// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: pct1srv.c
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 09-23-97 jbanes LSA integration stuff.
#include <spbase.h>
#include <pct1msg.h>
#include <pct1prot.h>
#include <ssl2msg.h>
SP_STATUS Pct1SrvHandleUniHello( PSPContext pContext, PSPBuffer pCommInput, PSsl2_Client_Hello pHello, PSPBuffer pCommOutput);
SP_STATUS WINAPI Pct1ServerProtocolHandler(PSPContext pContext, PSPBuffer pCommInput, PSPBuffer pCommOutput) { SP_STATUS pctRet= 0; DWORD dwStateTransition;
if(pCommOutput) pCommOutput->cbData = 0;
/* Protocol handling steps should be listed in most common
* to least common in order to improve performance */
/* We are not connected, so we're doing
* protocol negotiation of some sort. All protocol * negotiation messages are sent in the clear */ /* There are no branches in the connecting protocol
* state transition diagram, besides connection and error, * which means that a simple case statement will do */
/* Do we have enough data to determine what kind of message we have */ /* Do we have enough data to determine what kind of message we have, or how much data we need*/
dwStateTransition = (pContext->State & 0xffff);
if(((pContext->State & 0xffff) != SP_STATE_CONNECTED) && ((pContext->State & 0xffff) != PCT1_STATE_RENEGOTIATE) && ((pContext->State & 0xffff) != SP_STATE_SHUTDOWN) && ((pContext->State & 0xffff) != SP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_PENDING)) { if(pCommInput->cbData < 3) { pctRet = PCT_INT_INCOMPLETE_MSG; } } if(pCommInput->cbData >= 3) { dwStateTransition |= (((PUCHAR)pCommInput->pvBuffer)[2]<<16); }
if(pctRet == PCT_ERR_OK) { switch(dwStateTransition) { case SP_STATE_SHUTDOWN_PENDING: // There's no CloseNotify in PCT, so just transition to
// the shutdown state and leave the output buffer empty.
pContext->State = SP_STATE_SHUTDOWN; break;
case SP_STATE_CONNECTED: { //We're connected, and we got called, so we must be doing a REDO
SPBuffer In; DWORD cbMessage;
// Transfer the write key over from the application process.
if(pContext->hWriteKey == 0) { pctRet = SPGetUserKeys(pContext, SCH_FLAG_WRITE_KEY); if(pctRet != PCT_ERR_OK) { SP_RETURN(SP_LOG_RESULT(pctRet)); } }
// Calculate size of buffer
pCommOutput->cbData = 0;
cbMessage = pContext->pHashInfo->cbCheckSum + pContext->pCipherInfo->dwBlockSize + sizeof(PCT1_MESSAGE_HEADER_EX);
/* are we allocating our own memory? */ if(pCommOutput->pvBuffer == NULL) { pCommOutput->pvBuffer = SPExternalAlloc(cbMessage); if (NULL == pCommOutput->pvBuffer) { SP_RETURN(SP_LOG_RESULT(SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY)); } pCommOutput->cbBuffer = cbMessage; }
if(cbMessage > pCommOutput->cbBuffer) { pCommOutput->cbData = cbMessage; SP_RETURN(PCT_INT_BUFF_TOO_SMALL); }
In.pvBuffer = ((char *)pCommOutput->pvBuffer)+3; In.cbBuffer = pCommOutput->cbBuffer-3; In.cbData = 1;
((char *)In.pvBuffer)[0] = PCT1_ET_REDO_CONN;
// Build a Redo Request
pctRet = Pct1EncryptRaw(pContext, &In, pCommOutput, PCT1_ENCRYPT_ESCAPE); break; }
/* Server receives client hello */ case (SSL2_MT_CLIENT_HELLO << 16) | UNI_STATE_RECVD_UNIHELLO: { PSsl2_Client_Hello pSsl2Hello;
// Attempt to recognize and handle various versions of client
// hello, start by trying to unpickle the most recent version, and
// then next most recent, until one unpickles. Then run the handle
// code. We can also put unpickling and handling code in here for
// SSL messages.
pctRet = Ssl2UnpackClientHello(pCommInput, &pSsl2Hello); if(PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) { // We know we're doing a full handshake, so allocate a cache entry.
