// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: qryperf.CXX
// Contents: performance test program
// History: 16 March 1996 dlee Created (from fsdbdrt)
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#define STRESS
#ifdef STRESS
#define GET_DATA_TOO
unsigned cThreads = 8; const unsigned cLoopTimes = 0xffffffff; WCHAR *pwcCatalog = L"system"; WCHAR *pwcMachine = L"."; BOOL g_fStopNow = FALSE; const unsigned cmsSleep = 3000; // 0
unsigned g_cmsSleep; BOOL g_fFetchRowsAtWill = TRUE; #else
const unsigned cThreads = 8; const unsigned cLoopTimes = 1000; WCHAR *pwcCatalog = L"encarta"; WCHAR *pwcMachine = L"."; #endif
#include <crt\io.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <propvar.h>
#include <olectl.h>
#include <doquery.hxx>
WCHAR g_awcCatalog[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR g_awcMachine[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL g_fSequential = FALSE;
template<class T> T Rand2( T t ) { return (T) abs( (int) ( rand() % t ) ); } template<class T> T Rand( T t ) { return (T) abs( GetTickCount() % t ); }
CCoTaskAllocator CoTaskAllocator; void * CCoTaskAllocator::Allocate(ULONG cbSize) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( cbSize ); }
void CCoTaskAllocator::Free( void *pv ) { CoTaskMemFree( pv ); }
BOOL isEven(unsigned n) { return ( 0 == ( n & 1 ) ); }
static const GUID guidSystem = PSGUID_STORAGE; static const GUID guidQuery = PSGUID_QUERY; static const GUID guidRowsetProps = DBPROPSET_ROWSET;
static CDbColId psName( guidSystem, PID_STG_NAME ); static CDbColId psPath( guidSystem, PID_STG_PATH ); static CDbColId psSize( guidSystem, PID_STG_SIZE ); static CDbColId psWriteTime( guidSystem, PID_STG_WRITETIME ); static CDbColId psContents( guidSystem, PID_STG_CONTENTS ); static CDbColId psRank( guidQuery, DISPID_QUERY_RANK );
static CDbColId * aColIds[] = { &psName, &psPath, &psSize, &psWriteTime, &psRank };
static ULONG cColIds = sizeof aColIds / sizeof aColIds[0];
CDbCmdTreeNode * FormQueryTree( CDbCmdTreeNode * pRst, CDbColumns & Cols, CDbSortSet * pSort );
IRowsetScroll * InstantiateRowset( ICommand *pCommandIn, DWORD dwDepth, LPWSTR pwszScope, XPtr<CDbCmdTreeNode> & xTree, WCHAR const * pwcQuery, REFIID riid, BOOL fAsynchronous );
HACCESSOR MapColumns( IUnknown * pUnknown, ULONG cCols, DBBINDING * pBindings, const DBID * pColIds );
void ReleaseAccessor( IUnknown * pUnknown, HACCESSOR hAcc );
DWORD __stdcall RunPerfTest(void *pv);
void LogError( char const * pszFormat, ... );
void GetProcessInfo( WCHAR * pwcImage, LARGE_INTEGER & liUserTime, LARGE_INTEGER & liKernelTime, ULONG & cHandles, ULONGLONG & cbWorkingSet, ULONGLONG & cbPeakWorkingSet, ULONGLONG & cbPeakVirtualSize, ULONGLONG & cbNonPagedPoolUsage, ULONGLONG & cbPeakNonPagedPoolUsage );
inline _int64 mkTime( FILETIME ft ) { return (_int64) ft.dwLowDateTime + ( ( (_int64 ) ft.dwHighDateTime ) << 32 ); } //mkTime
inline _int64 mkTime( FILETIME ftK, FILETIME ftU ) { return mkTime( ftK ) + mkTime( ftU ); } //mkTime
inline _int64 mkTime( LARGE_INTEGER li ) { return (_int64) li.LowPart + ( ( (_int64) li.HighPart ) << 32 ); } //mkTime
inline _int64 mkTime( LARGE_INTEGER liK, LARGE_INTEGER liU ) { return mkTime( liK ) + mkTime( liU ); } //mkTime
