/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 **/ /**********************************************************************/
This module contains the http request class implementation
FILE HISTORY: Johnl 24-Aug-1994 Created MuraliK 16-May-1995 Modified LogInformation structure after adding additional fields. MuraliK 22-Jan-1996 Cache & use UNC impersonation. */
#include "w3p.hxx"
#include <inetinfo.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <issperr.h>
#include <imd.h>
#include <mb.hxx>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include "wamexec.hxx"
extern "C" { #include "md5.h"
#pragma warning( disable:4355 ) // 'this' used in base member initialization
// Hash defines
// Size of read during cert renegotiation phase
#define CERT_RENEGO_READ_SIZE (1024*4)
// CGI Header Prefix
// Private globals.
CHAR Slash[] = "/";
// This table contains the verbs we recognize
struct _HTTP_VERBS { TCHAR * pchVerb; // Verb name
UINT cchVerb; // Count of characters in verb
HTTP_VERB httpVerb; HTTP_REQUEST::PMFN_DOVERB pmfnVerb; // Pointer to member function
// Private Prototypes.
BOOL BuildCGIHeaderListInSTR( STR * pstr, HTTP_HEADERS * pHeaderList );
Maco support for ref/deref of CLIENT_CONN
HISTORY: DaveK 22-Sep-1997 Added ref logging to HTTP_REQUEST
NOTE callers to HR_LOG_REF_COUNT will not change ref count directly because HTTP_REQUEST can only change ref count by calling CLIENT_CONN::Ref/Deref. We use negative ref count here to indicate no change to ref count.
********************************************************************/ #if DBG
extern PTRACE_LOG g_pDbgCCRefTraceLog; #endif
#define HR_LOG_REF_COUNT() \
\ SHARED_LOG_REF_COUNT( \ - (int) QueryRefCount() \ , _pClientConn \ , this \ , _pWamRequest \ , _htrState \ ); \
// Functions.
SYNOPSIS: Http request object constructor
ENTRY: pClientConn - Client connection the request is being made on
NOTES: Constructor can't fail
HISTORY: Johnl 24-Aug-1994 Created
HTTP_REQUEST::HTTP_REQUEST( CLIENT_CONN * pClientConn, PVOID pvInitialBuff, DWORD cbInitialBuff ) : HTTP_REQ_BASE( pClientConn, pvInitialBuff, cbInitialBuff ), _pGetFile ( NULL ), _pWamRequest ( NULL ) { }
NAME: W3MetaDataFree
SYNOPSIS: Frees a formatted meta data object when it's not in use.
ENTRY: pObject - Pointer to the meta data object.
VOID W3MetaDataFree( PVOID pObject ) { PW3_METADATA pMD;
pMD = (PW3_METADATA)pObject;
delete pMD; }
NAME: ValidateURL
SYNOPSIS: WinSE 14424, added a function to check and make sure the URL is not being used to bypass the metabase settings
ENTRY: mb - Metabase Object szPath - The full metabase path
RETURNS: TRUE - URL is good FALSE - URL contains characters sequence which is meant to confuse the metabase. ie. "/foo./bar.asp"
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::ValidateURL( MB & mb, LPSTR szPath ) { UCHAR ch; FILETIME ft; LPSTR szPeriod = szPath; LPSTR szFirstPeriod;
while ( ( szPeriod ) && ( *szPeriod != '\0' ) ) { szPeriod = (PCHAR) _mbschr( (PUCHAR) szPeriod, '.' ); while ( ( szPeriod ) && ( *(szPeriod+1) != '/' ) && ( *(szPeriod+1) != '\\' ) && ( *(szPeriod+1) != '\0' ) ) { szPeriod = (PCHAR) _mbschr( (PUCHAR) szPeriod+1, '.' ); }
// This string does not contain a './' or '.\'
if (!szPeriod) { return TRUE; }
// find first period in this row of dots, /test.../test.htm
szFirstPeriod = szPeriod; while (*CharPrev(szPath,szFirstPeriod)=='.') { szFirstPeriod--; }
// Terminate Mini-String
ch = *(szPeriod + 1); *(szPeriod + 1) = '\0';
// Search for item in Metabase
if (FAILED(mb.QueryPMDCOM()->ComMDGetLastChangeTime(mb.QueryHandle(),(PUCHAR) szPath,&ft))) { // Item was not found, lets see if we can find it without the '.'
*szFirstPeriod = '\0';
if (SUCCEEDED(mb.QueryPMDCOM()->ComMDGetLastChangeTime(mb.QueryHandle(),(PUCHAR) szPath,&ft))) { // They are trying to bypass the name in the metabase, by using the '.'
*(szPeriod + 1) = ch; *szFirstPeriod = '.';
SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); return FALSE; } } // if (FAILED(mb.QueryPMDCOM()->ComMDGetLastChangeTime(mb.QueryHandle(),(PUCHAR) pszURL,&ft)))
*(szPeriod + 1) = ch; *szFirstPeriod = '.'; szPeriod++; } // while ( ( szPeriod ) && ( *szPeriod != '\0' ) )
return TRUE; } // ValidateURL
SYNOPSIS: Reads metadata for a URI, and formats it appropriately.
ENTRY: pszURL - URL to find metadata for pstrPhysicalPath - Physical path of strURL ppMetadata - Receives pointer to metadata object
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred (call GetLastError())
#define RMD_ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) {DBG_ASSERT(FALSE); delete pMD; return FALSE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::ReadMetaData( LPSTR pszURL, STR * pstrPhysicalPath, PW3_METADATA * ppMetaData ){ PW3_METADATA pMD; DWORD cbPath; DWORD dwDataSetNumber; DWORD dwDataSetSize; PVOID pCacheInfo; MB mb( (IMDCOM*) g_pInetSvc->QueryMDObject() ); LPSTR pszVrPath = NULL; INT ch; LPSTR pszInVr; LPSTR pszMinInVr; DWORD dwNeed; BUFFER bufTemp1; DWORD dwL; STACK_STR( strFullPath, MAX_PATH ); METADATA_ERROR_INFO MDErrorInfo;
DBG_ASSERT( ppMetaData != NULL );
*ppMetaData = NULL;
// First read the data set number, and see if we already have it
// cached. We don't do a full open in this case.
if (*pszURL == '*') { pszURL = Slash; }
if ( !strFullPath.Copy( QueryW3Instance()->QueryMDVRPath() ) || !strFullPath.Append( ( *pszURL == '/' ) ? pszURL + 1 : pszURL ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !ValidateURL( mb, strFullPath.QueryStr() ) ) { return FALSE; }
if (!mb.GetDataSetNumber( strFullPath.QueryStr(), &dwDataSetNumber )) { return FALSE; }
// See if we can find a matching data set already formatted.
pMD = (PW3_METADATA)TsFindMetaData(dwDataSetNumber, METACACHE_W3_SERVER_ID);
if (pMD == NULL) { pMD = new W3_METADATA;
if (pMD == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if ( !pMD->ReadMetaData( QueryW3Instance(), &mb, pszURL, &MDErrorInfo) ) { delete pMD; mb.Close();
SendMetaDataError(&MDErrorInfo); return FALSE; }
// We were succesfull, so try and add this metadata. There is a race
// condition where someone else could have added it while we were
// formatting. This is OK - we'll have two cached, but they should be
// consistent, and one of them will eventually time out. We could have
// AddMetaData check for this, and free the new one while returning a
// pointer to the old one if it finds one, but that isn't worthwhile
// now.
pCacheInfo = TsAddMetaData(pMD, W3MetaDataFree, dwDataSetNumber, METACACHE_W3_SERVER_ID );
*ppMetaData = pMD;
// Build physical path from VR_PATH & portion of URI not used to define VR_PATH
return pMD->BuildPhysicalPath( pszURL, pstrPhysicalPath ); }
BOOL W3_METADATA::BuildProviderList( CHAR *pszProviders ) /*++
Routine Description:
Builds an array of SSPI Authentication providers
pszProviders - Comma separated list of providers
TRUE if we succeed, FALSE if we don't.
--*/ { BOOL fRet = TRUE; INET_PARSER Parser( pszProviders ); DWORD cProv = 0;
while ( m_apszNTProviders[cProv] ) { TCP_FREE( m_apszNTProviders[cProv] ); m_apszNTProviders[cProv++] = NULL; }
Parser.SetListMode( TRUE );
cProv = 0; while ( cProv < (MAX_SSPI_PROVIDERS-1) && *Parser.QueryToken() ) { m_apszNTProviders[cProv] = (CHAR *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, strlen( Parser.QueryToken() ) + sizeof(CHAR));
if ( !m_apszNTProviders[cProv] ) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); fRet = FALSE; break; }
strcpy( m_apszNTProviders[cProv++], Parser.QueryToken() ); Parser.NextItem(); }
return fRet; }
BOOL W3_METADATA::CheckSSPPackage( IN LPCSTR pszAuthString ) { DWORD i = 0;
while ( m_apszNTProviders[i] ) { if ( !_stricmp( pszAuthString, m_apszNTProviders[i++] )) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE;
} // W3_SERVER_INSTANCE::CheckSSPPackage
SYNOPSIS: Resets the request object getting it ready for the next client request. Called at the beginning of a request.
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred (call GetLastError())
HISTORY: Johnl 04-Sep-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::Reset( BOOL fResetPipelineInfo ) { //
// Must reset the base object first
TCP_REQUIRE( HTTP_REQ_BASE::Reset(fResetPipelineInfo) );
_fAcceptsAll = FALSE; _fAnyParams = FALSE; _fSendToDav = FALSE; _fDisableScriptmap = FALSE;
_GatewayType = GATEWAY_UNKNOWN; _dwScriptMapFlags = 0; _dwFileSystemType = FS_FAT; _hTempFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
_strGatewayImage.Reset(); _strContentType.Reset(); _strReturnMimeType.Reset(); _strTempFileName.Reset();
_pFileNameLock = NULL;
// Free the URI and/or metadata information if we have any. We know that
// if we have URI info, then it points at meta data and will free the
// metadata info when the URI info is free. Otherwise, we need to free
// the metadata information here.
// reset execution descriptor block
_Exec.Reset(); _dwCallLevel = 0;
// DLC reset
// Default execute document
_fPossibleDefaultExecute = FALSE;
return TRUE; }
VOID HTTP_REQUEST::ReleaseCacheInfo( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks in any cache info we have out at the end of a request
This is a virtual method from HTTP_REQ_BASE.
{ //
// Let's release the base object first
HTTP_REQ_BASE::ReleaseCacheInfo(); _Exec.ReleaseCacheInfo(); }
SYNOPSIS: Calls the appropriate work item based on our state
ENTRY: pfFinished - Gets set to TRUE if the client request has been completed
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred (call GetLastError())
NOTES: If a failure occurs because of bad info from the client (bad URL, syntax error etc) then the code that found the problem should call SendErrorResponse( error ), set the state to HTR_DONE and return TRUE (when send completes, HTR_DONE will cleanup).
If an error occurs in the server (out of memory etc) then LastError should be set and FALSE should be returned. A server error will be sent then the client will be disconnected.
HISTORY: Johnl 26-Aug-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::DoWork( BOOL * pfFinished ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; BOOL fContinueProcessingRequest; BOOL fHandled; BOOL fDone = FALSE; BOOL fCompleteRequest; DWORD dwOffset; DWORD dwSizeToSend; BOOL fEntireFile; BOOL fIsNxRange; BOOL fIsLastRange;
IF_DEBUG( CONNECTION ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[http_request::DoWork] Object %lx. State = %d, Bytes Written = %d\n", QueryClientConn(), QueryState(), QueryBytesWritten() ));
switch ( QueryState() ) { case HTR_GATEWAY_ASYNC_IO:
fRet = ProcessAsyncGatewayIO(); break;
_cbBytesReceived += QueryBytesWritten();
fRet = OnFillClientReq( &fCompleteRequest, pfFinished, &fContinueProcessingRequest); if ( !fRet ) break;
if ( *pfFinished || !fContinueProcessingRequest) break;
if ( fCompleteRequest ) { goto ProcessClientRequest; } break;
_cbBytesReceived += QueryBytesWritten();
fRet = ReadEntityBody( &fDone );
if ( !fRet || !fDone ) { break; }
// Otherwise we're done reading the first piece of the entity body.
// PUT (and possibly other verbs in the future) come through here to
// read their intial entity body. We need to set the state to DOVERB
// here in order to make them work, so that subsequent reads they might
// issue don't come back through this path. Then fall through to the
// DOVERB handlesr.
// WinNT 379450
if ( _GatewayType == GATEWAY_MALFORMED ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); Disconnect( HT_NOT_FOUND, NO_ERROR, FALSE, pfFinished ); fRet = TRUE; break; }
// Check to see if encryption is required before we do any processing
if ( (GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_SSL) && !IsSecurePort() ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );
Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_SSL_REQUIRED, FALSE, pfFinished ); fRet = TRUE;
break; } //
// Check for short name as they break metabase equivalency
if ( memchr( _strPhysicalPath.QueryStr(), '~', _strPhysicalPath.QueryCB() )) { BOOL fShort; DWORD err;
if ( err = CheckIfShortFileName( (UCHAR *) _strPhysicalPath.QueryStr(), QueryImpersonationHandle(), &fShort )) { if ( err != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && err != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { fRet = FALSE; break; } goto PathNotFound; }
if ( fShort ) { PathNotFound: SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); Disconnect( HT_NOT_FOUND, NO_ERROR, FALSE, pfFinished ); fRet = TRUE; break; } }
if ( IsProbablyGatewayRequest() ) {
// Optionally check whether the PATH_INFO exists and is openable
if ( *(_Exec._pdwScriptMapFlags) & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_CHECK_PATH_INFO ) { STACK_STR( strTemp, MAX_PATH ); TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pGetFile = NULL; DWORD err;
if ( !LookupVirtualRoot( &strTemp, _Exec._pstrPathInfo->QueryStr(), _Exec._pstrPathInfo->QueryCCH() ) ) { fRet = FALSE; break; }
if ( !ImpersonateUser() ) { fRet = FALSE; break; }
pGetFile = TsCreateFile( QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), strTemp.QueryStr(), QueryImpersonationHandle(), (_fClearTextPass || _fAnonymous) ? TS_CACHING_DESIRED : 0 );
err = GetLastError();
if ( pGetFile == NULL ) { fRet = TRUE;
if ( err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || err == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_NOT_FOUND, err ); Disconnect( HT_NOT_FOUND, NO_ERROR, FALSE, pfFinished ); break; } else if (err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { // Really means the file name was too long.
