Natural Language Group Common Library
CMN_OutputDebugStringW.c - DEBUG ONLY local helper functions that puts specific error message to debug output for errors on library functions
History: DougP 9/9/97 Created
The end user license agreement (EULA) for CSAPI, CHAPI, or CTAPI covers this source file. Do not disclose it to third parties.
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� 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#undef CMN_OutputDebugStringW
VOID WINAPI CMN_OutputDebugStringW(const WCHAR * pwzOutputString) { #if defined(_M_IX86)
char szOutputString[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fcharerr; char chdef = '?'; int res = WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, pwzOutputString, -1, szOutputString, sizeof(szOutputString), &chdef, &fcharerr); OutputDebugStringA(szOutputString); #else
OutputDebugStringW(pwzOutputString); #endif
void WINAPI CMN_OutputSystemErrA(const char *pszMsg, const char *pszComponent) { CMN_OutputErrA(GetLastError(), pszMsg, pszComponent); }
void WINAPI CMN_OutputErrA(DWORD dwErr, const char *pszMsg, const char *pszComponent) { char szMsgBuf[256]; OutputDebugStringA(pszMsg); OutputDebugStringA(" \""); if (pszComponent) OutputDebugStringA(pszComponent); OutputDebugStringA("\": "); if (!FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, // source and processing options
NULL, // pointer to message source
dwErr, // requested message identifier
0, // language identifier for requested message
szMsgBuf, // pointer to message buffer
sizeof(szMsgBuf)/sizeof(szMsgBuf[0]), // maximum size of message buffer
0 // address of array of message inserts
)) OutputDebugStringA("Couldn't decode err msg"); else OutputDebugStringA(szMsgBuf); OutputDebugStringA("\r\n"); }
void WINAPI CMN_OutputSystemErrW(const WCHAR *pwzMsg, const WCHAR *pwzComponent) { CMN_OutputErrW(GetLastError(), pwzMsg, pwzComponent); }
void WINAPI CMN_OutputErrW(DWORD dwErr, const WCHAR *pwzMsg, const WCHAR *pwzComponent) { char wcMsgBuf[256]; CMN_OutputDebugStringW(pwzMsg); OutputDebugStringA(" \""); if (pwzComponent) CMN_OutputDebugStringW(pwzComponent); OutputDebugStringA("\": "); if (!FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, // source and processing options
NULL, // pointer to message source
dwErr, // requested message identifier
0, // language identifier for requested message
wcMsgBuf, // pointer to message buffer
sizeof(wcMsgBuf)/sizeof(wcMsgBuf[0]), // maximum size of message buffer
0 // address of array of message inserts
)) OutputDebugStringA("Couldn't decode err msg"); else OutputDebugStringA(wcMsgBuf); OutputDebugStringA("\r\n"); } #endif // _DEBUG