if(!SPCacheRetrieveNew(TRUE, pContext->pszTarget, &pContext->RipeZombie)) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY); } else { pContext->RipeZombie->fProtocol = pContext->dwProtocol; pContext->RipeZombie->dwCF = pContext->dwRequestedCF; pContext->RipeZombie->pServerCred = pContext->pCredGroup;
pctRet = Pct1SrvHandleUniHello( pContext, pCommInput, pSsl2Hello, pCommOutput); if (PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) { pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_SERVER_HELLO; } }
SPExternalFree(pSsl2Hello); }
if (SP_FATAL(pctRet)) { pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_ERROR; } break; } /* Server receives client hello */
case (PCT1_MSG_CLIENT_HELLO << 16) | PCT1_STATE_RENEGOTIATE: { PPct1_Client_Hello pPct1Hello; UCHAR fRealSessId = 0; int i;
// This is a renegotiate hello, so we do not restart
pctRet = Pct1UnpackClientHello( pCommInput, &pPct1Hello);
if(PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) { // Mark context as "unmapped" so that the new keys will get
// passed to the application process once the handshake is
// completed.
pContext->Flags &= ~CONTEXT_FLAG_MAPPED;
// We need to do a full handshake, so lose the cache entry.
SPCacheDereference(pContext->RipeZombie); pContext->RipeZombie = NULL;
// Get a new cache item, as restarts are not allowed in
if(!SPCacheRetrieveNew(TRUE, pContext->pszTarget, &pContext->RipeZombie)) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY); } else { pContext->RipeZombie->fProtocol = SP_PROT_PCT1_SERVER; pContext->RipeZombie->dwCF = pContext->dwRequestedCF; pContext->RipeZombie->pServerCred = pContext->pCredGroup;
pctRet = Pct1SrvHandleClientHello(pContext, pCommInput, pPct1Hello, pCommOutput); if(PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) { pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_SERVER_HELLO; } } SPExternalFree(pPct1Hello);
} else if(pctRet != PCT_INT_INCOMPLETE_MSG) { pctRet |= PCT_INT_DROP_CONNECTION; }
if(SP_FATAL(pctRet)) { pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_ERROR; } break; }
case (PCT1_MSG_CLIENT_HELLO << 16) | SP_STATE_NONE: { PPct1_Client_Hello pPct1Hello; UCHAR fRealSessId = 0; int i;
/* Attempt to recognize and handle various versions
* of client hello, start by trying to unpickle the * most recent version, and then next most recent, until * one unpickles. Then run the handle code. We can also put * unpickling and handling code in here for SSL messages */ pctRet = Pct1UnpackClientHello( pCommInput, &pPct1Hello);
if(PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) {
for(i=0;i<(int)pPct1Hello->cbSessionID;i++) { fRealSessId |= pPct1Hello->SessionID[i]; }
if (((pContext->Flags & CONTEXT_FLAG_NOCACHE) == 0) && (fRealSessId) && (SPCacheRetrieveBySession(pContext, pPct1Hello->SessionID, pPct1Hello->cbSessionID, &pContext->RipeZombie))) { // We have a good zombie
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Accept client's reconnect request.\n"));
pctRet = Pct1SrvRestart(pContext, pPct1Hello, pCommOutput);
if(PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) { pContext->State = SP_STATE_CONNECTED; pContext->DecryptHandler = Pct1DecryptHandler; pContext->Encrypt = Pct1EncryptMessage; pContext->Decrypt = Pct1DecryptMessage; pContext->GetHeaderSize = Pct1GetHeaderSize; } } else { // We're doing a full handshake, so allocate a cache entry.
