// This is a part of the Microsoft Management Console.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Management Console and related
// electronic documentation provided with the interfaces.
#include "stdafx.h"
// Event handlers for IFrame::Notify
HRESULT CSnapin::OnFolder(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { ASSERT(FALSE);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSnapin::OnAddImages(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { if (arg == 0) return E_INVALIDARG; // if cookie is from a different snapin
// if (IsMyCookie(cookie) == FALSE)
if (0) { // add the images for the scope tree only
::CBitmap bmp16x16; ::CBitmap bmp32x32; LPIMAGELIST lpImageList = reinterpret_cast<LPIMAGELIST>(arg); // Load the bitmaps from the dll
bmp16x16.LoadBitmap(IDB_16x16); bmp32x32.LoadBitmap(IDB_32x32); // Set the images
lpImageList->ImageListSetStrip( reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(bmp16x16)), reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(bmp32x32)), 0, RGB(255, 0, 255)); lpImageList->Release(); } else { ASSERT(m_pImageResult != NULL);
::CBitmap bmp16x16; ::CBitmap bmp32x32;
// Load the bitmaps from the dll
bmp16x16.LoadBitmap(IDB_16x16); bmp32x32.LoadBitmap(IDB_32x32);
// Set the images
m_pImageResult->ImageListSetStrip(reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(bmp16x16)), reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR*>(static_cast<HBITMAP>(bmp32x32)), 0, RGB(255, 0, 255)); } return S_OK; }
typedef IMessageView *LPMESSAGEVIEW;
HRESULT CSnapin::OnShow(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { CComponentDataImpl* pComp = dynamic_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(m_pComponentData); CFolder* pFolder = pComp->FindObject(cookie);
if ((cookie == NULL) || (pFolder == NULL)) { return S_OK; }
// Note - arg is TRUE when it is time to enumerate
if (arg == TRUE) { m_pCurrentlySelectedScopeFolder = pFolder;
// if list view on display
if (m_CustomViewID == VIEW_DEFAULT_LV) { // Show the headers for this nodetype
if (S_OK != InitializeHeaders(cookie)) { // UNDONE: add informative "server down" result object
goto done; }
return Enumerate(cookie, param); } else if (m_CustomViewID == VIEW_ERROR_OCX) { HRESULT hr; CString strMessage; strMessage.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_CANNOT_LOAD_TEMPLATES);
hr = m_pConsole->QueryResultView(&pUnk); _JumpIfError(hr, done, "QueryResultView IUnk");
hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IMessageView, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pMessageView)); _JumpIfError(hr, done, "IID_IMessageView");
CAutoLPWSTR pwszErrorCode = BuildErrorMessage(pComp->GetCreateFolderHRESULT());
pMessageView->SetTitleText(strMessage); pMessageView->SetBodyText(pwszErrorCode); pUnk->Release(); pMessageView->Release(); }
} else { m_pCurrentlySelectedScopeFolder = NULL;
// if list view is on display
if (m_CustomViewID == VIEW_DEFAULT_LV) { RemoveResultItems(cookie); }
// Free data associated with the result pane items, because
// your node is no longer being displayed.
