Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains debug support routines.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 10-Jun-1998
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "debugp.h"
#if DBG
#undef ExAllocatePool
#undef ExFreePool
// Private constants.
#define RANDOM_CONSTANT 314159269UL
#define RANDOM_PRIME 1000000007UL
#define HASH_SCRAMBLE(hash) \
#define HASH_FROM_THREAD(thrd) \
(pLock)->pExclusiveOwner = PsGetCurrentThread()
(pLock)->pPreviousOwner = (pLock)->pExclusiveOwner; \ (pLock)->pExclusiveOwner = NULL
#define SET_SPIN_LOCK_OWNED( pLock ) \
do { \ (pLock)->pOwnerThread = PsGetCurrentThread(); \ (pLock)->OwnerProcessor = (ULONG)KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(); \ } while (FALSE)
#define SET_SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED( pLock ) \
do { \ (pLock)->pOwnerThread = NULL; \ (pLock)->OwnerProcessor = (ULONG)-1L; \ } while (FALSE)
// Private types.
typedef struct _UL_POOL_HEADER { PSTR pFileName; USHORT LineNumber; SIZE_T Size; ULONG Tag; } UL_POOL_HEADER, *PUL_POOL_HEADER;
typedef struct _UL_THREAD_HASH_BUCKET { UL_SPIN_LOCK BucketSpinLock; LIST_ENTRY BucketListHead;
// Private prototypes.
VOID UlpDbgUpdatePoolCounter( IN OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pAddend, IN SIZE_T Increment );
PSTR UlpDbgFindFilePart( IN PSTR pPath );
PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA UlpDbgFindThread( BOOLEAN OkToCreate, PSTR pFileName, USHORT LineNumber );
// Private macros.
UlpDbgFindThread(FALSE, (PSTR)__FILE__, (USHORT)__LINE__)
UlpDbgFindThread(TRUE, (PSTR)__FILE__, (USHORT)__LINE__)
UlpDbgDereferenceThread((pData) REFERENCE_DEBUG_ACTUAL_PARAMS)
#if DBG
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, UlDbgInitializeDebugData )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgTerminateDebugData )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgAcquireResourceExclusive )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgAcquireResourceShared )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgReleaseResource )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgConvertExclusiveToShared)
// #pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgTryToAcquireResourceExclusive)
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgResourceOwnedExclusive )
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlDbgResourceUnownedExclusive )
#endif // DBG
#if 0
NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgAllocatePool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgFreePool NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgInitializeSpinLock NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgAcquireSpinLock NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgReleaseSpinLock NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgSpinLockOwned NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgSpinLockUnowned NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgExceptionFilter NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgInvalidCompletionRoutine NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgStatus NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgEnterDriver NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgLeaveDriver NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgInitializeResource NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgDeleteResource NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgAllocateIrp NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgFreeIrp NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgCallDriver NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgCompleteRequest NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgAllocateMdl NOT PAGEABLE -- UlDbgFreeMdl NOT PAGEABLE -- UlpDbgUpdatePoolCounter NOT PAGEABLE -- UlpDbgFindFilePart NOT PAGEABLE -- UlpDbgFindThread NOT PAGEABLE -- UlpDbgDereferenceThread #endif
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
// Private globals.
UL_THREAD_HASH_BUCKET g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[NUM_THREAD_HASH_BUCKETS]; LONG g_DbgThreadCreated; LONG g_DbgThreadDestroyed; UL_SPIN_LOCK g_DbgSpinLock; LIST_ENTRY g_DbgGlobalResourceListHead;
// Public functions.
Routine Description:
Initializes global debug-specific data.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgInitializeDebugData( VOID ) { ULONG i; CHAR spinLockName[sizeof("g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[00000].BucketSpinLock")];
// Initialize the lock lists.
UlInitializeSpinLock( &g_DbgSpinLock, "g_DbgSpinLock" ); InitializeListHead( &g_DbgGlobalResourceListHead );
// Initialize the thread hash buckets.
for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_THREAD_HASH_BUCKETS ; i++) { sprintf( spinLockName, "g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[%lu].BucketSpinLock", i );
UlInitializeSpinLock( &g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[i].BucketSpinLock, spinLockName );
InitializeListHead( &g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[i].BucketListHead ); }
} // UlDbgInitializeDebugData
Routine Description:
Undoes any initialization performed in UlDbgInitializeDebugData().
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgTerminateDebugData( VOID ) { ULONG i;
// Ensure the thread hash buckets are empty.
for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_THREAD_HASH_BUCKETS ; i++) { ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[i].BucketListHead ) ); }
// Ensure the lock lists are empty.
