/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1993 **/ /**********************************************************************/
This module contains implementation of the Asynchronous Accept Pool package.
Functions exported by this module:
AapInitialize AapTerminate AapAcquire AapRelease AapAccept AapAbort
FILE HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
#include "ftpdp.hxx"
// Private constants.
#define AapLockLists() EnterCriticalSection( &p_AapListLock )
#define AapUnlockLists() LeaveCriticalSection( &p_AapListLock )
// Private types.
typedef enum _AAP_STATE { AapStateFirst = -1, // Must be first aap state!
AapStateIdle, // Idle.
AapStateActive, // Waiting for incoming connection.
AapStateAbort, // Aborting, return to idle.
AapStateShutdown, // Shutting down.
AapStateLast // Must be last aap state!
#define IS_VALID_AAP_STATE(x) (((x) > AapStateFirst) && ((x) < AapStateLast))
typedef struct _AAP_CONTEXT { //
// Structure signature, for safety's sake.
// Links onto a list of idle/active contexts.
LIST_ENTRY ContextList;
// Current state.
// The listening socket.
SOCKET ListeningSocket;
// An event object for synchronizing with the worker thread.
HANDLE EventHandle;
// A handle to the worker thread for synchronizing shutdown.
HANDLE ThreadHandle;
// The callback associated with this context.
// A user-definable context.
LPVOID UserContext;
#if DBG
#define INIT_AAP_SIG(p) ((p)->Signature = AAP_SIGNATURE)
#define KILL_AAP_SIG(p) ((p)->Signature = AAP_SIGNATURE_X)
#define IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT(p) (((p) != NULL) && ((p)->Signature == AAP_SIGNATURE))
#else // !DBG
#define INIT_AAP_SIG(p) ((void)(p))
#define KILL_AAP_SIG(p) ((void)(p))
#define IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT(p) (((void)(p)), TRUE)
#endif // DBG
// Private globals.
LIST_ENTRY p_AapIdleList; LIST_ENTRY p_AapActiveList; CRITICAL_SECTION p_AapListLock; DWORD p_AapIdleCount;
// Private prototypes.
LPAAP_CONTEXT AappCreateContext( VOID );
VOID AappFreeResources( LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext );
DWORD AappWorkerThread( LPVOID Param );
// Public functions.
NAME: AapInitialize
SYNOPSIS: Initializes the AAP package.
EXIT: APIERR - 0 if successful, !0 if not.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ APIERR AapInitialize( VOID ) { IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "in AapInitialize\n" )); }
// Initialize the critical section.
// Initialize the worker lists.
InitializeListHead( &p_AapIdleList ); InitializeListHead( &p_AapActiveList );
p_AapIdleCount = 0;
// Success!
return 0;
} // AapInitialize
NAME: AapTerminate
SYNOPSIS: Terminates the AAP package.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ VOID AapTerminate( VOID ) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry;
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "in AapTerminate\n" )); }
// Lock the lists.
// Scan the idle list and blow them away.
Entry = p_AapIdleList.Flink;
while( Entry != &p_AapIdleList ) { LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext;
AapContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( Entry, AAP_CONTEXT, ContextList ); Entry = Entry->Flink; DBG_ASSERT( IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT( AapContext ) ); DBG_ASSERT( AapContext->State == AapStateIdle );
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapTerminate: killing idle context @ %08lX\n", AapContext )); }
// Set the state to closing so the thread will know to exit.
AapContext->State = AapStateShutdown;
// Signal the event to wake up the thread.
DBG_ASSERT( AapContext->EventHandle != NULL ); TCP_REQUIRE( SetEvent( AapContext->EventHandle ) ); }
// Scan the active list and blow them away.
Entry = p_AapActiveList.Flink;
while( Entry != &p_AapActiveList ) { LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext; SOCKET Socket;
AapContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( Entry, AAP_CONTEXT, ContextList ); Entry = Entry->Flink; DBG_ASSERT( IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT( AapContext ) ); DBG_ASSERT( AapContext->State == AapStateActive );
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapTerminate: killing active context @ %08lX\n", AapContext )); }
// Set the state to closing so the thread will know to exit.
