<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" -->
<% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <!--#include file="iito.inc"--> <% else %> <!--#include file="iivddir.str"--> <!--#include file="iiapp.str"--> <!--#include file="iiamap.str"--> <% On Error Resume Next
' AppIsolated flags - This is the order in which they appear in the select list. Const IISAO_APPROT_INPROC = 0 Const IISAO_APPROT_POOL = 2 Const IISAO_APPROT_ISOLATE = 1
Dim path, currentobj, spath, approot, thisroot, isApp, instobj, displayapproot, displaythisroot,appStartingPoint
if spath = "" then spath = Mid(path,1,InStr(path,"/ROOT")-1) Session("spath")=spath end if
Set currentobj=GetObject(path) Set instobj=GetObject(spath)
Session("SpecObj")=spath Session("SpecProps")=""
approot = UCase(currentobj.AppRoot)
' if Session("vtype") = "svc" Or IISAO_APPROT_ISOLATE = currentobj.AppIsolated then ' show process options
isApp = False
if len(approot) <> 0 then thisroot = UCase(currentobj.ADsPath)
approot = Mid(approot,Instr(approot,"W3SVC")+5) thisroot = Mid(thisroot,Instr(thisroot,"W3SVC")+5) if Right(approot,1) = "/" then thisroot = thisroot & "/" end if if thisroot=approot then isApp = True end if Session("approot") = "IIS://LOCALHOST/W3SVC" & Mid(approot,1,len(approot)) end if
approot = Mid(approot,Instr(approot,"ROOT")+4)
thisroot = Mid(thisroot,Instr(thisroot,"ROOT")+4) if Left(thisroot,1) = "/" then thisroot = Mid(thisroot,2) end if displaythisroot = "[" & instobj.ServerComment & "]" & "/" & thisroot if Right(displaythisroot,1) = "/" then displaythisroot = Mid(displaythisroot, 1, len(displaythisroot)-1) end if if isApp then if Left(approot,1) = "/" then approot = Mid(approot,2) end if if Session("vtype") = "svc" then displayapproot = L_WEBMASTER_TEXT else displayapproot = "[" & instobj.ServerComment & "]" & "/" & approot if Right(displayapproot,1) = "/" then displayapproot = Mid(displayapproot, 1, len(displayapproot)-1) end if end if appStartingPoint = displayapproot else displayapproot = L_NOAPP_TEXT appStartingPoint = displaythisroot end if
dirkeyType = "IIsWebDirectory" %>
<!--#include file="iiset.inc"--> <!--#include file="iisetfnt.inc"-->
<!--#include file="iiaspstr.inc"--> <%
function writeFSPath(fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) On Error Resume Next Dim thispath, fspath, parenttype, parentobj if Session("vtype") = "dir" then thispath = Session("dpath") fspath = "" parenttype = "" Do Until Instr(parenttype, "VirtualDir") <> 0 'we need clear our path not found error.. err = 0 fspath = "/" + fspath 'and cyle through the baseobj till we find the next whack, 'building up the path in new name as we go Do Until Right(thispath,1) = "/" fspath = Right(thispath,1) & fspath thispath = Mid(thispath,1,Len(thispath)-1) Loop 'add the whack to the beginning of the path... 'once we're out, we need to lop off the last whack... thispath = Mid(thispath,1,Len(thispath)-1)
'and try to set the object again... Set parentobj=GetObject(thispath) if err <> 0 then parenttype = "" else parenttype=parentobj.KeyType end if Loop
fspath = parentobj.Path & "\" & Replace(fspath,"/","\") if len(fspath) > 50 then fspath = Left(fspath, 50) & "..." end if writeFSPath = disabletextstart & sFont("","","",True) & fspath & "</FONT>" & disabletextend else if Session("vtype") = "svc" then writeFSPath = disabledbox(err,"text","Path","",fieldsize,fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc,onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) else if Instr(currentobj.Path,"\\") > 0 then currentobj.Path = "" end if writeFSPath = text("Path",fieldsize,onchangeproc,onfocusproc, onblurproc,hidden,adminonly) end if end if
end function
