// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: authen.cxx
// Contents: Authenticator verification code
// Classes: CAuthenticatorList
// Functions: Compare, AuthenAllocate, AuthenFree
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
#include <secpch2.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Security include files.
#include <kerbcomm.h>
#include <authen.hxx>
extern "C" { #include <md5.h>
// Function: Compare
// Synopsis: Compares two KerbInternalAuthenticators for RTL_GENERIC_TABLE
// Effects: none.
// Arguments: [Table] -- ignored
// [FirstStruct] --
// [SecondStruct] --
// Returns: GenericEqual, GenericLessThan, GenericGreaterThan.
// Algorithm: Sorts by TimeStamp first, than nonce, then principal, and
// finally by realm
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
// Notes: This must impose a complete ordering. The table package
// will not allow an authenticator to be inserted in the table
// if it is equal (according to this function) to one already
// there.
DsysAssert( (pOne != NULL) && (pTwo != NULL) );
comp = memcmp( pOne->Checksum, pTwo->Checksum, MD5DIGESTLEN ); if (comp > 0) { ret = GenericGreaterThan; } else if (comp < 0) { ret = GenericLessThan; } else { ret = GenericEqual; }
return(ret); }
// Function: AuthenAllocate
// Synopsis: Memory allocator for RTL_GENERIC_TABLE
// Effects: Allcoates memory.
// Arguments: [Table] -- ignored
// [ByteSize] -- number of bytes to allocate
// Signals: Throws exception on failure.
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
// Notes:
PVOID AuthenAllocate( struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *Table, CLONG ByteSize ) { return(MIDL_user_allocate ( ByteSize ) ); }
// Function: AuthenFree
// Synopsis: Memory deallacotor for the RTL_GENERIC_TABLE.
// Effects: frees memory.
// Arguments: [Table] -- ingnored
// [Buffer] -- buffer to free
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
// Notes:
VOID AuthenFree( struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE *Table, PVOID Buffer ) { MIDL_user_free ( Buffer ); }
// Member: CAuthenticatorList::CAuthenticatorList
// Synopsis: Initializes the authenticator list.
// Effects: Calls RtlInitializeGenericTable (does not allocate memory).
// Arguments: [tsMax] -- Maximum acceptable age for an authenticator.
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
// Notes:
CAuthenticatorList::CAuthenticatorList(LARGE_INTEGER tsMax) :_tsMaxAge(tsMax) { NTSTATUS Status; // The last parameter is the "user defined context" for this table.
// I have no idea what this means. As far as I can tell from the code
// this "context" is never refered to by the table routines.
RtlInitializeGenericTable( &_Table, Compare, AuthenAllocate, AuthenFree, NULL ); Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection(&_Mutex); DsysAssert(NT_SUCCESS(Status));
// Member: CAuthenticatorList::~CAuthenticatorList
// Synopsis: Destructor removes all authenticators in the list.
// Effects: Frees memory
// Arguments: (none)
// Algorithm: Uses "Age" to remove everything.
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
// Notes:
CAuthenticatorList::~CAuthenticatorList() { LARGE_INTEGER tsForever; SetMaxTimeStamp( tsForever ); (void) Age( tsForever ); DsysAssert( RtlIsGenericTableEmpty( &_Table ) ); RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&_Mutex); }
// Member: CAuthenticatorList::SetMaxAge
// Synopsis: Changes the new maximum age for an Authenticator.
// Effects: May cause some authenticators to be aged out.
// Arguments: [tsNewMaxAge] --
// Algorithm:
// History: 24-May-94 wader Created
// Notes:
void CAuthenticatorList::SetMaxAge( LARGE_INTEGER tsNewMaxAge ) { LARGE_INTEGER tsNow; LARGE_INTEGER tsCutoff;
_tsMaxAge = tsNewMaxAge;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((PFILETIME) &tsNow );
tsCutoff.QuadPart = tsNow.QuadPart - _tsMaxAge.QuadPart;
(void) Age( tsCutoff ); }
// Member: CAuthenticatorList::Age
// Synopsis: Deletes all entries from the table that are earlier than
// the given time.
