#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "registry.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
CRegKey::CRegKey ( HKEY hKeyBase, LPCTSTR pchSubKey, REGSAM regSam, LPCTSTR pchServerName ) : m_hKey(NULL), m_dwDisposition(0) { HKEY hkBase = NULL ; LONG err = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if ( pchServerName != NULL) { //
// This is a remote connection.
err = ::RegConnectRegistry((LPTSTR)pchServerName, hKeyBase, &hkBase); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hkBase = NULL ; }
// hkBase == NULL ;
} else { hkBase = hKeyBase ; }
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( pchSubKey ) { err = ::RegOpenKeyEx( hkBase, pchSubKey, 0, regSam, & m_hKey ) ; } else { m_hKey = hkBase ; hkBase = NULL ; }
if ( hkBase && hkBase != hKeyBase ) { ::RegCloseKey( hkBase ) ; } }
if ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_hKey = NULL ; } }
// Constructor creating a new key.
CRegKey::CRegKey ( LPCTSTR pchSubKey, HKEY hKeyBase, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM regSam, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecAttr, LPCTSTR pchServerName ) : m_hKey(NULL), m_dwDisposition(0) { HKEY hkBase = NULL ; LONG err = 0;
if (pchServerName != NULL) { //
// This is a remote connection.
err = ::RegConnectRegistry((LPTSTR)pchServerName, hKeyBase, & hkBase); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hkBase = NULL; }
// hkBase == NULL;
} else { hkBase = hKeyBase ; }
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPCTSTR szEmpty = _T("") ;
err = ::RegCreateKeyEx( hkBase, pchSubKey, 0, (TCHAR *) szEmpty, dwOptions, regSam, pSecAttr, &m_hKey, &m_dwDisposition ); } if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_hKey = NULL ; } }
CRegKey::~CRegKey() { if (m_hKey != NULL) { ::RegCloseKey( m_hKey ) ; } }
// Prepare to read a value by finding the value's size.
LONG CRegKey :: PrepareValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, DWORD * pdwType, DWORD * pcbSize, BYTE ** ppbData ) { LONG err = 0 ;
BYTE chDummy[2] ; DWORD cbData = 0 ;
do { //
// Set the resulting buffer size to 0.
*pcbSize = 0 ; *ppbData = NULL ;
err = ::RegQueryValueEx(*this, (LPTSTR) pchValueName, 0, pdwType, chDummy, &cbData);
// The only error we should get here is ERROR_MORE_DATA, but
// we may get no error if the value has no data.
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbData = sizeof(LONG); // Just a fudgy number
} else { if ( err != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { break; } }
// Allocate a buffer large enough for the data.
*ppbData = new BYTE [ (*pcbSize = cbData) + sizeof (LONG) ] ;
if ( *ppbData == NULL ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; break ; }
// Now that have a buffer, re-fetch the value.
err = ::RegQueryValueEx( *this, (LPTSTR)pchValueName, 0, pdwType, *ppbData, pcbSize );
} while (FALSE);
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete [] *ppbData; }
return err; }
// Overloaded value query members; each returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
// if data exists but not in correct form to deliver into result object.
