Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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265 lines
6.3 KiB

  1. <%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
  2. <% Option Explicit %>
  3. <% Response.Expires = 0 %>
  4. <%
  5. Dim intpage, ranWizard, thispage
  6. thispage = "wizard"
  7. If Request.Form("counter") <>"" Then
  8. intpage = Request.Form("counter")
  9. If Request.Form("Back") <> "" Then
  10. call BACK_OnClick
  11. Else
  12. intpage = intpage + 1
  13. End If
  14. ElseIf request("nav") <> "" then
  15. intpage = request("nav")
  16. ElseIf request("intpage") <> "" Then
  17. intpage = intpage + 1
  18. Else
  19. intpage = 0
  20. End If
  21. %>
  23. <html>
  24. <!--
  25. $Date: 11/13/97 3:05p $
  26. $ModTime: $
  27. $Revision: 5 $
  28. $Workfile: wizard.asp $
  29. -->
  30. <HEAD>
  31. <%
  32. If request.Form("personal") <> "" Then
  33. %>
  34. <SCRIPT Language="VBSCRIPT">
  35. <!--
  36. "template.asp"
  37. -->
  38. </SCRIPT>
  39. <%
  40. myinfo.ranWizard=-1
  41. %>
  42. <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; url=default.asp?ranWizard=True">
  43. <%
  44. End If
  45. %>
  46. <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
  47. function JSGet()
  48. {
  49. form = document.HPWiz
  50. form.picturepath.value = Image1.src
  51. }
  52. function JSSet()
  53. {
  54. form = document.HPWiz
  55. //if ( form.theme.value == "" )
  56. Image1.src = "http://localhost/iisadmin/website/generic.gif"
  57. //else
  58. //Image1.src = "http://localhost/iisadmin/website/" + form.theme.value + ".gif"
  59. }
  60. </SCRIPT>
  61. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  62. <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage (Visual InterDev Edition) 2.0">
  63. <title>PWS home page Wizard</title>
  64. <%
  65. If Request.Form("theme") <> "" Then
  66. myinfo.Theme = Request.Form("Theme")
  67. End If
  68. If Request.Form("guestbook") <> "" Then
  69. myinfo.guestbook = Request.Form("guestbook")
  70. End If
  71. If Request.Form("messages") <> "" Then
  72. myinfo.messages = Request.Form("messages")
  73. End If
  74. Sub ShowFolderList(folderspec)
  75. Dim fs, f, f1, fc, s
  76. Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  77. Set f = fs.GetFolder(folderspec)
  78. Set fc = f.SubFolders
  79. s = "<OPTION VALUE=""" & """ SELECTED>Select your theme!"
  80. For Each f1 in fc
  81. s = s & "<OPTION NAME=" & """Theme""" & " VALUE=""" & & """>" &
  82. Next
  83. s = s & "</SELECT>"
  84. response.write s
  85. End Sub
  86. SUB BACK_OnClick
  87. intpage = intpage - 1
  88. If intpage < 0 Then
  89. intpage = 0
  90. End If
  91. END SUB
  92. Sub NAV
  93. IF intpage => 2 THEN
  94. response.write "<A HREF='wizard.asp?nav=1'>theme</A><BR>"
  95. END IF
  96. IF intpage => 3 THEN
  97. response.write "<A HREF='wizard.asp?nav=2'>guest book</A><BR>"
  98. END IF
  99. IF intpage => 4 THEN
  100. response.write "<A HREF='wizard.asp?nav=3'>drop box</A><BR>"
  101. END IF
  102. End Sub
  103. Sub navButtons
  104. response.write "<blockquote>"
  105. IF intpage = 4 THEN
  106. response.write "<INPUT TYPE='Submit' NAME='personal' VALUE='&nbsp;&nbsp;&#62;&#62;&nbsp;&nbsp;'>"
  107. intpage = -1
  108. ELSE
  109. response.write "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='counter' VALUE =" & intpage & ">"
  110. If intpage > 0 Then
  111. response.write "<INPUT TYPE='Submit' NAME='Back' VALUE='&nbsp;&nbsp;&#60;&#60;&nbsp;&nbsp;'>"
  112. End If
  113. response.write "<INPUT TYPE='Submit' NAME='Next' VALUE='&nbsp;&nbsp;&#62;&#62;&nbsp&nbsp;'>"
  114. END IF
  115. response.write "</blockquote>"
  116. End Sub
  117. %>
  118. </HEAD>
  119. <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin="0" leftmargin="2">
  120. <Font FACE="verdana" SIZE=-2><B>
  121. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
  122. <TR>
  123. <TD Background="msg.gif" Colspan="3" Align="center" Height="50">
  124. <Font FACE="verdana" SIZE="5"><B>
  125. <IMG SRC="/images/space.gif" height="20" width="1" Align="right">
  126. Home Page Wizard
  127. </B></Font>
  128. </TD>
  129. </TR>
  130. <TR>
  131. <TD Width="90" VAlign="top">
  132. <Font FACE="Verdana" size="-1"><B>
  133. <% call NAV %>
  134. </B>
  135. </TD>
  136. <TD valign="top" Width="150" Height="175">
  137. <Font FACE="Verdana" size="-1"><B>
  138. <%
  139. Select Case intpage
  140. Case 0
  141. response.write "<INPUT TYPE='image' SRC='merlin.gif' NAME='Next' VALUE='&nbsp;&nbsp;&#62;&#62;&nbsp;&nbsp;'>"
  142. 'response.write "<IMG ALT='home page wizard'>"