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> //our hidden fields can't hold bool vals, so we need to write/read string bools... var sTRUE = "true" var sFALSE = "false" //some other useful constants for clarity... var WARN = true <% if Session("vtype")= "svc" or Session ("vtype") = "server" then %> top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipy_3"; <% elseif Session("vtype") = "dir" then %> top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipy_15"; <% else %> top.title.Global.helpFileName="iipy_5"; <% end if %> var Global=top.title.Global;
<!--#include file="iijsfuncs.inc"--> function warnWrkingSite() { if (top.title.nodeList[Global.selId].isWorkingServer) { alert("<%= L_WORKINGSERVER_TEXT %>"); } }
function disableDefault(dir,fromCntrl, toCntrl){ if (!dir){ if (fromCntrl.value !=""){ toCntrl.value=fromCntrl.value; fromCntrl.value=""; } } else{ if (toCntrl.value !=""){ fromCntrl.value=toCntrl.value; toCntrl.value=""; } } }
function enableDefault(chkCntrl){ chkCntrl.checked=true; } function setLog(chkCntrl){ if (chkCntrl.checked){ document.userform.DontLog.value = sFALSE; } else{ document.userform.DontLog.value = sTRUE; } }
function listFuncs(){ this.writeList=buildListForm; }
function buildListForm(){ <% if Session("isAdmin") then %> <% if Session("vtype") <> "dir" then %> if (document.userform.Path.value !="<%= Replace(currentobj.path,"\","\\") %>"){ top.title.nodeList[top.title.Global.selId].deCache(); } <% end if %> <% end if %> } function chkPath(pathCntrl){ if (pathCntrl.value != ""){ top.connect.location.href = "iichkpath.asp?path=" + escape(pathCntrl.value); } } function setProtectFlag( selectCtrl ) { // Const IISAO_APPROT_INPROC = 0 // Const IISAO_APPROT_POOL = 2 // Const IISAO_APPROT_ISOLATE = 1 var sel = selectCtrl.selectedIndex; if( sel == 0 ) { document.userform.AppIsolated.value = "<%= IISAO_APPROT_INPROC %>" } else if( sel == 1 ) { document.userform.AppIsolated.value = "<%= IISAO_APPROT_POOL %>" } else { document.userform.AppIsolated.value = "<%= IISAO_APPROT_ISOLATE %>" } } function setApp(){
if (document.userform.hdnIsApp.value == sFALSE) { top.connect.location.href = "iiaction.asp?a=CreateApp&isolate=" + document.userform.AppIsolated.value; document.userform.hdnStartingPoint.value = "<%= sJSLiteral(appStartingPoint) %>"; document.userform.hdnAppButton.value = "<%= L_REMOVE_TEXT %>"; document.userform.hdnConfigButton.value = "<%= L_CONFIGURE_TEXT %>"; document.userform.hdnMapButton.value = "<%= L_APPMAP_TEXT %>"; //document.userform.hdnAppUnload.value = "<%= L_UNLOAD_TEXT %>"; document.userform.hdnIsApp.value = sTRUE; } else { top.connect.location.href = "iiaction.asp?a=RemoveApp"; document.userform.hdnAppButton.value = "<%= L_CREATE_TEXT %>"; document.userform.AppFriendlyName.value = ""; document.userform.AppFriendlyName.Disabled; document.userform.hdnStartingPoint.value = "<%= L_NOAPP_TEXT %>"; document.userform.hdnConfigButton.value = "<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"; document.userform.hdnMapButton.value = "<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"; //document.userform.hdnAppUnload.value = "<%= L_NA_TEXT %>"; document.userform.hdnIsApp.value = sFALSE; } <% if Session("IsMac") then %> self.location.href = self.location.href; <% end if %> } function popConfig() { if (document.userform.hdnIsApp.value == sTRUE){ popBox('AppConfig',<%= L_IIAPP_W %>,<%= L_IIAPP_H %>,'iiapp'); } } function popAppMap() { if (document.userform.hdnIsApp.value == sTRUE){ popBox('AppMap',<%= L_IIAMAP_W %>,<%= L_IIAMAP_H %>,'iiamap'); } }
function setAccessFlag() { ndx = document.userform.hdnAppAccess.selectedIndex; if(ndx > 0) { if (document.userform.chkAccessSource.checked) { if (!confirm("<%= L_SECHOLE_ERR %>")) { document.userform.hdnAppAccess.selectedIndex = 0; return; } } script = sTRUE } else {script = sFALSE} if(ndx > 1) {exe = sTRUE} else {exe = sFALSE} document.userform.AccessScript.value = script; document.userform.AccessExecute.value = exe; } //disable or enable, based on the value of the Author checkbox, the AccessPerms... function setAccessPerms(warnUser) { //shortcut uform var uform = document.userform; var Author = uform.chkAccessSource.checked;
