Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : cachevalidation.cxx
Abstract: Handle Cache Validation (If-* headers)
Author: Anil Ruia (AnilR) 3-Apr-2000
Environment: Win32 - User Mode
Project: UlW3.dll --*/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "staticfile.hxx"
dllexp BOOL FindInETagList(CHAR * pLocalETag, CHAR * pETagList, BOOL fWeakCompare) /*++
Routine Description: Search input list of ETags for one that matches our local ETag.
Arguments: pLocalETag - The local ETag we're using. pETagList - The ETag list we've received from the client. bWeakCompare - Whether using Weak Comparison is ok
TRUE if we found a matching ETag, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { UINT QuoteCount; CHAR * pFileETag; BOOL Matched;
// We'll loop through the ETag string, looking for ETag to
// compare, as long as we have an ETag to look at.
do { while (SAFEIsSpace(*pETagList)) { pETagList++; }
if (!*pETagList) { // Ran out of ETag.
return FALSE; }
// If this ETag is *, it's a match.
if (*pETagList == '*') { return TRUE; }
// See if this ETag is weak.
if (pETagList[0] == 'W' && pETagList[1] == '/') { // This is a weak validator. If we're not doing the weak
// comparison, fail.
if (!fWeakCompare) { return FALSE; }
// Skip over the 'W/', and any intervening whitespace.
pETagList += 2;
while (SAFEIsSpace(*pETagList)) { pETagList++; }
if (!*pETagList) { // Ran out of ETag.
return FALSE; } }
if (*pETagList != '"') { // This isn't a quoted string, so fail.
return FALSE; }
// OK, right now we should be at the start of a quoted string that
// we can compare against our current ETag.
QuoteCount = 0;
Matched = TRUE; pFileETag = pLocalETag;
// Do the actual compare. We do this by scanning the current ETag,
// which is a quoted string. We look for two quotation marks, the
// the delimiters if the quoted string. If after we find two quotes
// in the ETag everything has matched, then we've matched this ETag.
// Otherwise we'll try the next one.
do { CHAR Temp;
Temp = *pETagList;
if (Temp == '"') { QuoteCount++; }
if (*pFileETag != Temp) { Matched = FALSE; }
if (!Temp) { return FALSE; }
if (*pFileETag == '\0') { break; }
} while (QuoteCount != 2);
if (Matched) { return TRUE; }
// Otherwise, at this point we need to look at the next ETag.
while (QuoteCount != 2) { if (*pETagList == '"') { QuoteCount++; } else { if (*pETagList == '\0') { return FALSE; } }
pETagList++; }
while (SAFEIsSpace(*pETagList)) { pETagList++; }
if (*pETagList == ',') { pETagList++; } else { return FALSE; }
} while ( *pETagList );
return FALSE; }
HRESULT W3_STATIC_FILE_HANDLER::CacheValidationDoWork( W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context, W3_FILE_INFO *pOpenFile, BOOL *pfHandled) /*++
Synopsis Handle the Cache Related If-* headers
Input pW3Context : W3_CONTEXT for the request pOpenFile : The file's cache entry pfHandled : On return indicates whether, we have handled the request or further processing needs to be done
Returns HRESULT --*/ { W3_RESPONSE *pResponse = pW3Context->QueryResponse(); W3_REQUEST *pRequest = pW3Context->QueryRequest();
// There are currently 4 possible Cache Related If-* modifiers:
// If-Match, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Non-Match, If-Modified-Since.
// We handle them in that order if all are present, and as soon as
// one condition fails we stop processing
// Now handle the If-Match header, if we have one.
CHAR * pszIfMatch = pRequest->GetHeader(HttpHeaderIfMatch); if (pszIfMatch != NULL) { if (pOpenFile->QueryIsWeakETag() || !FindInETagList(pOpenFile->QueryETag(), pszIfMatch, FALSE)) { pResponse->ClearHeaders(); pResponse->SetStatus(HttpStatusPreconditionFailed); *pfHandled = TRUE; return S_OK; } }
// Now see if we have an If-None-Match, and if so handle that.
CHAR * pszIfNoneMatch = pRequest->GetHeader(HttpHeaderIfNoneMatch); BOOL fIsNoneMatchPassed = TRUE; BOOL fSkipIfModifiedSince = FALSE; if (pszIfNoneMatch != NULL) { if (FindInETagList(pOpenFile->QueryETag(), pszIfNoneMatch, TRUE)) { fIsNoneMatchPassed = FALSE; } else { // If none of the tags match, we should skip If-Modified-Since
fSkipIfModifiedSince = TRUE; } }
// Made it through that, handle If-Modified-Since if we have that.
CHAR * pszIfModifiedSince = pRequest->GetHeader(HttpHeaderIfModifiedSince); if (!fSkipIfModifiedSince && pszIfModifiedSince != NULL) { LARGE_INTEGER liModifiedSince; if (StringTimeToFileTime(pszIfModifiedSince, &liModifiedSince)) { FILETIME tm; pOpenFile->QueryLastWriteTime(&tm);
// Check if our last write time is greater than their
// ModifiedSince time
if (*(LONGLONG*)&tm <= liModifiedSince.QuadPart) { // Need to check and see if the Modified-Since time is greater
// than our current time. If it is, we ignore it.
if (*(LONGLONG *)&tm >= liModifiedSince.QuadPart) { pResponse->SetStatus(HttpStatusNotModified); *pfHandled = TRUE; return S_OK; } } }
fIsNoneMatchPassed = TRUE; }
if (!fIsNoneMatchPassed) { pResponse->SetStatus(HttpStatusNotModified); *pfHandled = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// Made it through that, handle If-Unmodified-Since if we have that.
CHAR * pszIfUnmodifiedSince = pRequest->GetHeader( HttpHeaderIfUnmodifiedSince); if (pszIfUnmodifiedSince != NULL) { LARGE_INTEGER liUnmodifiedSince; if (StringTimeToFileTime(pszIfUnmodifiedSince, &liUnmodifiedSince)) { FILETIME tm; pOpenFile->QueryLastWriteTime(&tm);
// If our last write time is greater than their UnmodifiedSince
// time, the precondition fails.
if (*(LONGLONG*)&tm > liUnmodifiedSince.QuadPart) { pResponse->ClearHeaders(); pResponse->SetStatus(HttpStatusPreconditionFailed); *pfHandled = TRUE; return S_OK; } } }
*pfHandled = FALSE; return S_OK; }