<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% 'Option Explicit %> <!-- #include file="directives.inc" -->
<% if Session("FONTSIZE") = "" then %> <!--#include file="iito.inc"--> <% else %> <!-- localizable strings for generic wizard functionality --> <!--#include file="iiwiz.inc"--> <!--#include file="iiwiz.str"-->
<!-- localizable strings for new node wizard functionality --> <!--#include file="iiwizsec.inc"--> <!--#include file="iiwizsec.str"-->
<!-- generic wizard global vars and functions --> <!--#include file="iiwizfncs.inc"-->
'***************Required custom functions*************** Function sFinish() On Error Resume Next Dim oSite, thispath, strTemplate
thispath = Request("ADSPath") strTemplate = Request("Template")
Dim currentobj, path, dirkeytype set currentobj = GetObject(thispath)
path = thispath dirkeytype = sGetKeyType(fixSiteType(Session("stype")), DIR) ' DBG ' Response.write "Session,stype - " & Session("stype") & "<BR>" ' Response.write "dirkeytype - " & dirkeytype & "<BR>" ' Response.write "currentobj.ADsPath - " & currentobj.ADsPath & "<BR>"
%> <!--#include file="iifixpth.inc"--> <%
err.clear set oSite = GetObject(thispath)
' DBG ' Response.write "oSite.ADsPath - " & oSite.ADsPath & "<BR>" ' Response.write "oSite.KeyType - " & oSite.KeyType & "<BR>" if cInt(Request("HowSet")) = INHERITVALS then
' Handle Web and Ftp cases separately if InStr( oSite.KeyType, "Web" ) <> 0 then ' All web security settings are on the directory if InStr(oSite.KeyType,"Server") <> 0 then set oSite = GetObject( thispath & STR_SLASH_ROOT ) end if oSite.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "AccessFlags", "" oSite.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "IPSecurity", "" oSite.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "AuthFlags", "" ' oSite.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "EnableDirBrowsing", ""
oSite.SetInfo else if InStr(oSite.KeyType,"Server") <> 0 then ' Ftp authorization set at the server level. oSite.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "AllowAnonymous", "" oSite.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "AnonymousOnly", "" oSite.SetInfo
set oSite = GetObject( thispath & STR_SLASH_ROOT ) end if
' Ftp access set at the directory oSite.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_CLEAR, "AccessFlags", "" oSite.SetInfo end if else dim frompath, topath, propstr ' Handle Web and Ftp cases separately if InStr( oSite.KeyType, "Web" ) <> 0 then
if InStr(oSite.Class,"Server") <> 0 then set oSite = GetObject( thispath & STR_SLASH_ROOT ) end if
frompath = "sFromNode=" & Server.URLEncode(strTemplate & STR_SLASH_ROOT) topath = "&sToNode=" & Server.URLEncode(oSite.ADsPath) propstr = "&prop=AuthFlags,AccessFlags" ' ,EnableDirBrowsing Response.write SCRIPT & "top.hlist.location.href='iiclone.asp?" & frompath & topath & propstr & "';" & CLOSESCRIPT else ' Because FTP has security settings at both the server and vdir levels the ' generic clone script won't work to copy settings, so we'll set them here Dim objTemplate ' DBG ' Response.write "Template " & strTemplate & "<BR>" ' Response.write "Site " & oSite.ADsPath & "<BR>"
if STR_FTP_SERVER_U = UCase(oSite.Class) then ' Authentication properties need to be set on the server set objTemplate = GetObject( strTemplate ) oSite.AllowAnonymous = objTemplate.AllowAnonymous oSite.AnonymousOnly = objTemplate.AnonymousOnly oSite.SetInfo ' Set target object to /ROOT for directory specific propeties set oSite = GetObject( oSite.ADsPath & STR_SLASH_ROOT ) end if set objTemplate = GetObject( strTemplate & STR_SLASH_ROOT )
oSite.AccessFlags = objTemplate.AccessFlags oSite.SetInfo end if end if if err = 0 then %> <SCRIPT LANGAUGE="JavaScript"> // top.window.close(); </SCRIPT> <% else sHandleErrors(err) end if End Function
Function sHandleErrors(errnum) Response.write L_ERROROCCURED & errnum & "(" & HEX(errnum) & ")" End Function