if(!SPCacheRetrieveNew(TRUE, pContext->pszTarget, &pContext->RipeZombie)) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY); } else { pContext->RipeZombie->fProtocol = pContext->dwProtocol; pContext->RipeZombie->dwCF = pContext->dwRequestedCF; pContext->RipeZombie->pServerCred = pContext->pCredGroup;
pctRet = Pct1SrvHandleClientHello(pContext, pCommInput, pPct1Hello, pCommOutput); if (PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) { pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_SERVER_HELLO; } } } SPExternalFree(pPct1Hello);
} else if(pctRet != PCT_INT_INCOMPLETE_MSG) { pctRet |= PCT_INT_DROP_CONNECTION; }
if(SP_FATAL(pctRet)) { pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_ERROR; } break; } case (PCT1_MSG_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY << 16) | PCT1_STATE_SERVER_HELLO: pctRet = Pct1SrvHandleCMKey(pContext, pCommInput, pCommOutput); if(SP_FATAL(pctRet)) { pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_ERROR; } else { if(PCT_ERR_OK == pctRet) { pContext->State = SP_STATE_CONNECTED; pContext->DecryptHandler = Pct1DecryptHandler; pContext->Encrypt = Pct1EncryptMessage; pContext->Decrypt = Pct1DecryptMessage; pContext->GetHeaderSize = Pct1GetHeaderSize;
} /* We received a non-fatal error, so the state doesn't
* change, giving the app time to deal with this */ } break;
default: pContext->State = PCT1_STATE_ERROR; { pctRet = PCT_INT_ILLEGAL_MSG; if(((PUCHAR)pCommInput->pvBuffer)[2] == PCT1_MSG_ERROR) { /* we received an error message, process it */ pctRet = Pct1HandleError(pContext, pCommInput, pCommOutput);
} else { /* we received an unknown error, generate a
* PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE */ pctRet = Pct1GenerateError(pContext, pCommOutput, PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE, NULL); } }
} }
if(pctRet & PCT_INT_DROP_CONNECTION) { pContext->State &= ~SP_STATE_CONNECTED; }
SP_RETURN(pctRet); }
SP_STATUS Pct1SrvHandleUniHello( PSPContext pContext, PSPBuffer pCommInput, PSsl2_Client_Hello pHello, PSPBuffer pCommOutput) { SP_STATUS pctRet = PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE;
Pct1_Client_Hello ClientHello; DWORD iCipher; DWORD dwSpec; DWORD i;
CipherSpec aCipherSpecs[PCT1_MAX_CIPH_SPECS]; HashSpec aHashSpecs[PCT1_MAX_HASH_SPECS]; CertSpec aCertSpecs[PCT1_MAX_CERT_SPECS]; ExchSpec aExchSpecs[PCT1_MAX_EXCH_SPECS];
ClientHello.pCipherSpecs =aCipherSpecs; ClientHello.pHashSpecs =aHashSpecs; ClientHello.pCertSpecs =aCertSpecs; ClientHello.pExchSpecs =aExchSpecs;
ClientHello.cCipherSpecs =0; ClientHello.cHashSpecs =0; ClientHello.cCertSpecs =0; ClientHello.cExchSpecs =0;
/* validate the buffer configuration */
for (iCipher = 0; (iCipher < pHello->cCipherSpecs) && (iCipher < PCT1_MAX_CIPH_SPECS) ; iCipher++ ) { dwSpec = pHello->CipherSpecs[iCipher] & 0xffff;
switch(pHello->CipherSpecs[iCipher] >> 16) { case PCT_SSL_HASH_TYPE: ClientHello.pHashSpecs[ClientHello.cHashSpecs++] = dwSpec; break;
case PCT_SSL_EXCH_TYPE: ClientHello.pExchSpecs[ClientHello.cExchSpecs++] = dwSpec; break; case PCT_SSL_CERT_TYPE: ClientHello.pCertSpecs[ClientHello.cCertSpecs++] = dwSpec; break;
case PCT_SSL_CIPHER_TYPE_1ST_HALF: // Do we have enough room for a 2nd half.
if(iCipher+1 >= pHello->cCipherSpecs) { break; } if((pHello->CipherSpecs[iCipher+1] >> 16) != PCT_SSL_CIPHER_TYPE_2ND_HALF) { break; }
dwSpec = (pHello->CipherSpecs[iCipher+1] & 0xffff) | (dwSpec<< 16);
ClientHello.pCipherSpecs[ClientHello.cCipherSpecs++] = dwSpec; break; } }
// Restarts are not allowed with Uni Hello's, so we don't need
// The session ID.
