Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Error dialog definitions
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
#ifndef __ERRORDLG_H__
#define __ERRORDLG_H__
class CCustomError : public CObjectPlus /*++
Class Description:
Error definitions
Public Interface:
CCustomError : Constructors
IsURL : TRUE if the custom error is an URL IsFILE : TRUE if the custom error is a file IsDefault : TRUE if the custom error is a default error URLSupported : TRUE if URLS are supported for this error type SetValue : Set the value on the custom error MakeDefault : Make the error a default error
--*/ { //
// Error types
public: enum ERT { ERT_DEFAULT, ERT_FILE, ERT_URL, };
// Constructor
public: //
// Construct error definition from metabase error
// error description string.
CCustomError(LPCTSTR lpstrErrorString);
// Access
public: BOOL IsURL() const; BOOL IsFile() const; BOOL IsDefault() const; BOOL URLSupported() const { return m_fURLSupported; } void MakeDefault(); void SetValue( IN ERT nType, IN LPCTSTR lpText );
// Helper Functions
public: //
// Build error string
void BuildErrorString( OUT CString & str );
// Parse the error string into component parts
static BOOL CrackErrorString( IN LPCTSTR lpstrErrorString, OUT UINT & nError, OUT UINT & nSubError, OUT ERT & nType, OUT CString & str );
protected: //
// Parse error description string into component parts
static void CrackErrorDescription( IN LPCTSTR lpstrErrorString, OUT UINT & nError, OUT UINT & nSubError, OUT BOOL & fURLSupported, OUT CString & str );
// Metabase values
protected: static LPCTSTR s_szSep; static LPCTSTR s_szFile; static LPCTSTR s_szURL; static LPCTSTR s_szNoSubError;
public: ERT m_nType; UINT m_nError; UINT m_nSubError; BOOL m_fURLSupported; CString m_str; CString m_strDefault; };
class CCustomErrorDlg : public CDialog /*++
Class Description:
HTTP Error dialog
Public Interface:
CCustomErrorDlg : Constructor
--*/ { //
// Construction
public: CCustomErrorDlg( IN CCustomError * pErr, IN BOOL fLocal, IN CWnd * pParent = NULL );
// Dialog Data
protected: //{{AFX_DATA(CCustomErrorDlg)
enum { IDD = IDD_ERROR_MAPPING }; int m_nMessageType; CString m_strTextFile; CEdit m_edit_TextFile; CStatic m_static_SubErrorPrompt; CStatic m_static_SubError; CStatic m_static_TextFilePrompt; CButton m_button_Browse; CButton m_button_OK; CComboBox m_combo_MessageType; CString m_strDefText; //}}AFX_DATA
// Overrides
protected: // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange * pDX); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
// Implementation
protected: // Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnSelchangeComboMessageType(); afx_msg void OnButtonBrowse(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK(); afx_msg void OnChangeEditTextFile(); //}}AFX_MSG
BOOL SetControlStates();
private: BOOL m_fLocal; CString m_strFile; CString m_strURL; CCustomError * m_pErr; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline BOOL CCustomError::IsURL() const { return m_nType == ERT_URL; }
inline BOOL CCustomError::IsFile() const { return m_nType == ERT_FILE; }
inline BOOL CCustomError::IsDefault() const { return m_nType == ERT_DEFAULT; }
inline void CCustomError::SetValue( IN ERT nType, IN LPCTSTR lpText ) { m_str = lpText; m_nType = nType; }
inline void CCustomError::MakeDefault() { m_nType = ERT_DEFAULT; }
#endif // __ERRORDLG_H__