ASSERT( IsListEmpty( &g_DbgGlobalResourceListHead ) );
} // UlDbgTerminateDebugData
Routine Description:
Prettyprints a buffer to DbgPrint output. More or less turns it back into a C-style string.
CODEWORK: produce a Unicode version of this helper function
Buffer - Buffer to prettyprint
BufferSize - number of bytes to prettyprint
Return Value:
ULONG - number of prettyprinted characters sent to DbgPrint, excluding inserted newlines.
--***************************************************************************/ ULONG UlDbgPrettyPrintBuffer( const UCHAR* pBuffer, ULONG BufferSize ) { int i; CHAR OutputBuffer[200]; PCHAR pOut = OutputBuffer; BOOLEAN CrLfNeeded = FALSE, JustCrLfd = FALSE; ULONG cch = 0;
if (pBuffer == NULL || BufferSize == 0) return 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)BufferSize; ++i) { UCHAR ch = pBuffer[i];
if ('\r' == ch) // CR
{ *pOut++ = '\\'; *pOut++ = 'r'; if (i + 1 == BufferSize || pBuffer[i + 1] != '\n') CrLfNeeded = TRUE; } else if ('\n' == ch) // LF
{ *pOut++ = '\\'; *pOut++ = 'n'; CrLfNeeded = TRUE; } else if ('\t' == ch) // TAB
{ *pOut++ = '\\'; *pOut++ = 't'; } else if ('\0' == ch) // NUL
{ *pOut++ = '\\'; *pOut++ = '0'; } else if ('\\' == ch) // \ (backslash)
{ *pOut++ = '\\'; *pOut++ = '\\'; } else if (ch < 0x20 || ch == 127) // control chars
{ const UCHAR HexString[] = "0123456789abcdef";
*pOut++ = '\\'; *pOut++ = 'x'; *pOut++ = HexString[ch >> 4]; *pOut++ = HexString[ch & 0xf]; } else { *pOut++ = ch; }
if (pOut - OutputBuffer >= sizeof(OutputBuffer) - 4) // strlen("\xAB")
CrLfNeeded = TRUE;
if (CrLfNeeded) { *pOut++ = '\n'; *pOut = '\0'; DbgPrint(OutputBuffer); cch += (ULONG) (pOut - 1 - OutputBuffer); pOut = OutputBuffer; CrLfNeeded = FALSE; JustCrLfd = TRUE; } else { JustCrLfd = FALSE; } }
if (! JustCrLfd) { *pOut++ = '\n'; *pOut = '\0'; DbgPrint(OutputBuffer); cch += (ULONG) (pOut - 1 - OutputBuffer); }
return cch; } // UlDbgPrettyPrintBuffer
Routine Description:
Debug memory allocator. Allocates a block of pool with a header containing the filename & line number of the caller, plus the tag for the data.
PoolType - Supplies the pool to allocate from. Must be either NonPagedPool, NonPagedPoolMustSucceed, or PagedPool.
NumberOfBytes - Supplies the number of bytes to allocate.
Tag - Supplies a four-byte tag for the pool block. Useful for debugging leaks.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller. function.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
Return Value:
PVOID - Pointer to the allocated block if successful, NULL otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PVOID UlDbgAllocatePool( IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_POOL_HEADER pHeader;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( PoolType == NonPagedPool || PoolType == NonPagedPoolMustSucceed || PoolType == NonPagedPoolCacheAligned || PoolType == PagedPool );
// Allocate the block with additional space for the header.
pHeader = (PUL_POOL_HEADER)( ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PoolType, NumberOfBytes + sizeof(*pHeader), Tag ) );
if (pHeader == NULL) { return NULL; }
// Initialize the header.
pHeader->pFileName = pFileName; pHeader->LineNumber = LineNumber; pHeader->Size = NumberOfBytes; pHeader->Tag = Tag;
// Fill the body with garbage.
RtlFillMemory( (PVOID)(pHeader + 1), NumberOfBytes, '\xcc' );
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalAllocations );
UlpDbgUpdatePoolCounter( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalBytesAllocated, NumberOfBytes );
// Return a pointer to the body.
return (PVOID)(pHeader + 1);
} // UlDbgAllocatePool
Routine Description:
Frees memory allocated by UlDbgAllocatePool(), ensuring that the tags match.
pPointer - Supplies a pointer to the pool block to free.
