//depot/private/jasbr/inetsrv/iis/svcs/cmp/asp/template.cpp#19 - edit change 3548 (text)
Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
File: template.cpp Maintained by: DaveK Component: source file for Denali Compiled Template object ==============================================================================*/ #include "denpre.h"
#pragma hdrstop
const int SNIPPET_SIZE = 20; // # of characters in the code snippets
#pragma warning( disable : 4509 ) // suppress SEH/destructor warnings
#pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // ignore: "'this' used in base member init
#include "debugger.h"
#include "dbgutil.h"
#include "tlbcache.h"
#include "ie449.h"
#include "memchk.h"
#include "vecimpl.h" // Include after memchk to insure that vector uses our mem manager.
#include "Accctrl.h"
#include "aclapi.h"
// Init class statics
CTemplate::CTokenList *CTemplate::gm_pTokenList = NULL; PTRACE_LOG CTemplate::gm_pTraceLog = NULL; HANDLE CTemplate::sm_hSmallHeap = NULL; HANDLE CTemplate::sm_hLargeHeap = NULL;
// Max # of opener tokens to look for
// Expose AspDoRevertHack and AspUndoRevertHack so that it can be used in template.cpp
extern VOID AspDoRevertHack( HANDLE * phToken ); extern VOID AspUndoRevertHack( HANDLE * phToken );
Private non-class support functions ===================================================================*/ static void ByteRangeFromPb(BYTE* pbSource, CByteRange& brTarget); static BOOLB FByteRangesAreEqual(CByteRange& br1, CByteRange& br2); static unsigned CharAdvDBCS(WORD wCodePage, char *pchStart, char *pchEnd, unsigned cCharAdv, char **ppchEnd, BOOL fForceDBCS = FALSE); static void LineFromByteRangeAdv(CByteRange& br, CByteRange& brLine); static void LTrimWhiteSpace(CByteRange& br); static void RTrimWhiteSpace(CByteRange& br); static CByteRange BrNewLine(CByteRange br); static BOOLB FWhiteSpace(char ch, BOOLB fSpaceIsWhiteSpace = TRUE); static BOOLB FByteRangeIsWhiteSpace(CByteRange br); static BOOLB FTagName(BYTE* pb, UINT cb); static void ByteAlignOffset(UINT* pcbOffset, UINT cbAlignment); static void GetSzFromPatternInserts(char* pszPattern, UINT cInserts, char** ppszInserts, char* szReturned); static UINT CchPathFromFilespec(LPCTSTR szFile); static void GetPathFromParentAndFilespec(LPCTSTR szParentPath, LPCTSTR szFileSpec, LPTSTR* pszPath); static void HandleAccessFailure(CHitObj* pHitObj, TCHAR* szFile); static void SendToLog(DWORD dwMask, CHAR *szFileName, CHAR *szLineNum, CHAR *szShortDes, CHAR *szLongDes, CHAR *szEngine, CHitObj *pHitObj); static HRESULT GetProgLangId(CByteRange& brEngine, PROGLANG_ID* pProgLangId);
inline void __cdecl DebugPrintf(LPCSTR fmt, ...) { #if DBG
char msg[512]; va_list marker; va_start(marker, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, marker); va_end(marker); OutputDebugStringA(msg); #endif
/* ============================================================================
ByteRangeFromPb Gets a byte range from a contiguous block of memory
Returns: Nothing.
Side effects: None. */ void ByteRangeFromPb ( BYTE* pbSource, CByteRange& brTarget ) { Assert(pbSource != NULL); brTarget.m_cb = *(ULONG*)pbSource; brTarget.m_pb = pbSource + sizeof(ULONG); }
/* ============================================================================
Compares two byte ranges
Returns: BOOLB. True if byte ranges are equal, else false.
Side effects: None. */ BOOLB FByteRangesAreEqual ( CByteRange& br1, CByteRange& br2 ) { if(br1.m_cb != br2.m_cb) return FALSE; return (!_strnicmp((LPCSTR)br1.m_pb, (LPCSTR)br2.m_pb, br1.m_cb)); }
/* ============================================================================
Advance "cchCharAdv" characters in a buffer SBCS: Degenerates to simple pointer arithmatic
Arguments: wCodePage - code page pchStart - pointer to beginning of segment pchEnd - pointer to just past end of segment cCharAdv - # of characters to advance ppchEnd - [output], contains pointer "cCharAdv" chars past pchStart fForceDBCS - if TRUE, always use double byte algorithm. (for verifying correct behavior of func in debug mode)
Returns: (int) # of characters that we actually advanced
Notes: By passing INFINITE for "cCharAdv", you can use this function to count characters in a block
Side effects: None. */ unsigned CharAdvDBCS ( WORD wCodePage, char *pchStart, char *pchEnd, unsigned cCharAdv, char **ppchEnd, BOOL fForceDBCS ) { CPINFO CpInfo; GetCPInfo(wCodePage, &CpInfo); if (!fForceDBCS && CpInfo.MaxCharSize == 1) { char *pchT = pchStart + min(cCharAdv, unsigned(pchEnd - pchStart));
if (ppchEnd) *ppchEnd = pchT;
#if DBG
// Verify DBCS algorithm (not often tested otherwise)
char *pchTest; unsigned cchTest = CharAdvDBCS(wCodePage, pchStart, pchEnd, cCharAdv, &pchTest, TRUE); Assert (cchTest == unsigned(pchT - pchStart) && pchTest == pchT); #endif
return DIFF(pchT - pchStart); } else { int cch = 0; char *pchNext = pchStart;
// Count DBCS characters. We have to stop before pchEnd because
// pchEnd may point past file map and CharNextExA AVs when advancing
// past allocated memory
while (cCharAdv > 0 && pchNext < pchEnd-2) { pchNext = *pchNext? AspCharNextA(wCodePage, pchNext) : pchNext + 1; --cCharAdv; ++cch; }
// We could stop on the last or the before last character
// depending on the DBCS char sequence
if (cCharAdv > 0 && pchNext == pchEnd-1) { // Only one byte - has to be one single byte character
++pchNext; ++cch; }
else if (cCharAdv > 0 && pchNext == pchEnd-2) { // 2 bytes left - either 1 2-byte char or 2 1-byte chars
if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(wCodePage, *pchNext)) { ++cch; pchNext += 2; } else { // Two characters left. If cCharAdv > 1, this means that user wants to
// advance at least two more chars. Otherwise, cCharAdv == 1, and
// we advance one char
if (cCharAdv > 1) { cch += 2; pchNext += 2; } else { Assert (cCharAdv == 1); ++cch; ++pchNext; } } }
if (ppchEnd) *ppchEnd = pchNext;
return cch; } }
/* ============================================================================
LineFromByteRangeAdv Gets the first line in a byte range.
Returns: Nothing
Side effects: Advances source byte range to just beyond its first non-white-space line, if one is found.
*/ void LineFromByteRangeAdv ( CByteRange& brSource, CByteRange& brLine ) { CByteRange brTemp;
if(brSource.IsNull()) { brLine.Nullify(); return; }
brLine.m_pb = brSource.m_pb;
brTemp = BrNewLine(brSource); if(brTemp.IsNull()) { // We found no newline in a non-empty byte range:
// set line range to entire source byte range and empty source byte range
brLine.m_cb = brSource.m_cb; brSource.Nullify(); } else { // We found a newline in a non-empty byte range:
// set line range to portion of source byte range before new line;
// set source range to portion of source range after new line
brLine.m_cb = DIFF(brTemp.m_pb - brSource.m_pb); brSource.m_pb = brTemp.m_pb + brTemp.m_cb; brSource.m_cb -= (brLine.m_cb + brTemp.m_cb); } }
/* ============================================================================
Left-trim white space from byte-range
Returns: Nothing
Side effects: Advances byte range to just beyond its first non-white-space character.
*/ void LTrimWhiteSpace ( CByteRange& br ) { if(br.IsNull()) return; while(FWhiteSpace(*br.m_pb)) { br.m_pb++; if(--br.m_cb == 0) return; } }
/* ============================================================================
RTrimWhiteSpace Right-trim white space from byte-range */ void RTrimWhiteSpace(CByteRange& br) { if(br.IsNull()) return; while(FWhiteSpace(*(br.m_pb + br.m_cb - 1))) { if(--br.m_cb == 0) return; } }
/* ============================================================================
BrNewLine Returns ptr to the first newline in a byte range NOTE does not change byte range (since it is passed by value) */ CByteRange BrNewLine(CByteRange br) { while(!br.IsNull()) { if(*br.m_pb == '\r') return CByteRange(br.m_pb, (br.m_cb > 1 && br.m_pb[1] == '\n')? 2 : 1);
else if (*br.m_pb == '\n') return CByteRange(br.m_pb, 1);
++br.m_pb; --br.m_cb; } return CByteRange(); }
/* ============================================================================
FWhiteSpace Returns: TRUE if ch is a white-space character, else returns FALSE Certain character(s) (e.g. space) may be treated as non-white-space; to do this, caller passes FALSE for fSpaceIsWhiteSpace flag. */ BOOLB FWhiteSpace(char ch, BOOLB fSpaceIsWhiteSpace) { switch (ch) { case ' ': return fSpaceIsWhiteSpace; case '\0': return TRUE; case '\a': return TRUE; case '\b': return TRUE; case '\f': return TRUE; case '\n': return TRUE; case '\r': return TRUE; case '\t': return TRUE; case '\v': return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } }
/* ============================================================================
FByteRangeIsWhiteSpace Is the entire input byte range white space? NOTE input byte range is byval; caller's copy is not changed */ BOOLB FByteRangeIsWhiteSpace(CByteRange br) { while(!br.IsNull()) { if(!FWhiteSpace(*(br.m_pb))) return FALSE; br.Advance(1); }
return TRUE; }
/* ============================================================================
FTagName Does pb point to a valid HTML tag name? (i.e., is *pb a valid HTML tag name and not a substring?)
Returns TRUE or FALSE Side effects None */ BOOLB FTagName(BYTE* pb, UINT cb) { if((pb == NULL) || (cb == 0)) return FALSE;
// a valid HTML tag name must be preceded by white space ...
if( FWhiteSpace(*(pb - 1)) || *(pb - 1) == '@' ) { // ... and followed either by white space or the tag separator
if(FWhiteSpace(*(pb + cb))) return TRUE; else if(*(pb + cb) == CH_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
ByteAlignOffset Byte-aligns an offset value, based on size of source data */ void ByteAlignOffset ( UINT* pcbOffset, // ptr to offset value
UINT cbAlignment // Alignment boundary
) { // comment the below code out so that it works for 64 bit...
// only byte-align for 2-, or 4-byte data
// since our base pointer in only aligned to a 4 byte boundary
//if(cbAlignment == 2 || cbAlignment == 4)
// if current offset does not fall on a byte-aligned location for current data type,
// advance offset to next byte-aligned location
Assert(cbAlignment > 0); --cbAlignment; if (*pcbOffset & cbAlignment) *pcbOffset = (*pcbOffset + cbAlignment + 1) & ~cbAlignment; }
/* ============================================================================
GetSzFromPatternInserts Returns a 'resolved' version of a pattern string, i.e. a new string in which | characters have been replaced by caller-specified insert strings. NOTE this function allocates, but caller must free
Returns: Nothing Side effects: allocates memory */ void GetSzFromPatternInserts ( char* pszPattern, // 'pattern' string
UINT cInserts, // count of insert strings
char** ppszInserts, // array of ptrs to insert strings
char* szReturned // returned string MUST be allocated by caller
) { UINT cchRet = strlen(pszPattern); // length of return string
char* pchStartCopy = pszPattern; // ptr to start of copy range in pattern
char* pchEndCopy = pszPattern; // ptr to end of copy range in pattern
UINT cActualInserts = 0; // count of actual insert strings
// init return string to empty so we can concatenate onto it
szReturned[0] = NULL;
// zero out length of return string - we now use it to count actual length as we build return string
cchRet = 0;
while(TRUE) { // advance end-of-copy ptr through pattern looking for insertion points or end of string
while ((*pchEndCopy != NULL) && (IsDBCSLeadByte(*pchEndCopy) || (*pchEndCopy != '|'))) pchEndCopy = CharNextA(pchEndCopy);
// cat from start-of-copy to end-of-copy onto return string
strncat(szReturned, pchStartCopy, DIFF(pchEndCopy - pchStartCopy));
// update return string length
cchRet += DIFF(pchEndCopy - pchStartCopy);
// if we are at end of pattern, exit
if(*pchEndCopy == NULL) goto Exit;
if(cActualInserts < cInserts) { // if inserts remain, cat the next one onto return string
strcat(szReturned, ppszInserts[cActualInserts]); // update return string length
cchRet += strlen(ppszInserts[cActualInserts]); cActualInserts++; }
// advance end-of-copy and start-of-copy beyond insertion point
pchEndCopy++; pchStartCopy = pchEndCopy; }
Exit: // null-terminate return string
szReturned[cchRet] = NULL; }
/* ============================================================================
CchPathFromFilespec Returns a filespec's path length (exclusive of filespec) NOTE path string includes trailing '\' or '/'
Returns: Length of path string Side effects: None */ UINT CchPathFromFilespec ( LPCTSTR szFileSpec // filespec
) { // BUG FIX 102010 DBCS fixes
//int ich = lstrlen(szFileSpec) - 1; // index of char to compare
//while(*(szFileSpec + ich) != '\\' && *(szFileSpec + ich) != '/')
// {
// if(--ich < 0)
// }
//return (UINT) (ich + 1); // path length, including trailing '\' or '/', is char index + 1
TCHAR* p1 = _tcsrchr(szFileSpec, _T('\\')); TCHAR* p2 = _tcsrchr(szFileSpec, _T('/')); // this wont be a DBCS trail byte.
if (p1 == NULL && p2 == NULL) THROW(E_FAIL);
return (UINT) ((((LPTSTR)max(p1,p2) - szFileSpec)) + 1); }
/* ============================================================================
GetPathFromParentAndFilespec Returns an absolute path which is a 'parent' file's path concatenated with a filespec.
Returns: absolute path (out-parameter) Side effects: None */ void GetPathFromParentAndFilespec ( LPCTSTR szParentPath, // parent path
LPCTSTR szFileSpec, // filespec
LPTSTR* pszPath // resolved path (out-parameter)
) { UINT cchParentPath = CchPathFromFilespec(szParentPath);
if ((cchParentPath + _tcslen(szFileSpec)) > MAX_PATH) THROW(E_FAIL); _tcsncpy(*pszPath, szParentPath, cchParentPath); _tcscpy(*pszPath + cchParentPath, szFileSpec); }
/* ============================================================================
HandleAccessFailure Handles an access-denied failure
Returns: nothing Side effects: none */ void HandleAccessFailure ( CHitObj* pHitObj, // browser's hitobj
TCHAR * szFile // file path of main template
) { Assert(pHitObj);
// debugging diagnostic print
#if DBG
STACK_BUFFER( authUserBuff, 32 );
char *szAuthUser; DWORD cbAuthUser;
if (SERVER_GET(pHitObj->PIReq(), "AUTH_USER", &authUserBuff, &cbAuthUser)) { szAuthUser = (char*)authUserBuff.QueryPtr(); } else { szAuthUser = "anonymous"; }
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "No permission to read file %S\n", szFile != NULL? szFile : pHitObj->PIReq()->QueryPszPathTranslated())); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "No permission to read file %s\n", szFile != NULL? szFile : pHitObj->PIReq()->QueryPszPathTranslated())); #endif
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, " The user account is \"%s\"\n", szAuthUser)); #endif
CResponse *pResponse = pHitObj->PResponse(); if (!pResponse) return;
pHitObj->PIReq()->SetDwHttpStatusCode(401); HandleSysError(401,3,IDE_401_3_ACCESS_DENIED,IDH_401_3_ACCESS_DENIED,pHitObj->PIReq(),pHitObj);
return; }
/* ============================================================================
SendToLog Sends Error Info to Log
Returns: Nothing
Side effects: None. */ void SendToLog ( DWORD dwMask, CHAR *szFileName, CHAR *szLineNum, CHAR *szEngine, CHAR *szErrCode, CHAR *szShortDes, CHAR *szLongDes, CHitObj *pHitObj // browser's hitobj
) { CHAR *szFileNameT; CHAR *szLineNumT; CHAR *szEngineT; CHAR *szErrCodeT; CHAR *szShortDesT; CHAR *szLongDesT; if(pHitObj) { // NOTE - szFileName is assumed to be UTF8 when UNICODE is defined
szFileNameT = StringDupA(szFileName); szLineNumT = StringDupA(szLineNum); szEngineT = StringDupA(szEngine); szErrCodeT = StringDupA(szErrCode); szShortDesT = StringDupA(szShortDes); szLongDesT = StringDupA(szLongDes);
HandleError(szShortDesT, szLongDesT, dwMask, szFileNameT, szLineNumT, szEngineT, szErrCodeT, NULL, pHitObj); } }
/* ============================================================================
FreeNullify Frees and nullifies a ptr to memory allocated with malloc.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ static void FreeNullify ( void** pp ) { if(*pp != NULL) { free(*pp); *pp = NULL; } }
/* ============================================================================
SmallTemplateFreeNullify Frees and nullifies a ptr to memory allocated with CTemplate::SmallMalloc.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ static void SmallTemplateFreeNullify ( void** pp ) { if(*pp != NULL) { CTemplate::SmallFree(*pp); *pp = NULL; } }
/* ============================================================================
LargeTemplateFreeNullify Frees and nullifies a ptr to memory allocated with CTemplate::LargeMalloc.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ static void LargeTemplateFreeNullify ( void** pp ) { if(*pp != NULL) { CTemplate::LargeFree(*pp); *pp = NULL; } }
/* ============================================================================
GetProgLangId Gets the prog lang id for a script engine
Returns: Nothing Side effects: throws on error */ HRESULT GetProgLangId ( CByteRange& brEngine, // engine name
PROGLANG_ID* pProgLangId // prog lang id (out-parameter)
) {
STACK_BUFFER( tempEngine, 128 );
if (!tempEngine.Resize(brEngine.m_cb + 1)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
LPSTR szProgLang = static_cast<LPSTR> (tempEngine.QueryPtr());
strncpy(szProgLang, (LPCSTR)brEngine.m_pb, brEngine.m_cb); szProgLang[brEngine.m_cb] = '\0';
return g_ScriptManager.ProgLangIdOfLangName((LPCSTR) szProgLang, pProgLangId); }
/* ****************************************************************************
CByteRange member functions */
/* ========================================================
CByteRange::Advance Advances a byte range. */ void CByteRange::Advance(UINT i) { if(i >= m_cb) { Nullify(); } else { m_pb += i; m_cb -= i; } }
/* ========================================================
CByteRange::FMatchesSz Compares a byte range with a string, case-insensitively */ BOOLB CByteRange::FMatchesSz ( LPCSTR psz ) { if(IsNull() || (psz == NULL)) return FALSE; if((ULONG)strlen(psz) != m_cb) return FALSE; return !_strnicmp((const char*)m_pb, psz, m_cb); }
/* ============================================================================
CByteRange::PbString Finds a case-insensitive string within a byte range
Returns: Ptr to first case-insensitive occurrence of the string in this byte range; NULL if none found. Side effects: None */ BYTE* CByteRange::PbString ( LPSTR psz, LONG lCodePage ) { UINT cch = strlen(psz); if(cch == 0) return NULL;
BYTE *pbLocal = m_pb; UINT cbLocal = m_cb; char ch0 = psz[0]; BYTE *pbTemp = NULL; UINT cbAdvanced = 0;
if (IsCharAlpha(ch0)) { // cannot use strchr
while (cbLocal >= cch) { if (_strnicmp((const char *)pbLocal, psz, cch) == 0) return pbLocal;
// The following code simply performs a DBCS-enabled ByteRange.Advance() action.
pbTemp = pbLocal; pbLocal = *pbLocal? (BYTE *)AspCharNextA((WORD)lCodePage, (const char *)pbLocal) : pbLocal + 1; cbAdvanced = DIFF(pbLocal - pbTemp); if (cbAdvanced >= cbLocal) { cbLocal = 0; pbLocal = NULL; } else cbLocal -= cbAdvanced; } } else { // can use strchr
while (cbLocal >= cch) { pbTemp = (BYTE *)memchr(pbLocal, ch0, cbLocal); if (pbTemp == NULL) break; UINT cbOffset = DIFF(pbTemp - pbLocal); if (cbOffset >= cbLocal) break; pbLocal = pbTemp; cbLocal -= cbOffset; if (cch <= cbLocal && _strnicmp((const char *)pbLocal, psz, cch) == 0) return pbLocal; // The following code simply performs a DBCS-enabled ByteRange.Advance() action.
pbTemp = pbLocal; pbLocal = *pbLocal? (BYTE *)AspCharNextA((WORD)lCodePage, (const char *)pbLocal) : pbLocal + 1; cbAdvanced = DIFF(pbLocal - pbTemp); if (cbAdvanced >= cbLocal) { cbLocal = 0; pbLocal = NULL; } else cbLocal -= cbAdvanced; } }
return NULL; }
/* ============================================================================
CByteRange::PbOneOfAspOpenerStringTokens Finds a case-insensitive string within a byte range that matches one of the strings passed
!!! WILL ONLY WORK IF THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE: 1) All the tokens start with the same charater (for example '<') 2) This character is not alpha (so that strchr() would work) !!! THE ABOVE ASSUMPTIONS MAKE THE CODE WORK FASTER
Returns: Ptr to first case-insensitive occurrence of the string in this byte range; NULL if none found. *pcindex is set to the index of string found Side effects: None */ BYTE* CByteRange::PbOneOfAspOpenerStringTokens ( LPSTR rgszTokens[], UINT rgcchTokens[], UINT nTokens, UINT *pidToken ) { if (nTokens == 0) return NULL;
BYTE *pb = m_pb; // pointer to unsearched remainder of the range
UINT cbRemainder = m_cb; // remaining byte range length
char ch0 = rgszTokens[0][0]; // first char of every token
while (cbRemainder > 0) { // BUG 82331: avoid strchr() because byte range is not null-terminated
while (cbRemainder > 0 && *pb != ch0) { ++pb; --cbRemainder; }
if (cbRemainder == 0) break;
for (UINT i = 0; i < nTokens; i++) {
if ((rgcchTokens[i] <= cbRemainder) && (rgszTokens[i] != NULL) && (_strnicmp((const char *)pb, rgszTokens[i], rgcchTokens[i]) == 0)) {
*pidToken = i; return pb; } } ++pb; --cbRemainder; }
return NULL; }
/* ============================================================================
CByteRange::FEarlierInSourceThan Does this byte range occur earlier in source than parameter byte range?
Returns TRUE or FALSE Side effects None */ BOOLB CByteRange::FEarlierInSourceThan(CByteRange& br) { if(br.IsNull()) return TRUE; return(m_idSequence < br.m_idSequence); }
/* ****************************************************************************
CTemplate member functions */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::InitClass Initilaizes CTemplate static members
Returns: hresult Side effects: allocates memory for static members */ HRESULT CTemplate::InitClass ( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TRY // init heaps
sm_hSmallHeap = ::HeapCreate(0, 0, 0); sm_hLargeHeap = ::HeapCreate(0, 0, 0);
// Init token list
gm_pTokenList = new CTokenList; if (gm_pTokenList == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
CATCH(hrException) hr = hrException; END_TRY
return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::UnInitClass Un-initilaizes CTemplate static members
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::UnInitClass() { delete gm_pTokenList; gm_pTokenList = NULL;
::HeapDestroy(sm_hLargeHeap); if (sm_hLargeHeap != sm_hSmallHeap) ::HeapDestroy(sm_hSmallHeap); sm_hLargeHeap = sm_hSmallHeap = NULL; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Init Inits template in preparation for calling Compile Does the minimum needed
Returns: Success or failure code Side effects: Allocates memory */ HRESULT CTemplate::Init ( CHitObj *pHitObj, // ptr to template's hit object
BOOL fGlobalAsa, // is this the global.asa file?
const CTemplateKey &rTemplateKey // hash table key
) { HRESULT hr;
// Create debug critical section
ErrInitCriticalSection(&m_csDebuggerDetach, hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// note critical section creation success
m_fDebuggerDetachCSInited = TRUE;
// Create event: manual-reset, ready-for-use event; non-signaled
m_hEventReadyForUse = IIS_CREATE_EVENT( "CTemplate::m_hEventReadyForUse", this, TRUE, // flag for manual-reset event
FALSE // flag for initial state
); if (!m_hEventReadyForUse) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// cache GlobalAsp flag
m_fGlobalAsa = BOOLB(fGlobalAsa);
// CIsapiReqInfo better be present
if (pHitObj->PIReq() == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Initialize the template's code page
m_wCodePage = pHitObj->PAppln()->QueryAppConfig()->uCodePage(); m_lLCID = pHitObj->PAppln()->QueryAppConfig()->uLCID();
STACK_BUFFER( serverNameBuff, 32 ); STACK_BUFFER( serverPortBuff, 10 ); STACK_BUFFER( portSecureBuff, 8 );
DWORD cbServerName; DWORD cbServerPort; DWORD cbServerPortSecure;
// Construct a URL for the application
// Get the server name and port
if (!SERVER_GET(pHitObj->PIReq(), "SERVER_NAME", &serverNameBuff, &cbServerName) || !SERVER_GET(pHitObj->PIReq(), "SERVER_PORT", &serverPortBuff, &cbServerPort)) {
if (GetLastError() == E_OUTOFMEMORY) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; }
char *szServerPort = (char *)serverPortBuff.QueryPtr(); char *szServerName = (char *)serverNameBuff.QueryPtr();
BOOL fServerPortSecure = FALSE;
// determine if server port is secure
if (SERVER_GET(pHitObj->PIReq(), "SERVER_PORT_SECURE", &portSecureBuff, &cbServerPortSecure)) { char *szServerPortSecure = (char *)portSecureBuff.QueryPtr(); fServerPortSecure = (szServerPortSecure[0] == '1'); }
// Get the application virtual path
TCHAR szApplnVirtPath[256]; if (FAILED(hr = FindApplicationPath(pHitObj->PIReq(), szApplnVirtPath, sizeof szApplnVirtPath))) return hr;
TCHAR *szServerNameT; TCHAR *szServerPortT;
CMBCSToWChar convServer; if (FAILED(hr = convServer.Init(szServerName))) { return hr; } szServerNameT = convServer.GetString(); #else
szServerNameT = szServerName; #endif
CMBCSToWChar convPort; if (FAILED(hr = convPort.Init(szServerPort))) { return hr; } szServerPortT = convPort.GetString(); #else
szServerPortT = szServerPort; #endif
// Allocate space for and construct the application URL
m_szApplnURL = new TCHAR [(9 /* sizeof "https://:" */ + _tcslen(szServerNameT) + _tcslen(szServerPortT) + _tcslen(szApplnVirtPath) + 1)]; if (m_szApplnURL == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// start with the protocol prefix...
pT = strcpyEx(m_szApplnURL, fServerPortSecure? _T("https://") : _T("http://"));
// next add the servername
pT = strcpyEx(pT, szServerNameT);
// next the colon between the servername and the serverport
pT = strcpyEx(pT, _T(":"));
// next the server port
pT = strcpyEx(pT, szServerPortT);
// now the applURL is built up to the appln path. The next step will be to
// add the virtpath.
m_szApplnVirtPath = pT;
_tcscpy(m_szApplnVirtPath, szApplnVirtPath);
m_LKHashKey.dwInstanceID = rTemplateKey.dwInstanceID; if ((m_LKHashKey.szPathTranslated = StringDup((TCHAR *)rTemplateKey.szPathTranslated)) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Compile Compiles the template from its source file and include files, if any, by calling GetSegmentsFromFile (to populate WorkStore), followed by WriteTemplate (to create the template from WorkStore).
Returns: HRESULT indicating success or type of failure Side effects: Indirectly allocates memory (via WriteTemplate) Indirectly frees memory on error (via FreeGoodTemplateMemory) */ HRESULT CTemplate::Compile ( CHitObj* pHitObj ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// The following code moved from Init() (to make Init() lighter)
// Create and Init WorkStore
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // construct the workstore - bail on fail
if(NULL == (m_pWorkStore = new CWorkStore)) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = (m_pWorkStore->m_ScriptStore).Init(pHitObj->QueryAppConfig()->szScriptLanguage(), pHitObj->QueryAppConfig()->pCLSIDDefaultEngine());
if (hr == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND) { // default script language in registry is bogus - send error msg to browser
HandleCTemplateError( NULL, // source file map
NULL, // ptr to source location where error occurred
0, // count of insert strings for error msg
NULL, // array of ptrs to error msg insert strings
pHitObj // Browser Request
); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete m_pWorkStore; m_pWorkStore = NULL; } }
// Try to init the workstore and map main file - this can fail with oom, etc or user lacks permissions
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TRY m_pWorkStore->Init(); AppendMapFile( NULL, // file spec for this file - NULL means get filespec from pHitObj
NULL, // ptr to filemap of parent file
FALSE, // don't care
pHitObj, // ptr to template's hit object
m_fGlobalAsa // is this the global.asa file?
CATCH(hrException) delete m_pWorkStore; m_pWorkStore = NULL;
hr = hrException;
if(hr == E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS) HandleAccessFailure(pHitObj, (m_rgpFilemaps && m_rgpFilemaps[0])? m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated : NULL);
if (m_rgpFilemaps && m_rgpFilemaps[0]) { // empty file will fail to map but will have a handle, so we check for it here
if (0 == GetFileSize(m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_hFile, NULL)) hr = E_SOURCE_FILE_IS_EMPTY;
m_rgpFilemaps[0]->UnmapFile(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = E_FAIL; // make sure the error is set
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Assert(m_rgpFilemaps[0]); Assert(m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated); Assert(FImplies(!m_fGlobalAsa, (0 == _tcscmp(m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated, pHitObj->PSzCurrTemplatePhysPath())))); Assert(FImplies(m_fGlobalAsa, (0 == _tcscmp(m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated, pHitObj->GlobalAspPath())))); Assert(0 < m_rgpFilemaps[0]->GetSize()); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_fDontCache = TRUE; // OK, cache HR if m_fDontCache is true
// later, another thread might find this template from the cache even if the template
// has some error and marked as DontCache.
m_hrOnNoCache = hr; m_fReadyForUse = TRUE; SetEvent(m_hEventReadyForUse); return hr; }
// End of Code moved from Init()
// By default we are not in a transaction
m_ttTransacted = ttUndefined; // By default session is required
m_fSession = TRUE; // By default assume script exists
m_fScriptless = FALSE;
// we assert, in effect, that template is already init'ed
Assert(FImplies(!m_fGlobalAsa, (0 == _tcscmp(m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated, pHitObj->PSzCurrTemplatePhysPath())))); Assert(FImplies(m_fGlobalAsa, (0 == _tcscmp(m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated, pHitObj->GlobalAspPath()))));
TRY // Get source segments from source file
GetSegmentsFromFile(*(m_rgpFilemaps[0]), *m_pWorkStore, pHitObj);
/* get "language equivalents" for primary languagefrom registry
NOTE we do this here because the user can reset the primary language in the script file, so we must wait until after GetSegmentsFromFile() */ GetLanguageEquivalents();
// Call WriteTemplate, which writes out template components to contiguous memory,
// resulting in a compiled template
WriteTemplate(*m_pWorkStore, pHitObj);
// Calculate the # of characters in a filemap before we unmap the file for all time.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_cFilemaps; ++i) m_rgpFilemaps[i]->CountChars((WORD)m_wCodePage);
// Wrap typelibs into single IDispatch*
m_fIsValid = TRUE;
CATCH(hrException) // NOTE: we used to free template memory here. Now we do not because if the
// error was E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS, and template is in cache, we don't want
// to sabotage future requests. There's no need to decache the template.
// The template destructor will free this memory anyway.
hr = hrException; END_TRY
// check if scriptless
if (!m_fGlobalAsa) { // count various stuff to make the determination
DWORD cScriptEngines = m_pWorkStore->m_ScriptStore.CountPreliminaryEngines(); DWORD cPrimaryScriptSegments = (cScriptEngines > 0) ? m_pWorkStore->m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[0]->Count() : 0; DWORD cObjectTags = m_pWorkStore->m_ObjectInfoStore.Count(); DWORD cHtmlSegments = m_pWorkStore->m_bufHTMLSegments.Count(); DWORD c449Cookies = m_rgp449.length(); BOOL fPageCommandsPresent = m_pWorkStore->m_fPageCommandsExecuted;
if (cScriptEngines <= 1 && cPrimaryScriptSegments == 0 && cObjectTags == 0 && cHtmlSegments == 1 && c449Cookies == 0 && !fPageCommandsPresent) { m_fScriptless = TRUE; } }
// free working storage - no longer needed
delete m_pWorkStore; m_pWorkStore = NULL;
// un-map filemaps - NOTE filemaps stay around for possible post-compile errors (e.g., script failure)
// Debugging: print data structure to debugger
for (UINT i = 0; i < m_cScriptEngines; ++i) { char *szEngineName; PROGLANG_ID *pProgLangID; const wchar_t *wszScriptText;
GetScriptBlock(i, &szEngineName, &pProgLangID, &wszScriptText); DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Engine %d, Language=\"%s\":\n", i, szEngineName)); #ifndef _NO_TRACING_
DBGINFO((DBG_CONTEXT, (char *) wszScriptText)); DBGINFO((DBG_CONTEXT, "\n")); #else
OutputDebugStringW(wszScriptText); OutputDebugStringA("\n"); #endif
} #if 0
OutputDebugTables(); #endif
} }
if (hr == E_TEMPLATE_COMPILE_FAILED_DONT_CACHE) { m_fDontCache = TRUE; m_hrOnNoCache = hr; }
// Set ready-for-use flag true and event to signaled
// NOTE we do this whether success or failure, since even a failed-compile template
// will remain in the cache to allow template cache mgr to satisfy requests on it
m_fReadyForUse = TRUE; SetEvent(m_hEventReadyForUse);
// Note whether the template currently is debuggable
// BUG BUG: Template is debuggable or not based on first app. If shared between a debug
// & non-debug app, the first application wins.
m_fDebuggable = (BOOLB)!!pHitObj->PAppln()->FDebuggable(); return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Deliver Delivers template to caller once template is ready for use NOTE 'compile failure' == template is 'ready for use' but did not compile successfully; this allows cache mgr to keep a failed template in cache in case it gets requested again
Returns success or failure Side effects none */ HRESULT CTemplate::Deliver ( CHitObj* pHitObj ) { // NOTE: There was a compiler bug where 'ps' would not be correctly aligned,
// EVEN if it was declared to be a DWORD array, if 'ps' was nested in
// a block. Thus declare it here.
