// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1998
// File: main.cxx
// Contents: Index Server V1.x property file dumper.
// History: 29 Oct 1996 KyleP Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <proprec.hxx>
#include <propdesc.hxx>
unsigned const SixtyFourK = 1024 * 64; unsigned const cMaxFields = 10;
unsigned fVerbose = 0;
enum eRecType { Virgin, Top, Overflow, Free };
struct SmallInfo { ULONG Type; ULONG Length; ULONG ulPrev; ULONG ulNext; ULONG ulChainLength; };
int __cdecl main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { char * pszFile = argv[1]; BOOL fReadMetadata = 0; unsigned cField = 0; int aiField[cMaxFields];
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { switch ( argv[i][1] ) { case 'v': case 'V': fVerbose = 1; break;
case 'm': case 'M': fReadMetadata = TRUE; break;
case 'f': case 'F': i++;
if ( cField < cMaxFields ) aiField[cField++] = strtol( argv[i], 0, 10 ); break; } } else pszFile = argv[i];
BYTE abTemp[SixtyFourK];
// First, read out the metadata
unsigned cFixed = 0; unsigned cTotal = 0; unsigned culFixed = 0; CPropDesc aFieldRec[cMaxFields];
if ( fReadMetadata || cField != 0 ) { //
// Build path.
char szPath[MAX_PATH]; strcpy( szPath, pszFile ); char * pLastSlash = strrchr( szPath, '\\' ); pLastSlash++; strcpy( pLastSlash, "CIPS0000.001" );
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h ) { printf( "Can't open file %s. Error %u\n", szPath, GetLastError() ); return 0; }
ULONG cbRead;
if ( ReadFile( h, abTemp, sizeof(abTemp), &cbRead, 0 ) ) { //
// Loop through records
CPropDesc * pPropDesc = (CPropDesc *)abTemp;
if ( fReadMetadata ) printf( "Record\tPid\t\tType\t\tOffset\tSize\tOrdinal\tMask\n" );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cbRead/sizeof(CPropDesc); i++, pPropDesc++ ) { if ( pPropDesc->Pid() != 0 ) { if ( fReadMetadata ) printf( "%u:\t%u (0x%x)%s\t%u (0x%x)\t%d\t%u\t%u\t0x%x\n", pPropDesc->Record(), pPropDesc->Pid(), pPropDesc->Pid(), (pPropDesc->Pid() > 10) ? "" : "\t", pPropDesc->Type(), pPropDesc->Type(), pPropDesc->Offset(), pPropDesc->Size(), pPropDesc->Ordinal(), pPropDesc->Mask() );
if ( pPropDesc->Offset() != -1 ) { cFixed++; culFixed += (pPropDesc->Size() / sizeof(DWORD)); }
for ( unsigned j = 0; j < cField; j++ ) { if ( aiField[j] == (int)pPropDesc->Record() ) memcpy( &aFieldRec[j], pPropDesc, sizeof(aFieldRec[0]) ); } } }
printf( "\n%u Properties, %u Fixed totaling %u bytes\n\n", cTotal, cFixed, culFixed * sizeof(DWORD) ); } else { printf( "Can't read file %s. Error %u\n", szPath, GetLastError() ); return 0; } }
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == h ) { printf( "Can't open file %s. Error %u\n", pszFile, GetLastError() ); return 0; }
if ( !GetFileInformationByHandle( h, &fi ) ) { printf( "Error %u getting size from handle\n", GetLastError() ); return 0; }
ULONG oFile = 0; ULONG cbRec = 0; ULONG cRecPerBuf; ULONG cRecTotal; ULONG cTotalSections = 0;
HANDLE hSmallInfo; SmallInfo * aSmallInfo = 0;
ULONG iSection = 0;
BOOL fFirst = TRUE;
ULONG iCurrentPct = 0;
for (;;) { ULONG cbRead;
if ( ReadFile( h, abTemp, sizeof(abTemp), &cbRead, 0 ) ) { if (fVerbose) printf( "READ: 0x%x bytes, offset %0x%x\n", cbRead, oFile );
