServices = "memberservices";
  331. //
  332. // PP_PAGE constants. Passed to Partners CB file as PP_PAGE="value"
  333. // Tells the partner what page their cobranding is being rendered on.
  334. //
  335. PPCONST char* k_szPPPRegisterError = "regerr";
  336. PPCONST char* k_szPPPRegisterEditProfile = "editprof";
  337. PPCONST char* k_szPPPExpNotLoggedInEditProfile = "expnotloggedineditprof";
  338. PPCONST char* k_szPPPCongrats = "congrats";
  339. PPCONST char* k_szPPPExpAlreadyLoggedIn = "exploggedin";
  340. PPCONST char* k_szPPPExpUnknownServerError = "expunknownsererr";
  341. //
  342. // Passport1.4 (tweener) string constants
  343. //
  344. PPCONST wchar_t* k_szPassport_Prot14 = L"Passport1.4";
  345. PPCONST char* k_szPassport_Prot14_A = "Passport1.4";
  346. //
  347. // secure signin levels
  348. //
  349. PPCONST USHORT k_iSeclevelAny = 0;
  350. PPCONST USHORT k_iSeclevelSecureChannel = 10;
  351. PPCONST USHORT k_iSeclevelStrongCreds = 100;
  352. PPCONST USHORT k_iSeclevelStrongestAvaileble = 0xFF;
  353. PPCONST USHORT k_iPPSignInOptionPrefill = 1; // - Prefill
  354. PPCONST USHORT k_iPPSignInOptionSavePassword = 2; // - Save passpord/Auto signin
  355. PPCONST USHORT k_iPPSignInOptionShared = 3; // - Public/shared computer