Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Help for http.sys Kernel Debugger Extensions.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 17-Jun-1998
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
// The following structure defines the text displayed in response
// to the "!help" command. This text may also be displayed if invalid
// arguments are passed to a command.
typedef struct _HELP_MAP {
// This is the name of the command.
PSTR Command;
// This is a "one-liner" displayed when the user executes "!help".
PSTR OneLiner;
// This is the full help text displayed when the user executes
// "!help <cmd>".
PSTR FullHelp;
HELP_MAP HelpMaps[] = { { "help", "Dump this list or help for specific command", "help [<cmd>] - Dump help for command\n" " If no <cmd> is given, a list of all available commands is displayed\n" },
{ "ds", "Dump stack with symbols", "!ds [-v] <addr> - Dump symbols on stack\n" " -v == print valid symbols only\n" " default addr == current stack pointer\n" },
{ "ref", "Dump reference trace log", "!ref <addr> [context [flags]] - Dump reference trace log at <addr>\n" " context - if != 0, print only traces with matching context\n" " flags - if == 1, print process, thread, caller, callers caller\n" "!ref -l - Dump all reftrace action codes\n" },
{ "tref", "Dump reference trace log, by thread", "!tref <addr> [thread [flags]] - Dump reference trace log at <addr>, by thread\n" " thread - if != 0, print only traces with matching thread\n" " flags - if == 1, print process, thread, caller, callers caller\n" },
{ "ownref", "Dump owner reference trace log", "!ownref [-o ] [ -r ] [ -v] <addr> [context] - Dump owner reference trace log at <addr>\n" // " -g == list *all* owner reftrace logs (g_OwnerRefTraceLogGlobalListHead)\n"
" -v == Verbose\n" " -O == list all Owners of current reftraced object (verbosity =-v)\n" " -o == dump REF_OWNER at <addr>\n" " -r == list Reftraces (dump reftrace log)\n" " context - if non-zero, print only traces with matching owner\n" },
{ "thrdpool", "Dump UL_THREAD_POOL", "!thrdpool <addr> - Dump UL_THREAD_POOL at <addr>\n" " default addr == http!g_UlThreadPool\n" },
{ "endp", "Dump UL_ENDPOINT", "!endp [-v | -c] * - Dump all UL_ENDPOINTs\n" "!endp [-v | -c] <addr> - Dump UL_ENDPOINT at <addr>\n" " -c == connections: briefly print all active and idle connections\n" " -v == verbose: verbosely print all active and idle connections\n" },
{ "ulconn", "Dump UL_CONNECTION", "!ulconn <addr> - Dump UL_CONNECTION at <addr>\n" },
{ "ulreq", "Dump UL_HTTP_REQUEST", "!ulreq <addr> - Dump UL_HTTP_REQUEST at <addr>\n" },
{ "buff", "Dump UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER", "!buff <addr> - Dump UL_RECEIVE_BUFFER at <addr>\n" },
{ "httpconn", "Dump HTTP_CONNECTION", "!httpconn <addr> - Dump HTTP_CONNECTION at <addr>\n" },
{ "httpreq", "Dump HTTP_REQUEST", "!httpreq <addr> - Dump HTTP_REQUEST at <addr>\n" },
{ "httpres", "Dump UL_INTERNAL_HTTP_RESPONSE", "!httpres <addr> - Dump UL_INTERNAL_HTTP_RESPONSE at <addr>\n" },
{ "file", "Dump UL_FILE_CACHE_ENTRY", "!file <addr> - Dump UL_FILE_CACHE_ENTRY at <addr>\n" },
{ "glob", "Dump critical UL global data", "!glob - Dump critical UL global data\n" },
{ "uriglob", "Dump URI Cache global data", "!uriglob - Dump URI Cache global data\n" },
{ "uri", "Dump UL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY", "!uri <addr> - Dump UL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY at <addr>\n" "!uri * - Dump all UL_URI_CACHE_ENTRYs\n" },
{ "resource", "Dump all resources", "!resource [-v] - Dump all (locked) resources\n" " -v == Dump all resources (including unlocked)\n" },
{ "reqbuff", "Dump UL_REQUEST_BUFFER", "!reqbuff <addr> - Dump UL_REQUEST_BUFFER at <addr>\n" },