SetState(HTR_DONE, HT_URL_TOO_LONG, err); Disconnect(HT_URL_TOO_LONG, IDS_URL_TOO_LONG, FALSE, pfFinished ); break; } else if ( err == ERROR_INVALID_NAME ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_BAD_REQUEST, err ); Disconnect( HT_BAD_REQUEST, NO_ERROR, FALSE, pfFinished ); break; } else if ( err == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { fRet = FALSE; SetDeniedFlags( SF_DENIED_RESOURCE ); break; } else { fRet = FALSE; break; } } else { DBG_REQUIRE( TsCloseHandle( QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), pGetFile ) ); } }
fHandled = FALSE;
if ( _GatewayType == GATEWAY_BGI ) {
fRet = ProcessBGI( &_Exec, &fHandled, pfFinished, _dwScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT, _dwScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_WILDCARD);
} else { fRet = ProcessGateway( &_Exec, &fHandled, pfFinished, _dwScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT ); }
if ( !fRet) { break; }
if ( fHandled || *pfFinished ) break;
// Either an error ocurred or the gateways should indicate they
// handled this
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "HTTP_REQUEST(%08x)::DoWork - " "Un-finished, un-handled, succeeded request. " "_pWamRequest(%08x) " "fRet(%d) " "fHandled(%d) " "*pfFinished(%d) " "\n" , this , _pWamRequest , fRet , fHandled , *pfFinished ));
else if ( _dwScriptMapFlags ) { //
// Disallow GET on requests with script mappings. This ensures that the only
// way to get source code access is via DAV (translate:f header)
fRet = (this->*_pmfnVerb)( pfFinished ); break;
case HTR_CGI: fRet = TRUE; break;
case HTR_RANGE: dwOffset = _dwRgNxOffset; dwSizeToSend = _dwRgNxSizeToSend; DBG_REQUIRE(ScanRange( &_dwRgNxOffset, &_dwRgNxSizeToSend, &fEntireFile, &fIsLastRange)); fRet = SendRange( 0, dwOffset, dwSizeToSend, fIsLastRange ); break;
case HTR_CERT_RENEGOTIATE: _cbBytesReceived += QueryBytesWritten();
fRet = HandleCertRenegotiation( pfFinished, &fContinueProcessingRequest, QueryBytesWritten() );
if ( !fRet || !fContinueProcessingRequest || *pfFinished ) { break; }
goto ProcessClientRequest;
fRet = OnRestartRequest( (char *)_bufClientRequest.QueryPtr(), _cbBytesWritten = _cbRestartBytesWritten, pfFinished, &fContinueProcessingRequest);
if ( !fRet || !fContinueProcessingRequest || *pfFinished ) { break; } goto ProcessClientRequest;
case HTR_REDIRECT: DBG_CODE( HR_LOG_REF_COUNT(); ); _cbBytesReceived += QueryBytesWritten();
fRet = ReadEntityBody( &fDone, FALSE, QueryClientContentLength() ); if ( !fRet || !fDone ) { break; } //
// Now we can do the redirect
fRet = DoRedirect( pfFinished ); break;
case HTR_ACCESS_DENIED: DBG_CODE( HR_LOG_REF_COUNT(); ); _cbBytesReceived += QueryBytesWritten(); fRet = ReadEntityBody( &fDone, FALSE, QueryClientContentLength() ); if ( !fRet || !fDone ) { break; } fRet = FALSE; SetLastError( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); break;
case HTR_DONE: fRet = TRUE; *pfFinished = TRUE;
default: DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); fRet = FALSE; SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); break; }
IF_DEBUG( CONNECTION ) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "[http_request::DoWork] Leaving, Object %lx. State = %d\n", QueryClientConn(), QueryState() ));
return fRet; }
Routine Description:
Find the appropriate host from a request. This involves looking at the host header field and/or the URL itself, and selecting the appropriate value. For down level clients we may invoke the munging code.
Return value:
TRUE if no error, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { CHAR *pszURL; CHAR *pszHost; BOOL bFoundColon; DWORD dwHostNameLength; BOOL fHTTPS = FALSE; BOOL fStartsWithHTTP = FALSE; pszURL = (CHAR *)_HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_URL);
if ( *pszURL != '/' ) { //
// We probably have an absolute URL. Verify that, then save
// the host name part of the URL, and update the URL to point
// beyond the host name.
if ( _strnicmp("http://", pszURL, sizeof("http://") - 1) == 0) { fHTTPS = FALSE; fStartsWithHTTP = TRUE; } else if ( _strnicmp("https://", pszURL, sizeof("https://") - 1) == 0) { fHTTPS = TRUE; fStartsWithHTTP = TRUE; }
if ( fStartsWithHTTP ) { pszHost = pszURL + ( fHTTPS ? sizeof("https://") : sizeof("http://") ) - 1;
// pszHost points to the host name. Walk forward from there.
// If we find a colon we'll want to remember the length at
// that point, and we'll keep searching for a termination slash.
pszURL = pszHost;
bFoundColon = FALSE;
while (*pszURL != '\0') {
if (*pszURL == ':') { // Found a colon. If we haven't already seen one,
// calculate the length of the host name now.
if (!bFoundColon) { dwHostNameLength = DIFF(pszURL - pszHost); }
// Convert the colon to a termianting NULL, remember we
// saw it, and keep going.
bFoundColon = TRUE; pszURL++; } else { // If we find a slash, we're done.
if (*pszURL == '/') { break; }
pszURL++; } }
if (*pszURL == '\0') { // A URL like http://www.microsoft.com is invalid, so
// fail it here.
if (!bFoundColon) { // Haven't computed host name length yet, do it now.
dwHostNameLength = DIFF(pszURL - pszHost); }
if (!_strHostAddr.Copy(pszHost, dwHostNameLength)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
} else { // This was not a valid HTTP scheme, nor is it an absolute path.
// Fail the request, choosing the correct error depending on
// whether or not this looks like a scheme.
if (*pszURL != '*' || pszURL[1] != '\0') { if (strchr(pszURL, ':') != NULL) { // unknown scheme ( e.g FTP )
// This is not an error as this may be handled by a filter
// such as the proxy filter
return TRUE; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } return FALSE; }
// If we get here we know we didn't have an absolute URI. Check
// for a Host: header, and if we have one save that as the host name.
pszHost = (CHAR *)_HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_HST);
if (pszHost != NULL) { CHAR *pszTemp = pszHost;
// Have a host value. Scan it for a colon, and calculate the
// length based on the colon or the terminating null.
while (*pszTemp != '\0' && *pszTemp != ':') { pszTemp++; }
if (!_strHostAddr.Copy(pszHost, DIFF(pszTemp - pszHost) ) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Right now we have neither an absolute URI or a Host: header. Invoke
// the down level client support if we're supposed to.
if ( g_fDLCSupport ) { if ( !DLCMungeSimple() ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE;
// Used to extract fast-map parameter, and parse it using sub-function.
# define CheckAndParseField( fld, pstr, func) \
if ( ((pstr = (LPSTR ) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( fld)) != NULL) && \ !(this->func( pstr))) { \ return ( FALSE); \ }
SYNOPSIS: Gathers all of the interesting information in the client request
ENTRY: pchRequest - raw Latin-1 request received from the client, zero terminated pfFinished - Set to TRUE if no further processing is needed pfHandled - Set to TRUE if request has been handled
RETURNS: APIERR if an error occurred parsing the header
HISTORY: Johnl 24-Aug-1994 Created MuraliK 19-Nov-1996 Created new HTTP HEADERS object and modified parsing
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::Parse( const CHAR* pchRequest, DWORD cbData, DWORD * pcbExtraData, BOOL * pfHandled, BOOL * pfFinished ) { PMFN_ONGRAMMAR pmfn; BOOL fRet; BOOL fIsTrace = FALSE; BOOL fSecondTry = FALSE; PW3_SERVER_INSTANCE pInstance; BOOL fMaxConnExceeded; LPSTR pszV;
// 1. Eliminate all the leading spaces
// Also eliminate \r\n since some clients are sending
// extra \r\n\r\n at the end of the POST
// sending extra characters is incorrect but RFC recommends
// to handle it
while ( cbData && ( isspace( (UCHAR)(*(PCHAR)pchRequest) ) || (*pchRequest == '\r') || (*pchRequest == '\n') ) ) { --cbData; ++pchRequest; }
// 2. Find if Trace operation was requested.
if (*pchRequest == 'T' ) { if ( (cbData > 6) && !memcmp( pchRequest, "TRAC", sizeof("TRAC")-1) ) { if ( ( pchRequest[sizeof("TRAC")-1] == 'E' && _HTTP_IS_LINEAR_SPACE( ((PBYTE)pchRequest)[sizeof("TRACE")-1] ) ) || ( pchRequest[sizeof("TRAC")-1] == 'K' && _HTTP_IS_LINEAR_SPACE( ((PBYTE)pchRequest)[sizeof("TRACK")-1] ) ) ) { if ( !QueryRespBuf()->Resize( cbData + sizeof( CHAR ) ) ) { return FALSE; } CopyMemory( QueryRespBufPtr(), pchRequest, cbData ); QueryRespBufPtr()[ cbData ] = '\0'; fIsTrace = TRUE; } } }
if ( !_HeaderList.ParseInput( pchRequest, cbData, pcbExtraData)) {
return ( FALSE); }
// WinSE 26482 - reject if request header has the character nul in it
DWORD cchHeader = cbData - *pcbExtraData; if ( memchr(pchRequest, 0, cchHeader)!=NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// Parse out the version number now. We do this so that we can send
// the appropriate Connection: header in the error response if
// FindHost() fails.
CheckAndParseField( HM_VER, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnVersion);
// If this client didn't send a host header, and down level client support
// is required, then munge the URL if necessary.
if (!FindHost()) { return FALSE; }
fMaxConnExceeded = FALSE;
// Get the server instance
pInstance = QueryW3Instance();
if ( pInstance == NULL ) {
pInstance = (PW3_SERVER_INSTANCE) QueryClientConn()->QueryW3Endpoint()->FindAndReferenceInstance( _strHostAddr.QueryStr(), QueryClientConn()->QueryLocalIPAddress(), &fMaxConnExceeded );
#if 0
if( pInstance != NULL && fMaxConnExceeded ) { pInstance->DecrementCurrentConnections(); pInstance->Dereference(); pInstance = NULL; SetLastError( ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS ); return FALSE; } #endif
// set the instance. We know that fMaxConnExceeded can't be true
// unless we found an instance.
DBG_ASSERT(!fMaxConnExceeded || pInstance != NULL);
if ( pInstance == NULL) { DWORD err;
if ( g_fDLCSupport ) { if ( !fSecondTry && _strHostAddr.IsEmpty() && DLCHandleRequest( pfFinished ) ) { if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; } fSecondTry = TRUE; goto RetryQueryInstance; } }
err = GetLastError();
IF_DEBUG(ERROR) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT,"FindInstance failed with %d\n",err)); }
// map access denied to something else so we don't request
// for authentication
return FALSE; }
DBG_ASSERT(pInstance != NULL);
// Set the timeout for future IOs on this context
AtqContextSetInfo( QueryClientConn()->QueryAtqContext(), ATQ_INFO_TIMEOUT, (ULONG_PTR) pInstance->QueryConnectionTimeout() );
// Setup bandwidth throttling for this context
if ( pInstance->QueryBandwidthInfo() ) { AtqContextSetInfo( QueryClientConn()->QueryAtqContext(), ATQ_INFO_BANDWIDTH_INFO, (ULONG_PTR) pInstance->QueryBandwidthInfo() ); }
// FindInstance sets a reference to pInstance which
// we use here.
QueryClientConn()->SetW3Instance(pInstance); SetW3Instance(pInstance);
// Set statistics object to point to pInstance's statistics object
QueryClientConn()->SetW3StatsObj(pInstance->QueryStatsObj()); SetW3StatsObj(pInstance->QueryStatsObj());
// Set and reference the filter list for this instance and then copy
// any global filter context pointers to the per-instance filter list
pInstance->LockThisForRead(); if ( !_Filter.SetFilterList( pInstance->QueryFilterList() ) ) { pInstance->UnlockThis(); return FALSE; } pInstance->UnlockThis();
_Filter.CopyContextPointers(); }
// Keep track of what URL was before we passed it to any filters that might modify
// it [other than READ_RAW filters]
_strOriginalURL.Copy( _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ) );
if ( _Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_PREPROC_HEADERS, IsSecurePort() )) { //
// Notify any filters interested in the request and headers before
// we do any processing
if ( !_Filter.NotifyPreProcHeaderFilters( pfFinished )) { if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { //
// we need to read metadata so that WWW authentication
// headers can be properly generated.
OnURL( (LPSTR)_HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ) );
// restore error ( may have been modified by OnUrl )
// we disregard any error from OnUrl as we are already
// doing error processing.
SetLastError( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); SetDeniedFlags( SF_DENIED_FILTER ); }
return FALSE; }
if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; } }
// Now scan for any RFC822 field names that we recognize
// Check individual items of interest and execute the parse function
// for that item
// NYI: It will be great if we can defer the execution and do it on
// demand basis. We need to modify entire use of the values from
// HTTP_REQUEST object to make this happen.
//WinSE 24317: URL and Verb are required
{ LPSTR pszVerb; LPSTR pszURL; pszVerb = (LPSTR)_HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_MET); pszURL = (LPSTR)_HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_URL); if ( pszVerb == NULL || pszURL == NULL ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_SERVER_ERROR, NO_ERROR ); Disconnect( HT_SERVER_ERROR, 0, FALSE, pfFinished );
*pfHandled = TRUE; return TRUE; }
if (!(this->HTTP_REQUEST::OnVerb( pszVerb))) return ( FALSE);
if (!(this->HTTP_REQUEST::OnURL( pszURL))) return ( FALSE); }
// Now that we've accompished a minimum amount of header processing,
// check to see if we've exceeded the maximum connection count.
if (fMaxConnExceeded) {
// We've exceeded the max, so we're done now.
SetLastError( ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESS ); return FALSE; }
// See if the site is stopped
DBG_ASSERT( pInstance != NULL);
*pfHandled = TRUE; return TRUE; }
CheckAndParseField( HM_ACC, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnAccept); CheckAndParseField( HM_CON, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnConnection); // CheckAndParseField( HM_HST, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnHost);
// HM_AUT is deferred
// CheckAndParseField( HM_AUT, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnAuthorization);
CheckAndParseField( HM_IMS, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnIfModifiedSince); CheckAndParseField( HM_IFM, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnIfMatch); CheckAndParseField( HM_INM, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnIfNoneMatch); CheckAndParseField( HM_IFR, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnIfRange); CheckAndParseField( HM_UMS, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnUnlessModifiedSince); CheckAndParseField( HM_IUM, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnIfUnmodifiedSince); CheckAndParseField( HM_CLE, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnContentLength); CheckAndParseField( HM_CTY, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnContentType); CheckAndParseField( HM_PRA, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnProxyAuthorization); CheckAndParseField( HM_RNG, pszV, HTTP_REQ_BASE::OnRange); CheckAndParseField( HM_TEC, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnTransferEncoding); CheckAndParseField( HM_LCK, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnLockToken); //
// Optionally ignore the Translate header
if ( !_pMetaData || !_pMetaData->QueryIgnoreTranslate() ) { CheckAndParseField( HM_TRN, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnTranslate); } CheckAndParseField( HM_ISM, pszV, HTTP_REQUEST::OnIf);
// Make sure we're see a host header if this is a 1.1 request.
if (IsOneOne() && _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_HST) == NULL) { _HeaderList.FastMapCancel( HM_AUT );
*pfHandled = TRUE; return TRUE; }
// OK. Now we have determined whether or not to keep the connection
// alive. Now we can check when the VROOT allows it.
if ( !_pMetaData->QueryKeepAlives() ) { SetKeepConn( FALSE ); }
// If we picked up some gateway data in the headers, adjust for that
// now
_cbClientRequest -= *pcbExtraData;
// store available input byte count for OnRestartRequest
// necessary because _cbBytesWritten will be overwritten
// by IO completion
if ( _fHaveContentLength ) { _cbBytesWritten = _cbRestartBytesWritten = *pcbExtraData; } else { _cbRestartBytesWritten = _cbBytesWritten; } SetState( HTR_DOVERB );
return (fIsTrace ? TRUE : ProcessURL( pfFinished, pfHandled )); } // HTTP_REQUEST::Parse()
SYNOPSIS: Parses the verb from an HTTP request
ENTRY: pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred
HISTORY: Johnl 24-Aug-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnVerb( CHAR * pszValue ) { UINT i = 0; UINT cchMethod;
if ( !_strMethod.Copy( pszValue ) ) return FALSE;
// Look for the verbs we recognize
cchMethod = _strMethod.QueryCCH(); while ( DoVerb[i].pchVerb ) { if ( (cchMethod == DoVerb[i].cchVerb) && (!memcmp( pszValue, DoVerb[i].pchVerb, DoVerb[i].cchVerb ))) { _verb = DoVerb[i].httpVerb;
switch ( _verb ) { case HTV_GET: QueryW3StatsObj()->IncrTotalGets(); break;
case HTV_HEAD: QueryW3StatsObj()->IncrTotalHeads(); break;
case HTV_TRACE: QueryW3StatsObj()->IncrTotalTraces(); break;
case HTV_TRACECK: break;
case HTV_PUT: QueryW3StatsObj()->IncrTotalPuts(); _putstate = PSTATE_START; _fSendToDav = TRUE; // Verb is handled by DAV.
