Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Merge HTML documents & localizable string .inf file
Philippe Choquier ( Phillich ) 15-may-1996
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iis64.h>
typedef struct _SUBST_NODE { LPSTR pszName; LPSTR pszValue; } SUBST_NODE;
#define MAX_NODES 8192
#define MAX_SIZE_NAME 256
#define MAX_SIZE_VALUE 8192
#define INF_SEEK_NAME 1
#define INF_SEEK_STR 3
#define INF_SEEK_END_STR 4
#define INF_SEEK_EOL 5
#define HT_SEEK_NAME 0
#define HT_SEEK_END_NAME 1
SUBST_NODE aNodes[MAX_NODES]; int cNodes = 0;
char achName[MAX_SIZE_NAME]; char achValue[MAX_SIZE_VALUE];
extern "C" int __cdecl QsortStrCmp( const void *pA, const void *pB ) /*++
Routine Description:
Compare two SUBST_NODE structures base on their pszName field
pA - ptr to 1st struct pB - ptr to 2nd struct
-1 if *pA < *pB, 0 if *pA == *pB, 1 if *pA > *pB based on strcmp of their pszName field
--*/ { return strcmp( ((SUBST_NODE*)pA)->pszName, ((SUBST_NODE*)pB)->pszName ); }
BOOL ParseINF( LPSTR pszInf ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parse the .inf file for localizable string substitutions
pszInf - name of .inf file
TRUE if success, FALSE if error
--*/ { BOOL fSt = TRUE; int ch; FILE *inf;
if ( ( inf = fopen(pszInf, "r") ) == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
int iName = 0; int iValue = 0; BOOL fEsc;
for ( ; (ch = fgetc( inf )) != EOF ; ) { if ( ch == '\\' ) { if ( (ch = fgetc( inf )) == EOF ) { break; } if ( ch == '\n' ) { continue; } if ( ch == 'n' ) { ch = '\n'; } fEsc = TRUE; } else { fEsc = FALSE; }
switch ( iState ) { case INF_SEEK_FIRST_CHAR_NAME: if ( !fEsc && ch == '#' ) { iState = INF_SEEK_EOL; break; } iState = INF_SEEK_NAME; // fall-through
case INF_SEEK_NAME: if ( !fEsc && ch == '^' ) { iState = INF_SEEK_END_NAME; } break;
case INF_SEEK_END_NAME: if ( !fEsc && ch == '^' ) { iState = INF_SEEK_STR; } else { achName[ iName++ ] = (char)ch; } break;
case INF_SEEK_STR: if ( !fEsc && ch == '"' ) { iState = INF_SEEK_END_STR; } break;
// handle "" as a single quote
if ( !fEsc && ch == '"' ) { if ( (ch = fgetc( inf )) == EOF ) { break; } if ( ch == '"' ) { fEsc = TRUE; } else { ungetc( ch, inf ); ch = '"'; } }
// skip new lines char in stream
if ( !fEsc && ch == '\n' ) { break; }
if ( !fEsc && ch == '"' ) { achName[ iName ] = '\0'; achValue[ iValue ] = '\0'; aNodes[ cNodes ].pszName = _strdup( achName ); aNodes[ cNodes ].pszValue = _strdup( achValue ); ++cNodes; iState = INF_SEEK_FIRST_CHAR_NAME; iName = 0; iValue = 0; } else { achValue[ iValue++ ] = (char)ch; } break;
case INF_SEEK_EOL: if ( !fEsc && ch == '\n' ) { iState = INF_SEEK_FIRST_CHAR_NAME; } break; } }
qsort( aNodes, cNodes, sizeof(SUBST_NODE), QsortStrCmp );
fclose( inf );
return fSt; }
BOOL ParseHTML( LPSTR pszIn, LPSTR pszOut ) /*++
Routine Description:
Parse a HTML document and generate an output document based on a previously parsed .inf susbtitution file
pszIn - name of input HTML document pszOut - name of created localized HTML document
TRUE if success, FALSE if error
--*/ { BOOL fSt = TRUE; int ch; FILE *in; FILE *out;
if ( ( in = fopen(pszIn, "r") ) == NULL ) { return FALSE; } if ( ( out = fopen(pszOut, "w") ) == NULL ) { fclose( in ); return FALSE; }
int iName = 0; BOOL fEsc;
int iState = HT_SEEK_NAME;
for ( ; (ch = fgetc( in )) != EOF ; ) { if ( ch == '\\' ) { if ( (ch = fgetc( in )) == EOF ) { break; } if ( ch == '\n' ) { continue; } fEsc = TRUE; } else { fEsc = FALSE; }
switch ( iState ) { case HT_SEEK_NAME: if ( !fEsc && ch == '^' ) { iState = HT_SEEK_END_NAME; } else { fputc( ch, out ); } break;
case HT_SEEK_END_NAME: if ( !fEsc && ch == '^' ) { SUBST_NODE snSeek; SUBST_NODE *pN; snSeek.pszName = achName; achName[ iName ] = '\0';
if ( (pN = (SUBST_NODE*)bsearch( &snSeek, aNodes, cNodes, sizeof(SUBST_NODE), QsortStrCmp )) != NULL ) { fputs( pN->pszValue, out ); } else { fprintf( stdout, "Can't find reference to %s in %s\n", achName, pszIn ); fflush( stdout ); } iState = HT_SEEK_NAME; iName = 0; } else { achName[ iName++ ] = (char)ch; } break; } }
fclose( in ); fclose( out );
return fSt; }
BOOL BreakPath( LPSTR pOut, LPSTR pExt, BOOL *pfIsExt ) /*++