ClientHello.cbSessionID = 0;
/* Make the SSL2 challenge into a PCT1 challenge as per the
* compatability doc. */
CopyMemory( ClientHello.Challenge, pHello->Challenge, pHello->cbChallenge);
for(i=0; i < pHello->cbChallenge; i++) { ClientHello.Challenge[i + pHello->cbChallenge] = ~ClientHello.Challenge[i]; } ClientHello.cbChallenge = 2*pHello->cbChallenge;
ClientHello.cbKeyArgSize = 0;
pctRet = Pct1SrvHandleClientHello(pContext, pCommInput, &ClientHello, pCommOutput);
SP_RETURN(pctRet); }
/* Otherwise known as Handle Client Hello */ SP_STATUS Pct1SrvHandleClientHello( PSPContext pContext, PSPBuffer pCommInput, PPct1_Client_Hello pHello, PSPBuffer pCommOutput ) { SP_STATUS pctRet = PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE; PSPCredentialGroup pCred; Pct1_Server_Hello Reply; DWORD i, j, k , fMismatch; BYTE MisData[PCT_NUM_MISMATCHES]; SPBuffer ErrData; PSessCacheItem pZombie;
BOOL fCert = FALSE; DWORD aCertSpecs[PCT1_MAX_CERT_SPECS]; DWORD aSigSpecs[PCT1_MAX_SIG_SPECS]; DWORD cCertSpecs; DWORD cSigSpecs; BOOL fAllocatedOutput = FALSE;
CertTypeMap LocalCertEncodingPref[5] ; DWORD cLocalCertEncodingPref = 0;
BOOL fFound;
#if DBG
DWORD di; #endif
pCommOutput->cbData = 0;
/* validate the buffer configuration */ ErrData.cbData = 0; ErrData.pvBuffer = NULL; ErrData.cbBuffer = 0;
pZombie = pContext->RipeZombie;
pCred = pZombie->pServerCred; if (!pCred) { SP_RETURN(SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_INT_INTERNAL_ERROR)); }
do {
#if DBG
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Client Hello at %x\n", pHello)); DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, " CipherSpecs %d\n", pHello->cCipherSpecs)); for (di = 0 ; di < pHello->cCipherSpecs ; di++ ) { DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, " Cipher[%d] = %06x (%s)\n", di, pHello->pCipherSpecs[di], DbgGetNameOfCrypto(pHello->pCipherSpecs[di]) )); } #endif
/* store the challenge in the auth block */ CopyMemory( pContext->pChallenge, pHello->Challenge, pHello->cbChallenge ); pContext->cbChallenge = pHello->cbChallenge;
// The session id was computed when the cache entry
// was created. We do need to fill in the length, though.
pZombie->cbSessionID = PCT1_SESSION_ID_SIZE;
/* Begin to build the server hello */ FillMemory( &Reply, sizeof( Reply ), 0 );
/* no matter what, we need to make a new connection id */
GenerateRandomBits( Reply.ConnectionID, PCT1_SESSION_ID_SIZE ); Reply.cbConnectionID = PCT1_SESSION_ID_SIZE;
CopyMemory( pContext->pConnectionID, Reply.ConnectionID, PCT1_SESSION_ID_SIZE );
pContext->cbConnectionID = PCT_SESSION_ID_SIZE;
/* no restart case */ /* fill in from properties here... */
Reply.RestartOk = FALSE; Reply.ClientAuthReq = ((pContext->Flags & CONTEXT_FLAG_MUTUAL_AUTH) != 0);
fMismatch = 0; pContext->pPendingCipherInfo = NULL;
/* Build a list of cert specs */ /* Hash order of preference:
* Server Preference * Client Preference */ for(i=0; i < cPct1CertEncodingPref; i++) { for(j=0; j< pHello->cCertSpecs; j++) { // Does the client want this cipher type
if(aPct1CertEncodingPref[i].Spec == pHello->pCertSpecs[j]) { LocalCertEncodingPref[cLocalCertEncodingPref].Spec = aPct1CertEncodingPref[i].Spec; LocalCertEncodingPref[cLocalCertEncodingPref++].dwCertEncodingType = aPct1CertEncodingPref[i].dwCertEncodingType; break; } } }
/* Determine Key Exchange to use */ /* Key Exchange order of preference:
* Server Preference * Client Preference */
// NOTE: Yes, the following line does do away with any error
// information if we had a previous mismatch. However, the
// setting of pctRet to mismatch in previous lines is for
// logging purposes only. The actual error report occurs later.
pctRet = PCT_ERR_OK; for(i=0; i < cPct1LocalExchKeyPref; i++) { // Do we enable this cipher
if(NULL == KeyExchangeFromSpec(aPct1LocalExchKeyPref[i].Spec, SP_PROT_PCT1_SERVER)) { continue; }
for(j=0; j< pHello->cExchSpecs; j++) { // Does the client want this cipher type
if(aPct1LocalExchKeyPref[i].Spec != pHello->pExchSpecs[j]) { continue; } // See if we have a cert for this type of
// key exchange.