LONG CRegKey::QueryValue ( const TCHAR * pchValueName, CString &strResult ) { LONG err = 0;
DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; BYTE * pabData = NULL;
do { if ( err = PrepareValue( pchValueName, & dwType, & cbData, & pabData ) ) { break; }
if ( dwType != REG_SZ ) { err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; break ; }
// Guarantee that the data looks like a string
pabData[cbData] = 0 ;
// Catch exceptions trying to assign to the caller's string
TRY { strResult = (TCHAR *) pabData ; } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL } while (FALSE);
delete [] pabData ;
return err ; }
LONG CRegKey::QueryValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, CStringList &strList ) { LONG err = 0;
DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; BYTE * pabData = NULL; LPTSTR pbTemp, pbTempLimit;
do { if ( err = PrepareValue( pchValueName, & dwType, & cbData, & pabData )) { break; }
if ( dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) { err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; break ; }
// Guarantee that the trailing data looks like a string
pabData[cbData] = 0 ; pbTemp = (TCHAR *) pabData ; pbTempLimit = & pbTemp[cbData] ;
// Catch exceptions trying to build the list
TRY { for ( /**/ ; pbTemp < pbTempLimit ; /**/ ) { strList.AddTail( pbTemp ) ; pbTemp += ::_tcslen( pbTemp ) + sizeof(TCHAR) ; } } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL } while ( FALSE );
delete [] pabData ;
return err; }
LONG CRegKey :: QueryValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, DWORD &dwResult ) { LONG err = 0 ;
DWORD dwType ; DWORD cbData ; BYTE * pabData = NULL ;
do { if ( err = PrepareValue( pchValueName, & dwType, & cbData, & pabData ) ) { break ; }
if ( dwType != REG_DWORD || cbData != sizeof dwResult ) { err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; break ; }
dwResult = *((DWORD *) pabData) ; } while ( FALSE ) ;
delete [] pabData ;
return err ; }
LONG CRegKey :: QueryValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, CByteArray &abResult ) { LONG err = 0 ;
DWORD dwType ; DWORD cbData ; BYTE * pabData = NULL ;
do { if ( err = PrepareValue( pchValueName, & dwType, & cbData, & pabData ) ) { break ; }
if ( dwType != REG_BINARY ) { err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; break ; }
// Catch exceptions trying to grow the result array
TRY { abResult.SetSize( cbData ) ; } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL
if ( err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break ; }
// Move the data to the result array.
for ( DWORD i = 0 ; i < cbData ; ++i ) { abResult[i] = pabData[i] ; } } while ( FALSE ) ;
delete [] pabData ;
return err ; }
LONG CRegKey::QueryValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, void * pvResult, DWORD cbSize ) { LONG err = 0 ;
DWORD dwType ; DWORD cbData ; BYTE * pabData = NULL ;
do { if ( err = PrepareValue( pchValueName, & dwType, & cbData, & pabData ) ) { break; }
if ( dwType != REG_BINARY ) { err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; break ; }
if ( cbSize < cbData ) { err = ERROR_MORE_DATA; break; }
::memcpy(pvResult, pabData, cbData); } while ( FALSE ) ;
delete [] pabData ;
return err ; }
// Overloaded value setting members.
LONG CRegKey::SetValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, CString & strResult ) { return ::RegSetValueEx( *this, pchValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) (const TCHAR *) strResult, strResult.GetLength() + 1 ); }
LONG CRegKey :: SetValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, CStringList & strList ) { LONG err = 0;
DWORD cbSize ; BYTE * pbData = NULL ;
err = FlattenValue( strList, & cbSize, & pbData ) ;
if ( err == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { err = ::RegSetValueEx(*this, pchValueName, 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, pbData, cbSize); }
delete pbData ;
return err ; }
LONG CRegKey::SetValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, DWORD &dwResult ) { return ::RegSetValueEx(*this, pchValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *) & dwResult, sizeof dwResult); }
LONG CRegKey::SetValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, CByteArray & abResult ) { LONG err = 0;
DWORD cbSize ; BYTE * pbData = NULL ;
err = FlattenValue(abResult, &cbSize, &pbData);
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err = ::RegSetValueEx(*this, pchValueName, 0,REG_BINARY, pbData, cbSize); }
delete pbData;
return err; }
LONG CRegKey::SetValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName, void * pvResult, DWORD cbSize ) { return ::RegSetValueEx( *this, pchValueName, 0, REG_BINARY, (const BYTE *)pvResult, cbSize ); }
LONG CRegKey::DeleteValue ( LPCTSTR pchValueName ) { return ::RegDeleteValue( *this, (LPTSTR) pchValueName); }
LONG CRegKey::FlattenValue ( CStringList & strList, DWORD * pcbSize, BYTE ** ppbData ) { LONG err = 0 ;
POSITION pos ; CString * pstr ; int cbTotal = 0 ;
// Walk the list accumulating sizes
for (pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL && (pstr = & strList.GetNext( pos )) ; /**/ ) { cbTotal += pstr->GetLength() + 1; }
// Allocate and fill a temporary buffer
if (*pcbSize = cbTotal) { TRY { *ppbData = new BYTE[ *pcbSize ] ;
BYTE * pbData = *ppbData ;
// Populate the buffer with the strings.
