#include <windows.h>
#include "admcmn.h"
// For Net* calls:
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmwksta.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
// For CAddr:: calls:
#include "cpool.h"
#include "abook.h"
#include "abtype.h"
#include "address.hxx"
#include "webhlpr.h"
static HRESULT GetDCName ( LPCWSTR wszServer, LPCWSTR wszDomain, LPWSTR * pwszDC );
#if 0
// Taken from smtp/shash.hxx
#define TABLE_SIZE 241
static unsigned long ElfHash (const unsigned char * UserName);
static HRESULT RecursiveDeleteDirectory ( LPCWSTR wszPath );
// Exported functions:
HRESULT EnumerateTrustedDomains ( LPCWSTR wszComputer, LPWSTR * pmszDomains ) { _ASSERT ( wszComputer && *wszComputer ); _ASSERT ( pmszDomains );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwErr = NOERROR; LPWSTR mszDomains = NULL; DWORD cchDomains = 0; DWORD cchLocalDomain = 0; LPWSTR wszPrimaryDomain = NULL; DWORD cchPrimaryDomain = 0; LPWSTR wszCurrent; LPWSTR mszResult = NULL;
*pmszDomains = NULL;
// Get a list of the trusted 1st tier domains:
dwErr = NetEnumerateTrustedDomains ( const_cast <LPWSTR> (wszComputer), &mszDomains ); if ( dwErr != NOERROR ) { //
// This didn't work, but we should always add the primary
// domain & computer name. Make an empty multisz to signify
// no trusted domains.
dwErr = NetApiBufferAllocate ( 2 * sizeof ( WCHAR ), (LPVOID *) &mszDomains ); if ( dwErr != NOERROR ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwErr ) ); }
mszDomains[0] = NULL; mszDomains[1] = NULL; }
_ASSERT ( mszDomains ); if ( mszDomains == NULL ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, E_UNEXPECTED ); }
// Check for an empty domain list:
if ( mszDomains[0] == NULL && mszDomains[1] == NULL ) { cchDomains = 2; } else { wszCurrent = mszDomains; if ( mszDomains[0] == _T('\0') && mszDomains[1] == _T('\0') ) { } while ( wszCurrent && *wszCurrent ) { DWORD cchCurrent;
cchCurrent = lstrlen ( wszCurrent ) + 1; cchDomains += cchCurrent; wszCurrent += cchCurrent; } cchDomains += 1; // Terminating NULL
// Add the local machine and primary domain:
hr = GetPrimaryDomain ( wszComputer, &wszPrimaryDomain ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE ( hr );
// PREFIX flagged this as something we need to fix. Easier to
// add check than to argue.
if ( !wszPrimaryDomain ) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
_ASSERT ( wszPrimaryDomain ); cchPrimaryDomain = lstrlen ( wszPrimaryDomain ) + 1;
if ( wszPrimaryDomain[0] != _T('\\') || wszPrimaryDomain[1] != _T('\\') || lstrcmpi ( wszPrimaryDomain + 2, wszComputer ) ) {
// The primary domain isn't the local machine, so add the local
// machine to the list.
cchLocalDomain = lstrlen ( _T("\\\\") ) + lstrlen ( wszComputer ) + 1; } else { //
// The primary domain is the local machine - no need to add it twice.
