Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Declares the constants, data strutcures and function prototypes available for common use for Services from Tsunami.lib
Murali R. Krishnan ( MuraliK ) 2-March-1995 [ Originally partly done by t-heathh]
Internet Services Common Functionality ( Tsunami Library)
Revision History:
# ifndef _TSUNAMI_HXX_
# define _TSUNAMI_HXX_
* Include Headers ************************************************************/
# if defined ( __cplusplus)
extern "C" { # endif
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <basetyps.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
# include <inetinfo.h>
# include "fsconst.h" // Defines symbolic constants for FileSystems
# if defined ( __cplusplus)
}; # endif
#include <tscache.hxx>
* Symbolic Constants ************************************************************/
#define MAX_LENGTH_ROOT_ADDR ( 50)
#define INETA_MAX_OPEN_FILE TEXT("OpenFileInCache")
#define INETA_DISABLE_TSUNAMI_SPUD TEXT("DisableCacheOplocks")
#define INETA_USE_ADVAPI32_LOGON TEXT("UseAdvapi32Logon")
#define INETA_CHECK_CERT_REVOCATION TEXT("CheckCertRevocation")
// Modifications to this name should also be made in exe\main.c
#define INETA_W3ONLY_NO_AUTH TEXT("W3OnlyNoAuth")
#define MAX_SIZE_HTTP_INFO 170
#define INETA_CACHE_USE_ACCESS_CHECK TEXT("CacheSecurityDescriptor")
#define RESERVED_DEMUX_START 0x80000000
// The maxium length of an ETag is 16 bytes for the last modified time plus
// one byte for the colon plus 2 bytes for the quotes plus 8 bytes for the
// system change notification number plus one for the trailing NULL, for a
// total of 28 bytes.
* Type Definitions ************************************************************/
* Global Tsunami variables ************************************************************/
extern GENERIC_MAPPING g_gmFile; extern BYTE g_psFile[SIZE_PRIVILEGE_SET]; extern BOOL g_fCacheSecDesc; extern BOOL g_fW3OnlyNoAuth; extern BOOL g_fAlwaysCheckForDuplicateLogon; extern BOOL g_fUseAdvapi32Logon; extern BOOL g_fCertCheckForRevocation;
* Function Prototypes ************************************************************/
// General Functions
extern BOOL Tsunami_Initialize( VOID );
extern VOID Tsunami_Terminate( VOID );
extern VOID TsDumpCacheToHtml(IN OUT CHAR * pchBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbSize);
# if defined( __cplusplus)
extern "C" { # endif
// Blob Memory management functions : Allocate, Reallocate and Free.
typedef BOOL ( *PUSER_FREE_ROUTINE )( PVOID pvOldBlock );
extern BOOL TsAllocate ( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN ULONG cbSize, IN OUT PVOID * ppvNewBlock );
extern BOOL TsAllocateEx ( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN ULONG cbSize, IN OUT PVOID * ppvNewBlock, OPTIONAL PUSER_FREE_ROUTINE pfnFreeRoutine );
extern BOOL TsReallocate ( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN ULONG cbSize, IN PVOID pvOldBlock, IN OUT PVOID * ppvNewBlock );
extern BOOL TsFree ( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PVOID pvOldBlock );
extern BOOL TsCheckInOrFree ( IN PVOID pvOldBlock );
// Cache Manager Functions: cache, decache, checkout and checkins of blobs
extern BOOL TsCacheDirectoryBlob( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PCSTR pszDirectoryName, IN ULONG iDemultiplexor, IN PVOID pvBlob, IN BOOLEAN bKeepCheckedOut, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDesc = NULL );
extern BOOL TsCheckOutCachedBlob( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PCSTR pszDirectoryName, IN ULONG iDemultiplexor, IN PVOID * ppvBlob, IN HANDLE hAccessToken = NULL, IN BOOL fMayCacheAccessToken = FALSE, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* ppSecDesc = NULL );
extern BOOL TsCheckInCachedBlob( IN PVOID pvBlob );
extern BOOL TsExpireCachedBlob( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PVOID pvBlob );
extern BOOL TsAdjustCachedBlobSize( IN PVOID pvBlob, IN INT cbSize );
extern BOOL TsCacheQueryStatistics( IN DWORD Level, IN DWORD dwServerMask, IN INETA_CACHE_STATISTICS * pCacheCtrs );
extern BOOL TsCacheClearStatistics( IN DWORD dwServerMask );
extern BOOL TsCacheFlushDemux( IN ULONG iDemux );
extern BOOL TsCacheFlush( IN DWORD dwServerMask );
extern BOOL TsCacheFlushUser( IN HANDLE hUserToken, IN BOOL fDefer );
extern VOID TsFlushTimedOutCacheObjects( VOID );
extern VOID TsCacheSetSize( DWORD cbMemoryCacheSize );
extern DWORD TsCacheQueryMaxSize( VOID );
extern DWORD TsCacheQuerySize( VOID );
extern dllexp VOID TsDecreaseFileHandleCount( VOID );
extern VOID TsIncreaseFileHandleCount( BOOL );
extern dllexp BOOL TsDeCacheCachedBlob( PVOID );
extern dllexp BOOL TsAddRefCachedBlob( PVOID );
# if defined( __cplusplus)
}; # endif
// defines the DIRECTORY_INFO class and functions to
// obtain and cache the directory information for a given directory.
