Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
WWW Configuration Module
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History:
// Include Files
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <svcloc.h>
// Required by VC5
#define MIDL_INTERFACE(x) struct
#ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#define __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ 440
#endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__
#include "iwamreg.h"
#include <w3svc.h>
// Include Files
#include "resource.h"
#include "mmc.h"
#include "svrinfo.h"
#include "comprop.h"
extern const LPCTSTR g_cszSvc; extern const LPCTSTR g_cszFilters; extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
// Short descriptive name of the service. This
// is what will show up as the name of the service
// in the internet manager tool.
// Issue: I'm assuming here that this name does NOT
// require localisation.
#define SERVICE_SHORT_NAME _T("Web")
class CConfigDll : public CWinApp /*++
Class Description:
Base class for the configuration DLL
--*/ { public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); virtual int ExitInstance();
CConfigDll( IN LPCTSTR pszAppName = NULL );
protected: //{{AFX_MSG(CConfigDll)
private: CString m_strHelpPath; LPCTSTR m_lpOldHelpPath; };
// Helper function to determine if SSL is installed
// and enabled on the given server
DWORD IsSSLEnabledOnServer( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, OUT BOOL & fInstalled, OUT BOOL & fEnabled );
// Helper function to see if a certificate is installed
BOOL IsCertInstalledOnServer( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN DWORD dwInstance );
// Run key manager app
void RunKeyManager( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer = NULL );
inline BOOL LoggingEnabled( IN DWORD dwLogType ) { return (dwLogType == MD_LOG_TYPE_ENABLED); }
inline void EnableLogging( OUT DWORD & dwLogType, IN BOOL fEnabled = TRUE ) { dwLogType = fEnabled ? MD_LOG_TYPE_ENABLED : MD_LOG_TYPE_DISABLED; }
// Bandwidth definitions
#define INFINITE_BANDWIDTH (0xffffffff)
#define INFINITE_CPU_RAW (0xffffffff)
#define KILOBYTE (1024L)
#define MEGABYTE (1024L * KILOBYTE)
// Some sanity values on max connections
#define UNLIMITED_CONNECTIONS (2000000000L)
class CW3InstanceProps : public CInstanceProps /*++
Class Description: WWW Instance properties class
Public Interface:
CW3InstanceProps : Constructor
--*/ { public: CW3InstanceProps( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE );
public: //
// Write Data if dirty
virtual HRESULT WriteDirtyProps();
protected: //
// Break out GetAllData() data to data fields
virtual void ParseFields();
public: //
// Service Page
MP_DWORD m_dwLogType; MP_CILong m_nMaxConnections; MP_CILong m_nConnectionTimeOut; MP_CStringListEx m_strlSecureBindings;
// Performance Page
MP_int m_nServerSize; MP_BOOL m_fUseKeepAlives; MP_BOOL m_fEnableCPUAccounting; MP_DWORD m_dwCPULimitLogEventRaw; MP_DWORD m_dwCPULimitPriorityRaw; MP_DWORD m_dwCPULimitPauseRaw; MP_DWORD m_dwCPULimitProcStopRaw; MP_CILong m_nMaxNetworkUse;
// Operators Page
MP_CBlob m_acl;
// Root dir page
//MP_BOOL m_fFrontPage;
// Default Site page
MP_DWORD m_dwDownlevelInstance;
// Certificate and CTL information
MP_CBlob m_CertHash; MP_CString m_strCertStoreName; MP_CString m_strCTLIdentifier; MP_CString m_strCTLStoreName; };
class CW3DirProps : public CChildNodeProps /*++
Class Description:
WWW Directory Properties
Public Interface:
CW3DirProps : Constructor
--*/ { public: //
// Constructor
CW3DirProps( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, IN LPCTSTR lpszParent = NULL, IN LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL );
public: //
// Write Data if dirty
virtual HRESULT WriteDirtyProps();
protected: //
// Break out GetAllData() data to data fields
virtual void ParseFields();
public: //
// Directory properties page
MP_CString m_strUserName; MP_CString m_strPassword; MP_CString m_strDefaultDocument; MP_CString m_strFooter; MP_CMaskedDWORD m_dwDirBrowsing; MP_BOOL m_fDontLog; MP_BOOL m_fEnableFooter; MP_BOOL m_fIndexed;
// HTTP Page
MP_CString m_strExpiration; MP_CStringListEx m_strlCustomHeaders;
// Custom Errors
MP_CStringListEx m_strlCustomErrors;
// Security page
MP_DWORD m_dwAuthFlags; MP_DWORD m_dwSSLAccessPermissions; MP_CString m_strBasicDomain; MP_CString m_strAnonUserName; MP_CString m_strAnonPassword; MP_BOOL m_fPasswordSync; MP_BOOL m_fU2Installed; MP_BOOL m_fUseNTMapper; MP_CBlob m_ipl; };
class CIISFilter : public CObjectPlus /*++
Class Description:
A single filter description
Public Interface:
CIISFilter : Constructors IsInitialized : Check to see if the name is set. Write : Write to the metabase. QueryResult : Query result from metabase read QueryError : Returns error as stored in metabase QueryName : Returns filter name IsLoaded : TRUE if filter is loaded IsUnloaded : TRUE if filter is unloaded IsEnabled : TRUE if filter is enabled Enable : Enable filter IsDirty : TRUE if filter values have changed IsFlaggedForDeletion : TRUE if filter should be deleted --*/ { //
// Constructors/Destructors