AapContext->State = AapStateShutdown;
// Close the listening socket to wake up the thread.
Socket = AapContext->ListeningSocket; DBG_ASSERT( Socket != INVALID_SOCKET ); AapContext->ListeningSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
TCP_REQUIRE( closesocket( Socket ) == 0 );
DBG_ASSERT( AapContext->EventHandle != NULL ); TCP_REQUIRE( SetEvent( AapContext->EventHandle ) ); }
// Wait for the worker threads to exit. Note that the list
// lock is currently held.
for( ; ; ) { LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext;
// Find a thread to wait on. If both lists are empty,
// then we're done.
if( IsListEmpty( &p_AapIdleList ) ) { if( IsListEmpty( &p_AapActiveList ) ) { break; }
AapContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( p_AapActiveList.Flink, AAP_CONTEXT, ContextList ); } else { AapContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( p_AapIdleList.Flink, AAP_CONTEXT, ContextList ); }
DBG_ASSERT( IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT( AapContext ) ); DBG_ASSERT( AapContext->State == AapStateShutdown );
// Unlock the lists, wait for the thread to exit, then
// relock the lists.
AapUnlockLists(); WaitForSingleObject( AapContext->ThreadHandle, INFINITE ); AapLockLists();
// Note that worker threads will neither close their thread
// handles nor free their AAP_CONTEXT structures during shutdown.
// This is our responsibility.
AappFreeResources( AapContext ); }
DBG_ASSERT( p_AapIdleCount == 0 );
// Unlock the lists.
} // AapTerminate
NAME: AapAcquire
SYNOPSIS: Acquires an AAP socket/thread pair for a future asynchronous accept request.
ENTRY: AapCallback - Pointer to a callback function to be invoked when the accept() completes.
UserContext - An uninterpreted context value passed into the callback.
EXIT: AAP_HANDLE - A valid AAP handle if !NULL, NULL if an error occurred.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ AAP_HANDLE AapAcquire( LPAAP_CALLBACK AapCallback, LPVOID UserContext ) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext;
// Sanity check.
DBG_ASSERT( AapCallback != NULL );
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapAcquire: callback @ %08lX, context = %08lX\n", AapCallback, UserContext )); }
// See if there's something available on the idle list.
if( !IsListEmpty( &p_AapIdleList ) ) { Entry = RemoveHeadList( &p_AapIdleList ); AapContext = CONTAINING_RECORD( Entry, AAP_CONTEXT, ContextList ); DBG_ASSERT( IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT( AapContext ) ); DBG_ASSERT( AapContext->State == AapStateIdle );
DBG_ASSERT( p_AapIdleCount > 0 ); p_AapIdleCount--;
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapAcquire: got idle context @ %08lX\n", AapContext )); } } else { //
// Create a new one.
AapContext = AappCreateContext(); }
if( AapContext != NULL ) { //
// Initialize it.
AapContext->AapCallback = AapCallback; AapContext->UserContext = UserContext; AapContext->State = AapStateActive;
// Put it on the active list.
InsertHeadList( &p_AapActiveList, &AapContext->ContextList ); }
// Unlock the lists & return the (potentially NULL) context.
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapAcquire: returning context @ %08lX\n", AapContext )); }
return AapContext;
} // AapAcquire
NAME: AapRelease
SYNOPSIS: Releases an open AAP handle and makes the associated socket/thread pair available for use.
ENTRY: AapHandle - A valid AAP handle returned by AapAcquire(). After this API completes, the handle is no longer valid.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ VOID AapRelease( AAP_HANDLE AapHandle ) { //
// Sanity check.
DBG_ASSERT( IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT( AapHandle ) ); DBG_ASSERT( AapHandle->State == AapStateActive );
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapRelease: releasing context @ %08lX\n", AapHandle )); }
// Lock the lists.
// let it decide how to handle this.
AapHandle->State = AapStateAbort;
DBG_ASSERT( AapHandle->EventHandle != NULL ); TCP_REQUIRE( SetEvent( AapHandle->EventHandle ) );
// Unlock the lists.