// Effects: Frees memory
// Arguments: [tsCutoffTime] -- Delete all elements before this time.
// Returns: number of elements deleted.
// Algorithm: Get the oldest element in the table. If it is older than
// the time, delete it and loop back. Else return.
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
// Notes: The table contains the packed forms of Authenticators (as
// created by PackAuthenticator in Kerbsupp). The TimeStamp
// must be first.
ULONG CAuthenticatorList::Age(const LARGE_INTEGER& tsCutoffTime) { PKERB_AUTHEN_HEADER pahOldest;
BOOL fDeleted; ULONG cDeleted = 0;
do { // Number 0 is the oldest element in the table.
pahOldest = (PKERB_AUTHEN_HEADER) RtlGetElementGenericTable( &_Table, 0 ); if ((pahOldest != NULL) && (pahOldest->tsTime.QuadPart < tsCutoffTime.QuadPart)) { fDeleted = RtlDeleteElementGenericTable( &_Table, pahOldest ); DsysAssert( fDeleted ); cDeleted++; } else { fDeleted = FALSE; } } while ( fDeleted ); return(cDeleted); }
// Member: CAuthenticatorList::Check
// Synopsis: Determines if an authenticator is valid.
// Effects: Allocates memory
// Arguments: [pedAuth] -- Authenticator to check (decrypted, but marshalled)
// Returns: KDC_ERR_NONE if authenticator is OK.
// KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW if authenticator is expired (assumes clock skew).
// KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT if authenticator has been used already.
// some other error if something throws an exception.
// Signals: none.
// Modifies: _Table
// History: 4-04-93 WadeR Created
// Notes:
KERBERR CAuthenticatorList::Check( IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN OPTIONAL PVOID OptionalBuffer, IN OPTIONAL ULONG OptionalBufferLength, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Time, IN BOOLEAN Insert ) { PKERB_AUTHEN_HEADER pDataInTable = NULL; KERBERR KerbErr = KDC_ERR_NONE;
// Hold the mutex until we have finished the insert and the Age
// operations.
__try { LARGE_INTEGER tsNow; LARGE_INTEGER tsCutoffPast; LARGE_INTEGER tsCutoffFuture;
// Determine the cut off time.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((PFILETIME) &tsNow );
tsCutoffPast.QuadPart = tsNow.QuadPart - _tsMaxAge.QuadPart; tsCutoffFuture.QuadPart = tsNow.QuadPart + _tsMaxAge.QuadPart;
if ((Time->QuadPart < tsCutoffPast.QuadPart) || (Time->QuadPart > tsCutoffFuture.QuadPart)) { KerbErr = KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW; } else { BOOLEAN fIsNew; KERB_AUTHEN_HEADER Header; MD5_CTX Md5Context;
// Store the first chunk of the authenticator. If the authenticator
// doesn't fit on the stack, allocate some space on the heap.
Header.tsTime = *Time; MD5Init( &Md5Context );
MD5Update( &Md5Context, (PBYTE) Buffer, BufferLength ); if ((OptionalBuffer != NULL) && (OptionalBufferLength != 0)) { MD5Update( &Md5Context, (PBYTE) OptionalBuffer, OptionalBufferLength ); } MD5Final( &Md5Context ); RtlCopyMemory( Header.Checksum, Md5Context.digest, MD5DIGESTLEN );
if (!Insert) { pDataInTable = (PKERB_AUTHEN_HEADER)RtlLookupElementGenericTable( &_Table, &Header ); if (NULL == pDataInTable) { KerbErr = KDC_ERR_NONE; } else { KerbErr = KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT; } } else { RtlInsertElementGenericTable( &_Table, &Header, sizeof( KERB_AUTHEN_HEADER ), &fIsNew );
if (fIsNew) { KerbErr = KDC_ERR_NONE; } else { KerbErr = KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT; } }
// Age out the old ones.
(void) Age( tsCutoffPast ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { KerbErr = KRB_ERR_GENERIC; }
return(KerbErr); }