Tag - Supplies the tag for the block to be freed. If the supplied tag does not match the tag of the allocated block, an assertion failure is generated.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgFreePool( IN PVOID pPointer, IN ULONG Tag ) { PUL_POOL_HEADER pHeader;
// Get a pointer to the header.
pHeader = (PUL_POOL_HEADER)pPointer - 1;
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalFrees );
UlpDbgUpdatePoolCounter( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalBytesFreed, pHeader->Size );
// Validate the tag.
if( pHeader->Tag == Tag ) { ASSERT( IS_VALID_TAG( Tag ) ); pHeader->Tag = MAKE_FREE_TAG( Tag ); } else { ASSERT( !"Invalid tag" ); }
// Actually free the block.
MyFreePoolWithTag( (PVOID)pHeader, Tag );
} // UlDbgFreePool
Routine Description:
Initializes an instrumented spinlock.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgInitializeSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PSTR pSpinLockName, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Initialize the spinlock.
RtlZeroMemory( pSpinLock, sizeof(*pSpinLock) ); pSpinLock->pSpinLockName = pSpinLockName; KeInitializeSpinLock( &pSpinLock->KSpinLock ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the global statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalSpinLocksInitialized );
} // UlDbgInitializeSpinLock
Routine Description:
Acquires an instrumented spinlock.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgAcquireSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, OUT PKIRQL pOldIrql, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( !UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) );
// Acquire the lock.
KeAcquireSpinLock( &pSpinLock->KSpinLock, pOldIrql );
// Mark it as owned by the current thread.
ASSERT( UlDbgSpinLockUnowned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
pSpinLock->Acquisitions++; pSpinLock->pLastAcquireFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastAcquireLineNumber = LineNumber;
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalAcquisitions );
} // UlDbgAcquireSpinLock
Routine Description:
Releases an instrumented spinlock.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgReleaseSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN KIRQL OldIrql, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Mark it as unowned.
ASSERT( UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalReleases );
pSpinLock->Releases++; pSpinLock->pLastReleaseFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastReleaseLineNumber = LineNumber;
// Release the lock.
KeReleaseSpinLock( &pSpinLock->KSpinLock, OldIrql );
} // UlDbgReleaseSpinLock
Routine Description:
Acquires an instrumented spinlock while running at DPC level.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( !UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) );
// Acquire the lock.
KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &pSpinLock->KSpinLock );
// Mark it as owned by the current thread.
ASSERT( !UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
pSpinLock->AcquisitionsAtDpcLevel++; pSpinLock->pLastAcquireFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastAcquireLineNumber = LineNumber;
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalAcquisitionsAtDpcLevel );
} // UlDbgAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel
Routine Description:
Releases an instrumented spinlock acquired at DPC level.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Mark it as unowned.
ASSERT( UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalReleasesFromDpcLevel );
pSpinLock->ReleasesFromDpcLevel++; pSpinLock->pLastReleaseFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastReleaseLineNumber = LineNumber;
// Release the lock.
KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( &pSpinLock->KSpinLock );
} // UlDbgReleaseSpinLockAtDpcLevel
Routine Description:
Acquires an instrumented in-stack-queue spinlock.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, OUT PKLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE pLockHandle, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( !UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) );
// Acquire the lock.
KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock( &pSpinLock->KSpinLock, pLockHandle );
// Mark it as owned by the current thread.
ASSERT( UlDbgSpinLockUnowned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
pSpinLock->Acquisitions++; pSpinLock->pLastAcquireFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastAcquireLineNumber = LineNumber;
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalAcquisitions );
} // UlDbgAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock
Routine Description:
Releases an instrumented in-stack-queue spinlock.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PKLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE pLockHandle, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Mark it as unowned.
ASSERT( UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalReleases );
pSpinLock->Releases++; pSpinLock->pLastReleaseFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastReleaseLineNumber = LineNumber;
// Release the lock.
KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock( pLockHandle );
} // UlDbgReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock
Routine Description:
Acquires an instrumented in-stack-queue spinlock while running at DPC level.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, OUT PKLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE pLockHandle, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Sanity check.
ASSERT( !UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) );
// Acquire the lock.
KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel( &pSpinLock->KSpinLock, pLockHandle );
// Mark it as owned by the current thread.
ASSERT( !UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
pSpinLock->AcquisitionsAtDpcLevel++; pSpinLock->pLastAcquireFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastAcquireLineNumber = LineNumber;
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalAcquisitionsAtDpcLevel );
} // UlDbgAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel
Routine Description:
Releases an instrumented in-stack-queue spinlock acquired at DPC level.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock, IN PKLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE pLockHandle, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Mark it as unowned.
ASSERT( UlDbgSpinLockOwned( pSpinLock ) ); SET_SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED( pSpinLock );
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_UlDebugStats.TotalReleasesFromDpcLevel );
pSpinLock->ReleasesFromDpcLevel++; pSpinLock->pLastReleaseFileName = pFileName; pSpinLock->LastReleaseLineNumber = LineNumber;
// Release the lock.
KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel( pLockHandle );
} // UlDbgReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel
Routine Description:
Determines if the specified spinlock is owned by the current thread.
pSpinLock - Supplies the spinlock to test.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - TRUE if the spinlock is owned by the current thread, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlDbgSpinLockOwned( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock ) { if (pSpinLock->pOwnerThread == PsGetCurrentThread()) { ASSERT( pSpinLock->OwnerProcessor == (ULONG)KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() ); return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
} // UlDbgSpinLockOwned
Routine Description:
Determines if the specified spinlock is unowned.
pSpinLock - Supplies the spinlock to test.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - TRUE if the spinlock is unowned, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlDbgSpinLockUnowned( IN PUL_SPIN_LOCK pSpinLock ) { if (pSpinLock->pOwnerThread == NULL) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
} // UlDbgSpinLockUnowned
Routine Description:
Filter for exceptions caught with try/except.
pExceptionPointers - Supplies information identifying the source and type of exception raised.
pFileName - Supplies the name of the file generating the exception.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the exception filter that caught the exception.
Return Value:
--***************************************************************************/ LONG UlDbgExceptionFilter( IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Protect ourselves just in case the process is completely messed up.
__try { //
// Whine about it.
KdPrint(( "UlDbgExceptionFilter: exception %08lx @ %p, caught in %s:%d\n", pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, pExceptionPointers->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, UlpDbgFindFilePart( pFileName ), LineNumber )); } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { //
// Not much we can do here...
} // UlDbgExceptionFilter
Routine Description:
Sometimes it's not acceptable to proceed with warnings ( as status ) after we caught an exception. I.e. Caught an missaligned warning during sendresponse and called the IoCompleteRequest with status misaligned. This will cause Io Manager to complete request to port, even though we don't want it to happen.
In that case we have to carefully replace warnings with a generic error.
pExceptionPointers - Supplies information identifying the source and type of exception raised.
pFileName - Supplies the name of the file generating the exception.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the exception filter that caught the exception.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS UlDbgConvertExceptionCode( IN NTSTATUS status, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// Whine about it.
KdPrint(( "UlDbgConvertExceptionCode: exception %08lx converted to %08lx, at %s:%d\n", status, UL_DEFAULT_ERROR_ON_EXCEPTION, UlpDbgFindFilePart( pFileName ), LineNumber ));
Routine Description:
Completion handler for incomplete IRP contexts.
pCompletionContext - Supplies an uninterpreted context value as passed to the asynchronous API.
Status - Supplies the final completion status of the asynchronous API.
Information - Optionally supplies additional information about the completed operation, such as the number of bytes transferred.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgInvalidCompletionRoutine( IN PVOID pCompletionContext, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN ULONG_PTR Information ) { DbgPrint( "UlDbgInvalidCompletionRoutine called!\n" " pCompletionContext = %p\n" " Status = %08lx\n" " Information = %p\n", pCompletionContext, Status, Information );
ASSERT( !"UlDbgInvalidCompletionRoutine called!" );
} // UlDbgInvalidCompletionRoutine
Routine Description:
Hook for catching failed operations. This routine is called within each routine with the completion status.
Status - Supplies the completion status.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlDbgStatus( IN NTSTATUS Status, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { //
// paulmcd: ignore STATUS_END_OF_FILE. this is a non-fatal return value
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_END_OF_FILE) { if (g_UlVerboseErrors) { DbgPrint( "UlDbgStatus: %s:%lu returning %08lx\n", UlpDbgFindFilePart( pFileName ), LineNumber, Status ); }
if (g_UlBreakOnError) { DbgBreakPoint(); } }
return Status;
} // UlDbgStatus
Routine Description:
Routine invoked upon entry into the driver.
pFunctionName - Supplies the name of the function used to enter the driver.
pIrp - Supplies an optional IRP to log.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgEnterDriver( IN PSTR pFunctionName, IN PIRP pIrp OPTIONAL, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData;
// Log the IRP.
if (pIrp != NULL) { WRITE_IRP_TRACE_LOG( g_pIrpTraceLog, IRP_ACTION_INCOMING_IRP, pIrp, pFileName, LineNumber ); }
// Find/create an entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) {
// This should be the first time we enter the driver
// unless we are stealing this thread due to an interrupt,
// or we are calling another driver and they are calling
// our completion routine in-line.
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() > PASSIVE_LEVEL || pData->ExternalCallCount > 0 || pData->ResourceCount == 0 ); }
} // UlDbgEnterDriver
Routine Description:
Routine invoked upon exit from the driver.
pFunctionName - Supplies the name of the function used to enter the driver.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgLeaveDriver( IN PSTR pFunctionName, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData;
// Find an existing entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Ensure no resources are acquired, then kill the thread data.
