Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Dumps URI Cache structures.
Michael Courage (mcourage) 19-May-1999
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "..\drv\hashfn.h"
#include "..\drv\hashp.h"
// Private prototypes.
// Public functions.
DECLARE_API( uriglob )
Routine Description:
Dumps global URI Cache structures.
Return Value:
{ ULONG_PTR address = 0; BOOL Enabled = FALSE; UL_URI_CACHE_CONFIG config; UL_URI_CACHE_STATS stats; // UL_URI_CACHE_TABLE table;
// Dump cache configuration.
address = GetExpression( "&http!g_UriCacheConfig" ); if (address) { if (ReadMemory( address, &config, sizeof(config), NULL )) { dprintf( "UL_URI_CACHE_CONFIG @ %p:\n" " EnableCache = %d\n" " MaxCacheUriCount = %d\n" " MaxCacheMegabyteCount = %d\n" " ScavengerPeriod = %d\n" " MaxUriBytes = %d\n" " HashTableBits = %d\n", address, config.EnableCache, config.MaxCacheUriCount, config.MaxCacheMegabyteCount, config.ScavengerPeriod, config.MaxUriBytes, config.HashTableBits );
Enabled = config.EnableCache;
} else { dprintf( "glob: cannot read memory for http!g_UriCacheConfig @ %p\n", address ); }
} else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot find symbol for http!g_UriCacheConfig\n" ); }
if (!Enabled) { //
// no point in going on..
return; }
// Dump Cache Statistics
address = GetExpression( "&http!g_UriCacheStats" ); if (address) { if (ReadMemory( address, &stats, sizeof(stats), NULL )) { dprintf( "\n" "UL_URI_CACHE_STATS @ %p:\n" " UriCount = %d\n" " UriCountMax = %d\n" " UriAddedTotal = %I64d\n" " ByteCount = %I64d\n" " ByteCountMax = %I64d\n" " ZombieCount = %d\n" " ZombieCountMax = %d\n" " HitCount = %d\n" " MissTableCount = %d\n" " MissPrecondtionCount = %d\n" " MissConfigCount = %d\n" "\n", address, stats.UriCount, stats.UriCountMax, stats.UriAddedTotal, stats.ByteCount, stats.ByteCountMax, stats.ZombieCount, stats.ZombieCountMax, stats.HitCount, stats.MissTableCount, stats.MissPreconditionCount, stats.MissConfigCount );
} else { dprintf( "glob: cannot read memory for http!g_UriCacheStats @ %p\n", address ); }
} else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot find symbol for http!g_UriCacheStats\n" ); }
// Read in resource info from non-paged data
address = GetExpression( "&http!g_pUlNonpagedData" ); if (address) { if (ReadMemory( address, &dataAddress, sizeof(dataAddress), NULL )) { if (ReadMemory( dataAddress, &data, sizeof(data), NULL )) { gotData = TRUE; } else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot read memory for http!g_pUlNonpagedData = %p\n", dataAddress ); } } else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot read memory for http!g_pUlNonpagedData @ %p\n", address ); } } else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot find symbol for http!g_pUlNonpagedData\n" ); }
#if 0
// BUGBUG: GeorgeRe must fix
// Dump table info.
if (gotData) { dprintf( "UriCacheResource @ %p (%s)\n", REMOTE_OFFSET( dataAddress, UL_NONPAGED_DATA, UriCacheResource ), BuildResourceState( &data.UriCacheResource, uriCacheResource ) ); }
address = GetExpression("&http!g_pUriCacheTable"); if (address) { if (ReadMemory( address, &dataAddress, sizeof(dataAddress), NULL )) { if (ReadMemory( dataAddress, &table, sizeof(table), NULL )) { dprintf( "UL_URI_CACHE_TABLE @ %p:\n" " UriCount = %d\n" " ByteCount = %d\n" " BucketCount = %d\n" " Buckets @ %p\n" "\n", dataAddress, table.UriCount, table.ByteCount, table.BucketCount, REMOTE_OFFSET( dataAddress, UL_URI_CACHE_TABLE, Buckets ) );
} else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot read memory for http!g_pUriCacheTable = %p\n", dataAddress ); } } else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot read memory for http!g_pUriCacheTable @ %p\n", address ); } } else { dprintf( "uriglob: cannot find symbol for http!g_pUriCacheTable\n" ); } #endif
// Dump Zombie list info.
if (gotData) { dprintf( "UriZombieResource @ %p (%s)\n", REMOTE_OFFSET( dataAddress, UL_NONPAGED_DATA, UriZombieResource ), BuildResourceState( &data.UriZombieResource, uriZombieResource ) ); }
dprintf( "g_ZombieListHead @ %p\n" "\n", GetExpression("&http!g_ZombieListHead") );
// Dump reftrace info
address = GetExpression("&http!g_UriTraceLog"); if (address) { if (ReadMemory( address, &dataAddress, sizeof(dataAddress), NULL )) { dprintf( "UL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY ref log: " "!ulkd.ref %x\n" "\n", dataAddress ); } }
} // uriglob
Routine Description:
Dumps a UL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY structure.