#if 0 // Not used anywhere /SAB
_fIsWrite = TRUE; #endif
case HTV_DELETE: QueryW3StatsObj()->IncrTotalDeletes(); _fSendToDav = TRUE; // Verb is handled by DAV.
case HTV_POST: QueryW3StatsObj()->IncrTotalPosts(); break;
case HTV_OPTIONS: QueryW3StatsObj()->IncrTotalOthers(); _fSendToDav = TRUE; // Verb is handled by DAV.
default: DBG_ASSERT( FALSE ); break; }
_pmfnVerb = DoVerb[i].pmfnVerb;
return TRUE; }
i++; }
// The verb may be a verb a gateway knows how to deal with so
// all hope isn't lost
_pmfnVerb = &HTTP_REQUEST::DoUnknown; _verb = HTV_UNKNOWN; _fSendToDav = TRUE; // Send unknown verbs to DAV.
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::NormalizeUrl( LPSTR pszStart ) /*++
Routine Description:
Normalize URL
strUrl - URL to be updated to a canonical URI
Return value:
TRUE if no error, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { TCHAR * pchParams; TCHAR * pch; TCHAR * pszACU; TCHAR chParams; LPSTR pszSlash; LPSTR pszURL; LPSTR pszValue; BOOL fSt; STACK_STR( strChgUrl, MAX_PATH );
if ( *pszStart != '/' ) { //
// assume HTTP URL, skip protocol & host name by
// searching for 1st '/' following "//"
// We handle this information as a "Host:" header.
// It will be overwritten by the real header if it is
// present.
// We do not check for a match in this case.
if ( (pszSlash = strchr( pszStart, '/' )) && pszSlash[1] == '/' ) { pszSlash += 2; if ( pszURL = strchr( pszSlash, '/' ) ) { //
// update pointer to URL to point to the 1st slash
// following host name
pszValue = pszURL; } else { //
// if no single slash following host name
// consider the URL to be empty.
pszValue = pszSlash + strlen( pszSlash ); }
memmove( pszStart, pszValue, strlen(pszValue)+1 ); }
// if no double slash, this is not a fully qualified URL
// and we leave it alone.
// references to /_[W3_AUTH_CHANGE_URL] will be redirected
// to the configured URL. This URL will be accessed from
// the system context ( i.e with system access rights )
if ( pszStart[0] == '/' && pszStart[1] == '_' && !memcmp( pszStart+2, W3_AUTH_CHANGE_URL, sizeof(W3_AUTH_CHANGE_URL)-1 ) ) { QueryW3Instance()->LockThisForRead(); fSt = strChgUrl.Copy( pszACU = (TCHAR*)QueryW3Instance()->QueryAuthChangeUrl() ); QueryW3Instance()->UnlockThis();
if ( pszACU ) { if ( fSt ) { strcpy( pszStart, strChgUrl.QueryStr() ); } else { return FALSE; } } }
// Check for a question mark which indicates this URL contains some
// parameters and break the two apart if found
if ( (pchParams = ::_tcschr( pszStart, TEXT('?') )) ) { *pchParams = TEXT('\0'); }
// Unescape wants a STR ( sigh )
strChgUrl.Copy( (TCHAR*)pszStart ); strChgUrl.Unescape(); strcpy( pszStart, strChgUrl.QueryStr() );
// Canonicalize the URL
CanonURL( pszStart, g_pInetSvc->IsSystemDBCS() );
return TRUE; }
SYNOPSIS: Parses the URL from an HTTP request
ENTRY: pszValue - URL on http request line
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred
NOTES: The URL and Path info are unescaped in this method. Parameters coming after the "?" are *not* unescaped as they contain encoded '&' or other meaningful items.
HISTORY: Johnl 24-Aug-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnURL( CHAR * pszValue ) { TCHAR * pchParams; TCHAR * pchStart; TCHAR * pch; TCHAR * pszACU; TCHAR chParams; LPSTR pszSlash; BOOL fSt; LPSTR pszArg = NULL; STACK_STR( strChgUrl, MAX_PATH ); PW3_URI_INFO pURIBlob; BOOL fHTTPS = FALSE; BOOL fHTTP = FALSE;
if ( *pszValue != '/' ) { //
// skip protocol & host name by
// searching for 1st '/' following "http://" or "https://"
if ( _strnicmp("http://", pszValue, sizeof("http://") - 1) == 0) { fHTTP = TRUE; } else if ( _strnicmp("https://", pszValue, sizeof("https://") - 1) == 0) { fHTTPS = TRUE; }
if ( fHTTP || fHTTPS ) { pszSlash = pszValue + ( fHTTP ? sizeof("http://") - 1 : sizeof("https://") - 1 );
if ( !(pszValue = strchr( pszSlash, '/' )) ) { //
// if no single slash following host name
// then URL is empty and this is an invalid request
SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } } else { if ( (*pszValue != '*' || pszValue[1] != '\0') && strchr(pszValue, ':') != NULL ) { // unknown scheme ( e.g FTP )
return FALSE; } } }
// references to /_[W3_AUTH_CHANGE_URL] will be redirected
// to the configured URL. This URL will be accessed from
// the system context ( i.e with system access rights )
if ( pszValue[0] == '/' && pszValue[1] == '_' && !strncmp( pszValue+2, W3_AUTH_CHANGE_URL, sizeof(W3_AUTH_CHANGE_URL)-1 ) ) { QueryW3Instance()->LockThisForRead(); fSt = strChgUrl.Copy( pszACU = (TCHAR*)QueryW3Instance()->QueryAuthChangeUrl() ); QueryW3Instance()->UnlockThis();
// store ptr to arg to append it to URL
pszArg = strchr( pszValue, '?' );
if ( pszACU ) { if ( fSt && LogonAsSystem() ) { pszValue = strChgUrl.QueryStr(); _strUnmappedUserName.Copy( _strUserName ); } else { return FALSE; } } }
// Check for the asterisk URL. If it's an asterisk with trailing stuff
// it's illegal.
if (*pszValue == '*') { if (pszValue[1] != '\0') { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } }
if ( !_strRawURL.Copy( pszValue ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( pszArg != NULL && !_strRawURL.Append( pszArg ) ) { return FALSE; }
pchStart = pszValue;
// Check for a question mark which indicates this URL contains some
// parameters and break the two apart if found
if ( (pchParams = pszArg) || (pchParams = ::_tcschr( pchStart, TEXT('?') )) ) { if ( !pszArg ) { chParams = *pchParams; *pchParams = TEXT('\0'); }
_fAnyParams = TRUE;
if ( !_strURL.Copy( pchStart ) || !_strURL.Unescape() || !_strURLParams.Copy( pchParams + 1 )) { return FALSE; } } else { _fAnyParams = FALSE;
if ( !_strURL.Copy( _strRawURL ) || !_strURL.Unescape() ) { return FALSE; }
_strURLParams.Reset(); }
// Canonicalize the URL and make sure it's valid
INT cchURL = CanonURL( _strURL.QueryStr(), g_pInetSvc->IsSystemDBCS() ); _strURL.SetLen( cchURL );
if( !_strURLPathInfo.Copy( _strURL ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( pchParams && !pszArg ) { *pchParams = chParams; }
// Now that we have the canonicalized URL we need to get metadata
// information about it. Call the cache to get this. If it's not
// in the cache, we'll call the metadata API to get it and add
// it to the cache.
if ( !TsCheckOutCachedBlob( QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), _strURL.QueryStr(), _strURL.QueryCCH(), RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO, (VOID **) &pURIBlob, NULL )) {
// We don't have URI info available for this yet. We need to read
// the metadata for this URI and format it into a usable form, and
// save that with the request. If this request turns out to be
// valid later on we'll add it to the cache.
if ( !ReadMetaData( _strURL.QueryStr(), &_strPhysicalPath, &_pMetaData ) ) { return FALSE; }
} else { // We have a cached URI blob. Save it in the HTTP request.
_pURIInfo = pURIBlob;
if ( _pURIInfo->pszUnmappedName ) { _strPhysicalPath.Copy( _pURIInfo->pszUnmappedName ); } else { _strPhysicalPath.Copy( _pURIInfo->pszName, _pURIInfo->cchName ); }
_pMetaData = _pURIInfo->pMetaData; }
if ( _pMetaData->QueryVrError() ) { SetLastError( _pMetaData->QueryVrError() ); return FALSE; }
if ( _pMetaData->QueryIpDnsAccessCheckPtr() ) { QueryClientConn()->BindAccessCheckList( (LPBYTE)_pMetaData->QueryIpDnsAccessCheckPtr(), _pMetaData->QueryIpDnsAccessCheckSize() ); }
// If we're already logged on as an anonymouse user, make sure that
// the anonymous user for this URL is compatible.
if (_fLoggedOn && _fAnonymous) { if (_cbLastAnonAcctDesc != _pMetaData->QueryAuthentInfo()->cbAnonAcctDesc || memcmp(_bufLastAnonAcctDesc.QueryPtr(), _pMetaData->QueryAuthentInfo()->bAnonAcctDesc.QueryPtr(), _cbLastAnonAcctDesc)) { QueryW3StatsObj()->DecrCurrentAnonymousUsers();
} }
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::ExecuteChildCGIBGI( IN CHAR * pszURL, IN DWORD dwChildExecFlags, IN CHAR * pszVerb ) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides ISAPI apps with ability to synchronously execute CGI scripts.
pszURL - URL of request to be executed (must be executable) dwChildExecFlags - HSE_EXEC_???? flags pszVerb - Verb of request
Return value:
TRUE if no error, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { EXEC_DESCRIPTOR Exec; STACK_STR( strChildURL, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STR( strChildPhysicalPath, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STR( strChildGatewayImage, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STR( strChildPathInfo, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STR( strChildURLParams, MAX_PATH + 1 ); STACK_STR( strChildUnmappedPhysicalPath, MAX_PATH + 1 ); DWORD dwChildScriptMapFlags = 0; GATEWAY_TYPE ChildGatewayType = GATEWAY_UNKNOWN; BOOL fHandled; BOOL fFinished; CHAR * pchParams = NULL; MB mb( (IMDCOM*) g_pInetSvc->QueryMDObject() ); BOOL fRet; PW3_URI_INFO pURIInfo = NULL; BOOL fMustCache = FALSE; BOOL fVerbExcluded; enum HTTP_VERB RequestVerb; enum HTTP_VERB OldVerb; CHAR * pszRequestVerb; STACK_STR( strOldVerb, 16 );
if ( _dwCallLevel > EXEC_MAX_NESTED_LEVELS ) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); return FALSE; }
// Populate the execution descriptor block with our own "allocated"
// members (instead of those from HTTP_REQUEST)
Exec._pstrURL = &strChildURL; Exec._pstrPhysicalPath = &strChildPhysicalPath; Exec._pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath = &strChildUnmappedPhysicalPath; Exec._pstrGatewayImage = &strChildGatewayImage; Exec._pstrPathInfo = &strChildPathInfo; Exec._pstrURLParams = &strChildURLParams; Exec._pdwScriptMapFlags = &dwChildScriptMapFlags; Exec._pGatewayType = &ChildGatewayType; Exec._pRequest = this; Exec._pPathInfoMetaData = NULL; Exec._pPathInfoURIBlob = NULL; Exec._pAppPathURIBlob = NULL;
if ( !strChildURL.Copy( pszURL ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Tiny bit of "duplicate" code to parse out a query string from the
// original URL request.
pchParams = ::_tcschr( strChildURL.QueryStr(), TEXT('?') ); if ( pchParams != NULL ) { if ( !strChildURL.SetLen( DIFF(pchParams - strChildURL.QueryStr()) ) || !strChildURLParams.Copy( pchParams + 1 ) ) { return FALSE; } }
if ( !strChildURL.Unescape() ) { return FALSE; }
// Canonicalize the URL and make sure it's valid
CanonURL( strChildURL.QueryStr(), g_pInetSvc->IsSystemDBCS() ); strChildURL.SetLen( strlen( strChildURL.QueryStr() ));
if ( !LookupVirtualRoot( &strChildPhysicalPath, strChildURL.QueryStr(), strChildURL.QueryCCH(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, &(Exec._pMetaData), & pURIInfo) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// Change the verb if requested
if ( pszVerb ) { DWORD i = 0; DWORD cchVerb = strlen( pszVerb ); while ( DoVerb[i].pchVerb ) { if ( ( cchVerb == DoVerb[ i ].cchVerb ) && ( !memcmp( pszVerb, DoVerb[ i ].pchVerb, DoVerb[ i ].cchVerb ) ) ) { break; } i++; } if ( !DoVerb[i].pchVerb ) { fRet = FALSE; SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); goto Exit; } RequestVerb = DoVerb[ i ].httpVerb; pszRequestVerb = pszVerb; } else { RequestVerb = QueryVerb(); pszRequestVerb = _strMethod.QueryStr(); } //
// Fill in members of execution descriptor block
if ( !ParseExecute( &Exec, TRUE, &fVerbExcluded, pURIInfo, RequestVerb, pszRequestVerb ) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
DBG_ASSERT(!(dwChildScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_WILDCARD)); if (ChildGatewayType != GATEWAY_UNKNOWN && ChildGatewayType != GATEWAY_NONE && fVerbExcluded) { ChildGatewayType = GATEWAY_NONE; } _dwCallLevel++;
// Remember the original verb to be restored after handling execute
if ( pszVerb ) { OldVerb = QueryVerb();
if ( !strOldVerb.Copy( _strMethod ) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; } if ( !_strMethod.Copy( pszVerb ) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; } _verb = RequestVerb; }
if ( ChildGatewayType == GATEWAY_CGI ) { fRet = ProcessGateway( &Exec, &fHandled, &fFinished, dwChildScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT ); } else if ( ChildGatewayType == GATEWAY_BGI ) { if ( fRet = Exec.CreateChildEvent() ) {
Exec._pParentWamRequest = _pWamRequest;
// process ISAPI request under System
fRet = ProcessBGI( &Exec, &fHandled, &fFinished, dwChildScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT );
// restore impersonation
DBG_REQUIRE( ImpersonateUser() );
} else {
DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT , "HTTP_REQUEST(%08x)::ExecuteChildCGIBGI() " "CreateChildEvent() failed. " "\n" , this ));
// fRet is failure, so just fall through
} else { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); fRet = FALSE; }
// Restore the verb if necessary
if ( pszVerb ) { _verb = OldVerb; DBG_REQUIRE( _strMethod.Copy( strOldVerb ) ); }
if ( pURIInfo != NULL) { if (pURIInfo->bIsCached) { TsCheckInCachedBlob( pURIInfo ); } else { TsFree(QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), pURIInfo ); } pURIInfo = NULL; } else { if ( Exec._pMetaData != NULL) { TsFreeMetaData( Exec._pMetaData->QueryCacheInfo() ); } } Exec.Reset();
return fRet; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::ExecuteChildCommand( IN CHAR * pszCommand, IN DWORD dwChildExecFlags ) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides ISAPI apps with ability to synchronously execute a shell command (useful for SSI functionality #exec cmd=)
pszCommand - Command to be executed dwChildExecFlags - HSE_EXEC_???? flags
Return value:
TRUE if no error, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { STACK_STR( strCommand, MAX_PATH ); BOOL fHandled; DWORD dwOldFlags = _Exec._dwExecFlags; BOOL fRet;
if ( !strCommand.Copy( pszCommand ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Since there is no URL associated with a shell command, there is no
// metadata. Just use the HTTP_REQUEST Exec block. But first set its
// execFlags correctly
_Exec._dwExecFlags |= ( EXEC_FLAG_CHILD | ( dwChildExecFlags & ( HSE_EXEC_NO_HEADERS | HSE_EXEC_REDIRECT_ONLY ) ) );
fRet = ProcessCGI( &_Exec, NULL, NULL, &fHandled, NULL, &strCommand );
// Restore original _Exec flags
_Exec._dwExecFlags = dwOldFlags;
return fRet; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::ParseExecute( IN OUT EXEC_DESCRIPTOR * pExec, IN BOOL fExecChildCGIBGI, OUT BOOL * pfVerbExcluded, IN PW3_URI_INFO pURIInfo, IN enum HTTP_VERB Verb, IN CHAR * pszVerb ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parse the request now that we know it is an execute.
