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' 'Description: '-------------- 'This example shows you how to use IIS admin objects to get security settings on certain directory ' 'usage :cscript GetDirSecurity.vbs <adsipath> 'example :csript GetDirSecurity.vbs IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT ' ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Option Explicit
If Wscript.Arguments.Count <>1 then UsageMsg End if
Call GetSecuritySettings(UCASE(Wscript.Arguments(0)))
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'function : Get securitySettings on specified adspath 'intput : adspath. such as IIS://localhost/W3SVC/n/ROOT/IISSamples ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' sub GetSecuritySettings(adspath)
Dim oNode, oIPSecurity Dim aIP, aDomain
On Error resume next
set oNode= GetObject(adspath)
if Err.Number <>0 then Wscript.Echo "Err: adspath is incorrect!" & adspath Wscript.Quit
end if
' Display authentication settings Wscript.Echo "Authentication Setting for " & adspath
if oNode.AuthAnonymous then Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Anonymous authentication enabled" else Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Anonymous authentication disabled" end if
if oNode.AuthBasic then Wscript.Echo space(2) & "AuthBasic authentication enabled" else Wscript.Echo space(2) & "AuthBasic authentication disabled" end if
if oNode.AuthNTLM then Wscript.Echo space(2) & "AuthNTLM authentication enabled" else Wscript.Echo space(2) & "AuthNTLM authentication disabled" end if
' Display secure communication settings Wscript.Echo Wscript.Echo "Secure communication settings for " & adspath
if oNode.AccessSSL then Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Require SSL" else Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Not require SSL" end if
if oNode.AccessSSLRequireCert then Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Require client certificate" else Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Not require client certificate" end if
if oNode.AccessSSLMapCert then Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Client certificate mapping is enabled" else Wscript.Echo space(2) & "Client certificate mapping is not enabled" end if
' Display IP and Domain restriction settings Wscript.Echo Wscript.Echo "IP and Domain restriction settings for " & adspath
set oIPSecurity= oNode.IPSecurity
if oIPSecurity.GrantbyDefault then Wscript.Echo " Grant access except following list" aIP =oIPSecurity.IPDeny aDomain=oIPSecurity.DomainDeny call DisplayList(aIPList) call DisplayList(aDomainList)
else 'Wscript.Echo " Deny access except following list"
aIP =oIPSecurity.IPGrant aDomain=oIPSecurity.DomainGrant
call DisplayList(aIP) call DisplayList(aDomain) end if
set oNode=nothing
end sub
'Display list Sub DisplayList(List) Dim cList, i
if IsArray(List) then cList=UBound(List) if cList>=0 then for i=0 to cList Wscript.Echo space(2) & List(i) Next end if end if end sub
' Displays usage message, then QUITS Sub UsageMsg Wscript.Echo "Usage: cscript GetDirSecurity.vbs <adspath> " Wscript.Quit End Sub