BYTE ps[SIZE_PRIVILEGE_SET]; // privilege set
// if ready flag is not yet set block until template is ready for use
if(!m_fReadyForUse) { WaitForSingleObject(m_hEventReadyForUse, INFINITE); Assert(m_fReadyForUse); // when event unblocks, flag will be set
if (m_pbStart == NULL) { if (m_fDontCache && m_dwLastErrorMask == 0) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "template compile failed with %08x\n", m_hrOnNoCache)); DBG_ASSERT(FAILED(m_hrOnNoCache));
// Safety net: always fail, even if "m_hrOnNoCache" did not get set somehow.
hr = m_hrOnNoCache; if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrOnNoCache)) hr = E_FAIL;
if(hr == E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS) HandleAccessFailure(pHitObj, (m_rgpFilemaps && m_rgpFilemaps[0])? m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated : NULL); return hr; } // template compile failed - NOTE null start-of-template ptr == template compile failed
// use cached error info
SendToLog( m_dwLastErrorMask, m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szFileName], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szLineNum], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szEngine], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szErrorCode], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szShortDes], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szLongDes], pHitObj); hr = E_TEMPLATE_COMPILE_FAILED; } else if (!pHitObj->FIsBrowserRequest()) { return hr; } else if (Glob(fWinNT)) // template compile succeeded - check user's file permissions
// ACLs: the following code should in future be shared with IIS (see creatfil.cxx in IIS project)
{ HANDLE hUserAccessToken = pHitObj->HImpersonate(); // current user's access token
DWORD dwPS = sizeof(ps); // privilege set size
DWORD dwGrantedAccess; // granted access mask
BOOL fAccessGranted; // access granted flag
GENERIC_MAPPING gm = { // generic mapping struct
((PRIVILEGE_SET*)&ps)->PrivilegeCount = 0; // set privilege count to 0
Assert(NULL != hUserAccessToken);
for(UINT i = 0; i < m_cFilemaps; i++) {
if(NULL == m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pSecurityDescriptor) continue;
if(!AccessCheck( m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pSecurityDescriptor, // pointer to security descriptor
hUserAccessToken, // handle to client access token
FILE_GENERIC_READ, // access mask to request
&gm, // address of generic-mapping structure
(PRIVILEGE_SET*)ps, // address of privilege-set structure
&dwPS, // address of size of privilege-set structure
&dwGrantedAccess, // address of granted access mask
&fAccessGranted // address of flag indicating whether access granted
)) return E_FAIL;
if(!fAccessGranted) { // if access is denied on any file, handle the failure and return
HandleAccessFailure(pHitObj, m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated); return E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS; } } }
// Reset the Session.CodePage to the script compilation-time codepage
// only if a code page directive was found during compilation
if (m_fCodePageSet && (!pHitObj->FHasSession() || !pHitObj->PSession()->FCodePageSet())) { pHitObj->SetCodePage(m_wCodePage); }
// Reset the Session.LCID to the script compilation-time LCID
// only if an LCID directive was found during compilation
if (m_fLCIDSet && (!pHitObj->FHasSession() || !pHitObj->PSession()->FLCIDSet())) { pHitObj->SetLCID(m_lLCID); }
return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CTemplate Ctor */ CTemplate::CTemplate() : m_pWorkStore(NULL), m_fGlobalAsa(FALSE), m_fReadyForUse(FALSE), m_fDontAttach(FALSE), m_hEventReadyForUse(NULL), m_fDebuggerDetachCSInited(FALSE), m_pbStart(NULL), m_cbTemplate(0), m_cRefs(1), // NOTE ctor AddRefs implicitly
m_pbErrorLocation(NULL), m_idErrMsg(0), m_cMsgInserts(0), m_ppszMsgInserts(NULL), m_cScriptEngines(0), m_rgrgSourceInfos(NULL), m_rgpDebugScripts(NULL), m_rgpFilemaps(NULL), m_cFilemaps(0), m_rgpSegmentFilemaps(NULL), m_cSegmentFilemapSlots(0), m_wCodePage(CP_ACP), m_lLCID(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT), m_ttTransacted(ttUndefined), m_fSession(TRUE), m_fScriptless(FALSE), m_fDebuggable(FALSE), m_fIsValid(FALSE), m_fDontCache(FALSE), m_fZombie(FALSE), m_fCodePageSet(FALSE), m_fLCIDSet(FALSE), m_fIsPersisted(FALSE), m_szPersistTempName(NULL), m_szApplnVirtPath(NULL), m_szApplnURL(NULL), m_CPTextEvents(this, IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents), m_pdispTypeLibWrapper(NULL), m_dwLastErrorMask(S_OK), m_hrOnNoCache(S_OK), m_cbTargetOffsetPrevT(0), m_pHashTable(NULL) { for (UINT i = 0; i < ILE_MAX; i++) { m_pszLastErrorInfo[i] = NULL; }
IF_DEBUG(TEMPLATE) { WriteRefTraceLog(gm_pTraceLog, m_cRefs, this); } #if PER_TEMPLATE_REFLOG
m_pTraceLog = CreateRefTraceLog (100,0); WriteRefTraceLog (m_pTraceLog,m_cRefs, this); #endif
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::~CTemplate Destructor
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ CTemplate::~CTemplate() { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Deleting template, m_cFilemaps = %d, m_rgpFilemaps %p\n", m_cFilemaps, m_rgpFilemaps));
// first, remove this template from its inc-files' template lists
// NOTE must do this before freeing template memory
// Remove the template from the debugger's list of documents
if(m_rgpFilemaps) { for(UINT i = 0; i < m_cFilemaps; i++) delete m_rgpFilemaps[i]; SmallTemplateFreeNullify((void**) &m_rgpFilemaps); }
if (m_pWorkStore) delete m_pWorkStore;
//FileName, LineNum, Engine, ErrorCode, ShortDes, LongDes
for(UINT iErrInfo = 0; iErrInfo < ILE_MAX; iErrInfo++) { FreeNullify((void**) &m_pszLastErrorInfo[iErrInfo]); }
if(m_hEventReadyForUse != NULL) CloseHandle(m_hEventReadyForUse);
if (m_LKHashKey.szPathTranslated) free((void *)m_LKHashKey.szPathTranslated);
if (m_szApplnURL) delete [] m_szApplnURL;
if (m_fDebuggerDetachCSInited) DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csDebuggerDetach);
if (m_pdispTypeLibWrapper) m_pdispTypeLibWrapper->Release();
if (m_szPersistTempName) CTemplate::LargeFree(m_szPersistTempName);
DestroyRefTraceLog (m_pTraceLog); #endif
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::QueryInterface Provides QueryInterface implementation for CTemplate
NOTE: It is arbitrary which vtable we return for IDebugDocument & IDebugDocumentInfo. */ HRESULT CTemplate::QueryInterface(const GUID &uidInterface, void **ppvObj) { if (uidInterface == IID_IUnknown || uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocumentProvider) *ppvObj = static_cast<IDebugDocumentProvider *>(this);
else if (uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocument || uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocumentInfo || uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocumentText) *ppvObj = static_cast<IDebugDocumentText *>(this);
else if (uidInterface == IID_IConnectionPointContainer) *ppvObj = static_cast<IConnectionPointContainer *>(this);
else *ppvObj = NULL;
if (*ppvObj) { AddRef(); return S_OK; } else return E_NOINTERFACE; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::AddRef Adds a ref to this template, thread-safely */ ULONG CTemplate::AddRef() { LONG cRefs = InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRefs);
Assert(FImplies(m_fIsValid,FImplies(cRefs > 1, m_pbStart != NULL))); IF_DEBUG(TEMPLATE) { WriteRefTraceLog(gm_pTraceLog, cRefs, this); }
WriteRefTraceLog(m_pTraceLog, cRefs, this); #endif
return cRefs; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Release Releases a ref to this template, thread-safely */ ULONG CTemplate::Release() { LONG cRefs = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRefs); IF_DEBUG(TEMPLATE) { WriteRefTraceLog(gm_pTraceLog, cRefs, this); } #if PER_TEMPLATE_REFLOG
WriteRefTraceLog(m_pTraceLog, cRefs, this); #endif
if (cRefs == 0) delete this;
return cRefs; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::RemoveIncFile Removes (by setting to null) an inc-file ptr from this template's inc-file list.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::RemoveIncFile ( CIncFile* pIncFile ) {
// If the filemap count is non-zero the pointer to
// the array of filemaps has better not be null
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "m_cFilemaps = %d, m_rgpFilemaps %p\n", m_cFilemaps, m_rgpFilemaps)); Assert((m_cFilemaps <= 0) || (m_rgpFilemaps != NULL));
// find the inc-file in list
for(UINT i = 1; (i < m_cFilemaps) && (m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pIncFile != pIncFile); i++) ;
// assert that we found the inc-file in list
Assert((i < m_cFilemaps) && (m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pIncFile == pIncFile));
// set inc-file ptr null
m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pIncFile = NULL; }
Test to see if the files this template depends on have changed since it was compiled.
We use this in cases where we may have missed a change notification, for example, when there were too many changes to record in our change notification buffer. We check the last time the file was written too, and the security descriptor, since changes to the security descriptor aren't noted in the file last write time.
Parameters: None
Returns: TRUE if the template is obsolete, else FALSE */ BOOL CTemplate::FTemplateObsolete(VOID) { BOOL fStatus = FALSE;
// On Windows 95 files should not be cached
// so assume the template has changed
if (!FIsWinNT()) { return TRUE; }
for (UINT i = 0; i < m_cFilemaps; i++) { if (FFileChangedSinceCached(m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_szPathTranslated, m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_ftLastWriteTime)) { // If the file write time has changed we know enough
// and can quit here
fStatus = TRUE; break; } else { // The file hasn't been writen to, but the security descriptor may
// have chagned
// Assert on non-valid security descriptor
if (NULL != m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pSecurityDescriptor) {
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; DWORD dwSize = m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_dwSecDescSize;
if( 0 == GetSecDescriptor(m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_szPathTranslated, &pSecurityDescriptor, &dwSize)) { if (pSecurityDescriptor) { // if the size is not the same then set fStatus to TRUE no need to compare memory blocks.
if(dwSize != GetSecurityDescriptorLength(m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pSecurityDescriptor)) { fStatus = TRUE; } else { // The size of the security descriptor hasn't changed
// but we have to compare the contents to make sure they haven't changed
fStatus = !(0 == memcmp(m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pSecurityDescriptor, pSecurityDescriptor, dwSize)); }
// We are done with the descriptor
} else { // Since we failed to get a security descriptor
// assume the file has changed.
fStatus = TRUE; } } } }
// Quit as soon as we find a change
if (fStatus) { break; } }
return fStatus; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetSourceFileName Returns name of source file on which this template is based
Returns source file name Side effects none */ LPTSTR CTemplate::GetSourceFileName(SOURCEPATHTYPE pathtype) { if (!m_rgpFilemaps) { return NULL; }
switch (pathtype) { case SOURCEPATHTYPE_PHYSICAL: return((m_rgpFilemaps[0] ? m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated : NULL));
case SOURCEPATHTYPE_VIRTUAL: return((m_rgpFilemaps[0] ? m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathInfo : NULL));
default: return(NULL); } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Count Returns count of components of type tcomp contained in this template
Returns: Count of components of type tcomp Side effects: None */ USHORT CTemplate::Count ( TEMPLATE_COMPONENT tcomp ) { Assert(NULL != m_pbStart);
// script engines and script blocks have the same count, stored in same slot
if(tcomp == tcompScriptEngine) tcomp = tcompScriptBlock;
// counts are stored at start of template in sequential slots, starting with script blocks count
return * (USHORT*) ((USHORT*)m_pbStart + (tcomp - tcompScriptBlock)); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetScriptBlock Gets ptrs to script engine name, prog lang id and script text of i-th script block.
Returns: Out-parameters; see below Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::GetScriptBlock ( UINT i, // script block id
LPSTR* pszScriptEngine, // ptr to script engine name (out-parameter)
PROGLANG_ID** ppProgLangId, // ptr to prog lang id (out-parameter)
LPCOLESTR* pwstrScriptText // ptr to wstr script text (out-parameter)
) { CByteRange brEngine; // engine name
CByteRange brScriptText; // script text
UINT cbAlignment; // count of bytes guid was shifted in WriteTemplate() to make it dword-aligned
BYTE* pbEngineInfo = GetAddress(tcompScriptEngine, (USHORT)i); // ptr to engine info
Assert(pbEngineInfo != NULL); Assert(i < CountScriptEngines());
// Get engine name from start of engine info
ByteRangeFromPb(pbEngineInfo, brEngine);
ByteRangeFromPb(GetAddress(tcompScriptBlock, (USHORT)i), brScriptText);
Assert(!brEngine.IsNull()); Assert(!brScriptText.IsNull());
// Advance ptr past name to prog lang id
// length of prefix + length of name + NULL
pbEngineInfo += (sizeof(UINT) + (*pbEngineInfo) + 1);
// Get prog lang id - it will be on the next pointer sized boundary
cbAlignment = (UINT) (((DWORD_PTR) pbEngineInfo) % sizeof(DWORD)); if(cbAlignment > 0) {pbEngineInfo += (sizeof(DWORD) - cbAlignment);}
*pszScriptEngine = (LPSTR)brEngine.m_pb; *ppProgLangId = (PROGLANG_ID*)pbEngineInfo; *pwstrScriptText = (LPCOLESTR)brScriptText.m_pb; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetObjectInfo Returns i-th object-info in template as object name and its clsid, scope, model
Returns: HRESULT Out-parameters; see below Side effects: */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetObjectInfo ( UINT i, // object index
LPSTR* ppszObjectName, // address of object name ptr (out-parameter)
CLSID* pClsid, // address of object clsid
CompScope* pcsScope, // address of object scope
CompModel* pcmModel // address of object threading model
) { BYTE* pbObjectInfo = GetAddress(tcompObjectInfo, (USHORT)i); // ptr to current read location
CByteRange brName; // object name
UINT cbAlignment; // count of bytes guid was shifted in WriteTemplate() to make it dword-aligned
Assert(i < Count(tcompObjectInfo));
// Get name from start of object-info
ByteRangeFromPb(pbObjectInfo, brName); Assert(!brName.IsNull());
// Advance ptr past name
// length of prefix + length of name + NULL
pbObjectInfo += (sizeof(UINT) + (*pbObjectInfo) + 1);
// Get clsid - it will be on the next DWORD boundary
cbAlignment = (UINT)(((DWORD_PTR) pbObjectInfo) % sizeof(DWORD)); if(cbAlignment > 0) pbObjectInfo += (sizeof(DWORD) - cbAlignment);
*pClsid = *(CLSID*)pbObjectInfo; pbObjectInfo += sizeof(CLSID);
// Get scope
*pcsScope = *(CompScope*)pbObjectInfo; pbObjectInfo += sizeof(CompScope);
// Get model
*pcmModel = *(CompModel*)pbObjectInfo; pbObjectInfo += sizeof(CompModel);
*ppszObjectName = (LPSTR)brName.m_pb; return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetHTMLBlock Returns i-th HTML block
Parameters: UINT i block number LPSTR* pszHTML [out] html text ULONG* pcbHTML [out] html text length ULONG* pcbSrcOffs [out] offset in the source file LPSTR* pszSrcIncFile [out] include source file name
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetHTMLBlock ( UINT i, LPSTR* pszHTML, ULONG* pcbHTML, ULONG* pcbSrcOffs, LPSTR* pszSrcIncFile ) { Assert(i < Count(tcompHTMLBlock));
// this was added due to user attempt to access the method with an invalid array offset
if ( i >= Count(tcompHTMLBlock) ) return E_FAIL;
// get address of the block start in template memory
BYTE *pbBlock = GetAddress(tcompHTMLBlock, (USHORT)i); Assert(pbBlock);
// retrieve the byte range of the html code
CByteRange brHTML; ByteRangeFromPb(pbBlock, brHTML); *pszHTML = (LPSTR)brHTML.m_pb; *pcbHTML = brHTML.m_cb;
// advance to the source offset
pbBlock += sizeof(ULONG); // skip prefix
pbBlock += brHTML.m_cb+1; // skip html bytes (incl. '\0')
// Add byte aligment which is done in ByteAlignOffset()
if ((reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(pbBlock)) & 3) pbBlock = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>((reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(pbBlock) + 4) & ~3);
*pcbSrcOffs = *((ULONG*)pbBlock);
// advance to the source name length
pbBlock += sizeof(ULONG); // skip source offset prefix
ULONG cbSrcIncFile = *((ULONG *)pbBlock); // inc file name length
pbBlock += sizeof(ULONG); // skip inc file name length
*pszSrcIncFile = (cbSrcIncFile > 0) ? (LPSTR)pbBlock : NULL; return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetScriptSourceInfo Returns line number and source file name a given target line in a given script engine.
Returns line number and source file name (as out-parameters) Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::GetScriptSourceInfo ( UINT idEngine, // script engine id
int iTargetLine, // target line number
LPTSTR* pszPathInfo, // ptr to source file virtual path (out-parameter)
LPTSTR* pszPathTranslated, // ptr to source file real path (out-parameter)
ULONG* piSourceLine, // ptr to source line number (out-parameter)
ULONG* pichSourceLine, // ptr to source file offset (out-parameter)
BOOLB* pfGuessedLine // ptr to flag: did we guess the source line?
) { // Initialize some out parameters
if (pszPathInfo) *pszPathInfo = _T("?"); // In case we don't ever find the path
if (pszPathTranslated) *pszPathTranslated = _T("?"); // In case we don't ever find the path
if (piSourceLine) *piSourceLine = 0;
if (pichSourceLine) *pichSourceLine = 0;
if (pfGuessedLine) *pfGuessedLine = FALSE;
if (iTargetLine <=0) { return; }
// CHANGE: The rgSourceInfo array is now ZERO based. Decrement target line
// to convert.
// CONSIDER: Make these assertions?
if(!m_rgrgSourceInfos) return; if(idEngine > (m_cScriptEngines - 1)) // bug 375: check vs. array bound
return; if(size_t(iTargetLine) >= m_rgrgSourceInfos[idEngine].length()) // bug 375: check vs. array bound
vector<CSourceInfo> *prgSourceInfos = &m_rgrgSourceInfos[idEngine];
// bug 379: move backwards through target lines, starting with the caller's, until we find one whose
// fIsHTML flag is false. this handles the case where vbs flags a manufactured line as in error;
// we assume the actual error occurred at the most recent authored line
while (iTargetLine >= 0 && (*prgSourceInfos)[iTargetLine].m_fIsHTML) { --iTargetLine; if (pfGuessedLine) *pfGuessedLine = TRUE; }
if (iTargetLine >= 0) { if (pszPathInfo && (*prgSourceInfos)[iTargetLine].m_pfilemap != NULL) *pszPathInfo = (*prgSourceInfos)[iTargetLine].m_pfilemap->m_szPathInfo;
if (pszPathTranslated && (*prgSourceInfos)[iTargetLine].m_pfilemap != NULL) *pszPathTranslated = (*prgSourceInfos)[iTargetLine].m_pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated;
if (piSourceLine) *piSourceLine = (*prgSourceInfos)[iTargetLine].m_idLine;
if (pichSourceLine) *pichSourceLine = (*prgSourceInfos)[iTargetLine].m_cchSourceOffset; } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetPositionOfLine Get the character offset of a line of source (Debugger API Extended to specify a filemap) */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetPositionOfLine ( CFileMap *pFilemap, ULONG cLineNumber, ULONG *pcCharacterPosition ) { // NOTE:
// The table is not binary-searchable because include files
// will start a new line ordering
// Algorithm:
// Find the largest source line N across all engines, such that
// N <= cLineNumber and the line corresponds to an line
// in the appropriate file.
CSourceInfo *pSourceInfoLE = NULL; ++cLineNumber; // Convert zero-based line # to one-based
// Find the correct offset
for (unsigned idEngine = 0; idEngine < m_cScriptEngines; ++idEngine) { vector<CSourceInfo> *prgSourceInfos = &m_rgrgSourceInfos[idEngine];
// Loop through all lines EXCEPT the EOF line
for (unsigned j = 0; j < prgSourceInfos->length() - 1; ++j) { CSourceInfo *pSourceInfo = &(*prgSourceInfos)[j]; if (pFilemap == pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap && pSourceInfo->m_idLine <= cLineNumber && (pSourceInfoLE == NULL || pSourceInfo->m_idLine > pSourceInfoLE->m_idLine)) { pSourceInfoLE = pSourceInfo; } } }
// We had better be able to map all line numbers to offsets, unless they passed a bogus line
// (in which case we still find an offset)
Assert (pSourceInfoLE != NULL);
if (pSourceInfoLE == NULL) { return E_FAIL; } *pcCharacterPosition = pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset; #if 0
IF_DEBUG(SCRIPT_DEBUGGER) { wchar_t wszSourceText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszTargetText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszDebugMessage[256]; GetScriptSnippets( pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset, pSourceInfoLE->m_pfilemap, 0, 0, wszSourceText, NULL );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Source Line %d corresponds to source offset %d (Text: \"%S\")\n", cLineNumber - 1, pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset, wszSourceText )); } #endif
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetLineOfPosition Get the line # & offset in line of an arbitrary character offset in source (Debugger API Extended to specify a filemap) */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetLineOfPosition ( CFileMap *pFilemap, ULONG cCharacterPosition, ULONG *pcLineNumber, ULONG *pcCharacterOffsetInLine ) { // FAIL if source offset totally off-base
if (cCharacterPosition >= pFilemap->m_cChars) return E_FAIL;
// NOTE:
// The table is not binary-searchable because include files
// will start a new line ordering
// Algorithm:
// Find the largest source line N across all engines, such that
// N <= cLineNumber and the line corresponds to an line
// in the appropriate file.
CSourceInfo *pSourceInfoLE = NULL;
// Find the correct offset
for (unsigned idEngine = 0; idEngine < m_cScriptEngines; ++idEngine) { vector<CSourceInfo> *prgSourceInfos = &m_rgrgSourceInfos[idEngine];
// Loop through all lines EXCEPT the EOF line
for (unsigned j = 0; j < prgSourceInfos->length() - 1; ++j) { CSourceInfo *pSourceInfo = &(*prgSourceInfos)[j]; if (pFilemap == pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap && pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset <= cCharacterPosition && (pSourceInfoLE == NULL || pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset > pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset)) { pSourceInfoLE = pSourceInfo; } } }
// We had better be able to map all offsets to line numbers, unless they passed a bogus offset
// (in which case we still find a line #, but may go out of range for the offset in line.
// That case is handled later)
Assert (pSourceInfoLE != NULL);
if (pSourceInfoLE == NULL) { return E_FAIL; }
*pcLineNumber = pSourceInfoLE->m_idLine - 1; // Convert to zero-based line #
*pcCharacterOffsetInLine = cCharacterPosition - pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset; #if 0
IF_DEBUG(SCRIPT_DEBUGGER) { wchar_t wszSourceText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszTargetText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszDebugMessage[256]; GetScriptSnippets( pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset, pSourceInfoLE->m_pfilemap, 0, 0, wszSourceText, NULL );
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Source offset %d corresponds to source line %d (Text: \"%S\")\n", pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset, *pcLineNumber, wszSourceText )); }
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Source offset %d corresponds to source line %d (Text: \"%S\")\n", pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset, *pcLineNumber, wszSourceText )); } #endif
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetSourceOffset Convert a character offset relative to the target script to the appropriate offset in the source.
NOTE: offsets in the middle of a target line are converted to the offset relative to the beginning of source line - NOT to the precise source offset.
this is OK because debugger ultimately wants the offset of the beginning of line. It is a lot of work to do the precise conversion due to the translation of "=" to Response.Write & HTML to Response.WriteBlock
Also, because of these translations, we return the length of the segment calculated during compilation, and throw away the length the scripting engine sent to us. */ void CTemplate::GetSourceOffset ( ULONG idEngine, ULONG cchTargetOffset, TCHAR **pszSourceFile, ULONG *pcchSourceOffset, ULONG *pcchSourceText ) { Assert (idEngine < m_cScriptEngines); vector<CSourceInfo> *prgSourceInfos = &m_rgrgSourceInfos[idEngine];
// Find the closest offset in the source
// This is the largest target offset N, such that N <= cchTargetOffset
CSourceInfo *pSourceInfo; GetBracketingPair( cchTargetOffset, // value to search for
prgSourceInfos->begin(), prgSourceInfos->end(), // array to search
CTargetOffsetOrder(), // ordering predicate
&pSourceInfo, static_cast<CSourceInfo **>(NULL) // return values
// Since the first offset is zero, which is less than all other conceivable offsets,
// the offset must have been found or else there is a bug.
Assert (pSourceInfo != NULL); Assert (cchTargetOffset >= pSourceInfo->m_cchTargetOffset); #if 0
IF_DEBUG(SCRIPT_DEBUGGER) { wchar_t wszSourceText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszTargetText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszDebugMessage[256]; GetScriptSnippets( pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset, pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap, cchTargetOffset, idEngine, wszSourceText, wszTargetText ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Target offset %d (Text: \"%S\") corresponds to source offset %d (Text: \"%S\") (Length is %d)\n", cchTargetOffset, wszTargetText, pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset, wszSourceText, pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceText )); } #endif
*pszSourceFile = pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated; *pcchSourceOffset = pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset; *pcchSourceText = pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceText; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetTargetOffset Convert a character offset relative to the source script to the appropriate offset in the target.
Returns: TRUE - source offset corresponds to script FALSE - source offset corresponds to HTML
NOTES: 1. This function is very slow. consider caching the value of this function (The CTemplateDocumentContext class does this.)
2. This function returns the source offset in the master include file - if the target offset corresponds to an offset in a header file, then the offset to the #include line in the source is returned.
3. offsets in the middle of a target line are converted to the offset relative to the beginning of source line - NOT to the precise source offset.
this is OK because the debugger ultimately wants the offset of the beginning of line. It is a lot of work to do the precise conversion due to the translation of "=" to Response.Write & HTML to Response.WriteBlock
CONSIDER: Figure out a better way to do this */ BOOL CTemplate::GetTargetOffset ( TCHAR *szSourceFile, ULONG cchSourceOffset, /* [out] */ ULONG *pidEngine, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcchTargetOffset ) { // NOTE:
// The table is not binary-searchable because of two factors:
// 1. Include files will start a new line ordering
// 2. For engine 0, tagged scripts will be re-arranged in
// the target code to reside after all primary script in
// engine 0.
// Algorithm:
// Find the largest source offset N across all engines, such that
// N <= cchSourceOffset and the offset corresponds to an offset
// in the appropriate file.
CSourceInfo *pSourceInfoLE = NULL; unsigned idEngineLE = 0;
// Find the correct offset
for (unsigned idEngine = 0; idEngine < m_cScriptEngines; ++idEngine) { vector<CSourceInfo> *prgSourceInfos = &m_rgrgSourceInfos[idEngine];
// Loop through all lines EXCEPT the EOF line
for (unsigned j = 0; j < prgSourceInfos->length() - 1; ++j) { CSourceInfo *pSourceInfo = &(*prgSourceInfos)[j]; if (_tcscmp(pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated, szSourceFile) == 0 && pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset <= cchSourceOffset && (pSourceInfoLE == NULL || pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset > pSourceInfoLE->m_cchSourceOffset)) { pSourceInfoLE = pSourceInfo; idEngineLE = idEngine; } } }
// There won't be a valid offset in the case where there is no
// code corresponding to the first line in the file (this only
// occurs when the first line is whitespace, because there is no
// corresponding "Response.WriteBlock" call there)
// In that case, return FALSE, which will cause the caller to fail
if (pSourceInfoLE == NULL) { *pidEngine = 0; *pcchTargetOffset = 0; return FALSE; }
*pidEngine = idEngineLE; *pcchTargetOffset = pSourceInfoLE->m_cchTargetOffset; #if 0
IF_DEBUG(SCRIPT_DEBUGGER) { wchar_t wszSourceText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszTargetText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszDebugMessage[256]; GetScriptSnippets( cchSourceOffset, pSourceInfoLE->m_pfilemap, *pcchTargetOffset, *pidEngine, wszSourceText, wszTargetText ); DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Source offset %d (Text: \"%S\") corresponds to target offset %d (Text: \"%S\")\n", cchSourceOffset, wszSourceText, *pcchTargetOffset, wszTargetText )); } #endif
return !pSourceInfoLE->m_fIsHTML; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetActiveScript Return a cached script from the template - only used in debug mode */ CActiveScriptEngine *CTemplate::GetActiveScript(ULONG idEngine) { if (m_rgpDebugScripts == NULL) return NULL;
else { Assert (idEngine < m_cScriptEngines); CActiveScriptEngine *pEng = m_rgpDebugScripts[idEngine]; if (pEng) pEng->AddRef();
return pEng; } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::AddScript add an active script to the template object */ HRESULT CTemplate::AddScript(ULONG idEngine, CActiveScriptEngine *pScriptEngine) { if (m_rgpDebugScripts == NULL) { if ( (m_rgpDebugScripts = new CActiveScriptEngine *[m_cScriptEngines]) == NULL ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
memset(m_rgpDebugScripts, 0, m_cScriptEngines * sizeof(CActiveScriptEngine *)); }
Assert (idEngine < m_cScriptEngines); CActiveScriptEngine **ppScriptElem = &m_rgpDebugScripts[idEngine];
if (*ppScriptElem != NULL) (*ppScriptElem)->Release();
*ppScriptElem = pScriptEngine; pScriptEngine->AddRef();
// Initialize the script engine now (is currently uninitialized)
// so that the debugger user can set breakpoints.
IActiveScript *pActiveScript = pScriptEngine->GetActiveScript(); HRESULT hr;
TRY hr = pActiveScript->SetScriptSite(static_cast<IActiveScriptSite *>(pScriptEngine)); CATCH(nExcept) HandleErrorMissingFilename(IDE_SCRIPT_ENGINE_GPF, NULL, TRUE, nExcept, "IActiveScript::SetScriptSite()", "CTemplate::AddScript()"); hr = nExcept; END_TRY
if (FAILED(hr)) { *ppScriptElem = NULL; return E_FAIL; }
TRY hr = pActiveScript->SetScriptState(SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED); CATCH(nExcept) HandleErrorMissingFilename(IDE_SCRIPT_ENGINE_GPF, NULL, TRUE, nExcept, "IActiveScript::SetScriptState()", "CTemplate::AddScript()"); hr = nExcept; END_TRY
if (FAILED(hr)) return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::AppendMapFile Appends a filemap to the workstore and memory-maps its file
Returns: Nothing Side effects: Allocates memory; throws exception on error */ void CTemplate::AppendMapFile ( LPCTSTR szFileSpec, // file spec for this file
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
BOOLB fVirtual, // is file spec virtual or relative?
CHitObj* pHitObj, // ptr to template's hit object
BOOLB fGlobalAsa // is this file the global.asa file?