Function sWriteWelcome() Dim sOutputStr sOutputStr = sFont("2","","",True) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<B>" & L_WELCOME_HEAD & "</B><P>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sFont("","","",True) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & L_WELCOME1 & "<P>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & L_WELCOME2 & "<P>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & L_WELCOME3 & "<P>"
sWriteWelcome = sOutputStr End Function
Function sWriteFinish() Dim sOutputStr sOutputStr = sFont("2","","",True) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<B>" & L_FINISH_HEAD & "</B><P>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sFont("","","",True) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & L_FINISH1 & "<P>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & L_FINISH2 & "<P>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & L_FINISH3 & "<P>"
sWriteFinish = sOutputStr End Function
Function sWriteTitle(iThisPage) Dim sOutputStr, sHead, sDescription, iNodeType
Select Case iThisPage Case HOW sHead = L_HOW sDescription = L_HOW_DESC Case TEMPLATE sHead = L_TEMPLATE sDescription = L_TEMPLATE_DESC Case ACL sHead = L_ACL sDescription = L_ACL_DESC Case SUMMARY sHead = L_SUMMARY sDescription = L_SUMMARY_DESC
End Select sOutputStr = "<TABLE WIDTH = 100% CELLPADDING = 0 CELLSPACING=0>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD ALIGN=left VALIGN=top bgcolor='White'>"
sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TABLE CELLPADDING = 0 CELLSPACING=0 >" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD COLSPAN = 2 bgcolor='White'><BR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sFont("","","",True) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<B>" & sHead & "</B>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</FONT>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD width = 10 bgcolor='White'> </TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD bgcolor='White'>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sFont("","","",True) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sDescription sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</FONT>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TABLE>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD WIDTH = 74 BGCOLOR='Teal'>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<IMG SRC='images/websitehd.GIF' WIDTH=74 HEIGHT=59 BORDER=0>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TD>"
sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TABLE>" sWriteTitle = sOutputStr End Function
Function sWritePage(iThisPage) 'On Error Resume Next Dim sOutputStr, bCanAddSite, isSite, oParentNode, iNodeTypeDefault, sParentKeyType, sNameText Dim i Dim bSelected, sSelDescription, oTemplates, oTemplate Dim oIPSec, bGrantByDefault, aIPList, aDomainList, sIPRestrict
sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TABLE CELLPADDING = 0 CELLSPACING=0 >" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD WIDTH = 10> </TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TABLE CELLPADDING = 0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD> " sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TR>" Select Case iThisPage Case HOW iNextPage = SUMMARY if Request("HowSet") <> "" then if cInt(Request("HowSet")) = TEMPLATEVALS then iNextPage=TEMPLATE end if end if if Session("stype")="www" then sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sRadio("HowSet", INHERITVALS, L_INHERITWEB, INHERITVALS, "clearTemplate();iNextPage=" & SUMMARY) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sRadio("HowSet", TEMPLATEVALS, L_TEMPLATESWEB, INHERITVALS, "iNextPage=" & TEMPLATE) else sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sRadio("HowSet", INHERITVALS, L_INHERITFTP, INHERITVALS, "clearTemplate();iNextPage=" & SUMMARY) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sRadio("HowSet", TEMPLATEVALS, L_TEMPLATESFTP, INHERITVALS, "iNextPage=" & TEMPLATE) end