// Note: The console will remove the items from the result pane
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSnapin::OnDelete(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { HRESULT hr; WCHAR ** aszCertTypesCurrentlySupported; WCHAR ** aszNewCertTypesSupported; WCHAR ** aszNameOfDeleteType; HRESULTITEM itemID; HWND hwndConsole; CTemplateList TemplateList;
CString cstrMsg, cstrTitle; cstrMsg.LoadString(IDS_ASK_CONFIRM_DELETETEMPLATES); cstrTitle.LoadString(IDS_TITLE_ASK_CONFIRM_DELETETEMPLATES); HWND hwndMain = NULL;
if (IDYES != MessageBox( hwndMain, (LPCWSTR)cstrMsg, (LPCWSTR)cstrTitle, MB_YESNO)) return ERROR_CANCELLED;
CWaitCursor hourglass; ASSERT(m_pResult != NULL); // make sure we QI'ed for the interface
ASSERT(m_pComponentData != NULL);
if(!IsMMCMultiSelectDataObject(pDataObject)) { INTERNAL * pInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(pDataObject); if ((pInternal == NULL) || (pInternal->m_cookie == NULL)) { //ASSERT(FALSE);
return S_OK; }
CFolder* pFolder = reinterpret_cast<CFolder*>(pInternal->m_cookie);
hr = RetrieveCATemplateList( pFolder->m_hCAInfo, TemplateList); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndConsole); MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_CERTTYPE_INFO_FAIL ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); return hr; }
ASSERT(pFolder != NULL); ASSERT(pFolder->m_hCertType != NULL);
FOLDER_TYPES type = pFolder->GetType();
if(type == CA_CERT_TYPE) { hr = RemoveFromCATemplateList( pFolder->m_hCAInfo, TemplateList, pFolder->m_hCertType);
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndConsole); MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_CERTTYPE_INFO_FAIL ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); return hr; }
hr = UpdateCATemplateList( pFolder->m_hCAInfo, TemplateList);
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndConsole); MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_DELETE_ERROR ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); return hr; } hr = m_pResult->FindItemByLParam ((LPARAM)pFolder, &itemID); hr = m_pResult->DeleteItem (itemID, 0);
delete(pFolder); } } else { // Is multiple select, get all selected items and paste each one
MMC_COOKIE currentCookie = NULL; HCAINFO hCAInfo = NULL;
CDataObject* pDO = dynamic_cast <CDataObject*>(pDataObject); ASSERT (pDO); if ( pDO ) { INT i; bool fTemplateListRetrieved = false;
for(i=pDO->QueryCookieCount()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
hr = pDO->GetCookieAt(i, ¤tCookie); if(hr != S_OK) { return hr; }
CFolder* pFolder = reinterpret_cast<CFolder*>(currentCookie);
if(!fTemplateListRetrieved) { hr = RetrieveCATemplateList( pFolder->m_hCAInfo, TemplateList); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndConsole); MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_CERTTYPE_INFO_FAIL ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); return hr; } fTemplateListRetrieved = true; }
ASSERT(pFolder != NULL); ASSERT(pFolder->m_hCertType != NULL);
FOLDER_TYPES type = pFolder->GetType();
if(type == CA_CERT_TYPE) { if(hCAInfo == NULL) { // Grab the CA this type belongs to.
hCAInfo = pFolder->m_hCAInfo; }
hr = RemoveFromCATemplateList( hCAInfo, TemplateList, pFolder->m_hCertType);
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndConsole); MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_CERTTYPE_INFO_FAIL ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); return hr; } hr = m_pResult->FindItemByLParam ((LPARAM)pFolder, &itemID); if(hr != S_OK) { return hr; }
// We must delete the actual CFolder backing this item if we do this
// or we leak.
hr = m_pResult->DeleteItem (itemID, 0); if(hr != S_OK) { return hr; }
hr = pDO->RemoveCookieAt(i); if(hr != S_OK) { return hr; }
// Note, since this is a type folder, the CAInfo will not be closed on delete
delete pFolder; } }
if(hCAInfo) { hr = UpdateCATemplateList( hCAInfo, TemplateList);
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndConsole); MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_DELETE_ERROR ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); return hr; } } } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSnapin::OnActivate(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSnapin::OnResultItemClk(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, MMC_COOKIE cookie) { RESULT_DATA* pResult; DWORD* pdw = reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(cookie); if (*pdw == RESULT_ITEM) { pResult = reinterpret_cast<RESULT_DATA*>(cookie); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSnapin::OnMinimize(MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSnapin::OnPropertyChange(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSnapin::Enumerate(MMC_COOKIE cookie, HSCOPEITEM pParent) { return EnumerateResultPane(cookie); }
HRESULT CSnapin::EnumerateResultPane(MMC_COOKIE cookie) { ASSERT(m_pResult != NULL); // make sure we QI'ed for the interface
ASSERT(m_pComponentData != NULL);
// don't bother enumerating base
if (cookie == NULL) return S_FALSE;
// Our static folders must be displayed in the result pane
// by use because the console doesn't do it.
CFolder* pFolder = dynamic_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(m_pComponentData)->FindObject(cookie);
// The dynamic folder must be in our list
ASSERT(pFolder != NULL);
FOLDER_TYPES type = pFolder->GetType();
switch(type) { case STATIC: break;
case POLICYSETTINGS: return AddCACertTypesToResults(pFolder); break; default: break; }
return S_FALSE; }
void CSnapin::RemoveResultItems(MMC_COOKIE cookie) { if (cookie == NULL) return;
// Our static folders must be displayed in the result pane
// by use because the console doesn't do it.