var canAuthor = (uform.chkAccessRead.checked ||uform.chkAccessWrite.checked ); if (Author && uform.AccessScript.value == sTRUE && warnUser) { if (!confirm("<%= L_SECHOLE_ERR %>")) { uform.chkAccessSource.checked = false; return; } } uform.chkAccessSource.disabled = !canAuthor; }
listFunc=new listFuncs();
<% if Session("canBrowse") then %> <SCRIPT SRC="JSDirBrowser/JSBrowser.js"> </SCRIPT>
JSBrowser = new BrowserObj(null,false,TDIR,<%= Session("FONTSIZE") %>);
function setPath(cntrl){ JSBrowser = new BrowserObj(cntrl,POP,TDIR,<%= Session("FONTSIZE") %>) } </SCRIPT>
<% end if %> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="<%= Session("BGCOLOR") %>" TOPMARGIN=5 TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FFFFFF" >
<%= sFont("","","",True) %>
<FORM NAME="userform" onSubmit="return false"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0> <TR> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if Request("ptype") <> "UNC" then %> <%= L_LOCALPATH_TEXT %> <% else %> <%= L_NETPATH_TEXT %> <% end if %> </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if Request("ptype") = "UNC" then %> <% if Left(currentobj.Path,2) <> "\\" then currentobj.Path = "\\" end if %> <%= text("Path",L_UNCWIDTH_NUM,"","","warnWrkingSite();",false,true) %> <% else %> <%= writeFSPath(L_LOCALPATH_NUM,"warnWrkingSite();chkPath(this);","","",false,true) %> <% end if %> <!--blank out redirect value...--> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="HttpRedirect" VALUE = ""> </FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH = 10> </TD> <TD VALIGN="bottom"> <% if Request("ptype") <> "UNC" then %> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <% if Session("canBrowse") then %> <% if Session("IsAdmin") then %> <% if Session("vtype") <> "dir" and Session("vtype") <> "svc" then %> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnBrowser" VALUE="<%= L_BROWSE_TEXT %>" OnClick="warnWrkingSite();setPath(document.userform.Path);"> <% end if %> <% end if %> <% end if %> </FONT> <% end if %> </TD> </TR>
<% if Request("ptype") = "UNC" then %> <TR> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_USERNAME_TEXT %> </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= text("UNCUserName",L_UNCWIDTH_NUM,"","","",false,true) %> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_PASSWORD_TEXT %> </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= pword("UNCPassword",L_UNCWIDTH_NUM,"","","",false,true) %> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <% end if %>
<TR> <TD HEIGHT=4> </TD> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4> <TABLE> <TR> <TD VALIGN="top"> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= checkbox("AccessRead","warnWrkingSite();setAccessPerms(!WARN);",false) %> <%= L_READ_TEXT %><BR> <%= checkbox("AccessWrite","setAccessPerms(!WARN);",false) %> <%= L_WRITE_TEXT %><BR> <%= checkbox("AccessSource","setAccessPerms(WARN);",false) %> <%= L_AUTHOR_TEXT %><BR> <P> </FONT> </TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD VALIGN="top"> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= checkbox("EnableDirBrowsing","",false) %> <%= L_ENABLEBROWSING_TEXT %><BR>
<% if currentobj.DontLog then %> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="hdnDontLog" OnClick="top.title.Global.updated=true;setLog(this);"> <%= L_LOGACCESS_TEXT %><BR> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DontLog" VALUE="true"> <% else %> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="hdnDontLog" CHECKED OnClick="top.title.Global.updated=true;setLog(this);"> <%= L_LOGACCESS_TEXT %><BR> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="DontLog" VALUE="false"> <% end if %>
