// WB Page Handling
// Copyright Microsoft 1998-
#include "precomp.h"
// Function: Draw
// Purpose: Draw the contents of the page into the specified device
// context.
void PG_Draw(WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace, HDC hDC) { T126Obj * pObj = NULL; WBPOSITION pos = NULL;
if(pWorkspace) { pos = pWorkspace->GetHeadPosition(); } while(pos) { pObj = (T126Obj*)pWorkspace->GetNextObject(pos); if(pObj) { pObj->Draw(hDC, FALSE, TRUE); } } }
// Function: First (crect)
// Purpose: Return the first object in the page (bottommost Z-order)
// that intersects the bounding rectangle
T126Obj* PG_First(WorkspaceObj * pWorkSpc,LPCRECT pRectUpdate, BOOL bCheckReallyHit) { BOOL empty = TRUE; T126Obj* pGraphic = NULL; RECT rc;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "PG_First");
if(pWorkSpc) { pGraphic = pWorkSpc->GetHead(); }
if(pGraphic == NULL) { return NULL; }
if (pRectUpdate == NULL) { // We have got what we want
TRACE_MSG(("Got the object we want")); } else { WBPOSITION pos = pWorkSpc->GetHeadPosition();
pGraphic->GetBoundsRect(&rc); empty = !::IntersectRect(&rc, &rc, pRectUpdate);
if (empty) { TRACE_MSG(("First object not needed - go to next")); pGraphic = PG_Next(pWorkSpc, pos, pRectUpdate, bCheckReallyHit); } else { if(bCheckReallyHit) { // do a real object hit test since we
// know its bounding rect has hit
if( !pGraphic->CheckReallyHit( pRectUpdate ) ) { pGraphic = PG_Next(pWorkSpc, pos, pRectUpdate, TRUE); // look again
} } } }
return(pGraphic); }
// Function: Next
// Purpose: Return the next graphic in the page (going up through the
// Z-order). GetFirst must have been called before this
// member.
T126Obj* PG_Next(WorkspaceObj* pWorkSpc, WBPOSITION& pos, LPCRECT pRectUpdate, BOOL bCheckReallyHit) { BOOL empty = TRUE; T126Obj* pGraphic = NULL; RECT rc;
while (pos) { if(pWorkSpc) { pGraphic = pWorkSpc->GetNextObject(pos); } if (pRectUpdate == NULL) { // We have got what we want
TRACE_MSG(("Got the object we want")); break; } else { if(pGraphic) { pGraphic->GetBoundsRect(&rc); empty = !::IntersectRect(&rc, &rc, pRectUpdate); } if (!empty) { if( bCheckReallyHit ) { // do a real object hit test since we
// know its bounding rect has hit
if( pGraphic && pGraphic->CheckReallyHit( pRectUpdate ) ) { break; } else { pGraphic = NULL; // look again
} } else { break; // found it
} } else { pGraphic = NULL; } } }
return(pGraphic); }
// Function: Last
// Purpose: Select the last object whose bounding rectangle contains
// the point specified.
T126Obj* PG_SelectLast ( WorkspaceObj * pWorkSpc, POINT point ) { RECT rectHit; T126Obj* pGraphic = NULL;
if(pWorkSpc) { pGraphic = pWorkSpc->GetTail(); }
if(pGraphic == NULL) { return NULL; }
WBPOSITION pos = pWorkSpc->GetTailPosition();
MAKE_HIT_RECT(rectHit, point); if (!pGraphic->CheckReallyHit( &rectHit )) { // have to look some more
pGraphic = PG_SelectPrevious(pWorkSpc, pos, point); }
return(pGraphic); }
// Function: Previous
// Purpose: Select the previous object whose bounding rectangle contains
// the point specified.
T126Obj* PG_SelectPrevious(WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace, WBPOSITION& pos, POINT point) { RECT rectHit; T126Obj* pGraphic = NULL;
MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "PG_Previous"); MAKE_HIT_RECT(rectHit, point );
while (pos) { if(pWorkspace) { pGraphic = pWorkspace->GetPreviousObject(pos); }
if( pGraphic && pGraphic->CheckReallyHit( &rectHit ) ) { break; } pGraphic = NULL; } return(pGraphic); }
// Function: Print
// Purpose: Print the contents of the page to the specified printer. The
// contents are scaled to "best fit" on the page. i.e. the
// largest scaling factor that preserves the aspect ratio of
// the page is used.