pctRet = SPPickServerCertificate(pContext, aPct1LocalExchKeyPref[i].Spec); if(pctRet != PCT_ERR_OK) { continue; }
// Store the exch id in the cache.
pZombie->SessExchSpec = aPct1LocalExchKeyPref[i].Spec; pContext->pKeyExchInfo = GetKeyExchangeInfo(pZombie->SessExchSpec);
// load the exch info structure
if(!IsExchAllowed(pContext, pContext->pKeyExchInfo, pZombie->fProtocol)) { pContext->pKeyExchInfo = NULL; continue; } Reply.SrvExchSpec = aPct1LocalExchKeyPref[i].Spec; break; } if(pContext->pKeyExchInfo) { break; } }
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { fMismatch |= PCT_IMIS_CERT; }
if (NULL == pContext->pKeyExchInfo) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_ERR_SPECS_MISMATCH); fMismatch |= PCT_IMIS_EXCH; }
if (fMismatch) { pctRet = PCT_ERR_SPECS_MISMATCH; break; }
/* Determine Cipher to use */ /* Cipher order of preference:
* Server Preference * Client Preference */
fFound = FALSE;
for(i=0; i < Pct1NumCipher; i++) {
for(j=0; j< pHello->cCipherSpecs; j++) { // Does the client want this cipher type
if(Pct1CipherRank[i].Spec == pHello->pCipherSpecs[j]) { // Store this cipher identifier in the cache
pZombie->aiCipher = Pct1CipherRank[i].aiCipher; pZombie->dwStrength = Pct1CipherRank[i].dwStrength;
// Load the pending cipher structure.
pContext->pPendingCipherInfo = GetCipherInfo(pZombie->aiCipher, pZombie->dwStrength);
if(!IsCipherAllowed(pContext, pContext->pPendingCipherInfo, pZombie->fProtocol, pZombie->dwCF)) { pContext->pPendingCipherInfo = NULL; continue; }
// Is cipher supported by CSP?
for(k = 0; k < pZombie->pActiveServerCred->cCapiAlgs; k++) { PROV_ENUMALGS_EX *pAlgInfo = &pZombie->pActiveServerCred->pCapiAlgs[k];
if(pAlgInfo->aiAlgid != Pct1CipherRank[i].aiCipher) { continue; }
if(Pct1CipherRank[i].dwStrength > pAlgInfo->dwMaxLen || Pct1CipherRank[i].dwStrength < pAlgInfo->dwMinLen) { continue; }
if(!(pAlgInfo->dwProtocols & CRYPT_FLAG_PCT1)) { continue; }
fFound = TRUE; break; } if(fFound) { break; } } } if(fFound) { break; } }
if(fFound) { Reply.SrvCipherSpec = Pct1CipherRank[i].Spec; } else { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_ERR_SPECS_MISMATCH); fMismatch |= PCT_IMIS_CIPHER; }
/* Determine Hash to use */ /* Hash order of preference:
* Server Preference * Client Preference */ for(i=0; i < Pct1NumHash; i++) {
for(j=0; j< pHello->cHashSpecs; j++) { // Does the client want this cipher type
if(Pct1HashRank[i].Spec == pHello->pHashSpecs[j]) { // Store this hash id in the cache
pZombie->aiHash = Pct1HashRank[i].aiHash; pContext->pPendingHashInfo = GetHashInfo(pZombie->aiHash);
if(!IsHashAllowed(pContext, pContext->pPendingHashInfo, pZombie->fProtocol)) { pContext->pPendingHashInfo = NULL; continue; }
Reply.SrvHashSpec = Pct1HashRank[i].Spec; break;
} } if(pContext->pPendingHashInfo) { break; } }
if (pContext->pPendingHashInfo==NULL) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_ERR_SPECS_MISMATCH); fMismatch |= PCT_IMIS_HASH; }
if (fMismatch) { LogCipherMismatchEvent(); pctRet = PCT_ERR_SPECS_MISMATCH; break; }
// Pick a certificate to use based on
// the key exchange mechanism selected.
for(i=0; i < cLocalCertEncodingPref; i++) { if(LocalCertEncodingPref[i].dwCertEncodingType == pZombie->pActiveServerCred->pCert->dwCertEncodingType) { Reply.SrvCertSpec = LocalCertEncodingPref[i].Spec; break; }
if(Reply.SrvCertSpec == PCT1_CERT_X509_CHAIN) { pContext->fCertChainsAllowed = TRUE; }
Reply.pCertificate = NULL; Reply.CertificateLen = 0; // NOTE: SPSerializeCertificate will allocate memory
// for the certificate, which we save in pZombie->pbServerCertificate.
