* usearch.cpp * *-------------* * I/O library functions for extended speech files (vapi format) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 1997 Entropic Research Laboratory, Inc. * Copyright (C) 1998 Entropic, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Date: 03/21/00 * All Rights Reserved * ********************************************************************* PACOG ***/
#include "backend.h"
#include "beVersion.h"
#include "getopt.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define SYNTAX fprintf(stderr,\
"Usage:\nusearch [-f f0wght] [-d durwght] [-r rmswght] [-l lklwght] [-c contwght]\n\
\t[-m SameSegWght] [-s (dynsearch)] [-b (blend)] [-g (gain)] \n\ \t[-t (targetF0)] [-x cros_ref] [-S script_file] table_file \n\ \t[ifile] [ofile]\n")
#define MAX_LINE 128
#define MAX_SENT_PHONES 500
#define CHUNK_ALLOC_INCR 1000
* */ struct NamePair { char in[_MAX_PATH+1]; char out[_MAX_PATH+1]; };
class Crf { public: Crf(); ~Crf(); int Load (const char* fileName);
const char* FileName(int i); double Offset (int i);
private: struct CrfInfo { char* fileName; double offset; } *m_pChunks; int m_iNumChunks; int m_iNumAlloc; };
struct InputInfo { char tableFile[_MAX_PATH+1]; char crfFile[_MAX_PATH+1]; char scriptFile[_MAX_PATH+1]; char input[_MAX_PATH+1]; char output[_MAX_PATH+1]; int slmOptions; float f0Wt; float durWt; float rmsWt; float lklWt; float contWt; float sameSeg; int setWeights; };
* */ static int ProcessCommandLine (int argc, char *argv[], InputInfo* inInfo);
static int GetIoNames (InputInfo* inInfo, NamePair** names, int* nNames);
static int ReadScriptLine (FILE* script, char* inFile, char* outFile);
static int OpenInputFile (const char* fileName, FILE** fp, double *time);
static int OpenOutputFile (const char* fileName, double startTime, FILE** fp);
static int GetInputPhone (FILE* fp, double* time, char* phone, short* f0, int* sentenceEnd);
* main * *------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { InputInfo inInfo;
CSlm* slm = 0; Crf crf;
NamePair* fileNames = 0; int nFiles = 0; int fileCount;
FILE *fin; FILE *fout;
Phone phList[MAX_SENT_PHONES]; int nPh; ChkDescript* newChunk = 0; int nNewChunks = 0; double startTime; double fTo; double fFrom; int sentenceEnd; const char* fName; int i; if (!ProcessCommandLine (argc, argv, &inInfo)) { SYNTAX; return 1; }
if (!GetIoNames (&inInfo, &fileNames, &nFiles)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error loading input and output file names\n"); return 1; } if ( (slm = CSlm::ClassFactory(inInfo.slmOptions)) == 0) { return 1; } if (!slm->Load(inInfo.tableFile, 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading speaker info %s\n", inInfo.tableFile); return 1; } if (inInfo.setWeights & GOT_F0_WEIGHT) { slm->SetF0Weight( inInfo.f0Wt ); } if (inInfo.setWeights & GOT_DUR_WEIGHT) { slm->SetDurWeight( inInfo.durWt ); } if (inInfo.setWeights & GOT_RMS_WEIGHT) { slm->SetRmsWeight( inInfo.rmsWt ); } if (inInfo.setWeights & GOT_LKLH_WEIGHT) { slm->SetLklWeight( inInfo.lklWt ); } if (inInfo.setWeights & GOT_CONT_WEIGHT) { slm->SetContWeight( inInfo.contWt ); } if (inInfo.setWeights & GOT_SAME_WEIGHT) { slm->SetSameSegWeight( inInfo.sameSeg ); }
* If we override the weights, we need to * precompute the distances again * (done by default within Slm_Load()) */ if (inInfo.setWeights) { slm->PreComputeDist(); } /* if (Slm_GetFileName(slm, 0) == 0 && inInfo.crfFile[0]=='\0')
{ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Either use a table with file names or provide cross_ref file\n"); return 1; } */ if ( inInfo.crfFile[0] && !crf.Load(inInfo.crfFile) ) { printf("Error opening CRF file %s\n", inInfo.crfFile); return 1; }
for (fileCount = 0; fileCount < nFiles; fileCount ++) { fprintf (stdout, "%s %s\n", fileNames[fileCount].in, fileNames[fileCount].out); fflush (stdout);
if (!OpenInputFile(fileNames[fileCount].in, &fin, &startTime)) { printf("Error opening input file %s\n", fileNames[fileCount].in); return 1; } if (!OpenOutputFile(fileNames[fileCount].out, startTime, &fout)) { printf("Error opening output file %s\n", fileNames[fileCount].out); return 1; } nPh = 0; while (GetInputPhone(fin, &phList[nPh].end, phList[nPh].phone, &phList[nPh].f0, &sentenceEnd)) { nPh++;