) { // alloc or realloc as needed
if(m_cFilemaps++ == 0) m_rgpFilemaps = (CFileMap**) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(sizeof(CFileMap*)); else m_rgpFilemaps = (CFileMap**) CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_rgpFilemaps, m_cFilemaps * sizeof(CFileMap*));
if(NULL == m_rgpFilemaps) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
if(NULL == (m_rgpFilemaps[m_cFilemaps - 1] = new CFileMap)) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// map the file
m_rgpFilemaps[m_cFilemaps - 1]->MapFile( szFileSpec, m_szApplnVirtPath, pfilemapCurrent, fVirtual, pHitObj, fGlobalAsa ); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetSegmentsFromFile Gets source segments from a source file by calling ExtractAndProcessSegment until there are no more segments; populates WorkStore with info on source segments.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::GetSegmentsFromFile ( CFileMap& filemap, // this file's file map
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
CHitObj* pHitObj, // Browser request object
BOOL fIsHTML ) { CByteRange brSearch; // byte range to search for source segments
_TOKEN rgtknOpeners[TOKEN_OPENERS_MAX]; // array of permitted open tokens
UINT ctknOpeners; // count of permitted open tokens
SOURCE_SEGMENT ssegThisFile = ssegHTML; // Either HTML or <SCRIPT> segment
BOOL fPrevCodePageSet = FALSE; UINT wPrevCodePage;
// init search range to all of file - NOTE we ignore high dword of file size
brSearch.m_pb = filemap.m_pbStartOfFile; brSearch.m_cb = filemap.GetSize();
if (fIsHTML) { // populate array of permitted open tokens
ctknOpeners = 4; rgtknOpeners[0] = CTokenList::tknOpenPrimaryScript; rgtknOpeners[1] = CTokenList::tknOpenTaggedScript; rgtknOpeners[2] = CTokenList::tknOpenObject; rgtknOpeners[3] = CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment; } else { ctknOpeners = 1; rgtknOpeners[0] = CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment; ssegThisFile = ssegTaggedScript; }
if ((brSearch.m_cb >= 2) && (((brSearch.m_pb[0] == 0xff) && (brSearch.m_pb[1] == 0xfe)) || ((brSearch.m_pb[0] == 0xfe) && (brSearch.m_pb[1] == 0xff)))) { ThrowError(brSearch.m_pb,IDE_TEMPLATE_UNICODE_NOTSUP); return; }
// check for the UTF-8 BOM mark. If present, then treat this similar to
// seeing @CODEPAGE=65001. Note that previous values are retained in the
// event that there are differing @CODEPAGE settings. This probably should
// be an error in itself, but I can imagine that this might break a lot of
// apps as more and more UTF8 files are put into use.
if ((brSearch.m_cb >= 3) && (brSearch.m_pb[0] == 0xEF) && (brSearch.m_pb[1] == 0xBB) && (brSearch.m_pb[2] == 0xBF)) {
fPrevCodePageSet = m_fCodePageSet; wPrevCodePage = m_wCodePage;
m_fCodePageSet = TRUE; m_wCodePage = 65001; brSearch.Advance(3); }
// Process source segments until we run out of them, i.e. until search segment is empty
// NOTE we pass current filemap as 'parent file' to ExtractAndProcessSegment
// NOTE ExtractAndProcessSegment appends source segments to WorkStore, advancing brSearch as it goes
while(!brSearch.IsNull()) ExtractAndProcessSegment( brSearch, ssegThisFile, rgtknOpeners, ctknOpeners, &filemap, WorkStore, pHitObj, ssegThisFile == ssegTaggedScript, fIsHTML );
CATCH(hrException) /*
NOTE we indicate 'generic error' by m_idErrMsg == 0; this happens as we move up the 'include file stack' after processing a specific error (m_idErrMsg != 0). Only the specific error is processed; generic error, we simply re-throw exception. */ if(m_idErrMsg != 0) { // process specific error
ProcessSpecificError(filemap, pHitObj);
// reset err message so next msg will be generic as we move up the stack
m_idErrMsg = 0; }
if (fPrevCodePageSet){ m_wCodePage = wPrevCodePage; pHitObj->SetCodePage(wPrevCodePage); } }
#define SZ_REG_LANGUAGE_ENGINES "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3SVC\\ASP\\LanguageEngines\\"
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetLanguageEquivalents Gets the "Write", "WriteBlock", etc. equivalents from registry for primary scripting language
Returns Nothing Side effects Throws on error */ void CTemplate::GetLanguageEquivalents ( ) { CByteRange brPrimaryEngine; m_pWorkStore->m_ScriptStore.m_bufEngineNames.GetItem(0, brPrimaryEngine); // 0-th engine is primary
#if DBG
/* DEBUG ONLY - to test the reg lookup code you must:
1) create the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\ASP\LanguageEngines\Debug 2) put the language reg values for WriteBlock and Write under the language you want to test */ HANDLE hKey; if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3SVC\\ASp\\LanguageEngines\\Debug", 0, KEY_READ, (PHKEY)&hKey )) { return; }
// if the primary language is one of the big two, return; we don't need to look up equivalents
if(brPrimaryEngine.FMatchesSz("VBScript")) return; if(brPrimaryEngine.FMatchesSz("JScript")) return; if(brPrimaryEngine.FMatchesSz("JavaScript")) return; if(brPrimaryEngine.FMatchesSz("LiveScript")) return;
#endif // DBG
/* query the registry; language equivalents are stored in:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key: SYSTEM key: CurrentControlSet key: Services key: W3SVC key: ASP key: LanguageEngines key: <LanguageName> value: Write data: <replacement syntax for Response.Write(|)> value: WriteBlock data: <replacement syntax for Response.WriteBlock(|)> */ STACK_BUFFER( tempRegKeyPath, 512 );
if (!tempRegKeyPath.Resize(cchRegKeyPath + brPrimaryEngine.m_cb + 1)) { SetLastError(E_OUTOFMEMORY); return; }
LPSTR szRegKeyPath = static_cast<LPSTR> (tempRegKeyPath.QueryPtr());
LPSTR pch = szRegKeyPath;
strcpy(pch, SZ_REG_LANGUAGE_ENGINES); pch += cchRegKeyPath; strncpy(pch, (const char *) brPrimaryEngine.m_pb, brPrimaryEngine.m_cb); pch += brPrimaryEngine.m_cb; *pch = '\0';
HANDLE hKeyScriptLanguage; // handle of script language reg key
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // handle constant
(const char*) szRegKeyPath, // LPCSTR lpSubKey subkey to open
0, // DWORD ulOptions reserved; must be zero
KEY_QUERY_VALUE, // REGSAM samDesired security access mask
(PHKEY) &hKeyScriptLanguage // PHKEY phkResult address of handle of open key
)) { SetLanguageEquivalent(hKeyScriptLanguage, "Write", &(m_pWorkStore->m_szWriteOpen), &(m_pWorkStore->m_szWriteClose)); SetLanguageEquivalent(hKeyScriptLanguage, "WriteBlock", &(m_pWorkStore->m_szWriteBlockOpen), &(m_pWorkStore->m_szWriteBlockClose)); RegCloseKey((HKEY) hKeyScriptLanguage); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::SetLanguageEquivalent Sets a "language equivalent" from the registry.
Returns: language item opener and closer as out-parameters Ex: "Response.Write(" and ")" Side effects: Throws on error */ void CTemplate::SetLanguageEquivalent ( HANDLE hKeyScriptLanguage, // reg key
LPSTR szLanguageItem, // reg value name - "Write", "WriteBlock", etc.
LPSTR* pszOpen, // ptr to language item opener, e.g. "Response.Write(" (out-parameter)
LPSTR* pszClose // ptr to language item closer, e.g. ")" (out-parameter)
) { LONG lError; DWORD cbSyntax; LPSTR szSyntax; char* pchInsert; UINT cchOpen; UINT cchClose;
// query registry to get buffer size
lError = RegQueryValueExA( (HKEY) hKeyScriptLanguage, // handle of key to query
szLanguageItem, // name of value to query
NULL, // reserved; must be NULL
NULL, // ptr to value type; not required
NULL, // ptr to data buffer
&cbSyntax // ptr to data buffer size
if(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == lError) // if we don't find szLanguageItem in registry, return silently, leaving *pszOpen and *pszClose unchanged
return; else if((ERROR_MORE_DATA != lError) && (ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)) THROW(lError);
Assert(cbSyntax > 0);
// allocate buffer and re-query registry to get syntax string
// NOTE RegQueryValueEx returns cbSyntax that includes room for '\0' terminator
STACK_BUFFER(tempSyntax, 64);
if (!tempSyntax.Resize(cbSyntax)) { THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } szSyntax = static_cast<LPSTR> (tempSyntax.QueryPtr()); lError = RegQueryValueExA( (HKEY) hKeyScriptLanguage, // handle of key to query
szLanguageItem, // name of value to query
NULL, // reserved; must be NULL
NULL, // ptr to value type; not required
(LPBYTE) szSyntax, // ptr to data buffer
&cbSyntax // ptr to data buffer size
/* NOTE there is the slight possibility of ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND or ERROR_MORE_DATA
if the registry value was deleted or changed between the first and second calls to RegQueryValueEx. Since this occurs with vanishingly small probability, we throw (instead of coding the re-try logic). */ if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError) THROW(lError);
pchInsert = szSyntax;
while(*pchInsert != '|' && *pchInsert != '\0') pchInsert++;
cchOpen = DIFF(pchInsert - szSyntax);
cchClose = *pchInsert == '|' ? cbSyntax - cchOpen - 2 // found insert symbol: deduct 2 chars, 1 for insert symbol, 1 for '\0'
: cbSyntax - cchOpen - 1; // didn't find insert symbol: deduct 1 char for '\0'
Assert(FImplies(cchOpen == 0, *szSyntax == '|')); Assert(FImplies(*pchInsert == '\0', cchClose == 0));
if(cchOpen == 0) // opener is empty - set caller's opener ptr null
*pszOpen = NULL; else if(cchOpen > 0) { // opener is non-empty - set caller's opener to opener in registry
if(NULL == (*pszOpen = (LPSTR) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(cchOpen + 1))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
strncpy(*pszOpen, szSyntax, cchOpen); (*pszOpen)[cchOpen] = '\0'; }
if(cchClose == 0) // closer is empty - set caller's closer ptr null
*pszClose = NULL; else if(cchClose > 0) { // closer is non-empty - set caller's closer to closer in registry
if(NULL == (*pszClose = (LPSTR) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(cchClose + 1))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
strncpy(*pszClose, (pchInsert + 1), cchClose); (*pszClose)[cchClose] = '\0'; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ThrowError Sets up for processing a compile failure.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: Throws error */ void CTemplate::ThrowError ( BYTE* pbErrorLocation, // ptr to error location in source file
UINT idErrMsg // error id
) { m_pbErrorLocation = pbErrorLocation; m_idErrMsg = idErrMsg;
// bug 80745: always throw compile-failed-don't-cache
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::AppendErrorMessageInsert Appends an error message insert to member array.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: Appends to inserts array */ void CTemplate::AppendErrorMessageInsert ( BYTE* pbInsert, // ptr to insert
UINT cbInsert // length of insert
) { if (m_ppszMsgInserts == NULL) { m_ppszMsgInserts = new char*; m_cMsgInserts = 0;
if (m_ppszMsgInserts == NULL) return; }
m_ppszMsgInserts[m_cMsgInserts] = new char[cbInsert + 1]; if (m_ppszMsgInserts[m_cMsgInserts] == NULL) return;
strncpy(m_ppszMsgInserts[m_cMsgInserts], (const char*)pbInsert, cbInsert); m_ppszMsgInserts[m_cMsgInserts++][cbInsert] = NULL; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ThrowErrorSingleInsert Appends a single message insert to member array and throws a compile error.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: Throws error indirectly */ void CTemplate::ThrowErrorSingleInsert ( BYTE* pbErrorLocation, // ptr to error location in source file
UINT idErrMsg, // error id
BYTE* pbInsert, // ptr to insert
UINT cbInsert // length of insert
) { AppendErrorMessageInsert(pbInsert, cbInsert); ThrowError(pbErrorLocation, idErrMsg); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ProcessSpecificError Processes a specific compile failure.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::ProcessSpecificError ( CFileMap& filemap, // source file map
CHitObj* pHitObj // Browser request object
) { // no error msg for generic failures
if(m_idErrMsg == E_FAIL || m_idErrMsg == E_OUTOFMEMORY) return;
HandleCTemplateError( &filemap, m_pbErrorLocation, m_idErrMsg, m_cMsgInserts, m_ppszMsgInserts, pHitObj ); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ShowErrorInDebugger Display a runtime error by invoking the JIT debugger
Returns: failure if debugger won't start
Side effects: None. */ HRESULT CTemplate::ShowErrorInDebugger ( CFileMap* pfilemap, UINT cchErrorLocation, char* szDescription, CHitObj *pHitObj, BOOL fAttachDocument ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; char szDebugTitle[64];
if (pfilemap == NULL || szDescription == NULL || pHitObj == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Create a new document context for this statement
// CONSIDER: character count that we return is bogus - however our debugging
// client (Caesar's) does not use this information anyway.
CTemplateDocumentContext *pDebugContext = new CTemplateDocumentContext(this, cchErrorLocation, 1); if (pDebugContext == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Make sure debug document is attached to debugger
if (fAttachDocument) AttachTo(pHitObj->PAppln());
// Yes it does, bring up the debugger on this line
hr = InvokeDebuggerWithThreadSwitch(g_pDebugApp, DEBUGGER_UI_BRING_DOC_CONTEXT_TO_TOP, pDebugContext); if (FAILED(hr)) goto LExit;
// Load the compiler message string
CchLoadStringOfId(IDE_TEMPLATE_ERRMSG_TITLE, szDebugTitle, sizeof szDebugTitle);
// pop up a message box with the error description
LExit: if (pDebugContext) pDebugContext->Release();
return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::HandleCTemplateError Handles template compilation errors
Returns: Nothing
Side effects: None. */ void CTemplate::HandleCTemplateError ( CFileMap* pfilemap, // ptr to source file map
BYTE* pbErrorLocation, // ptr to source location where error occurred
UINT idErrMsg, // error message id
UINT cMsgInserts, // count of insert strings for error msg
char** ppszMsgInserts, // array of ptrs to error msg insert strings
CHitObj* pHitObj // Browser Request
) { char szErrMsgPattern[MAX_RESSTRINGSIZE]; // error message pattern
CHAR szLineNum[12]; TCHAR szFileName[512]; CHAR szShortDes[256]; CHAR szEngine[256]; CHAR szErrCode[20]; CHAR szLongDes[MAX_RESSTRINGSIZE]; CHAR szCombinedDes[sizeof szShortDes + sizeof szLongDes]; // long & short desc
DWORD dwMask; UINT cch;
// if request ptr or ecb ptr is null, bail; we won't be able to write error msg anyway
if(pHitObj == NULL) return;
/* if this was a security error, process it specially and bail
NOTE security error causes exception, rather than true error id NOTE template will be destroyed anyway in this case, so no need to maintain m_pszLastErrorMessage */ if(idErrMsg == E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS) { Assert(cMsgInserts == 1); HandleAccessFailure(pHitObj, (m_rgpFilemaps && m_rgpFilemaps[0])? m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated : NULL);
return; }
// get error resource message
LoadErrResString(idErrMsg, &dwMask, szErrCode, szShortDes, szLongDes);
// if we have a specific error location, construct msg prefix
if(pbErrorLocation != NULL) { Assert(pfilemap != NULL); // get line number of error location as string
_itoa(SourceLineNumberFromPb(pfilemap, pbErrorLocation), szLineNum, 10); } else { szLineNum[0] = NULL; }
if(pfilemap != NULL) { cch = _tcslen(pfilemap->m_szPathInfo); _tcsncpy(szFileName, pfilemap->m_szPathInfo, cch); } else { cch = 0; }
szFileName[cch] = '\0';
//Load Default Engine from resource
cch = CchLoadStringOfId(IDS_ENGINE, szEngine, sizeof szEngine); szEngine[cch] = '\0';
// resolve error msg pattern and inserts into actual error msg
cch = strlen(szLongDes); memcpy(szErrMsgPattern, szLongDes, cch); szErrMsgPattern[cch] = '\0';
// get an idea of the possibility of a buffer overrunn
UINT dwTotalLen=0; BOOL fTooBig = FALSE;
if (cMsgInserts) { // allow 32 characters for space, etc.
dwTotalLen = 32 + strlen(szErrMsgPattern); for (UINT i = 0; i < cMsgInserts; i++) dwTotalLen += strlen(ppszMsgInserts[i]);
if (dwTotalLen > sizeof szLongDes) { cch = CchLoadStringOfId(IDE_TOOBIG, szLongDes, sizeof szLongDes); szLongDes[cch] = '\0'; fTooBig = TRUE; } }
if (!fTooBig) GetSzFromPatternInserts(szErrMsgPattern, cMsgInserts, ppszMsgInserts, szLongDes); // attempt to bring up debugger to display the error - if we cannot then log the error
/* Find the character offset closest to cbErrorLocation. This will be
* the place where we start looping with CharNext() to get the full * character offset. * * NOTE: compilation is done in two phases. * Errors are detected and reported in phase 1. * The DBCS mapping is created in phase 2. * * Therefore, we don't have the benefit of the rgByte2DBCS table * because it doesn't exist yet. Therefore we are left with a SLOW * loop starting at BOF. To make things not so abysmal, we don't * do the loop on SBCS charsets. We also don't do this conversion * unless debugging is enabled. */
if (FCaesars() && pHitObj->PAppln()->FDebuggable()) { unsigned cchErrorLocation = CharAdvDBCS( (WORD)m_wCodePage, reinterpret_cast<char *>(pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile), reinterpret_cast<char *>(pbErrorLocation), INFINITE, NULL);
// Create the description string
char *szEnd = strcpyExA(szCombinedDes, szShortDes); *szEnd++ = '\n'; *szEnd++ = '\n'; strcpy(szEnd, szLongDes);
ShowErrorInDebugger(pfilemap, cchErrorLocation, szCombinedDes, pHitObj, idErrMsg != IDE_TEMPLATE_CYCLIC_INCLUDE); }
//cache the info in case we need to use later.
m_dwLastErrorMask = dwMask; //delay NULL check to caller who use this info.
m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szFileName] = StringDupUTF8(szFileName); #else
m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szFileName] = StringDupA(szFileName); #endif
m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szLineNum] = StringDupA(szLineNum); m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szEngine] = StringDupA(szEngine); m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szErrorCode] = StringDupA(szErrCode); m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szShortDes] = StringDupA(szShortDes); m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szLongDes] = StringDupA(szLongDes);
SendToLog( m_dwLastErrorMask, m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szFileName], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szLineNum], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szEngine], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szErrorCode], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szShortDes], m_pszLastErrorInfo[ILE_szLongDes], pHitObj); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::FreeGoodTemplateMemory Frees memory allocated for a 'good' (successfully compiled) template. This includes the template itself, memory to support compile-time errors (since the entire concatenated compile-time error message is cached in last-err-msg member), and memory to support run-time errors (since if the template didn't compile, it can't run).
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::FreeGoodTemplateMemory ( ) { UINT i;
LargeTemplateFreeNullify((void**) &m_pbStart); SmallTemplateFreeNullify((void**) &m_rgpSegmentFilemaps);
delete[] m_rgrgSourceInfos; m_rgrgSourceInfos = NULL;
if(m_ppszMsgInserts) { for(i = 0; i < m_cMsgInserts; i++) delete m_ppszMsgInserts[i]; delete m_ppszMsgInserts; m_ppszMsgInserts = NULL; }
// release the collected type libs
// release any 449-echo-cookie objects
Release449(); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::UnmapFiles Unmaps the template's filemaps. NOTE: we keep filemap objects around so that filenames will be available for runtime errors
Returns Nothing Side effects Unmaps template's filemaps */ void CTemplate::UnmapFiles ( ) { UINT i; for(i = 0; i < m_cFilemaps; i++) m_rgpFilemaps[i]->UnmapFile(); }
CTemplate::ExtractAndProcessSegment Extracts and processes leading source segment and first contained source segment from search range.
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::ExtractAndProcessSegment ( CByteRange& brSearch, // byte range to search for next segment-opening token
const SOURCE_SEGMENT& ssegLeading, // type of 'leading', i.e. pre-token, source segment
_TOKEN* rgtknOpeners, // array of permitted open tokens
UINT ctknOpeners, // count of permitted open tokens
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
CHitObj* pHitObj, // Browser request object
BOOL fScriptTagProcessed,// has script tag been processed?
BOOL fIsHTML // are we in HTML segment?
) { CByteRange brLeadSegment; // byte range of leading source segment
SOURCE_SEGMENT ssegContained; // type of 'contained', i.e. post-token, source segment
CByteRange brContainedSegment; // byte range of contained source segment
_TOKEN tknOpen; // opening token
BYTE* pbTokenOpen; // ptr to opening token
_TOKEN tknClose; // closing token
BYTE* pbTokenClose; // ptr to closing token
// NOTE: If "fScriptTagProcessed" is TRUE, then "fIsHTML" must be FALSE. The reason for
// both flags is that if "fScriptTagProcessed" is FALSE, then "fIsHTML" may be either TRUE
// or FALSE (indeterminate)
Assert (FImplies(fScriptTagProcessed, !fIsHTML));
// If search range is empty, return
if(brSearch.IsNull()) return;
// Set ptr of leading segment to start of search segment
brLeadSegment.m_pb = brSearch.m_pb;
// get open token for contained segment
pbTokenOpen = GetOpenToken( brSearch, ssegLeading, rgtknOpeners, ctknOpeners, &tknOpen );
// Set count of leading segment to distance between start of search range and token
brLeadSegment.m_cb = DIFF(pbTokenOpen - brSearch.m_pb);
// Process leading segment
ProcessSegment(ssegLeading, brLeadSegment, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, fScriptTagProcessed, pHitObj, fIsHTML);
// If open token was 'EOF', empty out search range and return
if(tknOpen == CTokenList::tknEOF) { brSearch.Nullify(); return; }
// Set contained segment type and close token based upon the opener we found
tknClose = GetComplementToken(tknOpen); ssegContained = GetSegmentOfOpenToken(tknOpen);
if(ssegContained == ssegHTMLComment) // for html comment segments, advance search range to open token
// NOTE keep html comment tags in segment because they must be sent to client
brSearch.Advance(DIFF(pbTokenOpen - brSearch.m_pb)); else // for all but html comment segments, advance search range to just past open token
gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(tknOpen, pbTokenOpen, brSearch);
// Get closing token - if none, throw error
if(NULL == (pbTokenClose = GetCloseToken(brSearch, tknClose))) { if(tknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenPrimaryScript) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_PSCRIPT); else if(tknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenTaggedScript) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_TSCRIPT); else if(tknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenObject) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_OBJECT); else if(tknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_HTML_COMMENT); }
// calc contained segment
brContainedSegment.m_pb = brSearch.m_pb; brContainedSegment.m_cb = DIFF(pbTokenClose - brSearch.m_pb);
// advance search range to just past close token
gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(tknClose, pbTokenClose, brSearch);
// if an html comment segment, get actual segment type (e.g. might be a server-side include command)
// NOTE call may also change contained segment byte range
if(ssegContained == ssegHTMLComment) ssegContained = SsegFromHTMLComment(brContainedSegment);
// if an html comment segment, add its close tag to contained segment
// NOTE we keep html comment tags as part of segment so we can process like any other html segment
if(ssegContained == ssegHTMLComment) brContainedSegment.m_cb += CCH_TOKEN(tknClose);
if(ssegContained == ssegMetadata) { // METADATA comments are used by DESIGN time controls and we don't send
// them to the client.
// We process metadata to get to the typelib info
UINT idError = 0; HRESULT hr = ProcessMetadataSegment(brContainedSegment, &idError, pHitObj);
if (FAILED(hr)) ThrowError(brContainedSegment.m_pb, idError); } else if (ssegContained == ssegFPBot) { } else { // process contained segment
ProcessSegment(ssegContained, brContainedSegment, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, fScriptTagProcessed, pHitObj, fIsHTML); } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::SsegFromHTMLComment Determines source segment type of HTML comment.
Returns Source segment type Side effects May advance segment byte range */ CTemplate::SOURCE_SEGMENT CTemplate::SsegFromHTMLComment ( CByteRange& brSegment // source segment
) { SOURCE_SEGMENT ssegRet = ssegHTMLComment; // return value
BYTE* pbToken; // ptr to token
if(NULL != (pbToken = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknCommandINCLUDE, brSegment, m_wCodePage))) { gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(CTokenList::tknCommandINCLUDE, pbToken, brSegment); ssegRet = ssegInclude; } else if(NULL != (pbToken = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknTagMETADATA, brSegment, m_wCodePage))) { gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(CTokenList::tknTagMETADATA, pbToken, brSegment); ssegRet = ssegMetadata; } else if(NULL != (pbToken = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknTagFPBot, brSegment, m_wCodePage))) { gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(CTokenList::tknTagFPBot, pbToken, brSegment); ssegRet = ssegFPBot; }
return ssegRet; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ProcessSegment Processes a source segment based on its type.
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::ProcessSegment ( SOURCE_SEGMENT sseg, // segment type
CByteRange& brSegment, // segment byte range
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
BOOL fScriptTagProcessed, // has script tag been processed?
CHitObj* pHitObj, // Browser request object
BOOL fIsHTML // Is segment in HTML block or script?
) { UINT idSequence; // sequence id for this segment
// if segment is entirely white space, silently return
if(FByteRangeIsWhiteSpace(brSegment)) return;
// set local sequence id and increment member
idSequence = WorkStore.m_idCurSequence++;
// Process segment based on its type
if(sseg == ssegHTML) ProcessHTMLSegment(brSegment, WorkStore.m_bufHTMLSegments, idSequence, pfilemapCurrent); else if(sseg == ssegHTMLComment) ProcessHTMLCommentSegment(brSegment, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, pHitObj); else if(sseg == ssegPrimaryScript || sseg == ssegTaggedScript) ProcessScriptSegment(sseg, brSegment, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, idSequence, (BOOLB)!!fScriptTagProcessed, pHitObj); else if(sseg == ssegObject) ProcessObjectSegment(brSegment, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, idSequence); else if(sseg == ssegInclude) { if (! fIsHTML) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_SSI_COMMAND);
ProcessIncludeFile(brSegment, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, idSequence, pHitObj, fIsHTML); }
// malloc/realloc array if needed
if(m_cSegmentFilemapSlots == 0) { m_cSegmentFilemapSlots = C_SCRIPTSEGMENTSDEFAULT + C_HTMLSEGMENTSDEFAULT; if(NULL == (m_rgpSegmentFilemaps = (CFileMap**) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(m_cSegmentFilemapSlots * sizeof(CFileMap*)))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } else if(idSequence >= m_cSegmentFilemapSlots) { // grab twice what we had before
m_cSegmentFilemapSlots *= 2; if(NULL == (m_rgpSegmentFilemaps = (CFileMap**) CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_rgpSegmentFilemaps, m_cSegmentFilemapSlots * sizeof(CFileMap*)))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// set filemap ptr for this segment - NOTE 'parent' filemap is also current file map
m_rgpSegmentFilemaps[idSequence] = pfilemapCurrent; }
/* ========================================================
Processes an HTML segment.
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::ProcessHTMLSegment ( CByteRange& brHTML, // html segment
CBuffer& bufHTMLBlocks, // working storage for html blocks
UINT idSequence, // segment sequence id
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent // current filemap
) { if(!(brHTML.IsNull())) // If byte range is non-empty, store it in html buffer (non-local)
bufHTMLBlocks.Append(brHTML, FALSE, idSequence, pfilemapCurrent); }
/* ========================================================
CTemplate::ProcessHTMLCommentSegment Processes an HTML comment segment: within an HTML comment we honor plain text (passed through as HTML comment) and primary script. See bug 182 for istudio scenarios that require this behavior.
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::ProcessHTMLCommentSegment ( CByteRange& brSegment, // segment byte range
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
CHitObj* pHitObj // Browser request object
) { _TOKEN* rgtknOpeners; // array of permitted open tokens
UINT ctknOpeners; // count of permitted open tokens
// populate array of permitted open tokens
ctknOpeners = 1; _TOKEN tknOpeners[1]; rgtknOpeners = tknOpeners; rgtknOpeners[0] = CTokenList::tknOpenPrimaryScript;
// Process source segments embedded within HTML comment segment
while(!brSegment.IsNull()) ExtractAndProcessSegment( brSegment, // byte range to search for next segment-opening token
ssegHTML, // type of 'leading', i.e. pre-token, source segment
rgtknOpeners, // array of permitted open tokens
ctknOpeners, // count of permitted open tokens
pfilemapCurrent,// ptr to filemap of parent file
WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
pHitObj // Browser request object
); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ProcessScriptSegment Processes a script segment.
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::ProcessScriptSegment ( SOURCE_SEGMENT sseg, // segment type
CByteRange& brSegment, // segment byte range
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for scripts
UINT idSequence, // segment sequence id
BOOLB fScriptTagProcessed,// has script tag been processed?
CHitObj* pHitObj // Browser request object
) { CByteRange brEngine; // script engine name - NOTE constructed null
if(m_fGlobalAsa) if(sseg == ssegPrimaryScript) // error out on primary script if we are processing global.asa
ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_GLOBAL_PSCRIPT);
if(sseg == ssegPrimaryScript) { CByteRange brTemp = brSegment;
if(*brTemp.m_pb == '@') // CONSIDER: tknTagSetPriScriptLang
{ // impossible condition: page-level @ commands can't be allowed if they have already been executed
Assert(!(WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsAllowed && WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsExecuted));
if(!WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsAllowed) { if(WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsExecuted) // error out if trying to re-execute page-level @ commands
ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_PAGE_COMMAND_REPEATED); else // error out if trying to execute page-level @ commands when not allowed
ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_PAGE_COMMAND_NOT_FIRST); }
// if we made it here, must be allowed to execute page-level @ commands AND they have not been executed
Assert((WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsAllowed && !WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsExecuted));
/* set primary script language if required
NOTE we call GetTagName to see if LANGUAGE tag occurs in tags segment; this is somewhat wasteful, since BrValueOfTag must simply call GetTagName again. However, this scheme is easier than changing BrValueOfTag to return a BOOL and amending all its other callers, who don't need this info. */
// Flags and counters used to track and validate the @ command directive
int nFirstPass = 1; int nOffset = 0; BOOLB fTagLanguage = TRUE; BOOLB fTagCodePage = TRUE; BOOLB fTagLCID = TRUE; BOOLB fTagTransacted = TRUE; BOOLB fTagSession = TRUE;
while( GetTag( brSegment, nFirstPass) ) { nFirstPass =2; nOffset = 0;
if ( fTagLanguage && CompTagName( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagLanguage ) ) { fTagLanguage = FALSE; brEngine = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagLanguage); if ( brEngine.IsNull() ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_ENGINE_NAME);
// get prog lang id
PROGLANG_ID ProgLangId; HRESULT hr = GetProgLangId(brEngine, &ProgLangId);
if(hr == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND) // if prog lang not found, throw error
ThrowErrorSingleInsert( brEngine.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG, brEngine.m_pb, brEngine.m_cb ); else if(FAILED(hr)) // other failure: re-throw exception code
Assert(WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.CountPreliminaryEngines() >= 1);
// Set 0-th (primary) script engine to user-specified value
WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_bufEngineNames.SetItem( 0, // index of item to set
brEngine, // engine name
FALSE, // item is non-local
0, // sequence id (don't care)
NULL // filemap ptr (don't care)
// Set 0-th (primary) prog lang id to engine's
WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_rgProgLangId[0] = ProgLangId; brSegment.Advance(DIFF(brEngine.m_pb - brSegment.m_pb));
/* set code page if required
see NOTE above for why we call we call GetTagName. */ else if ( fTagCodePage && CompTagName( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagCodePage ) ) { fTagCodePage = FALSE; CByteRange brCodePage = BrValueOfTag( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagCodePage ); if ( brCodePage.IsNull() ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CODEPAGE);
if ( brCodePage.m_cb > 10 ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_CODEPAGE);
char szCodePage[31]; strncpy( szCodePage, (char*) brCodePage.m_pb, brCodePage.m_cb ); szCodePage[ brCodePage.m_cb ] = '\0';
char *pchEnd; UINT uCodePage = UINT( strtoul( szCodePage, &pchEnd, 10 ) );
// verify that pchEnd is the NULL
if (*pchEnd != 0) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_CODEPAGE);
if ( FAILED( pHitObj->SetCodePage( uCodePage ) ) ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_CODEPAGE); else { m_wCodePage = uCodePage; m_fCodePageSet = TRUE; }
brSegment.Advance(DIFF(brCodePage.m_pb - brSegment.m_pb)); } /* set LCID if required
see NOTE above for why we call we call GetTagName. */ else if ( fTagLCID && CompTagName( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagLCID ) ) { fTagLCID = FALSE; CByteRange brLCID = BrValueOfTag( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagLCID ); if ( brLCID.IsNull() ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_LCID);
char szLCID[31]; strncpy( szLCID, (char*) brLCID.m_pb, brLCID.m_cb ); szLCID[ brLCID.m_cb ] = '\0';
char *pchEnd; UINT uLCID = UINT( strtoul( szLCID, &pchEnd, 10 ) );
// verify that pchEnd is the NULL
if (*pchEnd != 0) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_LCID);
if ( FAILED( pHitObj->SetLCID( uLCID ) ) ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_LCID); else { m_lLCID = uLCID; m_fLCIDSet = TRUE; }
brSegment.Advance(DIFF(brLCID.m_pb - brSegment.m_pb)); } /* Set transacted if requiured
see NOTE above for why we call GetTagName */ else if ( fTagTransacted && CompTagName( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagTransacted ) ) {
STACK_BUFFER( tempTransValue, 32 );
fTagTransacted = FALSE; CByteRange brTransacted = BrValueOfTag( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagTransacted ); if ( brTransacted.IsNull() ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_TRANSACTED_VALUE);
if (!tempTransValue.Resize(brTransacted.m_cb + 1)) { ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_OOM); }
LPSTR szTransacted = static_cast<LPSTR> (tempTransValue.QueryPtr()); strncpy(szTransacted, (LPCSTR)brTransacted.m_pb, brTransacted.m_cb); szTransacted[brTransacted.m_cb]='\0'; if (!strcmpi(szTransacted, "REQUIRED")) m_ttTransacted = ttRequired; else if (!strcmpi(szTransacted, "REQUIRES_NEW")) m_ttTransacted = ttRequiresNew; else if (!strcmpi(szTransacted, "SUPPORTED")) m_ttTransacted = ttSupported; else if (!strcmpi(szTransacted, "NOT_SUPPORTED")) m_ttTransacted = ttNotSupported; else ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_TRANSACTED_VALUE);
brSegment.Advance(DIFF(brTransacted.m_pb - brSegment.m_pb)); } /* Set session flag
see NOTE above for why we call GetTagName */ else if ( fTagSession && CompTagName( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagSession ) ) {
STACK_BUFFER( tempSession, 16 );
fTagSession = FALSE; CByteRange brSession = BrValueOfTag( brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagSession ); if ( brSession.IsNull() ) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_SESSION_VALUE);
if (!tempSession.Resize(brSession.m_cb + 1)) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_OOM);
LPSTR szSession = static_cast<LPSTR> (tempSession.QueryPtr()); strncpy(szSession, (LPCSTR)brSession.m_pb, brSession.m_cb); szSession[brSession.m_cb]='\0'; if (strcmpi(szSession, "TRUE") == 0) { m_fSession = TRUE; if (!pHitObj->PAppln()->QueryAppConfig()->fAllowSessionState()) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_CANT_ENABLE_SESSIONS); } else if (strcmpi(szSession, "FALSE") == 0) m_fSession = FALSE; else ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_SESSION_VALUE);
brSegment.Advance(DIFF(brSession.m_pb - brSegment.m_pb)); } else ThrowErrorSingleInsert( brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_AT_COMMAND, brSegment.m_pb, brSegment.m_cb ); }
if (nFirstPass == 1) ThrowErrorSingleInsert( brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_AT_COMMAND, brSegment.m_pb, brSegment.m_cb );
// set flag true and ignore remainder of segment, since we only use this segment for page-level @ commands
WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsExecuted = TRUE; goto LExit; }
if(sseg == ssegTaggedScript) { if(!fScriptTagProcessed) { /* semantics of script-tag-processed flag:
- if false, we have a 'fresh' tagged script block, so we need to get its engine name (which also advances past the script tag header) and then process the tagged segment via indirect recursive call - if true, we have aleady been called recursively, so we bypass further recursion and simply append to store */ CByteRange brIncludeFile; GetScriptEngineOfSegment(brSegment, WorkStore.m_brCurEngine, brIncludeFile); if (! brIncludeFile.IsNull()) {
STACK_BUFFER( tempInclude, 256 );
if (!tempInclude.Resize(brIncludeFile.m_cb + 1)) { ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_OOM); }
// Create Null-terminated string from brIncludeFile
char *szFileSpec = reinterpret_cast<char *>(tempInclude.QueryPtr()); memcpy(szFileSpec, brIncludeFile.m_pb, brIncludeFile.m_cb); szFileSpec[brIncludeFile.m_cb] = 0; if (szFileSpec[0] == '\\') // metabase stuff chokes on initial '\' char
szFileSpec[0] = '/';
// read the include file (szFileSpec & brIncludeFile in this case point to same string contents.