// This must be freed when the zombie dies (can the undead die?)
pctRet = SPSerializeCertificate(SP_PROT_PCT1, pContext->fCertChainsAllowed, &pZombie->pbServerCertificate, &pZombie->cbServerCertificate, pZombie->pActiveServerCred->pCert, CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL);
if(pctRet == PCT_ERR_OK) { Reply.pCertificate = pZombie->pbServerCertificate; Reply.CertificateLen = pZombie->cbServerCertificate; }
else { break; }
pctRet = ContextInitCiphers(pContext, TRUE, TRUE);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
/* sig and cert specs are pre-zeroed when Reply is initialized */
if(Reply.ClientAuthReq) { PCertSysInfo pCertInfo; PSigInfo pSigInfo;
cCertSpecs=0; cSigSpecs = 0;
for(i=0; i < cPct1LocalSigKeyPref; i++) { pSigInfo = GetSigInfo(aPct1LocalSigKeyPref[i].Spec); if(pSigInfo != NULL) { if(pSigInfo->fProtocol & SP_PROT_PCT1_SERVER) { aSigSpecs[cSigSpecs++] = aPct1LocalSigKeyPref[i].Spec; } } }
Reply.pClientSigSpecs = aSigSpecs; Reply.cSigSpecs = cSigSpecs;
for(i=0; i < cPct1CertEncodingPref; i++) { pCertInfo = GetCertSysInfo(aPct1CertEncodingPref[i].dwCertEncodingType); if(pCertInfo == NULL) { continue; } if(0 == (pCertInfo->fProtocol & SP_PROT_PCT1_SERVER)) { continue; } aCertSpecs[cCertSpecs++] = aPct1CertEncodingPref[i].Spec; } Reply.pClientCertSpecs = aCertSpecs; Reply.cCertSpecs = cCertSpecs; }
#if DBG
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Server picks cipher %06x (%s)\n", Reply.SrvCipherSpec, DbgGetNameOfCrypto(Reply.SrvCipherSpec) )); #endif
Reply.ResponseLen = 0; if(pCommOutput->pvBuffer == NULL) { fAllocatedOutput=TRUE; }
pctRet = Pct1PackServerHello(&Reply, pCommOutput); if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
/* Regenerate the internal pVerifyPrelude, so we */ /* can match it against the client when we get the */ /* client master key */
pctRet = Pct1BeginVerifyPrelude(pContext, pCommInput->pvBuffer, pCommInput->cbData, pCommOutput->pvBuffer, pCommOutput->cbData);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { if(fAllocatedOutput) { SPExternalFree(pCommOutput->pvBuffer); }
break; }
SP_RETURN(PCT_ERR_OK); } while (TRUE); /* end Polish Loop */
if(pctRet == PCT_ERR_SPECS_MISMATCH) { for(i=0;i<PCT_NUM_MISMATCHES;i++) { MisData[i] = (BYTE)(fMismatch & 1); fMismatch = fMismatch >> 1; }
ErrData.cbData = ErrData.cbBuffer = PCT_NUM_MISMATCHES; ErrData.pvBuffer = MisData; }
pctRet = Pct1GenerateError(pContext, pCommOutput, pctRet, &ErrData);
// Function: Pct1SrvHandleCMKey
// Synopsis: Process the ClientKeyExchange message group.
// Arguments: [pContext] -- Schannel context.
// [pCommInput] --
// [pCommOutput] --
// History: 10-10-97 jbanes Added CAPI integration.
// Notes: This routine is called by the server-side only.