} // AapRelease
NAME: AapAccept
SYNOPSIS: Initiates an accept(). The callback associated with the AAP handle will be invoked when the accept() completes.
ENTRY: AapHandle - A valid AAP handle returned by AapAcquire().
EXIT: APIERR - 0 if successful, !0 if not.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ APIERR AapAccept( AAP_HANDLE AapHandle ) { //
// Sanity check.
DBG_ASSERT( IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT( AapHandle ) ); DBG_ASSERT( AapHandle->State == AapStateActive );
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapAccept: context @ %08lX\n", AapHandle )); }
// Release the worker thread.
TCP_REQUIRE( SetEvent( AapHandle->EventHandle ) );
return 0;
} // AapAccept
NAME: AapAbort
SYNOPSIS: Aborts a pending accept().
ENTRY: AapHandle - A valid AAP handle returned by AapAcquire().
EXIT: APIERR - 0 if successful, !0 if not.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ APIERR AapAbort( AAP_HANDLE AapHandle ) { //
// Sanity check.
DBG_ASSERT( IS_VALID_AAP_CONTEXT( AapHandle ) ); DBG_ASSERT( AapHandle->State == AapStateActive );
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AapAbort: context @ %08lX\n", AapHandle )); }
// Just zap the listening handle. The worker thread will clean
// up after itself.
TCP_REQUIRE( closesocket( AapHandle->ListeningSocket ) == 0 );
return 0;
} // AapAbort
// Private functions.
NAME: AappCreateContext
SYNOPSIS: Creates a new AAP context, including the associated thread, socket, and synchronization objects.
RETURNS: LPAAP_CONTEXT - The newly created context if successful, NULL otherwise.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ LPAAP_CONTEXT AappCreateContext( VOID ) { LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext; SOCKADDR_IN LocalAddress; DWORD ThreadId;
// Create the context structure.
if( AapContext == NULL ) { DBGERROR(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappCreateContext: allocation failure\n" ));
goto FatalExit0; }
RtlZeroMemory( AapContext, sizeof(AAP_CONTEXT) ); INIT_AAP_SIG( AapContext );
// Create the listening socket.
AapContext->ListeningSocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
if( AapContext->ListeningSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { DBGERROR(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappCreateContext: socket() failure %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ));
goto FatalExit1; }
LocalAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; LocalAddress.sin_port = 0; LocalAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
if( bind( AapContext->ListeningSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&LocalAddress, sizeof(LocalAddress) ) != 0 ) { DBGERROR(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappCreateContext: bind() failure %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ));
goto FatalExit2; }
if( listen( AapContext->ListeningSocket, 2 ) != 0 ) { DBGERROR(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappCreateContext: listen() failure %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ));
goto FatalExit2; }
// Create the event object.
AapContext->EventHandle = CreateEvent( NULL, // lpEventAttributes
FALSE, // bManualReset
FALSE, // bInitialState
NULL ); // lpName
if( AapContext->EventHandle == NULL ) { DBGWARN(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappCreateContext: CreateEvent() failure %d\n", GetLastError() ));
goto FatalExit2; }
// Create the worker thread.
AapContext->ThreadHandle = CreateThread( NULL, // lpsa
0, // cbStack
AappWorkerThread, // lpStartAddr
AapContext, // lpvThreadParm
0, // fdwCreate
&ThreadId ); // lpIDThread
if( AapContext->ThreadHandle == NULL ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappCreateContext: CreateThread() failure %d\n", GetLastError() ));
goto FatalExit3; }
// Success!
return AapContext;
// Cleanup from various levels of fatal error.
CloseHandle( AapContext->EventHandle );
closesocket( AapContext->ListeningSocket );
TCP_FREE( AapContext );
return NULL;
} // AappCreateContext
NAME: AappFreeResources
SYNOPSIS: Frees the system resources associated with a given AAP_CONTEXT structure, then frees the structure itself.
NOTE: This routine MUST be called with the list lock held!
ENTRY: AapContext - The AAP_CONTEXT structure to free.
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ VOID AappFreeResources( LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext ) { //
// Sanity check.
