This header file defines a template for
#ifndef _CACHEMT_H_
#define _CACHEMT_H_
// This callback function is used to issue a stop hint during a
// long spin while shutting down so that the shutdown won't time
// out.
typedef void (*PSTOPHINT_FN)();
#include "smartptr.h"
#include <fhashex.h>
#include <mtlib.h>
#include "cachemti.h"
// This is a little helper function for _ASSERT's - returns
// TRUE if lpv is an address on the calling thread's stack !
BOOL FOnMyStack( LPVOID lpv ) ;
// CacheCallback class - clients can pass an object derived from
// this into the Cache for functions which require some kind of user
// callback processing !
template< class Data > class CacheCallback { public : virtual BOOL fRemoveCacheItem( Data& d ) { return FALSE ; } } ;
template< class Data, class Key, class Constructor > class CacheImp : public CacheSelector { //
// This class exists to implement a generic Caching system.
// We assume that only a single thread ever enters any of our
// API's at a time. This class is not to be directly exposed
// to customers, instead CacheInterface<> exists to provide
// an API for customers.
public : //
// Defines an element of the cache !
typedef TEntry< Data, Key > TENTRY ;
private : //
// A signature DWORD for identifying these things in memory !
DWORD m_dwSignature ;
// Define the hashtable we use to hold Cache Elements !
typedef TFHashEx< TENTRY, Key > CACHELOOKUP ; //
// The hash table we use to keep track of entries in the cache !
// This is the doubly linked list of elements in our cache !
CacheList m_ExpireList ;
// The number of subtract from the current time to
// determine our expire date !
public :
// The following structures and functions define the
// portion of our interface designed to work with ASYNC
// mechanisms provide by TMtService<>
// Defines the structure that holds all of the
// arguments for FindOrCreate
// We wrap this stuff all into one struct to make it
// easy to use the TMtServce<> family of templates !
struct FORC_ARG { DWORD m_dwHash ; Key& m_key ; Constructor& m_constructor ; FORC_ARG( DWORD dw, Key& key, Constructor& constructor ) : m_dwHash( dw ), m_key( key ), m_constructor( constructor ) { } } ;
// Define the object that selects items for removal from the
// Cache -
typedef CacheCallback< Data > CCB_OBJ ;
// Arguments for Expunge !
struct EXP_ARG { Key* m_pkey ; TENTRY* m_pData ; EXP_ARG( Key* pkey, TENTRY* pData ) : m_pkey( pkey ), m_pData( pData ) { } } ;
// Define the structure that holds all arguments for
// Expunge interface.
struct EXP_SPECIFIC_ARG { //
// The object which selects what is to be removed from the cache
CCB_OBJ* m_pCacheCallback ; //
// A pointer to an entry which should NOT be removed !
TENTRY* m_pProtected ; //
// If TRUE kick things out even if they aren't ready to expire !
BOOL m_fForced ;
EXP_SPECIFIC_ARG( CCB_OBJ* pCallback, TENTRY* pProtected, BOOL fForced ) : m_pCacheCallback( pCallback ), m_pProtected( pProtected ), m_fForced( fForced ) { } } ;
protected : //
// When Executing ExpungeSpecific() - this holds onto the user
// provided Callback for selecting deleted items !
CCB_OBJ* m_pCurrent ;
// This member function removes entries from the cache -
// we remove them from the hash table which leads to destruction !
void RemoveEntry( CacheState* pCacheState ) ; //
// This function checks to see whether we wish to remove an element !
BOOL QueryRemoveEntry( CacheState* pState ) ;
// FindOrCreate results
typedef CRefPtr< Data > FORC_RES ;
public :
CacheImp() ;
// If this function returns TRUE then callers can be
// notified at arbitrary times of the results.
// The BOOL return value is required by the TMtService templates.
BOOL FindOrCreate( FORC_ARG& args, FORC_RES& result ) ; //
// This function removes specified items from the cache !
BOOL Expunge( EXP_ARG& args, DWORD& countExpunged ) ;
BOOL ExpungeSpecific( EXP_SPECIFIC_ARG& args, DWORD& countExpunged ) ;
BOOL Expire( DWORD& countExpunged ) ;
// The following set of functions are for synchronous use
// such as Initialization and Termination of the Cache.
// Initialization function - take pointer to function
// which should be used to compute hash values on Key's
// Also takes the number of seconds objects should live in
// the cache !
BOOL Init( DWORD (*pfnHash)( const Key& ), DWORD dwLifetimeSeconds, DWORD cMaxInstances, PSTOPHINT_FN pfnStopHint = NULL ) ;
// Compute the hash of a key - provided for debug purposes and _ASSERT's
// not for regular use !
DWORD ComputeHash( Key& k ) ;
} ;
template< class Data, class Key, class Constructor > class TAsyncCache { public :
// The template class that implements the Cache.
typedef CacheImp< Data, Key, Constructor > IMP ;
// Singature for identifying these Async Cache things
DWORD m_dwSignature ;
// This is the object which actually implements the Cache functionality
// NOTE: appears before CACHE_SERVICE so its constructor is called first !