if Case TEMPLATE sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sSelect("Template", 5, "setTemplateDesc(this,document.userform.TemplateSample);", FALSE) if Session("stype")="www" then set oTemplates = GetObject("IIS://localhost/w3svc/info/templates") else set oTemplates = GetObject("IIS://localhost/MSFTPsvc/info/templates") end if bSelected = True for each oTemplate in oTemplates if Request("Template") <> "" then if oTemplate.ADsPath = Request("Template") then bSelected = True end if end if sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sOption(oTemplate.Name,oTemplate.ADsPath,bSelected) if bSelected then sSelDescription = oTemplate.ServerComment end if bSelected = False next sOutputStr = sOutputStr & closeSelect() sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<TD> " for each oTemplate in oTemplates sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='" & Replace(oTemplate.Name," ","") & "' VALUE='" & oTemplate.ServerComment & "'>" next sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sTextArea("TemplateSample", L_SAMPLETEMPLATE, sSelDescription,5,55, not ENABLED) Case ACL sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sStaticText(L_RECOMMENDED,not BOLD) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sStaticText(RECOMMENDEDACLS1,BOLD) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sStaticText(RECOMMENDEDACLS2,BOLD) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sRadio("ACLSet", REPLACEACLS, L_REPLACEACLS, REPLACEACLS, "") sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sSpace(1) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sRadio("ACLSet", ADDACLS, L_ADDACLS, REPLACEACLS, "") sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sSpace(1) sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sRadio("ACLSet", NOACLS, L_NOCHANGEACLS, REPLACEACLS, "") if cInt(Request("HowSet")) = INHERITVALS then iPrevPage = HOW end if Case SUMMARY sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sStaticText(L_SUMMARYWARNING_TEXT, not BOLD) sTemplatePath = Request("Template")
' DBG ' Response.write " Request,Template - " & Request("Template") & "<BR>"
if sTemplatePath = "" then sTemplatePath = sGetParentPath(Request("ADsPath")) else ' The only case when the configuration isn't available at the vdir ' is ftp authentication. Make that a special case, below. sTemplatePath = sTemplatePath & STR_SLASH_ROOT end if set oTemplate = GetObject(sTemplatePath)
' DBG ' Response.write oTemplate.ADsPath & " - " & oTemplate.Class & "<BR>" ' Response.write "ADSPath - " & Request("ADSPath") & "<BR>"
sSummary = "" ' The KeyType for the template\root is not being set. Getting the ' Class will work around the problem, but setup should be changed to set ' the KeyType. if InStr(oTemplate.Class,"Web")<> 0 then 'Authentication Methods sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(True,L_AUTHENTICATIONMETHODS) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AuthAnonymous,INDENT &L_ANONAUTH) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AuthBasic,INDENT &L_BASICAUTH) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AuthNTLM,INDENT &L_NTLMAUTH) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AuthMD5,INDENT &L_DIGESTAUTH) else ' Ftp authentication only happens on the server node Dim oTheNode, oTempTemplate set oTheNode = GetObject( Request("ADSPath") ) ' DBG ' Response.write oTheNode.ADsPath & " - " & oTheNode.Class & "<BR>" if InStr(oTheNode.Class, "Server") <> 0 then if Request("Template") = "" then ' Using values from the service set oTempTemplate = oTemplate else set oTempTemplate = GetObject( Request("Template") ) end if
sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine( True, L_AUTHENTICATIONMETHODS ) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine( oTempTemplate.AllowAnonymous, INDENT & L_ANONAUTH ) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine( oTempTemplate.AnonymousOnly, INDENT & L_ANONONLY ) end if end if 'Access Control sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(True,L_ACCESSPERMS) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AccessRead,INDENT & L_READACCESS) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AccessWrite,INDENT & L_WRITEACCESS) if InStr(oTemplate.Class,"Web")<> 0 then sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AccessSource and oTemplate.AccessRead,INDENT & L_SOURCEREADACCESS) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AccessSource and oTemplate.AccessWrite,INDENT & L_SOURCEWRITEACCESS) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AccessScript, INDENT & L_SCRIPTACCESS) sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.AccessExecute, INDENT & L_EXECUTEACCESS) ' sSummary = sSummary & sAddSummaryLine(oTemplate.EnableDirBrowsing,INDENT & L_DIRBROWSE) end if
' IP Restrictions sSummary = sSummary & L_IPSECURITY & L_RETURN Set oIPSec = oTemplate.IPSecurity bGrantByDefault = oIPSec.GrantByDefault
if bGrantByDefault then sSummary = sSummary & INDENT & L_IPSECGRANTDEFAULT & L_RETURN aIPList = oIPSec.IPDeny aDomainList = oIPSec.DomainDeny sIPRestrict = L_IPSECDENIED else sSummary = sSummary & INDENT & L_IPSECDENYDEFAULT & L_RETURN aIPList = oIPSec.IPGrant aDomainList = oIPSec.DomainGrant sIPRestrict = L_IPSECGRANTED end if if IsArray( aDomainList ) then for i = LBound(aDomainList) to UBound(aDomainList) sSummary = sSummary & INDENT & Replace( sIPRestrict, STR_SUBST, aDomainList(i), 1, 1 ) & L_RETURN next end if if IsArray( aIPList ) then for i = LBound(aIPList) to UBound(aIPList) sSummary = sSummary & INDENT & Replace( sIPRestrict, STR_SUBST, sGetIPString(aIPList(i)), 1, 1 ) & L_RETURN next end if sOutputStr = sOutputStr & sTextArea("SummaryArea", "", sSummary, L_SUMMARYROWS_NUM, L_SUMMARYCOLS_NUM, not ENABLED) if cInt(Request("HowSet")) = INHERITVALS then iPrevPage = HOW end if End Select sOutputStr = sOutputStr + "</TABLE>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TD>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TR>" sOutputStr = sOutputStr & "</TABLE>"
sWritePage = sOutputStr
End Function
'***************Optional Custom Functions*************** Function sAddSummaryLine(bAddIt,sText) Dim sSummLine sSummLine = "" if bAddIt then sSummLine = sText & L_RETURN end if sAddSummaryLine = sSummLine End Function
Function sGetParentPath(sCurPath) Dim sParentPath sParentPath = Left(sCurPath,InStrRev(sCurPath,"/")-1) if len(sParentPath)+1 = len(sCurPath) then sParentPath = Left(sCurPath,InStrRev(sCurPath,"/")-1) end if sGetParentPath = sParentPath End Function
Function sGetNextInstanceName(iSiteType) On Error Resume Next
Dim oService,oInst, sInstName
Set oService=GetObject(BASEPATH & SERVICES(iSiteType)) For Each oInst In oService if isNumeric(oInst.Name) and oInst.Name > sInstName then sInstName=oInst.Name end if Next
sGetNextInstanceName=cInt(sInstName)+1 End Function
'Return an appropriately formated keytype Function sGetKeyType(iSiteType, iNodeType) Dim sSvcKey
sSvcKey = SERVICES(iSiteType) Select Case iNodeType Case SITE sGetKeyType=IIS & sSvcKey & SSITE Case VDIR sGetKeyType=IIS & sSvcKey & SVDIR Case DIR sGetKeyType=IIS & sSvcKey & SDIR End Select End Function
'this is a goofy function to fix the session type we get passed in. 'these have gotten really out of hand. Should go through entire 'system and fix this, so that if we are referincing the site type 'it is ALWAYS W3SVC or MSFTPSVC... not sometimes web, sometimes www 'and sometimes w3svc... ick. sorry.
Function fixSiteType(sessionSite) sessionSite = LCase(sessionSite) if sessionSite = "ftp" then fixSiteType = 1 end if if sessionSite = "www" then fixSiteType = 0 end if End Function
Function sGetPhysPath(oParentNode, sDirName)
Dim sParentType, sNewPath, sBasePath 'The physical directory may not currently 'exist in the metabase, so we have 'to find the parent vdir associated with 'the dir and build the path from there.
