// CreatingKeyDlg.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "keyobjs.h"
#include "NKChseCA.h"
#include "NKDN.h"
#include "NKDN2.h"
#include "NKKyInfo.h"
#include "NKUsrInf.h"
#include "Creating.h"
#include "certcli.h"
#include "OnlnAuth.h"
#include "intrlkey.h"
#define SECURITY_WIN32
extern "C" { #include <wincrypt.h>
#include <Sslsp.h>
#include <sspi.h>
#include <issperr.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
UINT MyThreadProc( LPVOID pParam );
// CCreateKeyProgThread thread controller
// CCreatingKeyDlg dialog
CCreatingKeyDlg::CCreatingKeyDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CCreatingKeyDlg::IDD, pParent), m_cbPrivateKey( 0 ), m_pPrivateKey( NULL ), m_cbCertificate( 0 ), m_pCertificate( NULL ), m_cbCertificateRequest( 0 ), m_pCertificateRequest( NULL ), m_pKey( NULL ), m_pService( NULL ), m_fResubmitKey( FALSE ), m_fRenewExistingKey( FALSE ), m_fGenerateKeyPair( FALSE ) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CCreatingKeyDlg)
m_sz_message = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
CCreatingKeyDlg::~CCreatingKeyDlg() { // now that I'm adding a header in front of the requests, we need
// to dispose of it here.
if ( m_pCertificateRequest ) GlobalFree( m_pCertificateRequest ); m_pCertificateRequest = NULL; }
void CCreatingKeyDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CCreatingKeyDlg)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_MESSAGE, m_cstatic_message); DDX_Control(pDX, IDOK, m_btn_ok); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GRINDER_ANIMATION, m_animation); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_MESSAGE, m_sz_message); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCreatingKeyDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CCreatingKeyDlg)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here
// CCreatingKeyDlg message handlers
// override virtual oninitdialog
BOOL CCreatingKeyDlg::OnInitDialog( ) { // tell the user that we are generating the new key request
// might as well do that here, since it is first
m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_GRIND_GENERATING ); // call the base oninit
// disable the ok button
m_btn_ok.EnableWindow( FALSE );
// tell the animation control to set itself up
CString szAnimName; szAnimName.LoadString(IDS_CREATING_ANIMATION); m_animation.Open( IDR_AVI_CREATING_KEY );
// start up the worker thread
AfxBeginThread( (AFX_THREADPROC)MyThreadProc, this);
// return 0 to say we set the default item
// return 1 to just select the default default item
return 1; }
UINT MyThreadProc( LPVOID pParam ) { CCreatingKeyDlg* pDlg = (CCreatingKeyDlg*)pParam; BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// this thread needs its own coinitialize
HRESULT hRes = CoInitialize(NULL); if ( FAILED(hRes) ) return GetLastError();
// if the flag is set, generate the key pair
if ( pDlg->m_fGenerateKeyPair ) fSuccess = pDlg->FGenerateKeyPair();
// do the work that needs to get done
if ( fSuccess ) { // if the request was generated, go to post
pDlg->PostGenerateKeyPair(); } else { // we weren't able to generate the keypair. Leave.
AfxMessageBox( IDS_GEN_KEYPAIR_ERR ); pDlg->EndDialog( IDCANCEL ); }
// return
return 0; }
void CCreatingKeyDlg::PostGenerateKeyPair() { BOOL fPlacedRequest = TRUE;
// first we create the new key object and fill it in as best we can
if ( !m_pKey ) { ASSERT( !m_fRenewExistingKey ); ASSERT( !m_fResubmitKey ); try { CreateNewKey(); } catch (CException e) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_GEN_KEYPAIR_ERR ); EndDialog( IDCANCEL ); return; } }
// if we are renewing an existing key, target the key appropriately
if ( m_fRenewExistingKey ) RetargetKey();
// if resubmitting the key, do so
if ( m_fResubmitKey ) { // tell the user that we are attempting to submit the request
m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_GRIND_RESUBMITTING ); m_cstatic_message.SetWindowText(m_sz_message);
// submit the request
SubmitRequestToAuthority(); } else // send the request off to the online service, if that was chosen.
if ( m_ppage_Choose_CA && m_ppage_Choose_CA->m_nkca_radio == 1 ) { // tell the user that we are attempting to submit the request
m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_GRIND_SUBMITTING ); m_cstatic_message.SetWindowText(m_sz_message);
// submit the request
SubmitRequestToAuthority(); } else // if targeted as such, write it to the file
{ // write the request out
fPlacedRequest = WriteRequestToFile(); }
// one final show string
// NOTE: cannot use UpdateData because we are in a different
// thread than the dialog. UpdateData crashes.
