Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name : staticfile.cxx
Abstract: Handle static file request Author: Bilal Alam (balam) 7-Jan-2000
Environment: Win32 - User Mode
Project: ULW3.DLL --*/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "staticfile.hxx"
HRESULT W3_STATIC_FILE_HANDLER::HandleDefaultLoad( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, BOOL * pfHandled, BOOL * pfAsyncPending ) /*++
Routine Description:
Attempts to find a default load file applicable for this request. If it does, it will switch the URL of the request and back track.
pW3Context - Context pfHandled - Set to TRUE if this function has set a response or switched URL (in other words, no more processing is required) pfAsyncPending - Set to TRUE if async is pending so bail Return Value:
HRESULT - If not NO_ERROR, then *pfHandled is irrelevent
--*/ { URL_CONTEXT * pUrlContext; W3_METADATA * pMetaData; STACK_STRU( strDefaultFiles, MAX_PATH ); HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR; W3_REQUEST * pRequest = pW3Context->QueryRequest(); STRU * pstrPhysical; STACK_STRU( strNextFile, MAX_PATH ); WCHAR * pszNextFile; WCHAR * pszEndFile; W3_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile = NULL; BOOL fFound = FALSE; STACK_STRU( strNewUrl, MAX_PATH ); WCHAR * pszQuery; CONTEXT_STATUS status; FILE_CACHE_USER FileUser; DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pRequest != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pfHandled != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pfAsyncPending != NULL );
*pfHandled = FALSE; *pfAsyncPending = FALSE;
// Get the configuration info
pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlContext != NULL ); pMetaData = pUrlContext->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL ); pstrPhysical = pUrlContext->QueryPhysicalPath(); DBG_ASSERT( pstrPhysical != NULL ); //
// First ensure the path is / suffixed. Otherwise, redirect to such
if (pstrPhysical->QueryStr()[pstrPhysical->QueryCCH() - 1] != L'\\') { //
// Before redirecting, first make sure it is a GET or a HEAD
HTTP_VERB VerbType = pRequest->QueryVerbType(); if ( VerbType != HttpVerbGET && VerbType != HttpVerbHEAD ) { pW3Context->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusMethodNotAllowed ); hr = pW3Context->SetupAllowHeader(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } return S_OK; }
STACK_STRU (strRedirect, MAX_PATH );
// Append the suffix '/'
if (FAILED(hr = pRequest->GetUrl(&strRedirect)) || FAILED(hr = strRedirect.Append(L"/"))) { return hr; }
// Do the HTTP redirect
if (FAILED(hr = pW3Context->SetupHttpRedirect(strRedirect, TRUE, HttpStatusMovedPermanently))) { return hr; }
// Tell callers we are finished
*pfHandled = TRUE; return S_OK; } //
// Look for default load files
hr = strDefaultFiles.Copy( *pMetaData->QueryDefaultLoadFiles() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } pszNextFile = strDefaultFiles.QueryStr(); while ( pszNextFile != NULL && *pszNextFile != L'\0' ) { pszEndFile = wcschr( pszNextFile, L',' ); if ( pszEndFile != NULL ) { *pszEndFile = L'\0'; } //
// Append portion to directory to create a filename to check for
hr = strNextFile.Copy( *pstrPhysical ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
// Remove any query string
pszQuery = wcschr( pszNextFile, L'?' ); if ( pszQuery != NULL ) { hr = strNextFile.Append( pszNextFile, DIFF( pszQuery - pszNextFile ) ); } else { hr = strNextFile.Append( pszNextFile ); } if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } //
// Make a FS path
FlipSlashes( strNextFile.QueryStr() ); //
// Open the file
pW3Context->QueryFileCacheUser( &FileUser ); DBG_ASSERT( g_pW3Server->QueryFileCache() != NULL ); hr = g_pW3Server->QueryFileCache()->GetFileInfo( strNextFile, pMetaData->QueryDirmonConfig(), &FileUser, !( pMetaData->QueryNoCache() ), &pOpenFile ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { DWORD dwError = WIN32_FROM_HRESULT( hr ); DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile == NULL ); //
// If not found, or name invalid, that's ok -> proceed to next file
if ( dwError != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && dwError != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND && dwError != ERROR_INVALID_NAME ) { return hr; } hr = NO_ERROR; } else { DWORD dwAttributes;
// Great, we can open the file. We only need it for attributes.
DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile != NULL ); dwAttributes = pOpenFile->QueryAttributes();
pOpenFile->DereferenceCacheEntry(); if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { //
// For legacy, if we see a directory, our default load file
// search is over, and we act like we never found one
return NO_ERROR; } fFound = TRUE; break; } //
// Goto next file
pszNextFile = pszEndFile ? pszEndFile + 1 : NULL; } //
// Change the url and retrack
if ( fFound ) { //
// Ok. We can change the URL and retrack. Do so.
hr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->GetUrl( &strNewUrl ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } hr = strNewUrl.Append( pszNextFile ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } //
// Change the URL
hr = pW3Context->QueryRequest()->SetUrl( strNewUrl, FALSE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } hr = pW3Context->ExecuteChildRequest( pW3Context->QueryRequest(), FALSE, W3_FLAG_ASYNC ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } else { *pfHandled = TRUE; *pfAsyncPending = TRUE; return NO_ERROR; } } else { //
// If not found, the caller will continue since *pfHandled == FALSE
// if we're here
} return NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT W3_STATIC_FILE_HANDLER::DirectoryDoWork( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, BOOL * pfAsyncPending ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle directories. This means default loads and directory listings
pW3Context - Context pfAsyncPending - Set to TRUE if async pending Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwDirBrowseFlags; URL_CONTEXT * pUrlContext; HRESULT hr; BOOL fHandled = FALSE; FILE_CACHE_USER fileUser; BOOL fImpersonated = FALSE;
DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pfAsyncPending != NULL ); *pfAsyncPending = FALSE;
W3_REQUEST *pRequest = pW3Context->QueryRequest(); DBG_ASSERT(pRequest != NULL);
W3_RESPONSE *pResponse = pW3Context->QueryResponse(); DBG_ASSERT(pResponse != NULL);
pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlContext != NULL );
STRU *pstrPhysical = pUrlContext->QueryPhysicalPath(); DBG_ASSERT( pstrPhysical != NULL );
// Get the directory browsing flags for this directory
dwDirBrowseFlags = pUrlContext->QueryMetaData()->QueryDirBrowseFlags();
// First check for a default load (by first checking whether we are
// allowed to serve default load)
if ( dwDirBrowseFlags & MD_DIRBROW_LOADDEFAULT ) { //
// OK. Look for a default load
hr = HandleDefaultLoad( pW3Context, &fHandled, pfAsyncPending ); if ( FAILED( hr ) || fHandled || *pfAsyncPending ) { return hr; } } //
// If doing directory listing, first make sure it is a GET or a HEAD
HTTP_VERB VerbType = pRequest->QueryVerbType(); if ( VerbType != HttpVerbGET && VerbType != HttpVerbHEAD ) { pW3Context->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusMethodNotAllowed ); hr = pW3Context->SetupAllowHeader(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
return S_OK; }
// OK. Check for whether directory listings are enabled
if ( dwDirBrowseFlags & MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED ) { //
// We may need to impersonate some other user to open the file
pW3Context->QueryFileCacheUser( &fileUser );
if ( fileUser._hToken != NULL ) { if ( !SetThreadToken( NULL, fileUser._hToken ) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); } fImpersonated = TRUE; } hr = HandleDirectoryListing( pW3Context, &fHandled );
if( fImpersonated ) { RevertToSelf(); fImpersonated = FALSE; } if ( FAILED( hr ) || fHandled ) { return hr; } } //
// If we are here, then neither browsing nor default loads are enabled.
// There is nothing we can do but return a 403.
pW3Context->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusForbidden, Http403DirBrowsingDenied ); return NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT GetTypeAndSubType( CHAR * pszType, STRA * pstrMainType, STRA * pstrSubType, BOOL * pfTypeOk ) /*++
Routine Description:
Given a mimetype of "foobar/barfoo", return "foobar" as the main type and "barfoo" as the subtype.