void GetCiSvcTimes( LARGE_INTEGER & liCiSvcKernelTime, LARGE_INTEGER & liCiSvcUserTime ) { ULONG cHandles; ULONGLONG cbWorkingSet; ULONGLONG cbPeakWorkingSet; ULONGLONG cbPeakVirtualSize; ULONGLONG cbNonPagedPoolUsage; ULONGLONG cbPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; GetProcessInfo( L"cisvc.exe", liCiSvcUserTime, liCiSvcKernelTime, cHandles, cbWorkingSet, cbPeakWorkingSet, cbPeakVirtualSize, cbNonPagedPoolUsage, cbPeakNonPagedPoolUsage ); } //GetCiSvcTimes
void RunQuerySuite() { HANDLE ah[ 200 ]; DWORD dwID;
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < cThreads; x++ ) { #ifdef STRESS
Sleep( GetCurrentThreadId() );
#endif // STRESS
ah[x] = CreateThread( 0, 65536, RunPerfTest, 0, 0, &dwID ); }
WaitForMultipleObjects( cThreads, ah, TRUE, INFINITE );
for ( x = 0; x < cThreads; x++ ) CloseHandle( ah[x] ); } //RunQuerySuite
void Usage() { printf( "usage: qryperf [-c:catalog] [-m:machine] [-d:delay(ms)] [-q(onarch)] [-s:(0|1)] [-t:threads] -f(etch at will)\n" );
exit(1); } //Usage
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain( int argc, WCHAR * argv[] ) { HRESULT hr = CoInitialize( 0 );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) exit( 1 );
wcscpy( g_awcCatalog, pwcCatalog ); wcscpy( g_awcMachine, pwcMachine );
#ifdef STRESS
g_cmsSleep = cmsSleep; #endif
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( '/' == argv[i][0] || '-' == argv[i][0] ) { WCHAR c = (WCHAR) tolower( argv[i][1] );
if ( L':' != argv[i][2] && c != L'q' && c != 'f' ) Usage();
if ( L'c' == c ) wcscpy( g_awcCatalog, argv[i] + 3 ); else if ( L'm' == c ) wcscpy( g_awcMachine, argv[i] + 3 ); #ifdef STRESS
else if ( L'd' == c ) g_cmsSleep = _wtoi( argv[i] + 3 ); else if ( 't' == c ) cThreads = _wtoi( argv[i] + 3 ); else if ( 'f' == c ) g_fFetchRowsAtWill = FALSE; #endif
else if ( 'q' == c ) g_fSQL = TRUE; else if ( L's' == c ) g_fSequential = _wtoi( argv[i] + 3 ); else Usage(); } else Usage(); }
HANDLE hproc = GetCurrentProcess(); FILETIME ftCreate,ftExit,ftKernel,ftUser; GetProcessTimes( hproc, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftKernel, &ftUser ); _int64 openTime = mkTime( ftKernel, ftUser );
{ CI_STATE state; state.cbStruct = sizeof state; CIState( g_awcCatalog, g_awcMachine, &state ); }
LARGE_INTEGER liCiSvcUserTime; LARGE_INTEGER liCiSvcKernelTime; GetCiSvcTimes( liCiSvcKernelTime, liCiSvcUserTime ); _int64 ciStartTime = mkTime( liCiSvcKernelTime, liCiSvcUserTime );
GetProcessTimes( hproc, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftKernel, &ftUser ); _int64 startTime = mkTime( ftKernel, ftUser );
GetProcessTimes( hproc, &ftCreate, &ftExit, &ftKernel, &ftUser ); _int64 endTime = mkTime( ftKernel, ftUser );
GetCiSvcTimes( liCiSvcKernelTime, liCiSvcUserTime ); _int64 ciEndTime = mkTime( liCiSvcKernelTime, liCiSvcUserTime );
#ifdef STRESS
printf( "stress test client time: %d ms cisvc time: %d ms\n", (DWORD) ((endTime - startTime) / 10000 ), (DWORD) ((ciEndTime - ciStartTime) / 10000 ) ); #else
printf( "%s test client time: %d ms cisvc time: %d ms\n", g_fSequential ? "sequential" : "non-sequential", (DWORD) ((endTime - startTime) / 10000 ), (DWORD) ((ciEndTime - ciStartTime) / 10000 ) ); #endif
return 0; } //main
class CBookMark { public: CBookMark() : cbBmk (0) {} CBookMark( DBBOOKMARK bmkSpecial ) : cbBmk (1) { abBmk[0] = (BYTE) bmkSpecial; } BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != cbBmk; } void Invalidate () { cbBmk = 0; } BOOL IsEqual ( CBookMark& bmk) { if (cbBmk != bmk.cbBmk) return FALSE;