pExec - Execution Descriptor Block fExecChildCGIBGI - TRUE if this is a #exec request for a CGI or ISAPI from inside an .stm page or other isapi app. FALSE in the normal case of a top level request to execute a gateway of some sort. pfVerbExcluded - Is the verb excluded, regardless of extension match pURIInfo - URI Blob for this 'request' Verb - Verb (enum form) of request pszVerb - Verb (string form)
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { TCHAR * pchStart = pExec->_pstrURL->QueryStr(); TCHAR * pchtmp = pchStart; TCHAR * pchSlash = NULL; INT cchToEnd = 0; DWORD cchExt = 0; GATEWAY_TYPE GatewayType = GATEWAY_UNKNOWN; BOOL fImageInURL = FALSE; TCHAR * pch = NULL; PVOID pvExtMapInfo; BOOL fUseURIInfo = pURIInfo && pURIInfo->pvExtMapInfo; DWORD cDots = 0;
*pfVerbExcluded = FALSE; BOOL ExitedHere = FALSE;
while ( *pchtmp ) { pvExtMapInfo = NULL; pchtmp = strchr( pchtmp + 1, '.' ); //
// Is this file extension mapped to a script? _GatewayType is
// set to unknown if a mapping isn't found
if ( !pExec->_pMetaData->LookupExtMap( pchtmp, pExec->NoIsaWildcards(), pExec->_pstrGatewayImage, pExec->_pGatewayType, &cchExt, &fImageInURL, pfVerbExcluded, pExec->_pdwScriptMapFlags, pszVerb, Verb, fUseURIInfo ? &(pURIInfo->pvExtMapInfo) : &pvExtMapInfo )) { return FALSE; } GatewayType = *(pExec->_pGatewayType);
if ( pchtmp == NULL ) { break; } cDots++;
if ( GatewayType != GATEWAY_UNKNOWN ) { if ( GatewayType == GATEWAY_NONE ) { _fAnyParams = FALSE; return TRUE; }
// If this is a regular CGI script, check for an "nph-"
if ( GatewayType == GATEWAY_CGI ) { //
// Walk backwards till we find the '/' that begins
// this segment
pch = pchtmp;
while ( pch >= pchStart && *pch != '/' ) { pch--; }
if ( !_strnicmp( (*pch == '/' ? pch+1 : pch), "nph-", 4 )) { pExec->_dwExecFlags |= EXEC_FLAG_CGI_NPH; } }
cchToEnd = DIFF(pchtmp - pchStart) + cchExt; break; } else if ( fUseURIInfo ) { ExitedHere = TRUE; break; } } // WinNT 379450
if (!ExitedHere) // with URIInfo the extension map is got from cache
{ if (pchtmp) {
TCHAR *pNextDot = strchr(pchtmp+1,'.');
if (pNextDot && (pchtmp != pNextDot)) // two dot, bad we have to check
{ TCHAR * pchStart2 = pExec->_pstrURL->QueryStr(); DWORD dwLenURL = lstrlen((TCHAR *)pchStart2); TCHAR * pCopyUrl = (TCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwLenURL+1);
if (!pCopyUrl) { return FALSE; };
// terminate string
pCopyUrl[DIFF(pchtmp - pchStart2)+cchExt] = 0; STACK_STR( StrPhys , MAX_PATH );
// we are not going to enlarge string
if ( !pExec->_pMetaData->BuildPhysicalPath( pCopyUrl, //shortened via '/' -> '\0'
&StrPhys) ) { // free memory and fail
LocalFree(pCopyUrl); *(pExec->_pGatewayType) = GATEWAY_MALFORMED; return TRUE; }; DWORD dwAttributes = 0xffffffff; TSVC_CACHE bogus;
TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO* pOpenFile = TsCreateFile(bogus, StrPhys.QueryStr(), 0, TS_CACHING_DESIRED );
if (pOpenFile != NULL) { dwAttributes = pOpenFile->QueryAttributes(); TsCloseHandle(bogus, pOpenFile); }; if ( dwAttributes != 0xffffffff ) { if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { LocalFree(pCopyUrl); *(pExec->_pGatewayType) = GATEWAY_MALFORMED ; return TRUE; } };
LocalFree(pCopyUrl); } }
} //-----------------------------------------------
// We should update the URI blob with the matched EXT_MAP_ITEM if
// a) We have a URIInfo to update
// b) LookupExtMap() found a matching EXT_MAP_ITEM (or EXTMAP_UNKNOWN_PTR)
// c) We didn't previously have a value for pvExtMapInfo
// d) If the match occurred on the first dot encountered OR if this
// is a static file (and thus an EXTMAP_UNKNOWN_PTR)
if ( !fUseURIInfo && pURIInfo && pvExtMapInfo && ( ( cDots == 1 ) || ( pvExtMapInfo == EXTMAP_UNKNOWN_PTR ) ) ) { InterlockedExchangePointer( &(pURIInfo->pvExtMapInfo), pvExtMapInfo ); }
if ( GatewayType & GT_CGI_BGI ) {
// If this is a top level request for an executable (not
// #exec-ing from inside of an .stm or other isapi),
// and the image was found in the URL, but the vroot
// doesn't have execute permission set, then this isn't
// really a gateway and the client is trying to download
// the file, so let him.
if (!fExecChildCGIBGI && fImageInURL && !(GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_EXECUTE)) { *(pExec->_pGatewayType) = GATEWAY_NONE; _fAnyParams = FALSE; return TRUE; }
if (*(pExec->_pdwScriptMapFlags) & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_WILDCARD) { cchToEnd = pExec->_pstrURL->QueryCB(); }
// Save the path info and remove it from the URL. If this is a
// script by association and there isn't any path info, then
// copy the base URL as the path info (reflects what the URL
// would like without an association (i.e., "/foo/bar.idc?a=b"
// is really "/scripts/httpodbc.dll/foo/bar.idc?a=b"))
// If the binary image is actually in the URL, then always copy
// the path info.
if ( !pExec->_pstrPathInfo->Copy( ( fImageInURL || (*(pchStart + cchToEnd) && QueryW3Instance()->QueryAllowPathInfoForScriptMappings() )) ? pchStart + cchToEnd : pchStart ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( pExec->_pstrURL->QueryCCH() != (UINT)cchToEnd ) { pExec->_pstrURL->SetLen( cchToEnd ); if ( !pExec->_pMetaData->BuildPhysicalPath( pExec->_pstrURL->QueryStr(), pExec->_pstrPhysicalPath ) ) { return FALSE; } pExec->_pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath->Reset(); }
IF_DEBUG( PARSING ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "[OnURL] Possible script \"%s\" with path info \"%s\", parms \"%s\"\n", pExec->_pstrURL->QueryStr(), pExec->_pstrPathInfo->QueryStr(), pExec->_pstrURLParams->QueryStr())); }
} else if ( ( QueryDirBrowseFlags() & DIRBROW_LOADDEFAULT ) && ( GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_EXECUTE ) && ( ( QueryVerb() == HTV_GET ) || ( QueryVerb() == HTV_HEAD ) ) ) { //
// The vroot is EXECUTE but it isn't a CGI or BGI.
// This could be a directory for which we will later
// load a default document
#if 0
DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes( _strPhysicalPath.QueryStr() ); #else
DWORD dwAttributes = 0xffffffff; TSVC_CACHE bogus; TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO* pOpenFile = TsCreateFile(bogus, _strPhysicalPath.QueryStr(), 0, TS_CACHING_DESIRED | TS_NO_ACCESS_CHECK );
if (pOpenFile != NULL) { dwAttributes = pOpenFile->QueryAttributes(); TsCloseHandle(bogus, pOpenFile); } #endif
if ( ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) && ( dwAttributes != 0xffffffff ) ) { _fPossibleDefaultExecute = TRUE; } }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Setups up the exec descriptor to call DAV to process the request. Assumes it has already been setup for a call to ProcessExecute().
pExec - Pointer to the exec descriptor
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { if (pExec->_pstrGatewayImage->Copy(szDavDll) && pExec->_pstrPathInfo->Copy(pExec->_pstrURL->QueryStr())) { *pExec->_pGatewayType = GATEWAY_BGI; pExec->_dwExecFlags |= EXEC_FLAG_RUNNING_DAV; } }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::ProcessURL( BOOL * pfFinished, BOOL * pfHandled ) /*++
Routine Description:
Finally converts the URL to a physical path, checking for extension mappings
pfFinished - Set to TRUE if no further processing is needed and no IOs are pending pfHandled - If !NULL, set to TRUE if request is handled
TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
--*/ { TCHAR chParams; BOOL fVerbExcluded; BOOL fRet;
// First check if a redirect is in order. If so, just do it.
if ( _pMetaData->QueryRedirectionBlob() != NULL ) { BOOL fDone = FALSE; HTR_STATE OldState = QueryState();
SetState( HTR_REDIRECT ); if ( !ReadEntityBody( &fDone, TRUE, QueryClientContentLength() ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( fDone ) { SetState( OldState ); if ( DoRedirect( pfFinished ) ) { if ( pfHandled ) { *pfHandled = TRUE; } return TRUE; } } else { if ( pfHandled ) { *pfHandled = TRUE; } return TRUE; } }
if ( _Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP, IsSecurePort() )) { DWORD dwDenied = SF_DENIED_RESOURCE; BOOL fTmp = FALSE;
_strUnmappedPhysicalPath.Copy( _strPhysicalPath );
if ( !_strPhysicalPath.Resize( MAX_PATH+sizeof(TCHAR) )) { return FALSE; }
// If the caller is going to ignore the Finished request flag, supply
// a value ourselves
if ( !pfFinished ) { pfFinished = &fTmp; }
fRet = _Filter.NotifyUrlMap( _strURL.QueryStr(), _strPhysicalPath.QueryStr(), _strPhysicalPath.QuerySize(), pfFinished ); if ( !fRet ) { dwDenied |= SF_DENIED_FILTER; if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { SetDeniedFlags( dwDenied ); } } _strPhysicalPath.SetLen( strlen(_strPhysicalPath.QueryStr()) );
// If the filters didn't change the physical path, zero out the unmapped
// path we saved before the filter call - this will save us work later
if ( _strPhysicalPath.QueryCCH() == _strUnmappedPhysicalPath.QueryCCH() && !memcmp( _strPhysicalPath.QueryStr(), _strUnmappedPhysicalPath.QueryStr(), _strPhysicalPath.QueryCCH() )) { _strUnmappedPhysicalPath.Reset(); }
// If the new mapped physical path does not match what we have in the URI
// cache entry we need to delete this entry.
if ( _pURIInfo && strcmp( _pURIInfo->pszName, _strPhysicalPath.QueryStr() ) ) { //
// We keep a reference to metadata in the HTTP_REQUEST object, so
// we increment the reference count to metadata, as freeing the URI
// cache entry will decrement the reference count.
DBG_ASSERT( _pURIInfo->pMetaData != NULL );
TsAddRefMetaData( _pURIInfo->pMetaData->QueryCacheInfo() );
if ( _pURIInfo->bIsCached ) { //
// This will dereference the URI cache entry and
// kick it out of the cache.
TsDeCacheCachedBlob( (PVOID)_pURIInfo );
// TsCheckInCachedBlob( _pURIInfo );
} else { TsFree(QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), _pURIInfo ); }
_pURIInfo = NULL; } }
if ( *pfFinished ) { return TRUE; }
#if 0 // This block does nothing in effect. If execute permissions are
// set, then the first 'if' is false. If they are not set, then the
// script map code below it will not execute, resulting in a return
// of TRUE anyway. /SAB
// If the read bit is set, the execute bit is not set, we recognize the
// verb, there are no parameters and no ext is allowed on read dir,
// then don't bother looking at the execute mask
if ( (_verb != HTV_UNKNOWN) && !(GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_EXECUTE ) && !_fAnyParams && !fCheckExt ) { if (_verb == HTV_GET && (GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_READ) ) { return TRUE; }
if (IS_WRITE_VERB(_verb) && (GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_WRITE) ) { return TRUE; } }
#endif // 0
// If this is on a virtual root with execute permissions ||
// this might be an ismap request || should be handled by DAV
// {
// Check for a possible .exe, .com, or .dll gateway (CGI or BGI)
// If none, send to DAV if required.
// }
// Populate an EXECUTION descriptor block and check the scriptmap.
_Exec._pstrURL = &_strURL; _Exec._pstrPhysicalPath = &_strPhysicalPath; _Exec._pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath = &_strUnmappedPhysicalPath; _Exec._pstrGatewayImage = &_strGatewayImage; _Exec._pstrPathInfo = &_strPathInfo; _Exec._pstrURLParams = &_strURLParams; _Exec._pdwScriptMapFlags = &_dwScriptMapFlags; _Exec._pGatewayType = &_GatewayType; _Exec._pMetaData = _pMetaData; _Exec._pRequest = this; _Exec._pPathInfoMetaData = NULL; _Exec._pPathInfoURIBlob = NULL; _Exec._pAppPathURIBlob = NULL; if ( _bProcessingCustomError ) { _Exec._dwExecFlags |= EXEC_FLAG_CUSTOM_ERROR; } //
// If we know this is a static file, then we don't have to go thru
// ParseExecute()
// This optimization causes a regression for directories that use
// asp/isapi as the default page when only execute/script access
// is set. It should be fairly simple to reimplement, but given the
// lateness in the release cycle I'm removing it as a safer fix.
// Bug 379306 - taylorw
if ( !_pURIInfo || _pURIInfo->pvExtMapInfo != EXTMAP_UNKNOWN_PTR ) { */ if (!ParseExecute(&_Exec, FALSE, &fVerbExcluded, _pURIInfo, QueryVerb(), _strMethod.QueryStr() )) { return FALSE; } /*
} */
// Did we find a scriptmap entry at all?
if (_GatewayType != GATEWAY_UNKNOWN && _GatewayType != GATEWAY_NONE && _GatewayType != GATEWAY_MAP) { // Is it a wildcard?
if (_dwScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_WILDCARD ||
// or is it a regular scriptmap entry and we allow these?
!_fDisableScriptmap && !fVerbExcluded && ( (_dwScriptMapFlags & MD_SCRIPTMAPFLAG_SCRIPT) && IS_ACCESS_ALLOWED(SCRIPT) || IS_ACCESS_ALLOWED(EXECUTE) ) ) { // Call this scriptmap.
