// Filename : Tokenizer.cpp
// Purpose : Tokenizer declerations
// Project : WordBreakers
// Component: English word breaker
// Author : yairh
// Log:
// Jan 06 2000 yairh creation
// Apr 05 2000 dovh - Fixed two problematic debug / tracer buffer size
// problems. (Fix Bug 15449).
// May 07 2000 dovh - USE_WS_SENTINEL algorithm in BreakText
#include "base.h"
#include "CustomBreaking.h"
#include "proparray.h"
#include "AutoPtr.h"
#include "excption.h"
#include "SpanishUtils.h"
#include "WbUtils.h"
#include "LanguageResources_i.c"
CAutoClassPointer<CCustomBreaker> g_apEngCustomBreaker; CAutoClassPointer<CCustomBreaker> g_apEngUKCustomBreaker; CAutoClassPointer<CCustomBreaker> g_apFrnCustomBreaker; CAutoClassPointer<CCustomBreaker> g_apSpnCustomBreaker; CAutoClassPointer<CCustomBreaker> g_apItlCustomBreaker;
CCustomWordTerm::CCustomWordTerm(const WCHAR* pwcs) : m_ulStartTxt(0), m_ulEndTxt(0), m_pwcs(NULL) { ULONG ulLen = wcslen(pwcs); CAutoArrayPointer<WCHAR> ap; ap = new WCHAR[ulLen + 1]; wcscpy(ap.Get(), pwcs);
while ((m_ulStartTxt < ulLen) && TEST_PROP(GET_PROP(ap.Get()[m_ulStartTxt]), CUSTOM_PUNCT_HEAD)) { m_ulStartTxt++; }
m_ulEndTxt = ulLen;
while(m_ulEndTxt && TEST_PROP(GET_PROP(ap.Get()[m_ulEndTxt - 1]), CUSTOM_PUNCT_TAIL)) { m_ulEndTxt--; }
if (m_ulEndTxt <= m_ulStartTxt) { THROW_HRESULT_EXCEPTION(E_INVALIDARG); }
m_pwcs = ap.Detach(); m_ulLen = ulLen; }
bool CCustomWordTerm::CheckWord( const ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulOffsetToBaseWord, ULONG ulBaseWordLen, const WCHAR* pwcsBuf, ULONG* pulMatchOffset, ULONG* pulMatchLen) { ULONG ulStartTxt = m_ulStartTxt; while (ulOffsetToBaseWord && ulStartTxt && m_pwcs[ulStartTxt] == pwcsBuf[ulOffsetToBaseWord]) { ulOffsetToBaseWord--; ulStartTxt--; ulBaseWordLen++; }
if (ulStartTxt) { return false; } ULONG ulEndTxt = m_ulEndTxt;
while ((ulEndTxt < m_ulLen) && (ulOffsetToBaseWord + ulBaseWordLen < ulBufLen) && (m_pwcs[ulEndTxt] == pwcsBuf[ulOffsetToBaseWord + ulBaseWordLen ])) { ulEndTxt++; ulBaseWordLen++; }
if (ulEndTxt != m_ulLen) { return false; }
*pulMatchOffset = ulOffsetToBaseWord; *pulMatchLen = ulBaseWordLen; return true; }
void CCustomWordCollection::AddWord(const WCHAR* pwcs) { CAutoClassPointer<CCustomWordTerm> ap;
ap = new CCustomWordTerm(pwcs); m_vaWordCollection[m_ulCount] = ap.Get(); m_ulCount++; ap.Detach(); } bool CCustomWordCollection::CheckWord( const ULONG ulLen, const ULONG ulOffsetToBaseWord, const ULONG ulBaseWordLen, const WCHAR* pwcsBuf, ULONG* pulMatchOffset, ULONG* pulMatchLen) { for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < m_ulCount; ul++) { bool fRet = m_vaWordCollection[ul]->CheckWord( ulLen, ulOffsetToBaseWord, ulBaseWordLen, pwcsBuf, pulMatchOffset, pulMatchLen); if (fRet) { return true; } } return false; }
CCustomBreaker::CCustomBreaker(LCID lcid) : m_Trie(true), m_ulWordCount(0) { CVarString vsPath;
if (false == GetCustomWBFilePath(lcid, vsPath)) { return; }
CStandardCFile Words((LPWSTR)vsPath, L"r", false); if (!((FILE*)Words)) { return; }