public: //
// Null Constructor
// Read filter values using provided key
CIISFilter( IN CMetaKey * pKey, IN LPCTSTR lpszName );
// Copy constructor
CIISFilter( IN const CIISFilter & flt );
public: //
// Sorting helper
int OrderByPriority( IN const CObjectPlus * pobAccess ) const;
BOOL IsInitialized() const { return !m_strName.IsEmpty(); }
// Write using provided key
HRESULT Write(CMetaKey * pKey);
public: BOOL IsLoaded() const; BOOL IsUnloaded() const; BOOL IsEnabled() const { return m_fEnabled; } void Enable(BOOL fEnabled = TRUE); DWORD QueryError() const { return m_dwWin32Error; } HRESULT QueryResult() const { return m_hrResult; }
// Check to see if this item is marked as dirty
BOOL IsDirty() const { return m_fDirty; }
// Check to see if this item is flagged for deletion
BOOL IsFlaggedForDeletion() const { return m_fFlaggedForDeletion; }
// Set/reset the dirty flag
void Dirty(BOOL fDirty = TRUE);
// Flag this item for deletion
void FlagForDeletion();
// Get the name of this filter
LPCTSTR QueryName() const { return m_strName; }
// Meta Values
public: int m_nPriority; int m_nOrder; BOOL m_fEnabled; DWORD m_dwState; DWORD m_dwWin32Error; HRESULT m_hrResult; CString m_strName; CString m_strExecutable;
// State Values
private: BOOL m_fDirty; BOOL m_fFlaggedForDeletion; DWORD m_dwFlags; };
class CIISFilterList : public CMetaKey /*++
Class Description:
A list of filters
Public Interface:
CIISFilterList : Constructor
BeginSearch : Reset the iterator MoreFilters : More items available in the list? GetNextFilter : Get the next item in the list
--*/ { public: CIISFilterList( IN LPCTSTR lpszServerName, IN LPCTSTR lpszService, IN DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE );
public: //
// Write out the filter list
HRESULT WriteIfDirty();
// Acccess Functions
public: DWORD QueryInstance() const { return m_dwInstance; } BOOL FiltersLoaded() const { return m_fFiltersLoaded; }
// Load each filter in turn
HRESULT LoadAllFilters();
// Filter Access Functions
public: //
// Reset the filter list iterator
void ResetEnumerator();
int GetCount() const { return (int)m_oblFilters.GetCount(); }
// More filters available in the list?
BOOL MoreFilters() const { return m_pos != NULL; }
// Return position of filter by index
POSITION GetFilterPositionByIndex(int nSel);
// Iterate to the next filter in the list
CIISFilter * GetNextFilter();
// Remove filter
void RemoveFilter(int nItem);
// Add new filter
void AddFilter(CIISFilter * pFilter);
// Exchange two filters in the list
BOOL ExchangePositions( IN int nSel1, IN int nSel2, OUT CIISFilter *& p1, OUT CIISFilter *& p2 );
// See if at least one filter is dirty
BOOL HasDirtyFilter() const;
// Virtual Interface:
public: virtual BOOL Succeeded() const { return SUCCEEDED(m_hrResult); } virtual HRESULT QueryResult() const { return m_hrResult; }
protected: //
// Build up order string from component list
LPCTSTR BuildFilterOrderString( OUT CString & strFilterOrder );
protected: //
// Seperator string (one character)
static const LPCTSTR s_lpszSep;
private: BOOL m_fFiltersLoaded; DWORD m_dwInstance; POSITION m_pos; HRESULT m_hrResult; CString m_strFilterOrder; CObListPlus m_oblFilters; };
// W3 Property sheet
class CW3Sheet : public CInetPropertySheet { public: CW3Sheet( LPCTSTR pszCaption, DWORD dwAttributes, LPCTSTR lpszServer, DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParent, LPCTSTR lpszAlias, CWnd * pParentWnd = NULL, LPARAM lParam = 0L, LONG_PTR handle = 0L, UINT iSelectPage = 0 );
public: HRESULT QueryInstanceResult() const; HRESULT QueryDirectoryResult() const; CW3InstanceProps & GetInstanceProperties() { return *m_ppropInst; } CW3DirProps & GetDirectoryProperties() { return *m_ppropDir; }
virtual HRESULT LoadConfigurationParameters(); virtual void FreeConfigurationParameters();
protected: virtual void WinHelp(DWORD dwData, UINT nCmd = HELP_CONTEXT);
// Generated message map functions
private: DWORD m_fNew; DWORD m_dwAttributes; CW3InstanceProps * m_ppropInst; CW3DirProps * m_ppropDir; };
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline BOOL CIISFilter::IsLoaded() const { return m_dwState == MD_FILTER_STATE_LOADED; }
inline BOOL CIISFilter::IsUnloaded() const { return m_dwState == MD_FILTER_STATE_UNLOADED; }
inline void CIISFilter::Enable( IN BOOL fEnabled ) { m_fEnabled = fEnabled; }
inline void CIISFilter::Dirty( IN BOOL fDirty ) { m_fDirty = fDirty; }
inline void CIISFilter::FlagForDeletion() { m_fFlaggedForDeletion = TRUE; }
inline void CIISFilterList::ResetEnumerator() { m_pos = m_oblFilters.GetHeadPosition(); }
inline CIISFilter * CIISFilterList::GetNextFilter() { return (CIISFilter *)m_oblFilters.GetNext(m_pos); }
inline void CIISFilterList::RemoveFilter(int nItem) { m_oblFilters.RemoveIndex(nItem); }
inline void CIISFilterList::AddFilter(CIISFilter * pFilter) { m_oblFilters.AddTail(pFilter); }
inline HRESULT CW3Sheet::QueryInstanceResult() const { return m_ppropInst ? m_ppropInst->QueryResult() : S_OK; }
inline HRESULT CW3Sheet::QueryDirectoryResult() const { return m_ppropDir ? m_ppropDir->QueryResult() : S_OK; }