if ( sentenceEnd && (nPh>1)) { if ((nNewChunks = slm->Process (phList, nPh, startTime)) == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Slm error while processing %s\n", fileNames[fileCount].in); break; } startTime = phList[nPh-1].end; // Print results of slm Search
for (i=0; i<nNewChunks; i++) { newChunk = slm->GetChunk(i);
fFrom = newChunk->from; fTo = newChunk->to; if (newChunk->isFileName) { fName = newChunk->chunk.fileName; } else { fName = crf.FileName(newChunk->chunk.chunkIdx); fFrom += crf.Offset(newChunk->chunk.chunkIdx); fTo += crf.Offset(newChunk->chunk.chunkIdx); } fprintf(fout,"%f %s %s %lf %lf %f\n", newChunk->end, newChunk->name, fName, fFrom, fTo, newChunk->gain); } nPh=0; } } fclose(fin); fclose(fout); } if (fileNames) { free (fileNames); } delete slm;
return 0; }
* Crf::Crf * *----------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ Crf::Crf () { m_pChunks = 0; m_iNumChunks = 0; m_iNumAlloc = 0; }
* Crf::~Crf * *-----------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ Crf::~Crf () { if (m_pChunks) { for (int i=0; i<m_iNumChunks; i++) { if (m_pChunks[i].fileName) { free (m_pChunks[i].fileName); } } free (m_pChunks); } }
* Crf::FileName * *---------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ const char* Crf::FileName(int i) { return m_pChunks[i].fileName; }
* Crf::Offset * *-------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ double Crf::Offset (int i) { return m_pChunks[i].offset; }
* Crf::Load * *-----------* * Description: * Load the cross reference file into the chunk cross reference structure ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int Crf::Load (const char *fileName) { BendVersion bev; FILE* fp; int chunkIdx; char file[_MAX_PATH+1]; double offset; if ((fp = fopen (fileName,"r")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Can not open file %s\n", fileName); return 0; } if (!bev.CheckVersionString (fp)) { fprintf (stderr, "Incompatible cross-reference file\n"); return 0; } while (fscanf(fp,"%d %s %lf",&chunkIdx, file ,&offset)==3) { if (chunkIdx != m_iNumChunks) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading chunk list from cross ref file\n"); return 0; } if (m_iNumChunks == m_iNumAlloc) { if (m_pChunks) { m_pChunks = (CrfInfo* )realloc (m_pChunks, (m_iNumAlloc + CHUNK_ALLOC_INCR) * sizeof (*m_pChunks)); } else { m_pChunks = (CrfInfo* )malloc (CHUNK_ALLOC_INCR * sizeof (*m_pChunks)); } if (m_pChunks == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Out of Memory\n"); return 0; } m_iNumAlloc += CHUNK_ALLOC_INCR; } if ( (m_pChunks[m_iNumChunks].fileName = strdup (file)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Out of Memory\n"); return 0; } m_pChunks[m_iNumChunks].offset = offset; m_iNumChunks++; } fclose(fp); return 1; } /*****************************************************************************
* OpenOutputFile * *----------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int OpenOutputFile (const char* fileName, double startTime, FILE** fp) { char str[40]; assert (fp); if (fileName) { if (strcmp(fileName,"-")==0) { *fp = stdout; } else { *fp = fopen (fileName, "w"); if (*fp==0) { return 0; } } } else { *fp = 0; } sprintf (str, "#%f\n", startTime); if (*fp) { fprintf (*fp, str); } else { printf("%s\n",str); } return 1; } /*****************************************************************************
* OpenInputFile * *---------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/ int OpenInputFile (const char* fileName, FILE** fp, double *time) { char line[MAX_LINE+1]; char *ptr; assert (fileName); assert (fp); assert (time); *fp = fopen (fileName, "r"); if (*fp==0) { return 0; } // Jump over the header
do { if (!fgets(line, MAX_LINE, *fp)) { return 0; } ptr= line; while (*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t') { ptr++; } } while (*ptr!='#'); if ( sscanf(ptr+1, "%lf", time)!= 1) { *time = 0.0; } return 1; }
* GetInputPhone * *----------------* * Description: * sentenceEnd is used to judge sentence final in cmdl slm ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
