// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: C and Cxx Filter
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
extern "C" GUID CLSID_CxxIFilter;
GUID guidCPlusPlus = { 0x8DEE0300, \ 0x16C2, 0x101B, \ 0xB1, 0x21, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x2E, 0xCD, 0xA9 };
// Member: CxxIFilter::CxxIFilter, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
CxxIFilter::CxxIFilter() : _state(FilterDone), _ulLastTextChunkID(0), _ulChunkID(0), _pTextFilt(0), _pPersFile(0), _cAttrib(0), _pAttrib(0), _pTextStream(0), _locale(0) // the default locale
{ }
BOOL IsContents( FULLPROPSPEC const & fps ) { return ( !memcmp( &fps, &fpsContents, sizeof fpsContents ) ); } //IsContents
BOOL FPSMatch( FULLPROPSPEC const & fpsA, FULLPROPSPEC const & fpsB ) { if ( fpsA.guidPropSet != fpsB.guidPropSet ) return FALSE;
if ( fpsA.psProperty.ulKind != fpsB.psProperty.ulKind ) return FALSE;
if ( PRSPEC_PROPID == fpsA.psProperty.ulKind ) return ( fpsA.psProperty.propid == fpsB.psProperty.propid );
if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR != fpsA.psProperty.ulKind ) return FALSE;
return ( !wcscmp( fpsA.psProperty.lpwstr, fpsB.psProperty.lpwstr ) ); } //FPSMatch
void FPSCopy( FULLPROPSPEC & fpsTo, FULLPROPSPEC const & fpsFrom ) { fpsTo.guidPropSet = fpsFrom.guidPropSet; fpsTo.psProperty.ulKind = fpsFrom.psProperty.ulKind;
if ( PRSPEC_PROPID == fpsFrom.psProperty.ulKind ) { fpsTo.psProperty.propid = fpsFrom.psProperty.propid; return; }
if ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == fpsFrom.psProperty.ulKind ) { unsigned cwc = 1 + wcslen( fpsFrom.psProperty.lpwstr ); fpsTo.psProperty.lpwstr = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc( cwc ); wcscpy( fpsTo.psProperty.lpwstr, fpsFrom.psProperty.lpwstr ); } } //FPSCopy
void FPSFree( FULLPROPSPEC &fps ) { if ( ( PRSPEC_LPWSTR == fps.psProperty.ulKind ) && ( 0 != fps.psProperty.lpwstr ) ) { CoTaskMemFree( fps.psProperty.lpwstr ); fps.psProperty.lpwstr = 0; } } //FPSFree
// Member: CxxIFilter::~CxxIFilter, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
CxxIFilter::~CxxIFilter() { delete [] _pAttrib;
if ( _pTextFilt ) _pTextFilt->Release();
if ( _pPersFile ) _pPersFile->Release();
delete _pTextStream; }
// Member: CxxIFilter::Init, public
// Synopsis: Initializes instance of text filter
// Arguments: [grfFlags] -- flags for filter behavior
// [cAttributes] -- number of attributes in array aAttributes
// [aAttributes] -- array of attributes
// [pfBulkyObject] -- indicates whether this object is a
// bulky object
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::Init( ULONG grfFlags, ULONG cAttributes, FULLPROPSPEC const * aAttributes, ULONG * pFlags ) { CTranslateSystemExceptions translate;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { _ulLastTextChunkID = 0; _ulChunkID = 0;
if( cAttributes > 0 ) { _state = FilterProp;
_cAttrib = cAttributes; if ( 0 != _pAttrib ) { delete [] _pAttrib; _pAttrib = 0; }
_pAttrib = new CFps [_cAttrib];
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < cAttributes; i++ ) { if ( _state != FilterContents && IsContents( aAttributes[i] ) ) _state = FilterContents;
_pAttrib[i].Copy( aAttributes[i] ); } } else if ( 0 == grfFlags || (grfFlags & IFILTER_INIT_APPLY_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES) ) { _state = FilterContents; } else { _state = FilterDone; } } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH;
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) return sc;
return _pTextFilt->Init( 0, 1, &fpsContents, pFlags ); } //Init
// Member: CxxIFilter::GetChunk, public
// Synopsis: Gets the next chunk and returns chunk information in pStat
// Arguments: [pStat] -- for chunk information
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate;
TRY { if (_state == FilterNextProp) { _state = FilterProp; } //
// All chunks of plain text come first.
if ( _state == FilterContents ) { sc = _pTextFilt->GetChunk( pStat );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { pStat->locale = 0; // use the default word breaker
_locale = 0; _ulLastTextChunkID = pStat->idChunk; } else if ( sc == FILTER_E_END_OF_CHUNKS ) { _ulChunkID = _ulLastTextChunkID;
ULONG Flags;
sc = _pTextFilt->Init( 0, 1, &fpsContents, &Flags );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { delete _pTextStream; _pTextStream = new CFilterTextStream (_pTextFilt); if (SUCCEEDED (_pTextStream->GetStatus())) { _cxxParse.Init( _pTextStream ); _state = FilterProp; } else _state = FilterDone; } else _state = FilterDone; } }
if ( _state == FilterProp && SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { while ( TRUE ) { if (_cxxParse.Parse()) { pStat->attribute.guidPropSet = guidCPlusPlus; pStat->attribute.psProperty = _cxxParse.GetAttribute();
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cAttrib; i++ ) if ( _pAttrib[i].IsMatch( pStat->attribute ) ) break;
if ( _cAttrib == 0 || i < _cAttrib ) // Property should be returned
{ pStat->idChunk = ++_ulChunkID; pStat->breakType = CHUNK_EOS; pStat->flags = CHUNK_TEXT; pStat->locale = _locale;
FILTERREGION regionSource; // what's the source of this derived property?