Arguments: pszType - Whole mime type pstrMainType - Filled with main type pstrSubType - Filled with sub type pfTypeOk - Is this mime type ok? Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr;
CHAR * pszSlash = strchr( pszType, '/' ); if (pszSlash == NULL) { *pfTypeOk = FALSE; return S_OK; }
hr = pstrMainType->Copy( pszType, DIFF( pszSlash - pszType ) ); hr = pstrSubType->Copy( pszSlash + 1 );
*pfTypeOk = TRUE; return hr; }
HRESULT IsAcceptable( CHAR * pszContentType, CHAR * pszAcceptHeader, BOOL * pfIsAcceptAble ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return whether given content type is acceptable for the given Accept: header
pszContentType - Content type pszAcceptHeader - Accept header to check pfIsAcceptAble - Filled with bool indicating whether type is acceptable Return Value:
--*/ { HRESULT hr; BOOL fTypeOk;
// Quickly handle the */* case
if ( pszAcceptHeader[ 0 ] == '*' && pszAcceptHeader[ 1 ] == '/' && pszAcceptHeader[ 2 ] == '*' && pszAcceptHeader[ 3 ] == '\0' ) { *pfIsAcceptAble = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// Break the Content-Type into the main- and sub-content-type
STACK_STRA ( strMainContentType, 32); STACK_STRA ( strSubContentType, 32); if ( FAILED( hr = GetTypeAndSubType( pszContentType, &strMainContentType, &strSubContentType, &fTypeOk ) ) ) { return hr; } if ( !fTypeOk ) { *pfIsAcceptAble = FALSE; return S_OK; }
// Skip over any spaces
while ( *pszAcceptHeader == ' ' ) { pszAcceptHeader++; }
STACK_STRA (strAcceptType, 64); STACK_STRA (strMainAcceptType, 32); STACK_STRA (strSubAcceptType, 32);
while (TRUE) { //
// Multiple Acceptable Types are ',' separated, get the next one
CHAR * pszComma = strchr( pszAcceptHeader, L',' ); if ( pszComma == NULL ) { if ( FAILED( hr = strAcceptType.Copy( pszAcceptHeader ) ) ) { return hr; } } else { if ( FAILED( hr = strAcceptType.Copy( pszAcceptHeader, DIFF( pszComma - pszAcceptHeader ) ) ) ) { return hr; } }
// Trim out any quality specifier specified after a ';'
CHAR * pszQuality = strchr( strAcceptType.QueryStr(), ';' ); if ( pszQuality != NULL ) { strAcceptType.SetLen(DIFF(pszQuality - strAcceptType.QueryStr())); }
// Trim any spaces at the end
INT iSpace = strAcceptType.QueryCCH() - 1; while ( iSpace >= 0 && strAcceptType.QueryStr()[iSpace] == ' ' ) { iSpace--; } strAcceptType.SetLen( iSpace + 1 );
// Just check if this Type is */*
if ( !strcmp( strAcceptType.QueryStr(), "*/*" ) ) { *pfIsAcceptAble = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// Get the main- and sub-Accept types for this type
if ( FAILED(hr = GetTypeAndSubType( strAcceptType.QueryStr(), &strMainAcceptType, &strSubAcceptType, &fTypeOk ) ) ) { return hr; } if ( !fTypeOk ) { *pfIsAcceptAble = TRUE; return S_OK; }
// Now actually find out if this type is acceptable
if ( !_stricmp( strMainAcceptType.QueryStr(), strMainContentType.QueryStr() ) ) { if ( !strcmp( strSubAcceptType.QueryStr(), "*" ) || !_stricmp( strSubAcceptType.QueryStr(), strSubContentType.QueryStr() ) ) { *pfIsAcceptAble = TRUE; return S_OK; } }
// Set AcceptHeader to the start of the next type
if (pszComma == NULL) { *pfIsAcceptAble = FALSE; return S_OK; } pszAcceptHeader = pszComma + 1; while ( *pszAcceptHeader == ' ' ) { pszAcceptHeader++; } } }
HRESULT W3_STATIC_FILE_HANDLER::FileDoWork( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context, W3_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle files (non-directories).