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGWARN(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappFreeResource: context @ %08lX\n", AapContext )); }
// Close the thread handle if open.
if( AapContext->ThreadHandle != NULL ) { CloseHandle( AapContext->ThreadHandle ); }
// Remove this structure from the list.
RemoveEntryList( &AapContext->ContextList );
// Free the structure.
KILL_AAP_SIG( AapContext ); TCP_FREE( AapContext );
} // AappFreeResources
NAME: AappWorkerThread
SYNOPSIS: Worker thread for accept()ing incoming connections.
ENTRY: Param - Actually the LPAAP_CONTEXT structure for this thread.
RETURNS: DWORD - Thread exit code (ignored).
HISTORY: KeithMo 01-Mar-1995 Created.
********************************************************************/ DWORD AappWorkerThread( LPVOID Param ) { LPAAP_CONTEXT AapContext; AAP_STATE AapState; LPAAP_CALLBACK AapCallback; LPVOID UserContext; DWORD WaitResult; BOOL CallbackResult; SOCKET ListeningSocket; SOCKET AcceptedSocket; SOCKERR SocketStatus; INT RemoteAddressLength; SOCKADDR_IN RemoteAddress;
// Grab the context structure.
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappWorkerThread: starting, context @ %08lX\n", AapContext )); }
// Capture some fields from the structure.
AapCallback = AapContext->AapCallback; UserContext = AapContext->UserContext; ListeningSocket = AapContext->ListeningSocket;
// Loop forever, or at least until we're told to shutdown.
for( ; ; ) { //
// Wait for a request.
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject( AapContext->EventHandle, INFINITE );
if( WaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { DBGWARN(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappWorkerThread: wait failure %lu : %d\n", WaitResult, GetLastError() ));
break; }
// Check our state.
AapLockLists(); AapState = AapContext->State; AapUnlockLists();
if( AapState == AapStateShutdown ) { IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappWorkerThread: context @ %08lX state == %d, exiting\n", AapContext, AapState )); }
break; }
for( ; ; ) { //
// Wait for an incoming connection.
RemoteAddressLength = sizeof(RemoteAddress);
AcceptedSocket = accept( ListeningSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&RemoteAddress, &RemoteAddressLength );
SocketStatus = ( AcceptedSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) ? WSAGetLastError() : 0;
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { if( SocketStatus != 0 ) { DBGERROR(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappWorkerThread: accept() failure %d\n", SocketStatus )); } }
// Invoke the callback.
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappWorkerThread: context @ %08lX calling %08lX[%08lX]\n", AapContext, AapCallback, UserContext )); }
CallbackResult = AapCallback( UserContext, SocketStatus, AcceptedSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&RemoteAddress, RemoteAddressLength );
// If the callback returned FALSE (indicating that it wants no
// further callbacks) OR if the accept() failed for any reason,
// then exit the accept() loop.
if( !CallbackResult || ( SocketStatus != 0 ) ) { break; } }
// If we hit a socket error, then bail.
if( SocketStatus != 0 ) { IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGWARN(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappWorkerThread: context @ %08lX, exiting\n", AapContext )); }
break; }
// If we haven't exhausted the idle thread quota, then add
// ourselves to the idle list. Otherwise, exit the main
// processing loop & terminate this thread.
if( ( AapContext->State == AapStateShutdown ) || ( p_AapIdleCount >= MAX_IDLE_THREADS ) ) { AapUnlockLists(); break; }
RemoveEntryList( &AapContext->ContextList );
AapContext->State = AapStateIdle; InsertHeadList( &p_AapIdleList, &AapContext->ContextList ); p_AapIdleCount++;
IF_DEBUG( AAP ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "AappWorkerThread: context @ %08lX put on idle list\n", AapContext )); }
AapUnlockLists(); }
// We only make it this far if it's time to die.
if( AapContext->State != AapStateShutdown ) { TCP_REQUIRE( CloseHandle( AapContext->EventHandle ) ); TCP_REQUIRE( CloseHandle( AapContext->ThreadHandle ) ); TCP_REQUIRE( closesocket( AapContext->ListeningSocket ) == 0 );
AappFreeResources( AapContext ); }
return 0;
} // AappWorkerThread