// however, "brIncludeFile" is used as an error location.
TRY ProcessIncludeFile2(szFileSpec, brIncludeFile, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, idSequence, pHitObj, FALSE); CATCH(hrException)
// The TRY/CATCH below may re-throw a IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG when the
// segment being processed is tagged script with a SRC file. The reason being
// that to properly report the error, the ThrowErrorSingleInsert must be called
// from the template which contained the script tag with the bad prog lang. If
// called from the template created containing the included script, then the
// brEngine assigned below is not pointing into the included script's filemap
// which results in AVs because we can't do the pointer math to determine the
// line number.
if(hrException == IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG) // exception code is really an error message id: set err id to it
ThrowErrorSingleInsert( WorkStore.m_brCurEngine.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG, WorkStore.m_brCurEngine.m_pb, WorkStore.m_brCurEngine.m_cb ); else
// other exception: re-throw
// done - don't process script text
return; } else ProcessTaggedScriptSegment(brSegment, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, pHitObj); }
brEngine = WorkStore.m_brCurEngine; }
TRY // append script segment to store
WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.AppendScript(brSegment, brEngine, (sseg == ssegPrimaryScript), idSequence, pfilemapCurrent);
CATCH(hrException) // NOTE exception code from AppendScript() is overloaded: it can be an error message id or a true exception
// if the brEngine does not point to memory within the current filemap, then
// we must have come into here because of a tagged script statement with a SRC=
// attrib. In which case, we won't call ThrowError from here but will re-throw
// the error to be caught above.
if((hrException == IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG) && (brEngine.m_pb >= pfilemapCurrent->m_pbStartOfFile) && (brEngine.m_pb < (pfilemapCurrent->m_pbStartOfFile + pfilemapCurrent->GetSize()))) { // exception code is really an error message id: set err id to it
ThrowErrorSingleInsert( brEngine.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG, brEngine.m_pb, brEngine.m_cb ); } else // other exception: re-throw
LExit: // set flag to say we can no longer set primary language (must be in first script segment, if at all)
WorkStore.m_fPageCommandsAllowed = FALSE; }
/* ========================================================
CTemplate::ProcessMetadataSegment Parses the metadata comment for typelib information.
Returns HRESULT */ HRESULT CTemplate::ProcessMetadataSegment ( const CByteRange& brSegment, UINT *pidError, CHitObj *pHitObj ) { // TYPELIB
if (FTagHasValue(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagType, CTokenList::tknValueTypeLib)) { return ProcessMetadataTypelibSegment(brSegment, pidError, pHitObj); } // METADATA INVALID in Global.asa
else if (m_fGlobalAsa) { ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_METADATA_IN_GLOBAL_ASA); return E_TEMPLATE_COMPILE_FAILED_DONT_CACHE; // to keep compiler happy; in reality doesn't return.
else if (FTagHasValue(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagType, CTokenList::tknValueCookie)) { return ProcessMetadataCookieSegment(brSegment, pidError, pHitObj); } // Ignore everything else
else { return S_OK; } }
/* ========================================================
CTemplate::ProcessMetadataTypelibSegment Parses the metadata comment for typelib information.
Returns HRESULT */ HRESULT CTemplate::ProcessMetadataTypelibSegment ( const CByteRange& brSegment, UINT *pidError, CHitObj *pHitObj ) { // Ignore ENDSPAN segments
if (GetTagName(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagEndspan)) { // ENDSPAN found - ignore
return S_OK; }
HRESULT hr; char szFile[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cbFile;
// Try to get the filename
CByteRange br = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagFile); if (!br.IsNull()) { // filename present
if (br.m_cb > MAX_PATH) { // file too long
*pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_TYPELIB_SPEC; return E_FAIL; } memcpy(szFile, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); cbFile = br.m_cb; szFile[cbFile] = '\0'; } else { // No filename - use GUID, version, LCID to get file
char szUUID[44]; // {} + hex chars + dashes
char szVers[16]; // "1.0", etc
char szLCID[16]; // locale id - a number
br = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagUUID); if (br.IsNull() || br.m_cb > sizeof(szUUID)-3) { // no filename and no uuid -> invalid typelib spec
if (br.m_pb[0] == '{') { // already in braces
memcpy(szUUID, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); szUUID[br.m_cb] = '\0'; } else { // enclose in {}
szUUID[0] = '{'; memcpy(szUUID+1, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); szUUID[br.m_cb+1] = '}'; szUUID[br.m_cb+2] = '\0'; }
// Optional Version
szVers[0] = '\0'; br = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagVersion); if (!br.IsNull() && br.m_cb < sizeof(szVers)-1) { memcpy(szVers, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); szVers[br.m_cb] = '\0'; }
// Optional LCID
LCID lcid; br = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagLCID); if (!br.IsNull() && br.m_cb < sizeof(szLCID)-1) { memcpy(szLCID, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); szLCID[br.m_cb] = '\0'; lcid = strtoul(szLCID, NULL, 16); } else { // if the LCID is not defined -> use system's
lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID(); }
// Get TYPELIB filename from registry
hr = GetTypelibFilenameFromRegistry ( szUUID, szVers, lcid, szFile, MAX_PATH );
if (FAILED(hr)) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_TYPELIB_REG_SPEC; return hr; }
cbFile = strlen(szFile); } // Convert filename to double-byte to call LoadTypeLib()
STACK_BUFFER( tempFile, MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!tempFile.Resize((cbFile+1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) { *pidError = IDE_OOM; return E_FAIL; }
LPWSTR wszFile = (LPWSTR)tempFile.QueryPtr();
if (MultiByteToWideChar(pHitObj->GetCodePage(), MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, szFile, cbFile, wszFile, cbFile) == 0) { *pidError = IDE_OOM; return E_FAIL; } wszFile[cbFile] = L'\0';
// LoadTypeLib() to get ITypeLib*
ITypeLib *ptlb = NULL; hr = LoadTypeLib(wszFile, &ptlb);
if (FAILED(hr)) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TYPELIB_FAILED; return hr; }
// Remember ITypeLib* in the array
Assert(ptlb); hr = m_rgpTypeLibs.append(ptlb); if (FAILED(hr)) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TYPELIB_FAILED; return hr; }
return S_OK; }
/* ========================================================
CTemplate::ProcessMetadataCookieSegment Parses the metadata comment for cookie information.
Returns HRESULT */ HRESULT CTemplate::ProcessMetadataCookieSegment ( const CByteRange& brSegment, UINT *pidError, CHitObj *pHitObj ) { HRESULT hr; CByteRange br; char *pszName; char szFile[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR sztFile[MAX_PATH+1]; CMBCSToWChar convStr;
STACK_BUFFER( tempCookie, 64 ); STACK_BUFFER( tempFile, 64 );
// Try to get the cookie name
br = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagName); if (br.IsNull() || (br.m_cb == 0)) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_COOKIE_SPEC_NAME; return E_FAIL; }
if (!tempCookie.Resize(br.m_cb + 1)) { *pidError = IDE_OOM; return E_FAIL; }
pszName = (char *)tempCookie.QueryPtr(); if (!pszName) { *pidError = IDE_OOM; return E_FAIL; } memcpy(pszName, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); pszName[br.m_cb] = '\0';
// Try to get the path to the script
br = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagSrc); if (br.IsNull() || (br.m_cb >= MAX_PATH) || (br.m_cb == 0)) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_COOKIE_SPEC_SRC; return E_FAIL; } memcpy(szFile, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); szFile[br.m_cb] = '\0';
// Convert file to physical path
WCHAR *pCookieFile; #if _IIS_5_1
// just use CP_ACP for 5.1 since the Core can't handle anything else anyway
if (FAILED (convStr.Init (szFile))) { #else
// 6.0 can handle UNICODE. Convert using script code page
if (FAILED (convStr.Init (szFile,pHitObj->GetCodePage()))) { #endif
*pidError = IDE_OOM; return E_FAIL; }
pCookieFile = convStr.GetString(); if (FAILED(pHitObj->PServer()->MapPathInternal(0, pCookieFile, sztFile))) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_COOKIE_SPEC_SRC; return E_FAIL; } Normalize(sztFile);
// Construct 449-echo-cookie object
C449Cookie *p449 = NULL; hr = Create449Cookie(pszName, sztFile, &p449); if (FAILED(hr)) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_LOAD_COOKIESCRIPT_FAILED; return hr; }
// Remember 449 cookie in the array
Assert(p449); hr = m_rgp449.append(p449); if (FAILED(hr)) { *pidError = IDE_TEMPLATE_LOAD_COOKIESCRIPT_FAILED; return hr; }
return S_OK; }
/* ========================================================
CTemplate::GetScriptEngineOfSegment Returns script engine name for a script segment.
Returns Byte range containing script engine name Side effects Advances segment byte range past close tag token */ void CTemplate::GetScriptEngineOfSegment ( CByteRange& brSegment, // segment byte range
CByteRange& brEngine, // script engine name
CByteRange& brInclude // value of SRC tag
) { BYTE* pbCloseTag; // ptr to close of start tag
// tags contained in start tag
CByteRange brTags = BrTagsFromSegment(brSegment, CTokenList::tknCloseTaggedScript, &pbCloseTag);
// if no close found, throw error
if(pbCloseTag == NULL) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_TSCRIPT);
Assert(FTagHasValue(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagRunat, CTokenList::tknValueServer));
// get engine name from tags
brEngine = BrValueOfTag(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagLanguage); if(brEngine.IsNull()) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_ENGINE_NAME);
// Get SRC attribute from tags
brInclude = BrValueOfTag(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagSrc);
// advance segment past close tag token
gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(CTokenList::tknCloseTag, pbCloseTag, brSegment); }
/* ========================================================
CTemplate::ProcessTaggedScriptSegment Processes a tagged script segment: within tagged script we honor plain text (passed through as script text) and HTML comments. See bug 423 for istudio scenarios that require this behavior.
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::ProcessTaggedScriptSegment ( CByteRange& brSegment, // segment byte range
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent,// ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
CHitObj* pHitObj // Browser request object
) { _TOKEN* rgtknOpeners; // array of permitted open tokens
_TOKEN tknOpeners[1]; UINT ctknOpeners; // count of permitted open tokens
// populate array of permitted open tokens
ctknOpeners = 1; rgtknOpeners = tknOpeners; rgtknOpeners[0] = CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment;
// Process source segments embedded within tagged script segment
while(!brSegment.IsNull()) ExtractAndProcessSegment( brSegment, // byte range to search for next segment-opening token
ssegTaggedScript, // type of 'leading', i.e. pre-token, source segment
rgtknOpeners, // array of permitted open tokens
ctknOpeners, // count of permitted open tokens
pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
pHitObj, // Browser request object
TRUE, // script tag has been processed
FALSE // NOT in HTML segment
); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ProcessObjectSegment Processes an object segment.
Returns Nothing Side effects throws on error */ void CTemplate::ProcessObjectSegment ( CByteRange& brSegment, // segment byte range
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent,// ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
UINT idSequence // segment sequence id
) { BYTE* pbCloseTag; // ptr to close of start tag
// tags contained in start tag
CByteRange brTags = BrTagsFromSegment(brSegment, CTokenList::tknCloseObject, &pbCloseTag);
// if no close found, bail on error
if(pbCloseTag == NULL) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_OBJECT);
// if this is a server object (RUNAT=Server), process its tags
if(FTagHasValue(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagRunat, CTokenList::tknValueServer)) { CLSID ClsId; // clsid
// get name value
CByteRange brName = BrValueOfTag(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagID);
// if name is null, error out
if(brName.IsNull()) ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_OBJECT_NAME);
if(!FValidObjectName(brName)) ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brName.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_INVALID_OBJECT_NAME, brName.m_pb, brName.m_cb);
// get values for ClassID and ProgID tags
CByteRange brClassIDText = BrValueOfTag(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagClassID); CByteRange brProgIDText = BrValueOfTag(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagProgID);
if(!brClassIDText.IsNull()) // if we find a text class id, set clsid with it
// NOTE progid tag is ignored if classid tag exists
GetCLSIDFromBrClassIDText(brClassIDText, &ClsId); else if(!brProgIDText.IsNull()) // else if we find a prog id, resolve it into a class id
GetCLSIDFromBrProgIDText(brProgIDText, &ClsId); else // else, throw error; can't create an object without at least one of classid or progid
ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brTags.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLASSID_PROGID, brName.m_pb, brName.m_cb);
// set scope; bail if bogus
CompScope csScope = csUnknown; CByteRange brScope = BrValueOfTag(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagScope); if(brScope.FMatchesSz(SZ_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknValuePage)) || brScope.IsNull()) // non-existent scope tag defaults to page scope
csScope = csPage; else if(brScope.FMatchesSz(SZ_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknValueApplication))) csScope = csAppln; else if(brScope.FMatchesSz(SZ_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknValueSession))) csScope = csSession; else ThrowError(brTags.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_OBJECT_SCOPE);
if(!m_fGlobalAsa && csScope != csPage) // error out on non-page-level object if we are processing anything but global.asa
ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brTags.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PAGE_OBJECT_SCOPE, brName.m_pb, brName.m_cb); else if(m_fGlobalAsa && csScope == csPage) // error out on page-level object if we are processing global.asa
ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brTags.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_GLOBAL_OBJECT_SCOPE, brName.m_pb, brName.m_cb);
// set threading model
CompModel cmModel = cmSingle; CompModelFromCLSID(ClsId, &cmModel);
// append object-info to store
WorkStore.m_ObjectInfoStore.AppendObject(brName, ClsId, csScope, cmModel, idSequence);
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetCLSIDFromBrClassIDText Sets a clsid from a byte range containing an ANSI text version of a class id
Returns ptr to clsid (out-parameter) Side effects throws on error */ void CTemplate::GetCLSIDFromBrClassIDText ( CByteRange& brClassIDText, LPCLSID pclsid ) { // if class id text starts with its standard object tag prefix, advance past it
if(!_strnicmp((char*)brClassIDText.m_pb, "clsid:", 6)) brClassIDText.Advance(6);
// if class id text is bracketed with {}, adjust byte range to strip them
// NOTE we always add {} below, because normal case is that they are missing from input text
if(*brClassIDText.m_pb == '{') brClassIDText.Advance(1); if(*(brClassIDText.m_pb + brClassIDText.m_cb - 1) == '}') brClassIDText.m_cb--;
// Allocate a wide char string for the string version of class id
// NOTE we add 3 characters to hold {} and null terminator
OLECHAR* pszWideClassID = new WCHAR[brClassIDText.m_cb + 3]; if (NULL == pszWideClassID) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// start wide string class id with left brace
pszWideClassID[0] = '{';
// Convert the string class id to wide chars
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, // ANSI code page
MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, // err on invalid chars
(LPCSTR)brClassIDText.m_pb, // input ANSI string version of class id
brClassIDText.m_cb, // length of input string
pszWideClassID + 1, // location for output wide string class id
brClassIDText.m_cb // size of output buffer
)) { delete [] pszWideClassID; THROW(E_FAIL); }
// append right brace to wide string
pszWideClassID[brClassIDText.m_cb + 1] = '}';
// Null terminate the wide string
pszWideClassID[brClassIDText.m_cb + 2] = NULL;
// Now get the clsid from wide string class id
if(FAILED(CLSIDFromString(pszWideClassID, pclsid))) { delete [] pszWideClassID; ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brClassIDText.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_CLASSID, brClassIDText.m_pb, brClassIDText.m_cb); }
if(NULL != pszWideClassID) delete [] pszWideClassID; }
/* ===================================================================
CTemplate::GetCLSIDFromBrProgIDText Gets a clsid from the registry given a ProgID
Returns ptr to clsid (out-parameter) Side effects throws on error */ void CTemplate::GetCLSIDFromBrProgIDText ( CByteRange& brProgIDText, LPCLSID pclsid ) { // allocate a wide char string for ProgID plus null terminator
OLECHAR* pszWideProgID = new WCHAR[brProgIDText.m_cb + 1]; if (NULL == pszWideProgID) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Convert the string class id to wide chars
if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, // ANSI code page
MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, // err on invalid chars
(LPCSTR)brProgIDText.m_pb, // input ANSI string version of prog id
brProgIDText.m_cb, // length of input string
pszWideProgID, // location for output wide string prog id
brProgIDText.m_cb // size of output buffer
)) { delete [] pszWideProgID; pszWideProgID = NULL; THROW(E_FAIL); }
// Null terminate the wide string
pszWideProgID[brProgIDText.m_cb] = NULL;
// Now get clsid from ProgID
if(FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID(pszWideProgID, pclsid))) { delete [] pszWideProgID; pszWideProgID = NULL; ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brProgIDText.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGID, brProgIDText.m_pb, brProgIDText.m_cb); }
// Cache ProgId to CLSID mapping
g_TypelibCache.RememberProgidToCLSIDMapping(pszWideProgID, *pclsid);
if (NULL != pszWideProgID) delete [] pszWideProgID; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::FValidObjectName Determines whether an object name clashes with a Denali intrinsic object name.
Returns TRUE or FALSE Side effects None */ BOOLB CTemplate::FValidObjectName ( CByteRange& brName // object name
) { if(brName.FMatchesSz(SZ_OBJ_APPLICATION)) return FALSE; if(brName.FMatchesSz(SZ_OBJ_REQUEST)) return FALSE; if(brName.FMatchesSz(SZ_OBJ_RESPONSE)) return FALSE; if(brName.FMatchesSz(SZ_OBJ_SERVER)) return FALSE; if(brName.FMatchesSz(SZ_OBJ_CERTIFICATE)) return FALSE; if(brName.FMatchesSz(SZ_OBJ_SESSION)) return FALSE; if(brName.FMatchesSz(SZ_OBJ_SCRIPTINGNAMESPACE)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
/* ============================================================================
Processes an include file.
Returns Nothing */ void CTemplate::ProcessIncludeFile ( CByteRange& brSegment, // segment byte range
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // current working storage
UINT idSequence, // sequence #
CHitObj* pHitObj, // Browser request object pointer
BOOL fIsHTML ) { CByteRange brFileSpec; // filespec of include file
BOOLB fVirtual = FALSE; // is include filespec virtual?
// filespec of include file (sz)
CHAR szFileSpec[MAX_PATH + 1]; LPSTR szTemp = szFileSpec; // temp ptr to filespec
// get value of FILE tag
brFileSpec = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagFile);
if(brFileSpec.IsNull()) { // if we found no FILE tag, get value of VIRTUAL tag
brFileSpec = BrValueOfTag(brSegment, CTokenList::tknTagVirtual); fVirtual = TRUE; }
if(brFileSpec.IsNull()) // if we found neither, error out
ThrowError(brSegment.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_INCLUDE_NAME);
if (brFileSpec.m_cb>MAX_PATH) { // return the last MAX_PATH chars of the file name. This is done
// this way to avoid a Error Too Long message when the include
// file spec is exceedingly long.
char fileNameLast[MAX_PATH+4]; strcpy(fileNameLast, "..."); strcpy(fileNameLast+3, (LPSTR)(brFileSpec.m_pb+brFileSpec.m_cb-MAX_PATH)); ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brFileSpec.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_INCLUDE, brFileSpec.m_pb, brFileSpec.m_cb);
// NOTE we manipulate temp sz to preserve szFileSpec
if(fVirtual) { if(*brFileSpec.m_pb == '\\') { // if VIRTUAL path starts with backslash, replace it with fwd slash
*szTemp++ = '/'; brFileSpec.Advance(1); } else if(*brFileSpec.m_pb != '/') // if VIRTUAL path starts with anything other than fwd slash or backslash, prepend fwd slash
*szTemp++ = '/'; }
// append supplied path to temp sz
strncpy(szTemp, (LPCSTR) brFileSpec.m_pb, brFileSpec.m_cb); szTemp[brFileSpec.m_cb] = NULL;
if(!fVirtual) { // if FILE filespec starts with \ or /, hurl
if(*szFileSpec == '\\' || *szFileSpec == '/') ThrowErrorSingleInsert( brFileSpec.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_FILE_TAG, brFileSpec.m_pb, brFileSpec.m_cb ); }
// NOTE: szFileSpec is the doctored path (it possibly has "/" prepended.
// brFileSpec is used as the error location.
ProcessIncludeFile2(szFileSpec, brFileSpec, pfilemapCurrent, WorkStore, idSequence, pHitObj, fIsHTML); }
/* ============================================================================
adds a #include file to the CTemplate and starts the template to processing the file.
Returns Nothing Side effects Calls GetSegmentsFromFile recursively
NOTE - kind of an oddball thing here. The szFileSpec in this case is intentionally ANSI as it came from the ASP script content. It may need to be converted to UNICODE. */ void CTemplate::ProcessIncludeFile2 ( CHAR * szAnsiFileSpec, // file to include
CByteRange& brErrorLocation, // ByteRange in source where errors should be reported
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // current working storage
UINT idSequence, // sequence #
CHitObj* pHitObj, // Browser request object pointer
BOOL fIsHTML ) { HRESULT hr; TCHAR *szFileSpec;
CMBCSToWChar convFileSpec;
if (FAILED(hr = convFileSpec.Init(szAnsiFileSpec, pHitObj->GetCodePage()))) { THROW(hr); } szFileSpec = convFileSpec.GetString(); #else
szFileSpec = szAnsiFileSpec; #endif
// if parent paths are disallowed and filespec contains parent dir reference, hurl
if (!pHitObj->QueryAppConfig()->fEnableParentPaths() && _tcsstr(szFileSpec, _T(".."))) ThrowErrorSingleInsert( brErrorLocation.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_DISALLOWED_PARENT_PATH, brErrorLocation.m_pb, brErrorLocation.m_cb );
TRY AppendMapFile( szFileSpec, pfilemapCurrent, (szFileSpec[0] == _T('/')) || (szFileSpec[0] == _T('\\')), // fVirtual
pHitObj, // main file's hit object
FALSE // not the global.asa file
); CATCH(hrException)
// MapFile() threw an exception: delete last filemap's memory and decrement filemap counter
// NOTE this is a bit hokey, but we need to do it here rather than AppendMapFile (where we allocated)
// because its other caller(s) may not want this behavior
delete m_rgpFilemaps[m_cFilemaps-- - 1];
/* NOTE exception code from MapFile() is overloaded: it can sometimes
be an error message id, sometimes a true exception NOTE security error causes exception E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS, rather than error id, but we pass it thru as if it were an error id because the various error-catch routines know how to handle E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS specially. */ UINT idErrMsg; if(hrException == IDE_TEMPLATE_CYCLIC_INCLUDE || hrException == E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS) // exception code is really an error message id: set err id to it
idErrMsg = hrException; else if(hrException == E_COULDNT_OPEN_SOURCE_FILE) // exception is generic couldn't-open-file : set err id to generic bad-file error
idErrMsg = IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_INCLUDE; else // other exception: re-throw
ThrowErrorSingleInsert( brErrorLocation.m_pb, idErrMsg, brErrorLocation.m_pb, brErrorLocation.m_cb ); END_TRY
// store ptr to current file map in local before recursive call (which may increment m_cFilemaps)
CFileMap* pfilemap = m_rgpFilemaps[m_cFilemaps - 1];
// get inc-file object from cache
CIncFile* pIncFile;
if(FAILED(hr = g_IncFileMap.GetIncFile(pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated, &pIncFile))) THROW(hr);
// add this template to inc-file's template list
if (FAILED(hr = pIncFile->AddTemplate(this))) THROW(hr);
// set filemap's inc-file ptr
pfilemap->m_pIncFile = pIncFile;
// get source segments from include file
// bugs 1363, 1364: process include file only after we establish dependencies;
// required for cache flushing to work correctly after compile errors
GetSegmentsFromFile(*pfilemap, WorkStore, pHitObj, fIsHTML); }
/* ===================================================================
CTemplate::GetOpenToken Returns the token index of and a ptr to the first valid open token in search range. For the open token to be valid, we must bypass segments we should not process, e.g. scripts or objects not tagged as 'server'
Returns ptr to open token; ptr to open token enum value (out-parameter) Side effects None */ BYTE* CTemplate::GetOpenToken ( CByteRange brSearch, // (ByVal) byte range to search for next segment-opening token
SOURCE_SEGMENT ssegLeading, // type of 'leading', i.e. pre-token, source segment
// (only used when deciding to ignore non-SSI comments)
_TOKEN* rgtknOpeners, // array of permitted open tokens
UINT ctknOpeners, // count of permitted open tokens
_TOKEN* ptknOpen // ptr to open token enum value (out-parameter)
) { BYTE* pbTokenOpen = NULL; // ptr to opening token
// keep getting segment-opening tokens until we find one that we need to process
while(TRUE) { // Get next open token in search range
*ptknOpen = gm_pTokenList->NextOpenToken( brSearch, rgtknOpeners, ctknOpeners, &pbTokenOpen, m_wCodePage );
/* Certain tokens must be followed immediately by white space; others need not.
NOTE it is pure coincidence that the 'white-space tokens' are also those that get special processing below; hence we handle white space issue there. If we ever add another 'white-space token' that doesn't require the special processing, we will need to handle the white space issue here. */
/* Similar thing applies to non-include and non-metadata HTML
comments. We really don't care for them to generate their own segments -- we can reduce number of Response.WriteBlock() calls by considering them part of the preceding HTML segment. */
if (*ptknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment) { if (ssegLeading != ssegHTML) // if not inside HTML
break; // generate a new segment
// for HTML comments check if it is an include or metadata
// and if not, this is not a separate segment - keep on looking
// for the next opener
// advance search range to just past open token
gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(*ptknOpen, pbTokenOpen, brSearch);
// find end of comment
BYTE *pbClose = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknCloseHTMLComment, brSearch, m_wCodePage); if (pbClose == NULL) { // Error -- let other code handle this
break; }
// construct comment byte range to limit search to it
CByteRange brComment = brSearch; brComment.m_cb = DIFF(pbClose - brSearch.m_pb);
// look for metadata and include (only inside the comment)
if (gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknCommandINCLUDE, brComment, m_wCodePage)) { // SSI inclide -- keep it
break; } else if (gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknTagMETADATA, brComment, m_wCodePage)) { // METADATA -- keep it
break; } else if (gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknTagFPBot, brComment, m_wCodePage)) { // METADATA -- keep it
break; } else { // Regular comment - ignore it
goto LKeepLooking; } } else if (*ptknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenTaggedScript || *ptknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenObject) { /* if token was script or object tag, check to see if:
a) it is followed immediately by white space; if not keep looking b) it opens a well-formed segment, i.e. one with a proper close tag; if not, throw error c) it is designated runat-server; if not keep looking */
// advance search range to just past open token
gm_pTokenList->MovePastToken(*ptknOpen, pbTokenOpen, brSearch);
// bug 760: if token is not followed immediately by white space, keep looking
if(!brSearch.IsNull()) if(!FWhiteSpace(*brSearch.m_pb)) goto LKeepLooking;
// ptr to close of start tag
BYTE* pbCloseTag; // tags contained in start tag
CByteRange brTags = BrTagsFromSegment( brSearch, GetComplementToken(*ptknOpen), &pbCloseTag );
if(pbCloseTag == NULL) { // if no close tag, throw error
if(*ptknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenObject) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_OBJECT); else if(*ptknOpen == CTokenList::tknOpenTaggedScript) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_TSCRIPT); }
// if this is a server object (RUNAT=Server), we will process it; else keep looking
if(FTagHasValue(brTags, CTokenList::tknTagRunat, CTokenList::tknValueServer)) break;
} else { // if token was other than script or object tag, or comment
// we should process segment;
// hence we have found our open token, so break
break; }
LKeepLooking: ; }
return pbTokenOpen; }
/* ===================================================================
CTemplate::GetCloseToken Returns a ptr to the next token of type tknClose.
Returns ptr to close token Side effects Detects and errors out on attempt to nest tagged script or object blocks. */ BYTE* CTemplate::GetCloseToken ( CByteRange brSearch, // (ByVal) byte range to search
_TOKEN tknClose // close token
) { BYTE* pbTokenClose = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(tknClose, brSearch, m_wCodePage);
if(pbTokenClose != NULL) if(tknClose == CTokenList::tknCloseTaggedScript || tknClose == CTokenList::tknCloseObject) { CByteRange brSegment; BYTE* pbTokenOpen;
brSegment.m_pb = brSearch.m_pb; brSegment.m_cb = DIFF(pbTokenClose - brSearch.m_pb);
if(NULL != (pbTokenOpen = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(GetComplementToken(tknClose), brSegment, m_wCodePage))) { if(tknClose == CTokenList::tknCloseTaggedScript) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NESTED_TSCRIPT); else if(tknClose == CTokenList::tknCloseObject) ThrowError(pbTokenOpen, IDE_TEMPLATE_NESTED_OBJECT); } }
return pbTokenClose; }
Returns a token's compement token.
Returns Complement token Side effects None */ _TOKEN CTemplate::GetComplementToken ( _TOKEN tkn ) { switch(tkn) { // open tokens
case CTokenList::tknOpenPrimaryScript: return CTokenList::tknClosePrimaryScript; case CTokenList::tknOpenTaggedScript: return CTokenList::tknCloseTaggedScript; case CTokenList::tknOpenObject: return CTokenList::tknCloseObject; case CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment: return CTokenList::tknCloseHTMLComment;
// close tokens
case CTokenList::tknClosePrimaryScript: return CTokenList::tknOpenPrimaryScript; case CTokenList::tknCloseTaggedScript: return CTokenList::tknOpenTaggedScript; case CTokenList::tknCloseObject: return CTokenList::tknOpenObject; case CTokenList::tknCloseHTMLComment: return CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment; }
Assert(FALSE); return CTokenList::tknEOF; }
Returns the segment type of an open token.
Returns source segment type of open token Side effects None */ CTemplate::SOURCE_SEGMENT CTemplate::GetSegmentOfOpenToken ( _TOKEN tknOpen ) { switch(tknOpen) { case CTokenList::tknOpenPrimaryScript: return ssegPrimaryScript; case CTokenList::tknOpenTaggedScript: return ssegTaggedScript; case CTokenList::tknOpenObject: return ssegObject; case CTokenList::tknOpenHTMLComment: return ssegHTMLComment; }
return ssegHTML; }
/* ========================================================
Returns the tag range from an HTML start tag
Returns tag byte range Side effects none */ CByteRange CTemplate::BrTagsFromSegment ( CByteRange brSegment, // segment byte range
_TOKEN tknClose, // close token
BYTE** ppbCloseTag // ptr-to-ptr to close tag - returned to caller
) { CByteRange brTags; // tags return value - NOTE constructed null
// ptr to close token - NOTE null if none within segment byte range
BYTE* pbTokenClose = GetCloseToken(brSegment, tknClose);
// if no close tag found, return null tags
if(NULL == (*ppbCloseTag = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknCloseTag, brSegment, m_wCodePage))) goto Exit;
// if next non-null close token occurs before close tag, close tag is invalid; return nulls
if((pbTokenClose != NULL) && (*ppbCloseTag > pbTokenClose )) { *ppbCloseTag = NULL; goto Exit; }
// crack tags from header tag
brTags.m_pb = brSegment.m_pb; brTags.m_cb = DIFF(*ppbCloseTag - brSegment.m_pb);
Exit: return brTags; }
/* ========================================================
Returns a tag's value from a byte range; null if tag is not found NOTE value search algorithm per W3 HTML spec - see www.w3.org
Returns byte range of tag's value pfTagExists - does the tag exist in tags byte range? (out-parameter) NOTE we default *pfTagExists = TRUE; most callers don't care and omit this parameter Side effects none */ CByteRange CTemplate::BrValueOfTag ( CByteRange brTags, // tags byte range
_TOKEN tknTagName // tag name token
) { CByteRange brTemp = brTags; // temp byte range
CByteRange brValue; // byte range of value for the given tag - NOTE constructed null
char chDelimiter = NULL; // value delimiter
// ptr to tag name
BYTE* pbTagName = GetTagName(brTags, tknTagName);
// If we did not find tag, return
if(pbTagName == NULL) return brValue;
// Move past tag name token and pre-separator white space
brTemp.Advance(DIFF(pbTagName - brTags.m_pb) + CCH_TOKEN(tknTagName)); LTrimWhiteSpace(brTemp); if(brTemp.IsNull()) goto Exit;
// If we did not find separator, return
if(*brTemp.m_pb != CH_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR) goto Exit;
// Move past separator and post-separator white space
brTemp.Advance(sizeof(CH_ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR)); LTrimWhiteSpace(brTemp); if(brTemp.IsNull()) goto Exit;
// If value begins with a quote mark, cache it as delimiter
if((*brTemp.m_pb == CH_SINGLE_QUOTE) || (*brTemp.m_pb == CH_DOUBLE_QUOTE)) chDelimiter = *brTemp.m_pb;
if(chDelimiter) { // move past delimiter
brTemp.Advance(sizeof(chDelimiter)); if(brTemp.IsNull()) goto Exit; }
// provisionally set value to temp byte range
brValue = brTemp;
// advance temp byte range to end of value range
while( (chDelimiter && (*brTemp.m_pb != chDelimiter)) // if we have a delimiter, find next delimiter
|| (!chDelimiter && (!FWhiteSpace(*brTemp.m_pb))) // if we have no delimiter, find next white space
) { // advance temp byte range
brTemp.Advance(1); if(brTemp.IsNull()) { if(chDelimiter) // we found no closing delimiter, so error out
ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brValue.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_ATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER, pbTagName, CCH_TOKEN(tknTagName)); else // value runs to end of temp byte range, so exit (since we already init'ed to temp)
goto Exit; } }
// set byte count so that value points to delimited range
brValue.m_cb = DIFF(brTemp.m_pb - brValue.m_pb);
Exit: // if tag is empty, raise an error
if (brValue.IsNull()) { ThrowErrorSingleInsert(brTags.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_VALUE_REQUIRED, pbTagName, CCH_TOKEN(tknTagName)); }
// enforce mandatory tag values if required
if(tknTagName == CTokenList::tknTagRunat) { if(!brValue.FMatchesSz(SZ_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknValueServer))) ThrowError(brTags.m_pb, IDE_TEMPLATE_RUNAT_NOT_SERVER); }
return brValue; }
/* ============================================================================
Compares characters in two buffers (case-insensitive) and returns TRUE or FALSE
Side effects none */ BOOL CTemplate::CompTagName ( CByteRange &brTags, // tags byte range
_TOKEN tknTagName // tag name token
) { CByteRange brTemp = brTags; // local byte range, so we don't change tags byte range
UINT cbAttributeName = CCH_TOKEN(tknTagName); // length of tag name
LPSTR pszAttributeName = SZ_TOKEN(tknTagName); // tag name string
// search for potential matches on tag name string, case-insensitive
if(!brTemp.IsNull()) if( 0 == _memicmp( brTemp.m_pb, pszAttributeName, cbAttributeName )) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
/* ============================================================================
Returns a ptr to a tag name in a byte range; null if not found
Returns ptr to tag name Side effects none */ BYTE* CTemplate::GetTagName ( CByteRange brTags, // tags byte range
_TOKEN tknTagName // tag name token
) { CByteRange brTemp = brTags; // local byte range, so we don't change tags byte range
UINT cbAttributeName = CCH_TOKEN(tknTagName); // length of tag name
LPSTR pszAttributeName = SZ_TOKEN(tknTagName); // tag name string
// PREFIX: pszAttributeName could be NULL, though I don't think that can happen.