DBG_ASSERT(!fVerbExcluded); // Should not return this.
return TRUE; }
// If DAV isn't going to handle it, this script doesn't have execute permissions
if ( !_fSendToDav ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_EXECUTE_ACCESS_DENIED, FALSE, pfFinished ); if ( pfHandled ) { *pfHandled = TRUE; } return TRUE; } else { _GatewayType = GATEWAY_NONE; } }
// If no script map is assigned, and if this is not a verb that IIS should
// handle, setup for execution by the DAV .dll.
if (_fSendToDav) { W3_IIS_SERVICE * pservice = (W3_IIS_SERVICE *) QueryW3Instance()->m_Service;
if (pservice->FDavDll()) SetupDAVExecute(&_Exec, pservice->SzDavDllGet()); } return TRUE; }
SYNOPSIS: Parses the version from an HTTP request
ENTRY: pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred
HISTORY: Johnl 24-Aug-1994 Created MuraliK 29-Jan-1996 Optimized for 1.1 ********************************************************************/
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnVersion( CHAR * pszValue ) { //
// Did the client specify a version string? If not, assume 0.9
if ( strncmp( "HTTP/", pszValue, 5 ) == 0 ) { //
// Move past "HTTP/"
// Optimize for Version 1.x in this release - 1/15/97 - MuraliK
if ((pszValue[5] == '1') && (pszValue[6] == '.')) {
_VersionMajor = 1; pszValue += 6; } else { _VersionMajor = (BYTE ) atol( pszValue + 5); pszValue = strchr( pszValue + 5, '.' ); }
if ( pszValue != NULL ) { DBG_ASSERT( pszValue[0] == '.'); if ((pszValue[1] == '1') && (pszValue[2] == '\0')) {
if ( g_ReplyWith11 ) { _VersionMinor = 1; } else { _VersionMinor = 0; } } else if ((pszValue[1] == '0') && (pszValue[2] == '\0') ) { _VersionMinor = 0; } else { _VersionMinor = (BYTE ) atol( pszValue + 1); } }
// If this is an HTTP 1.1 request, make KeepConn the default.
if ( (_VersionMinor == 1) && (_VersionMajor == 1) ) { SetKeepConn( TRUE ); } } else { // Make sure this really is .9, and not garbage.
if (*pszValue == '\0') { _VersionMajor = 0; _VersionMinor = 9; } else { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; } // HTTP_REQUEST::OnVersion()
SYNOPSIS: Adds the MIME type to our accept list
ENTRY: CHAR * pszValue
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
NOTES: Accept fields can look like:
Accept: text/html Accept: image/gif; audio/wav Accept: image/jpeg, q=.8, mxb=10000, mxt=5.0; image/gif
q - Quality (between zero and one) mxb - Maximum bytes acceptable mxs - Maximum seconds acceptable
We currently ignore the parameters
HISTORY: Johnl 21-Sep-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnAccept( CHAR * pszValue ) { //
// Keep an eye out for "*/*". If it's sent then we
// don't have to search the list for acceptable client
// types later on. Note it won't catch the case if the "*" occurs
// after the first item in the list.
if ( *pszValue == '*' || strstr( pszValue, TEXT("*/*") ) ) { _fAcceptsAll = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
NAME: HTTP_REQUEST::DoesClientAccept
SYNOPSIS: Searches the client accept list for the specified MIME type
ENTRY: str - MIME type to search for
RETURNS: TRUE if found, FALSE if not found
HISTORY: Johnl 22-Sep-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::DoesClientAccept( PCSTR pstr ) { TCHAR * pchSlash; TCHAR * pchType; INT cchToSlash;
// If the client indicated "*/*" in their accept list, then
// we don't need to check
if ( IsAcceptAllSet() ) return TRUE;
LPSTR pszAcc = (LPSTR ) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryStrValue(HM_ACC);
// If no accept headers were passed, then assume client
// accepts "text/plain" and "text/html"
if ( *pszAcc == '\0' ) { //
// Accept everything if no header was sent.
return TRUE; }
// Find out where the slash is so we can do a prefix compare
pchSlash = _tcschr( pstr, TEXT('/') );
if ( !pchSlash ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "[DoesClientAccept] Bad accept type - \"%s\"", pstr )); return FALSE; }
cchToSlash = DIFF(pchSlash - pstr);
// Scan through the list for entries that match up to the slash
INET_PARSER Parser( pszAcc ); Parser.SetListMode( TRUE );
pchType = Parser.QueryToken();
while ( *pchType ) { if ( !::_tcscmp( TEXT("*/*"), pchType ) || !::_tcscmp( TEXT("*"), pchType )) { return TRUE; }
if ( !_tcsnicmp( pstr, pchType, cchToSlash )) { //
// We matched to the slash. Is the second part a '*'
// or a real match?
if ( *(pchType + cchToSlash + 1) == TEXT('*') || !_tcsicmp( pstr + cchToSlash + 1, pchType + cchToSlash + 1 )) { return TRUE; } }
pchType = Parser.NextItem(); }
IF_DEBUG( PARSING ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "[DoesClientAccept] Client doesn't accept %s\n", pstr )); }
return FALSE; }
SYNOPSIS: Saves the content type
ENTRY: pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE on error
NOTES: Client's will generally specify this only for gateway data
HISTORY: Johnl 10-Oct-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnContentType( CHAR * pszValue ) { return _strContentType.Copy( pszValue ); }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnConnection( CHAR * pszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Looks to see if this connection is a keep-alive connection
pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
--*/ {
// Length should be greater than 9
if ( (*pszValue == 'K') || (*pszValue == 'k') ) {
if ( _stricmp( pszValue+1, "eep-Alive") == 0 ) { SetKeepConn( TRUE ); return(TRUE); } } else if ( (*pszValue == 'C') || (*pszValue == 'c') ) { if ( _stricmp( pszValue+1, "lose") == 0 ) { SetKeepConn( FALSE ); return TRUE; } }
// Do it the long way
INET_PARSER Parser( pszValue );
Parser.SetListMode( TRUE );
while ( *Parser.QueryToken() ) { if ( !_stricmp( "Keep-Alive", Parser.QueryToken() )) { SetKeepConn( TRUE ); } else { if ( !_stricmp( "Close", Parser.QueryToken() )) { SetKeepConn( FALSE ); } } Parser.NextItem(); } } return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnTransferEncoding( CHAR * pszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handles the Transfer-Encoding header.
pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
--*/ { INET_PARSER Parser( pszValue );
Parser.SetListMode( TRUE );
while ( *Parser.QueryToken() ) { if ( !_stricmp( "Chunked", Parser.QueryToken() )) { SetChunked( ); _ChunkState = READ_CHUNK_SIZE; _dwChunkSize = -1; _cbChunkHeader = 0; _cbChunkBytesRead = 0; _cbContentLength = 0xffffffff; _fHaveContentLength = TRUE; return TRUE; }
return TRUE;
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnLockToken( CHAR * pszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handles the LockToken header.
pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
--*/ { _fSendToDav = TRUE; // Send all requests with lock tokens to DAV
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnTranslate( CHAR * pszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handles the Translate header.
pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
--*/ { if (*pszValue == 'F' || *pszValue == 'f') { _fSendToDav = TRUE; _fDisableScriptmap = TRUE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::OnIf( CHAR * pszValue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Handles the LockToken header.
pszValue - Pointer to zero terminated string
--*/ { _fSendToDav = TRUE; // Send all requests with lock tokens to DAV
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::CacheUri( PW3_SERVER_INSTANCE pInstance, PW3_URI_INFO* ppURIInfo, PW3_METADATA pMetaData, LPCSTR pszURL, ULONG cchURL, STR* pstrPhysicalPath, STR* pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cache a URI info structure
pInstance - instance for this request ppURIInfo - updated with ptr to URI info if success pMetaData - metadata to associate with URI info pszURL - URL for which to cache URI info pstrPhysicalPath - physical path associated with pszURL pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath - unmapped physical path ( before calling filters ) associated with pszURL. Can be empty if filter not called.
--*/ { DWORD dwStringSize; PW3_URI_INFO pURIInfo;
// The URI information is NULL. Create a new URI blob, and try to open
// the file.
if (!TsAllocateEx(pInstance->GetTsvcCache(), sizeof(W3_URI_INFO), (PVOID *)&pURIInfo, DisposeOpenURIFileInfo)) { // Not enough memory to create the needed strucure, so fail the
// request.
return FALSE; }
#if 0
pURIInfo->hFileEvent = IIS_CREATE_EVENT( "W3_URI_INFO::hFileEvent", pURIInfo, TRUE, FALSE );
if ( pURIInfo->hFileEvent == NULL ) { TsFree( pInstance->GetTsvcCache(), pURIInfo ); return FALSE; } #endif //!oplock
// pURIInfo->bFileInfoValid = FALSE;
pURIInfo->dwFileOpenError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; pURIInfo->pOpenFileInfo = NULL; pURIInfo->bIsCached = TRUE; pURIInfo->pMetaData = pMetaData; pURIInfo->bInProcOnly = FALSE; pURIInfo->bUseAppPathChecked = FALSE;
// Copy the name of the physical path, so we have it for change
// notifies.
dwStringSize = pstrPhysicalPath->QueryCCH() + 1;
pURIInfo->cchName = dwStringSize - 1; pURIInfo->pszName = (PCHAR)TCP_ALLOC(dwStringSize * sizeof(CHAR));
if (pURIInfo->pszName == NULL) {
// Not enough memory, fail.
TsFree(pInstance->GetTsvcCache(), pURIInfo); return FALSE; }
memcpy( pURIInfo->pszName, pstrPhysicalPath->QueryStr(), dwStringSize);
// Copy unmapped physical path ( before filter notification )
// if different from physical path
if ( !pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath->IsEmpty() && strcmp( pstrPhysicalPath->QueryStr(), pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath->QueryStr() ) ) { dwStringSize = pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath->QueryCCH() + 1; pURIInfo->pszUnmappedName = (PCHAR)TCP_ALLOC(dwStringSize * sizeof(CHAR));
if ( pURIInfo->pszUnmappedName == NULL) {
// Not enough memory, fail.
TsFree(pInstance->GetTsvcCache(), pURIInfo); return FALSE; }
memcpy( pURIInfo->pszUnmappedName, pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath->QueryStr(), dwStringSize); } else { pURIInfo->pszUnmappedName = NULL; } //
// Cache the extension map info for this URI
pURIInfo->pvExtMapInfo = NULL; // It's set up, so add it to the cache.
if ( !TsCacheDirectoryBlob( pInstance->GetTsvcCache(), pszURL, cchURL, RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO, pURIInfo, TRUE)) { pURIInfo->bIsCached = FALSE; }
*ppURIInfo = pURIInfo;
return TRUE; }
// Verb worker methods
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::DoUnknown( BOOL * pfFinished ) { DBGPRINTF((DBG_CONTEXT, "OnDoUnknown - Unknown method - %s\n", _strMethod.QueryStr()));
if (!_stricmp("POST", _strMethod.QueryStr())) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION ); Disconnect( HT_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, NO_ERROR, FALSE, pfFinished ); } else { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_NOT_SUPPORTED, ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); Disconnect( HT_NOT_SUPPORTED, IDS_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED, FALSE, pfFinished ); } return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::LookupVirtualRoot( OUT STR * pstrPath, IN const CHAR * pszURL, IN ULONG cchURL, OUT DWORD * pcchDirRoot, OUT DWORD * pcchVRoot, OUT DWORD * pdwMask, OUT BOOL * pfFinished, IN BOOL fGetAcl, OUT PW3_METADATA* ppMetaData, OUT PW3_URI_INFO* ppURIBlob ) /*++
Routine Description:
Looks up the virtual root to find the physical drive mapping. If an Accept-Language header was sent by the client, we look for a virtual root prefixed by the language tag
pstrPath - Receives physical drive path pszURL - URL to look for pcchDirRoot - Number of characters in the found physical path pcchVRoot - Number of characters in the found virtual root pdwMask - Access mask for the specified URL pfFinished - Set to TRUE if a filter indicated the request should end fGetAcl - TRUE to retrieve ACL for this virtual root ppMetaData - Pointer to metadata object for URL. If this parameter is set (!= NULL), then MetaData/URIBlob is not freed/checked in ppURIBlob - Pointer to URIBlob for URL. If this parameter is set (!= NULL), then MetaData/URIBlob is not freed/checked in --*/ { DWORD cbPath; BOOL fRet = TRUE; DWORD dwDenied = SF_DENIED_RESOURCE; BOOL fAnyFilters = FALSE; PW3_URI_INFO pURIBlob = NULL; PW3_METADATA pMetaData = NULL; BOOL fMustCache = FALSE; STR strUnmappedPhysicalPath;
if ( !TsCheckOutCachedBlob( QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), pszURL, cchURL, RESERVED_DEMUX_URI_INFO, (VOID **) &pURIBlob, NULL )) {
// We don't have URI info available for this yet. We need to read
// the metadata for this URI and format it into a usable form, and
// add it to the cache
if ( !ReadMetaData( (LPSTR)pszURL, pstrPath, &pMetaData ) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
fMustCache = TRUE; } else { if ( pURIBlob->pszUnmappedName ) { fRet = pstrPath->Copy( pURIBlob->pszUnmappedName ); } else { fRet = pstrPath->Copy( pURIBlob->pszName, pURIBlob->cchName ); }
pMetaData = pURIBlob->pMetaData; }
if ( pMetaData->QueryVrError() ) { SetLastError( pMetaData->QueryVrError() ); fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
if ( pcchVRoot ) { *pcchVRoot = pMetaData->QueryVrLen(); }
if ( pdwMask ) { *pdwMask = pMetaData->QueryAccessPerms(); }
if ( fRet && _Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_URL_MAP, IsSecurePort() )) { BOOL fTmp;
fAnyFilters = TRUE;
if ( !strUnmappedPhysicalPath.Copy( *pstrPath ) || !pstrPath->Resize( MAX_PATH + sizeof(TCHAR) ) ) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
// If the caller is going to ignore the Finished request flag, supply
// a value ourselves
if ( !pfFinished ) { pfFinished = &fTmp; }
fRet = _Filter.NotifyUrlMap( pszURL, pstrPath->QueryStr(), pstrPath->QuerySize(), pfFinished ); if ( !fRet ) { dwDenied |= SF_DENIED_FILTER; }
// Reset length because filter may have resized the string
pstrPath->SetLen( strlen( pstrPath->QueryStr() ) ); }
// Check for short name as they break metabase equivalency
if ( fRet && memchr( pstrPath->QueryStr(), '~', pstrPath->QueryCB() )) { BOOL fShort; DWORD err;
if ( err = CheckIfShortFileName( (UCHAR *) pstrPath->QueryStr(), pMetaData->QueryVrAccessToken(), &fShort )) { fRet = FALSE; goto Exit; }
if ( fShort ) { fRet = FALSE; SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); goto Exit; } }
if ( !fRet && fAnyFilters && GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) { SetDeniedFlags( dwDenied ); }
if ( pcchDirRoot ) { *pcchDirRoot = pMetaData->QueryVrPath()->QueryCB(); }
if ( fRet && fMustCache && !CacheUri( QueryW3Instance(), &pURIBlob, pMetaData, pszURL, cchURL, pstrPath, &strUnmappedPhysicalPath ) ) { fRet = FALSE; }
// A caller will set ppURIBlob and ppMetaData when it wants to use the
// URI cache for the URL, but takes the reponsibility of freeing the
// URIBlob/Metadata after it is done using the URL's metadata object.
if ( ppURIBlob ) { *ppURIBlob = pURIBlob; }
if ( ppMetaData ) { *ppMetaData = pMetaData; }
if ( ppMetaData || ppURIBlob ) { return fRet; }
if ( pURIBlob != NULL ) { if (pURIBlob->bIsCached) { TsCheckInCachedBlob( pURIBlob ); } else { TsFree(QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), pURIBlob ); } } else { if ( pMetaData != NULL) { TsFreeMetaData( pMetaData->QueryCacheInfo() ); } }
return fRet; }
SYNOPSIS: Called when a map file or gateway has redirected us to a different URL. An async completion will be posted if TRUE is returned.