WCHAR pwcsBuf[64]; DictStatus status;
while(fgetws(pwcsBuf, 64, (FILE*) Words)) { m_ulWordCount++;
ULONG ulLen = wcslen(pwcsBuf);
if (ulLen && pwcsBuf[ulLen - 1] == L'\n') { pwcsBuf[ulLen - 1] = L'\0'; ulLen--; }
if (0 == ulLen) { continue; }
try { CAutoClassPointer<CCustomWordCollection> apCollection = new CCustomWordCollection; apCollection->AddWord(pwcsBuf);
WCHAR* pwcsKey = pwcsBuf + apCollection->GetFirstWord()->GetTxtStart(); pwcsBuf[apCollection->GetFirstWord()->GetTxtEnd()] = L'\0'; DictStatus status; CCustomWordCollection* pExistingCollection; status = m_Trie.trie_Insert( pwcsKey, TRIE_DEFAULT, apCollection.Get(), &pExistingCollection); if (DICT_ITEM_ALREADY_PRESENT == status) { pExistingCollection->AddWord(apCollection->GetFirstWord()->GetTxt()); } else if (DICT_SUCCESS == status) { apCollection.Detach(); continue; } } catch (CHresultException& h) { if (E_INVALIDARG == (HRESULT)h) { continue; } else { throw h; } } } }
// The idea behind the algorithm is to store a list of special patterns that should not
// be broken. We also want to be able to recognize those patterns when few punctuations
// are attached to them. For example if .NET is a special pattern then in the following
// patterns (.NET) .NET! .NET? we also want to recognize the .NET pattern and emit .NET
// It is more complicated in the next case - NET!. The expected behavior is not to break it.
// So algorithm need to identify when a punctuation is part of the token and not be broken
// and when it is just a breaker.
// The algorithm is
// 1. Initialization.
// for each token is the file
// a. Remove punctuations from the beginning and ending of the token - we will
// reference it as the base form of the token.
// b. Insert the base form to a dictionary. Each base form will be pointing to the
// generating token. Few tokens can be mapped to the same base form
// (NET? and NET!) so each base form will point to a collection of generating tokens
// 2. Breaking.
// For each pattern you get from the document
// a. perform 1a.
// b. look for the resulting base form in the dictionary.
// c. per each item in the collection check whether the generating token exist in the
// pattern we got from the document.
bool CCustomBreaker::BreakText( ULONG ulLen, WCHAR* pwcsBuf, ULONG* pulOutLen, ULONG* pulOffset) { DictStatus status;
CCustomWordCollection* pCollection; short sCount = 0; ULONG ul = 0; while ((ul < ulLen) && TEST_PROP(GET_PROP(pwcsBuf[ul]), CUSTOM_PUNCT_HEAD)) { ul++; }
ULONG ulOffsetToBase = ul;
if (ulOffsetToBase == ulLen) { return false; }
ULONG ulBaseLen = ulLen;
while(ulBaseLen && TEST_PROP(GET_PROP(pwcsBuf[ulBaseLen - 1]), CUSTOM_PUNCT_TAIL)) { ulBaseLen--; }
if (ulBaseLen <= ulOffsetToBase) { return false; }
ulBaseLen -= ulOffsetToBase;
status = m_Trie.trie_Find( pwcsBuf + ulOffsetToBase, TRIE_LONGEST_MATCH, 1, &pCollection, &sCount); if (sCount) { bool bRet;
bRet = pCollection->CheckWord( ulLen, ulOffsetToBase, ulBaseLen, pwcsBuf, pulOffset, pulOutLen); return bRet; }
return false; }