int GetInputPhone (FILE* fp, double* time, char* phone, short* f0, int* sentenceEnd) { char line[MAX_LINE+1]; char *ptr; double mark; assert (fp); assert (time); assert (phone); assert (f0); while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE, fp)) { ptr = line; while (*ptr && isspace (*ptr)) { ptr++; } if (!*ptr || *ptr=='#') { /*
* Allows for embeded comments */ continue; } mark = -1.0; if (sscanf (ptr, "%lf %*s %s %d %lf", time, phone, f0, &mark)!=4) { if (sscanf (ptr, "%lf %*s %s %d", time, phone, f0)!=3) { printf("Error in line %s\n",line); return 0; } } if (phone[strlen(phone)-1] == ';') { phone[strlen(phone)-1] = '\0'; } if (strcmp(phone, "sp")==0 || strcmp(phone, "SIL") == 0) { strcpy(phone,"sil"); } *sentenceEnd = (mark == 0.0);
return 1; } return 0; }
* ReadScriptLine * *----------------* * Description: * read Input/output from a script file ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
int ReadScriptLine (FILE* script, char* inFile, char* outFile) { char line[MAX_LINE+1]; char *ptr; assert (script); while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE, script)) { if (ptr = strchr (line, '#')) { *ptr = '\0'; } ptr = line; while (*ptr && isspace (*ptr)) { ptr++; } if (!*ptr ) { continue; } if (sscanf (ptr, "%s %s", inFile, outFile) != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: reading script file at \n\t %s\n",ptr); return 0; } return 1; } return 0; }
* GetIoNames * *------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
int GetIoNames (InputInfo* inInfo, NamePair** names, int* nNames) { FILE *script;
assert (inInfo); assert (names); assert (nNames);
if (inInfo->scriptFile[0]) { if ((script = fopen(inInfo->scriptFile,"r")) == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not open scriptFile %s\n", inInfo->scriptFile); return 1; } else { while (ReadScriptLine(script, inInfo->input, inInfo->output)) { if (*names) { *names = (NamePair*)realloc (*names, (*nNames + 1) * sizeof(**names)); } else { *names = (NamePair*)malloc (sizeof(**names)); }
if (*names == 0) { return 0; }
strcpy((*names)[*nNames].in, inInfo->input); strcpy((*names)[*nNames].out, inInfo->output);
(*nNames)++; } } } else { if ((*names = (NamePair*)malloc (sizeof(**names))) == 0) { return 0; } strcpy((*names)[0].in, inInfo->input); strcpy((*names)[0].out, inInfo->output); *nNames = 1; }
return 1; }
* ProcessCommandLine * *--------------------* * Description: * ******************************************************************* PACOG ***/
int ProcessCommandLine (int argc, char *argv[], InputInfo* inInfo) { CGetOpt getOpt; int optIdx; int ch; assert (argv); assert (argc>0); assert (inInfo);
memset (inInfo, 0, sizeof(*inInfo)); getOpt.Init (argc, argv, "bstgf:d:r:l:c:x:m:S:");
while ((ch = getOpt.NextOption()) != EOF) { switch (ch) { case 'b': inInfo->slmOptions |= CSlm::Blend; break; case 's': inInfo->slmOptions |= CSlm::DynSearch; break; case 't': inInfo->slmOptions |= CSlm::UseTargetF0; break; case 'g': inInfo->slmOptions |= CSlm::UseGain; break; case 'f': inInfo->f0Wt = (float) atof (getOpt.OptArg()); inInfo->setWeights |= GOT_F0_WEIGHT; break; case 'd': inInfo->durWt = (float) atof (getOpt.OptArg()); inInfo->setWeights |= GOT_DUR_WEIGHT; break; case 'r': inInfo->rmsWt = (float) atof (getOpt.OptArg()); inInfo->setWeights |= GOT_RMS_WEIGHT; break; case 'l': inInfo->lklWt = (float) atof (getOpt.OptArg()); inInfo->setWeights |= GOT_LKLH_WEIGHT; break; case 'm': inInfo->sameSeg = (float) atof (getOpt.OptArg()); inInfo->setWeights |= GOT_SAME_WEIGHT; break; case 'c': inInfo->contWt = (float) atof (getOpt.OptArg()); inInfo->setWeights |= GOT_CONT_WEIGHT; break; case 'x': strncpy (inInfo->crfFile, getOpt.OptArg(), _MAX_PATH); break; case 'S': strncpy (inInfo->scriptFile, getOpt.OptArg(), _MAX_PATH); break; default: return 0; } } optIdx = getOpt.OptInd();
if ((argc - optIdx) < 1) { return 0; } else { strcpy(inInfo->tableFile,argv[optIdx++]); } if (inInfo->scriptFile[0]) { if (argc-optIdx) { printf("Using script file for I/O and ignoring the input file argument\n"); return 1; } else { return 1; } } if (argc-optIdx) { strcpy(inInfo->input,argv[optIdx++]); } if (argc-optIdx) { strcpy(inInfo->output,argv[optIdx++]); if (argc-optIdx) { return 0; } } else { strcpy(inInfo->output,"-"); } return 1; }