pW3Context - Context pOpenFile - W3_FILE_INFO with the file to send Return Value:
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER liFileSize; W3_RESPONSE * pResponse; W3_REQUEST * pRequest; W3_URL_INFO * pUrlInfo; W3_METADATA * pMetaData; BOOL fRet; HRESULT hr; STACK_STRU ( strUrl, MAX_PATH ); CHAR * pszRange; BOOL fHandled = FALSE; FILE_CACHE_USER fileUser;
DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile != NULL ); pResponse = pW3Context->QueryResponse(); DBG_ASSERT( pResponse != NULL ); pRequest = pW3Context->QueryRequest(); DBG_ASSERT( pRequest != NULL ); pUrlInfo = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext()->QueryUrlInfo(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlInfo != NULL ); pMetaData = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext()->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL );
// First make sure it a GET or a HEAD
HTTP_VERB VerbType = pRequest->QueryVerbType(); if ( VerbType != HttpVerbGET && VerbType != HttpVerbHEAD ) { pW3Context->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusMethodNotAllowed ); hr = pW3Context->SetupAllowHeader(); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; }
return S_OK; }
// If this an image-map file, do the image-map stuff
if (pUrlInfo->QueryGateway() == GATEWAY_MAP) { fHandled = FALSE; hr = MapFileDoWork(pW3Context, pOpenFile, &fHandled); if (FAILED(hr) || fHandled) { return hr; }
// fHandled was false, so this is a .map file which wasn't really
// an image-map file, handle it as any other static file
// Do compression, if so configured
if (pMetaData->QueryDoStaticCompression() && !pW3Context->QueryDoneWithCompression()) { //
// If this file is compressible, don't let UL store the uncompressed
// version in its cache
if (FAILED(hr = HTTP_COMPRESSION::DoStaticFileCompression( pW3Context, &pOpenFile))) { return hr; } m_pOpenFile = pOpenFile; }
// First see if the Content-Type is acceptable to the client
STRA *pstrContentType = pUrlInfo->QueryContentType(); CHAR * pszAccept = pRequest->GetHeader( HttpHeaderAccept ); if ( pszAccept != NULL && *pszAccept != L'\0' ) { BOOL fIsAcceptAble;
if ( FAILED( hr = IsAcceptable( pstrContentType->QueryStr(), pszAccept, &fIsAcceptAble ) ) ) { return hr; }
if ( !fIsAcceptAble ) { pResponse->ClearHeaders(); pResponse->SetStatus( HttpStatusNotAcceptable ); return S_OK; } }
// Setup the response headers. First ETag
hr = pResponse->SetHeaderByReference( HttpHeaderEtag, pOpenFile->QueryETag(), pOpenFile->QueryETagSize() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; }
// Next is Last-Modified
hr = pResponse->SetHeaderByReference( HttpHeaderLastModified, pOpenFile->QueryLastModifiedString(), GMT_STRING_SIZE - 1 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } //
// Next is Content-Location. We only need to send this header if
// we have internally changed the URL of the request. In other words,
// if this is a child execute
if ( pW3Context->QuerySendLocation() ) { STACK_STRA (strContentLocation, MAX_PATH); STACK_STRA (strRawUrl, MAX_PATH);
if (FAILED(hr = pRequest->GetRawUrl(&strRawUrl)) || FAILED(hr = pRequest->BuildFullUrl(strRawUrl, &strContentLocation, FALSE)) || FAILED(hr = pResponse->SetHeader(HttpHeaderContentLocation, strContentLocation.QueryStr(), strContentLocation.QueryCCH()))) { return hr; } } //
// Next is Accept-Ranges
if ( FAILED( hr = pResponse->SetHeaderByReference( HttpHeaderAcceptRanges, "bytes", 5 ) ) ) { goto Failure; }
// Handle the If-* (except If-Range) headers if present
fHandled = FALSE; if ( FAILED( hr = CacheValidationDoWork( pW3Context, pOpenFile, &fHandled ) ) ) { goto Failure; }
if ( fHandled ) { return hr; }
// Now handle If-Range and Range headers
pszRange = pRequest->GetHeader( HttpHeaderRange ); if ( ( pszRange != NULL ) && ( !_strnicmp ( pszRange, "bytes", 5 ) ) ) { //
// Handle range request
fHandled = FALSE; if ( FAILED( hr = RangeDoWork( pW3Context, pOpenFile, &fHandled ) ) ) { goto Failure; }
if ( fHandled ) { return hr; } }
// If we fell thru, then we are sending out the entire file
// Setup Content-Type
if ( FAILED( hr = pResponse->SetHeaderByReference( HttpHeaderContentType, pstrContentType->QueryStr(), pstrContentType->QueryCCH() ) ) ) { goto Failure; }
// Setup the response chunks
pOpenFile->QuerySize( &liFileSize );