<%= checkbox("ContentIndexed","",false) %> <%= L_INDEX_TEXT %><BR> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD COLSPAN = 4> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <IMG SRC="images/hr.gif" WIDTH=5 HEIGHT=2 BORDER=0 ALIGN="middle"> <%= L_APPLICATIONS_TEXT %> <IMG SRC="images/hr.gif" WIDTH=<%= L_APPLICATIONHR_NUM %> HEIGHT=2 BORDER=0 ALIGN="middle"> </FONT> </TD> </TR>
<TABLE> <TR> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_APPNAME_TEXT %>: </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= text("AppFriendlyName",L_APPTEXTWIDTH_NUM,"" ,"","",true,false) %> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_STARTPOINT_TEXT %>: </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %>
<INPUT NAME="hdnStartingPoint" SIZE = <%= L_APPTEXTWIDTH_NUM %> VALUE="<%= displayapproot %>" READONLY <%= Session("DEFINPUTSTYLE") %>> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_APPFLAGS_TEXT %>: </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= writeSelect("hdnAppAccess", "", "warnWrkingSite();setAccessFlag();", false) %> <%= printoption(((not currentObj.AccessScript) and (not currentobj.AccessExecute)), L_NONE_TEXT, false) %> <%= printoption(currentObj.AccessScript and (not currentobj.AccessExecute), L_SCRIPT_TEXT, false) %> <%= printoption(currentobj.AccessExecute, L_EXECUTE_TEXT, false) %> </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="AccessScript" VALUE="<%= lCase(currentObj.AccessScript) %>"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="AccessExecute" VALUE="<%= lCase(currentObj.AccessExecute) %>"> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= L_APPPROTECTION_TEXT %>: </FONT> </TD> <TD> <%= sFont("","","",True) %> <%= writeSelect("hdnAppProtection", "", "warnWrkingSite();setProtectFlag(this);", false) %> <%= printoption(currentObj.AppIsolated = IISAO_APPROT_INPROC, L_APPPROTECT_OPTION_INPROC_TEXT, false) %> <%= printoption(currentObj.AppIsolated = IISAO_APPROT_POOL, L_APPPROTECT_OPTION_POOL_TEXT, false) %> <%= printoption(currentObj.AppIsolated = IISAO_APPROT_ISOLATE, L_APPPROTECT_OPTION_OUTPROC_TEXT, false) %> </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="AppIsolated" VALUE="<%= currentObj.AppIsolated %>"> </FONT> </TD> </TR>
</TABLE> </TD> <TD WIDTH = 10> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top"><%= sFont("","","",True) %>
<% if not isApp then %> <% if Session("IsAdmin") then %> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" VALUE="false" NAME="hdnIsApp"> <% if Session("vtype") <> "svc" then %> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnAppButton" VALUE="<%= L_CREATE_TEXT %>" OnClick="setApp();"><P> <% end if %> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnConfigButton" VALUE="<%= L_NA_TEXT %>" OnClick="popConfig();"><P> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnMapButton" VALUE="<%= L_NA_TEXT %>" OnClick="popAppMap();"><P> <% end if %> <% else %> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" VALUE="true" NAME="hdnIsApp"> <% if Session("IsAdmin") then %> <% if Session("vtype") <> "svc" then %> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnAppButton" VALUE="<%= L_REMOVE_TEXT %>" OnClick="setApp();"><P> <% end if %> <% end if %> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnConfigButton" VALUE="<%= L_CONFIGURE_TEXT %>" OnClick="popConfig();"><P> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="hdnMapButton" VALUE="<%= L_APPMAP_TEXT %>" OnClick="popAppMap();"><P> <% end if %> </FONT> </TD> </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> </TR>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> setAccessPerms(!WARN); </SCRIPT>
<% end if %>