if ( 0 == cbRead ) break;
if ( fFirst ) { //
// Determine record size
if ( abTemp[0] != 0 || abTemp[1] != 0 ) { printf( "Record 0 not blank. File corrupt!\n" ); break; }
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cbRead && abTemp[i] == 0; i++ ) continue;
if ( i == cbRead ) { printf( "First %uK segment all zero!. File corrupt!\n", sizeof(abTemp)/1024 ); break; }
switch ( *(USHORT *)&abTemp[i] ) { case 0x5555: case 0xAAAA: case 0xBBBB: cbRec = i;
if ( cbRec % 4 != 0 ) { printf( "Record size (%u bytes) not DWORD aligned!\n\n", cbRec ); return 0; }
cRecPerBuf = sizeof(abTemp) / cbRec; printf( "Record size: %u bytes (%u / %uK)\n", i, cRecPerBuf, sizeof(abTemp)/1024 ); cTotalSections = (fi.nFileSizeLow + sizeof(abTemp) - 1)/ sizeof abTemp;
hSmallInfo = LocalAlloc( LMEM_MOVEABLE, ((fi.nFileSizeLow / sizeof(abTemp)) + 1) * cRecPerBuf * sizeof(SmallInfo) ); aSmallInfo = (SmallInfo *)LocalLock( hSmallInfo );
default: printf( "First non-zero byte is not a proper signature (%u)!\n", *(SHORT *)&abTemp[i] ); return 0; }
fFirst = FALSE; }
ULONG iRec = 0;
while ( iRec < cRecPerBuf ) { COnDiskPropertyRecord * pRec = new( iRec, abTemp, cbRec/4 ) COnDiskPropertyRecord;
if ( !pRec->IsValidType() ) { printf( "Record 0x%x (%u:%u) (file offset 0x%x) is corrupt!\n", iSection * cRecPerBuf + iRec, iSection, iRec, iSection * sizeof(abTemp) + iRec * cbRec ); }
if (fVerbose ) printf( "%u:%u, %s, length = %u record(s)", iSection, iRec, pRec->IsTopLevel() ? "Top Level" : pRec->IsOverflow() ? "Overflow" : pRec->IsFreeRecord() ? "Free" : "Virgin", pRec->CountRecords() );
aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].ulChainLength = 0;
if ( pRec->IsOverflow() ) { aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].Type = Overflow;
/* printf( ", Previous = %u:%u (file offset 0x%x)",
pRec->PreviousBlock() / cRecPerBuf, pRec->PreviousBlock() % cRecPerBuf, (pRec->PreviousBlock() / cRecPerBuf) * sizeof(abTemp) + (pRec->PreviousBlock() % cRecPerBuf) * cbRec ); */ } else if ( pRec->IsTopLevel() ) { aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].Type = Top; aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].ulChainLength = pRec->GetOverflowChainLength();
for ( unsigned j = 0; j < cField; j++ ) { PROPVARIANT var; BYTE abExtra[MAX_PATH * 5]; unsigned cbExtra = sizeof(abExtra);
if ( 0 == j ) printf( "%6u: ", iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec );
if ( aFieldRec[j].IsFixedSize() ) { pRec->ReadFixed( aFieldRec[j].Ordinal(), aFieldRec[j].Mask(), aFieldRec[j].Offset(), cTotal, aFieldRec[j].Type(), var, abExtra, &cbExtra );
switch ( var.vt ) { case VT_EMPTY: printf( "n/a " ); break;
case VT_I4: printf( "%8d ", var.iVal ); break;
case VT_UI4: printf( "%8u ", var.uiVal ); break;
case VT_FILETIME: printf( "%8u,%8u ", var.filetime.dwHighDateTime, var.filetime.dwLowDateTime ); break;
case VT_I8: printf( "%12hu ", var.hVal ); break; } } else { BOOL fOk = pRec->ReadVariable( aFieldRec[j].Ordinal(), aFieldRec[j].Mask(), culFixed, cTotal, cFixed, var, abExtra, &cbExtra );
if ( fOk ) { switch ( var.vt ) { case VT_LPSTR: printf( "%s ", var.pszVal ); break;
case VT_LPWSTR: printf( "%ws ", var.pwszVal ); break; } } } }
