Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of: CPool<T>, CStringPool, CHashTableElement<T>
Mohit Srivastava 10-Nov-2000
Revision History:
#include "iisprov.h"
template CPool<METABASE_PROPERTY>; template CHashTable<METABASE_PROPERTY*>;
template CPool<WMI_CLASS>; template CHashTable<WMI_CLASS*>;
template CPool<WMI_ASSOCIATION>; template CHashTable<WMI_ASSOCIATION*>;
template CPool<METABASE_KEYTYPE>; template CHashTable<METABASE_KEYTYPE*>;
template CArrayPool<wchar_t, ::STRING_POOL_STRING_SIZE>; template CArrayPool<METABASE_PROPERTY*, 10>; template CArrayPool<BYTE, 10>;
// CPool<T>
template <class T> HRESULT CPool<T>::Initialize(ULONG i_iFirstBucketSize) /*++
Synopsis: Set up data structures: Initialize array to size CPool::ARRAY_SIZE Create first bucket of size i_iFirstBucketSize
Arguments: [i_iFirstBucketSize] - Return Value: S_OK, E_OUTOFMEMORY
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT(m_bInitCalled == false); DBG_ASSERT(m_bInitSuccessful == false); m_bInitCalled = true;
m_apBuckets = new T*[ARRAY_SIZE]; if(m_apBuckets == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } m_iArraySize = ARRAY_SIZE; m_iArrayPosition = 1;
m_apBuckets[0] = new T[i_iFirstBucketSize]; if(m_apBuckets[0] == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; } m_iCurrentBucketSize = i_iFirstBucketSize; m_iFirstBucketSize = i_iFirstBucketSize; m_iCurrentBucketPosition = 0;
exit: if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_bInitSuccessful = true; } return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT CPool<T>::GetNewElement(T** o_ppElement) /*++
Synopsis: Normally, just a matter of returning pointer to next spot in bucket. May have to create a new bucket and/or grow the array, however.
Arguments: [o_ppElement] - Return Value: S_OK, E_OUTOFMEMORY
--*/{ DBG_ASSERT(m_bInitCalled == true); DBG_ASSERT(m_bInitSuccessful == true); DBG_ASSERT(o_ppElement != NULL);
// Check to see if we need to move on to the next bucket
if(m_iCurrentBucketPosition == m_iCurrentBucketSize) { //
// Check to see if we need to grow the array
if(m_iArrayPosition == m_iArraySize) { T** apBucketsNew; apBucketsNew = new T*[m_iArraySize*2]; if(m_apBuckets == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } memcpy(apBucketsNew, m_apBuckets, m_iArraySize * sizeof(T*)); delete [] m_apBuckets; m_apBuckets = apBucketsNew; m_iArraySize *= 2; }
T* pBucketNew; pBucketNew = new T[m_iCurrentBucketSize*2]; if(pBucketNew == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_apBuckets[m_iArrayPosition] = pBucketNew; m_iCurrentBucketSize *= 2; m_iCurrentBucketPosition = 0; m_iArrayPosition++; } *o_ppElement = &m_apBuckets[m_iArrayPosition-1][m_iCurrentBucketPosition]; m_iCurrentBucketPosition++;
return hr; }
template <class T> T* CPool<T>::Lookup(ULONG i_idx) const /*++
Synopsis: Looks up data in pool by index
Arguments: [i_idx] - Valid Range is 0 to GetUsed()-1 Return Value: A pointer to the data unless i_idx is out of range.
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT(m_bInitCalled == true); DBG_ASSERT(m_bInitSuccessful == true);
// Total element capacity of all buckets up to and including the current one
// in the for loop below
ULONG iElementsCovered = 0;
ULONG iBucketPos = 0;
if (i_idx >= GetUsed()) { return NULL; } for(ULONG i = 0; i < m_iArrayPosition; i++) { iElementsCovered = iElementsCovered + (1 << i)*(m_iFirstBucketSize); if(i_idx < iElementsCovered) { iBucketPos = i_idx - ( iElementsCovered - (1 << i)*(m_iFirstBucketSize) ); return &m_apBuckets[i][iBucketPos]; } } return NULL; }
// CArrayPool
template <class T, ULONG size> HRESULT CArrayPool<T, size>::Initialize() /*++
Synopsis: should only be called once
Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = m_PoolFixedSize.Initialize(FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE); if(FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } hr = m_PoolDynamic.Initialize(FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE); if(FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } return hr; }
template <class T, ULONG size> HRESULT CArrayPool<T, size>::GetNewArray(ULONG i_cElem, T** o_ppElem) /*++
Synopsis: Fills o_ppElem from either the fixedsize or dynamic pool based on the requested size.
Arguments: [i_cElem] - number of elements caller wants in new array [o_ppElem] - receives the new array Return Value:
--*/ { DBG_ASSERT(o_ppElem != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; T** ppNew = NULL; T* pNew = NULL; if(i_cElem <= size) { hr = m_PoolFixedSize.GetNewElement((CArrayPoolEntry<T,size>**)&pNew); if(FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } ppNew = &pNew; } else { hr = m_PoolDynamic.GetNewElement(&ppNew); if(FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } *ppNew = NULL; *ppNew = new T[i_cElem+1]; if(*ppNew == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } *o_ppElem = *ppNew; return hr; }
// for debugging only
// if msb set, goto dynamic pool
// else use fixedsize pool
template <class T, ULONG size> T* CArrayPool<T, size>::Lookup(ULONG i_idx) const { ULONG i_msb; i_msb = i_idx >> 31;
if(i_msb == 0) { return (T *)(m_PoolFixedSize.Lookup(i_idx)); } else { T** pElem = m_PoolDynamic.Lookup( i_idx - (ULONG)(1 << 31) ); if(pElem == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return *pElem; } } }
// CStringPool
HRESULT CStringPool::GetNewString(LPCWSTR i_wsz, ULONG i_cch, LPWSTR* o_pwsz) { DBG_ASSERT(o_pwsz != NULL);
hr = GetNewArray(i_cch+1, o_pwsz); if(FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
memcpy(*o_pwsz, i_wsz, (i_cch+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); return hr; }
HRESULT CStringPool::GetNewString(LPCWSTR i_wsz, LPWSTR* o_pwsz) { return GetNewString(i_wsz, wcslen(i_wsz), o_pwsz); }
// for debugging only
void CStringPool::ToConsole() const { ULONG i;
for(i = 0; i < m_PoolFixedSize.GetUsed(); i++) { wprintf(L"%s\n", Lookup(i)); } for(i = 0; i < m_PoolDynamic.GetUsed(); i++) { wprintf( L"%s\n", Lookup( i | (1 << 31) ) ); } }