  143. Case 2
  144. %>
  145. <IMG SRC="message.gif" ALT="*" Align="middle" Width=50 height=40 Vspace=7>
  146. <BR><Font Color="#0000FF" Size=2>Hint:</FONT>
  147. This puts a link on your home page where visitors can view and sign your guest book.
  148. <%
  149. Case 3
  150. %>
  151. <IMG SRC="dropbox.gif" ALT="*" Align="middle" Width=50 height=50 Vspace=7>
  152. <BR><Font Color="#0000FF" Size=2>Hint:</FONT>
  153. A drop box is a place visitors can leave messages only you can read.
  154. <%
  155. Case 4
  156. %>
  157. <IMG SRC="streamer.gif" ALT="*"><BR>
  158. <%
  159. Case Else
  160. %>
  161. <P>
  162. <IMG SRC="http://localhost/iisadmin/website/generic.gif" ID="Image1" WIDTH=143 HEIGHT=174>
  163. <% ' this broke w/IE5, so I'm commenting it out, and replacing it w/the standard image tag... -lnd %>
  164. <% if false then %>
  165. <OBJECT ID="Image1" WIDTH=143 HEIGHT=174
  166. CLASSID="CLSID:D4A97620-8E8F-11CF-93CD-00AA00C08FDF">
  167. <PARAM NAME="PicturePath" VALUE="http://localhost/iisadmin/website/generic.gif">
  168. <PARAM NAME="BorderStyle" VALUE="0">
  169. <PARAM NAME="SizeMode" VALUE="3">
  170. <PARAM NAME="SpecialEffect" VALUE="2">
  171. <PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="501;501">
  172. <PARAM NAME="PictureAlignment" VALUE="0">
  173. <PARAM NAME="VariousPropertyBits" VALUE="19">
  174. </OBJECT>
  175. <% end if %>
  176. <%
  177. End Select
  178. %>
  179. </B>
  180. </TD>
  181. <TD Valign="middle" width="220">
  182. <FORM NAME="HPWiz" ACTION="wizard.asp" METHOD="POST" >
  183. <FONT face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="-2" style="font-weight:bold">
  184. <% 'Page Wizard
  185. Select Case intpage
  186. Case 1
  187. %>
  188. <SELECT NAME='theme' Language='JavaScript' ONCHANGE='JSSet()'>
  189. <%
  190. call ShowFolderList(Server.MapPath("/iissamples/homepage/themes"))
  191. Case 2
  192. %>
  193. Do you want a guest book?<BR>
  194. <blockquote>
  195. <INPUT TYPE=radio VALUE=-1 NAME="Guestbook"
  196. <%
  197. If myinfo.Guestbook = "-1" or myinfo.Guestbook = "" Then
  198. response.write "CHECKED"
  199. End If
  200. %>>Yes
  201. <BR>
  202. <INPUT TYPE=radio VALUE=0 NAME="Guestbook"
  203. <%
  204. If myinfo.Guestbook="0" Then
  205. response.write "CHECKED"
  206. End If
  207. %>>No
  208. </blockquote>
  209. <%
  210. Case 3
  211. %>
  212. Do you want a drop box?<BR>
  213. <blockquote>
  214. <INPUT TYPE=radio VALUE="-1" NAME="Messages"
  215. <%
  216. If myinfo.Messages = "-1" or myinfo.Messages = "" Then
  217. response.write "CHECKED"
  218. End If
  219. %>>Yes
  220. <BR>
  221. <INPUT TYPE=radio VALUE=0 NAME="Messages"
  222. <%
  223. If myinfo.Messages="0" Then
  224. response.write "CHECKED"
  225. End If
  226. %>>No
  227. </blockquote>
  228. <%
  229. Case 4
  230. %>
  231. Congratulations!<BR>
  232. Next, you personalize the information on your home page.
  233. <%
  234. Case Else
  235. %>
  236. The home page wizard helps you create your own home page quickly
  237. and easily. To set up your home page, click on the wizard.
  238. <%
  239. intpage = 0
  240. End Select
  241. %>
  242. </FONT>
  243. <P>
  244. <%
  245. call NavButtons
  246. %>
  247. </TD>
  248. </TR>
  249. </table>
  250. </FORM>
  251. </Font>
  252. </BODY>
  253. </html>