if (liFileSize.QuadPart > 0) { if ( pOpenFile->QueryFileBuffer() != NULL && liFileSize.HighPart == 0 ) { hr = pResponse->AddMemoryChunkByReference( pOpenFile->QueryFileBuffer(), liFileSize.LowPart ); } else { hr = pResponse->AddFileHandleChunk( pOpenFile->QueryFileHandle(), 0, liFileSize.QuadPart ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } }
// perf ctr
// Setup the document footer
if (pMetaData->QueryIsFooterEnabled()) { if (!pMetaData->QueryFooterString()->IsEmpty() ) { STRA *pFooterString = pMetaData->QueryFooterString(); if (pFooterString->QueryCCH()) { if (FAILED(hr = pResponse->AddMemoryChunkByReference( pFooterString->QueryStr(), pFooterString->QueryCCH()))) { goto Failure; } } } else if (!pMetaData->QueryFooterDocument()->IsEmpty() ) { DBG_ASSERT( m_pFooterDocument == NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( g_pW3Server->QueryFileCache() ); hr = g_pW3Server->QueryFileCache()->GetFileInfo( *(pMetaData->QueryFooterDocument()), NULL, &fileUser, TRUE, &m_pFooterDocument ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( m_pFooterDocument != NULL ); m_pFooterDocument->QuerySize( &liFileSize );
if (liFileSize.QuadPart > 0) { if ( m_pFooterDocument->QueryFileBuffer() != NULL && liFileSize.HighPart == 0 ) { hr = pResponse->AddMemoryChunkByReference( m_pFooterDocument->QueryFileBuffer(), liFileSize.LowPart ); } else { hr = pResponse->AddFileHandleChunk( m_pFooterDocument->QueryFileHandle(), 0, liFileSize.QuadPart ); }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } } } else { //
// Could not open the footer document. Sub in a error string
CHAR achErrorString[ 512 ]; DWORD cbErrorString = sizeof( achErrorString );
hr = g_pW3Server->LoadString( IDS_ERROR_FOOTER, achErrorString, &cbErrorString ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } hr = m_strFooterString.Copy( achErrorString, cbErrorString ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } hr = pResponse->AddMemoryChunkByReference( m_strFooterString.QueryStr(), m_strFooterString.QueryCCH() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { goto Failure; } } } } return S_OK; Failure: //
// It is our responsibility to ensure that there is no incomplete response
pResponse->Clear(); return hr; }
Routine Description:
Execute the static file handler
Return Value:
--*/ { W3_CONTEXT *pW3Context = QueryW3Context(); DBG_ASSERT( pW3Context != NULL );
HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR; W3_RESPONSE * pResponse = pW3Context->QueryResponse(); W3_REQUEST * pRequest = pW3Context->QueryRequest(); W3_METADATA * pMetaData; URL_CONTEXT * pUrlContext; W3_FILE_INFO * pOpenFile = NULL; BOOL fRet; DWORD dwFilePerms; BOOL fAccess; BOOL fAsyncPending = FALSE; FILE_CACHE_USER fileUser;
// Get the metadata, in particular the cached W3_URL_INFO off which we
// we attempt to open the file
pUrlContext = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext(); DBG_ASSERT( pUrlContext != NULL );
pMetaData = pUrlContext->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL );
// Check web permissions.
// Will fail, if no VROOT_MASK_READ, or if we forbid remote access and
// the request is remote
dwFilePerms = pMetaData->QueryAccessPerms();
if ( !IS_ACCESS_ALLOWED(pRequest, dwFilePerms, READ) ) { pResponse->SetStatus( HttpStatusForbidden, Http403ReadAccessDenied ); goto Failure; }
// Now try to open the file
pW3Context->QueryFileCacheUser( &fileUser );
hr = pUrlContext->OpenFile( &fileUser, &pOpenFile ); if (FAILED(hr)) { DWORD dwError;
IF_DEBUG( STATICFILE ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error opening file %ws. hr = %x\n", pUrlContext->QueryPhysicalPath()->QueryStr(), hr )); } dwError = WIN32_FROM_HRESULT( hr ); switch( dwError ) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: hr = NO_ERROR; pResponse->SetStatus( HttpStatusNotFound ); break; case ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE: case ERROR_ACCOUNT_DISABLED: case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: hr = NO_ERROR; pResponse->SetStatus( HttpStatusUnauthorized, Http401Resource ); break; case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: hr = NO_ERROR; pResponse->SetStatus( HttpStatusUrlTooLong ); break; } goto Failure; } DBG_ASSERT( pOpenFile != NULL ); //
// Is the file hidden? If so, don't serve it out for legacy reasons
if ( pOpenFile->QueryAttributes() & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) { pOpenFile->DereferenceCacheEntry(); pResponse->SetStatus( HttpStatusNotFound ); goto Failure; } //
// Is this a file or directory?