Assert (pszAttributeName != NULL);
while(TRUE) { // search for potential matches on tag name string, case-insensitive
while(!brTemp.IsNull()) { if(0 == _strnicmp((char*)brTemp.m_pb, pszAttributeName, cbAttributeName )) break; brTemp.Advance(1); }
// if we did not find tag name string at all, return 'not found'
if(brTemp.IsNull()) goto NotFound;
// if it is a valid HTML tag name, return it
if(FTagName(brTemp.m_pb, cbAttributeName)) goto Exit;
// if we found a matching but invalid substring, advance beyond it so we can search again
// if we have exhausted search range, return 'not found'
if(brTemp.IsNull()) goto NotFound; }
Exit: return brTemp.m_pb;
NotFound: return NULL; }
/* ============================================================================
Returns a ptr to a tag name in a byte range; null if not found
Returns ptr to tag name Side effects none */ BOOL CTemplate::GetTag ( CByteRange &brTags, // tags byte range
int nIndex ) { CByteRange brTemp = brTags; // local byte range, so we don't change tags byte range
int nTIndex = 0;
while(TRUE) { // locate the start of a tag by skipping past the script tag "<%" and any leading white space
while(!brTemp.IsNull()) { if( *brTemp.m_pb == '<' || *brTemp.m_pb == '%' || *brTemp.m_pb == '@' || FWhiteSpace(*brTemp.m_pb)) { brTemp.Advance(1); brTags.Advance(1); } else break; }
// search for potential matches on tag name string, case-insensitive
while(!brTemp.IsNull()) { if( *brTemp.m_pb == '=' || FWhiteSpace(*brTemp.m_pb)) { nTIndex++; break; } brTemp.Advance(1); }
// if we did not find tag name string at all, return 'not found'
if(brTemp.IsNull()) goto NotFound;
// if it is a valid HTML tag name, return it
if(FTagName(brTags.m_pb, DIFF(brTemp.m_pb - brTags.m_pb))) if(nTIndex >= nIndex) goto Exit;
// position past named pair data and reset start and if end of byte range then
// goto NotFound
while(!brTemp.IsNull() && !FWhiteSpace(*brTemp.m_pb)) brTemp.Advance(1);
if(brTemp.IsNull()) goto NotFound; else brTags.Advance(DIFF(brTemp.m_pb - brTags.m_pb)); } Exit: return TRUE;
NotFound: return FALSE; }
/* ============================================================================
Do tags include tknTag=tknValue?
Returns TRUE if tags include value, else FALSE Side effects none */ BOOLB CTemplate::FTagHasValue ( const CByteRange& brTags, // tags byte range to search
_TOKEN tknTag, // tag token
_TOKEN tknValue // value token
) { return (BrValueOfTag(brTags, tknTag) // byte range of value
.FMatchesSz(SZ_TOKEN(tknValue))); }
/* =========================
Copies a string to a ptr and advances the ptr just beyond the copied string.
Returns Nothing Side effects advances ptr beyond copied string */ void CTemplate::CopySzAdv ( char* pchWrite, // write location ptr
LPSTR psz // string to copy
) { strcpy(pchWrite, psz); pchWrite += strlen(psz); }
/* ============================================================================
Writes the template out to a contiguous block of memory.
Returns: nothing Side effects: Allocates, and possibly re-allocates, memory for the template.
HERE IS HOW IT WORKS -------------------- - an 'offset' is the count of bytes from start-of-template to a location within template memory - at the start of the template are 3 USHORTs, the counts of script blocks, object-infos and HTML blocks, respectively - next are 4 ULONGs, each an offset to a block of offsets; in order, these are: offset-to-offset to first script engine name offset-to-offset to first script block (the script text itself) offset-to-offset to first object-info offset-to-offset to first HTML block - next are a variable number of ULONGs, each an offset to a particular template component. In order these ULONGs are: Offsets to Count of offsets ---------- ---------------- script engine names cScriptBlocks script blocks cScriptBlocks object-infos cObjectInfos HTML blocks cHTMLBlocks - next are the template components themselves, stored sequentially in the following order: script engine names script blocks object-infos HTML blocks
HERE IS HOW IT LOOKS -------------------- |--|--|--| 3 template component counts (USHORTs)
|-- --|-- --| 4 offsets to template component offsets (ULONGs)
|-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --| template component offsets (ULONGs) |-- --| ............... |-- --| |-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --|
| ........................... | template components | ........................... | | ........................... | | ........................... |
or, mnemonically:
cS cO cH 3 template component counts (USHORTs)
offSE offSB offOb offHT 4 offsets to template component offsets (ULONGs)
|-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --| template component offsets (ULONGs) |-- --| ............... |-- --| |-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --|-- --|
| ........................... | template components | ........................... | | ........................... | | ........................... | */ void CTemplate::WriteTemplate ( CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
CHitObj* pHitObj ) { USHORT i; // loop index
CByteRange brWrite; // general-purpose byte range for writing stuff out
USHORT cScriptBlocks = WorkStore.CRequiredScriptEngines(m_fGlobalAsa); // count of script blocks - 1 per required engine
USHORT cObjectInfos = WorkStore.m_ObjectInfoStore.Count(); // count of object-infos
USHORT cHTMLBlocks = WorkStore.m_bufHTMLSegments.Count(); // count of HTML segments
// Calc count of offset-to-offsets == total count of all scripts, objects, etc
// NOTE we keep separate offset-to-offsets for script engine names and script text, hence 2x
USHORT cBlockPtrs = (2 * cScriptBlocks) + cObjectInfos + cHTMLBlocks;
// Calc total memory required
// NOTE header includes counts and ptr-ptrs
UINT cbRequiredHeader = (C_COUNTS_IN_HEADER * sizeof(USHORT)) + (C_OFFOFFS_IN_HEADER * sizeof(BYTE**)); UINT cbRequiredBlockPtrs = cBlockPtrs * sizeof(BYTE*);
// Init write-offset locations
// offset to location for writing the next header information; header is at start of template
UINT cbHeaderOffset = 0; // offset to location for writing the next offset-to-offset; immediately follows header
UINT cbOffsetToOffset = cbRequiredHeader; // offset to location for writing the next block of data; immediately follows offset-to-offsets
UINT cbDataOffset = cbOffsetToOffset + cbRequiredBlockPtrs;
// offset in source file (for html blocks)
ULONG cbSourceOffset; // source filename (only if include file)
BYTE *pbIncFilename; ULONG cbIncFilename;
// Allocate memory and init start-ptr; bail on fail
// NOTE here we init template member variables m_pbStart and m_cbTemplate
if(NULL == (m_pbStart = (BYTE*) CTemplate::LargeMalloc(m_cbTemplate = CB_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// write out template header
WriteHeader(cScriptBlocks, cObjectInfos, cHTMLBlocks, &cbHeaderOffset, &cbOffsetToOffset);
// Reset offset-to-offset ptr to beginning of its section
cbOffsetToOffset = cbRequiredHeader;
// write script engine names and prog lang ids at current of data section
for(i = 0; i < WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.CountPreliminaryEngines(); i++) { // bug 933: only write non-empty script engines
if(WorkStore.FScriptEngineRequired(i, m_fGlobalAsa)) { WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_bufEngineNames.GetItem(i, brWrite); WriteByteRangeAdv(brWrite, TRUE, &cbDataOffset, &cbOffsetToOffset); MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, &(WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_rgProgLangId[i]), sizeof(PROGLANG_ID), sizeof(DWORD)); } } // write the script blocks for each engine at current of data section
// NOTE we sequence this after script engine names (rather than interleave)
USHORT idEngine = 0; for(i = 0; i < WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.CountPreliminaryEngines(); i++) { // bug 933: only write non-empty script engines
if(WorkStore.FScriptEngineRequired(i, m_fGlobalAsa)) { // bug 933: we need to pass both 'preliminary' engine id (i) and id of instantiated engine (idEngine)
WriteScriptBlockOfEngine(i, idEngine, WorkStore, &cbDataOffset, &cbOffsetToOffset, pHitObj); idEngine++; } }
// Write object-infos at current of data section
for(i = 0; i < cObjectInfos; i++) { // get i-th object info from work store
WorkStore.m_ObjectInfoStore.m_bufObjectNames.GetItem(i, brWrite); // write object name
WriteByteRangeAdv(brWrite, TRUE, &cbDataOffset, &cbOffsetToOffset); // write clsid, scope and model
/* CONSIDER include if we need to byte-align clsid
// NOTE byte-align clsid (16-byte), which then byte-aligns scope and model (both 4-byte)
MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, &(WorkStore.m_ObjectInfoStore.m_pObjectInfos[i].m_clsid), sizeof(CLSID), TRUE); */ MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, &(WorkStore.m_ObjectInfoStore.m_pObjectInfos[i].m_clsid), sizeof(CLSID), sizeof(DWORD)); MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, &(WorkStore.m_ObjectInfoStore.m_pObjectInfos[i].m_scope), sizeof(CompScope)); MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, &(WorkStore.m_ObjectInfoStore.m_pObjectInfos[i].m_model), sizeof(CompModel)); }
// if other than globals template, write HTML blocks at current of data section
if(!m_fGlobalAsa) for(i = 0; i < cHTMLBlocks; i++) { // write byterange with html code
WorkStore.m_bufHTMLSegments.GetItem(i, brWrite); WriteByteRangeAdv(brWrite, TRUE, &cbDataOffset, &cbOffsetToOffset);
// source offset and include file
cbSourceOffset = 0; pbIncFilename = NULL; cbIncFilename = 0;
if (brWrite.m_pfilemap) { // calculate offset from filemap
CFileMap *pFileMap = (CFileMap *)brWrite.m_pfilemap; if (pFileMap->m_pbStartOfFile) // mapped?
{ cbSourceOffset = DIFF(brWrite.m_pb - pFileMap->m_pbStartOfFile) + 1;
if (pFileMap->GetParent() != NULL && // is include file?
pFileMap->m_szPathInfo) // path exists
{ pbIncFilename = (BYTE *)pFileMap->m_szPathInfo; cbIncFilename = _tcslen(pFileMap->m_szPathInfo)*sizeof(TCHAR); } } }
// write them
MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, &cbSourceOffset, sizeof(ULONG)); MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, &cbIncFilename, sizeof(ULONG)); if (cbIncFilename > 0) MemCpyAdv(&cbDataOffset, pbIncFilename, cbIncFilename+sizeof(TCHAR)); }
// trim template memory to exactly what we used
// NOTE cbDataOffset now contains maximum reach we have written to
if(NULL == (m_pbStart = (BYTE*) CTemplate::LargeReAlloc(m_pbStart, m_cbTemplate = cbDataOffset))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
/* ============================================================================
Writes template header, and writes vesrion stamp and source file name into template data region.
Returns nothing Side effects none */ void CTemplate::WriteHeader ( USHORT cScriptBlocks, // count of script blocks
USHORT cObjectInfos, // count of object-infos
USHORT cHTMLBlocks, // count of HTML blocks
UINT* pcbHeaderOffset, // ptr to offset value for header write location
UINT* pcbOffsetToOffset // ptr to offset value for offset-to-offset write location
) { // Write template component counts out at start of header
WriteShortAdv(cScriptBlocks, pcbHeaderOffset); WriteShortAdv(cObjectInfos, pcbHeaderOffset); WriteShortAdv(cHTMLBlocks, pcbHeaderOffset);
// Write offsets-to-offset to script engine names, script blocks, object-infos, HTML blocks
// NOTE counts of script engine names and script blocks are identical
WriteOffsetToOffset(cScriptBlocks, pcbHeaderOffset, pcbOffsetToOffset); WriteOffsetToOffset(cScriptBlocks, pcbHeaderOffset, pcbOffsetToOffset); WriteOffsetToOffset(cObjectInfos, pcbHeaderOffset, pcbOffsetToOffset); WriteOffsetToOffset(cHTMLBlocks, pcbHeaderOffset, pcbOffsetToOffset); }
/* ============================================================================
Writes out script block for idEngine-th script engine. NOTE segment buffer [0] contains primary script segments segment buffer [1] contains tagged script segments of default engine segment buffer [i] contains tagged script segments of (i-1)th engine, for i >= 2
Returns nothing Side effects none */ void CTemplate::WriteScriptBlockOfEngine ( USHORT idEnginePrelim, // preliminary script engine id (assigned during template pre-processing)
USHORT idEngine, // actual script engine id (written into compiled template)
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
UINT* pcbDataOffset, // ptr to write location offset value
UINT* pcbOffsetToOffset, // ptr to offset-to-offset offset value
CHitObj* pHitObj ) { // NOTE works for all id's - see comment above
USHORT iTSegBuffer = idEnginePrelim + 1; // index of tagged segment buffer
CByteRange brSegment; // current script segment
UINT i; // loop index
UINT cbScriptBlockOffset; // offset to script block write-location
// count of tagged script segments
UINT cTaggedSegments = WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[iTSegBuffer]->Count();
// Byte-align data offset location, since next thing we will write there is script block length
// NOTE we use brSegment.m_cb generically; we really want CByteRange::m_cb
ByteAlignOffset(pcbDataOffset, sizeof(brSegment.m_cb)); // Cache current data offset location as offset to start of script block
cbScriptBlockOffset = *pcbDataOffset; // Write offset to start of script block at current offset-to-offset offset
WriteLongAdv(cbScriptBlockOffset, pcbOffsetToOffset); // advance data ptr (by init'ing script length value to 0)
WriteLongAdv(0, pcbDataOffset); // reset counter that AppendSourceInfo uses
m_cbTargetOffsetPrevT = 0;
// if other than globals template and this is default script engine (prelim engine 0),
// write primary script procedure at current of data section
if(!m_fGlobalAsa) if(idEnginePrelim == 0) WritePrimaryScriptProcedure(0, WorkStore, pcbDataOffset, cbScriptBlockOffset + sizeof(long));
// write out tagged script segments at current of data section
for(i = 0; i < cTaggedSegments; i++) { WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[iTSegBuffer]->GetItem(i, brSegment); WriteScriptSegment( idEngine, m_rgpSegmentFilemaps[brSegment.m_idSequence], brSegment, pcbDataOffset, cbScriptBlockOffset + sizeof(long), FALSE /* fAllowExprWrite - disallowed for tagged script */ ); }
// Write out null terminator
MemCpyAdv(pcbDataOffset, SZ_NULL, 1);
// convert script text to unicode, so script engine won't have to do this at runtime
// ptr to start of script is:
// ptr start of template + offset to script + size of script length
LPSTR szScript = (LPSTR) m_pbStart + cbScriptBlockOffset + sizeof(ULONG); /* script block length is:
== EndOfScriptText - StartOfScriptText == (current of data ptr - length of null ) - (start of primary script byte range + length of br.m_cb) */ ULONG cbScript = (*pcbDataOffset - sizeof(BYTE)) - (cbScriptBlockOffset + sizeof(ULONG));
/* bug 887: we append one extra "pseudo-line" to the end of source-infos array
to cover the case where the script engine reports back an error line number that falls after end of script. We always want the "pseudo-line" to point to the main file, so that the debugger can display something reasonable, so we pass m_rgpFilemaps[0] as the source file, which is the main file. */ AppendSourceInfo(idEngine, m_rgpFilemaps[0], NULL, // Don't calculate line #
UINT_MAX, // Don't care & calculation is expensive
UINT_MAX, // Start of script blocks
UINT_MAX, // Really don't care
0, // zero characters exist past EOF
TRUE); // Line is HTML (bogus)
// get wide string version of script text, using hitobj's code page
// NOTE we may slightly over-allocate space for wstrScript by using cbScript (e.g. if script contains DBCS).
// However, this won't matter since we call MultiByteToWideChar with -1, telling it to calc length of szScript
LPOLESTR wstrScript = NULL; DWORD cbConvert = ( cbScript + 1 ) * 2;
STACK_BUFFER( tempScript, 2048 );
if (!tempScript.Resize(cbConvert)) { THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
wstrScript = (LPOLESTR)tempScript.QueryPtr();
MultiByteToWideChar( m_wCodePage, 0, szScript, -1, wstrScript, (cbScript + 1) );
// reset data offset location to start of script
*pcbDataOffset = cbScriptBlockOffset + sizeof(ULONG); // write wide string script text over top of ansi version
MemCpyAdv(pcbDataOffset, wstrScript, sizeof(WCHAR) * cbScript); // write wide string null terminator
MemCpyAdv(pcbDataOffset, WSTR_NULL, sizeof(WCHAR));
// write script length at start of script byte range
// NOTE we do this here because script length was initially unknown
WriteLongAdv(sizeof(WCHAR) * cbScript, &cbScriptBlockOffset);
/* ============================================================================
Writes out default-engine primary script procedure. If VBScript is default-engine, the primary script procedure contains interleaved script commands and HTML block-writes, like this: Sub Main ... [script segment] Response.WriteBlock([HTML block id]) ... [script segment] Response.WriteBlock([HTML block id]) ... [script segment] Response.WriteBlock([HTML block id]) ... End Sub
NOTE segment buffer [0] == primary script segments
Returns nothing Side effects none */ void CTemplate::WritePrimaryScriptProcedure ( USHORT idEngine, // script engine id
CWorkStore& WorkStore, // working storage for source segments
UINT* pcbDataOffset, // ptr to write location offset value
UINT cbScriptBlockOffset // ptr to start of script engine code
) { USHORT cScriptSegmentsProcessed = 0; // count of script blocks processed
USHORT cHTMLBlocksProcessed = 0; // count of HTML blocks processed
CByteRange brScriptNext; // next script block to write out
CByteRange brHTMLNext; // next HTML block to write out
char szHTMLBlockID[6]; // sz representation of HTML block ID - NOTE limited to 5 digits
// count of primary script segments
USHORT cPrimaryScriptSegments = WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[0]->Count(); // count of HTML blocks
USHORT cHTMLBlocks = WorkStore.m_bufHTMLSegments.Count(); CFileMap* pfilemap; // file where HTML segment lives in
// get initial script segment and initial html segment
if(cPrimaryScriptSegments) WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[0]->GetItem(0, brScriptNext); if(cHTMLBlocks) WorkStore.m_bufHTMLSegments.GetItem(0, brHTMLNext);
// While HTML block(s) or primary script segment(s) remain to be processed ...
while((cHTMLBlocksProcessed < cHTMLBlocks) || (cScriptSegmentsProcessed < cPrimaryScriptSegments)) { // If HTML block(s) remain to be processed ...
if(cHTMLBlocksProcessed < cHTMLBlocks) while (TRUE) { // Write out write-block command for each HTML segment earlier in source than next script segment
if(brHTMLNext.FEarlierInSourceThan(brScriptNext) || (cScriptSegmentsProcessed >= cPrimaryScriptSegments)) { // append source-info for the target script line we just manufactured
pfilemap = m_rgpSegmentFilemaps[brHTMLNext.m_idSequence]; AppendSourceInfo(idEngine, pfilemap, NULL, // Don't calculate line #
DIFF(brHTMLNext.m_pb - pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile), // line offset
cbScriptBlockOffset, *pcbDataOffset - cbScriptBlockOffset, // character offset in target script
CharAdvDBCS((WORD)m_wCodePage, // length of the segment
reinterpret_cast<char *>(brHTMLNext.m_pb), reinterpret_cast<char *>(brHTMLNext.m_pb + brHTMLNext.m_cb), INFINITE, NULL), TRUE); // Line is HTML text
// Get block number as an sz
_itoa(cHTMLBlocksProcessed, szHTMLBlockID, 10); // Write out write-block opener
WriteSzAsBytesAdv(WorkStore.m_szWriteBlockOpen, pcbDataOffset); // Write out block number
WriteSzAsBytesAdv(szHTMLBlockID, pcbDataOffset); // Write out write-block closer and newline
WriteSzAsBytesAdv(WorkStore.m_szWriteBlockClose, pcbDataOffset); WriteSzAsBytesAdv(SZ_NEWLINE, pcbDataOffset);
if(++cHTMLBlocksProcessed >= cHTMLBlocks) break;
// Get next HTML block
WorkStore.m_bufHTMLSegments.GetItem(cHTMLBlocksProcessed, brHTMLNext); } else break; }
// if primary script segment(s) remain to be processed ...
if(cScriptSegmentsProcessed < cPrimaryScriptSegments) while (TRUE) { // Write out each primary script segment earlier in the source file than the next HTML block
if(brScriptNext.FEarlierInSourceThan(brHTMLNext) || (cHTMLBlocksProcessed >= cHTMLBlocks)) { WriteScriptSegment( idEngine, m_rgpSegmentFilemaps[brScriptNext.m_idSequence], brScriptNext, pcbDataOffset, cbScriptBlockOffset, TRUE /* fAllowExprWrite - allowed for primary script */ );
if(++cScriptSegmentsProcessed >= cPrimaryScriptSegments) break;
// Get next script segment
WorkStore.m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[0]->GetItem(cScriptSegmentsProcessed, brScriptNext); } else break; } } }
/* ============================================================================
Writes a script segment to template memory line-by-line. NOTE a 'script segment' is a piece (possibly all) of a 'script block'
Returns nothing Side effects none */ void CTemplate::WriteScriptSegment ( USHORT idEngine, // script engine id
CFileMap* pfilemap, // ptr to source file map
CByteRange& brScript, // byte range containing script segment
UINT* pcbDataOffset, // ptr to write location offset value
UINT cbScriptBlockOffset,// ptr to beginning of the script text
BOOL fAllowExprWrite // allow short-hand expression write?
) { CByteRange brLine; // byte range containing next line
UINT cbPtrOffset = 0; // ptr offset - 0 tells WriteByteRangeAdv 'ignore this'
BOOL fExpression = FALSE; // is current line an expression?
BOOL fCalcLineNumber = TRUE; // calc source line number?
BOOL fFirstLine = TRUE; // first line in script segment?
if(FByteRangeIsWhiteSpace(brScript)) return;
// trim white space from beginning of script segment
if (FIsLangVBScriptOrJScript(idEngine)) LTrimWhiteSpace(brScript);
while(!(brScript.IsNull())) { // fetch next line from byte range
// NOTE LineFromByteRangeAdv advances through brScript until brScript is null
LineFromByteRangeAdv(brScript, brLine);
if(FByteRangeIsWhiteSpace(brLine)) { // if line is blank, don't process it; simply force calc of line number on next non-blank line
fCalcLineNumber = TRUE; continue; }
// line is non-blank; trim its white space
if (FIsLangVBScriptOrJScript(idEngine)) LTrimWhiteSpace(brLine); RTrimWhiteSpace(brLine);
// append source-info to array; if flag is set, calc line number
// from location in source file; else, simply increment previous line number (NULL indicates this)
AppendSourceInfo(idEngine, pfilemap, fCalcLineNumber? brLine.m_pb : NULL, // info to calc line #
DIFF(brLine.m_pb - pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile), // line offset
cbScriptBlockOffset, *pcbDataOffset - cbScriptBlockOffset, // character offset in target script
CharAdvDBCS((WORD)m_wCodePage, // statement length
reinterpret_cast<char *>(brLine.m_pb), reinterpret_cast<char *>(brLine.m_pb + brLine.m_cb), INFINITE, NULL), FALSE); // HTML?
/* if it's true, set calc-line-number flag false
NOTE this is purely an optimization, to make the call to AppendSourceInfo faster on subsequent calls within a contiguous block of non-blank lines */ if(fCalcLineNumber) fCalcLineNumber = FALSE;
if(fAllowExprWrite && fFirstLine) { // bug 912: test for remainder of script segment null on temp copy of script byte range, not on actual
CByteRange brTemp = brScript; LTrimWhiteSpace(brTemp); // NOTE will nullify brScript if it is all white space
if(brTemp.IsNull()) { /* if
a) expr-write is allowed AND b) this is only script line in this segment (i.e. first line in segment and remainder of segment is null) then, test this line to see if it is an expression. NOTE test (b) fixes bug 785
if this line is an expression, create a script command that reads Response.Write([line contents]) */ if(fExpression = FExpression(brLine)) { Assert(idEngine == 0); // =expr is only enabled for primary engine
WriteSzAsBytesAdv(m_pWorkStore->m_szWriteOpen, pcbDataOffset); }
// in this case only, set actual script to (now null) temp copy, since brScript governs while loop termination
brScript = brTemp; } }
Assert(FImplies(fExpression, fFirstLine)); // if an expr, must be first line in segment
Assert(FImplies(fExpression, brScript.IsNull())); // if an expr, no more script lines remain
Assert(FImplies(!fFirstLine, !fExpression)); // if not first line in segment, line cannot be expr
Assert(FImplies(!brScript.IsNull(), !fExpression)); // if script lines remain, line cannot be expr
// write out line contents
WriteScriptMinusEscapeChars(brLine, pcbDataOffset, &cbPtrOffset);
// if this line is an expression, close script command
if(fExpression) WriteSzAsBytesAdv(m_pWorkStore->m_szWriteClose, pcbDataOffset);
// write new-line and set first-line flag false
WriteSzAsBytesAdv(SZ_NEWLINE, pcbDataOffset); fFirstLine = FALSE; } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::WriteScriptMinusEscapeChars Writes a script byte range to memory, minus its escape characters, if any.
Returns: Nothing. Side effects: None. */ void CTemplate::WriteScriptMinusEscapeChars ( CByteRange brScript, // (ByVal) script byte range
UINT* pcbDataOffset, // offset where data will be written
UINT* pcbPtrOffset // offset where ptr will be written
) { BYTE* pbToken;
while(NULL != (pbToken = gm_pTokenList->GetToken(CTokenList::tknEscapedClosePrimaryScript, brScript, m_wCodePage))) { CByteRange brTemp = brScript;
// set temp range to source range up to escaped-token
brTemp.m_cb = DIFF(pbToken - brTemp.m_pb);
// write out temp range and actual-token - this replaces escaped-token with actual-token
WriteByteRangeAdv(brTemp, FALSE, pcbDataOffset, pcbPtrOffset); WriteSzAsBytesAdv(SZ_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknClosePrimaryScript), pcbDataOffset);
//advance source range past escaped-token
brScript.Advance(DIFF(pbToken - brScript.m_pb) + CCH_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknEscapedClosePrimaryScript)); }
// write remainder of source range
WriteByteRangeAdv(brScript, FALSE, pcbDataOffset, pcbPtrOffset); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::FVbsComment Determines whether a script line is a VBS comment. NOTE caller must ensure that brLine is non-blank and has no leading white space
Returns TRUE if the line is a VBS comment, else FALSE Side effects none */ BOOLB CTemplate::FVbsComment(CByteRange& brLine) { // CONSIDER: SCRIPTLANG generic comment token
if(!_strnicmp((LPCSTR)brLine.m_pb, SZ_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknVBSCommentSQuote), CCH_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknVBSCommentSQuote))) return TRUE; if(!_strnicmp((LPCSTR)brLine.m_pb, SZ_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknVBSCommentRem), CCH_TOKEN(CTokenList::tknVBSCommentRem))) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
/* ============================================================================
Determines whether a script line is an expression, and if so returns just the expression in brLine. NOTE caller must ensure that brLine has no leading white space
Returns TRUE if the line is an expression, else FALSE Side effects none */ BOOLB CTemplate::FExpression(CByteRange& brLine) { // may be whitespace (other languages besides VB & JScript will have whitespace)
char *pchLine = reinterpret_cast<char *>(brLine.m_pb); int cchLine = brLine.m_cb;
while (cchLine > 0 && FWhiteSpace(*pchLine)) { --cchLine; ++pchLine; }
// if line starts with =, it is an expression: bypass =, left-trim whitespace and return true
if(cchLine > 0 && *pchLine == '=') { brLine.Advance(1 + DIFF(reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(pchLine) - brLine.m_pb)); // OK to advance past whitespace now.
LTrimWhiteSpace(brLine); return TRUE; }
// else return false
return FALSE; }
** In the following function names: ** 'Adv' == 'advance offset after writing' **/
/* ============================================================================
Writes a offset-to-offset offset (0 if no blocks) into header, and advances header offset and offset-to-offset.
Returns: Nothing. Side effects: Advances offsets. */ void CTemplate::WriteOffsetToOffset ( USHORT cBlocks, // count of blocks
UINT* pcbHeaderOffset, // ptr to header offset value
UINT* pcbOffsetToOffset // ptr to offset-to-offset value
) { // if blocks of this type, write offset to first of them into header;
// if no blocks of this type, write 0 into header
WriteLongAdv((cBlocks > 0) ? *pcbOffsetToOffset : 0, pcbHeaderOffset);
// advance offset-to-offset offset
*pcbOffsetToOffset += cBlocks * sizeof(ULONG); }
/* ============================================================================
Writes a null-terminated string as bytes, i.e. without its null terminator and advances offset
Returns: Nothing. Side effects: Advances offset. */ void CTemplate::WriteSzAsBytesAdv ( LPCSTR szSource, // source string
UINT* pcbDataOffset // ptr to offset value
) { if((szSource == NULL) || (*szSource == '\0')) return; MemCpyAdv(pcbDataOffset, (void*) szSource, strlen(szSource)); }
/* ============================================================================
Writes a byte range to memory at template offset location *pcbDataOffset and, optionally, writes a ptr to the written data at template offset location *pcbPtrOffset (pass *pcbPtrOffset == 0 to avoid this)
fWriteAsBsz == FALSE --> write only byte range's data fWriteAsBsz == TRUE --> write length, followed by data, followed by NULL NOTE bsz == length-prefixed, null-terminated string
Returns: Nothing. Side effects: Advances offset(s). */ void CTemplate::WriteByteRangeAdv ( CByteRange& brSource, // source data
BOOLB fWriteAsBsz, // write as bsz?
UINT* pcbDataOffset, // offset where data will be written
UINT* pcbPtrOffset // offset where ptr will be written
) { // bail if source is empty
if(brSource.IsNull()) return;
// If writing as a bsz, write length prefix
if(fWriteAsBsz) WriteLongAdv(brSource.m_cb, pcbDataOffset);
// Write data
MemCpyAdv(pcbDataOffset, brSource.m_pb, brSource.m_cb);
// If writing as a bsz, write null terminator and advance target ptr
if(fWriteAsBsz) MemCpyAdv(pcbDataOffset, SZ_NULL, 1);
// If caller passed a non-zero ptr offset, write offset to data there
if(*pcbPtrOffset > 0) { if(fWriteAsBsz) /* if writing as a bsz ...
offset to start of data == current data offset - null terminator - data length - sizeof length prefix */ WriteLongAdv(*pcbDataOffset - 1 - brSource.m_cb - sizeof(brSource.m_cb), pcbPtrOffset); else // else, offset to start of data == current data offset - data length
WriteLongAdv(*pcbDataOffset - brSource.m_cb, pcbPtrOffset); } }
Copies from a memory location to a template offset location, and advances offset.
Returns: Nothing. Side effects: Advances offset. Re-allocates memory if required. */ void CTemplate::MemCpyAdv ( UINT* pcbOffset, // ptr to offset value
void* pbSource, // ptr to source
ULONG cbSource, // length of source
UINT cbByteAlign // align bytes on short/long/dword boundary?