// we might have a resource acquired if we borrowed the thread
// due to an interrupt.
// N.B. We dereference the thread data twice: once for the
// call to ULP_DBG_FIND_THREAD() above, once for the call
// made when entering the driver.
ASSERT( KeGetCurrentIrql() > PASSIVE_LEVEL || pData->ExternalCallCount > 0 || pData->ResourceCount == 0 );
} // UlDbgLeaveDriver
Routine Description:
Initialize an instrumented resource.
pResource - Supplies the resource to initialize.
pResourceName - Supplies a display name for the resource.
Parameter - Supplies a ULONG_PTR parameter passed into sprintf() when creating the resource name.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlDbgInitializeResource( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pResourceName, IN ULONG_PTR Parameter, IN ULONG OwnerTag, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { NTSTATUS status; KIRQL oldIrql;
// Initialize the resource.
status = ExInitializeResource( &pResource->Resource );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { pResource->ExclusiveCount = 0; pResource->SharedCount = 0; pResource->ReleaseCount = 0; pResource->OwnerTag = OwnerTag;
_snprintf( (char*) pResource->ResourceName, sizeof(pResource->ResourceName) - 1, pResourceName, Parameter );
pResource->ResourceName[sizeof(pResource->ResourceName) - 1] = '\0';
// Put it on the global list.
UlAcquireSpinLock( &g_DbgSpinLock, &oldIrql ); InsertHeadList( &g_DbgGlobalResourceListHead, &pResource->GlobalResourceListEntry ); UlReleaseSpinLock( &g_DbgSpinLock, oldIrql ); } else { pResource->GlobalResourceListEntry.Flink = NULL; }
return status;
} // UlDbgInitializeResource
Routine Description:
Deletes an instrumented resource.
pResource - Supplies the resource to delete.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlDbgDeleteResource( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { NTSTATUS status; KIRQL oldIrql; PETHREAD pExclusiveOwner;
// Sanity check.
pExclusiveOwner = pResource->pExclusiveOwner;
if (pExclusiveOwner != NULL) { DbgBreakPoint();
DbgPrint( "Resource %p [%s] owned by thread %p\n", pResource, pResource->ResourceName, pExclusiveOwner );
DbgBreakPoint(); }
// ASSERT( UlDbgResourceUnownedExclusive( pResource ) );
// Delete the resource.
status = ExDeleteResource( &pResource->Resource );
// Remove it from the global list.
if (pResource->GlobalResourceListEntry.Flink != NULL) { UlAcquireSpinLock( &g_DbgSpinLock, &oldIrql ); RemoveEntryList( &pResource->GlobalResourceListEntry ); UlReleaseSpinLock( &g_DbgSpinLock, oldIrql ); }
return status;
} // UlDbgDeleteResource
Routine Description:
Acquires exclusive access to an instrumented resource.
pResource - Supplies the resource to acquire.
Wait - Supplies TRUE if the thread should block waiting for the resource.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlDbgAcquireResourceExclusive( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData; BOOLEAN result;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT(pResource); ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL);
// Find an existing entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Update the resource count.
pData->ResourceCount++; ASSERT( pData->ResourceCount > 0 );
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pThreadTraceLog, REF_ACTION_ACQUIRE_RESOURCE_EXCLUSIVE, pData->ResourceCount, pResource, pFileName, LineNumber );
// Acquire the resource.
KeEnterCriticalRegion(); result = ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &pResource->Resource, Wait );
// either we already own it (recursive acquisition), or nobody owns it.
ASSERT( UlDbgResourceUnownedExclusive( pResource ) || UlDbgResourceOwnedExclusive( pResource ) );
// Mark it as owned by the current thread.
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &pResource->ExclusiveCount );
return result;
} // UlDbgAcquireResourceExclusive
Routine Description:
Acquires shared access to an instrumented resource.
pResource - Supplies the resource to acquire.
Wait - Supplies TRUE if the thread should block waiting for the resource.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlDbgAcquireResourceShared( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData; BOOLEAN result;
// Find an existing entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Update the resource count.
pData->ResourceCount++; ASSERT( pData->ResourceCount > 0 );
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pThreadTraceLog, REF_ACTION_ACQUIRE_RESOURCE_SHARED, pData->ResourceCount, pResource, pFileName, LineNumber );
// Acquire the resource.