if ( fPlacedRequest ) m_cstatic_message.SetWindowText(m_sz_message); else { m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_IO_ERROR ); m_cstatic_message.SetWindowText(m_sz_message); }
// activate the ok button so we can close
m_btn_ok.EnableWindow( TRUE );
// stop the avi from spinning. That would give the wrong impression
m_animation.Stop(); }
BOOL CCreatingKeyDlg::RetargetKey() { ASSERT( m_ppage_Choose_CA ); LPREQUEST_HEADER pHeader = (LPREQUEST_HEADER)m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest;
// if we are sending the key to an online authority, record which one
if ( m_ppage_Choose_CA->m_nkca_radio == 1 ) { // get the path of the authority dll
CString szCA; if ( m_ppage_Choose_CA->GetSelectedCA(szCA) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // fill in the rest of the request header, indicating the online authority
pHeader->fReqSentToOnlineCA = TRUE; strncpy( pHeader->chCA, szCA, MAX_PATH-1 ); } } else { // clear it for the file
pHeader->fReqSentToOnlineCA = FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void CCreatingKeyDlg::CreateNewKey() { // create the new key object
m_pKey = m_pService->PNewKey();
// put in the name of the key
m_pKey->SetName( m_ppage_Key_Info->m_nkki_sz_name ); // put in the password too
m_pKey->m_szPassword = m_ppage_Key_Info->m_nkki_sz_password;
// set the private data into place
ASSERT( m_cbPrivateKey ); ASSERT( m_pPrivateKey ); m_pKey->m_cbPrivateKey = m_cbPrivateKey; m_pKey->m_pPrivateKey = m_pPrivateKey;
// set the request into place
// not quite as simple because now we have the header that goes in first.
ASSERT( m_cbCertificateRequest ); ASSERT( m_pCertificateRequest );
// allocate the the request pointer - include space for the header
DWORD cbRequestAndHeader = m_cbCertificateRequest + sizeof(KeyRequestHeader); m_pKey->m_cbCertificateRequest = cbRequestAndHeader; m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbRequestAndHeader ); ASSERT( m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest ); if ( !m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest ) AfxThrowMemoryException();
// fill in the basic header. Assume there is no online ca for now
ZeroMemory( m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest, sizeof(KeyRequestHeader) ); LPREQUEST_HEADER pHeader = (LPREQUEST_HEADER)m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest; pHeader->Identifier = REQUEST_HEADER_IDENTIFIER; // required
pHeader->Version = REQUEST_HEADER_CURVERSION; // required
pHeader->cbSizeOfHeader = sizeof(KeyRequestHeader); // required
pHeader->cbRequestSize = m_cbCertificateRequest; // required
// copy over the request data
memcpy( (PUCHAR)m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest + sizeof(KeyRequestHeader), (PUCHAR)m_pCertificateRequest, m_cbCertificateRequest );
// if we are sending the key to an online authority, record which one
if ( m_ppage_Choose_CA->m_nkca_radio == 1 ) { // get the path of the authority dll
CString szCA; if ( m_ppage_Choose_CA->GetSelectedCA(szCA) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // fill in the rest of the request header, indicating the online authority
pHeader->fReqSentToOnlineCA = TRUE; strncpy( pHeader->chCA, szCA, MAX_PATH-1 ); } } }
BOOL CCreatingKeyDlg::SubmitRequestToAuthority() { DWORD err; BOOL fAnswer = FALSE; HINSTANCE hLibrary = NULL; PUCHAR pEncoded; DWORD cbEncoded = m_pKey->m_cbCertificateRequest; PUCHAR pResponse; HRESULT hErr;
LPTSTR szTCert; CString szRawCert; BSTR bstrCert = NULL;
BSTR bstrDisposition = NULL;
LPREQUEST_HEADER pHeader = (LPREQUEST_HEADER)m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest;
// make sure the header is a valid version (the K2 alpha/beta1 version is no
// longer valid because the interface to the CA server has totally changed.
// specifically we now track GUIDs instead of dll paths
if ( pHeader->Version < REQUEST_HEADER_K2B2VERSION ) { m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_CA_ERROR ); AfxMessageBox( IDS_INVALID_CA_REQUEST_OLD ); return FALSE; }
// initialize the authority object
// prepare the authority object
COnlineAuthority authority; if ( !authority.FInitSZ(pHeader->chCA) ) { m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_CA_ERROR ); AfxMessageBox( IDS_CA_NO_INTERFACE ); return FALSE; }
// get the previously set up configuration string
BSTR bstrConfig = NULL; if ( !authority.FGetPropertyString( &bstrConfig ) ) { m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_CA_ERROR ); AfxMessageBox( IDS_CA_NO_INTERFACE ); return FALSE; }
// YES - I HAVE tried to pass this in as binary, but that doesn't seem to work right now.