) { // byte-align offset location before write, if specified by caller
if(cbByteAlign > 0) ByteAlignOffset(pcbOffset, cbByteAlign);
// calc number of bytes by which to grow allocated template memory:
// if projected reach exceeds current reach, we need to grow by the difference;
// else, no need to grow
if((*pcbOffset + cbSource) > m_cbTemplate) { // Reallocate space for storing local data - we grab twice what we had before
// or twice current growth requirement, whichever is more
m_cbTemplate = 2 * max(m_cbTemplate, (*pcbOffset + cbSource) - m_cbTemplate); if(NULL == (m_pbStart = (BYTE*) CTemplate::LargeReAlloc(m_pbStart, m_cbTemplate))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// copy source to template offset location
memcpy(m_pbStart + *pcbOffset, pbSource, cbSource); // advance offset location
*pcbOffset += cbSource; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetAddress Returns a ptr to the i-th object of type tcomp */ BYTE* CTemplate::GetAddress ( TEMPLATE_COMPONENT tcomp, USHORT i ) { DWORD* pdwBase;
Assert(NULL != m_pbStart);
// refer to CTemplate::WriteTemplate comments for the structure of what this is dealing with
pdwBase = (DWORD*)(m_pbStart + (C_COUNTS_IN_HEADER * sizeof(USHORT)));
// tcomp types are ptr-to-ptrs
DWORD* pdwTcompBase = (DWORD *) (m_pbStart + pdwBase[tcomp]);
return m_pbStart + pdwTcompBase[i]; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::AppendSourceInfo Appends a source line number for the current target line NOTE if caller passes null source ptr, we append prev source line number + 1
Returns Nothing Side effects allocates memory first time thru; may realloc */ void CTemplate::AppendSourceInfo ( USHORT idEngine, // script engine id
CFileMap* pfilemap, // ptr to source file map
BYTE* pbSource, // ptr to current location in source file
ULONG cbSourceOffset, // byte offset of line in source file
ULONG cbScriptBlockOffset, // pointer to start of script text
ULONG cbTargetOffset, // character offset of line in target file
ULONG cchSourceText, // # of characters in source text
BOOL fIsHTML // TRUE if manufactured line
) { UINT i; // loop index
CSourceInfo si; // temporary CSourceInfo structure
vector<CSourceInfo> *prgSourceInfos; // pointer to line mapping table for the engine
ULONG cchSourceOffset = 0;// cch corresponding to cbSourceOffset
// if arrays are not yet allocated, allocate them
if (m_rgrgSourceInfos == NULL) { // transfer count of script engines from workstore to template
m_cScriptEngines = m_pWorkStore->CRequiredScriptEngines(m_fGlobalAsa);
// one source-info array per engine
if ((m_rgrgSourceInfos = new vector<CSourceInfo>[m_cScriptEngines]) == NULL) THROW (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// new script engine must be allocated in IdEngineFromBr (way upstream of this point),
// so we assert that current engine must already be covered
Assert(idEngine < m_pWorkStore->CRequiredScriptEngines(m_fGlobalAsa));
/* set current target line's source line number (SLN):
a) if caller passed a source ptr, calc SLN from the source ptr; b) else if caller passed a filemap ptr, set SLN to prev target line's SLN plus one; c) else set SLN to 0
semantics: a) we have a source file location, but must calc a line # for that location b) caller tells us (by passing NULL source file location) that this target line immediately follows prev target line. This is an optimization because SourceLineNumberFromPb is very slow.
change: caller used to pass NULL filemap ptr that target line is 'manufactured' i.e. has no corresponding authored line in source file
HOWEVER - now filemap ptr must NOT be NULL because 'manufactured' lines are also stored in the file map array */
Assert (pfilemap != NULL);
prgSourceInfos = &m_rgrgSourceInfos[idEngine]; if (pbSource == NULL) { if (prgSourceInfos->length() == 0) si.m_idLine = 1; else si.m_idLine = (*prgSourceInfos)[prgSourceInfos->length() - 1].m_idLine + 1; } else si.m_idLine = SourceLineNumberFromPb(pfilemap, pbSource);
// The EOF line does not have a source offset (caller passes -1 (UINT_MAX)). For this case, no
// DBCS calculations etc. should be done. (set cchSourceOffset to UINT_MAX).
if (cbSourceOffset == UINT_MAX) cchSourceOffset = UINT_MAX; else { // BUG 80901: Source offset needs to point to the beginning of leading white space on the line
// Adjust source length by one as we decrement source offset
// Note: whitepsace is never trailing byte, so loop will work with DBCS encoded character sets
while (cbSourceOffset > 0 && strchr(" \t\v\a\f", pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbSourceOffset - 1])) { --cbSourceOffset; ++cchSourceText; }
// BUG 95859
// If the cursor is on the opening token of a script block (the "<%" part of a line), the
// BP is set in the previous HTML, not in the script block, as is desired.
// To correct this, if we are in a script block, scan back two characters, see if it is the open
// token. If it is, set the offset back two, and add two to the length.
if (!fIsHTML) { // Skip whitespace (including newlines -- the previous step did not skip newlines)
ULONG cbOpen = cbSourceOffset; while (cbOpen > 0 && strchr(" \t\v\a\f\r\n", pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbOpen - 1])) --cbOpen;
if (cbOpen >= 2 && strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbOpen - 2]), "<%", 2) == 0) { cbOpen -= 2; cchSourceText += cbSourceOffset - cbOpen; cbSourceOffset = cbOpen; }
// Look for trailing "%>" in this snippet, and if it exists then include the end delimiter in
// the length. NOTE: No DBCS awareness needed here - if we find a lead byte we just get out
// of the loop. We are looking for <whitespace>*"%>" which is totally SBCS chars.
ULONG cbClose = cbSourceOffset + cchSourceText; ULONG cbFile = pfilemap->GetSize(); while (cbClose < cbFile && strchr(" \t\v\a\f\r\n", pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbClose])) ++cbClose;
if (cbClose < cbFile && strncmp(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbClose]), "%>", 2) == 0) cchSourceText += cbClose - (cbSourceOffset + cchSourceText) + 2; }
// BUG 82222, 85584
// Compiler marks HTML segments starting with the newline on the previous line
// if the line ends with %>.
// This screws up the debugger, becasue when you press <F9>, the pointer is placed
// on the line above when it should point to the start of the whitespace on the next line.
if (fIsHTML) { UINT cbEOF = pfilemap->GetSize(), cbRover = cbSourceOffset;
// Skip initial whitespace
while (cbRover < cbEOF && strchr(" \t\a\f", pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbRover])) ++cbRover;
// If what's left is a CR/LF pair, then advance cbSourceOffset to next line
BOOL fCR = FALSE, fLF = FALSE; if (cbRover < cbEOF && strchr("\r\n", pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbRover])) { fCR = pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbRover] == '\r'; fLF = pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbRover] == '\n';
++cbRover; Assert (fCR || fLF); }
// we allow either <CR>, <LF>, <CR><LF>, or <LF><CR> to terminate a line,
// so look for its opposite terminator if one is found (but don't require it)
if (fCR && cbRover < cbEOF && pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbRover] == '\n') ++cbRover;
if (fLF && cbRover < cbEOF && pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile[cbRover] == '\r') ++cbRover;
// OK, adjust cbSourceOffset now
if ((fCR || fLF) && cbRover < cbEOF) { cchSourceText -= cbRover - cbSourceOffset; // adjust # of chars to select
cbSourceOffset = cbRover; } }
// Now that we have the source offset, calculate its CCH by finding
// the last time we sampled the value, then add that to the number
// of DBCS characters from that point to the current offset.
// For the case of includes, it's possible offset already exists
// (if the entry was previously generated by another instance of
// #include - therefore we have to search)
COffsetInfo *pOffsetInfoLE, *pOffsetInfoGE; GetBracketingPair( cbSourceOffset, // value to find
pfilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.begin(), // beginning of array
pfilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.end(), // end of array
CByteOffsetOrder(), // search for byte offset
&pOffsetInfoLE, &pOffsetInfoGE // return values
// If we find an equal match, don't insert any duplicates
if (pOffsetInfoLE == NULL || pOffsetInfoLE->m_cbOffset < cbSourceOffset) { // if pOffsetInfoLE is NULL, it means that the array is empty -
// create the mapping of offset 0 to offset 0.
// In the case of the first line of a file being an include directive,
// the first executable line from the file may not start at offset zero,
// so in this case we need to create this entry AND execute the next "if"
// block.
if (pOffsetInfoLE == NULL) { COffsetInfo oiZero; // ctor will init
if (FAILED(hr = pfilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.append(oiZero))) THROW(hr); pOffsetInfoLE = pfilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.begin(); Assert (pOffsetInfoLE != NULL); }
// If cbSourceOffset is zero, we handled it above
if (cbSourceOffset != 0) { cchSourceOffset = pOffsetInfoLE->m_cchOffset + CharAdvDBCS ( (WORD)m_wCodePage, reinterpret_cast<char *>(pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile + pOffsetInfoLE->m_cbOffset), reinterpret_cast<char *>(pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile + cbSourceOffset), INFINITE, NULL );
// Now add the value to the table
COffsetInfo oi;
oi.m_cchOffset = cchSourceOffset; oi.m_cbOffset = cbSourceOffset;
if (pOffsetInfoGE == NULL) // No offset greater
hr = pfilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.append(oi); else hr = pfilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.insertAt(DIFF(pOffsetInfoGE - pfilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.begin()), oi);
if (FAILED(hr)) THROW(hr); } } else { // If we're not adding anything for the table, Assert it's because there's
// a duplicate item
Assert (cbSourceOffset == pOffsetInfoLE->m_cbOffset); cchSourceOffset = pOffsetInfoLE->m_cchOffset; } }
UINT cchTargetOffset = UINT_MAX; if (cbTargetOffset != UINT_MAX) { // ptr to start of script is:
// ptr start of template + offset to script + size of script length
LPSTR szScript = (LPSTR) m_pbStart + cbScriptBlockOffset;
// Calculate cchTargetOffset (have the cb). The cch is the number of characters since the
// last cch calculated in the end of the array.
if (prgSourceInfos->length() > 0) cchTargetOffset = (*prgSourceInfos)[prgSourceInfos->length() - 1].m_cchTargetOffset; else cchTargetOffset = 0;
cchTargetOffset += CharAdvDBCS ( (WORD) m_wCodePage, &szScript[m_cbTargetOffsetPrevT], &szScript[cbTargetOffset], INFINITE, NULL );
// Keeps track of offsets during compilation
m_cbTargetOffsetPrevT = cbTargetOffset; }
// Store this record and move on.
si.m_pfilemap = pfilemap; si.m_fIsHTML = fIsHTML; si.m_cchSourceOffset = cchSourceOffset; si.m_cchTargetOffset = cchTargetOffset; si.m_cchSourceText = cchSourceText;
if (FAILED(prgSourceInfos->append(si))) THROW(hr); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::SourceLineNumberFromPb Returns the starting source line number for the given source file location */ UINT CTemplate::SourceLineNumberFromPb ( CFileMap* pfilemap, // ptr to source file map
BYTE* pbSource // ptr to current location in source file
) { UINT cSourceLines = 1; // count of lines into source file
CByteRange brScan; // byte range to scan for newlines
CByteRange brSOL; // start-of-line ptr
if(pbSource == NULL || pfilemap == NULL) return 0;
// set scan range to run from start-of-template to caller's ptr
brScan.m_pb = pfilemap->m_pbStartOfFile; brScan.m_cb = max(DIFF(pbSource - brScan.m_pb), 0); // get newlines in scan range
brSOL = BrNewLine(brScan); while(!brSOL.IsNull()) { // advance start-of-line ptr and scan byte range
brScan.Advance(DIFF((brSOL.m_pb + brSOL.m_cb) - brScan.m_pb));
// increment source line counter
// find next newline
brSOL = BrNewLine(brScan); } return cSourceLines; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::RemoveFromIncFiles Removes this template from inc-files on which it depends
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::RemoveFromIncFiles ( ) { // NOTE we loop from 1 to count, since 0-th filemap is for main file
for(UINT i = 1; i < m_cFilemaps; i++) { if(NULL != m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pIncFile) m_rgpFilemaps[i]->m_pIncFile->RemoveTemplate(this); } }
/* ****************************************************************************
IDebugDocumentProvider implementation */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetDocument Return a pointer to the IDebugDocument implementation. (same object in this case)
Returns: *ppDebugDoc is set to "this". Notes: always succeeds */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetDocument ( IDebugDocument **ppDebugDoc ) { return QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocument, reinterpret_cast<void **>(ppDebugDoc)); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetName Return the various names of a document. */
HRESULT CTemplate::GetName ( /* [in] */ DOCUMENTNAMETYPE doctype, /* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrName ) { TCHAR *szPathInfo = m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathInfo; switch (doctype) { case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_APPNODE: case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_FILE_TAIL: case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_TITLE: // Skip application path portion of the filename
{ // Make sure the template remembers the virtual path
// from the same application (it could be different
// if template is shared between two applications)
int cch = _tcslen(m_szApplnVirtPath); if (_tcsncicmp(szPathInfo, m_szApplnVirtPath, cch) == 0) szPathInfo += cch;
// Strip leading '/'
if (*szPathInfo == _T('/')) szPathInfo++; #if UNICODE
*pbstrName = SysAllocString(szPathInfo); if (*pbstrName == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; #else
return SysAllocStringFromSz(szPathInfo, 0, pbstrName, m_wCodePage); #endif
case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL: // prefix with the URL, use szPathInfo for the rest of the path
int cbURLPrefix = DIFF(m_szApplnVirtPath - m_szApplnURL) * sizeof (TCHAR); if (!tempName.Resize(cbURLPrefix + (_tcslen(szPathInfo)*sizeof(TCHAR)) + sizeof(TCHAR))) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TCHAR *szURL = (TCHAR *)tempName.QueryPtr();
memcpy(szURL, m_szApplnURL, cbURLPrefix); _tcscpy(&szURL[cbURLPrefix/sizeof(TCHAR)], szPathInfo);
*pbstrName = SysAllocString(szURL); if (*pbstrName == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; #else
return SysAllocStringFromSz(szURL, 0, pbstrName, m_wCodePage); #endif
default: return E_FAIL; } }
/* ****************************************************************************
IDebugDocumentText implementation */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetSize Return the number of lines & characters in the document */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetSize ( /* [out] */ ULONG *pcLines, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcChars ) { /*
* NOTE: compilation is done in two phases. * Errors are detected and reported in phase 1. * The DBCS mapping is created in phase 2. * * If an error occurred during compilation, m_cChars will be equal to zero * (Since zero length files are not compiled, m_cChars == 0 means "size * is unknown", not "size is zero"). */ if (m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_cChars == 0) { // Likely need to remap the file, then count
BOOL fRemapTemplate = !m_rgpFilemaps[0]->FIsMapped(); if (fRemapTemplate) TRY m_rgpFilemaps[0]->RemapFile(); CATCH (dwException) return E_FAIL; END_TRY
if (fRemapTemplate) TRY m_rgpFilemaps[0]->UnmapFile(); CATCH (dwException) return E_FAIL; END_TRY
// let's hope client is not relying on # of lines - expensive to compute
*pcChars = m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_cChars; *pcLines = ULONG_MAX; } else { /* The last line in the line mapping array of each engine is the <<EOF>> line
* for that engine. Therefore, the # of lines is the largest <<EOF>> line * number - 1. The EOF line always points into the main file, so there are no * include file glitches here. */ ULONG cLinesMax = 0; for (UINT i = 0; i < m_cScriptEngines; ++i) { ULONG cLinesCurrentEngine = m_rgrgSourceInfos[0][m_rgrgSourceInfos[0].length() - 1].m_idLine - 1; if (cLinesCurrentEngine > cLinesMax) cLinesMax = cLinesCurrentEngine; }
*pcLines = cLinesMax; *pcChars = m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_cChars; }
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "GetSize(\"%S\") returns %lu characters (%lu lines)\n", m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated, *pcChars, *pcLines)); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "GetSize(\"%s\") returns %lu characters (%lu lines)\n", m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated, *pcChars, *pcLines)); #endif
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetDocumentAttributes Return doc attributes */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetDocumentAttributes ( /* [out] */ TEXT_DOC_ATTR *ptextdocattr ) { // Easy way to tell debugger that we don't support editing.
*ptextdocattr = TEXT_DOC_ATTR_READONLY; return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetPositionOfLine From a line number, return the character offset of the beginning */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetPositionOfLine ( /* [in] */ ULONG cLineNumber, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcCharacterPosition ) { return GetPositionOfLine(m_rgpFilemaps[0], cLineNumber, pcCharacterPosition); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetLineOfPosition From a character offset, return the line number and offset within the line */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetLineOfPosition ( /* [in] */ ULONG cCharacterPosition, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcLineNumber, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcCharacterOffsetInLine ) { return GetLineOfPosition(m_rgpFilemaps[0], cCharacterPosition, pcLineNumber, pcCharacterOffsetInLine); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetText From a character offset and length, return the document text */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetText ( ULONG cchSourceOffset, WCHAR *pwchText, SOURCE_TEXT_ATTR *pTextAttr, ULONG *pcChars, ULONG cMaxChars ) { return m_rgpFilemaps[0]->GetText((WORD)m_wCodePage, cchSourceOffset, pwchText, pTextAttr, pcChars, cMaxChars); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetPositionOfContext Decompose a document context into the document offset & length */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetPositionOfContext ( /* [in] */ IDebugDocumentContext *pUnknownDocumentContext, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcchSourceOffset, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcchText ) { // Make sure that the context is one of ours
CTemplateDocumentContext *pDocumentContext; if (FAILED(pUnknownDocumentContext->QueryInterface(IID_IDenaliTemplateDocumentContext, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pDocumentContext)))) return E_FAIL;
if (pcchSourceOffset) *pcchSourceOffset = pDocumentContext->m_cchSourceOffset;
if (pcchText) *pcchText = pDocumentContext->m_cchText;
pDocumentContext->Release(); return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetContextOfPosition Given the character position & number of characters in the document, encapsulate this into a document context object. */ HRESULT CTemplate::GetContextOfPosition ( /* [in] */ ULONG cchSourceOffset, /* [in] */ ULONG cchText, /* [out] */ IDebugDocumentContext **ppDocumentContext ) { if ( (*ppDocumentContext = new CTemplateDocumentContext(this, cchSourceOffset, cchText)) == NULL ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return S_OK; }
/* ****************************************************************************
IConnectionPointContainer implementation */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::FindConnectionPoint From a character offset and length, return the document text */ HRESULT CTemplate::FindConnectionPoint ( const GUID &uidConnection, IConnectionPoint **ppCP ) { if (uidConnection == IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents) return m_CPTextEvents.QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPoint, reinterpret_cast<void **>(ppCP)); else { *ppCP = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::AttachTo attach this to the debugger UI tree view. */ HRESULT CTemplate::AttachTo ( CAppln *pAppln ) { if (!m_fDontAttach && pAppln->FDebuggable()) { // If we are already attached to this application, then ignore 2nd request
CDblLink *pNodeCurr = m_listDocNodes.PNext(); while (pNodeCurr != &m_listDocNodes) { if (pAppln == static_cast<CDocNodeElem *>(pNodeCurr)->m_pAppln) return S_OK;
pNodeCurr = pNodeCurr->PNext(); }
// Create the node and store it in the linked list.
HRESULT hr; IDebugApplicationNode *pDocRoot; CDocNodeElem *pDocNodeElem;
// Create a document tree, showing the include file hierarchy
if (FAILED(hr = CreateDocumentTree(m_rgpFilemaps[0], &pDocRoot))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = pDocRoot->Attach(pAppln->PAppRoot()))) return hr;
if ((pDocNodeElem = new CDocNodeElem(pAppln, pDocRoot)) == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
pDocNodeElem->AppendTo(m_listDocNodes); pDocRoot->Release(); m_fDebuggable = TRUE; }
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::DetachFrom detach this from the debugger UI tree view. */ HRESULT CTemplate::DetachFrom ( CAppln *pAppln ) { // Enter the CS to prevent Detach() from detaching while we are scanning
// the list (causes application ptr to be deleted twice if this occurs)
DBG_ASSERT(m_fDebuggerDetachCSInited); EnterCriticalSection(&m_csDebuggerDetach);
// Look for the node that has this application
CDblLink *pNodeCurr = m_listDocNodes.PNext(); while (pNodeCurr != &m_listDocNodes) { if (pAppln == static_cast<CDocNodeElem *>(pNodeCurr)->m_pAppln) break;
pNodeCurr = pNodeCurr->PNext(); }
// If not found (pNodeCurr points back to head), then fail
if (pNodeCurr == &m_listDocNodes) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csDebuggerDetach); return E_FAIL; }
// Detach the node by deleting the current element
delete pNodeCurr;
// Turn off "Debuggable" flag if last application is detached
m_fDebuggable = !m_listDocNodes.FIsEmpty();
// At this point CS not needed
// If we have just removed ourselves from the last application,
// then we call Detach(), to remove all cached script engines now.
if (!m_fDebuggable) Detach();
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Detach detach this from the debugger UI tree view. */ HRESULT CTemplate::Detach ( ) { // Enter the CS to prevent DetachFrom() from detaching while we are clearing
// the list (causes application ptr to be deleted twice if this occurs)
if (m_fDebuggerDetachCSInited) EnterCriticalSection(&m_csDebuggerDetach);
// Detach all nodes
while (! m_listDocNodes.FIsEmpty()) delete m_listDocNodes.PNext();
// Done with CS
if (m_fDebuggerDetachCSInited) LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csDebuggerDetach);
// Since we are not debuggable now, remove any script engines we may
// be holding on to. If we are detaching from change notification
// thread, queue engines to be released from debugger thread.
if (m_rgpDebugScripts) { Assert (g_dwDebugThreadId != 0); BOOL fCalledFromDebugActivity = GetCurrentThreadId() == g_dwDebugThreadId;
for (UINT i = 0; i < m_cScriptEngines; i++) { CActiveScriptEngine *pEngine = m_rgpDebugScripts[i]; if (pEngine) { if (fCalledFromDebugActivity) { pEngine->FinalRelease(); } else { g_ApplnMgr.AddEngine(pEngine); pEngine->Release(); } } } delete[] m_rgpDebugScripts; m_rgpDebugScripts = NULL; }
m_fDebuggable = FALSE; return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CreateDocumentTree Traverse the tree that we have embedded in the filemap structures, and use it to create the include file structure */ HRESULT CTemplate::CreateDocumentTree ( CFileMap *pfilemapRoot, IDebugApplicationNode **ppDocRoot ) { IDebugApplicationNode *pDocNode; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pfilemapRoot == NULL || ppDocRoot == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Create the root node
if (FAILED(hr = g_pDebugApp->CreateApplicationNode(ppDocRoot))) return hr;
// From the filemap information, match it up with the correct provider
// "This" is the provider for the root document, others come from Inc file cache
if (pfilemapRoot == m_rgpFilemaps[0]) { if (FAILED(hr = (*ppDocRoot)->SetDocumentProvider(this))) return hr; } else { CIncFile *pIncFile; if (FAILED(hr = g_IncFileMap.GetIncFile(pfilemapRoot->m_szPathTranslated, &pIncFile))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = (*ppDocRoot)->SetDocumentProvider(pIncFile))) return hr;
// SetDocumentProvider AddRef'ed
pIncFile->Release(); }
// Create a node from all of the children and attach it to this node
CFileMap *pfilemapChild = pfilemapRoot->m_pfilemapChild; while (pfilemapChild != NULL) { IDebugApplicationNode *pDocChild; if (FAILED(hr = CreateDocumentTree(pfilemapChild, &pDocChild))) return hr;
if (FAILED(hr = pDocChild->Attach(*ppDocRoot))) return hr;
pfilemapChild = pfilemapChild->m_fHasSibling? pfilemapChild->m_pfilemapSibling : NULL; }
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
Place template in non-usable state (after this is called, last ref. should be the any currently executing scripts. The count will naturally vanish as the scripts finish. The template should never be recycled in cache after this call.)
REF COUNTING NOTE: Since debugging client has a reference to the template, the template needs to dis-associate with the debugger at a point in time before destruction. Otherwise, the reference will never go to zero. */ ULONG CTemplate::End ( ) { // Flag template as non-usable (for debugging)
m_fIsValid = FALSE;
if (!m_CPTextEvents.FIsEmpty() && g_pDebugApp != NULL) { IEnumConnections *pConnIterator; if (SUCCEEDED(m_CPTextEvents.EnumConnections(&pConnIterator))) { CONNECTDATA ConnectData; while (pConnIterator->Next(1, &ConnectData, NULL) == S_OK) { IDebugDocumentTextEvents *pTextEventSink; if (SUCCEEDED(ConnectData.pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pTextEventSink)))) { InvokeDebuggerWithThreadSwitch(g_pDebugApp, DEBUGGER_ON_DESTROY, pTextEventSink); pTextEventSink->Release(); } ConnectData.pUnk->Release(); }
pConnIterator->Release(); } }
return Release(); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::NotifyDebuggerOnPageEvent Let debugger know about page start/end */ HRESULT CTemplate::NotifyDebuggerOnPageEvent ( BOOL fStart // TRUE = StartPage, FALSE = EndPage
) { CTemplateDocumentContext *pDebugContext = new CTemplateDocumentContext(this, 0, 0); if (pDebugContext == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (g_pDebugApp) hr = InvokeDebuggerWithThreadSwitch ( g_pDebugApp, fStart ? DEBUGGER_EVENT_ON_PAGEBEGIN : DEBUGGER_EVENT_ON_PAGEEND, static_cast<IUnknown *>(pDebugContext) );
pDebugContext->Release(); return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::ReleaseTypeLibs Release all typelibs collected from metadata */ void CTemplate::ReleaseTypeLibs() { if (m_rgpTypeLibs.length() > 0) { for (UINT i = 0; i < m_rgpTypeLibs.length(); i++) { m_rgpTypeLibs[i]->Release(); }
m_rgpTypeLibs.reshape(0); } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::WrapTypeLibs Wrap all typelibs collected from metadata into single IDispatch * */ void CTemplate::WrapTypeLibs(CHitObj *pHitObj) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(m_pdispTypeLibWrapper == NULL);
if (m_rgpTypeLibs.length() > 0) { hr = ::WrapTypeLibs ( m_rgpTypeLibs.begin(), m_rgpTypeLibs.length(), &m_pdispTypeLibWrapper );
ReleaseTypeLibs(); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pbErrorLocation = NULL; m_idErrMsg = IDE_TEMPLATE_WRAP_TYPELIB_FAILED; ProcessSpecificError(*(m_rgpFilemaps[0]), pHitObj); THROW(E_TEMPLATE_COMPILE_FAILED_DONT_CACHE); } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Release449 Release all 449-echo-cookie objects collected from metadata */ void CTemplate::Release449() { if (m_rgp449.length() > 0) { for (UINT i = 0; i < m_rgp449.length(); i++) { m_rgp449[i]->Release(); }
m_rgp449.reshape(0); } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::Do449Processing Generate 449 response in cookie negotiations with IE when needed */ HRESULT CTemplate::Do449Processing ( CHitObj *pHitObj ) { if (m_rgp449.length() == 0 || pHitObj->F449Done()) return S_OK;
HRESULT hr = ::Do449Processing ( pHitObj, m_rgp449.begin(), m_rgp449.length() );
pHitObj->Set449Done(); return hr; } #if 0
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::OutputDebugTables print the debugging data structures to the debug window */ void CTemplate::OutputDebugTables() { unsigned i, j; wchar_t wszDebugLine[256]; CWCharToMBCS convTarget; CWCharToMBCS convSource;
// print line mapping table
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "\nEngine HTML? Line# SourceOffset Length TargetOffset TargetText__________ SourceText__________ File\n"));
for (i = 0; i < m_cScriptEngines; ++i) for (j = 0; j < m_rgrgSourceInfos[i].length(); ++j) { wchar_t wszSourceText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1], wszTargetText[SNIPPET_SIZE + 1]; CSourceInfo *pSourceInfo = &m_rgrgSourceInfos[i][j];
// DON'T display sample script text on last line of each engine
if (j == m_rgrgSourceInfos[i].length() - 1) { wszTargetText[0] = 0; wszSourceText[0] = 0; } else { // Get source & target text sample
GetScriptSnippets( pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset, pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap, pSourceInfo->m_cchTargetOffset, i, wszSourceText, wszTargetText );
// Actually display each line
#if 0
#ifndef _NO_TRACING_
convTarget.Init(wszTargetText); convSource.Init(wszSourceText);
DBGINFO((DBG_CONTEXT, "%-6d %-5s %-5d %-12d %-6d %-12d %-20s %-20s %s\n", i, pSourceInfo->m_fIsHTML? "Yes" : "No", pSourceInfo->m_idLine, pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset, pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceText, pSourceInfo->m_cchTargetOffset, convTarget.GetString(), convSource.GetString(), pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated)); #else
CMBCSToWChar convPath; convPath.Init(pSourceInfo->m_pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated); wsprintfW( wszDebugLine, L"%-6d %-5s %-5d %-12d %-6d %-12d %-20s %-20s %s\n", i, pSourceInfo->m_fIsHTML? L"Yes" : L"No", pSourceInfo->m_idLine, pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceOffset, pSourceInfo->m_cchSourceText, pSourceInfo->m_cchTargetOffset, wszTargetText, wszSourceText, convPath.GetString());
OutputDebugStringW(wszDebugLine); #endif
} }
for (i = 0; i < m_cFilemaps; ++i) { CFileMap *pFilemap = m_rgpFilemaps[i];
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "DBCS mapping table for File %S:\n", pFilemap->m_szPathTranslated)); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "DBCS mapping table for File %s:\n", pFilemap->m_szPathTranslated)); #endif
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "ByteOffset CharOffset\n"));
for (COffsetInfo *pOffsetInfo = pFilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.begin(); pOffsetInfo < pFilemap->m_rgByte2DBCS.end(); ++pOffsetInfo) DebugPrintf("%-10d %-10d\n", pOffsetInfo->m_cbOffset, pOffsetInfo->m_cchOffset);
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Include File Hierarchy\n")); OutputIncludeHierarchy(m_rgpFilemaps[0], 0); DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "\n")); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::OutputIncludeHierarchy print the lineage information that we keep around for include files. Print all nodes on one level at the current indentation, then descend for nested includes. */
void CTemplate::OutputIncludeHierarchy ( CFileMap* pfilemap, int cchIndent ) { TCHAR szDebugString[256], *pchEnd;
for (;;) { pchEnd = szDebugString; for (int i = 0; i < cchIndent; ++i) *pchEnd++ = _T(' ');
pchEnd = strcpyEx(pchEnd, pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated); *pchEnd++ = _T('\n'); *pchEnd = _T('\0');
// Print anything that this file includes
if (pfilemap->m_pfilemapChild) OutputIncludeHierarchy(pfilemap->m_pfilemapChild, cchIndent + 3);
// Stop when there are no more siblings on this level
if (! pfilemap->m_fHasSibling) break;
// Advance to next sibling
pfilemap = pfilemap->m_pfilemapSibling; } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::OutputScriptSnippets print some script from both the source offset & its corresponding target. Good way to visually see if the offset conversions are working. */
void CTemplate::GetScriptSnippets ( ULONG cchSourceOffset, CFileMap *pFilemapSource, ULONG cchTargetOffset, ULONG idTargetEngine, wchar_t *wszSourceText, wchar_t *wszTargetText ) { // Get target text sample
if (wszTargetText) { char *szEngineName; PROGLANG_ID *pProgLangID; const wchar_t *wszScriptText;
GetScriptBlock(idTargetEngine, &szEngineName, &pProgLangID, &wszScriptText); wszScriptText += cchTargetOffset; int cch = wcslen(wszScriptText); wcsncpy(wszTargetText, wszScriptText, min(cch, SNIPPET_SIZE) + 1); wszTargetText[min(cch, SNIPPET_SIZE)] = 0;
// Convert newlines to space
wchar_t *pwch = wszTargetText; while (*pwch != 0) if (iswspace(*pwch++)) pwch[-1] = ' '; }
// Get source text sample
if (wszSourceText) { ULONG cchMax = 0; pFilemapSource->GetText((WORD)m_wCodePage, cchSourceOffset, wszSourceText, NULL, &cchMax, SNIPPET_SIZE); wszSourceText[cchMax] = 0;
// Convert newlines to space
wchar_t *pwch = wszSourceText; while (*pwch != 0) if (iswspace(*pwch++)) pwch[-1] = ' '; } } #endif
/* ============================================================================
Builds a DACL based on the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR already associated with the template. The PersistedDACL is modified to include full access for administrators and delete access for everyone. */
*ppRetDACL = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&ea, sizeof(EXPLICIT_ACCESS));
ea.grfAccessPermissions = SYNCHRONIZE | DELETE; ea.grfAccessMode = GRANT_ACCESS; ea.grfInheritance= SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT; ea.Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID;
if (m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_pSecurityDescriptor == NULL) { return S_OK; }
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&WorldAuthority, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, (PSID *)(&ea.Trustee.ptstrName)))
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
else if (!GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_pSecurityDescriptor, &bDaclPresent, &pSrcDACL, &bDaclDefaulted))
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
else if ((hr = SetEntriesInAcl(1, &ea, bDaclPresent ? pSrcDACL : NULL, ppRetDACL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hr);
if (ea.Trustee.ptstrName) FreeSid(ea.Trustee.ptstrName);
return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::PersistData Attempts to write the contents of the template memory to disk. Note that the memory isn't freed here but later when the template ref count falls to 1 (indicating that the only reference to the template is the one that the cache has on it). */
HRESULT CTemplate::PersistData(char *pszTempFilePath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD winErr = 0; HANDLE hFile = NULL; DWORD dwWritten; HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL; HANDLE hThread; PACL pPersistDACL = NULL;
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "CTemplate::PersistData() enterred.\n\tTemplate is %s\n\tPersistTempName is %s\n", GetSourceFileName(), m_szPersistTempName ? m_szPersistTempName : "<none>")); #endif
// if for some reason this template has been marked as invalid, then it is
// not persistable
if (m_fIsValid == FALSE) { hr = E_FAIL; goto end; }
// if it is already persisted, there is nothing to do
if (m_fIsPersisted) { goto end; }
// check to see if we already have a persist temp name. If a template moves
// from the persisted cache back to the memory cache, then the persisted flag
// will have been lifted but the cache name will remain as an optimization for
// future persisting.
if (m_szPersistTempName == NULL) {
hThread = GetCurrentThread();
if (OpenThreadToken( hThread, TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hImpersonationToken )) {
RevertToSelf(); }
// allocate memory for this temp path
if (!(m_szPersistTempName = (LPSTR)CTemplate::LargeMalloc(MAX_PATH))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// create the temp file. The location of the temp directory was passed
// in as an argument. The resulting tempfile name in m_szPersistTempName
// will include this path.
else if (GetTempFileNameA(pszTempFilePath, "ASPTemplate", 0, m_szPersistTempName) == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// build a security descriptor to use with this persisted file. It is
// comprised of the .asp's security descriptor plus a couple of DACLs
// to allow administrators full access and everyone delete access.
else if (FAILED(hr = BuildPersistedDACL(&pPersistDACL)));
else if (pPersistDACL && (winErr = SetNamedSecurityInfoA((LPSTR)m_szPersistTempName, SE_FILE_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, pPersistDACL, NULL))) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(winErr);
// create the file
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// slam out the entire contents of the template memory to the file
else if (WriteFile(hFile, m_pbStart, m_cbTemplate, &dwWritten, NULL) == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// close
else if (CloseHandle(hFile) == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else { hFile = NULL; } if (FAILED(hr));
// make sure that the entire amount was written out
else if (dwWritten != m_cbTemplate) { hr = E_FAIL; }
if (hImpersonationToken) { SetThreadToken(&hThread, hImpersonationToken); CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); } } if (FAILED(hr));
else {
// if successfull, then note that the template is now persisted.