IMP m_Implementation ;
public :
// A typedef for the objects we will take in our
// interface which get completion notifications.
typedef TCompletion< IMP::FORC_RES > COMP_OBJ ;
// A typedef for the objects which handle Expunge Completions !
// The completion function gets the number of objects expunged
// from the cache !
typedef TCompletion< DWORD > EXP_COMP_OBJ ;
// Some typedefs so that users can extract our template parameters
// back out !
typedef Data CACHEDATA ; typedef Key CACHEKEY ; private : //
// The kind of object we use to encapsulate a call
// to the cache.
// The kind of object we use to encapsulate an Expunge Call
typedef TMFnNoArgDelay< IMP, DWORD > EXPIRE_CALL ;
// Define the type of our CACHE_SERVICE
typedef TMtService< IMP > CACHE_SERVICE ;
// This is the object which manages the Queue of Async Cache requests !
// Set to TRUE if we have been successfully initialized.
BOOL m_fGood ;
public :
// Default constructor
TAsyncCache() ;
// Find an Item in the Cache or Create an Item to be held in the Cache !
BOOL FindOrCreate( CStateStackInterface& allocator, DWORD dwHash, Key& key, Constructor& constructor, COMP_OBJ* pComplete ) ;
// Remove an Item from the cache !
// Function which can be used to remove items from the Cache
BOOL Expunge( CStateStackInterface& allocator, EXP_COMP_OBJ* pComplete, Key* key = 0, IMP::TENTRY* pData = 0 ) ;
// Function which can be passed a function pointer to determine
// exactly what items are to be removed from the Cache.
// if fForced == TRUE then items are removed from the Cache
// no matter what.
BOOL ExpungeSpecific( CStateStackInterface& allocator, EXP_COMP_OBJ* pComplete, class CacheCallback< Data >* pSelector, BOOL fForced, TEntry<Data,Key>* pProtected = 0 ) ;
// Expire old stuff in the cache - everything older than
// dwLifetimeSeconds (specified at Init() time
// which is NOT in use should be kicked out.
BOOL Expire( CStateStackInterface& allocator, EXP_COMP_OBJ* pComplete ) ;
// Initialization function - take pointer to function
// which should be used to compute hash values on Key's
// Also takes the number of seconds objects should live in
// the cache !
BOOL Init( DWORD (*pfnHash)( const Key& ), DWORD dwLifetimeSeconds, DWORD cMaxInstances, PSTOPHINT_FN pfnStopHint = NULL ) ; } ;
template< class Data, class Key, class Constructor > class TMultiAsyncCache { private :
typedef TAsyncCache< Data, Key, Constructor > ASYNCCACHEINSTANCE ;
// Signature for these objects in memory !
DWORD m_dwSignature ; //
// Array of Caches to use for client requests
// Number of ASYNCCACHEINSTANCE objects pointed to be m_pCaches !
DWORD m_cSubCaches ;
// The Hash Function to be used !
DWORD (*m_pfnHash)( const Key& ) ;
// Function which computes which of our child caches to use !
DWORD ChooseInstance( DWORD dwHash ) ;
public :
TMultiAsyncCache() ; ~TMultiAsyncCache() ;
// Initialization function - take pointer to function
// which should be used to compute hash values on Key's
// Also takes the number of seconds objects should live in
// the cache !
BOOL Init( DWORD cCaches, DWORD (*pfnHash)( const Key& ), DWORD dwLifetimeSeconds, DWORD cMaxInstances, PSTOPHINT_FN pfnStopHint = NULL ) ;
// Find an Item in the Cache or Create an Item to be held in the Cache !
BOOL FindOrCreate( CStateStackInterface& allocator, DWORD dwHash, Key& key, Constructor& constructor, COMP_OBJ* pComplete ) ;
BOOL FindOrCreate( CStateStackInterface& allocator, Key& key, Constructor& constructor, COMP_OBJ* pComplete ) ; //
// Remove an Item from the cache !
// Function which can be used to remove items from the Cache
BOOL Expunge( CStateStackInterface& allocator, EXP_COMP_OBJ* pComplete, Key* key = 0 ) ;
// Function which can be passed a function pointer to determine
// exactly what items are to be removed from the Cache.
// if fForced == TRUE then items are removed from the Cache
// no matter what.
BOOL ExpungeSpecific( CStateStackInterface& allocator, EXP_COMP_OBJ* pComplete, class CacheCallback< Data >* pSelector, BOOL fForced ) ;
// Expire old stuff in the cache - everything older than
// dwLifetimeSeconds (specified at Init() time
// which is NOT in use should be kicked out.
BOOL Expire( CStateStackInterface& allocator, EXP_COMP_OBJ* pComplete ) ; } ;
#include "cachemtx.h"
#endif // _CACHEMT_H_