// generate a base-64 encoded request
DWORD cbReq = m_pKey->m_cbCertificateRequest; PUCHAR preq = PCreateEncodedRequest( m_pKey->m_pCertificateRequest, &cbReq, FALSE ); preq[cbReq] = 0;
// Great. Now this needs to be unicode.
OLECHAR* poch = NULL; // get the number of characters in the encoded request, plus some
DWORD cchReq = _tcslen((PCHAR)preq) + 60; poch = (OLECHAR*)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cchReq * 2 ); // unicodize the name into the buffer
if ( poch ) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (PCHAR)preq, -1, poch, cchReq );
// prepare the BSTR containing the request
BSTR bstrRequest = NULL; bstrRequest = SysAllocString(poch); // cleanup
GlobalFree( poch );
// prepare the extra attributes string
BSTR bstrAttrib = NULL; WORD zero = 0; bstrAttrib = SysAllocString(&zero);
LONG longDisposition;
// if this is the first time for this cert, call the submit method
if ( !pHeader->fWaitingForApproval ) { // set the flag
pHeader->fReqSentToOnlineCA = TRUE;
// make the call
hErr = authority.pIRequest->Submit( // CR_IN_BINARY | CR_IN_PKCS10,
CR_IN_BASE64HEADER | CR_IN_PKCS10, bstrRequest, bstrAttrib, bstrConfig, &longDisposition);
// get the full error message text
authority.pIRequest->GetDispositionMessage( &bstrDisposition ); // get the string out and put it in m_sz_message
BuildAuthErrorMessage( bstrDisposition, hErr );
// no matter what, try to get the request ID
authority.pIRequest->GetRequestId( &pHeader->longRequestID ); } else // if it has already been submitted, call the pending method
{ // make the call
hErr = authority.pIRequest->RetrievePending( pHeader->longRequestID, bstrConfig, &longDisposition);
// get the full error message text
authority.pIRequest->GetDispositionMessage( &bstrDisposition ); // get the string out and put it in m_sz_message
BuildAuthErrorMessage( bstrDisposition, hErr ); }
// do the appropriate thing depending on the disposition of the response
switch( longDisposition ) { case CR_DISP_INCOMPLETE: case CR_DISP_ERROR: case CR_DISP_DENIED: // error message obtained via BuildAuthErrorMessage above
case CR_DISP_UNDER_SUBMISSION: // we need to try again later
m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_GRIND_DELAYED );
// set the waiting for response flag
pHeader->fWaitingForApproval = TRUE; break; case CR_DISP_ISSUED_OUT_OF_BAND: case CR_DISP_ISSUED: // get the certificate
hErr = authority.pIRequest->GetCertificate( CR_OUT_BASE64HEADER, &bstrCert); if ( FAILED(hErr) ) { // get the detailed error disposition string - reuse bstrAttrib
authority.pIRequest->GetDispositionMessage( &bstrDisposition ); // get the string out and put it in m_sz_message
BuildAuthErrorMessage( bstrDisposition, hErr ); break; }
// make sure the "waiting" flag is cleared
pHeader->fWaitingForApproval = FALSE;
// extract the certificate from the bstr
szRawCert = bstrCert; szTCert = szRawCert.GetBuffer(szRawCert.GetLength()+1);
// great. The last thing left is to uudecode the data we got
uudecode_cert( szTCert, &m_pKey->m_cbCertificate );
//copy it into place
if ( m_pKey->m_pCertificate ) GlobalFree( m_pKey->m_pCertificate ); m_pKey->m_pCertificate = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, m_pKey->m_cbCertificate ); CopyMemory( m_pKey->m_pCertificate, szTCert, m_pKey->m_cbCertificate ); szRawCert.ReleaseBuffer(0);
// tell the key it is done
// success! Let the user know about it
m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_GRIND_SUCCESS );
// cleanup
fAnswer = TRUE; break; };
// clean up all the bstrings
if ( bstrCert ) SysFreeString( bstrCert ); if ( bstrConfig ) SysFreeString( bstrConfig ); if ( bstrRequest ) SysFreeString( bstrRequest ); if ( bstrAttrib ) SysFreeString( bstrAttrib ); if ( bstrDisposition ) SysFreeString( bstrDisposition ); // return the answer
return fAnswer; }
void CCreatingKeyDlg::BuildAuthErrorMessage( BSTR bstrMesage, HRESULT hErr ) { // set the header to the message first
m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_GRIND_ONLINE_FAILURE );
// add the specific message from the certificate authority
if ( bstrMesage ) m_sz_message += bstrMesage;
// get the error code part going too.