KeEnterCriticalRegion(); result = ExAcquireResourceShared( &pResource->Resource, Wait );
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &pResource->SharedCount );
return result;
} // UlDbgAcquireResourceShared
Routine Description:
Releases an instrumented resource.
pResource - Supplies the resource to release.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgReleaseResource( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData;
// Find an existing entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Update the resource count.
ASSERT( pData->ResourceCount > 0 ); pData->ResourceCount--;
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pThreadTraceLog, REF_ACTION_RELEASE_RESOURCE, pData->ResourceCount, pResource, pFileName, LineNumber );
// Mark it as unowned.
// Release the resource.
ExReleaseResource( &pResource->Resource ); KeLeaveCriticalRegion();
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &pResource->ReleaseCount );
} // UlDbgReleaseResource
Routine Description:
This routine converts the specified resource from acquired for exclusive access to acquired for shared access.
pResource - Supplies the resource to release.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlDbgConvertExclusiveToShared( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData;
// Find an existing entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Don't update the resource count.
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pThreadTraceLog, REF_ACTION_CONVERT_RESOURCE_EXCLUSIVE_TO_SHARED, pData->ResourceCount, pResource, pFileName, LineNumber );
// Acquire the resource.
ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite( &pResource->Resource );
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &pResource->SharedCount ); SET_RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED_EXCLUSIVE( pResource );
} // UlDbgConvertExclusiveToShared
// ExTryToAcquireResourceExclusiveLite is not currently exported
// from ntoskrnl
Routine Description:
The routine attempts to acquire the specified resource for exclusive access.
pResource - Supplies the resource to release.
pFileName - Supplies the filename of the caller.
LineNumber - Supplies the line number of the caller.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlDbgTryToAcquireResourceExclusive( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData; BOOLEAN result;
// Sanity check.
ASSERT(pResource); ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL);
// Acquire the resource.
KeEnterCriticalRegion(); result = ExTryToAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( &pResource->Resource );
// Did we acquire the lock exclusively?
if (! result) { KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); return FALSE; }
// Find an existing entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Update the resource count.
pData->ResourceCount++; ASSERT( pData->ResourceCount > 0 );
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pThreadTraceLog, REF_ACTION_TRY_ACQUIRE_RESOURCE_EXCLUSIVE, pData->ResourceCount, pResource, pFileName, LineNumber );
// either we already own it (recursive acquisition), or nobody owns it.
ASSERT( UlDbgResourceUnownedExclusive( pResource ) || UlDbgResourceOwnedExclusive( pResource ) );
// Mark it as owned by the current thread.
// Update the statistics.
InterlockedIncrement( &pResource->ExclusiveCount );
return result;
} // UlDbgTryToAcquireResourceExclusive
Routine Description:
Determines if the specified resource is owned exclusively by the current thread.
pResource - Supplies the resource to test.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - TRUE if the resource is owned exclusively by the current thread, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlDbgResourceOwnedExclusive( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource ) { if (pResource->pExclusiveOwner == PsGetCurrentThread()) { return TRUE; }
// CODEWORK: handle the case of recursive exclusive locks correctly
return FALSE;
} // UlDbgResourceOwnedExclusive
Routine Description:
Determines if the specified resource is not currently owned exclusively by any thread.
pResource - Supplies the resource to test.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - TRUE if the resource is not currently owned exclusively by any thread, FALSE otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN UlDbgResourceUnownedExclusive( IN PUL_ERESOURCE pResource ) { if (pResource->pExclusiveOwner == NULL) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
