/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **/ /**********************************************************************/
Exports misc. bits of TCP services helper DLL stuff
FILE HISTORY: Johnl 09-Oct-1994 Created.
MuraliK 31-July-1995 ReadRegistryString added + Schedule items function decls moved out.
MuraliK 23-Feb-1996 Added IslFormatDate()
#ifndef _TCPPROC_H_
#define _TCPPROC_H_
// Heap Routines
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <string.hxx>
extern "C" {
dllexp BOOL ReadRegistryStr( IN HKEY hkeyReg, OUT STR & str, IN LPCTSTR lpszValueName, IN LPCTSTR lpszDefaultValue = NULL, IN BOOL fExpand = FALSE);
#endif // __cplusplus
#define TCP_ALLOC(cb) (VOID *)LocalAlloc( LPTR, cb )
#define TCP_FREE(p) LocalFree( (HLOCAL) p )
// Registry functions
dllexp LPSTR ConvertUnicodeToAnsi( IN LPCWSTR lpszUnicode, IN LPSTR lpszAnsi, IN DWORD cbAnsi );
// Quick macro to initialize a unicode string
#define InitUnicodeString( pUnicode, pwch ) \
{ \ (pUnicode)->Buffer = pwch; \ (pUnicode)->Length = wcslen( pwch ) * sizeof(WCHAR); \ (pUnicode)->MaximumLength = (pUnicode)->Length + sizeof(WCHAR);\ }
dllexp DWORD ReadRegistryDwordA( HKEY hkey, LPCSTR pszValueName, DWORD dwDefaultValue );
dllexp DWORD WriteRegistryDwordA( HKEY hkey, LPCSTR pszValueName, DWORD dwDefaultValue );
dllexp DWORD WriteRegistryStringA( HKEY hkey, LPCSTR pszValueName, LPCSTR pszValue, // null-terminated string
DWORD cbValue, // including terminating null character
dllexp DWORD WriteRegistryStringW( HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, LPCWSTR pszValue, // null-terminated string
DWORD cbValue, // including terminating null character
#define ReadRegistryDword ReadRegistryDwordA
#define WriteRegistryDword WriteRegistryDwordA
#define WriteRegistryString WriteRegistryStringA
dllexp TCHAR * ReadRegistryString( HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPCTSTR pszDefaultValue, BOOL fExpand );
dllexp TCHAR * KludgeMultiSz( HKEY hkey, LPDWORD lpdwLength );
// Simple wrapper around ReadRegistryString that restores ppchstr if the
// call fails for any reason. Environment variables are always expanded
dllexp BOOL ReadRegString( HKEY hkey, CHAR * * ppchstr, LPCSTR pchValue, LPCSTR pchDefault );
// MIDL_user_allocates space for pch and does a unicode conversion into *ppwch
dllexp BOOL ConvertStringToRpc( WCHAR * * ppwch, LPCSTR pch );
// MIDL_user_frees string allocated with ConvertStringToRpc. Noop if pwch is
dllexp VOID FreeRpcString( WCHAR * pwch );
dllexp DWORD InetNtoa( IN struct in_addr inaddr, OUT CHAR * pchBuffer /* at least 16 byte buffer */ );
// Async Socket send/recv with timeouts
BOOL TcpSockSend( SOCKET sock, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, PDWORD nSent, DWORD nTimeout );
BOOL TcpSockRecv( SOCKET sock, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbBuffer, PDWORD nReceived, DWORD nTimeout );
dllexp INT WaitForSocketWorker( IN SOCKET sockRead, IN SOCKET sockWrite, IN LPBOOL pfRead, IN LPBOOL pfWrite, IN DWORD nTimeout );
// Test socket if still connected
dllexp BOOL TcpSockTest( SOCKET sock );
// Do synchronous readfile
dllexp BOOL DoSynchronousReadFile( IN HANDLE hFile, IN PCHAR Buffer, IN DWORD nBuffer, OUT PDWORD nRead, IN LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped );
// Dll initialization and termination
dllexp BOOL InitCommonDlls( VOID );
dllexp BOOL TerminateCommonDlls( VOID );
#ifdef __cplusplus
}; // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // !_TCPPROC_H_