for (pos = strList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL && (pstr = & strList.GetNext( pos )) ; /**/ ) { int cb = pstr->GetLength() + 1 ; ::memcpy( pbData, (LPCTSTR) *pstr, cb ); pbData += cb ; } } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL } else { *ppbData = NULL; }
return err ; }
LONG CRegKey::FlattenValue( CByteArray & abData, DWORD * pcbSize, BYTE ** ppbData ) { LONG err = 0 ;
// Allocate and fill a temporary buffer
if (*pcbSize = (DWORD)abData.GetSize()) { TRY { *ppbData = new BYTE[*pcbSize] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < *pcbSize ; i++ ) { (*ppbData)[i] = abData[i] ; }
} CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL } else { *ppbData = NULL; }
return err; }
LONG CRegKey::QueryKeyInfo ( CREGKEY_KEY_INFO * pRegKeyInfo ) { LONG err = 0 ;
pRegKeyInfo->dwClassNameSize = sizeof pRegKeyInfo->chBuff - 1 ;
err = ::RegQueryInfoKey(*this, pRegKeyInfo->chBuff, &pRegKeyInfo->dwClassNameSize, NULL, &pRegKeyInfo->dwNumSubKeys, &pRegKeyInfo->dwMaxSubKey, &pRegKeyInfo->dwMaxClass, &pRegKeyInfo->dwMaxValues, &pRegKeyInfo->dwMaxValueName, &pRegKeyInfo->dwMaxValueData, &pRegKeyInfo->dwSecDesc, &pRegKeyInfo->ftKey );
return err ; }
// Iteration class
CRegKeyIter::CRegKeyIter ( CRegKey & regKey ) : m_rk_iter( regKey ), m_p_buffer( NULL ), m_cb_buffer( 0 ) { LONG err = 0 ;
CRegKey::CREGKEY_KEY_INFO regKeyInfo ;
Reset() ;
err = regKey.QueryKeyInfo( & regKeyInfo ) ;
if ( err == 0 ) { TRY { m_cb_buffer = regKeyInfo.dwMaxSubKey + sizeof (DWORD) ; m_p_buffer = new TCHAR [ m_cb_buffer ] ; } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL } }
CRegKeyIter :: ~ CRegKeyIter () { delete [] m_p_buffer ; }
// Get the name (and optional last write time) of the next key.
LONG CRegKeyIter::Next( CString * pstrName, CTime * pTime ) { LONG err = 0;
FILETIME ftDummy ; DWORD dwNameSize = m_cb_buffer ;
err = ::RegEnumKeyEx( m_rk_iter, m_dw_index, m_p_buffer, & dwNameSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, & ftDummy ) ;
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ++m_dw_index;
if ( pTime ) { *pTime = ftDummy ; }
TRY { *pstrName = m_p_buffer ; } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL }
return err; }
CRegValueIter::CRegValueIter ( CRegKey ®Key ) : m_rk_iter(regKey), m_p_buffer(NULL), m_cb_buffer(0) { LONG err = 0;
CRegKey::CREGKEY_KEY_INFO regKeyInfo ;
Reset() ;
err = regKey.QueryKeyInfo( & regKeyInfo ) ;
if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRY { m_cb_buffer = regKeyInfo.dwMaxValueName + sizeof (DWORD); m_p_buffer = new TCHAR [ m_cb_buffer ] ; } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL } }
CRegValueIter::~ CRegValueIter() { delete [] m_p_buffer; }
LONG CRegValueIter::Next ( CString * pstrName, DWORD * pdwType ) { LONG err = 0 ;
DWORD dwNameLength = m_cb_buffer ;
err = ::RegEnumValue(m_rk_iter, m_dw_index, m_p_buffer, &dwNameLength, NULL, pdwType, NULL, NULL );
if ( err == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ++m_dw_index;
TRY { *pstrName = m_p_buffer; } CATCH_ALL(e) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; } END_CATCH_ALL }
return err; }