Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Contains internal support routines for transmit file
Author: Johnson Apacible (johnsona) 26-Mar-1996
#include "isatq.hxx"
// Size of buffers for fake xmits
VOID I_CleanupFakeTransmitFile( IN PATQ_CONT pContext ) { //
// Put the old completion routine back and free allocated buffers
pContext->pfnCompletion = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.pfnCompletion; pContext->ClientContext = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.ClientContext; if ( pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.pBuffer != NULL ) { LocalFree(pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.pBuffer); pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.pBuffer = NULL; }
// Clean up the event
if ( pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hOvEvent != NULL ) { CloseHandle( pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hOvEvent ); pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hOvEvent = NULL; } return;
} // I_CleanupFakeTransmitFile
VOID I_FakeTransmitFileCompletion( IN PVOID ClientContext, IN DWORD BytesWritten, IN DWORD CompletionStatus, IN OVERLAPPED * lpo ) { PATQ_CONT pContext; DWORD nWrite = 0; DWORD nRead; PCHAR buffer; INT err; PVOID tail; OVERLAPPED ov; OVERLAPPED *pov = &ov;
pContext = (PATQ_CONT)ClientContext; pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesWritten += BytesWritten;
if ( CompletionStatus != NO_ERROR ) {
// An error occured, call the completion routine
goto call_completion; }
// We already have a buffer of size g_cbXmitBufferSize
nRead = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesLeft; buffer = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.pBuffer; ATQ_ASSERT(buffer != NULL);
if ( nRead > 0 ) {
// Do the read at the specified offset
pov->OffsetHigh = 0; pov->Offset = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.FileOffset; pov->hEvent = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hOvEvent; ATQ_ASSERT(pov->hEvent != NULL); ResetEvent(pov->hEvent);
if (!ReadFile( pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hFile, buffer, g_cbXmitBufferSize, &nRead, pov ) ) {
err = GetLastError(); if ( (err != ERROR_IO_PENDING) || !GetOverlappedResult( pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hFile, pov, &nRead, TRUE )) {
CompletionStatus = GetLastError(); ATQ_PRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT,"ReadFile error %d\n",CompletionStatus)); goto call_completion; } }
// if nRead is zero, we reached the EOF.
if ( nRead > 0 ) {
// Update for next read
pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesLeft -= nRead; pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.FileOffset += nRead;
// Do the write
I_SetNextTimeout(pContext); pContext->BytesSent = nRead;
// Write to the socket
if ( !WriteFile( pContext->hAsyncIO, buffer, nRead, &nWrite, &pContext->Overlapped ) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) ) {
CompletionStatus = GetLastError(); ATQ_PRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "WriteFile error %d\n",CompletionStatus)); goto call_completion; }
return; } }
// Time for the tail. If one exist, send it synchronously and then
// call the completion routine
tail = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.Tail; if ( tail != NULL ) {
DWORD tailLength = pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.TailLength;
ATQ_ASSERT(tailLength > 0);
// Send it synchronously
err = send( HANDLE_TO_SOCKET(pContext->hAsyncIO), (PCHAR)tail, tailLength, 0 );
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { CompletionStatus = GetLastError(); } else { pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesWritten += err; } }
// cleanup and call real completion routine
I_CleanupFakeTransmitFile( pContext ); if ( pContext->pfnCompletion != NULL ) {
pContext->pfnCompletion( pContext->ClientContext, pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesWritten, CompletionStatus, lpo ); }
} // I_FakeTransmitFileCompletion
BOOL I_DoFakeTransmitFile( IN PATQ_CONT pContext, IN HANDLE hFile, IN DWORD dwBytesInFile, IN LPTRANSMIT_FILE_BUFFERS lpTransmitBuffers ) /*++
Routine Description:
Posts a completion status on the completion port queue
An IO pending error code is treated as a success error code
patqContext - pointer to ATQ context hFile - Handle to the file to be read. dwBytesInFile - Number of bytes to read in the file lpTransmitBuffers - the transmitfile structure
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE on error (call GetLastError)
--*/ {
PCHAR buffer = NULL; DWORD nWrite; DWORD nRead = 0; OVERLAPPED ov; INT err; DWORD cBuffer = 0; OVERLAPPED *pov = &ov; HANDLE hOvEvent = NULL;
INC_ATQ_COUNTER( g_cTotalAllowedRequests);
// See if we need to send a header
pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesWritten = 0; if ( lpTransmitBuffers != NULL ) {
// Store the tail
pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.Tail = lpTransmitBuffers->Tail; pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.TailLength = lpTransmitBuffers->TailLength;
if (lpTransmitBuffers->HeadLength > 0) { ATQ_ASSERT(lpTransmitBuffers->Head != NULL);
// Send it synchronously
err = send( HANDLE_TO_SOCKET(pContext->hAsyncIO), (PCHAR)lpTransmitBuffers->Head, lpTransmitBuffers->HeadLength, 0 );
if ( err == SOCKET_ERROR ) { ATQ_PRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error %d in send.\n",err)); return(FALSE); } pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesWritten += err; } }
// Check the number of bytes to send
if ( dwBytesInFile == 0 ) {
// Send the whole file.
dwBytesInFile = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); ATQ_ASSERT(dwBytesInFile >= pContext->Overlapped.Offset); dwBytesInFile -= pContext->Overlapped.Offset; }
// Allocate the io buffer
cBuffer = min( dwBytesInFile, g_cbXmitBufferSize ); if ( cBuffer > 0 ) {
// Read the first chunk of the body
buffer = (PCHAR)LocalAlloc( 0, cBuffer ); if ( buffer == NULL ) { ATQ_PRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Cannot allocate %d bytes for xmitfile\n",cBuffer)); return(FALSE); }
// Do the read at the specified offset
hOvEvent = pov->hEvent = IIS_CREATE_EVENT( "OVERLAPPED::hEvent", pov, TRUE, FALSE );
if ( hOvEvent == NULL ) { ATQ_PRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Create event failed with %d\n",GetLastError())); LocalFree( buffer ); return(FALSE); }
pov->OffsetHigh = 0; pov->Offset = pContext->Overlapped.Offset;
if (!ReadFile( hFile, buffer, cBuffer, &nRead, pov ) ) {
err = GetLastError(); if ( (err != ERROR_IO_PENDING) || !GetOverlappedResult( hFile, pov, &nRead, TRUE )) {
err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle( hOvEvent ); LocalFree( buffer ); SetLastError(err); ATQ_PRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "Error %d in readfile\n",err)); return(FALSE); } } }
// are we done reading the body?
if ( nRead < g_cbXmitBufferSize ) {
// Done.
pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesLeft = 0; } else {
pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.BytesLeft = dwBytesInFile - nRead; pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.FileOffset = pContext->Overlapped.Offset + nRead; }
// store data for restarting the operation.
pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.pBuffer = buffer; pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hOvEvent = hOvEvent; pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.hFile = hFile;
// replace the completion function with our own
pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.pfnCompletion = pContext->pfnCompletion; pContext->arInfo.uop.opFakeXmit.ClientContext = pContext->ClientContext; pContext->pfnCompletion = I_FakeTransmitFileCompletion; pContext->ClientContext = pContext;
// Set the timeout
I_SetNextTimeout(pContext); pContext->BytesSent = nRead;
// Write to the socket
if ( !WriteFile( pContext->hAsyncIO, buffer, nRead, &nWrite, &pContext->Overlapped ) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)) {
err = GetLastError(); I_CleanupFakeTransmitFile( pContext ); SetLastError(err); return(FALSE); }
SetLastError(NO_ERROR); return(TRUE);
} // I_DoFakeTransmitFile