_cxxParse.GetRegion ( regionSource ); pStat->idChunkSource = regionSource.idChunk; pStat->cwcStartSource = regionSource.cwcStart; pStat->cwcLenSource = regionSource.cwcExtent;
sc = S_OK; break; } } else { _state = FilterValue; break; } } }
if ( _state == FilterNextValue ) { _cxxParse.SkipValue(); _state = FilterValue; }
if ( _state == FilterValue ) { while ( TRUE ) { if ( _cxxParse.GetValueAttribute( pStat->attribute.psProperty ) ) { pStat->attribute.guidPropSet = guidCPlusPlus;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cAttrib; i++ ) if ( _pAttrib[i].IsMatch( pStat->attribute ) ) break;
if ( _cAttrib == 0 || i < _cAttrib ) // Property should be returned
{ pStat->flags = CHUNK_VALUE; pStat->locale = _locale;
_state = FilterNextValue; sc = S_OK; break; } else _cxxParse.SkipValue(); } else { _state = FilterDone; break; } } }
if (_state == FilterDone || !SUCCEEDED(sc)) { sc = FILTER_E_END_OF_CHUNKS; _state = FilterDone; } } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH;
return sc; }
// Member: CxxIFilter::GetText, public
// Synopsis: Retrieves text from current chunk
// Arguments: [pcwcBuffer] -- count of characters in buffer
// [awcBuffer] -- buffer for text
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::GetText( ULONG * pcwcBuffer, WCHAR * awcBuffer ) { if ( _state == FilterValue || _state == FilterNextValue ) return FILTER_E_NO_TEXT;
if ( _state == FilterContents ) { return _pTextFilt->GetText( pcwcBuffer, awcBuffer ); } else if ( _state == FilterProp ) {
if ( _cxxParse.GetTokens( pcwcBuffer, awcBuffer )) { _state = FilterNextProp; return FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT; } else return S_OK; } else if ( _state == FilterNextProp ) { return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT; } else { Win4Assert ( _state == FilterDone ); return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT; } }
// Member: CxxIFilter::GetValue, public
// Synopsis: Not implemented for the text filter
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::GetValue( PROPVARIANT ** ppPropValue ) { if ( _state == FilterContents ) return _pTextFilt->GetValue( ppPropValue );
if ( _state == FilterDone ) return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_VALUES;
if ( _state != FilterNextValue ) return FILTER_E_NO_VALUES;
*ppPropValue = _cxxParse.GetValue(); _state = FilterValue;
if ( 0 == *ppPropValue ) return FILTER_E_NO_MORE_VALUES; else return S_OK; }
// Member: CxxIFilter::BindRegion, public
// Synopsis: Creates moniker or other interface for text indicated
// Arguments: [origPos] -- location of text
// [riid] -- Interface Id
// [ppunk] -- returned interface
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::BindRegion( FILTERREGION origPos, REFIID riid, void ** ppunk ) { return _pTextFilt->BindRegion( origPos, riid, ppunk ); }
// Member: CxxIFilter::GetClassID, public
// Synopsis: Returns the class id of this class.
// Arguments: [pClassID] -- the class id
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::GetClassID( CLSID * pClassID ) { *pClassID = CLSID_CxxIFilter; return S_OK; }
// Member: CxxIFilter::IsDirty, public
// Synopsis: Always returns S_FALSE since this class is read-only.
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::IsDirty() { return S_FALSE; // Since the filter is read-only, there will never be
// changes to the file.
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall * PFnLoadTextFilter)( WCHAR const * pwcPath, IFilter ** ppIFilter );
PFnLoadTextFilter g_pLoadTextFilter = 0;
SCODE MyLoadTextFilter( WCHAR const *pwc, IFilter **ppFilter ) { if ( 0 == g_pLoadTextFilter ) { // Dummy call to CIState to force query.dll to be always loaded
CIState( 0, 0, 0 );
g_pLoadTextFilter = (PFnLoadTextFilter) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle( L"query.dll" ), "LoadTextFilter" );
if ( 0 == g_pLoadTextFilter ) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
return g_pLoadTextFilter( pwc, ppFilter ); }
// Member: CxxIFilter::Load, public
// Synopsis: Loads the indicated file
// Arguments: [pszFileName] -- the file name
// [dwMode] -- the mode to load the file in
// History: 07-Oct-93 AmyA Created.
// Notes: dwMode must be either 0 or STGM_READ.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::Load(LPCWSTR pszFileName, DWORD dwMode) { SCODE sc = MyLoadTextFilter( pszFileName, &_pTextFilt );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { //
// Load file
sc = _pTextFilt->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistFile, (void **) &_pPersFile );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { sc = _pPersFile->Load( pszFileName, dwMode ); } else { _pTextFilt->Release(); _pTextFilt = 0; } }
return sc; }
// Member: CxxIFilter::Save, public
// Synopsis: Always returns E_FAIL, since the file is opened read-only
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::Save(LPCWSTR pszFileName, BOOL fRemember) { return E_FAIL; // cannot be saved since it is read-only
// Member: CxxIFilter::SaveCompleted, public
// Synopsis: Always returns S_OK since the file is opened read-only
// History: 16-Jul-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::SaveCompleted(LPCWSTR pszFileName) { return E_FAIL; }
// Member: CxxIFilter::GetCurFile, public
// Synopsis: Returns a copy of the current file name
// Arguments: [ppszFileName] -- where the copied string is returned.
// History: 09-Aug-93 AmyA Created.
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CxxIFilter::GetCurFile(LPWSTR * ppszFileName) { return _pPersFile->GetCurFile( ppszFileName ); }