ENTRY: pchURL - URL we've been redirected to htverb - New verb to use (or unknown to leave as is)
RETURNS: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
HISTORY: Johnl 04-Oct-1994 Created
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::ReprocessURL( TCHAR * pchURL, enum HTTP_VERB htverb ) { BOOL fFinished = FALSE; BOOL fAcceptReneg = FALSE; BOOL fHandled = FALSE;
// Reset the gateway type
_GatewayType = GATEWAY_UNKNOWN; _strGatewayImage.Reset(); _dwScriptMapFlags = 0; _fPossibleDefaultExecute = FALSE;
// Need to send a Content-Location header, unless the caller
// doesn't want us to.
switch ( htverb ) { case HTV_GET: _verb = HTV_GET; _pmfnVerb = DoGet; break;
case HTV_HEAD: _verb = HTV_HEAD; _pmfnVerb = DoGet; break;
case HTV_TRACE: _verb = HTV_TRACE; _pmfnVerb = DoTrace; break;
case HTV_TRACECK: _verb = HTV_TRACECK; _pmfnVerb = DoTraceCk; break;
case HTV_POST: case HTV_UNKNOWN: break;
default: DBG_ASSERT( !"[ReprocessURL] Unknown verb type" ); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
SetState( HTR_DOVERB );
_acIpAccess = AC_NOT_CHECKED;
if ( !OnURL( pchURL ) || !ProcessURL( &fFinished, &fHandled ) ) { return FALSE; } //
// If ProcessUrl() handled the request, but we are not finished yet, then
// ProcessUrl() must have asynchronously send a response
if ( !fFinished && fHandled ) { return TRUE; }
// <Begin explanantion of client cert renegotiation voodoo>
// Check if we need to request a client cert. RequestRenegotiate() will call down
// to sspifilt to send the necessary SSPI/SSL blob to start the renegotiation
if ( QueryState() != HTR_CERT_RENEGOTIATE ) { if ( !RequestRenegotiate( &fAcceptReneg ) ) { if ( GetLastError() == SEC_E_INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE ) { fAcceptReneg = FALSE; } else { return FALSE; } } }
// If renegotiation was requested/accepted, begin reading data. We issue an async read
// for the blobs from the client [triggered by the call to RequestRenegotiate above] and
// back out all the way [to CLIENT_CONN::DoWork] to wait for the async completion to come
// in with the blob from the client. From there, HandleCertRenegotiation() will take
// care of the rest of the renegotiation.
// </End explanation of client cert renegotiation voodoo>
if ( fAcceptReneg ) { //
// _cbOldData is the number of bytes of the client request that have already
// been seen by the READ_RAW filter(s)
_cbOldData = _cbClientRequest + _cbEntityBody; DWORD cbNextRead = CERT_RENEGO_READ_SIZE;
if ( !_bufClientRequest.Resize( _cbOldData + cbNextRead )) { return FALSE; }
if ( !ReadFile( (BYTE *) _bufClientRequest.QueryPtr() + _cbOldData, cbNextRead, NULL, IO_FLAG_ASYNC|IO_FLAG_NO_FILTER )) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } //
// If need to check IP access, do so now
if ( !fFinished ) { //
// Check to see if encryption is required before we do any processing
if ( ( GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_SSL ) && !IsSecurePort() ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_SSL_REQUIRED, FALSE, &fFinished ); goto Exit; }
// Check if encryption key size should be at least 128 bits
if ( ( GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_SSL128 ) ) { DWORD dwKeySize; BOOL fNoCert;
if ( !_tcpauth.QueryEncryptionKeySize(&dwKeySize, &fNoCert) || (dwKeySize < 128) ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_SSL128_REQUIRED, FALSE, &fFinished ); goto Exit; } }
if ( !IsIpDnsAccessCheckPresent() ) { _acIpAccess = AC_IN_GRANT_LIST; } else if ( _acIpAccess == AC_NOT_CHECKED ) { _acIpAccess = QueryClientConn()->CheckIpAccess( &_fNeedDnsCheck );
if ( (_acIpAccess == AC_IN_DENY_LIST) || ((_acIpAccess == AC_NOT_IN_GRANT_LIST) && !_fNeedDnsCheck) ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_ADDR_REJECT, FALSE, &fFinished ); goto Exit; }
if ( _fNeedDnsCheck && !QueryClientConn()->IsDnsResolved() ) { BOOL fSync; LPSTR pDns; AC_RESULT acDnsAccess;
if ( !QueryClientConn()->QueryDnsName( &fSync, (ADDRCHECKFUNCEX)NULL, (ADDRCHECKARG)QueryClientConn(), &pDns ) ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_ADDR_REJECT, FALSE, &fFinished ); goto Exit; }
acDnsAccess = QueryClientConn()->CheckDnsAccess();
_fNeedDnsCheck = FALSE;
if ( acDnsAccess == AC_IN_DENY_LIST || acDnsAccess == AC_NOT_IN_GRANT_LIST || (_acIpAccess == AC_NOT_IN_GRANT_LIST && acDnsAccess != AC_IN_GRANT_LIST) ) { SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_FORBIDDEN, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ); Disconnect( HT_FORBIDDEN, IDS_ADDR_REJECT, FALSE, &fFinished ); goto Exit; } } } }
if ( !IsLoggedOn() && !LogonUser( &fFinished ) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED);
return FALSE; }
if ( !fFinished ) { if ( !DoWork( &fFinished )) { return FALSE; } }
// If no further processing is needed, set our state to done and post
// an async completion. We do this as the caller expects an async
// completion to clean things up
if ( fFinished ) { DBG_ASSERT( QueryLogHttpResponse() != HT_DONT_LOG );
SetState( HTR_DONE, QueryLogHttpResponse(), QueryLogWinError() ); return PostCompletionStatus( 0 ); }
return TRUE; }
SYNOPSIS: Pulls out various bits of information from this request.
ENTRY: pszValName - Value to retrieve pstr - Receives information in a string format pfFound - Option, Set to TRUE if a value was found, FALSE otherwise
HISTORY: Johnl 25-Sep-1994 Created MuraliK 3-July-1996 Rewrote for efficiency - used switch-case MuraliK 21-Nov-1996 Rewrote again for efficiency - use sub-function pointers
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::GetInfo( const TCHAR * pszValName, STR * pstr, BOOL * pfFound ) { if ( !pszValName ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
if ( pfFound ) { *pfFound = TRUE; }
// terminate the string
if ( !strcmp( "ALL_HTTP", pszValName )) return BuildCGIHeaderListInSTR( pstr, &_HeaderList );
// Use the GetInfoForName() function to generate the required value
// All callers of GetInfo() should be directly calling GetInfoForName()
// for efficiency sake
BOOL fRet; DWORD cb = pstr->QuerySize(); fRet = GetInfoForName( pszValName, pstr->QueryStr(), &cb);
if ( !fRet) {
switch ( GetLastError()) {
case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: DBG_ASSERT( cb > pstr->QuerySize()); if ( !pstr->Resize( cb + 1)) {
return ( FALSE); }
// Try to get the value again.
fRet = GetInfoForName( pszValName, pstr->QueryStr(), &cb); if ( fRet) { pstr->SetLen( strlen( pstr->QueryStr())); } else { DBG_ASSERT( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); }
if ( pfFound ) { *pfFound = FALSE; } break;
default: // there is a failure. Return the error to caller
break; } // switch()
} else {
// Set the appropriate length
pstr->SetLen( strlen( pstr->QueryStr())); }
return (fRet); } // HTTP_REQUEST::GetInfo()
BOOL BuildCGIHeaderListInSTR( STR * pstr, HTTP_HEADERS * pHeaderList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Builds a list of all client passed headers in the form of
// Builds a list of all client HTTP headers in the form of:
// HTTP_<up-case header>: <field>\n
// HTTP_<up-case header>: <field>\n
// ...
pstr - Receives full list pHeaderList - List of headers
--*/ {
pHeaderList->InitIterator( &hhi);
while (pHeaderList->NextPair( &hhi, &pnp)) {
if ( pnp->cchName + CGI_HEADER_PREFIX_CCH > sizeof( ach)) { continue; }
// Ignore some headers like "method", "url" and "version" -
// ones without the ':' at the end
if ( pnp->pchName[pnp->cchName - 1] != ':' ) { continue; }
// Convert the destination to upper and replace all '-' with '_'
pch = ach + CGI_HEADER_PREFIX_CCH; for ( i = 0; i < pnp->cchName; i++) { pch[i] = (( pnp->pchName[i] == '-') ? '_' : toupper( pnp->pchName[i]) ); } // for
pch[i] = '\0';
if ( !pstr->Append( ach ) || !pstr->Append( pnp->pchValue, pnp->cchValue ) || !pstr->Append( "\n", sizeof("\n")-1 )) { return FALSE; } } // for iterator over headers
return TRUE; } // BuildCGIHeaderListInSTR()
_fGlobalInit = TRUE;
// Initialize the GetInfo function table
// 1. init the values to standard function GetInfoMisc() to start with
for( CHAR ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++) { sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar(ch)] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoMisc; }
// 2. Initialize all known functions as appropriate
sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('A')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoA; sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('C')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoC;
sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('H')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoH; sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('I')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoI; sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('L')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoL;
sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('P')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoP; sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('R')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoR;
sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('S')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoS; sm_GetInfoFuncs[IndexOfChar('U')] = (PFN_GET_INFO ) &GetInfoU;
return (NO_ERROR);
} // HTTP_REQUEST::Initialize()
VOID HTTP_REQUEST::Terminate( VOID ) { if ( !_fGlobalInit ) return;
HTTP_HEADERS::Cleanup(); }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::RequestRenegotiate( LPBOOL pfAccepted ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method is invoked to request a SSL cert renegotiation
pfAccepted - updated with TRUE if renegotiation accepted
TRUE if no error, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { if ( !IsSecurePort() || !(GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_NEGO_CERT) ) { *pfAccepted = FALSE;
return TRUE; }
if ( _dwRenegotiated && (GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_MAP_CERT) == (UINT)((_dwSslNegoFlags & SSLNEGO_MAP) ? VROOT_MASK_MAP_CERT : 0) ) { *pfAccepted = FALSE;
return TRUE; }
_dwRenegotiated = 0;
// Ask the filter to handle renegotiation
if ( !_Filter.NotifyRequestRenegotiate( &_Filter, pfAccepted, GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_MAP_CERT ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( *pfAccepted ) { if ( GetFilePerms() & VROOT_MASK_MAP_CERT ) { _dwSslNegoFlags |= SSLNEGO_MAP; } else { _dwSslNegoFlags &= ~SSLNEGO_MAP; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::DoneRenegotiate( BOOL fSuccess ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method is invoked on SSL cert renegotiation completion
fSuccess - TRUE if renegotiation successfully retrieve a certificate
TRUE if no error, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { _dwRenegotiated = fSuccess ? CERT_NEGO_SUCCESS : CERT_NEGO_FAILURE;
return TRUE; }
VOID HTTP_REQUEST::EndOfRequest( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method does the necessary cleanup for the end of this request - note on error conditions this method may not be called, so there is some duplication with SessionTerminated which is guaranteed to be called
Arguments: None
Returns: None
--*/ { //
// Notify filters this is the end of the request
if ( _Filter.IsNotificationNeeded( SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST, IsSecurePort() )) { _Filter.NotifyEndOfRequest(); }
CloseGetFile(); //
// Reset the authentication if
// - not in authentication phase of connection
// - SSL connection; connection can't be reused [eg by proxy] because it's encrypted
// - flag single request per auth is set
// - flag single proxy request per auth is set and request coming from a proxy
// ( as determined by checking for 'Via:' header ). Note that this method
// cannot guarantee proxy detection, but this is the best we can do.
// There are 2 submodes : always reset auth for proxies, or reset auth only
// if not in proxy mode ( as set by ISAPI app, default )
if ( _pMetaData && !_fAuthenticating && !_fAnonymous && !IsSecurePort() && ( (_pMetaData->QueryAuthenticationPersistence() & MD_AUTH_SINGLEREQUEST) || ( (_pMetaData->QueryAuthenticationPersistence() & MD_AUTH_SINGLEREQUESTALWAYSIFPROXY) && IsClientProxy() ) || ( (_pMetaData->QueryAuthenticationPersistence() & MD_AUTH_SINGLEREQUESTIFPROXY) && IsClientProxy() && !IsProxyRequest() ) ) ) { _fSingleRequestAuth = TRUE; }
// Free the URI and/or metadata information if we have any. We know that
// if we have URI info, then it points at meta data and will free the
// metadata info when the URI info is free. Otherwise, we need to free
// the metadata information here.
} // HTTP_REQUEST::EndOfRequest()
VOID HTTP_REQUEST::SessionTerminated( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This method does the necessary cleanup for the connected session for this request object.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
--*/ { switch ( QueryState()) {
// does the necessary actions to cleanup outstanding IO operation
(VOID ) ProcessAsyncGatewayIO(); break;
default: break;
} // switch()
// Free the URI and/or metadata information if we have any. We know that
// if we have URI info, then it points at meta data and will free the
// metadata info when the URI info is free. Otherwise, we need to free
// the metadata information here.
// do the cleanup for base object
} // HTTP_REQUEST::SessionTerminated()
#define EXTRA_ETAG_PRECOND_SIZE (sizeof("ETag: W/\r\n") - 1 + \
MAX_ETAG_BUFFER_LENGTH + \ sizeof("Date: \r\n") - 1+ \ sizeof("Mon, 00 Jan 1997: 00:00:00 GMT") - 1 +\ sizeof("Last-Modified: \r\n") - 1+ \ sizeof("Mon, 00 Jan 1997 00:00:00 GMT") - 1)
#define EXTRA_PRECOND_SIZE (sizeof("Connection: keep-alive\r\n") - 1 +\
sizeof("Content-Length: 4294967295\r\n\r\n") - 1)
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::SendPreconditionResponse( DWORD HT_Response, DWORD dwIOFlags, BOOL *pfFinished ) /*++
Routine Description:
Utility routine to send the appropriate header for a precondition failure.
HT_Response - The response to be sent.
pfFinished - Boolean indicating whether or not we're finished.
TRUE if we sent a response to the request, FALSE if we didn't.
--*/ { CHAR *pszTail; STACK_STR(strTemp, 80); DWORD dwCurrentSize; CHAR ach[64];
// Build the response with support for keep-alives
if ( !BuildStatusLine( &strTemp, HT_Response, NO_ERROR )) { return FALSE; }
// If this is a 304 response we need to send an ETag, and Expires.
if (HT_Response == HT_NOT_MODIFIED) {
if (!BuildBaseResponseHeader(QueryRespBuf(), pfFinished, &strTemp, HTTPH_SEND_GLOBAL_EXPIRE)) { return FALSE; }
dwCurrentSize = strlen(QueryRespBufPtr());
if (!QueryRespBuf()->Resize(dwCurrentSize + EXTRA_ETAG_PRECOND_SIZE + EXTRA_PRECOND_SIZE)) { return FALSE; }
pszTail = QueryRespBufPtr() + dwCurrentSize;
DBG_ASSERT(_pGetFile != NULL);
if ( !QueryNoCache() ) { //
// Don't send a Last-Modified time, per the 1.1 spec.
