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<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% Response.Expires = 0 %>
<% ' $Date: 9/25/97 4:20p $ ' $ModTime: $ ' $Revision: 7 $ ' $Workfile: default.asp $ Dim ranWizard If request("ranWizard") <> "" Then If request("ranWizard") = "True" Then ranWizard = "True" ElseIf request("ranWizard") = "False" Then ranWizard = "False" Else call ranWizardCheck End If Else call ranWizardCheck End If %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <% If ranWizard = "False" Then %> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; url=wizard.asp"> <% ElseIf ranWizard = "True" Then %> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>PWS Homepage Wizard</title> </head> <BODY Background="admin.gif" Topmargin="1" Leftmargin="100"> <FONT face="verdana" size="+2">Do you want to...</FONT> <TABLE width="100%" border=0> <TR><TD rowspan=3> </TD> <TD> <FONT face="verdana" size="+1"> <A HREF="template.asp" TARGET="_BLANK">Edit your home page</A> </FONT> </TD></TR> <% If myinfo.Guestbook = "-1" Then response.write "<TR><TD><FONT face='verdana' size='+1'>"_ & "<A HREF='qbe.asp'>View your guest book</A>"_ & "</FONT>" End If response.write "</TD></TR>"
If myinfo.Messages = "-1" Then response.write "<TR><TD><FONT face='verdana' size='+1'>"_ & "<A HREF='admin.asp?private=True'>Open your drop box</A>"_ & "</FONT>" End If response.write "</TD></TR>" %> </TABLE> </FONT> </BODY> </HTML> <% End If
Sub ranWizardCheck If myinfo.ranWizard <> "" Then If myinfo.ranWizard = "-1" Then ranWizard = "True" ElseIf myinfo.ranwizard = "0" Then ranWizard = "False" Else ranWizard = "False" End If Else ranWizard = "False" End If End Sub %>