// forwards
// Following function compares the two given pFileInfo and returns
// 0 if pFileInfo1 is == pfFileInfo2
// -1 if pFileInfo1 is < pFileInfo2
// +1 if pFileInfo1 is > pFileInfo2
typedef int ( __cdecl * PFN_CMP_WIN32_FIND_DATA) (IN const void * /* PWIN32_FIND_DATA * */ pvFileInfo1, IN const void * /* PWIN32_FIND_DATA * */ pvFileInfo2);
// Following function AlphaCompareFileBothDirInfo() compares the filenames,
// of the two given FileInfo present in (**pvFileInfo)
dllexp int __cdecl AlphaCompareFileBothDirInfo( IN const void * /* PWIN32_FIND_DATA * */ pvFileInfo1, IN const void * /* PWIN32_FIND_DATA * */ pvFileInfo2);
// Following function is to be used by filter function for filtering
// of the files requested. The criteria for matching is user supplied.
// Arguments:
// pFileInfo1 pointer to File Info object under consideration
// pContext user supplied context for the Filter Function
// Return values:
// 0 indicates that there is no match of context to FileInfo ==> filter
// 1 indicates that there is a match and hence dont filter
typedef int ( __cdecl * PFN_IS_MATCH_WIN32_FIND_DATA) (IN const WIN32_FIND_DATA * pFileInfo, IN LPVOID pContext);
// Following function RegExpressionMatchFileInfo() assumes that the
// context passed in is a pointer to null-terminated string and
// uses regular expression based comparison for matching against
// file name in WIN32_FIND_DATA passed in.
dllexp int __cdecl RegExpressionMatchFileInfo( IN const WIN32_FIND_DATA * pFileInfo, IN LPVOID pContext);
// Checks to see if the given name can be generated using the
// regular expression embedded in the pszExpression.
dllexp BOOL _cdecl IsNameInRegExpressionA( IN LPCSTR pszExpression, IN LPCSTR pszName, IN BOOL fIgnoreCase);
This class provides a method to obtain directory listings. The directory listing may be optionally cached transparently.
In addition this class provides methods for 1) accessing the information about files in indexed fashion 2) Sort the information about files using a generic sort function given the compare funtion 3) Filters the listing applying filters the list of files available.
The strings in the File information obtained are stored as ANSI strings.
--*/ class TS_DIRECTORY_INFO {
dllexp TS_DIRECTORY_INFO( const TSVC_CACHE & tsCache) : m_cFilesInDirectory ( 0), m_fValid ( FALSE), m_tsCache ( tsCache), m_pTsDirectoryHeader( NULL), m_prgFileInfo ( NULL) { // the data stored may be valid after user calls GetDirectoryListing()
dllexp ~TS_DIRECTORY_INFO( VOID) { CleanupThis(); }
dllexp VOID CleanupThis( VOID);
dllexp BOOL IsValid( VOID) const { return ( m_fValid); }
dllexp BOOL GetDirectoryListingA( IN LPCSTR pszDirectoryName, IN HANDLE hListingUser);
dllexp int QueryFilesCount( VOID) const { return ( m_cFilesInDirectory); }
dllexp const WIN32_FIND_DATA * operator [] ( IN int idx) const { return ( 0 <= idx && idx < QueryFilesCount()) ? GetFileInfoPointerFromIdx( idx) : NULL; }
dllexp BOOL SortFileInfoPointers( IN PFN_CMP_WIN32_FIND_DATA pfnCompare);
BOOL AlphabeticallySortFileInfo( VOID) { return SortFileInfoPointers( AlphaCompareFileBothDirInfo); }
// Filter functions are used to eliminate some of the file
// pointers to be used in scanning ( using operator []).