Routine Description:
Move a file extension from a file path to an extension buffer
pOut - file path updated to remove file extension pExt - buffer for file extension pfIsExt - set to TRUE if file extension present
TRUE if success, FALSE if error
--*/ { // if ends with '\\' is directory
// else extract extension
LPSTR pL = pOut + strlen(pOut); LPSTR pE = NULL;
if ( pL[-1] == '\\' ) { *pfIsExt = FALSE; return TRUE; }
while ( pL > pOut && pL[-1] != '\\' ) { if ( pL[-1] == '.' && pE == NULL ) { pE = pL; } --pL; }
if ( pL == pOut ) { return FALSE; }
*pL = '\0'; strcpy( pExt, pE ); *pfIsExt = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
void Usage( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Display usage for this utility
--*/ { fprintf( stdout, "\n" "Usage: applyinf [source_file] [target_directory] [inf_file]\n" " source_file : can contains wild card characters\n" " target_directory : can contains a new extension to be\n" " used, e.g. *.out\n" " inf_file : name of the .inf files containing replacement strings\n" "\n" ); }
BOOL Combine( LPSTR pOut, LPSTR pExt, BOOL fIsExt, LPSTR pFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Combine file name & extension to a new file name
pOut - output filename pExt - contains file extension if fIsExt is TRUE fIsExt - TRUE if pExt contains file extension pFileName - filename to be combined with extension to generare pOut
TRUE if success, FALSE if error
--*/ { LPSTR pL = pFileName + strlen(pFileName);
if ( fIsExt ) { while ( pL > pFileName && pL[-1] != '.' ) --pL;
if ( pL == pFileName ) { // no ext in filename
memcpy( pOut, pFileName, strlen(pFileName) ); pOut += strlen(pFileName ); } else { memcpy( pOut, pFileName, DIFF(pL - pFileName) - 1 ); pOut += pL - pFileName - 1; } *pOut ++ = '.'; strcpy( pOut, pExt ); } else { strcpy( pOut, pFileName ); }
return TRUE; }
int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Entry point of this utility, parse command line
argc - nbr of command line parameters argv - ptr to command line parameters
0 if success, else error code
--*/ { char achIn[MAX_PATH]=""; char achOut[MAX_PATH]=""; char achInf[MAX_PATH]=""; char achExt[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fIsExt; WIN32_FIND_DATA fdIn; HANDLE hF; int arg; int iN = 0; LPSTR pLastS; LPSTR pOut;
for ( arg = 1 ; arg < argc ; ++arg ) { if ( argv[arg][0] == '-' ) { switch( argv[arg][1] ) { case 'z': default: ; } } else { switch ( iN ) { case 0: strcpy( achIn, argv[arg] ); break;
case 1: strcpy( achOut, argv[arg] ); break;
case 2: strcpy( achInf, argv[arg] ); break; } ++iN; } }
if ( achIn[0] == '\0' ) { fprintf( stdout, "No source directory specified\n" ); fflush( stdout ); Usage(); return 3; }
if ( achOut[0] == '\0' ) { fprintf( stdout, "No target directory specified\n" ); fflush( stdout ); Usage(); return 3; }
if ( achInf[0] == '\0' ) { fprintf( stdout, "No INF file specified\n" ); fflush( stdout ); Usage(); return 3; }
for ( pLastS = achIn + strlen(achIn) ; pLastS > achIn ; --pLastS ) { if ( pLastS[-1] == '\\' ) { break; } }
if ( pLastS == achIn ) { fprintf( stdout, "Invalid source directory : %s\n", achIn ); fflush( stdout ); return 5; }
if ( !BreakPath( achOut, achExt, &fIsExt ) ) { fprintf( stdout, "Invalid target directory : %s\n", achOut ); fflush( stdout ); return 6; } pOut = achOut + strlen( achOut );
if ( !ParseINF( achInf ) ) { fprintf( stdout, "Can't parse INF file %s\n", achInf ); fflush( stdout ); return 1; }
// applyinf srcdir trgdirandext inffile
// e.g. applyinf c:\nt\*.htr c:\drop\*.htm html.inf
if ( (hF = FindFirstFile( achIn, &fdIn )) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { do { strcpy( pLastS, fdIn.cFileName ); Combine( pOut, achExt, fIsExt, fdIn.cFileName );
if ( !ParseHTML( achIn, achOut) ) { fprintf( stdout, "Can't generate %s from %s\n", achOut, achIn ); fflush( stdout ); return 2; } else { fprintf( stdout, "Parsed %s to %s\n", achIn, achOut ); fflush( stdout ); } } while ( FindNextFile( hF, &fdIn ) );
FindClose( hF ); } else { fprintf( stdout, "No file found in %s", achIn ); fflush( stdout ); return 4; }
return 0; }