if ( 0 != cField ) printf( "\n" ); } else if ( pRec->IsFreeRecord() ) { aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].Type = Free; } else { aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].Type = Virgin; }
// 1.1 vs 2.0 change // aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].ulPrev = pRec->ToplevelBlock();
aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].ulNext = pRec->OverflowBlock(); aSmallInfo[iSection*cRecPerBuf + iRec].Length = pRec->CountRecords();
if ( pRec->CountRecords() == 0 ) { printf( "Record %u (file offset 0x%x) is zero length!\n", iSection * cRecPerBuf + iRec, iSection * sizeof(abTemp) + iRec * cbRec ); }
if ( pRec->OverflowBlock() != 0 ) { /* printf( ", Overflow = %u:%u (file offset 0x%x)",
pRec->OverflowBlock() / cRecPerBuf, pRec->OverflowBlock() % cRecPerBuf, (pRec->OverflowBlock() / cRecPerBuf) * sizeof(abTemp) + (pRec->OverflowBlock() % cRecPerBuf) * cbRec ); */ }
if (fVerbose) printf( "\n" );
if ( pRec->IsValidType() ) iRec += pRec->CountRecords(); else iRec++;
ULONG iPct = (iSection * (100/5) / cTotalSections) * 5; if (iPct != iCurrentPct) { iCurrentPct = iPct; printf( "Read %u%%\n", iCurrentPct ); }
iSection++; oFile += cbRead; } else { ULONG Status = GetLastError();
if ( Status == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) break; else { printf( "Error %u reading file.\n", Status ); } } }
printf( "Read 100%%\n" );
CloseHandle( h );
// Now check inter-record state
unsigned iRec = 0; unsigned iCurrentSection = 0; iCurrentPct = 0;
while ( iRec < iSection * cRecPerBuf ) { if ( aSmallInfo[iRec].Type == Top ) { unsigned iOverflowRec = aSmallInfo[iRec].ulNext; unsigned cOverflowRec = 0;
while ( 0 != iOverflowRec ) { if ( aSmallInfo[iOverflowRec].Type != Overflow ) { printf( "Record 0x%x (%u:%u) (file offset 0x%x) should be overflow and is not!\n Top level = 0x%x (%u:%u) (file offset 0x%x)\n", iOverflowRec, iOverflowRec / cRecPerBuf, iOverflowRec % cRecPerBuf, (iOverflowRec / cRecPerBuf) * sizeof(abTemp) + (iOverflowRec % cRecPerBuf) * cbRec, iRec, iRec / cRecPerBuf, iRec % cRecPerBuf, (iRec / cRecPerBuf) * sizeof(abTemp) + (iRec % cRecPerBuf) * cbRec );
break; }
iOverflowRec = aSmallInfo[iOverflowRec].ulNext; cOverflowRec++; if ( cOverflowRec > aSmallInfo[iRec].ulChainLength ) break; }
if ( aSmallInfo[iRec].ulChainLength != cOverflowRec ) { printf( "Record 0x%x (%u:%u) (file offset 0x%x) chain length mismatch %d,%d!\n", iRec, iRec / cRecPerBuf, iRec % cRecPerBuf, (iRec / cRecPerBuf) * sizeof(abTemp) + (iRec % cRecPerBuf) * cbRec, aSmallInfo[iRec].ulChainLength, cOverflowRec ); } }
if (aSmallInfo[iRec].Length == 0) { printf( "%u:%u (file offset 0x%x) zero length record!\n", iRec / cRecPerBuf, iRec % cRecPerBuf, (iRec / cRecPerBuf) * sizeof(abTemp) + (iRec % cRecPerBuf) * cbRec );
iRec++; } else { iRec += aSmallInfo[iRec].Length; }
if ( (iRec / cRecPerBuf) != iCurrentSection ) { if (fVerbose) printf( "Checked section %u\n", iCurrentSection );
ULONG iPct = (iCurrentSection * (100/5) / iSection) * 5; if (iPct != iCurrentPct) { iCurrentPct = iPct; printf( "Checked %u%%\n", iCurrentPct ); }
iCurrentSection = (iRec / cRecPerBuf); } }
printf( "Checked 100%%\n" );
LocalUnlock( hSmallInfo ); LocalFree( hSmallInfo );
return 0; }