} // UlDbgResourceUnownedExclusive
VOID UlDbgDumpRequestBuffer( IN struct _UL_REQUEST_BUFFER *pBuffer, IN PSTR pName ) { DbgPrint( "%s @ %p\n" " Signature = %08lx\n" " ListEntry @ %p%s\n" " pConnection = %p\n" " WorkItem @ %p\n" " UsedBytes = %lu\n" " AllocBytes = %lu\n" " ParsedBytes = %lu\n" " BufferNumber = %lu\n" " JumboBuffer = %lu\n" " pBuffer @ %p\n", pName, pBuffer, pBuffer->Signature, &pBuffer->ListEntry, IsListEmpty( &pBuffer->ListEntry ) ? " EMPTY" : "", pBuffer->pConnection, &pBuffer->WorkItem, pBuffer->UsedBytes, pBuffer->AllocBytes, pBuffer->ParsedBytes, pBuffer->BufferNumber, pBuffer->JumboBuffer, &pBuffer->pBuffer[0] );
} // UlDbgDumpRequestBuffer
VOID UlDbgDumpHttpConnection( IN struct _UL_HTTP_CONNECTION *pConnection, IN PSTR pName ) { DbgPrint( "%s @ %p\n" " Signature = %08lx\n" " ConnectionId = %08lx%08lx\n" " WorkItem @ %p\n" " RefCount = %lu\n" " NextRecvNumber = %lu\n" " NextBufferNumber = %lu\n" " NextBufferToParse = %lu\n" " pConnection = %p\n" " pRequest = %p\n", pName, pConnection, pConnection->Signature, pConnection->ConnectionId, &pConnection->WorkItem, pConnection->RefCount, pConnection->NextRecvNumber, pConnection->NextBufferNumber, pConnection->NextBufferToParse, pConnection->pConnection, pConnection->pRequest );
DbgPrint( "%s @ %p (cont.)\n" " Resource @ %p\n" " BufferHead @ %p%s\n" " pCurrentBuffer = %p\n" " NeedMoreData = %lu\n" #if REFERENCE_DEBUG
" pTraceLog = %p\n" #endif
, pName, pConnection, &pConnection->Resource, &pConnection->BufferHead, IsListEmpty( &pConnection->BufferHead ) ? " EMPTY" : "", pConnection->pCurrentBuffer, pConnection->NeedMoreData #if REFERENCE_DEBUG
, pConnection->pTraceLog #endif
} // UlDbgDumpHttpConnection
PIRP UlDbgAllocateIrp( IN CCHAR StackSize, IN BOOLEAN ChargeQuota, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PIRP pIrp;
pIrp = IoAllocateIrp( StackSize, ChargeQuota );
if (pIrp != NULL) { WRITE_IRP_TRACE_LOG( g_pIrpTraceLog, IRP_ACTION_ALLOCATE_IRP, pIrp, pFileName, LineNumber ); }
return pIrp;
} // UlDbgAllocateIrp
BOOLEAN g_ReallyFreeIrps = TRUE;
VOID UlDbgFreeIrp( IN PIRP pIrp, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { WRITE_IRP_TRACE_LOG( g_pIrpTraceLog, IRP_ACTION_FREE_IRP, pIrp, pFileName, LineNumber );
if (g_ReallyFreeIrps) { IoFreeIrp( pIrp ); }
} // UlDbgFreeIrp
// Record the fact that we are about to call another
// driver in the thread data. That way if the driver
// calls our completion routine in-line our debug
// code won't get confused about it.
// Find an existing entry for the current thread.
if (pData != NULL) { //
// Update the external call count.
pData->ExternalCallCount++; ASSERT( pData->ExternalCallCount > 0 ); }
WRITE_IRP_TRACE_LOG( g_pIrpTraceLog, IRP_ACTION_CALL_DRIVER, pIrp, pFileName, LineNumber );
// Call the driver.
Status = IoCallDriver( pDeviceObject, pIrp );
// Update the external call count.
if (pData != NULL) { pData->ExternalCallCount--; ASSERT( pData->ExternalCallCount >= 0 );
return Status;
} // UlDbgCallDriver
VOID UlDbgCompleteRequest( IN PIRP pIrp, IN CCHAR PriorityBoost, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { WRITE_IRP_TRACE_LOG( g_pIrpTraceLog, IRP_ACTION_COMPLETE_IRP, pIrp, pFileName, LineNumber );
IoCompleteRequest( pIrp, PriorityBoost );
} // UlDbgCompleteRequest
PMDL UlDbgAllocateMdl( IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN SecondaryBuffer, IN BOOLEAN ChargeQuota, IN OUT PIRP Irp, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { PMDL mdl;
mdl = IoAllocateMdl( VirtualAddress, Length, SecondaryBuffer, ChargeQuota, Irp );
if (mdl != NULL) { WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pMdlTraceLog, REF_ACTION_ALLOCATE_MDL, PtrToLong(mdl->Next), // bugbug64
mdl, pFileName, LineNumber );
ASSERT( (mdl->MdlFlags & SPECIAL_MDL_FLAG) == 0 ); #endif
return mdl;
} // UlDbgAllocateMdl
BOOLEAN g_ReallyFreeMdls = TRUE;
VOID UlDbgFreeMdl( IN PMDL Mdl, IN PSTR pFileName, IN USHORT LineNumber ) { WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pMdlTraceLog, REF_ACTION_FREE_MDL, PtrToLong(Mdl->Next), // bugbug64
Mdl, pFileName, LineNumber );
ASSERT( (Mdl->MdlFlags & SPECIAL_MDL_FLAG) == 0 ); #endif
if (g_ReallyFreeMdls) { IoFreeMdl( Mdl ); }
} // UlDbgFreeMdl
// Private functions.
Routine Description:
Updates a pool counter.
pAddend - Supplies the counter to update.