// This function uses the pfnMatch to identify the items that dont match
// and filters them away from the directory listing generated.
// The filter function returns TRUE on success and FALSE if any errors.
dllexp BOOL FilterFiles(IN PFN_IS_MATCH_WIN32_FIND_DATA pfnMatch, IN LPVOID pContext);
# ifdef UNICODE
dllexp BOOL GetDirectoryListingW( IN LPCWSTR pwszDirectoryName, IN HANDLE hListingUser);
# define GetDirectoryListing GetDirectoryListingW
# else
# define GetDirectoryListing GetDirectoryListingA
# endif // UNICODE
# if DBG
dllexp VOID Print( VOID) const; #else
dllexp VOID Print( VOID) const { ; } # endif // DBG
int m_cFilesInDirectory; BOOL m_fValid; const TSVC_CACHE & m_tsCache;
TS_DIRECTORY_HEADER * m_pTsDirectoryHeader; // ptr to dir listing
PWIN32_FIND_DATA * m_prgFileInfo;
dllexp PWIN32_FIND_DATA GetFileInfoPointerFromIdx( IN int idx) const { return ( m_prgFileInfo[idx]); }
// The structure of Physical Open File Information. This structure
// is used to access a file opened by TSCreateFile or TsCreateFileFromURI.
typedef struct _PHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO { DWORD Signature; HANDLE hOpenFile; HANDLE hOpenEvent; LIST_ENTRY OpenReferenceList; BOOL fSecurityDescriptor; BOOL fIsCached; DWORD dwLastError; DWORD cbSecDescMaxSize; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR abSecurityDescriptor; struct _OPLOCK_OBJECT * pOplock; } PHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO, *PPHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO;
This class maintains the raw information related to open file handles that are possibly cached within user-space. In addition to the file handles themselves, the file attribute information and handle for the opening user are both cached.
Presently both constructor and destructor are both dummy to keep in tune with original "C" APIs for TsCreateFile() and TsCloseFile() written by Heath. --*/ class TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO {
#ifndef CHICAGO
private: #else
public: #endif
HANDLE m_hOpeningUser; PPHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO m_PhysFileInfo; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION m_FileInfo; __int64 m_CastratedLastWriteTime; // Reduced to 1 second granularity
CHAR m_achHttpInfo[MAX_SIZE_HTTP_INFO]; int m_cchHttpInfo; CHAR m_achETag[MAX_ETAG_BUFFER_LENGTH]; DWORD m_cchETag; BOOL m_ETagIsWeak; BOOL m_fIsCached;
public: TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO( VOID) : m_PhysFileInfo( NULL), m_hOpeningUser( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_fIsCached( FALSE ), m_cchHttpInfo( 0 ), m_ETagIsWeak(TRUE) { }
dllexp PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR GetSecurityDescriptor( VOID ) { return (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)m_PhysFileInfo->abSecurityDescriptor; }
dllexp DWORD GetSecurityDescriptorMaxLength( VOID ) { return m_PhysFileInfo->cbSecDescMaxSize; }
dllexp BOOL IsSecurityDescriptorValid( VOID ) { return m_PhysFileInfo->fSecurityDescriptor != 0; }
dllexp VOID SetSecurityDescriptorValid( BOOL fV ) { m_PhysFileInfo->fSecurityDescriptor = fV; }
dllexp VOID SetCachedFlag( BOOL flag ) { m_fIsCached = flag; }
dllexp BOOL QueryCachedFlag( VOID ) { return m_fIsCached; }
BOOL SetFileInfo( IN PPHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO lpPhysFileInfo, IN HANDLE hOpeningUser, IN BOOL fAtRoot, IN DWORD cbSecDescCacheSize = 0, IN DWORD dwAttributes = 0 );
// Returns TRUE if info was cached, FALSE if not cached
dllexp BOOL SetHttpInfo( IN PSTR pszDate, int cL );
dllexp HANDLE QueryFileHandle( VOID) const { return ( m_PhysFileInfo->hOpenFile); }
dllexp PPHYS_OPEN_FILE_INFO QueryPhysFileInfo( VOID) const { ASSERT( m_PhysFileInfo->Signature == PHYS_OBJ_SIGNATURE ); return ( m_PhysFileInfo); }
