<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" -->
<!--#include file="iipoptl.str"--> <!--#include file="iisetfnt.inc"--> <!--#include file="iigtdata.str"-->
function toolFunc(){ this.mainframe = top.opener.top; this.save = save; } toolFuncs = new toolFunc(); function closeWin(){ top.location.href="iipopcl.asp" } function ok(){ <%' We can't do getdatapaths for IE3, as it doesn't support calling object properties in %> <% ' a parent window from a child window... just save instead. %> <% if Session("IsIE") and Session("browserver") < 4 then %> save(); <% else %> <% if Session("vtype") <> "svc" then %> if (top.opener.top.title.Global.siteProperties){ <% else %> if (false){ <% end if %> top.connect.location.href="iisess.asp?clearPathsOneTime=False"; save(); } else{ top.opener.top.title.Global.updated=false; if (!top.opener.top.title.Global.dontAsk){ width = <%= L_IIGTDATA_W %>; height = <%= L_IIGTDATA_H %>; popbox=window.open("iigtdata.asp","GetDataPaths","toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,directories=no,menubar=no,width="+width+",height="+height); if(popbox !=null){ if (popbox.opener==null){ popbox.opener=self; } } } else{ save(); } } <% end if %> } function save(){ writingList=false; mf = toolFuncs.mainframe; if (parent.main.head !=null){ uform=parent.main.head.document.userform; writingList=parent.main.head.listFunc.bHasList; parent.main.head.listFunc.writeList(); } else{ uform=parent.main.document.userform; } //mf.body.iisstatus.location.href="iistat.asp?thisState=<%= L_SAVING_TEXT %>"; path="?page=popup"; for (i=0; i < uform.elements.length;i++){ thiselement=uform.elements[i]; thisname=uform.elements[i].name; thisval=uform.elements[i].value; thisname.toLowerCase();
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function helpBox(){ if (top.title.Global.helpFileName==null){ alert("<%= L_NOHELP_ERRORMESSAGE %>"); } else{ thefile=top.title.Global.helpDir + top.title.Global.helpFileName+".htm"; window.open(thefile ,"Help","toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,directories=no,menubar=no,width=300,height=425"); } }
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<TD VALIGN="top"> <%= sFont(2,Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %> <B><A HREF="javascript:parent.window.close();"> <IMG SRC="images/cncl.gif" BORDER=0 ALIGN="top" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT="<%= L_CANCEL_TEXT %>"></A> <A HREF="javascript:closeWin();"><%= L_CANCEL_TEXT %></A></B> </FONT> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top"> <%= sFont(2,Session("MENUFONT"),"#FFFFFF",True) %>|</FONT> </TD>
<TD VALIGN="top"> <%= sFont(2,Session("MENUFONT"),"",True) %> <A HREF="javascript:helpBox();"> <IMG SRC="images/help.gif" BORDER=0 ALIGN="top" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT="<%= L_HELP_TEXT %>"></A> <B><A HREF="javascript:helpBox();"><%= L_HELP_TEXT %></A></B> </FONT> </TD>
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