cchLocalDomain = 0; }
mszResult = new WCHAR [ cchDomains + cchLocalDomain + cchPrimaryDomain]; if ( !mszResult ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
if ( cchLocalDomain ) { wsprintf ( mszResult, _T("\\\\%s"), wszComputer ); StringToUpper ( mszResult ); }
wsprintf ( mszResult + cchLocalDomain, _T("%s"), wszPrimaryDomain ); StringToUpper ( mszResult + cchLocalDomain );
// Copy the rest of the domains in the domain list:
CopyMemory ( mszResult + cchLocalDomain + cchPrimaryDomain, mszDomains, cchDomains * sizeof (WCHAR) );
*pmszDomains = mszResult;
Exit: if ( wszPrimaryDomain ) { delete [] wszPrimaryDomain; } if ( mszDomains ) { NetApiBufferFree ( mszDomains ); }
return hr; }
HRESULT GetPrimaryDomain ( LPCWSTR wszComputer, LPWSTR * pwszPrimaryDomain ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwErr = NOERROR; WKSTA_INFO_100 * pwkstaInfo = NULL; LPWSTR wszLangroup = NULL;
*pwszPrimaryDomain = NULL;
// Get the workstation info to get the primary domain:
dwErr = NetWkstaGetInfo ( const_cast <LPWSTR> (wszComputer), 100, (LPBYTE *)&pwkstaInfo ); if ( dwErr != NOERROR ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwErr ) ); }
_ASSERT ( pwkstaInfo );
wszLangroup = pwkstaInfo->wki100_langroup;
if ( wszLangroup && *wszLangroup ) { *pwszPrimaryDomain = new WCHAR [ lstrlen ( wszLangroup ) + 1 ]; if ( !*pwszPrimaryDomain ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE(hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
lstrcpy ( *pwszPrimaryDomain, wszLangroup ); } else { //
// If there is no primary domain, use the computer name prefixed
// by backslashes.
*pwszPrimaryDomain = new WCHAR [ 2 + lstrlen ( wszComputer ) + 1 ]; if ( !*pwszPrimaryDomain ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE(hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
wsprintf ( *pwszPrimaryDomain, _T("\\\\%s"), wszComputer ); } StringToUpper ( *pwszPrimaryDomain );
Exit: if ( pwkstaInfo ) { NetApiBufferFree ( pwkstaInfo ); } return hr; }
HRESULT CheckNTAccount ( LPCWSTR wszComputer, LPCWSTR wszUsername, BOOL * pfExists ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwErr = NOERROR; BOOL fFound; BYTE sidUser [ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD cbSid = ARRAY_SIZE ( sidUser ); WCHAR wszDomain [ 512 ]; DWORD cchDomain = ARRAY_SIZE ( wszDomain ); SID_NAME_USE nuUser;
*pfExists = FALSE;
fFound = LookupAccountName ( wszComputer, wszUsername, &sidUser, &cbSid, wszDomain, &cchDomain, &nuUser );
if ( !fFound ) { dwErr = GetLastError ( );
// The not found error is ERROR_NONE_MAPPED:
if ( dwErr != ERROR_NONE_MAPPED ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwErr ) ); } }
*pfExists = fFound;
Exit: return hr; }
HRESULT CreateNTAccount ( LPCWSTR wszComputer, LPCWSTR wszDomain, LPCWSTR wszUsername, LPCWSTR wszPassword // = ""
) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwErr = NOERROR; DWORD dwParmErr = 0; LPWSTR wszDC = NULL; USER_INFO_3 UserInfo; WCHAR wszNull[] = { 0 };
hr = GetDCName ( wszComputer, wszDomain, &wszDC ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
ZeroMemory ( &UserInfo, sizeof ( UserInfo ) );
UserInfo.usri3_name = const_cast <LPWSTR> (wszUsername); UserInfo.usri3_full_name = const_cast <LPWSTR> (wszUsername); UserInfo.usri3_password = const_cast <LPWSTR> (wszPassword); // UserInfo.usri3_password_age
UserInfo.usri3_priv = USER_PRIV_USER; UserInfo.usri3_home_dir = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_comment = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_flags = UF_SCRIPT | UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT; UserInfo.usri3_script_path = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_auth_flags = 0; UserInfo.usri3_usr_comment = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_parms = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_workstations = wszNull; // UserInfo.usri3_last_logon =;
// UserInfo.usri3_last_logoff =;