SP_STATUS Pct1SrvHandleCMKey( PSPContext pContext, PSPBuffer pCommInput, PSPBuffer pCommOutput) { SP_STATUS pctRet = PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE; PPct1_Client_Master_Key pMasterKey = NULL; DWORD dwKeyLen; DWORD EncryptedLen; Pct1_Server_Verify Verify; UCHAR VerifyPrelude[RESPONSE_SIZE]; DWORD cbVerifyPrelude; SPBuffer ErrData; DWORD k; PSessCacheItem pZombie; PSigInfo pSigInfo;
pCommOutput->cbData = 0;
ErrData.cbData = 0; ErrData.pvBuffer = NULL; ErrData.cbBuffer = 0; pZombie = pContext->RipeZombie;
do {
pctRet = Pct1UnpackClientMasterKey(pCommInput, &pMasterKey); if (PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { // If it's an incomplete message or something, just return;
if(pctRet == PCT_INT_INCOMPLETE_MSG) { SP_RETURN(pctRet); } break; }
/* Validate that the client properly authed */
/* The server requested client auth */ /* NOTE: this deviates from the first pct 1.0 spec,
* Now, we continue with the protocol if client * auth fails. By the first spec, we should * drop the connection */
if (pContext->Flags & CONTEXT_FLAG_MUTUAL_AUTH) {
/* Client auth polish loop */ pctRet = PCT_ERR_OK; do {
/* check to see if the client sent no cert */ if(pMasterKey->ClientCertLen == 0) { /* No client auth */ break; }
pctRet = SPLoadCertificate(SP_PROT_PCT1_SERVER, X509_ASN_ENCODING, pMasterKey->pClientCert, pMasterKey->ClientCertLen, &pZombie->pRemoteCert);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; } if(pContext->RipeZombie->pRemotePublic != NULL) { SPExternalFree(pContext->RipeZombie->pRemotePublic); pContext->RipeZombie->pRemotePublic = NULL; }
pctRet = SPPublicKeyFromCert(pZombie->pRemoteCert, &pZombie->pRemotePublic, NULL);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; } if(pZombie->pRemoteCert == NULL) { break; }
/* verify that we got a sig type that meets PCT spec */ for(k=0; k < cPct1LocalSigKeyPref; k++) { if(aPct1LocalSigKeyPref[k].Spec == pMasterKey->ClientSigSpec) { break; } }
if(k == cPct1LocalSigKeyPref) { break; }
// Get pointer to signature algorithm info and make sure
// we support it.
pSigInfo = GetSigInfo(pMasterKey->ClientSigSpec); if(pSigInfo == NULL) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE); break; } if(!(pSigInfo->fProtocol & SP_PROT_PCT1_SERVER)) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE); break; }
// Verify client authentication signature.
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Verify client response signature.\n")); pctRet = SPVerifySignature(pZombie->hMasterProv, pZombie->dwCapiFlags, pZombie->pRemotePublic, pSigInfo->aiHash, pMasterKey->VerifyPrelude, pMasterKey->VerifyPreludeLen, pMasterKey->pbResponse, pMasterKey->ResponseLen, TRUE); if(pctRet != PCT_ERR_OK) { // client auth signature failed to verify, so client auth
// does not happen.
SP_LOG_RESULT(pctRet); break; } DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Client response verified successfully.\n"));
pctRet = SPContextDoMapping(pContext);
} while(FALSE); /* end polish loop */
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
/* Client auth was successful */ pctRet = PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE;
/* Copy over the key args */ CopyMemory( pZombie->pKeyArgs, pMasterKey->KeyArg, pMasterKey->KeyArgLen ); pZombie->cbKeyArgs = pMasterKey->KeyArgLen;
// Decrypt the encrypted portion of the master key. Because
// we're CAPI integrated, the keys get derived as well.
pctRet = pContext->pKeyExchInfo->System->GenerateServerMasterKey( pContext, pMasterKey->ClearKey, pMasterKey->ClearKeyLen, pMasterKey->pbEncryptedKey, pMasterKey->EncryptedKeyLen); if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
// Activate session keys.