{ "irplog", "Dump the IRP trace log", "!irplog [<ctx> [flags [StartingIndex]]] - Dump the IRP trace log\n" " If <ctx> is specified, only log entries with matching context are dumped\n" " flags - TBD\n" " StartingIndex - TBD\n" },
{ "timelog", "Dump the timing trace log", "!timelog [<ctx>] - Dump the timing trace log\n" " If <ctx> is specified, only log entries with matching conn id are dumped\n" },
{ "replog", "Dump the replenish trace log", "!replog [<ctx>] - Dump the replenish trace log\n" " If <ctx> is specified, only log entries with matching endpoint are dumped\n" },
{ "fqlog", "Dump the filter queue trace log", "!fqlog [<ctx>] - Dump the filter queue trace log\n" " If <ctx> is specified, only log entries with matching connection are dumped\n" },
{ "opaqueid", "Dump the Opaque ID table", "!opaqueid - Dump the Opaque ID table\n" },
{ "mdl", "Dump MDL", "!mdl <addr> [<len>] - Dump MDL at <addr>\n" " If <len> specified, at most <len> raw bytes are dumped from the MDL\n" " If <len> not specified, no raw data is dumped\n" },
{ "apool", "Dump UL_APP_POOL_OBJECT", "!apool <addr> - Dump UL_APP_POOL_OBJECT at <addr>\n" "!apool * - Dump all UL_APP_POOL_OBJECTs\n" },
{ "proc", "Dump UL_APP_POOL_PROCESS", "!proc <addr> - Dump UL_APP_POOL_PROCESS at <addr>\n" },
{ "cgroup", "Dump UL_CONFIG_GROUP_OBJECT", "!cgroup <addr> - Dump UL_CONFIG_GROUP_OBJECT at <addr>\n" },
{ "cgentry", "Dump UL_CG_URL_TREE_ENTRY", "!cgentry <addr> - Dump UL_CG_URL_TREE_ENTRY at <addr>\n" },
{ "cghead", "Dump UL_CG_HEADER_ENTRY", "!cghead <addr> - Dump UL_CG_HEADER_ENTRY at <addr>\n" },
{ "cgtree", "Dump UL_CG_URL_TREE at <addr> or g_pSites", "!cgtree [<addr>] - Dump UL_CG_URL_TREE at <addr> or g_pSites\n" },
{ "kqueue", "Dump KQUEUE", "!kqueue <addr> <f> - Dump KQUEUE at <addr>, flags <f>\n" " f == 0 - Only dump the KQUEUE header data\n" " f == 1 - Dump the IRPs queued on the KQUEUE\n" },
{ "procirps", "BUGBUG - This extension is broken in Whistler!", "!procirps <addr> - Dump all IRPs issued by process @ <addr>\n" },
{ "filter", "Dumps a UL_FILTER_CHANNEL at <addr> or g_pFilterChannel", "!filter [<addr>] - Dump a UL_FILTER_CHANNEL.\n" }, { "fproc", "Dumps a UL_FILTER_PROCESS at <addr>\n", "!fproc <addr> - Dump a UL_FILTER_PROCESS.\n" },
{ "ulhash", "Dump URI Cache Hash Table", "!ulhash - Dump URI Cache Hash Table\n" } };
#define NUM_HELP_MAPS DIM(HelpMaps)
PSTR FindHelpForCommand( IN PCSTR CommandName ) {
for( i = NUM_HELP_MAPS, helpMap = HelpMaps ; i > 0 ; i--, helpMap++ ) { if( _stricmp( helpMap->Command, CommandName ) == 0 ) { return helpMap->FullHelp; } }
return NULL;
} // FindHelpForCommand
// Public functions.
VOID PrintUsage( IN PCSTR CommandName ) { PSTR cmdHelp; PHELP_MAP helpMap; ULONG i; ULONG maxLength; ULONG length;
if (CommandName == NULL) { //
// We'll display the one-liners for each command. Start by
// scanning the commands to find the longest length. This makes the
// output much prettier without having to manually tweak the
// columns.
maxLength = 0;
for (i = NUM_HELP_MAPS, helpMap = HelpMaps ; i > 0 ; i--, helpMap++) { length = (ULONG)strlen( helpMap->Command );
if (length > maxLength) { maxLength = length; } }
// Now actually display the one-liners.
for (i = NUM_HELP_MAPS, helpMap = HelpMaps ; i > 0 ; i--, helpMap++) { dprintf( "!%-*s - %s\n", maxLength, helpMap->Command, helpMap->OneLiner ); } } else { //
// Find a specific command and display the full help.
cmdHelp = FindHelpForCommand( CommandName );
if (cmdHelp == NULL) { dprintf( "unrecognized command %s\n", CommandName ); } else { dprintf( "%s", cmdHelp ); } }
} // PrintUsage()
Routine Description:
Displays help for the UL.SYS Kernel Debugger Extensions.
Return Value:
while (*args == ' ' || *args == '\t') { args++; }
if (!strcmp( args, "?" )) { args = "help"; }
if (*args == '\0') { args = NULL; }
PrintUsage( args );
} // help