#ifndef _IGCCAPP_H_
#define _IGCCAPP_H_
#include <basetyps.h>
#include "gcc.h"
#define GCCAPI_(_type_) virtual _type_ __stdcall
#define GCCAPI GCCAPI_(GCCError)
typedef struct { GCCSessionKey *pSessionKey; BOOL fEnrollActively; UserID nUserID; BOOL fConductingCapable; MCSChannelType nStartupChannelType; ULONG cNonCollapsedCaps; GCCNonCollCap **apNonCollapsedCaps; ULONG cCollapsedCaps; GCCAppCap **apCollapsedCaps; BOOL fEnroll; } GCCEnrollRequest, *PGCCEnrollRequest;
typedef struct { ULONG cNodes; GCCNodeID *aNodeIDs; } GCCSimpleNodeList, *PGCCSimpleNodeList;
typedef struct { ULONG cApes; GCCAppProtocolEntity **apApes; } GCCAppProtEntityList, *PGCCAppProtEntityList;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; ULONG cRosters; GCCAppRoster **apAppRosters; GCCResult nResult; LPVOID pReserved; // do not touch
} GCCAppRosterInquireConfirm, *PGCCAppRosterInquireConfirm;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; GCCConfName ConfName; LPSTR pszConfModifier; LPWSTR pwszConfDescriptor; GCCConfRoster *pConfRoster; GCCResult nResult; } GCCConfRosterInquireConfirm, *PGCCConfRosterInquireConfirm;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; BOOL fPermissionGranted; } GCCAppPermissionToEnrollInd, *PGCCAppPermissionToEnrollInd;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; // GCCSessionKey *pSessionKey;
GCCSessionID sidMyself; GCCEntityID eidMyself; GCCNodeID nidMyself; GCCResult nResult; GCCRequestTag nReqTag; } GCCAppEnrollConfirm, *PGCCAppEnrollConfirm;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; // GCCAppProtEntityList *pApeList;
GCCResult nResult; GCCRequestTag nReqTag; } GCCAppInvokeConfirm, *PGCCAppInvokeConfirm;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; GCCAppProtEntityList ApeList; GCCNodeID nidInvoker; } GCCAppInvokeInd, *PGCCAppInvokeInd;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; ULONG cRosters; GCCAppRoster **apAppRosters; LPVOID pReserved; // do not touch
} GCCAppRosterReportInd, *PGCCAppRosterReportInd;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; GCCRegistryKey *pRegKey; GCCRegistryItem *pRegItem; GCCRegistryEntryOwner EntryOwner; GCCModificationRights eRights; GCCResult nResult; BOOL fDeliveryEnabled; // for monitor confirm only
} GCCRegistryConfirm, *PGCCRegistryConfirm;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; ULONG nFirstHandle; ULONG cHandles; GCCResult nResult; } GCCRegAllocateHandleConfirm, *PGCCRegAllocateHandleConfirm;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; BOOL fConducted; GCCNodeID nidConductor; BOOL fGranted; GCCResult nResult; } GCCConductorInquireConfirm, *PGCCConductorInquireConfirm;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; BOOL fThisNodeIsGranted; GCCSimpleNodeList Granted; GCCSimpleNodeList Waiting; LPVOID pReserved; // do not touch
} GCCConductorPermitGrantInd, *PGCCConductorPermitGrantInd;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; GCCNodeID nidConductor; } GCCConductorAssignInd, *PGCCConductorAssignInd;
typedef struct { GCCConfID nConfID; } GCCConductorReleaseInd, *PConductorReleaseInd;
* GCCAppSapMsg * This structure defines the callback message that is passed from GCC to * a user application when an indication or confirm occurs. */
typedef struct { GCCMessageType eMsgType; LPVOID pAppData; LPVOID reserved1; // reserved
GCCConfID nConfID; // reserved
union { GCCAppPermissionToEnrollInd AppPermissionToEnrollInd; GCCAppEnrollConfirm AppEnrollConfirm;
GCCAppRosterInquireConfirm AppRosterInquireConfirm; GCCAppRosterReportInd AppRosterReportInd;
GCCConfRosterInquireConfirm ConfRosterInquireConfirm;
GCCAppInvokeConfirm AppInvokeConfirm; GCCAppInvokeInd AppInvokeInd;
GCCRegistryConfirm RegistryConfirm; GCCRegAllocateHandleConfirm RegAllocHandleConfirm;
GCCConductorInquireConfirm ConductorInquireConfirm; GCCConductorPermitGrantInd ConductorPermitGrantInd; GCCConductorAssignInd ConductorAssignInd; GCCConductorReleaseInd ConductorReleaseInd; }; } GCCAppSapMsg, *PGCCAppSapMsg;
typedef void (CALLBACK *LPFN_APP_SAP_CB) (GCCAppSapMsg *);
/* application roster services */
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, AppEnroll) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCEnrollRequest *, OUT PGCCRequestTag) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, AppInvoke) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCAppProtEntityList *, IN GCCSimpleNodeList *, OUT PGCCRequestTag) PURE;
// to acquire one or all full-refresh app roster.
// can be called by both app sap and control sap.
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, AppRosterInquire) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCSessionKey *, OUT GCCAppSapMsg **) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(void, FreeAppSapMsg) (THIS_ IN GCCAppSapMsg *) PURE;
/* conference roster service */
// to acquire a full-refresh conf roster.
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, ConfRosterInquire) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, OUT GCCAppSapMsg **) PURE;
/* registry services */
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, RegisterChannel) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCRegistryKey *, IN ChannelID) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, RegistryAssignToken) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCRegistryKey *) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, RegistrySetParameter) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCRegistryKey *, IN LPOSTR, IN GCCModificationRights) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, RegistryRetrieveEntry) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCRegistryKey *) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, RegistryDeleteEntry) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN GCCRegistryKey *) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, RegistryMonitor) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN BOOL fEnableDelivery, IN GCCRegistryKey *) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, RegistryAllocateHandle) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID, IN ULONG cHandles) PURE;
/* conductorship services */
STDMETHOD_(GCCError, ConductorInquire) (THIS_ IN GCCConfID) PURE; };
// GCC Application Service Access Point exports
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
GCCError WINAPI GCC_CreateAppSap( OUT IGCCAppSap **, IN LPVOID, // user defined data
IN LPFN_APP_SAP_CB); #ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif // _IGCCAPP_H_