// Do an AddRef and Release as a safe way to check to see if the
// template memory can be freed.
m_fIsPersisted = TRUE; AddRef(); Release(); } // if errors occurred, clean up any resources.
if (hr != S_OK) { if (hFile) CloseHandle(hFile); if (m_szPersistTempName) CTemplate::LargeFree(m_szPersistTempName); m_szPersistTempName = NULL; }
// free the persisted SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR if allocated
if (pPersistDACL) { LocalFree(pPersistDACL); }
if (hr == S_OK) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Persist Successful. TempName is %s\n", m_szPersistTempName)); } else { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Persist failed. hr = %x", hr)); } #endif
return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::UnPersistData Restores the template memory from disk. */
HRESULT CTemplate::UnPersistData() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hFile = NULL; DWORD dwRead; HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL; HANDLE hThread;
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "CTemplate::UnPersistData() enterred.\n\tTemplate is %s\n\tTempName is %s\n", m_rgpFilemaps[0]->m_szPathTranslated, m_szPersistTempName)); #endif
// check to see if the template is already loaded into memory. If so, then
// all this routine needs to do is lift the IsPersisted flag.
if (m_pbStart != NULL) { m_fIsPersisted = FALSE; goto end; }
hThread = GetCurrentThread();
if (OpenThreadToken( hThread, TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hImpersonationToken )) {
RevertToSelf(); }
// open the temp file for read
if ((hFile = CreateFileA(m_szPersistTempName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// allocate the template memory
else if (!(m_pbStart = (BYTE *)CTemplate::LargeMalloc(m_cbTemplate))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// read in the entire file
else if (ReadFile(hFile, m_pbStart, m_cbTemplate, &dwRead, NULL) == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// we're done with the file
else if (CloseHandle(hFile) == 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else { hFile = NULL; }
if (FAILED(hr));
// check to make sure we got everything
else if (m_cbTemplate != dwRead) { hr = E_FAIL; } else {
// if not, pretend like this is no longer persisted. Prevents errors
// in the future.
m_fIsPersisted = FALSE; }
if (hr != S_OK) {
// make sure that the file handle was cleaned up
if (hFile) CloseHandle(hFile); } end:
if (hImpersonationToken) { SetThreadToken(&hThread, hImpersonationToken); CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); }
if (hr == S_OK) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "UnPersist Successful\n")); } else { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "UnPersist failed. hr = %x", hr)); } #endif
return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::PersistCleanup Cleans up the temp file and the memory holding the temp file name. */
HRESULT CTemplate::PersistCleanup() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL; HANDLE hThread;
if (m_szPersistTempName == NULL) { return (S_OK); }
hThread = GetCurrentThread();
if (OpenThreadToken( hThread, TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hImpersonationToken )) {
RevertToSelf(); }
if (DeleteFileA(m_szPersistTempName) == 0) { hr = GetLastError(); } else { m_fIsPersisted = FALSE; CTemplate::LargeFree(m_szPersistTempName); m_szPersistTempName = NULL; }
if (hImpersonationToken) { SetThreadToken(&hThread, hImpersonationToken); CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); }
return hr; }
/* ****************************************************************************
CIncFile member functions */
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::CIncFile Constructor
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ CIncFile::CIncFile ( ) : m_szIncFile(NULL), m_fCsInited(FALSE), m_CPTextEvents(this, IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents), m_cRefs(0) { }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::Init Inits the CIncFile object
Returns: HRESULT Side effects: None */ HRESULT CIncFile::Init ( const TCHAR* szIncFile // file name
) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fad; // win32 file attributes data structure
ErrInitCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate, hr); m_fCsInited = TRUE;
if(NULL == (m_szIncFile = (LPTSTR) CTemplate::SmallMalloc((_tcslen(szIncFile) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto LExit; }
_tcscpy(m_szIncFile, szIncFile);
// init hash table element base class
if(FAILED(hr = CLinkElem::Init(m_szIncFile, _tcslen(m_szIncFile)*sizeof(TCHAR)))) goto LExit;
LExit: return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::~CIncFile Destructor
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ CIncFile::~CIncFile ( ) { #if UNICODE
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Include file deleted: %S\n", m_szIncFile)); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Include file deleted: %s\n", m_szIncFile)); #endif
Assert(m_cRefs == 0); SmallTemplateFreeNullify((void**) &m_szIncFile); if(m_fCsInited) DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate); }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetTemplate Get i'th template user from CIncFile
Returns: NULL if "iTemplate" is out of range, m_rgpTemplates[iTemplate] otherwise
Side effects: None */ CTemplate* CIncFile::GetTemplate ( int iTemplate ) { if (iTemplate < 0 || iTemplate >= (signed int) m_rgpTemplates.length()) return NULL;
else return m_rgpTemplates[iTemplate]; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::QueryInterface Provides QueryInterface implementation for CIncFile
NOTE: It is arbitrary which vtable we return for IDebugDocument & IDebugDocumentInfo. */ HRESULT CIncFile::QueryInterface(const GUID &uidInterface, void **ppvObj) { if (uidInterface == IID_IUnknown || uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocumentProvider) *ppvObj = static_cast<IDebugDocumentProvider *>(this);
else if (uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocument || uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocumentInfo || uidInterface == IID_IDebugDocumentText) *ppvObj = static_cast<IDebugDocumentText *>(this);
else if (uidInterface == IID_IConnectionPointContainer) *ppvObj = static_cast<IConnectionPointContainer *>(this);
else *ppvObj = NULL;
if (*ppvObj) { AddRef(); return S_OK; } else return E_NOINTERFACE; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::AddRef Adds a ref to this IncFile, thread-safely */ ULONG CIncFile::AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRefs); return m_cRefs; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::Release Releases a ref to this IncFile, thread-safely */ ULONG CIncFile::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRefs) == 0) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRefs; }
/* ****************************************************************************
IDebugDocumentProvider implementation for includes */
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetDocument Return a pointer to the IDebugDocument implementation. (same object in this case)
Returns: *ppDebugDoc is set to "this". Notes: always succeeds */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetDocument ( IDebugDocument **ppDebugDoc ) { return QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocument, reinterpret_cast<void **>(ppDebugDoc)); }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetName Return the various names of a document. */
HRESULT CIncFile::GetName ( /* [in] */ DOCUMENTNAMETYPE doctype, /* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrName ) { switch (doctype) { case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_APPNODE: case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_FILE_TAIL: case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_TITLE: // Use the name of the include file (char after last back-slash) converted to lower case.
{ TCHAR *szFilePart = _tcsrchr(m_szIncFile, _T('\\')); Assert (szFilePart != NULL);
*pbstrName = SysAllocString(szFilePart + 1); if (*pbstrName == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } #else
if (FAILED(SysAllocStringFromSz(szFilePart + 1, 0, pbstrName, CP_ACP))) return E_FAIL; #endif
if (*pbstrName != NULL) _wcslwr(*pbstrName); return S_OK; }
case DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL: // prefix with the URL, use szPathInfo for the rest of the path
{ CTemplate::CFileMap *pFilemap = GetFilemap(); if (pFilemap->FHasVirtPath()) { STACK_BUFFER( tempName, MAX_PATH );
CTemplate *pTemplate = m_rgpTemplates[0]; int cbURLPrefix = DIFF(pTemplate->m_szApplnVirtPath - pTemplate->m_szApplnURL)*sizeof(TCHAR);
if (!tempName.Resize(cbURLPrefix + ((_tcslen(pFilemap->m_szPathInfo) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)))) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TCHAR *szURL = (TCHAR *)tempName.QueryPtr();
memcpy(szURL, pTemplate->m_szApplnURL, cbURLPrefix); _tcscpy(&szURL[cbURLPrefix/sizeof(TCHAR)], pFilemap->m_szPathInfo); #if UNICODE
*pbstrName = SysAllocString(szURL); if (*pbstrName == NULL) { return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); } return S_OK; #else
return SysAllocStringFromSz(szURL, 0, pbstrName, pTemplate->m_wCodePage); #endif
} else { *pbstrName = NULL; return E_FAIL; } }
default: return E_FAIL; } }
/* ****************************************************************************
IDebugDocumentText implementation */
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetSize Return the number of lines & characters in the document */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetSize ( /* [out] */ ULONG *pcLines, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcChars ) { CTemplate::CFileMap *pfilemap = GetFilemap();
*pcLines = ULONG_MAX; *pcChars = pfilemap->m_cChars; #if UNICODE
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "GetSize(\"%S\") returns %lu characters (%lu lines)\n", pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated, *pcChars, *pcLines)); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "GetSize(\"%s\") returns %lu characters (%lu lines)\n", pfilemap->m_szPathTranslated, *pcChars, *pcLines)); #endif
return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::GetDocumentAttributes Return doc attributes */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetDocumentAttributes ( /* [out] */ TEXT_DOC_ATTR *ptextdocattr ) { // Easy way to tell debugger that we don't support editing.
*ptextdocattr = TEXT_DOC_ATTR_READONLY; return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetPositionOfLine From a line number, return the character offset of the beginning
I don't think we need this function. It is meant to support line oriented debuggers, of which Caesar is not one. */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetPositionOfLine ( /* [in] */ ULONG cLineNumber, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcCharacterPosition ) { return m_rgpTemplates[0]->GetPositionOfLine(GetFilemap(), cLineNumber, pcCharacterPosition); }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetLineOfPosition From a character offset, return the line number and offset within the line
I don't think we need this function. It is meant to support line oriented debuggers, of which Caesar is not one. */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetLineOfPosition ( /* [in] */ ULONG cCharacterPosition, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcLineNumber, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcCharacterOffsetInLine ) { return m_rgpTemplates[0]->GetLineOfPosition(GetFilemap(), cCharacterPosition, pcLineNumber, pcCharacterOffsetInLine); }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetText From a character offset and length, return the document text */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetText ( ULONG cchSourceOffset, WCHAR *pwchText, SOURCE_TEXT_ATTR *pTextAttr, ULONG *pcChars, ULONG cMaxChars ) { return GetFilemap()->GetText((WORD)m_rgpTemplates[0]->m_wCodePage, cchSourceOffset, pwchText, pTextAttr, pcChars, cMaxChars); }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetPositionOfContext Decompose a document context into the document offset & length */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetPositionOfContext ( /* [in] */ IDebugDocumentContext *pUnknownDocumentContext, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcchSourceOffset, /* [out] */ ULONG *pcchText ) { // Make sure that the context is one of ours
CIncFileDocumentContext *pDocumentContext; if (FAILED(pUnknownDocumentContext->QueryInterface(IID_IDenaliIncFileDocumentContext, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pDocumentContext)))) return E_FAIL;
if (pcchSourceOffset) *pcchSourceOffset = pDocumentContext->m_cchSourceOffset;
if (pcchText) *pcchText = pDocumentContext->m_cchText;
pDocumentContext->Release(); return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetContextOfPosition Given the character position & number of characters in the document, encapsulate this into a document context object. */ HRESULT CIncFile::GetContextOfPosition ( /* [in] */ ULONG cchSourceOffset, /* [in] */ ULONG cchText, /* [out] */ IDebugDocumentContext **ppDocumentContext ) { if ( (*ppDocumentContext = new CIncFileDocumentContext(this, cchSourceOffset, cchText)) == NULL ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return S_OK; }
/* ****************************************************************************
IConnectionPointContainer implementation */
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::FindConnectionPoint From a character offset and length, return the document text */ HRESULT CIncFile::FindConnectionPoint ( const GUID &uidConnection, IConnectionPoint **ppCP ) { if (uidConnection == IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents) return m_CPTextEvents.QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPoint, reinterpret_cast<void **>(ppCP)); else { *ppCP = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::GetFilemap Returns a CFileMap pointer for this include file. (Note: There are several CFileMaps that may be used, corresponding to each template. This function selects one of them.)
Returns: Corresponding CFileMap Side effects: None */ CTemplate::CFileMap * CIncFile::GetFilemap ( ) { // Get pointer to first template's filemaps
CTemplate::CFileMap **ppFilemapInc = &m_rgpTemplates[0]->m_rgpFilemaps[1]; BOOL fFoundInc = FALSE;
// Look for the filemap whose name corresponds to this IncFile. It had better exist
// in all template filemaps.
// NOTE: Start searching at position 1, because position 0 is the template itself.
for (unsigned i = 1; i < m_rgpTemplates[0]->m_cFilemaps && !fFoundInc; ++i) if (_tcscmp(m_szIncFile, (*ppFilemapInc++)->m_szPathTranslated) == 0) fFoundInc = TRUE;
Assert (fFoundInc); return ppFilemapInc[-1]; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::AddTemplate Adds a template to the list of templates that include this inc-file
Returns: HRESULT Side effects: None */ HRESULT CIncFile::AddTemplate ( CTemplate* pTemplate ) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate);
// Add the template to the list only if it does not exist
if (m_rgpTemplates.find(pTemplate) == -1) { if (FAILED(m_rgpTemplates.append(pTemplate))) { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Notify the debugger that template dependency has changed
// (Ignore failure)
if (g_pDebugApp) { IF_DEBUG(SCRIPT_DEBUGGER) DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "AddTemplate: Notifying debugger to refresh breakpoints\n"));
InvokeDebuggerWithThreadSwitch ( g_pDebugApp, DEBUGGER_EVENT_ON_REFRESH_BREAKPOINT, static_cast<IDebugDocument *>(this) ); } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate); return S_OK; }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::RemoveTemplate Removes a template from the template list
Returns: Nothing Side effects: Compresses the removed template's ptr out of template ptrs array (see "back-copy", below) Decrements template count */ void CIncFile::RemoveTemplate ( CTemplate* pTemplate ) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate);
// find the template in list
int i = m_rgpTemplates.find(pTemplate);
// Remove the element (If we found it - possible that this is 2nd instance of #include and was previously removed)
if (i != -1) { m_rgpTemplates.removeAt(i);
// Notify the debugger that template dependency has changed
// (Ignore failure)
if (g_pDebugApp) { IF_DEBUG(SCRIPT_DEBUGGER) DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "RemoveTemplate: Notifying debugger to refresh breakpoints\n"));
InvokeDebuggerWithThreadSwitch ( g_pDebugApp, DEBUGGER_EVENT_ON_REFRESH_BREAKPOINT, static_cast<IDebugDocument *>(this) ); } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate); }
/* ============================================================================
CIncFile::FlushTemplates Flushes all of this inc-file's templates from the global template cache
Returns: TRUE if all templates flushed, FALSE if some left Side effects: None */ BOOL CIncFile::FlushTemplates ( ) { /* NOTE we have a cross-dependency with RemoveTemplate() because the following call chain
occurs when an inc-file gets flushed:
CIncFileMap::Flush CIncFile::FlushTemplates CTemplateCacheManager::Flush CTemplate::RemoveFromIncFiles CIncFile::RemoveTemplate
The problem is that RemoveTemplate() updates m_cTemplates and m_rgTemplates, so these members will not be stable during the loop within FlushTemplates.
To get around this, we make a local copy of m_rgTemplates. */ EnterCriticalSection(&m_csUpdate);
STACK_BUFFER( tempTemplates, 128 );
UINT cTemplates = m_rgpTemplates.length();
if (!tempTemplates.Resize(cTemplates * sizeof(CTemplate*))) {
// failed to get memory. The best we can do is return FALSE to indicate
// that not all templates where flushed.
return FALSE; }
CTemplate** rgpTemplates = static_cast<CTemplate**> (tempTemplates.QueryPtr()); memcpy(rgpTemplates, m_rgpTemplates.vec(), sizeof(CTemplate *) * cTemplates); UINT cTemplatesFlushed = 0;
for(UINT i = 0; i < cTemplates; i++) { // If the template is ready now, flush it
if(rgpTemplates[i]->m_fReadyForUse && !(rgpTemplates[i]->m_fDontCache)) { // bug 917: make a local copy of template file name, since the member gets freed part way through g_TemplateCache.Flush
TCHAR* szTemp = NULL; szTemp = rgpTemplates[i]->GetSourceFileName(); if (szTemp) {
if (!tempFile.Resize((_tcslen(szTemp) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))) {
// failed on this one. Continue and try to flush as many
// as we can.
continue; } TCHAR *szTemplateFile = (TCHAR *)tempFile.QueryPtr(); _tcscpy(szTemplateFile, szTemp); g_TemplateCache.Flush(szTemplateFile, MATCH_ALL_INSTANCE_IDS); cTemplatesFlushed++; } }
// If the template was not ready, we don't flush. It will probably
// pick up the current include file anyway
return (cTemplates == cTemplatesFlushed); }
/* ============================================================================
Callback which we use to call onDestroy events in the debugger just before we are removed from the IncFile cache.
REF COUNTING NOTE: Since debugging client has a reference to the IDebugDocument, the include needs to dis-associate with the debugger at a point in time before destruction. Otherwise, the reference will never go to zero. */ void CIncFile::OnIncFileDecache ( ) { if (m_CPTextEvents.FIsEmpty() || g_pDebugApp == NULL) return;
IEnumConnections *pConnIterator; if (SUCCEEDED(m_CPTextEvents.EnumConnections(&pConnIterator))) { CONNECTDATA ConnectData; while (pConnIterator->Next(1, &ConnectData, NULL) == S_OK) { IDebugDocumentTextEvents *pTextEventSink; if (SUCCEEDED(ConnectData.pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocumentTextEvents, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pTextEventSink)))) { InvokeDebuggerWithThreadSwitch(g_pDebugApp, DEBUGGER_ON_DESTROY, pTextEventSink); pTextEventSink->Release(); } ConnectData.pUnk->Release(); }
pConnIterator->Release(); } }
/* ****************************************************************************
CTemplate::CBuffer member functions */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CBuffer::CBuffer Ctor */ CTemplate::CBuffer::CBuffer() : m_pItems(NULL), m_cSlots(0), m_cItems(0), m_pbData(NULL), m_cbData(0), m_cbDataUsed(0) { }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CBuffer::~CBuffer Dtor */ CTemplate::CBuffer::~CBuffer() { if(m_pItems) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_pItems); if(m_pbData) CTemplate::LargeFree(m_pbData); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CBuffer::Init Inits a CBuffer */ void CTemplate::CBuffer::Init ( USHORT cSlots, ULONG cbData ) { m_cSlots = cSlots; m_cbData = cbData;
// Allocate space for storing byte range items
if(!(m_pItems = (CByteRange*) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(m_cSlots * sizeof(CByteRange)))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// Allocate space for storing local data, if there is any
if(m_cbData > 0) { if(!(m_pbData = (BYTE*) CTemplate::LargeMalloc(m_cbData))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CBuffer::Append Appends to a CBuffer */ void CTemplate::CBuffer::Append ( const CByteRange& br, // byte range to append
BOOL fLocal, // append local?
UINT idSequence, // segment sequence id
CFileMap* pfilemap, BOOL fLocalString // append local as a string? (length-prefixed, null-terminated)
) { // calc bytes required to store byte range; allow for length prefix and null if a local string
ULONG cbRequired = (ULONG)(br.m_cb + (fLocalString ? sizeof(br.m_cb) + 1 : 0));
// If caller passed a non-local zero-length byte range, no-op and return;
// allows callers to ignore byte range size
// NOTE we store empty local byte ranges - required by token list
if(!fLocal && br.m_cb == 0) return;
if(fLocal) { if((m_cbData - m_cbDataUsed) < cbRequired) { // Reallocate space for storing local data - we grab twice what we had before
// or twice current requirement, whichever is more
m_cbData = 2 * (m_cbData > cbRequired ? m_cbData : cbRequired); if(!(m_pbData = (BYTE*) CTemplate::LargeReAlloc(m_pbData, m_cbData))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// if appending as a local string, copy length-prefix to buffer
if(fLocalString) { memcpy(m_pbData + m_cbDataUsed, &(br.m_cb), sizeof(br.m_cb)); m_cbDataUsed += sizeof(br.m_cb); }
// copy data to buffer
memcpy(m_pbData + m_cbDataUsed, br.m_pb, br.m_cb); m_cbDataUsed += br.m_cb;
// if appending as a local string, copy null terminator to buffer
if(fLocalString) *(m_pbData + m_cbDataUsed++) = NULL;
if(m_cItems >= m_cSlots) { // Reallocate space for storing byte range items - we grab twice what we had before
m_cSlots *= 2; if(!(m_pItems = (CByteRange*) CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_pItems, m_cSlots * sizeof(*m_pItems)))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Set the (new) last item to this byte range
SetItem(m_cItems++, br, fLocal, idSequence, pfilemap, fLocalString); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CBuffer::GetItem Gets an item from a CBuffer, as a byte range
Returns: Nothing
Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::CBuffer::GetItem ( UINT i, // index of item
CByteRange& br // byte range containing returned item (out-parameter)
) { Assert(i < m_cItems);
// for local data, ptr is offset only; must add it to base ptr
br.m_pb = m_pItems[i].m_pb + (m_pItems[i].m_fLocal ? (DWORD_PTR) m_pbData : 0);
br.m_cb = m_pItems[i].m_cb; br.m_fLocal = m_pItems[i].m_fLocal; br.m_idSequence = m_pItems[i].m_idSequence; br.m_pfilemap = m_pItems[i].m_pfilemap; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CBuffer::SetItem Sets a CBuffer item to a new value
Returns Nothing Side effects Throws error on non-existent item index */ void CTemplate::CBuffer::SetItem ( UINT i, const CByteRange& br, // byte range to set item to
BOOL fLocal, // is item local in buffer?
UINT idSequence, // segment sequence id
CFileMap * pfilemap, // file where segment came from
BOOL fLocalString // append local as a string? (length-prefixed, null-terminated)
) { // If buffer item i does not exist, fail
if(i >= m_cSlots) THROW(E_FAIL);
// for local data, store ptr as offset only - avoids fixup after realloc
// NOTE offset == data used offset - length of data - null terminator (if local string)
m_pItems[i].m_pb = (fLocal ? (BYTE*)(m_cbDataUsed - br.m_cb - (fLocalString ? sizeof(BYTE) : 0 )) : (BYTE*)br.m_pb);
m_pItems[i].m_cb = br.m_cb; m_pItems[i].m_fLocal = fLocal; m_pItems[i].m_idSequence = idSequence; m_pItems[i].m_pfilemap = pfilemap; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CBuffer::PszLocal Gets i-th locally-buffered string within the buffer.
Returns: Ptr to locally-buffered string; NULL if not found Side effects: None */ LPSTR CTemplate::CBuffer::PszLocal ( UINT i // index of item to retrieve
) { CByteRange br;
GetItem(i, br);
if(!br.m_fLocal) return NULL;
return (LPSTR) br.m_pb; }
/* ****************************************************************************
CTemplate::CScriptStore member functions */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CScriptStore::~CScriptStore Destructor - frees memory
Returns: nothing Side effects: none */ CTemplate::CScriptStore::~CScriptStore() { UINT i;
for(i = 0; i < m_cSegmentBuffers; i++) delete m_ppbufSegments[i];
if(m_ppbufSegments != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_ppbufSegments); if(m_rgProgLangId != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_rgProgLangId); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CScriptStore::Init Inits the script store
Returns: nothing Side effects: allocates memory */ HRESULT CTemplate::CScriptStore::Init ( LPCSTR szDefaultScriptLanguage, CLSID *pCLSIDDefaultEngine ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT i; CByteRange brDefaultScriptLanguage;
// Check for NULL pointers - can happen if Application has invalid default lang
if (szDefaultScriptLanguage == NULL || pCLSIDDefaultEngine == NULL) return TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND;
/* init segment buffers count based on:
- two for default engine (one primary, one tagged) - one each for other engines (tagged only) */ m_cSegmentBuffers = C_SCRIPTENGINESDEFAULT + 1;
// init segments buffers
if(NULL == (m_ppbufSegments = (CBuffer**) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(m_cSegmentBuffers * sizeof(CBuffer*)))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto LExit; }
for(i = 0; i < m_cSegmentBuffers; i++) { if(NULL == (m_ppbufSegments[i] = new CBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto LExit; } m_ppbufSegments[i]->Init((C_SCRIPTSEGMENTSDEFAULT), 0); }
// Append default engine to script store
brDefaultScriptLanguage.m_cb = strlen(szDefaultScriptLanguage); brDefaultScriptLanguage.m_pb = (unsigned char *)szDefaultScriptLanguage; hr = AppendEngine(brDefaultScriptLanguage, pCLSIDDefaultEngine, /* idSequence */ 0);
LExit: return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CScriptStore::AppendEngine Appends a script engine to the script store
Returns: HRESULT Side effects: None */ HRESULT CTemplate::CScriptStore::AppendEngine ( CByteRange& brEngine, // engine name
PROGLANG_ID* pProgLangId, // ptr to prog lang id - pass NULL to have this function get proglangid from registry
UINT idSequence // segment sequence id
) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; USHORT cEngines; // count of engines
TRY // if no engines yet, init engine names buffer
if(CountPreliminaryEngines() == 0) m_bufEngineNames.Init(C_SCRIPTENGINESDEFAULT, 0);
// Append engine name to buffer
m_bufEngineNames.Append(brEngine, FALSE, idSequence, NULL);
CATCH(hrException) hr = hrException; goto LExit; END_TRY
Assert(CountPreliminaryEngines() >= 1);
// malloc or realloc prog lang ids array
if((cEngines = CountPreliminaryEngines()) == 1) m_rgProgLangId = (PROGLANG_ID*) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(cEngines * sizeof(PROGLANG_ID)); else m_rgProgLangId = (PROGLANG_ID*) CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_rgProgLangId, cEngines * sizeof(PROGLANG_ID));
if(NULL == m_rgProgLangId) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto LExit; }
if(NULL == pProgLangId) // caller passed null progid ptr - get prog id from registry
hr = GetProgLangId(brEngine, &(m_rgProgLangId[cEngines - 1])); else // caller passed non-null progid ptr - set prog id from it
m_rgProgLangId[cEngines - 1] = *pProgLangId;
LExit: return hr; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CScriptStore::IdEngineFromBr Determines the id of a script engine from its engine name
Returns: id of script engine whose name is passed in Side effects: appends a new script engine name to engine names buffer */ USHORT CTemplate::CScriptStore::IdEngineFromBr ( CByteRange& brEngine, // engine name
UINT idSequence // segment sequence id
) { Assert(!brEngine.IsNull()); // NOTE we trap/error null engine name earlier
USHORT cKnownEngines = CountPreliminaryEngines();
// search existing names for a match; return id if found
for(USHORT i = 0; i < cKnownEngines; i++) { Assert(m_bufEngineNames[i]); Assert(m_bufEngineNames[i]->m_pb); if(FByteRangesAreEqual(*(m_bufEngineNames[i]), brEngine)) return i; }
// if not found by name try to find by engine id
// (some engines with different names share the same id, like J[ava]Script)
if (cKnownEngines > 0) { PROGLANG_ID ProgLandId;
// we will get the prog lang id again inside AppendEngine() but
// because it's cached and this only happens when > 1 engine, it's alright
if (SUCCEEDED(GetProgLangId(brEngine, &ProgLandId))) { for(i = 0; i < cKnownEngines; i++) { // If matches don't append -- just return the index
if (m_rgProgLangId[i] == ProgLandId) return i; } } }
/* if we did not find engine among those already buffered
- append engine to script store - realloc segment buffers array if necessary - return index of last engine (the one we just appended) */
// append engine to script store
HRESULT hr = AppendEngine(brEngine, NULL, idSequence);
if(hr == TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND) // if prog lang not found, throw bad prog lang error id
THROW(IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG); else if(FAILED(hr)) // other failure: re-throw hresult
// realloc segment buffers array if necessary
if(CountPreliminaryEngines() > (m_cSegmentBuffers - 1)) { // increment count of segment buffers
m_cSegmentBuffers++; Assert(CountPreliminaryEngines() == m_cSegmentBuffers - 1);
// realloc array of ptrs
if(NULL == (m_ppbufSegments = (CBuffer**) CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_ppbufSegments, m_cSegmentBuffers * sizeof(CBuffer*)))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// allocate the new buffer
if(NULL == (m_ppbufSegments[m_cSegmentBuffers - 1] = new CBuffer)) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// init the new buffer
m_ppbufSegments[m_cSegmentBuffers - 1]->Init(C_SCRIPTSEGMENTSDEFAULT, 0); }
// return index of last engine (the one we just appended)
return (CountPreliminaryEngines() - 1);
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CScriptStore::AppendScript Appends a script/engine pair to the store.
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::CScriptStore::AppendScript ( CByteRange& brScript, // script text
CByteRange& brEngine, // script engine name
BOOLB fPrimary, // primary or tagged script?
UINT idSequence, // segment sequence id
CFileMap* pfilemapCurrent ) { USHORT iBuffer; // buffer id
Assert(fPrimary || !brEngine.IsNull()); // NOTE we trap/error null engine name earlier
Assert(m_bufEngineNames[0]); // page's primary engine must be known by this point
if(fPrimary) // if primary script (not tagged), buffer id is 0
iBuffer = 0; else if((!fPrimary) && FByteRangesAreEqual(brEngine, /* bug 1008: primary script engine name */ *(m_bufEngineNames[0]))) // if tagged script and engine is primary, buffer id is 1
iBuffer = 1; else // else, buffer id is engine id plus 1
iBuffer = IdEngineFromBr(brEngine, idSequence) + 1;
// append script segment to iBuffer-th segments buffer
m_ppbufSegments[iBuffer]->Append(brScript, FALSE, idSequence, pfilemapCurrent); }
/* ****************************************************************************
CTemplate::CObjectInfoStore member functions */ /* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CObjectInfoStore::~CObjectInfoStore */ CTemplate::CObjectInfoStore::~CObjectInfoStore ( ) { if(m_pObjectInfos) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_pObjectInfos); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CObjectInfoStore::Init Inits the object-info store */ void CTemplate::CObjectInfoStore::Init() { m_bufObjectNames.Init(C_OBJECTINFOS_DEFAULT, 0);
// init object-infos array
if(NULL == (m_pObjectInfos = (CObjectInfo*) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(m_bufObjectNames.CountSlots() * sizeof(CObjectInfo)))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CObjectInfoStore::AppendObject Appends an object-info to the object-info store */ void CTemplate::CObjectInfoStore::AppendObject ( CByteRange& brObjectName, CLSID clsid, CompScope scope, CompModel model, UINT idSequence ) {
USHORT iObject = m_bufObjectNames.Count(); if(iObject >= m_bufObjectNames.CountSlots()) { // Reallocate space for storing object-infos - we grab twice what we had before
// NOTE we keep no object count in CObjectInfoStore, but instead use count in object names buffer
(m_pObjectInfos = (CObjectInfo*)CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_pObjectInfos, 2 * m_bufObjectNames.CountSlots() * sizeof(CObjectInfo)));
if (m_pObjectInfos == NULL) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
m_pObjectInfos[iObject].m_clsid = clsid; m_pObjectInfos[iObject].m_scope = scope; m_pObjectInfos[iObject].m_model = model;
m_bufObjectNames.Append(brObjectName, FALSE, idSequence, NULL); }
/* ****************************************************************************
CTemplate::CWorkStore member functions */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CWorkStore::CWorkStore Constructor
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ CTemplate::CWorkStore::CWorkStore ( ) : m_idCurSequence(0), m_fPageCommandsExecuted(FALSE), m_fPageCommandsAllowed(TRUE), m_szWriteBlockOpen(g_szWriteBlockOpen), m_szWriteBlockClose(g_szWriteBlockClose), m_szWriteOpen(g_szWriteOpen), m_szWriteClose(g_szWriteClose) { }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CWorkStore::~CWorkStore Destructor
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ CTemplate::CWorkStore::~CWorkStore ( ) { /* if language element ptrs are anything but their constant defaults or null,
they must have been allocated during compilation - free them now */ if(m_szWriteBlockOpen != g_szWriteBlockOpen && m_szWriteBlockOpen != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_szWriteBlockOpen);
if(m_szWriteBlockClose != g_szWriteBlockClose && m_szWriteBlockClose != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_szWriteBlockClose);
if(m_szWriteOpen != g_szWriteOpen && m_szWriteOpen != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_szWriteOpen);
if(m_szWriteClose != g_szWriteClose && m_szWriteClose != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_szWriteClose); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CWorkStore::Init Inits the workstore
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::CWorkStore::Init ( ) { /*
NOTE init we the scriptstore separately from rest of workstore because try-catch in CTemplate::Init() apparently doesn't work to detect bogus script engine name; we need to get an hr back instead.
m_ScriptStore.Init(brDefaultEngine); */ m_ObjectInfoStore.Init(); m_bufHTMLSegments.Init(C_HTMLSEGMENTSDEFAULT, 0); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CWorkStore::CRequiredScriptEngines Returns the count of script engines in the script store that are required to run the template.
NOTE this function is part of the fix for bug 933
Returns: Count of non-empty script engines Side effects: None */ USHORT CTemplate::CWorkStore::CRequiredScriptEngines ( BOOL fGlobalAsa // bug 1394: is template global.asa?
) { USHORT cPreliminaryEngines = m_ScriptStore.CountPreliminaryEngines(); USHORT cRequiredEngines = 0;
for(USHORT i = 0; i < cPreliminaryEngines; i++) { if(FScriptEngineRequired(i, fGlobalAsa)) cRequiredEngines++; }
return cRequiredEngines; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CWorkStore::FScriptEngineRequired Is a given preliminary script engine required to run the template?
NOTE this function is part of the fix for bug 933
Returns: TRUE or FALSE Side effects: None */ BOOLB CTemplate::CWorkStore::FScriptEngineRequired ( USHORT idEnginePrelim, BOOL fGlobalAsa // bug 1394: is template global.asa?