sParentType = oParentNode.KeyType sNewPath = sDirName sBasePath = oParentNode.ADsPath Do Until Instr(sParentType, SVDIR) <> 0 'we need clear our path not found error.. err = 0 'add our initial whack... sNewPath = "/" + sNewPath 'and cyle through the baseobj till we find the next whack, 'building up the path in new name as we go Do Until Right(sBasePath,1) = "/" sNewPath = Right(sBasePath,1) & sNewPath sBasePath = Mid(sBasePath,1,Len(sBasePath)-1) Loop 'once we're out, we need to lop off the last whack... sBasePath = Mid(sBasePath,1,Len(sBasePath)-1) 'and try to set the object again... Set oParentNode=GetObject(sBasePath) if err <> 0 then sParentType = "" else sParentType=oParentNode.KeyType end if Loop sGetPhysPath = oParentNode.Path & "\" & sNewPath err.clear End Function
function sGetIPString(bindstr) dim one, ip, sn one=Instr(bindstr,",") if one > 0 then ip=Trim(Mid(bindstr,1,(one-1))) sn=Trim(Mid(bindstr,(one+1))) if sn = "" then sn = "" end if if sn <> "" then ip = ip & " (" & sn & ")" end if else ip=bindstr end if sGetIPString = ip end function
'***************End*************** %>
<html> <head> <title><%= L_WIZARD_TEXT %></title>
<%= SCRIPT %> function bNextPageOk() { return true; } function setTemplateDesc(selControl,descControl) { selControlText = new String(selControl.options[selControl.selectedIndex].text) selControlText = myReplace(selControlText," ",""); descControl.value = document.userform[selControlText].value; } function clearTemplate() { document.userform.Template.value = ""; } function myReplace(sCntrl,sToReplace,sReplaceWith) { <% 'Jscript 3.0 doesn't support the standard replace funciton... %> sNew = "" for (i=0;i<=sCntrl.length;i++) { if (sCntrl.substring(i,i+1) == sToReplace) { sNew += sReplaceWith; } else { sNew += sCntrl.substring(i,i+1); } } return sNew; } <%= CLOSESCRIPT %>
<body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0>
<% if Session("IsIE") and Session("browserver") < 4 then %> <table border = 1 width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <% else %> <table border = 0 width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <% end if %> <form name="userform" method="POST" action="iiwizsec.asp"><!-- data persistences --><!--#include file="iiwizsec.dat"--><!-- end data persistences --> <% Select Case iThisPage %>
<% Case WELCOME %> <tr> <td bgcolor="teal" height=310 width = 163> <IMG SRC="images/Website.gif" WIDTH=163 HEIGHT=312> </td> <td bgcolor="White" ALIGN=left VALIGN=top> <TABLE CELLPADDING = 2 CELLSPACING=0 > <TR> <TD COLSPAN = 2> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH = 18> </TD> <TD> <%= sWriteWelcome() %> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </td> </tr> <% Case FINISH %> <% ' We need to use a finish page not only to make this consistent with MMC, ' but also to allow the iiclone.asp script to execute. If the dialog is ' dismissed in sFinish() the iiclone script may not complete if it is called ' twice. %> <tr> <td height=315 width = 164><IMG SRC="images/website.gif" BORDER=0 HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0></td> <td bgcolor="White" ALIGN=left VALIGN=top> <TABLE CELLPADDING = 2 CELLSPACING=0> <TR> <TD COLSPAN = 2> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH = 18> </TD> <TD> <%= sFinish() %> <%= sWriteFinish() %> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </td> </tr> <% Case Else %> <tr> <TD HEIGHT=315 COLSPAN = 2 VALIGN="top">
<TABLE WIDTH = 100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width = 10> </td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height = 59 ALIGN=left VALIGN=top> <%= sWriteTitle(iThisPage) %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height = 1 colspan = 2 bgcolor="Gray"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height = 1 colspan = 2 bgcolor="White"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td height=220 ALIGN=left VALIGN=top> <%= sWritePage(iThisPage) %> </td> </tr> </TABLE> </TD> </TR>
<% end Select %> <% if Session("IsIE") and Session("browserver") < 4 then %> <% ' IE3 doesn't do the line well... we're using table-borders instead. %> <% else %> <tr> <td height = 1 colspan = 2 bgcolor="Gray"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height = 1 colspan = 2 bgcolor="White"></td> </tr>
<% end if %> <!-- generic wizard buttons --> <!--#include file="iiwizbtns.inc"-->
</table> </blockquote> </form> </body>
<% end if %>