UserInfo.usri3_acct_expires = TIMEQ_FOREVER; UserInfo.usri3_max_storage = USER_MAXSTORAGE_UNLIMITED; // UserInfo.usri3_units_per_week =;
// UserInfo.usri3_logon_hours = NULL;
// UserInfo.usri3_bad_pw_count =;
// UserInfo.usri3_num_logons =;
UserInfo.usri3_logon_server = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_country_code = 0; UserInfo.usri3_code_page = CP_ACP; // UserInfo.usri3_user_id =;
UserInfo.usri3_primary_group_id = DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS; UserInfo.usri3_profile = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_home_dir_drive = wszNull; UserInfo.usri3_password_expired = FALSE;
// Add the user:
dwErr = NetUserAdd ( wszDC, 3, (LPBYTE) &UserInfo, &dwParmErr );
if ( dwErr != NOERROR ) { // TRACE ( _T("Failed to add user: %d, parmerr = %d\r\n"), dwErr, dwParmErr );
#if 0
// Attempt to add the user to the "USERS" group:
dwErr = NetGroupAddUser ( wszDC, // (LPWSTR) (LPCWSTR) CString ( strDC + L"\\Users" ),
(LPWSTR) (LPCWSTR) strUsername ); if ( dwErr != NOERROR ) { TRACE ( _T("Couldn't add user to USERS group: %d\r\n"), dwErr ); } #endif
Exit: delete wszDC;
return hr; }
LPCWSTR StripBackslashesFromComputerName ( LPCWSTR wsz ) { if ( wsz[0] == _T('\\') && wsz[1] == _T('\\') ) {
return wsz + 2; } else { return wsz; } }
static LPWSTR DuplicateString ( LPCWSTR wsz ) { LPWSTR wszResult;
_ASSERT ( wsz );
wszResult = new WCHAR [ lstrlen ( wsz ) + 1 ]; if ( wszResult ) { lstrcpy ( wszResult, wsz ); }
return wszResult; }
void StringToUpper ( LPWSTR wsz ) { while ( *wsz ) { *wsz = towupper ( *wsz ); wsz++; } }
HRESULT GetDCName ( LPCWSTR wszServer, LPCWSTR wszDomain, LPWSTR * pwszDC ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwError = NOERROR; LPWSTR wszServerCopy = NULL; LPWSTR wszDomainCopy = NULL; LPCWSTR wszPlainServer = NULL; LPCWSTR wszPlainDomain = NULL; LPWSTR wszDC = NULL;
if ( wszServer == NULL ) { wszServer = _T(""); }
wszServerCopy = DuplicateString ( wszServer ); wszDomainCopy = DuplicateString ( wszDomain );
if ( !wszServerCopy || !wszDomainCopy ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
StringToUpper ( wszServerCopy ); StringToUpper ( wszDomainCopy );
wszPlainServer = StripBackslashesFromComputerName ( wszServerCopy ); wszPlainDomain = StripBackslashesFromComputerName ( wszDomainCopy );
if ( ! lstrcmp ( wszPlainServer, wszPlainDomain ) ) {
*pwszDC = new WCHAR [ lstrlen (_T("\\\\")) + lstrlen (wszPlainServer) + 1 ]; if ( *pwszDC == NULL ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE(hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } wsprintf ( *pwszDC, _T("\\\\%s"), wszPlainServer ); goto Exit; }
dwError = NetGetDCName ( wszServer, wszDomain, (LPBYTE *) &wszDC ); if ( dwError != NOERROR ) {
// Error, try to get any DC name:
_ASSERT ( wszDC == NULL );
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( dwError );
dwError = NetGetAnyDCName ( wszServer, wszDomain, (LPBYTE *) &wszDC ); if ( dwError != NOERROR ) { goto Exit; } }
_ASSERT ( dwError == NOERROR ); _ASSERT ( wszDC[0] == _T('\\') ); _ASSERT ( wszDC[1] == _T('\\') );
*pwszDC = new WCHAR [ lstrlen ( wszDC ) + 1 ]; if ( *pwszDC == NULL ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE(hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } lstrcpy ( *pwszDC, wszDC );
Exit: delete wszServerCopy; delete wszDomainCopy;
if ( wszDC ) { NetApiBufferFree ( wszDC ); }
return hr; }
BOOL IsValidEmailAddress ( LPCWSTR wszEmailAddress ) { char szBuf[512]; int cchCopied;
cchCopied = WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, 0, wszEmailAddress, -1, szBuf, sizeof (szBuf), NULL, NULL );
if ( cchCopied == 0 ) { return FALSE; }
return CAddr::ValidateEmailName( szBuf, FALSE ); }
#if 0
HRESULT DeleteMailbox ( LPCWSTR wszServer, LPCWSTR wszAlias, LPCWSTR wszVDirPath, LPCWSTR wszUsername, // OPTIONAL
) { TraceFunctEnter ( "DeleteMailbox" );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; UCHAR szAlias[512]; ULONG lHashValue; DWORD cchMailboxPath; LPWSTR wszMailboxPath; LPCWSTR wszFormat;