) { if(idEnginePrelim == 0) return ( // primary engine (id 0) required if
(m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[0]->Count() > 0) // ... script buffer 0 has segments
|| (m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[1]->Count() > 0) // ... or script buffer 1 has segments
|| ((m_bufHTMLSegments.Count() > 0) && !fGlobalAsa) // ... or html buffer has segments and (bug 1394) template is not global.asa
// non-primary engine required if script buffer id+1 has segments
return (m_ScriptStore.m_ppbufSegments[idEnginePrelim + 1]->Count() > 0); }
/* ****************************************************************************
CTemplate::CFileMap member functions */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::CFileMap Constructor
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ CTemplate::CFileMap::CFileMap() : m_szPathInfo(NULL), m_szPathTranslated(NULL), m_pfilemapSibling(NULL), m_pfilemapChild(NULL), m_hFile(NULL), m_hMap(NULL), m_pbStartOfFile(NULL), m_pIncFile(NULL), m_pSecurityDescriptor(NULL), m_dwSecDescSize(0), m_cChars(0), m_pDME(NULL) { m_ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime = 0; m_ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime = 0; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::~CFileMap Destructor
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ CTemplate::CFileMap::~CFileMap() { if (m_pDME) { m_pDME->Release(); m_pDME = NULL; } if(m_szPathInfo != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_szPathInfo); if(m_szPathTranslated != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_szPathTranslated); if(m_pSecurityDescriptor != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_pSecurityDescriptor); if (m_pIncFile != NULL) m_pIncFile->Release(); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::MapFile Memory-maps a file.
Returns Nothing Side effects Throws **overloaded** exception on error: exception code can sometimes be an error message id, sometimes a true exception. Caller must handle. */ void CTemplate::CFileMap::MapFile ( LPCTSTR szFileSpec, // file spec for this file
LPCTSTR szApplnPath, // application path (in case its global.asa)
CFileMap* pfilemapParent, // ptr to filemap of parent file
BOOL fVirtual, // is file spec virtual or relative?
CHitObj* pHitObj, // ptr to template's hit object
BOOL fGlobalAsa // is this file the global.asa file?
) { BOOL fMustNormalize = TRUE; BOOL fImpersonatedUser = FALSE; HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL; HANDLE hCurrentImpersonationToken = NULL;
Assert((pfilemapParent != NULL) || (pHitObj->PIReq() != NULL) || fGlobalAsa);
/* three possible cases:
1) we are processing global.asa file 2) we are processing the "main" .asp file 3) we are processing an include file */ if(fGlobalAsa) { // case 1) we are processing global.asa file
DWORD cchPathTranslated = _tcslen(pHitObj->GlobalAspPath()); m_szPathTranslated = (TCHAR *)CTemplate::SmallMalloc((cchPathTranslated+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!m_szPathTranslated) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); _tcscpy(m_szPathTranslated, pHitObj->GlobalAspPath());
DWORD cchPathInfo = _tcslen(szApplnPath) + 11; // "/global.asa"
m_szPathInfo = (TCHAR *)CTemplate::SmallMalloc((cchPathInfo+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!m_szPathInfo) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); _tcscpy(strcpyEx(m_szPathInfo, szApplnPath), _T("/global.asa"));
// no need to normalize in this case, since global.asa path is already normalized
Assert(IsNormalized((const TCHAR*)m_szPathTranslated)); fMustNormalize = FALSE; m_fHasVirtPath = TRUE; } else if(pfilemapParent == NULL) { // case 2) we are processing the "main" .asp file: get path-info and path-tran from ecb
TCHAR *szVirtPath = pHitObj->PSzCurrTemplateVirtPath(); TCHAR *szPhysPath = pHitObj->PSzCurrTemplatePhysPath();
m_szPathInfo = static_cast<LPTSTR>(CTemplate::SmallMalloc((_tcslen(szVirtPath) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))); m_szPathTranslated = static_cast<LPTSTR>(CTemplate::SmallMalloc((_tcslen(szPhysPath) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))); if (!m_szPathInfo || !m_szPathTranslated) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
_tcscpy(m_szPathInfo, szVirtPath); _tcscpy(m_szPathTranslated, szPhysPath);
// no need to normalize in this case, since ecb's path-tran is already normalized
Assert(IsNormalized((const TCHAR*)m_szPathTranslated)); fMustNormalize = FALSE; m_fHasVirtPath = TRUE; } else { /* case 3) we are processing an include file: resolve filespec into path-info and path-tran
based on whether file was included with VIRTUAL tag or FILE tag */ Assert(szFileSpec);
// in this case, we don't know path lengths up front so we alloc the max and realloc below
m_szPathInfo = static_cast<LPTSTR> (CTemplate::SmallMalloc((MAX_PATH + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))); m_szPathTranslated = static_cast<LPTSTR> (CTemplate::SmallMalloc((MAX_PATH + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))); if (!m_szPathInfo || !m_szPathTranslated) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
if (!tempPathT.Resize((_tcslen(szFileSpec) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))) { THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
LPTSTR szPathTranslatedT = (TCHAR *)tempPathT.QueryPtr(); // temp path-tran
if(fVirtual) { DWORD dwSzLength = tempPathT.QuerySize(); // length of path string buffer
if (_tcslen(szFileSpec) > MAX_PATH) THROW(E_FAIL); // VIRTUAL: path-info is simply virtual filespec
_tcscpy(m_szPathInfo, szFileSpec);
// VIRTUAL: path-tran is translation of path-info
_tcscpy(szPathTranslatedT, m_szPathInfo);
if (!pHitObj->PIReq()->MapUrlToPath(szPathTranslatedT, &dwSzLength)) THROW(E_FAIL);
// Check the translated path for a UNC specified path
if ((dwSzLength >= (2*sizeof(TCHAR))) && (szPathTranslatedT[0] == _T('\\')) && (szPathTranslatedT[1] == _T('\\'))) {
// if UNC, then ask WAM for the impersonation token for
// this UNC VRoot. Silently fail.
if (pHitObj->PIReq()->ServerSupportFunction( HSE_REQ_GET_VIRTUAL_PATH_TOKEN, (void *)szFileSpec, (DWORD *) &hImpersonationToken, NULL)) {
// set the impersonation token and note that we did so
AspDoRevertHack(&hCurrentImpersonationToken); fImpersonatedUser = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hImpersonationToken) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (!fImpersonatedUser) { AspUndoRevertHack(&hCurrentImpersonationToken); }
} }
m_fHasVirtPath = TRUE; } else { TCHAR szParentDir[MAX_PATH], *szT; _tcscpy(szParentDir, pfilemapParent->m_szPathInfo); if ((szT = _tcsrchr(szParentDir, _T('/'))) != NULL) *szT = _T('\0');
// If we don't allow parent paths, we can save lots of time (Always have a valid virtual path)
if (!pHitObj->QueryAppConfig()->fEnableParentPaths()) { int strlen_szParentDir = (int)(szT - szParentDir); if ((strlen_szParentDir + 1 + _tcslen(szFileSpec)) > MAX_PATH) THROW(E_FAIL); strcpyEx(strcpyEx(strcpyEx(m_szPathInfo, szParentDir), _T("/")), szFileSpec); m_fHasVirtPath = TRUE; } else { // NOTE: If we must translate ".." paths, there is no need to verify them (by remapping)
// because: If the file does not exist, that case will show up when the file is mapped
// If we ".." ourselves out of the vroot space, (out of the app or into another app)
// DotPathToPath will detect this.
if (DotPathToPath(m_szPathInfo, szFileSpec, szParentDir)) m_fHasVirtPath = TRUE; else { GetPathFromParentAndFilespec(pfilemapParent->m_szPathTranslated, szFileSpec, &m_szPathInfo); m_fHasVirtPath = FALSE; }
GetPathFromParentAndFilespec(pfilemapParent->m_szPathTranslated, szFileSpec, &szPathTranslatedT); }
// bug 1214: get canonical path-tran, without . and ..
// CONSIDER check for . or .. in name before calling GetFullPathName? UNCs? what else?
GetFullPathName( szPathTranslatedT, // LPCSTR lpFileName, // address of name of file to find path for
MAX_PATH + 1, // DWORD nBufferLength, // size, in characters, of path buffer
m_szPathTranslated, // LPSTR lpBuffer, // address of path buffer
NULL // LPSTR *lpFilePart // address of filename in path
// realloc path strings to only use required memory (see note above)
m_szPathInfo = static_cast<LPTSTR> (CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_szPathInfo, (_tcslen(m_szPathInfo) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))); m_szPathTranslated = static_cast<LPTSTR> (CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_szPathTranslated, (_tcslen(m_szPathTranslated) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR))); if (!m_szPathInfo || !m_szPathTranslated) { if (fImpersonatedUser) { AspUndoRevertHack(&hCurrentImpersonationToken); } if (hImpersonationToken) { CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); } THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } }
// if required, normalize path-tran so that
// a) cyclic include check can ignore case; b) inc-file cache lookups will work
if(fMustNormalize) Normalize(m_szPathTranslated);
// Bug 99071: Attempt to open the file **BEFORE** we add it to the tree of file
// dependencies. Otherwise if it fails to open, we will have
// dangling references. Since FCyclicInclude depends on us adding
// to the tree, if it is cyclic, we need to unmap then. Since that
// is a very uncommon error case, the extra overhead is probably OK
// RemapFile will throw if it fails. If the exception is that the source file is empty
// and we are trying to process an include file, we will handle the exception here.
// in all other cases, rethrow the exception. We do this so that an empty include file
// will be harmless, but an empty primary file will fail.
if (hrException != E_SOURCE_FILE_IS_EMPTY || pfilemapParent == NULL) { if (fImpersonatedUser) { AspUndoRevertHack(&hCurrentImpersonationToken); } if (hImpersonationToken) { CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); } THROW(hrException); }
if (fImpersonatedUser) { AspUndoRevertHack(&hCurrentImpersonationToken); } if (hImpersonationToken) { CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); }
// Create the tree structure for this file
if (pfilemapParent != NULL) { // See if this file is already included once on this level. (Don't show duplicates in the
// debugger tree view)
BOOL fDuplicateExists = FALSE; CFileMap *pFilemap = pfilemapParent->m_pfilemapChild; while (pFilemap != NULL && !fDuplicateExists) { if (_tcscmp(pFilemap->m_szPathTranslated, m_szPathTranslated) == 0) fDuplicateExists = TRUE;
pFilemap = pFilemap->m_fHasSibling? pFilemap->m_pfilemapSibling : NULL; }
// If the include file is #include'd more than once, don't add it as a sibling.
// Rather orphan the pfilemap and just set the parent pointer.
if (!fDuplicateExists) { if (pfilemapParent->m_pfilemapChild == NULL) pfilemapParent->m_pfilemapChild = this; else pfilemapParent->m_pfilemapChild->AddSibling(this); } }
// in both of the above code paths, we are always added as the LAST child, (or we are an orphan node)
// so it is safe to set the parent without calling SetParent()
m_fHasSibling = FALSE; // Paranoia
m_pfilemapParent = pfilemapParent;
// hurl if this file is being included by itself (perhaps indirectly)
if(FCyclicInclude(m_szPathTranslated)) { UnmapFile(); THROW(IDE_TEMPLATE_CYCLIC_INCLUDE); } }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::RemapFile map a file that was previously mapped.
Returns Nothing Side effects Throws **overloaded** exception on error: exception code can sometimes be an error message id, sometimes a true exception. Caller must handle.
Does not decrypt EASPs on remapping. Caller must decrypt if required. This function is called by the debugger, and the debugger does not allow access to decrypted files, so decryption is a waste of time. */ void CTemplate::CFileMap::RemapFile ( ) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fad; // win32 file attributes data structure
if (FIsMapped()) return;
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (m_hFile = CreateFile( m_szPathTranslated, // file name
GENERIC_READ, // access (read-write) mode
FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode
NULL, // pointer to security descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes
NULL // handle to file with attributes to copy
))) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if(dwLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { // typically, we end up here if the user has no permissions on the file
// bug 1007: however, we also end up here if the user gave us a directory name, instead of a file name
if(FAILED(AspGetFileAttributes(m_szPathTranslated, &fad))) { // bug 1495: file in a secured directory will end up here - we need to re-GetLastError to see if access is denied
dwLastError = GetLastError(); if(dwLastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { THROW(E_USER_LACKS_PERMISSIONS); } // GetFileAttributes call failed; don't know why
THROW(E_FAIL); } else if(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & fad.dwFileAttributes) { // bug 1007: the user gave us a directory name
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to open file %S because it is a directory.\n", m_szPathTranslated)); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to open file %s because it is a directory.\n", m_szPathTranslated)); #endif
char szError[128]; if (!FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwLastError, 0L, // lang ID - defaults to LANG_NEUTRAL
szError, sizeof szError, NULL) ) { sprintf(szError, "%d", dwLastError); } #if UNICODE
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to open file %S\n", m_szPathTranslated)); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Failed to open file %s\n", m_szPathTranslated)); #endif
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, " The error returned was: %s\n", szError)); #endif
// Get the file's last access time. Only do this for NT
if (Glob(fWinNT)) { if (SUCCEEDED(AspGetFileAttributes(m_szPathTranslated, &fad))) { m_ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime = fad.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; m_ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime = fad.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime; } }
// get file's security descriptor
if(!GetSecurityDescriptor()) THROW(E_COULDNT_OPEN_SOURCE_FILE);
// map the file
if(NULL == (m_hMap = CreateFileMapping( m_hFile, // handle to file to map
NULL, // optional security attributes
PAGE_READONLY, // protection for mapping object
0, // high-order 32 bits of object size
0, // low-order 32 bits of object size
NULL // name of file-mapping object
))) { if (SUCCEEDED(AspGetFileAttributes(m_szPathTranslated, &fad))) { if(fad.nFileSizeHigh == 0 && fad.nFileSizeLow == 0) { #if UNICODE
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Empty source file %S\n", m_szPathTranslated)); #else
DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "Empty source file %s\n", m_szPathTranslated)); #endif
// set file's start-of-file ptr
if(NULL == (m_pbStartOfFile = (PBYTE) MapViewOfFile( m_hMap, // file-mapping object to map into address space
FILE_MAP_READ, // access mode
0, // high-order 32 bits of file offset
0, // low-order 32 bits of file offset
0 // number of bytes to map
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::SetParent Set the parent for this filemap */ void CTemplate::CFileMap::SetParent ( CFileMap* pfilemapParent ) { CFileMap *pfilemap = this;
while (pfilemap->m_fHasSibling) pfilemap = pfilemap->m_pfilemapSibling;
pfilemap->m_pfilemapParent = pfilemapParent; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::GetParent Get the parent for this filemap */ CTemplate::CFileMap* CTemplate::CFileMap::GetParent ( ) { register CFileMap *pfilemap = this;
while (pfilemap->m_fHasSibling) pfilemap = pfilemap->m_pfilemapSibling;
return pfilemap->m_pfilemapParent; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::AddSibling Add a new node as a sibling of this */ void CTemplate::CFileMap::AddSibling ( register CFileMap* pfilemapSibling ) { register CFileMap *pfilemap = this;
while (pfilemap->m_fHasSibling) pfilemap = pfilemap->m_pfilemapSibling;
pfilemapSibling->m_fHasSibling = FALSE; pfilemapSibling->m_pfilemapParent = pfilemap->m_pfilemapParent;
pfilemap->m_fHasSibling = TRUE; pfilemap->m_pfilemapSibling = pfilemapSibling; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::FCyclicInclude Is a file among this filemap's ancestors? (i.e. does it occur anywhere in the filemap's parent chain?)
Returns TRUE or FALSE Side effects None */ BOOL CTemplate::CFileMap::FCyclicInclude ( LPCTSTR szPathTranslated ) { CFileMap *pfilemapParent = GetParent();
if(pfilemapParent == NULL) return FALSE;
// NOTE we ignore case because path-tran was normalized
if(_tcscmp(szPathTranslated, pfilemapParent->m_szPathTranslated) == 0) return TRUE;
return pfilemapParent->FCyclicInclude(szPathTranslated); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::GetSecurityDescriptor Gets a file's security descriptor
Returns TRUE if we got security descriptor, else FALSE Side effects allocates memory */ BOOL CTemplate::CFileMap::GetSecurityDescriptor ( ) // ACLs: the following code should in future be shared with IIS (see creatfil.cxx in IIS project)
{ BOOL fRet = TRUE; // return value
BOOL fGotSecurityDescriptor; // did we get a security descriptor?
DWORD dwSecDescSizeNeeded = 0; // required size of security descriptor
DWORD dwLastError; // last error code
// we dont support security on win95
if (!Glob(fWinNT)) return(TRUE);
// get required buffer size before malloc
// NOTE this costs us an extra system call, but means the cached template will often use less memory
// we must do this up front by passing 0 buffer size because when the call succeeds it returns
// dwSecDescSizeNeeded == 0 (i.e. we can't realloc to shrink after successful call)
GetKernelObjectSecurity( m_hFile, // handle of object to query
si, // requested information
NULL, // address of security descriptor
0, // size of buffer for security descriptor
&dwSecDescSizeNeeded // address of required size of buffer
if((dwLastError = GetLastError()) != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // pretend everything's fine -- just NULL security descriptor
if(m_pSecurityDescriptor != NULL) CTemplate::SmallFree(m_pSecurityDescriptor); m_pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; m_dwSecDescSize = 0; if (dwLastError == ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// set member buffer size to just enough chunks to accommodate security descriptor size needed
// allocate memory for security descriptor
// (Note: security descriptor may already be allocated if this is a remap)
if (m_pSecurityDescriptor == NULL) if(NULL == (m_pSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) CTemplate::SmallMalloc(m_dwSecDescSize))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
// try to get security descriptor until we succeed, or until we fail for some reason other than buffer-too-small
while(TRUE) { // attempt to get security descriptor
fGotSecurityDescriptor = GetKernelObjectSecurity( m_hFile, // handle of object to query
si, // requested information
m_pSecurityDescriptor, // address of security descriptor
m_dwSecDescSize, // size of buffer for security descriptor
&dwSecDescSizeNeeded // address of required size of buffer
// get last error immediately after call
dwLastError = fGotSecurityDescriptor ? 0 // we got a security descriptor: set last error to 0
: GetLastError(); // we didn't get a security descriptor: get last error
if(fGotSecurityDescriptor) // we got a security descriptor, so break
// NOTE we can't realloc m_pSecurityDescriptor to free its unused memory
// because dwSecDescSizeNeeded is 0 after successful call
else if(dwLastError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // we didn't get a security descriptor because buffer was too small: increase buffer size, realloc and continue.
Assert(m_dwSecDescSize < dwSecDescSizeNeeded);
// set member buffer size to just enough chunks to accommodate security descriptor size needed
if(NULL == (m_pSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(m_pSecurityDescriptor, m_dwSecDescSize))) THROW(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
else { // we didn't get a security descriptor for some random reason: return failure
fRet = FALSE; break; }
return fRet; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::UnmapFile Unmaps a memory-mapped file NOTE this leaves the filemap's path-info and path-tran members intact
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::CFileMap::UnmapFile ( ) { if(m_pbStartOfFile != NULL) if(!UnmapViewOfFile(m_pbStartOfFile)) THROW(E_FAIL);
if(m_hMap!= NULL) if(!CloseHandle(m_hMap)) THROW(E_FAIL);
if(m_hFile != NULL && m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if(!CloseHandle(m_hFile)) THROW(E_FAIL);
// Null-ify ptr and handles, since MapFile checks for non-null
m_pbStartOfFile = NULL; m_hMap = NULL; m_hFile = NULL; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::CountChars Count the number of characters in the (open) filemap
Returns: # of characters in the file
*/ DWORD CTemplate::CFileMap::CountChars ( WORD wCodePage ) { // Bug 84284: Scripts containing object tags only do not have the DBCS table built
// (Because there is no line mapping table to base it from)
CTemplate::COffsetInfo *pOffsetInfoLast, oiZero; pOffsetInfoLast = (m_rgByte2DBCS.length() == 0) ? &oiZero : &m_rgByte2DBCS[m_rgByte2DBCS.length() - 1];
// If GetSize() fails don't count the remaining DBCS characters - otherwise an AV
DWORD cchFilemap = GetSize(); if (cchFilemap != 0xFFFFFFFF && cchFilemap != 0) { // Count DBCS characters
m_cChars = pOffsetInfoLast->m_cchOffset + CharAdvDBCS(wCodePage, reinterpret_cast<char *>(m_pbStartOfFile + pOffsetInfoLast->m_cbOffset), reinterpret_cast<char *>(m_pbStartOfFile + cchFilemap), INFINITE, NULL);
} else { m_cChars = 0; }
// Done counting DBCS characters
return m_cChars; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CFileMap::GetText From a character offset and length, return the document text
File must be mapped */ HRESULT CTemplate::CFileMap::GetText ( WORD wCodePage, ULONG cchSourceOffset, WCHAR *pwchText, SOURCE_TEXT_ATTR *pTextAttr, ULONG *pcChars, ULONG cMaxChars ) { ULONG cCharsCopied; if (pcChars == NULL) pcChars = &cCharsCopied;
// Map the file (temporarily) if not mapped
BOOL fRemapFile = !FIsMapped(); TRY RemapFile(); CATCH (dwException) return E_FAIL; END_TRY
/* Find the byte offset closest to cchSourceOffset. This will be
* the place where we start looping with CharNext() to get the full * byte offset. */ COffsetInfo *pOffsetInfoLE = NULL, OffsetInfoT;
* NOTE: compilation is done in two phases. * Errors are detected and reported in phase 1. * The DBCS mapping is created in phase 2. * * If an error occurred during compilation, the DBCS table does not exist. * If there is no DBCS mapping table, then pretend like we found entry with * nearest offset == 0. (unless this is SBCS in which case nearest * offset == cchSourceOffset) */ if (m_rgByte2DBCS.length() == 0) { CPINFO CpInfo; GetCPInfo(wCodePage, &CpInfo); OffsetInfoT.m_cbOffset = OffsetInfoT.m_cchOffset = (CpInfo.MaxCharSize == 1)? cchSourceOffset : 0; pOffsetInfoLE = &OffsetInfoT; } else GetBracketingPair( cchSourceOffset, // value to search for
m_rgByte2DBCS.begin(), // beginning of array to search
m_rgByte2DBCS.end(), // end of array
CCharOffsetOrder(), // order by character offsets
&pOffsetInfoLE, // desired offset
static_cast<COffsetInfo **>(NULL) // don't care
/* OK - pOffsetLE->cbOffset contains the closest offset not exceeding
* cchSourceOffset. Iterate over the remainder of the characters * to convert the cch to a cb. It had better exist! */ Assert (pOffsetInfoLE != NULL);
// Advance over remaining characters
char *pchStart; CharAdvDBCS(wCodePage, reinterpret_cast<char *>(m_pbStartOfFile + pOffsetInfoLE->m_cbOffset), reinterpret_cast<char *>(m_pbStartOfFile + GetSize()), cchSourceOffset - pOffsetInfoLE->m_cchOffset, &pchStart );
// Compute # of Characters to copy
Assert (m_cChars >= cchSourceOffset); *pcChars = min(cMaxChars, m_cChars - cchSourceOffset);
// Compute # of Bytes to copy
char *pchEnd; CharAdvDBCS(wCodePage, pchStart, reinterpret_cast<char *>(m_pbStartOfFile + GetSize()), *pcChars, &pchEnd );
if (pwchText) MultiByteToWideChar( (WORD)wCodePage, 0, pchStart, DIFF(pchEnd - pchStart), pwchText, cMaxChars );
// We don't support syntax coloring, so set all the character attributes to
// default color (black)
if (pTextAttr) memset(pTextAttr, 0, *pcChars);
// Unmap the file (but only if we previously remapped it)
if (fRemapFile) TRY UnmapFile(); CATCH (dwException) return E_FAIL; END_TRY
return S_OK; }
/* ****************************************************************************
CTemplate::CTokenList member functions */
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CTokenList::Init Populates token list with tokens
Returns Nothing Side effects None */ void CTemplate::CTokenList::Init ( ) { // Init tokens buffer for local storage
m_bufTokens.Init(tkncAll, CB_TOKENS_DEFAULT);
// append tokens to buffer
// NOTE 'superset' token must precede 'subset' token (e.g. <!--#INCLUDE before <!--)
AppendToken(tknOpenPrimaryScript, "<%"); AppendToken(tknOpenTaggedScript, "<SCRIPT"); AppendToken(tknOpenObject, "<OBJECT"); AppendToken(tknOpenHTMLComment, "<!--");
AppendToken(tknNewLine, SZ_NEWLINE);
AppendToken(tknClosePrimaryScript, "%>"); AppendToken(tknCloseTaggedScript, "</SCRIPT>"); AppendToken(tknCloseObject, "</OBJECT>"); AppendToken(tknCloseHTMLComment, "-->"); AppendToken(tknEscapedClosePrimaryScript, "%\\>");
AppendToken(tknCloseTag, ">");
AppendToken(tknCommandINCLUDE, "#INCLUDE");
AppendToken(tknTagRunat, "RUNAT"); AppendToken(tknTagLanguage, "LANGUAGE"); AppendToken(tknTagCodePage, "CODEPAGE"); AppendToken(tknTagCodePage, "LCID"); AppendToken(tknTagTransacted, "TRANSACTION"); AppendToken(tknTagSession, "ENABLESESSIONSTATE"); AppendToken(tknTagID, "ID"); AppendToken(tknTagClassID, "CLASSID"); AppendToken(tknTagProgID, "PROGID"); AppendToken(tknTagScope, "SCOPE"); AppendToken(tknTagVirtual, "VIRTUAL"); AppendToken(tknTagFile, "FILE"); AppendToken(tknTagMETADATA, "METADATA"); // AppendToken(tknTagSetPriScriptLang, "@");
AppendToken(tknTagName, "NAME"); AppendToken(tknValueTypeLib, "TYPELIB"); AppendToken(tknTagType, "TYPE"); AppendToken(tknTagUUID, "UUID"); AppendToken(tknTagVersion, "VERSION"); AppendToken(tknTagStartspan, "STARTSPAN"); AppendToken(tknTagEndspan, "ENDSPAN"); AppendToken(tknValueCookie, "COOKIE"); AppendToken(tknTagSrc, "SRC");
AppendToken(tknValueServer, "Server"); AppendToken(tknValueApplication, "Application"); AppendToken(tknValueSession, "Session"); AppendToken(tknValuePage, "Page");
AppendToken(tknVBSCommentSQuote, "'"); AppendToken(tknVBSCommentRem, "REM "); // NOTE ends with space character
AppendToken(tknTagFPBot, "webbot");
AppendToken(tknEOF, "");
AppendToken(tkncAll, "");
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CTokenList::AppendToken Appends a string to tokens buffer NOTE we keep the unused tkn parameter because it enforces consistency and readability in CTemplate::CTokenList::Init(), e.g. AppendToken(tknOpenPrimaryScript, "<%"); rather than AppendToken("<%");
Returns: Nothing Side effects: None */ void CTemplate::CTokenList::AppendToken ( _TOKEN tkn, // token value
char* sz // token string
) { // construct byte range from token string
CByteRange br; br.m_pb = (BYTE*) sz; br.m_cb = strlen(sz);
// append to tokens buffer as local string
m_bufTokens.Append(br, TRUE, 0, NULL, TRUE); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CTokenList::NextOpenToken Returns value of next open token in search range
Returns token value of next open token in search range; ptr to ptr to open token (out-parameter) Side effects None */ _TOKEN CTemplate::CTokenList::NextOpenToken ( CByteRange& brSearch, // search byte range
TOKEN* rgtknOpeners, // array of permitted open tokens
UINT ctknOpeners, // count of permitted open tokens
BYTE** ppbToken, // ptr to ptr to open token (out-parameter)
LONG lCodePage ) { BYTE* pbTemp = NULL; // temp pointer
_TOKEN tkn = tknEOF; // return value
USHORT i; // loop index
// Init caller's token ptr to null
*ppbToken = NULL;
// If input is empty, return
if (brSearch.IsNull()) return tkn;
// Prepare array of LPSTR pointers to tokens.
// Do it here once, because to get LPSTR is not free.
for (i = 0; i < ctknOpeners; i++) { LPSTR pszStr = m_bufTokens.PszLocal((UINT)(rgtknOpeners[i])); rgszTokens[i] = pszStr; rgcchTokens[i] = (pszStr != NULL) ? strlen(pszStr) : 0; }
// Call a method to find one of the strings in the range
UINT idToken; pbTemp = brSearch.PbOneOfAspOpenerStringTokens( rgszTokens, rgcchTokens, ctknOpeners, &idToken); if (pbTemp != NULL) { *ppbToken = pbTemp; tkn = rgtknOpeners[idToken]; }
// If we found no open token, position token pointer at end of search range
if (tkn == tknEOF) *ppbToken = brSearch.m_pb + brSearch.m_cb;
return tkn; }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CTokenList::MovePastToken Moves a byte range past a token contained within it */ void CTemplate::CTokenList::MovePastToken ( _TOKEN tkn, BYTE* pbToken, CByteRange& brSearch ) { Assert(pbToken >= brSearch.m_pb); Assert(brSearch.m_cb >= (DIFF(pbToken - brSearch.m_pb) + CCH_TOKEN_X(tkn))); brSearch.Advance(DIFF(pbToken - brSearch.m_pb) + CCH_TOKEN_X(tkn)); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::CTokenList::GetToken Gets the next occurrence of a token within a byte range.
Returns: ptr to token Side effects none */ BYTE* CTemplate::CTokenList::GetToken ( TOKEN tkn, CByteRange& brSearch, LONG lCodePage ) { return brSearch.PbString(m_bufTokens.PszLocal((UINT)tkn), lCodePage); }
/* ============================================================================
The Big Three for CTemplateConnPt
NOTES: Since this interface is embedded in CTemplate, AddRef() and Release() delegate to the container object (because that is the CTemplate pointer) */ HRESULT CTemplateConnPt::QueryInterface(const GUID &uidInterface, void **ppvObj) { if (uidInterface == IID_IUnknown || uidInterface == IID_IConnectionPoint) { *ppvObj = this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { *ppvObj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
ULONG CTemplateConnPt::AddRef() { return m_pUnkContainer->AddRef(); }
ULONG CTemplateConnPt::Release() { return m_pUnkContainer->Release(); }
/* ============================================================================
Constructor for CDocNode */ CTemplate::CDocNodeElem::CDocNodeElem(CAppln *pAppln, IDebugApplicationNode *pDocRoot) { Assert (pAppln != NULL); Assert (pDocRoot != NULL);
(m_pAppln = pAppln)->AddRef(); (m_pDocRoot = pDocRoot)->AddRef(); }
/* ============================================================================
Destructor for CDocNode */ CTemplate::CDocNodeElem::~CDocNodeElem() { m_pAppln->Release(); DestroyDocumentTree(m_pDocRoot); }
/* ============================================================================
CTemplate::fIsLangVBScriptOrJScript(USHORT idEngine)
This function returns T/F to determine if the requested script engine is VBScript or JScript. This function is used as an indicator to determin if spaces need to be preserved for non MS Scripting languages
There is an assumption here that the GUIDs for VBScript and JScript will not change
Inputs Index to a script engine
Returns BOOL */ BOOLB CTemplate::FIsLangVBScriptOrJScript(USHORT idEngine) { // {b54f3741-5b07-11cf-a4b0-00aa004a55e8} VBScript
static const GUID uid_VBScript = {0xb54f3741, 0x5b07, 0x11cf, {0xa4, 0xb0, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x55, 0xe8}};
// {f414c260-6ac0-11cf-b6d1-00aa00bbbb58} JavaScript
static const GUID uid_JScript = {0xf414c260, 0x6ac0, 0x11cf, {0xb6, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0x58}};
// {b54f3743-5b07-11cf-a4b0-00aa004a55e8} VBScript.Encode
static const GUID uid_VBScriptEncode = {0xb54f3743, 0x5b07, 0x11cf, {0xa4, 0xb0, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4a, 0x55, 0xe8}};
// {f414c262-6ac0-11cf-b6d1-00aa00bbbb58} JavaScript.Encode
static const GUID uid_JScriptEncode = {0xf414c262, 0x6ac0, 0x11cf, {0xb6, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0x58}};
GUID &uidLang = m_pWorkStore->m_ScriptStore.m_rgProgLangId[idEngine]; return uidLang == uid_VBScript || uidLang == uid_VBScriptEncode || uidLang == uid_JScript || uidLang == uid_JScriptEncode; }
SIZE_T _RoundUp( SIZE_T dwBytes) { #if 1
// 16KB <= dwBytes? Round up to next multiple of 4KB
if (16*1024 <= dwBytes) dwBytes = ((dwBytes + (1<<12) - 1) >> 12) << 12;
// 4KB <= dwBytes < 16KB? Round up to next multiple of 1KB
else if (4*1024 <= dwBytes) dwBytes = ((dwBytes + (1<<10) - 1) >> 10) << 10;
// 1KB <= dwBytes < 4KB? Round up to next multiple of 256 bytes
else if (1024 <= dwBytes) dwBytes = ((dwBytes + (1<<8) - 1) >> 8) << 8;
// dwBytes < 1KB? Round up to next multiple of 32 bytes
else dwBytes = ((dwBytes + (1<<5) - 1) >> 5) << 5; #endif
return dwBytes; }
void* CTemplate::SmallMalloc(SIZE_T dwBytes) { DBG_ASSERT(sm_hSmallHeap != NULL); dwBytes = _RoundUp(dwBytes); return ::HeapAlloc(sm_hSmallHeap, 0, dwBytes); }
void* CTemplate::SmallReAlloc(void* pvMem, SIZE_T dwBytes) { DBG_ASSERT(sm_hSmallHeap != NULL); dwBytes = _RoundUp(dwBytes); return ::HeapReAlloc(sm_hSmallHeap, 0, pvMem, dwBytes); }
void CTemplate::SmallFree(void* pvMem) { DBG_ASSERT(sm_hSmallHeap != NULL); ::HeapFree(sm_hSmallHeap, 0, pvMem); }
void* CTemplate::LargeMalloc(SIZE_T dwBytes) { DBG_ASSERT(sm_hLargeHeap != NULL); dwBytes = _RoundUp(dwBytes); return ::HeapAlloc(sm_hLargeHeap, 0, dwBytes); }
void* CTemplate::LargeReAlloc(void* pvMem, SIZE_T dwBytes) { DBG_ASSERT(sm_hLargeHeap != NULL); dwBytes = _RoundUp(dwBytes); return ::HeapReAlloc(sm_hLargeHeap, 0, pvMem, dwBytes); }
void CTemplate::LargeFree(void* pvMem) { DBG_ASSERT(sm_hLargeHeap != NULL); ::HeapFree(sm_hLargeHeap, 0, pvMem); }