void PG_Print(WorkspaceObj* pWorkspace,HDC hdc, LPCRECT lprcPrint) { int pageWidth; int pageHeight; int areaHeight; int areaWidth; int areaAspectRatio; int pageAspectRatio; int nPhysOffsetX; int nPhysOffsetY; int nPhysWidth; int nPhysHeight; int nVOffsetX; int nVOffsetY;
// get physical printer params
nPhysOffsetX = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX ); nPhysOffsetY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY ); nPhysWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH ); nPhysHeight = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT );
// calc correct printer area (allow for bugs in some drivers...)
if( nPhysOffsetX <= 0 ) { nPhysOffsetX = WB_MIN_PRINT_MARGIN_SIZE; nVOffsetX = nPhysOffsetX; } else nVOffsetX = 0;
if( nPhysOffsetY <= 0 ) { nPhysOffsetY = WB_MIN_PRINT_MARGIN_SIZE; nVOffsetY = nPhysOffsetY; } else nVOffsetY = 0;
// get and adjust printer page area
pageWidth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES ); pageHeight = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES );
if( pageWidth >= (nPhysWidth - nPhysOffsetX) ) { // HORZRES is lying to us, compensate
pageWidth = nPhysWidth - 2*nPhysOffsetX; }
if( pageHeight >= (nPhysHeight - nPhysOffsetY) ) { // VERTRES is lying to us, compensate
pageHeight = nPhysHeight - 2*nPhysOffsetY; }
// adjust printer area to get max fit for Whiteboard page
areaWidth = lprcPrint->right - lprcPrint->left; areaHeight = lprcPrint->bottom - lprcPrint->top; areaAspectRatio = ((100 * areaHeight + (areaWidth/2))/(areaWidth)); pageAspectRatio = ((100 * pageHeight + (pageWidth/2))/(pageWidth));
if (areaAspectRatio < pageAspectRatio) pageHeight = ((pageWidth * areaHeight + (areaWidth/2))/areaWidth); else if (areaAspectRatio > pageAspectRatio) pageWidth = ((pageHeight * areaWidth + (areaHeight/2))/areaHeight);
// set up xforms
::SetMapMode(hdc, MM_ANISOTROPIC ); ::SetWindowExtEx(hdc, areaWidth, areaHeight,NULL ); ::SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, 0,0, NULL ); ::SetViewportExtEx(hdc, pageWidth, pageHeight, NULL ); ::SetViewportOrgEx(hdc, nVOffsetX, nVOffsetY, NULL ); // draw the page
PG_Draw(pWorkspace, hdc); }
// Function: PG_InitializePalettes
// Purpose: Create palettes for display and print (if necessary)
void PG_InitializePalettes(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "PG_InitializePalettes");
// If the palettes are not yet initialized - initialize them now
if (!g_bPalettesInitialized) { ASSERT(!g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay);
// Get the number of colors supported by the screen
// We only need an info DC for this, not a full DC
HDC hdc;
hdc = ::CreateIC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!hdc) { return; }
// Determine whether the device supports palettes
int iBitsPixel = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL); int iPlanes = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PLANES); int iNumColors = iBitsPixel * iPlanes;
// If we need the palette, create it.
// We only need the palette on a 8bpp machine. Anything less (4bpp)
// and there will be no palette, anything more is a pure color display.
if ((iNumColors == 8) && (g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay = CreateColorPalette())) { // Show that we want to use the palette
g_bUsePalettes = TRUE;
} else { g_bUsePalettes = FALSE; }
// Show that we have now initialized the palette information
g_bPalettesInitialized = TRUE; } }
// Function: PG_GetPalette
// Purpose: Return the palette for use with this page.
// This object is temporary and should not be stored.
HPALETTE PG_GetPalette(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "PG_GetPalette");
// If the palettes are not yet initialized - initialize them now
if (g_bUsePalettes) { // If we are using a non-default palette, set the return value
return(g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay); } else { return(NULL); } }
void PG_ReinitPalettes(void) { MLZ_EntryOut(ZONE_FUNCTION, "PG_ReinitPalettes");
if (g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay) { if (g_pDraw->m_hDCCached) { // Select out the rainbow palette so we can delete it
::SelectPalette(g_pDraw->m_hDCCached, (HPALETTE)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE), TRUE); } ::DeletePalette(g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay); g_hRainbowPaletteDisplay = NULL; }
g_bPalettesInitialized = FALSE; PG_InitializePalettes(); }