// ETag: <Etag>
if (_pGetFile->WeakETag()) { APPEND_PSZ_HEADER(pszTail, "ETag: W/", _pGetFile->QueryETag(), "\r\n"); } else { APPEND_PSZ_HEADER(pszTail, "ETag: ", _pGetFile->QueryETag(), "\r\n"); } }
} else { if (!BuildBaseResponseHeader(QueryRespBuf(), pfFinished, &strTemp, HTTPH_NO_CUSTOM)) { return FALSE; }
pszTail = QueryRespBufPtr(); dwCurrentSize = strlen(pszTail);
if (!QueryRespBuf()->Resize(dwCurrentSize + EXTRA_PRECOND_SIZE)) { return FALSE; }
pszTail = QueryRespBufPtr() + dwCurrentSize; }
// Don't need to add Connection: header, that's done by
// BuildBaseResponseHeader.
if ( IsKeepConnSet() ) { if (!_fHaveContentLength && (_cbBytesReceived == _cbClientRequest)) { dwIOFlags |= IO_FLAG_AND_RECV; } }
if (HT_Response != HT_NOT_MODIFIED) { BYTE cMsg[128]; BUFFER bufMsg(cMsg, sizeof(cMsg)); DWORD dwMsgSize;
if (CheckCustomError(&bufMsg, HT_Response, 0, pfFinished, &dwMsgSize, FALSE)) { //
// Now that we know the content length, add a content length
// header, and copy the custom error message to the buffer.
APPEND_NUMERIC_HEADER( pszTail, "Content-Length: ", dwMsgSize, "\r\n" );
dwCurrentSize = DIFF(pszTail - QueryRespBufPtr());
if (!QueryRespBuf()->Resize(dwCurrentSize + bufMsg.QuerySize())) { return FALSE; }
pszTail = QueryRespBufPtr() + dwCurrentSize;
strcat(pszTail, (CHAR *)bufMsg.QueryPtr()); } else { APPEND_STRING(pszTail, "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); }
} else { //
// Need to send a content length of 0 because of HTTP/1.0 clients
APPEND_STRING(pszTail, "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"); }
SetState( HTR_DONE, HT_Response, NO_ERROR );
return SendHeader( QueryRespBufPtr(), QueryRespBufCB(), dwIOFlags, pfFinished ); }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::FindInETagList( PCHAR pLocalETag, PCHAR pETagList, BOOL bWeakCompare ) /*++
Routine Description:
Search and input list of ETag for one that matches our local ETag.
pLocalETag - The local ETag we're using.
pETagList - The ETag list we've received from the client.
bWeakCompare - TRUE if we're doing a weak compare.
TRUE if we found a matching ETag, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { UINT QuoteCount; PCHAR pFileETag; BOOL Matched;
// Otherwise, we'll loop through the ETag string, looking for ETag to
// compare, as long as we have an ETag to look at.
do {
while (isspace((UCHAR)(*pETagList))) { pETagList++; }
if (!*pETagList) { // Ran out of ETag.
return FALSE; }
// If this ETag is '*', it's a match.
if (*pETagList == '*') { return TRUE; }
// See if this ETag is weak.
if (*pETagList == 'W' && *(pETagList+1) == '/') { // This is a weak validator. If we're not doing the weak comparison,
// fail.
if (!bWeakCompare) { return FALSE; }
// Skip over the 'W/', and any intervening whitespace.
pETagList += 2;
while (isspace((UCHAR)(*pETagList))) { pETagList++; }
if (!*pETagList) { // Ran out of ETag.
return FALSE; } }
if (*pETagList != '"') { // This isn't a quoted string, so fail.
return FALSE; }
// OK, right now we should be at the start of a quoted string that
// we can compare against our current ETag.
QuoteCount = 0;
Matched = TRUE; pFileETag = pLocalETag;
// Do the actual compare. We do this by scanning the current ETag,
// which is a quoted string. We look for two quotation marks, the
// the delimiters if the quoted string. If after we find two quotes
// in the ETag everything has matched, then we've matched this ETag.
// Otherwise we'll try the next one.
do { CHAR Temp;
Temp = *pETagList;
if (Temp == '"') { QuoteCount++; }
if (*pFileETag != Temp) { Matched = FALSE; }
if (!Temp) { return FALSE; }
if (*pFileETag == '\0') { break; }
} while (QuoteCount != 2);
if (Matched) { return TRUE; }
// Otherwise, at this point we need to look at the next ETag.
while (QuoteCount != 2) { if (*pETagList == '"') { QuoteCount++; } else { if (*pETagList == '\0') { return FALSE; } }
pETagList++; }
while (isspace((UCHAR)(*pETagList))) { pETagList++; }
if (*pETagList == ',') { pETagList++; } else { return FALSE; }
} while ( *pETagList );
return FALSE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::CancelPreconditions( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cancel preconditions for this request
TRUE if success, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { _strRange.Reset(); _HeaderList.FastMapCancel(HM_IFM); _liUnmodifiedSince.QuadPart = 0; _HeaderList.FastMapCancel(HM_INM); _liModifiedSince.QuadPart = 0; _dwModifiedSinceLength = 0; _HeaderList.FastMapCancel(HM_IFR);
return TRUE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::CheckPreconditions( LPTS_OPEN_FILE_INFO pFile, BOOL *pfFinished, BOOL *bReturn
) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle all of the If Modifiers on a request, and do the right thing with them. Note that this version implicitly assumes that the caller is performing a GET or HEAD or something compatible.
pFile - Pointer to file information for file we're checking.
pfFinished - pass through BOOLEAN.
bReturn - Where to store the response value for this routine.
TRUE if we sent a response to the request, FALSE if we didn't.
--*/ { LPSTR pszETagList; BOOL bWeakCompare;
// There are currently 5 possible If-* modifiers: If-Match,
// If-Unmodified-Since, If-Non-Match, If-Modified-Since, and
// If-Range. We handle them in that order if all are present,
// and as soon as one condition fails we stop processing and return
// the appropriate header.
// If-Range is an exception. It only modifies the behavior of an incoming
// Range: request, and it only applies if the response would otherwise
// be 2xx. If it succeeds nothing is done, but if it fails we (essentially)
// delete the Range header and force sending of the whole header.
// First see if we can use the weak comparison function. We can use
// the weak comparison function iff this is for a conditional GET with
// no range request. Note that If-Match always requires the strong
// comparison function.
bWeakCompare = _strRange.IsEmpty();
// Now handle the If-Match header, if we have one.
pszETagList = (LPSTR ) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_IFM);
if (pszETagList != NULL) { // Have an If-Match header. If we can match the ETag we have in
// the list we'll continue, otherwise send back
// 412 Precondition Failed. If-Match requires the strong
// comparison function, so it fails if the local ETag is weak or
// the incoming ETags are weak.
if ( pFile->WeakETag() || !FindInETagList(pFile->QueryETag(), pszETagList, FALSE)) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_PRECOND_FAILED, IO_FLAG_ASYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } }
// Made it through that, handle If-Unmodified-Since if we have that.
if ( _liUnmodifiedSince.QuadPart) { FILETIME tm; TCP_REQUIRE( pFile->QueryLastWriteTime( &tm ));
// If our last write time is greater than their UnmodifiedSince
// time, the precondition fails.
if (*(LONGLONG*)&tm > _liUnmodifiedSince.QuadPart ) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_PRECOND_FAILED, IO_FLAG_ASYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } }
// Now see if we have an If-None-Match, and if so handle that.
pszETagList = (LPSTR ) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_INM);
if (pszETagList != NULL) { // Have an If-None-Match header. We send 304 if the If-None-Match
// condition is false. The If-None-Match condition is false if
// it's not true that we're doing a strong compare against a weak
// local ETag and we can find a match in the ETag list.
if (!(!bWeakCompare && pFile->WeakETag()) && FindInETagList(pFile->QueryETag(), pszETagList, bWeakCompare)) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_NOT_MODIFIED, IO_FLAG_ASYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; }
// And check for last modified since.
if ( _liModifiedSince.QuadPart) { FILETIME tm; TCP_REQUIRE( pFile->QueryLastWriteTime( &tm ));
if ( *(LONGLONG*)&tm <= _liModifiedSince.QuadPart ) { // Need to check and see if the Modified-Since time is greater than
// our current time. If it is, we ignore it.
if (*(LONGLONG *)&tm >= _liModifiedSince.QuadPart) { LARGE_INTEGER liFileSize; TCP_REQUIRE( pFile->QuerySize( liFileSize ));
if (_dwModifiedSinceLength == 0 || (liFileSize.HighPart == 0 && (liFileSize.LowPart == _dwModifiedSinceLength))) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_NOT_MODIFIED, IO_FLAG_ASYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } } }
// Finally, we can handle If-Range: if it exists. If we've gotten this
// far presumably we're going to send a 2xx response. We'll ignore the
// If-Range if this is not a range request. If it is a range request and
// the If-Range matches we don't do anything. If the If-Range doesn't
// match then we force retrieval of the whole file.
pszETagList = (LPSTR ) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_IFR);
if (pszETagList != NULL) { if (!_strRange.IsEmpty()) {
// Need to determine if what we have is a date or an ETag.
// What we have can be either an ETag or a date string. An ETag
// may start with a W/ or a quote. A date may start with a W
// but will never have the second character be a /.
if ( *pszETagList == '"' || (*pszETagList == 'W' && pszETagList[1] == '/')) { // This is an ETag.
if (pFile->WeakETag() || !FindInETagList(pFile->QueryETag(), pszETagList, FALSE)) { // The If-Range failed, so we can't send a range. Force
// sending the whole thing.
_strRange.SetLen(0); } } else { LARGE_INTEGER liRangeTime;
// This must be a date. Convert it to a time, and see if it's
// less than or equal to our last write time. If it is, the
// file's changed, and we can't perform the range.
if ( !StringTimeToFileTime( pszETagList, &liRangeTime)) { // Couldn't convert it, so don't send the range.
} else { FILETIME tm; TCP_REQUIRE( pFile->QueryLastWriteTime( &tm ));
if (*(LONGLONG*)&tm > liRangeTime.QuadPart ) { _strRange.SetLen(0); } }
} } }
return FALSE;
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::CheckPreconditions( HANDLE hFile, BOOL bExisted, BOOL *pfFinished, BOOL *bReturn
) /*++
Routine Description:
Handle the If Modifiers on a request, and do the right thing with them. This routine is very similar to the other CheckPreconditions routine. The difference is that the other one is intended to be called by someone doing a GET or HEAD, and this one is intended for other methods. This version of the routine takes as input a file handle instead of a pointer to a TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO class. Also, this version always uses the strong comparison function for ETags, doesn't check If-Modified-Since or If-Range headers, and sends 412 instead of 304 for If-None-Match failures. We don't handle the If-Match and If-Range headers because the spec. calls them out as being for use with a GET and this version of the routine isn't called for GETs.
hFile - Handle for file we're checking.
bExists - TRUE if the file we're checking existed before this call.
pfFinished - pass through BOOLEAN.
bReturn - Where to store the response value for this routine.
TRUE if we sent a response to the request, FALSE if we didn't.
// There are currently 3 possible If-* modifiers we handle here: If-Match,
// If-Unmodified-Since, and If-Non-Match. We handle them in that order if
// all are present, and as soon as one condition fails we stop processing
// and return the appropriate header.
// Now handle the If-Match header, if we have one.
pszETagList = (LPSTR ) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_IFM);
if (pszETagList != NULL) { // Have an If-Match header. If we can match the ETag we have in
// the list we'll continue, otherwise send back
// 412 Precondition Failed. If-Match requires the strong comparison
// function. The first thing we have to do is call the tsunami cache to
// create an ETag for us. If we can't do that, we assume the
// precondition failed, and return the appropriate error.
// Check for the special case of '*'.
if (*pszETagList == '*') { if (!bExisted) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_PRECOND_FAILED, IO_FLAG_SYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } } else { bETagIsValid = TsCreateETagFromHandle(hFile, ETag, &bWeakETag); if (!bETagIsValid || bWeakETag || !FindInETagList(ETag, pszETagList, FALSE)) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_PRECOND_FAILED, IO_FLAG_SYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } }
// Made it through that, handle If-Unmodified-Since if we have that.
if ( _liUnmodifiedSince.QuadPart) {
// If our last write time is greater than their UnmodifiedSince
// time, the precondition fails. We'll need to call tsunami to
// get the file time, if that fails we can't do the compare, so
// we err on the safe side and return the error.
if (!TsLastWriteTimeFromHandle(hFile, &tm) || *(LONGLONG*)&tm > _liUnmodifiedSince.QuadPart ) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_PRECOND_FAILED, IO_FLAG_SYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } }
// Now see if we have an If-None-Match, and if so handle that.
pszETagList = (LPSTR ) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue(HM_INM);
if (pszETagList != NULL) { // Have an If-None-Match header. We send 412 if the If-None-Match
// condition is false. The If-None-Match condition is false if
// it's not true that we're doing a strong compare against a weak
// local ETag and we can find a match in the ETag list. We may
// still need to create an ETag. In this case we need the
// ETag to be valid, if we can't create one we won't go with
// the 412 response.
// Check for the special case of '*'.
if (*pszETagList == '*') { if (bExisted) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_PRECOND_FAILED, IO_FLAG_SYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } } else { if (!bETagIsValid) { bETagIsValid = TsCreateETagFromHandle(hFile, ETag, &bWeakETag); }
if (bETagIsValid && !bWeakETag && FindInETagList(ETag, pszETagList, FALSE)) { *bReturn = SendPreconditionResponse(HT_PRECOND_FAILED, IO_FLAG_SYNC, pfFinished); return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
Routine Description:
Handle the URL before (optionally) looking up instance. This means removing any "/HostMenu" and embeeded hosts.
TRUE if successful, else FALSE
--*/ { const CHAR * pchURL = _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL );
if ( !_strnicmp( pchURL, g_pszDLCMenu, g_cbDLCMenu ) ) { if ( !_strHostAddr.Copy( g_pszDLCHostName, g_cbDLCHostName ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( *( pchURL + g_cbDLCMenu ) == '\0' || *( pchURL + g_cbDLCMenu ) == '?' ) { STACK_STR( strHostCookie, MAX_PATH ); STACK_STR( strMenuURL, MAX_PATH );
const CHAR * pchCookie = _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_COK );
if ( pchCookie != NULL && DLCGetCookie( (CHAR*) pchCookie, g_pszDLCCookieName, g_cbDLCCookieName, &strHostCookie ) ) { if ( !strMenuURL.Copy( g_pszDLCCookieMenuDocument, g_cbDLCCookieMenuDocument ) ) { return FALSE; } } else { if ( !strMenuURL.Copy( g_pszDLCMungeMenuDocument, g_cbDLCMungeMenuDocument ) ) { return FALSE; } }
if ( !strMenuURL.Append( pchURL + g_cbDLCMenu ) ) { return FALSE; }
_HeaderList.FastMapStore( HM_URL, NULL );
return _HeaderList.FastMapStoreWithConcat( HM_URL, strMenuURL.QueryStr(), strMenuURL.QueryCB() ); } else { _HeaderList.FastMapStore( HM_URL, pchURL + g_cbDLCMenu ); return TRUE; } } else {
if ( *pchURL == '/' ) { pchURL++; }
if ( *pchURL == '*' ) { CHAR * pchNextSlash = strchr( pchURL, '/' );
if ( pchNextSlash != NULL ) { if ( !_strDLCString.Copy( pchURL + 1, DIFF(pchNextSlash - pchURL) - 1 ) ) { return FALSE; }
_HeaderList.FastMapStore( HM_URL, pchNextSlash ); } }
return TRUE; } }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::DLCHandleRequest( IN OUT BOOL * pfFinished ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check for whether a down level client has sent a cookie for use as a host header. If so, set the host header. If no cookie is sent, redirect the client to the register configured host menu.
pfFinished - Set to TRUE if request finished.