if ( pOpenFile->QueryAttributes() & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { //
// At this point, we will do one of the following:
// a) Send a directory listing
// b) Send a default load file
// c) Send a 302 (to redirect to a slash suffixed URL)
// d) Send a 403 (forbidden)
pOpenFile->DereferenceCacheEntry(); pOpenFile = NULL; hr = DirectoryDoWork( pW3Context, &fAsyncPending ); if ( fAsyncPending ) { return CONTEXT_STATUS_PENDING; }
// If access denied, then send the response now
if ( WIN32_FROM_HRESULT( hr ) == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { pW3Context->SetErrorStatus( hr ); pW3Context->QueryResponse()->SetStatus( HttpStatusUnauthorized, Http401Resource );
hr = NO_ERROR; } } else { //
// This is just a regular file. Serve it out
// Save away the file now. We will clean it up at the end of the
// request when this current context is cleaned up
m_pOpenFile = pOpenFile;
hr = FileDoWork( pW3Context, pOpenFile ); }
// If there was an error here, then generate a 500. If successful, it
// is assumed that the response status is already set
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { pResponse->Clear(); pW3Context->SetErrorStatus( hr ); pResponse->SetStatus( HttpStatusServerError ); } hr = pW3Context->SendResponse( W3_FLAG_ASYNC ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { pW3Context->SetErrorStatus( hr ); return CONTEXT_STATUS_CONTINUE; } return CONTEXT_STATUS_PENDING; }
HRESULT W3_STATIC_FILE_HANDLER::SetupUlCachedResponse( W3_CONTEXT * pW3Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Setup a response to be cached by UL. In this case we will muck with the cached file object to a) Remove its TTL b) Associate the current request's URL with the file object so that when the file object goes away, we will be called with enough info to flush the appropriate UL cache entry
pW3Context - Context Return Value:
--*/ { STACK_STRU( strFlushUrl, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STRU( strPhysicalPath, MAX_PATH ); TOKEN_CACHE_ENTRY * pToken; HRESULT hr; FILE_CACHE_USER fileUser; W3_METADATA * pMetaData;
if ( pW3Context == NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } if ( m_pOpenFile == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); } //
// If the file wasn't cached, then don't use UL cache
if ( m_pOpenFile->QueryCached() == FALSE ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); } //
// If this file was not accessed anonymously, then we need to do access
// check anonymously before putting into cache
if ( pW3Context->QueryUserContext()->QueryAuthType() != MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS ) { pMetaData = pW3Context->QueryUrlContext()->QueryMetaData(); DBG_ASSERT( pMetaData != NULL ); pToken = pMetaData->QueryVrAccessToken(); if ( pToken == NULL ) { pToken = pMetaData->QueryAnonymousToken(); } if ( pToken == NULL ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); } fileUser._hToken = pToken->QueryImpersonationToken(); fileUser._pSid = pToken->QuerySid(); hr = m_pOpenFile->DoAccessCheck( &fileUser ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } } //
// Get the exact URL used to flush UL cache
hr = pW3Context->QueryMainContext()->QueryRequest()->GetOriginalFullUrl( &strFlushUrl ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } //
// Get the physical path
hr = strPhysicalPath.Copy( m_pOpenFile->QueryPhysicalPath() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { return hr; } //
// Setup UL cache response token
DBG_ASSERT( g_pW3Server->QueryUlCache() != NULL ); hr = g_pW3Server->QueryUlCache()->SetupUlCachedResponse( pW3Context, strFlushUrl, strPhysicalPath ); return hr; }