CFolder* pFolder = dynamic_cast<CComponentDataImpl*>(m_pComponentData)->FindObject(cookie);
// The dynamic folder must be in our list
ASSERT(pFolder != NULL);
FOLDER_TYPES type = pFolder->GetType();
RESULTDATAITEM resultItem; ZeroMemory(&resultItem, sizeof(RESULTDATAITEM)); // look for first rdi by index
resultItem.mask = RDI_INDEX | RDI_PARAM; // fill in index & param
resultItem.nIndex = 0;
switch (type) { case POLICYSETTINGS: case SCE_EXTENSION: while (S_OK == m_pResult->GetItem(&resultItem)) { CFolder* pResult = reinterpret_cast<CFolder*>(resultItem.lParam); resultItem.lParam = NULL;
delete pResult; // next item
resultItem.nIndex++; } break; default: break; }
return; }
HRESULT CSnapin::AddCACertTypesToResults(CFolder* pFolder) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CFolder *pNewFolder; WCHAR ** aszCertTypeName; HWND hwndConsole; BOOL fMachine = FALSE; CTemplateList CATemplateList; CTemplateListEnum CATemplateListEnum(CATemplateList); CTemplateInfo *pTemplateInfo; HCERTTYPE hCertType; bool fNoCacheLookup = true; CWaitCursor WaitCursor; m_pConsole->GetMainWindow(&hwndConsole);
hr = RetrieveCATemplateList(pFolder->m_hCAInfo, CATemplateList); if(FAILED(hr)) { m_CustomViewID = VIEW_ERROR_OCX; // change the view type
m_pConsole->SelectScopeItem(m_pCurrentlySelectedScopeFolder->m_pScopeItem->ID); // select this node again
// done, let's bail and let the error page do its job
return S_OK; }
for(pTemplateInfo=CATemplateListEnum.Next(); pTemplateInfo; pTemplateInfo=CATemplateListEnum.Next()) { hCertType = pTemplateInfo->GetCertType(); if(!hCertType) { CSASSERT(pTemplateInfo->GetName()); hr = CAFindCertTypeByName( pTemplateInfo->GetName(), NULL, CT_ENUM_MACHINE_TYPES | CT_ENUM_USER_TYPES | (fNoCacheLookup?CT_FLAG_NO_CACHE_LOOKUP:0), &hCertType); if(FAILED(hr)) { MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_CERTTYPE_INFO_FAIL ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "CAFindCertTypeByName", pTemplateInfo->GetName()); } fNoCacheLookup = false; }
hr = CAGetCertTypeProperty( hCertType, CERTTYPE_PROP_FRIENDLY_NAME, &aszCertTypeName);
if (FAILED(hr) || (aszCertTypeName == NULL)) { MyErrorBox(hwndConsole, IDS_CERTTYPE_INFO_FAIL ,IDS_SNAPIN_NAME, hr); _JumpErrorStr(hr, error, "CAGetCertTypeProperty", pTemplateInfo->GetName()); }
pNewFolder = new CFolder(); _JumpIfAllocFailed(pNewFolder, error);
CAFreeCertTypeProperty( hCertType, aszCertTypeName);
// get the key usage string
GetIntendedUsagesString(hCertType, &(pNewFolder->m_szIntendedUsages)); if (pNewFolder->m_szIntendedUsages == L"") { pNewFolder->m_szIntendedUsages.LoadString(IDS_ALL); }
pNewFolder->m_hCertType = hCertType; pNewFolder->m_hCAInfo = pFolder->m_hCAInfo;
RESULTDATAITEM resultItem; ZeroMemory(&resultItem, sizeof(RESULTDATAITEM)); resultItem.mask = RDI_STR | RDI_IMAGE | RDI_PARAM; resultItem.bScopeItem = FALSE; resultItem.itemID = (LONG_PTR) pNewFolder; resultItem.str = MMC_CALLBACK; resultItem.nImage = IMGINDEX_CERTTYPE; resultItem.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pNewFolder); // add to result pane
resultItem.nCol = 0; hr = m_pResult->InsertItem(&resultItem); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "InsertItem"); }
return hr; }