TRUE if successful, else FALSE
--*/ { const CHAR * pch = NULL; const CHAR * pchURL = NULL; STACK_STR( strHostCookie, MAX_PATH );
// Check for a pseudoheader cookie
pch = _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_COK ); pchURL = _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL );
if ( pch != NULL && DLCGetCookie( (CHAR*) _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_COK ), g_pszDLCCookieName, g_cbDLCCookieName, &strHostCookie ) ) { return _strHostAddr.Copy( strHostCookie );
} else if ( !_strDLCString.IsEmpty() ) { return _strHostAddr.Copy( _strDLCString ); } else { STACK_STR( strRedirect, MAX_PATH );
// No cookie, no munged string. Do a redirect!
// Send a cookie with the redirect so we can tell how capable the
// user's browser really is.
if ( !strRedirect.Copy( "Set-Cookie: path=/; domain=" ) || !strRedirect.Append( g_pszDLCHostName ) || !strRedirect.Append( "; " ) || !strRedirect.Append( g_pszDLCCookieName ) || !strRedirect.Append( "=" ) || !strRedirect.Append( g_pszDLCHostName ) || !strRedirect.Append( "\r\n" ) || !strRedirect.Append( "Location: http://" ) || !strRedirect.Append( g_pszDLCHostName ) || !strRedirect.Append( g_pszDLCMenu ) || !strRedirect.Append( "?" ) || !strRedirect.Append( _HeaderList.FastMapQueryValue( HM_URL ) ) || !strRedirect.Append( "\r\n\r\n" ) ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !SendHeader( "302 Temporary Redirect", strRedirect.QueryStr(), IO_FLAG_SYNC, pfFinished ) ) { return FALSE; }
*pfFinished = TRUE;
return TRUE; } }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::DLCGetCookie( IN CHAR * pszCookieString, IN CHAR * pszCookieName, IN DWORD cbCookieName, OUT STR * pstrCookieValue ) { CHAR * pchPos = NULL;
DBG_ASSERT( pszCookieString != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pszCookieName != NULL ); DBG_ASSERT( pstrCookieValue != NULL );
pchPos = strstr( pszCookieString, pszCookieName );
if ( pchPos != NULL ) { CHAR * pchEnd = NULL; BOOL fCopyOK;
pchPos += cbCookieName + 1;
// Handle case where multiple cookies are sent
pchEnd = strchr( pchPos, ';' ); if ( pchEnd == NULL ) { fCopyOK = pstrCookieValue->Copy( pchPos ); } else { fCopyOK = pstrCookieValue->Copy( pchPos, DIFF(pchEnd - pchPos) ); }
// Unescape the value if we got it
if ( fCopyOK ) { return pstrCookieValue->Unescape(); } else { return FALSE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::RequestAbortiveClose( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Request for abortive close on disconnect
TRUE if successful, else FALSE
--*/ { SetKeepConn( FALSE );
return QueryClientConn()->RequestAbortiveClose(); }
BOOL HTTP_REQUEST::CloseConnection( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Closes the socket connection
TRUE if successful, else FALSE
--*/ { CLIENT_CONN *pConn; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
pConn = QueryClientConn();
DBG_ASSERT( pConn );
// If client is not already disconnected itself,
// clear _fKeepConn flag and close connection
if( pConn->QueryState() != CCS_DISCONNECTING ) {
// RACE ALERT: it is still possible that client disconnects
// while we are getting down to ATQ.
SetKeepConn( FALSE ); fSuccess = pConn->CloseConnection(); } else { //
// at this point we know that client did disconnect itself
fSuccess = FALSE; }
return fSuccess; }
APIERR WriteConfiguration( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determination certain configuration items of server and write them out to the metabase so that admin can access
0 if successful, else Win32 Error Code
--*/ { CHAR achFilename[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR * pchFilePart; DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwHandle; UINT dwLen; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwServerConfiguration = 0; MB mb( (IMDCOM*) g_pInetSvc->QueryMDObject() );
// With the availability of Server gated crypto, all servers
// can use 128 bits encryption
#if !defined(CHECK_SCHANNEL_FOR_128_BITS)
dwServerConfiguration |= MD_SERVER_CONFIG_SSL_128;
// Determine what type of SCHANNEL.DLL is installed
dwRet = SearchPath( NULL, "schannel.dll", NULL, MAX_PATH, achFilename, &pchFilePart );
if ( dwRet != 0 ) { VOID * pBuf; VOID * pValue; WORD * pVerTransInfo; CHAR achBlockName[ MAX_PATH ];
dwRet = GetFileVersionInfoSize( achFilename, &dwHandle );
if ( dwRet == 0 ) { goto Continue; }
pBuf = LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwRet );
if ( pBuf == NULL ) { return GetLastError(); }
if ( !GetFileVersionInfo( achFilename, dwHandle, dwRet, pBuf ) ) { LocalFree( pBuf ); goto Continue; }
if ( !VerQueryValue( pBuf, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", &pValue, &dwLen ) ) { LocalFree( pBuf ); goto Continue; }
DBG_ASSERT( dwLen == sizeof( WORD * ) );
pVerTransInfo = (WORD*) pValue;
wsprintf( achBlockName, "\\StringFileInfo\\%04hx%04hx\\FileDescription", pVerTransInfo[ 0 ], pVerTransInfo[ 1 ] );
if ( !VerQueryValue( pBuf, achBlockName, &pValue, &dwLen ) ) { LocalFree( pBuf ); goto Continue; }
if ( strstr( (CHAR*) pValue, "Not for Export" ) ) { dwServerConfiguration |= MD_SERVER_CONFIG_SSL_128; } else { dwServerConfiguration |= MD_SERVER_CONFIG_SSL_40; }
LocalFree( pBuf ); }
// Is encryption disabled due to locality?
if ( IsEncryptionPermitted() ) { dwServerConfiguration |= MD_SERVER_CONFIG_ALLOW_ENCRYPT; }
// Now determine whether the sub-authenticator is installed
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, W3_AUTHENTICATOR_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) == NO_ERROR ) { DWORD lRet; CHAR * pchNext; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; DWORD dwType; BUFFER buf( MAX_PATH ); DWORD dwBufLen; BOOL fSubAuthenticate = FALSE;
Retry: dwBufLen = buf.QuerySize();
lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "Authentication Packages", NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*) buf.QueryPtr(), &dwBufLen );
if ( lRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { if ( !buf.Resize( dwBufLen ) ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return GetLastError(); } goto Retry; } else if ( lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
DBG_ASSERT( dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ ); pchNext = (CHAR*) buf.QueryPtr();
while ( *pchNext != '\0' ) { if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, pchNext, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey ) == NO_ERROR ) { BYTE achBuffer[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwBufSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwType;
if ( RegQueryValueEx( hSubKey, "Auth132", NULL, &dwType, achBuffer, &dwBufSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DBG_ASSERT( dwType == REG_SZ );
if ( strstr( (CHAR*) achBuffer, "iissuba" ) != NULL ) { fSubAuthenticate = TRUE; } }
RegCloseKey( hSubKey );
if ( fSubAuthenticate ) { dwServerConfiguration |= MD_SERVER_CONFIG_AUTO_PW_SYNC; break; } } else { break; }
pchNext += strlen( pchNext ); } }
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
if ( !mb.Open( "/LM/W3SVC/", METADATA_PERMISSION_READ | METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE ) ) { return GetLastError(); }
if ( !mb.SetDword( IIS_MD_SVC_INFO_PATH, MD_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_INFO, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, dwServerConfiguration, 0 ) ) { DBG_REQUIRE( mb.Close() ); return GetLastError(); }
DBG_REQUIRE( mb.Close() );
return 0; }
VOID HTTP_REQUEST::CloseGetFile( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Closes our tsunami file handle structure if we have one. Arguments:
--*/ { TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO * pGetFile;
// This function is sometimes called after an async I/O
// has been initiated, so to prevent a race we the
// completion routine we have to do this interlocked
// operation.
pGetFile = (TS_OPEN_FILE_INFO *) InterlockedExchangePointer( (PVOID *)& _pGetFile, NULL ); if ( pGetFile ) { DBG_REQUIRE( TsCloseURIFile(pGetFile) ); } }
VOID EXEC_DESCRIPTOR::ReleaseCacheInfo( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Frees just the items we have checked out in the cache
--*/ { //
// Always release AppPathURIBlob info.
if ( _pAppPathURIBlob != NULL) { if (_pAppPathURIBlob->bIsCached) { TsCheckInCachedBlob( _pAppPathURIBlob ); } else { TsFree(_pRequest->QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), _pAppPathURIBlob ); } _pAppPathURIBlob = NULL; }
if ( _pPathInfoURIBlob != NULL) {
if (_pPathInfoURIBlob->bIsCached) { TsCheckInCachedBlob( _pPathInfoURIBlob ); } else { TsFree(_pRequest->QueryW3Instance()->GetTsvcCache(), _pPathInfoURIBlob ); } _pPathInfoMetaData = NULL; _pPathInfoURIBlob = NULL; } else { if (_pPathInfoMetaData != NULL) { TsFreeMetaData(_pPathInfoMetaData->QueryCacheInfo() ); _pPathInfoMetaData = NULL; } } }
Routine Description:
Reset structure after usage
--*/ { ReleaseCacheInfo();
_pstrURL = NULL; _pstrPhysicalPath = NULL; _pstrUnmappedPhysicalPath = NULL; _pstrGatewayImage = NULL; _pstrPathInfo = NULL; _pstrURLParams = NULL; _pdwScriptMapFlags = NULL; _pGatewayType = NULL; _pRequest = NULL; _pParentWamRequest = NULL; _pMetaData = NULL;
// if this is a child request, preserve its childishness
// (which is specified in flags member), since we need
// to set child event after this reset has occurred.
if ( !IsChild() ) {
_dwExecFlags = 0; }
HANDLE EXEC_DESCRIPTOR::QueryImpersonationHandle( ) /*++
Routine Description:
returns impersonation access token for this request
HANDLE value
--*/ { if ( _pPathInfoMetaData && _pPathInfoMetaData->QueryVrAccessToken() && ( !_pPathInfoMetaData->QueryVrPassThrough() || _pRequest->QueryAuthenticationObj()->IsForwardable()) ) { return _pPathInfoMetaData->QueryVrAccessToken(); } else { return _pRequest->QueryImpersonationHandle(); } }
HANDLE EXEC_DESCRIPTOR::QueryPrimaryHandle( HANDLE* phDel ) /*++
Routine Description:
returns primary access token for this request
phDel - updated with token to delete when usage of returned token is complete. can be NULL if no token to delete.
HANDLE value
--*/ { HANDLE hDel; HANDLE hRet;
if ( _pPathInfoMetaData && _pPathInfoMetaData->QueryVrAccessToken() && ( !_pPathInfoMetaData->QueryVrPassThrough() || _pRequest->QueryAuthenticationObj()->IsForwardable()) ) { hRet = _pPathInfoMetaData->QueryVrPrimaryAccessToken(); *phDel = NULL; } else { hRet = _pRequest->QueryPrimaryToken( phDel ); }
return hRet; }
BOOL EXEC_DESCRIPTOR::CreateChildEvent( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates the child event, which will be used to signal that a child request has completed.
--*/ {
DBG_ASSERT( IsChild() ); DBG_ASSERT( _hChildEvent == NULL );
_hChildEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ptr to security attributes
TRUE, // BOOL bManualReset - flag for manual-reset event
FALSE,// BOOL bInitialState - flag for initial state
NULL // LPCTSTR lpName - ptr to event-object name
// Only wait for this event if marked so (after WamRequest.Bind())
_fMustWaitForChildEvent = FALSE;
return ( _hChildEvent != NULL );
VOID EXEC_DESCRIPTOR::WaitForChildEvent( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Waits for a child request to complete.
--*/ {
DBG_ASSERT( IsChild() ); DBG_ASSERT( _hChildEvent != NULL );
if ( _hChildEvent ) {
if ( _fMustWaitForChildEvent ) {
WaitForSingleObject( _hChildEvent, INFINITE ); }
// After we emerge from wait, close and null the event.
// Because we force a child request to execute
// synchronously to completion, we have no
// further need for the event once it becomes
// signaled.
CloseHandle( _hChildEvent ); _hChildEvent = NULL; }
VOID EXEC_DESCRIPTOR::SetChildEvent( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the child event, which signals that a child request has completed.
--*/ {
DBG_ASSERT( IsChild() ); DBG_ASSERT( _hChildEvent != NULL );
if ( _hChildEvent ) {
DBG_ASSERT( _fMustWaitForChildEvent ); // someone better be waiting
SetEvent( _hChildEvent ); }
VOID IncrErrorCount( IMDCOM* pCom, DWORD dwProp, LPCSTR pszPath, LPBOOL pbOverTheLimit ) /*++
Routine Description:
Increment DWORD counter in metabase
pCom - ptr to metabase I/F dwProp - property ID to increment, must be MD_UT_SERVER pszPath - path in metabase, pbOverTheLimit - updated with TRUE if counter over limit, otherwise FALSE
--*/ { MB mb( pCom ); DWORD dwCnt;
*pbOverTheLimit = FALSE;
if ( mb.Open( pszPath, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ|METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE ) ) { if ( !mb.GetDword( "", dwProp, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, &dwCnt ) ) { dwCnt = 0; }
mb.SetDword( "", dwProp, IIS_MD_UT_SERVER, dwCnt + 1 );
mb.Close(); } }
VOID HTTP_REQUEST::CheckValidAuth( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check that current authentication method valid for the current URL
Arguments: None
--*/ { BOOL fEnab;
// Check valid auth type for this URI
if ( IsLoggedOn() ) { if ( _fAnonymous ) { fEnab = MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS & QueryAuthentication(); } else if ( _fClearTextPass ) { fEnab = MD_AUTH_BASIC & QueryAuthentication(); } else if ( _fAuthTypeDigest ) { fEnab = MD_AUTH_MD5 & QueryAuthentication(); } else if ( _fAuthSystem ) { fEnab = TRUE; } else if ( _fAuthCert ) { fEnab = (((HTTP_REQUEST*)this)->GetFilePerms()) & MD_ACCESS_MAP_CERT; } else if ( _fMappedAcct ) { fEnab = MD_AUTH_MAPBASIC & QueryAuthentication(); } else { if ( fEnab = MD_AUTH_NT & QueryAuthentication() ) { // check SSPI package is valid
fEnab = FALSE;
const LPSTR* apszNTProviders = _pMetaData->QueryNTProviders(); DWORD i;
for ( i = 0 ; apszNTProviders[i] ; ++i ) { if ( !strcmp( _strAuthType.QueryStr(), apszNTProviders[i] ) ) { fEnab = TRUE; break; } } } } if ( !fEnab ) { if ( _fAnonymous ) { QueryW3StatsObj()->DecrCurrentAnonymousUsers(); } else { QueryW3StatsObj()->DecrCurrentNonAnonymousUsers(); }
ResetAuth( FALSE ); } } }
Routine Description:
returns ApplicationPath for this EXEC. For those ISAPI.dll that are only runnable in process, _pAppPathURIBlob->bInProcOnly will be true. Therefore, the default application path is returned. Example: .STM file.
a pointer to STR that contains application path.
--*/ STR * EXEC_DESCRIPTOR::QueryAppPath ( void ) { STR * pstr = NULL;
// InProcOnly ISAPI gets the default application path.
// Otherwise, use the application path come from MetaData.
if (_pAppPathURIBlob->bInProcOnly) { pstr = g_pWamDictator->QueryDefaultAppPath(); } else { pstr = _pMetaData->QueryAppPath(); }
return pstr; }