CString szErr; szErr.LoadString( IDS_ERR_GENERIC_ERRCODE );
// put it all together
m_sz_message.Format( "%s%s%x", m_sz_message, szErr, hErr ); }
BOOL CCreatingKeyDlg::WriteRequestToFile() { // fill in a admin info structure
ADMIN_INFO info; info.pName = &m_ppage_User_Info->m_nkui_sz_name; info.pEmail = &m_ppage_User_Info->m_nkui_sz_email; info.pPhone = &m_ppage_User_Info->m_nkui_sz_phone;
if ( m_ppage_DN ) { info.pCommonName = &m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_CN; info.pOrgUnit = &m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_OU; info.pOrg = &m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_O; info.pLocality = &m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_L; info.pState = &m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_S; info.pCountry = &m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_C; } else { info.pCommonName = NULL; info.pOrgUnit = NULL; info.pOrg = NULL; info.pLocality = NULL; info.pState = NULL; info.pCountry = NULL; }
// tell the key to write itself out to the disk
if ( !m_pKey->FOutputRequestFile( m_ppage_Choose_CA->m_nkca_sz_file, FALSE, &info ) ) return FALSE;
// tell the user its there
m_sz_message.LoadString( IDS_GRIND_FILE ); m_sz_message += m_ppage_Choose_CA->m_nkca_sz_file;
// success
return TRUE; }
BOOL CCreatingKeyDlg::FGenerateKeyPair() { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; CString szDistinguishedName; SSL_CREDENTIAL_CERTIFICATE certs; LPTSTR pSzDN, pSzPassword; BOOL fAddComma = FALSE;
// generate the distinguished name string
try { szDistinguishedName.Empty(); // we should never put an empty parameter in the list
// start with the country code
if ( !m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_C.IsEmpty() ) { szDistinguishedName = SZ_KEY_COUNTRY; szDistinguishedName += m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_C; fAddComma = TRUE; }
// now add on the state/province
if ( !m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_S.IsEmpty() ) { if ( fAddComma ) szDistinguishedName += ","; szDistinguishedName += SZ_KEY_STATE; szDistinguishedName += m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_S; fAddComma = TRUE; } // now add on the locality
if ( !m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_L.IsEmpty() ) { if ( fAddComma ) szDistinguishedName += ","; szDistinguishedName += SZ_KEY_LOCALITY; szDistinguishedName += m_ppage_DN2->m_nkdn2_sz_L; fAddComma = TRUE; } // now add on the organization
if ( !m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_O.IsEmpty() ) { if ( fAddComma ) szDistinguishedName += ","; szDistinguishedName += SZ_KEY_ORGANIZATION; szDistinguishedName += m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_O; fAddComma = TRUE; }
// now add on the organizational unit (optional)
if ( !m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_OU.IsEmpty() ) { if ( fAddComma ) szDistinguishedName += ","; szDistinguishedName += SZ_KEY_ORGUNIT; szDistinguishedName += m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_OU; fAddComma = TRUE; }
// now add on the common name (netaddress)
if ( !m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_CN.IsEmpty() ) { if ( fAddComma ) szDistinguishedName += ","; szDistinguishedName += SZ_KEY_COMNAME; szDistinguishedName += m_ppage_DN->m_nkdn_sz_CN; fAddComma = TRUE; } } catch( CException e ) { return FALSE; }
// prep the strings - we need a pointer to the data
pSzDN = szDistinguishedName.GetBuffer( szDistinguishedName.GetLength()+2 ); pSzPassword = m_ppage_Key_Info->m_nkki_sz_password.GetBuffer( m_ppage_Key_Info->m_nkki_sz_password.GetLength()+2 );
// zero out the certs
ZeroMemory( &certs, sizeof(certs) );
// generate the key pair
fSuccess = SslGenerateKeyPair( &certs, pSzDN, pSzPassword, m_ppage_Key_Info->m_nBits );
// release the string buffers
m_ppage_Key_Info->m_nkki_sz_password.ReleaseBuffer( -1 ); szDistinguishedName.ReleaseBuffer( -1 );
// if generating the key pair failed, leave now
if ( !fSuccess ) { return FALSE; }
// store away the cert and the key
m_cbPrivateKey = certs.cbPrivateKey; m_pPrivateKey = certs.pPrivateKey; m_cbCertificateRequest = certs.cbCertificate; m_pCertificateRequest = certs.pCertificate;
// return the success flag
return fSuccess; }