// common.h
// Created by JOEM 02-2000
// Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// All Rights Reserved
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// JOEM 02-2000 //
#ifndef _COMMON_H_
#define _COMMON_H_
#include <spddkhlp.h>
#include <spcollec.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <wchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define OutputDebugStringW puts
#define MAX_LINE 256
#define SkipWhiteSpace(ptr) while (*(ptr) && isspace(*(ptr))) {(ptr)++;}
#define SkipNonWhiteSpace(ptr) while (*(ptr) && !isspace(*(ptr))) {(ptr)++;}
#define StringUpperCase(ptr) { char8* str = (ptr); while (*str) {*str = (char)toupper (*str); str++;} }
#define StringLowerCase(ptr) { char8* str = (ptr); while (*str) {*str = (char)tolower (*str); str++;} }
#define WSkipWhiteSpace(ptr) while (*(ptr) && iswspace(*(ptr))) {(ptr)++;}
#define WSkipNonWhiteSpace(ptr) while (*(ptr) && !iswspace(*(ptr))) {(ptr)++;}
#define WStringUpperCase(ptr) { WCHAR* str = (ptr); while (*str) {*str = towupper (*str); str++;} }
#define WStringLowerCase(ptr) { WCHAR* str = (ptr); while (*str) {*str = towlower (*str); str++;} }
// CDynStrArray is a helper class for a hash that contains an array
// of strings for each hash value
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class CDynStr { public: CDynStr() {} CDynStr(const WCHAR* sz) { dstr = sz; } CDynStr(const CSpDynamicString& inDstr) { dstr = inDstr; } ~CDynStr() { dstr.Clear(); } public: CSpDynamicString dstr; };
class CDynStrArray : public IUnknown { public: CDynStrArray() {} ~CDynStrArray() { for ( int i=0; i<m_aDstr.GetSize(); i++ ) { m_aDstr[i].dstr.Clear(); } }
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { return S_OK; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() { return 0; } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() { delete this; return 0; }
public: CSPArray<CDynStr,CDynStr> m_aDstr; };
// CountWords
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inline USHORT CountWords (const WCHAR* pszText) { int wordNum = 0; SPDBG_ASSERT (pszText); while (*pszText) { WSkipWhiteSpace(pszText); if (!*pszText) { break; } WSkipNonWhiteSpace(pszText); wordNum++; } return (USHORT) wordNum; }
// SplitWords
// Text will be modified, wordList will be allocated with
// wordCount WCHAR*
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inline HRESULT SplitWords (WCHAR* text, WCHAR*** wordList, USHORT* wordCount) { SPDBG_FUNC( "SplitWords" ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG i = 0; SPDBG_ASSERT (text); SPDBG_ASSERT (wordList); SPDBG_ASSERT (wordCount); *wordCount = CountWords (text); *wordList = (WCHAR**) calloc (*wordCount, sizeof(**wordList)); if ( !*wordList ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { for (i=0; i<*wordCount; i++) { WSkipWhiteSpace (text); (*wordList)[i] = text; WSkipNonWhiteSpace (text); *text++ = L'\0'; } } SPDBG_REPORT_ON_FAIL( hr ); return hr; }
// RemovePunctuation
// Text will be modified
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inline HRESULT RemovePunctuation (WCHAR** wordList, USHORT* wordCount) { SPDBG_FUNC( "RemovePunctuation" ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR* pszWord = NULL; WCHAR* psz = NULL; USHORT i = 0; USHORT nextItem = 0; USHORT numSkipped = 0; SPDBG_ASSERT (wordList); SPDBG_ASSERT (wordCount); for ( i=0; i<*wordCount; i++ ) {
// If the first char is ' or " or ` then get rid of it
if ( !wcscspn(wordList[i], L"\"'`") ) { psz = wordList[i]+1; wcscpy(wordList[i], psz); psz = NULL; }
// If the last char is ' or " or ` or one of these .,;:?! then get rid of it.
// psz points to the last char
psz = wordList[i] + wcslen(wordList[i]) - 1; if ( !wcscspn(psz, L"\"'`.,;:?!") ) { psz[0] = L'\0'; } }
// reposition the list items, skipping empty strings
for ( i=0; i<*wordCount; i++ ) { if ( !wcslen(wordList[i]) ) { nextItem = i+1; while ( nextItem < *wordCount && !wcslen(wordList[nextItem]) ) { nextItem++; } if ( nextItem < *wordCount ) { wordList[i] = wordList[nextItem]; wordList[nextItem] = L""; } else { break; // out of items
} } }
*wordCount = i;
SPDBG_REPORT_ON_FAIL( hr ); return hr; }
// AssembleText
// ppszText will be allocated.
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inline HRESULT AssembleText(const int iStartWord, const int iEndWord, WCHAR** ppszWordList, WCHAR** ppszText) { SPDBG_FUNC( "AssembleText" ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; int i = 0; int iStrLen = 0;
for ( i=iStartWord; i<=iEndWord; i++ ) { iStrLen += wcslen(ppszWordList[i]) + 1; } if ( iStrLen ) { *ppszText = new WCHAR[iStrLen]; if ( !*ppszText ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { (*ppszText)[0] = L'\0'; for ( i=iStartWord; i<=iEndWord; i++ ) { wcscat(*ppszText, ppszWordList[i]); if ( i < iEndWord ) { wcscat(*ppszText, L" "); } } WStringUpperCase(*ppszText); } } SPDBG_REPORT_ON_FAIL( hr ); return hr; }
// RegularizeText
// Regularizes whitespace, optionally removing punctuation.
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inline HRESULT RegularizeText(WCHAR* pszText, PUNC removePunc) { SPDBG_FUNC( "RegularizeText" ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR** wordList = NULL; WCHAR* pszNewText = NULL; USHORT wordCount = 0;
if ( !pszText ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = SplitWords (pszText, &wordList, &wordCount); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && removePunc ) { hr = RemovePunctuation(wordList, &wordCount); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = AssembleText(0, wordCount-1, wordList, &pszNewText); }
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && pszNewText ) { WStringUpperCase(pszNewText); wcscpy(pszText, pszNewText); }
if ( pszNewText ) { delete [] pszNewText; pszNewText = NULL; }
if ( wordList ) { free(wordList); }
SPDBG_REPORT_ON_FAIL( hr ); return hr; }
// FindUnicodeControlChar
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inline WCHAR* FindUnicodeControlChar (WCHAR* pszText) { ULONG i = 0;
while ( i<wcslen(pszText) && !iswcntrl(pszText[i]) ) { i++; }
if ( i == wcslen(pszText) ) { return NULL; } else { return &pszText[i]; } }
// FileExist
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inline bool FileExist(const WCHAR *pszName) { SPDBG_FUNC( "FileExist" ); FILE* fp; if ( !pszName || !wcslen(pszName) || ( (fp = _wfopen(pszName, L"r")) == NULL ) ) { return false; } fclose (fp); return true; }