dllexp HANDLE QueryOpeningUser( VOID) const { return ( m_hOpeningUser); }
dllexp BOOL IsValid( VOID) const { return ( m_PhysFileInfo->hOpenFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
dllexp BOOL RetrieveHttpInfo( PSTR pS, int *pcHttpInfo ) { if ( m_cchHttpInfo ) { memcpy( pS, m_achHttpInfo, m_cchHttpInfo+1 ); *pcHttpInfo = m_cchHttpInfo; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
dllexp BOOL QuerySize( IN LARGE_INTEGER & liSize) const { if ( IsValid()) { liSize.LowPart = m_FileInfo.nFileSizeLow; liSize.HighPart= m_FileInfo.nFileSizeHigh; return (TRUE); } else { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ( FALSE); } }
dllexp BOOL QuerySize( IN LPDWORD lpcbFileSizeLow, IN LPDWORD lpcbFileSizeHigh = NULL) const { if ( IsValid()) { if ( lpcbFileSizeLow != NULL) { *lpcbFileSizeLow = m_FileInfo.nFileSizeLow; }
if ( lpcbFileSizeHigh != NULL) { *lpcbFileSizeHigh = m_FileInfo.nFileSizeHigh; }
return ( TRUE); } else {
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ( FALSE); }
} // QuerySize()
dllexp DWORD QueryAttributes( VOID) const { return ( IsValid()) ? ( m_FileInfo.dwFileAttributes) : 0xFFFFFFFF; }
// This returns the time with a one second resolution (at best)
dllexp BOOL QueryLastWriteTime( OUT LPFILETIME lpFileTime) const { if ( lpFileTime != NULL && IsValid()) { *((__int64 * UNALIGNED) lpFileTime) = m_CastratedLastWriteTime; return ( TRUE); } else { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ( FALSE); } } // QueryLastWriteTime()
// This returns the time with full resolution from the file system
dllexp BOOL QueryFileSystemLastWriteTime( OUT __int64 UNALIGNED * lpNTTime) const { if ( lpNTTime != NULL && IsValid()) { *((FILETIME * UNALIGNED) lpNTTime) = m_FileInfo.ftLastWriteTime; return ( TRUE); } else { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ( FALSE); } } // QueryFileSystemLastWriteTime()
dllexp BOOL WeakETag( void ) const { return ( m_ETagIsWeak ); }
dllexp PCHAR QueryETag( void ) const { return ( (PCHAR)m_achETag ); }
dllexp DWORD QueryETagLength( void ) const { return ( m_cchETag ); }
dllexp VOID MakeStrongETag( void );
# if DBG
VOID Print( VOID) const;
# endif // DBG
}; // class TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO
#define TS_CACHING_DESIRED 0x00000001
#define TS_NOT_IMPERSONATED 0x00000002
#define TS_NO_ACCESS_CHECK 0x00000004
#define TS_DONT_CACHE_ACCESS_TOKEN 0x00000008
#define TS_USE_WIN32_CANON 0x00000010
// Flags applicable to the different servers
// The structure of URI Object information. This stucture contains
// pointers to cached meta information about a URI as well as
// information about the actual file to which the URI is mapped.
typedef struct _W3_URI_INFO {
DWORD bFileInfoValid; BOOL bIsCached; HANDLE hFileEvent; LPTS_OPEN_FILE_INFO pOpenFileInfo; DWORD dwFileOpenError; UINT cchName; PCHAR pszName; PCHAR pszUnmappedName; class W3_METADATA *pMetaData;
extern dllexp LPTS_OPEN_FILE_INFO TsCreateFile( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN LPCSTR lpszName, IN HANDLE OpeningUser, IN DWORD dwOptions );
extern dllexp BOOL TsCloseHandle( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN LPTS_OPEN_FILE_INFO pOpenFile );
extern dllexp LPTS_OPEN_FILE_INFO TsCreateFileFromURI( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN PW3_URI_INFO pURIInfo, IN HANDLE OpeningUser, IN DWORD dwOptions, IN DWORD *dwError );
extern dllexp BOOL TsCloseURIFile( IN LPTS_OPEN_FILE_INFO pOpenFile );
extern dllexp BOOL TsCreateETagFromHandle( IN HANDLE hFile, IN PCHAR ETag, IN BOOL *bWeakETag );
extern dllexp BOOL TsLastWriteTimeFromHandle( IN HANDLE hFile, IN FILETIME *tm );
extern dllexp VOID TsFlushURL( IN const TSVC_CACHE &TSvcCache, IN LPCSTR pszURL, IN DWORD dwURLLength, IN DWORD dwDemux );
# endif // _TSUNAMI_HXX_
/************************ End of File ***********************/