if ( !wszServer || !wszAlias || !wszVDirPath ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, E_INVALIDARG ); }
if ( !*wszServer || !*wszAlias || !*wszVDirPath ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, E_INVALIDARG ); }
// Compute the mailbox hash value:
WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, 0, wszAlias, -1, (char *) szAlias, ARRAY_SIZE ( szAlias ), NULL, NULL );
DebugTrace ( 0, "Deleting mailbox for %s", szAlias );
lHashValue = ElfHash ( szAlias ) % TABLE_SIZE;
DebugTrace ( 0, "Hash value = %u", lHashValue );
// Compute the mailbox directory path,
// this is: <vdir path>\<alias hash>\<alias>
cchMailboxPath = lstrlen ( wszVDirPath ) + // <Virtual directory path>
1 + // '\'
20 + // <hash value>
1 + // '\'
lstrlen ( wszAlias ) + // <alias>
1; // null terminator
wszMailboxPath = new WCHAR [ cchMailboxPath ]; if ( !wszMailboxPath ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE ( hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
// Avoid too many '\'s
if ( wszVDirPath [ lstrlen ( wszVDirPath ) - 1 ] == _T('\\') ) { wszFormat = _T("%s%u\\%s"); } else { wszFormat = _T("%s\\%u\\%s"); }
wsprintf ( wszMailboxPath, wszFormat, wszVDirPath, lHashValue, wszAlias );
RecursiveDeleteDirectory ( wszMailboxPath );
Exit: TraceFunctLeave (); return hr; }
//---[ ElfHash() ]------------------------------------------------------------
// Pulled this function from the stacks project. Calculates the hash value
// given a username. The mailbox of a user is stored in a subdirectory of
// the form <virtual directory root>\<hash value%TABLE_SIZE>\<username>.
// The username is the lowercase of the name part of the proxy address for
// e.g. [email protected].
// Params:
// UserName The username to be hashed.
// Return: (HRESULT)
// NOERROR if success, ADSI error code if failed.
unsigned long ElfHash (const unsigned char * UserName) { unsigned long HashValue = 0, g;
while (*UserName) { HashValue = (HashValue << 4) + *UserName++; if( g = HashValue & 0xF0000000) HashValue ^= g >> 24;
HashValue &= ~g; }
return HashValue;
HRESULT RecursiveDeleteDirectory ( LPCWSTR wszPath ) { TraceFunctEnter ( "DeleteDirectory" );
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD cchOldCurrentDirectory; LPWSTR wszOldCurrentDirectory = NULL; DWORD cchPath = lstrlen ( wszPath ); HANDLE hSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA find; BOOL fOk = TRUE; HANDLE hFile;
// Save the current directory:
cchOldCurrentDirectory = GetCurrentDirectory ( 0, NULL ); _ASSERT ( cchOldCurrentDirectory > 0 ); wszOldCurrentDirectory = new WCHAR [ cchOldCurrentDirectory ]; if ( !wszOldCurrentDirectory ) { BAIL_WITH_FAILURE(hr, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } GetCurrentDirectory ( cchOldCurrentDirectory, wszOldCurrentDirectory );
// Set the current directory to the path:
SetCurrentDirectory ( wszPath );
// Create the search string:
hSearch = FindFirstFile ( _T("*.*"), &find ); while ( hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && fOk ) {
// Skip the . and .. directories:
if ( lstrcmp ( find.cFileName, _T(".") ) && lstrcmp ( find.cFileName, _T("..") ) ) {
if ( find.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { hr = RecursiveDeleteDirectory ( find.cFileName ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } else { //
// Delete this file:
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle ( hFile ); } // Otherwise, press on...
} }
// Get the next file:
fOk = FindNextFile ( hSearch, &find ); }
// Delete the directory:
if ( hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FindClose ( hSearch ); hSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle ( hFile ); }
Exit: if ( wszOldCurrentDirectory ) { //
// Restore the current directory:
SetCurrentDirectory ( wszOldCurrentDirectory ); delete wszOldCurrentDirectory; }
if ( hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { FindClose ( hSearch ); hSearch = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
TraceFunctLeave ( ); return hr; }