Increment - Supplies the value to add to the counter.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlpDbgUpdatePoolCounter( IN OUT PLARGE_INTEGER pAddend, IN SIZE_T Increment ) { ULONG tmp;
tmp = (ULONG)Increment; ASSERT( (SIZE_T)tmp == Increment );
ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic( pAddend, tmp );
} // UlpDbgUpdatePoolCounter
Routine Description:
Locates the file part of a fully qualified path.
pPath - Supplies the path to scan.
Return Value:
PSTR - The file part.
--***************************************************************************/ PSTR UlpDbgFindFilePart( IN PSTR pPath ) { PSTR pFilePart;
// Strip off the path from the path.
pFilePart = strrchr( pPath, '\\' );
if (pFilePart == NULL) { pFilePart = pPath; } else { pFilePart++; }
return pFilePart;
} // UlpDbgFindFilePart
Routine Description:
Locates and optionally creates per-thread data for the current thread.
Return Value:
PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA - The thread data if successful, NULL otherwise.
--***************************************************************************/ PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA UlpDbgFindThread( BOOLEAN OkToCreate, PSTR pFileName, USHORT LineNumber ) { PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData; PUL_THREAD_HASH_BUCKET pBucket; PETHREAD pThread; KIRQL oldIrql; PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry; ULONG refCount;
// Get the current thread, find the correct bucket.
pThread = PsGetCurrentThread(); pBucket = &g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[HASH_FROM_THREAD(pThread)];
// Lock the bucket.
UlAcquireSpinLock( &pBucket->BucketSpinLock, &oldIrql );
// Try to find an existing entry for the current thread.
for (pListEntry = pBucket->BucketListHead.Flink ; pListEntry != &pBucket->BucketListHead ; pListEntry = pListEntry->Flink) { pData = CONTAINING_RECORD( pListEntry, UL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA, ThreadDataListEntry );
if (pData->pThread == pThread) { //
// Found one. Update the reference count, then return the
// existing entry.
pData->ReferenceCount++; refCount = pData->ReferenceCount; UlReleaseSpinLock( &pBucket->BucketSpinLock, oldIrql );
// Trace it.
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pThreadTraceLog, REF_ACTION_REFERENCE_THREAD, refCount, pData, pFileName, LineNumber );
return pData; } }
// If we made it this far, then data has not yet been created for
// the current thread. Create & initialize it now if we're allowed.
// Basically it's only ok if we're called from UlDbgEnterDriver.
if (OkToCreate) { pData = (PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA) UL_ALLOCATE_POOL( NonPagedPool, sizeof(*pData), UL_DEBUG_THREAD_POOL_TAG );
if (pData != NULL) { RtlZeroMemory( pData, sizeof(*pData) );
pData->pThread = pThread; pData->ReferenceCount = 1; pData->ResourceCount = 0;
InsertHeadList( &pBucket->BucketListHead, &pData->ThreadDataListEntry );
InterlockedIncrement( &g_DbgThreadCreated ); }
} else { pData = NULL; }
UlReleaseSpinLock( &pBucket->BucketSpinLock, oldIrql );
return pData;
} // UlpDbgFindThread
Routine Description:
Dereferences per-thread data.
pData - Supplies the thread data to dereference.
--***************************************************************************/ VOID UlpDbgDereferenceThread( IN PUL_DEBUG_THREAD_DATA pData REFERENCE_DEBUG_FORMAL_PARAMS ) { PUL_THREAD_HASH_BUCKET pBucket; KIRQL oldIrql; ULONG refCount;
// Find the correct bucket.
pBucket = &g_DbgThreadHashBuckets[HASH_FROM_THREAD(pData->pThread)];
// Update the reference count.
UlAcquireSpinLock( &pBucket->BucketSpinLock, &oldIrql );
ASSERT( pData->ReferenceCount > 0 ); pData->ReferenceCount--;
refCount = pData->ReferenceCount;
if (pData->ReferenceCount == 0) { //
// It dropped to zero, so remove the thread from the bucket
// and free the resources.
RemoveEntryList( &pData->ThreadDataListEntry ); UlReleaseSpinLock( &pBucket->BucketSpinLock, oldIrql );
UL_FREE_POOL( pData, UL_DEBUG_THREAD_POOL_TAG ); InterlockedIncrement( &g_DbgThreadDestroyed ); } else { UlReleaseSpinLock( &pBucket->BucketSpinLock, oldIrql ); }
// Trace it.
WRITE_REF_TRACE_LOG( g_pThreadTraceLog, REF_ACTION_DEREFERENCE_THREAD, refCount, pData, pFileName, LineNumber );
} // UlpDbgDereferenceThread
#endif // DBG