if (pMasterKey->VerifyPreludeLen != pContext->pHashInfo->cbCheckSum) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_ERR_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED); break; }
/* Check the verify prelude hashes */ /* Hash(CLIENT_MAC_KEY, Hash( "cvp", CLIENT_HELLO, SERVER_HELLO)) */ /* The internal hash should already be in the verify prelude buffer */ /* from the handle client master key. */
cbVerifyPrelude = sizeof(VerifyPrelude); pctRet = Pct1EndVerifyPrelude(pContext, VerifyPrelude, &cbVerifyPrelude); if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
/* Did the verify prelude hash successfully? */ if(memcmp(VerifyPrelude, pMasterKey->VerifyPrelude, pContext->pHashInfo->cbCheckSum)) { pctRet = SP_LOG_RESULT(PCT_ERR_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED); break; }
/* don't need master key info anymore */ SPExternalFree(pMasterKey); pMasterKey = NULL;
pContext->WriteCounter = 2; pContext->ReadCounter = 2;
pZombie->cbSessionID = PCT1_SESSION_ID_SIZE;
CopyMemory( Verify.SessionIdData, pZombie->SessionID, pZombie->cbSessionID);
/* compute the response */ Verify.ResponseLen = sizeof(Verify.Response); pctRet = Pct1ComputeResponse(pContext, pContext->pChallenge, pContext->cbChallenge, pContext->pConnectionID, pContext->cbConnectionID, pZombie->SessionID, pZombie->cbSessionID, Verify.Response, &Verify.ResponseLen); if(pctRet != PCT_ERR_OK) { SP_RETURN(SP_LOG_RESULT(pctRet)); }
pctRet = Pct1PackServerVerify(&Verify, pCommOutput);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
/* set up the session in cache */ SPCacheAdd(pContext);
SP_RETURN(PCT_ERR_OK); } while(TRUE); /* End of polish loop */
if(pMasterKey) SPExternalFree(pMasterKey);
pctRet = Pct1GenerateError(pContext, pCommOutput, pctRet, NULL);
SP_STATUS Pct1SrvRestart( PSPContext pContext, PPct1_Client_Hello pHello, PSPBuffer pCommOutput) { Pct1_Server_Hello Reply; SPBuffer ErrData; SP_STATUS pctRet = PCT_INT_ILLEGAL_MSG; PSessCacheItem pZombie; DWORD i;
pCommOutput->cbData = 0;
/* validate the buffer configuration */ ErrData.cbData = 0; ErrData.pvBuffer = NULL; ErrData.cbBuffer = 0;
pZombie = pContext->RipeZombie;
do {
/* store the challenge in the auth block */ CopyMemory( pContext->pChallenge, pHello->Challenge, pHello->cbChallenge ); pContext->cbChallenge = pHello->cbChallenge;
/* Begin to build the server hello */ FillMemory( &Reply, sizeof( Reply ), 0 );
/* Generate new connection id */ GenerateRandomBits( Reply.ConnectionID, PCT1_SESSION_ID_SIZE ); Reply.cbConnectionID = PCT1_SESSION_ID_SIZE;
CopyMemory( pContext->pConnectionID, Reply.ConnectionID, Reply.cbConnectionID ); pContext->cbConnectionID = Reply.cbConnectionID;
Reply.RestartOk = TRUE;
/* We don't pass a server cert back during a restart */ Reply.pCertificate = NULL; Reply.CertificateLen = 0; /* setup the context */
for(i=0; i < Pct1NumCipher; i++) { if((Pct1CipherRank[i].aiCipher == pZombie->aiCipher) && (Pct1CipherRank[i].dwStrength == pZombie->dwStrength)) { Reply.SrvCipherSpec = Pct1CipherRank[i].Spec; } }
for(i=0; i < Pct1NumHash; i++) { if(Pct1HashRank[i].aiHash == pZombie->aiHash) { Reply.SrvHashSpec = Pct1HashRank[i].Spec; } }
Reply.SrvCertSpec = pZombie->pActiveServerCred->pCert->dwCertEncodingType; Reply.SrvExchSpec = pZombie->SessExchSpec;
// We know what our ciphers are, so init the cipher system
pctRet = ContextInitCiphersFromCache(pContext);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
// We know what our ciphers are, so init the cipher system
pctRet = ContextInitCiphers(pContext, TRUE, TRUE);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
// Make a new set of session keys.
pctRet = MakeSessionKeys(pContext, pContext->RipeZombie->hMasterProv, pContext->RipeZombie->hMasterKey); if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
// Activate session keys.
/* compute the response */ Reply.ResponseLen = sizeof(Reply.Response); pctRet = Pct1ComputeResponse(pContext, pContext->pChallenge, pContext->cbChallenge, pContext->pConnectionID, pContext->cbConnectionID, pZombie->SessionID, pZombie->cbSessionID, Reply.Response, &Reply.ResponseLen); if(pctRet != PCT_ERR_OK) { break; }
pctRet = Pct1PackServerHello(&Reply, pCommOutput);
if(PCT_ERR_OK != pctRet) { break; }
pContext->ReadCounter = 1; pContext->WriteCounter = 1;
SP_RETURN(PCT_ERR_OK); } while (TRUE); pctRet = Pct1GenerateError(pContext, pCommOutput, pctRet, &ErrData);
SP_RETURN(pctRet); }