Address of structure
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG_PTR address = 0; CHAR star = 0; ULONG result; UL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY urientry;
dprintf("BUGBUG: GeorgeRe needs to fix DumpAllUriEntries!\n");
#if 0
// Snag the address from the command line.
address = GetExpression( args );
if (address == 0) { sscanf( args, "%c", &star );
if (star == '*') { DumpAllUriEntries(); } else { PrintUsage( "uri" ); } return; }
// Read the request header.
if (!ReadMemory( address, &urientry, sizeof(urientry), &result )) { dprintf( "uri: cannot read UL_URI_CACHE_ENTRY @ %p\n", address ); return; }
// Dump it.
DumpUriEntry( "", "uri: ", address, &urientry ); #endif
} // uri
VOID AnalysisHashTable( IN ULONG_PTR RemoteAddress, IN ULONG TableSize, IN ULONG CacheLineSize ) { ULONG_PTR address = 0; HASHBUCKET bucket; ULONG i; ULONG max, min, zeros, total; FLOAT avg, avg_nonzero; ULONG result;
max = 0; min = ULONG_MAX; total = 0; zeros = 0; for (i = 0; i < TableSize; i++) {
address = (ULONG_PTR)(RemoteAddress + (i * CacheLineSize));
if (!ReadMemory( address, &bucket, sizeof(bucket), &result )) { dprintf( "cannot read HASHBUCKET @ %p, i = %d\n", address, i ); break;
} total += (ULONG) bucket.Entries; if (bucket.Entries > max) { max = (ULONG) bucket.Entries; } if (bucket.Entries < min) { min = (ULONG) bucket.Entries; } if (bucket.Entries == 0) { ++zeros; } }
avg = (FLOAT)total / (FLOAT)i; avg_nonzero = (FLOAT)total / (FLOAT)(i - zeros);
dprintf( "Total Entries = %d:\n" "MAX Entries in a bucket = %d:\n" "MIN Entries in a bucket = %d:\n" "AVG Entries in a bucket = %f:\n" "ZERO buckets = %d:\n" "AVG NONZERO Entries in a bucket = %f:\n", total, max, min, avg, zeros, avg_nonzero ); } // AnalysisHashTable
DECLARE_API( urihash )
Routine Description:
Dumps URI Cache Hash Table structures.
Return Value:
{ ULONG_PTR address = 0; ULONG_PTR address2 = 0; ULONG_PTR address3 = 0; HASHTABLE table; ULONG tablesize; ULONG cachelinesize; SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION_DATA();
// Dump cache configuration.
address = GetExpression( "&http!g_UriCacheTable" ); if (address) { if (ReadMemory( address, &table, sizeof(table), NULL )) { dprintf( "HASHTABLE @ %p:\n" " Signature = %d\n" " PoolType = %d\n" " NumberOfBytes = %d\n" " pAllocMem = %p\n" " pBuckets = %p\n", address, table.Signature, table.PoolType, table.NumberOfBytes, table.pAllocMem, table.pBuckets );
address2 = GetExpression( "&http!g_UlHashTableSize" );
if (address2) { if (ReadMemory( address2, &tablesize, sizeof(tablesize), NULL )) { address3 = GetExpression( "&http!g_UlCacheLineSize" );
if (address3) { if (ReadMemory( address3, &cachelinesize, sizeof(cachelinesize), NULL )) { AnalysisHashTable((ULONG_PTR)table.pBuckets, tablesize, cachelinesize); } else {
dprintf( "urihash: cannot read memory for http!g_UlCacheLineSize @ %p\n", address3 ); } } else { dprintf( "urihash: cannot find symbol for http!g_UlCacheLineSize\n" ); } } else { dprintf( "urihash: cannot read memory for http!g_UlHashTableSize @ %p\n", address2 ); }
} else { dprintf( "urihash: cannot find symbol for http!g_UlHashTableSize\n" ); }
} else { dprintf( "urihash: cannot read memory for http!g_UriCacheTable @ %p\n", address ); }
} else { dprintf( "urihash: cannot find symbol for http!g_UriCacheTable\n" ); }
} // urihash