return memcmp ( abBmk, bmk.abBmk, cbBmk ) == 0; } void MakeFirst() { cbBmk = sizeof (BYTE); abBmk[0] = (BYTE) DBBMK_FIRST; } BOOL IsFirst() { return cbBmk == sizeof(BYTE) && abBmk[0] == (BYTE) DBBMK_FIRST; }
DBLENGTH cbBmk; BYTE abBmk[ 50 ]; };
void FetchAtWill( IRowset * pRowset, IUnknown * pAccessor, HACCESSOR hAccessor, DBCOUNTITEM cHits ) { if ( 0 == cHits ) return;
XInterface<IRowsetScroll> xRS; SCODE sc = pRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IRowsetScroll, xRS.GetQIPointer() );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "Can't QI for IID_IRowsetScroll\n" ); return; }
const DBROWCOUNT cMaxToGet = 8; HROW aHRows[ cMaxToGet ]; HROW * paHRows = aHRows;
// Fetch relative to first
const BYTE bmkFirst = (BYTE) DBBMK_FIRST;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 5 && !g_fStopNow; i++ ) { DBCOUNTITEM cRows; DBROWCOUNT cToGet = 1 + Rand2( cMaxToGet - 1 ); DBROWOFFSET iStart = Rand2( cHits ); sc = xRS->GetRowsAt( 0, 0, 1, &bmkFirst, iStart, cToGet, &cRows, &paHRows );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) xRS->ReleaseRows( cRows, aHRows, 0, 0, 0 ); else LogError( "can't get %d rows at %d out of %d\n", cToGet, iStart, cHits ); }
// Fetch relative to last
const BYTE bmkLast = (BYTE) DBBMK_LAST;
for ( i = 0; i < 5 && !g_fStopNow; i++ ) { DBCOUNTITEM cRows; DBROWCOUNT cToGet = 1 + Rand2( cMaxToGet - 1 ); DBROWOFFSET iStart = Rand2( cHits ); sc = xRS->GetRowsAt( 0, 0, 1, &bmkLast, -iStart, cToGet, &cRows, &paHRows );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) xRS->ReleaseRows( cRows, aHRows, 0, 0, 0 ); else LogError( "can't get %d rows at %d from last out of %d\n", cToGet, -iStart, cHits ); }
// Fetch relative to a random location
static GUID guidBmk = DBBMKGUID; static CDbColId dbcolBookMark( guidBmk, PROPID_DBBMK_BOOKMARK );
XInterface<IAccessor> xAccessor; sc = xRS->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, xAccessor.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "can't create bookmark accessor IAccessor: %#x\n", sc ); return; }
HACCESSOR hBmkAccessor; sc = xAccessor->CreateAccessor( DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, 1, aBmkColumn, 0, &hBmkAccessor, 0 ); if ( FAILED(sc) ) { LogError( "can't create accessor\n" ); return; }
HROW aBmkHRows[ 1 ]; HROW * paBmkHRows = aBmkHRows; DBROWOFFSET iBmkStart = Rand2( cHits ); DBCOUNTITEM cBmkRows; sc = xRS->GetRowsAt( 0, 0, 1, &bmkFirst, iBmkStart, 1, &cBmkRows, &paBmkHRows );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) { CBookMark bmk; sc = xRS->GetData( aBmkHRows[0], hBmkAccessor, &bmk );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) && ( DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED != sc ) ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 5 && !g_fStopNow; i++ ) { DBCOUNTITEM cRows; DBROWCOUNT cToGet = 1 + Rand2( cMaxToGet - 1 ); DBROWOFFSET iStart = Rand2( cHits ) - iBmkStart;
sc = xRS->GetRowsAt( 0, 0, bmk.cbBmk, bmk.abBmk, iStart, cToGet, &cRows, &paHRows );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) xRS->ReleaseRows( cRows, aHRows, 0, 0, 0 ); else LogError( "can't getrowsat %d rows %d relative to bmk at %d, rowset has %d: %#x\n", cToGet, iStart, iBmkStart, cHits, sc ); } } else LogError( "can't GetData the bmk row: %#x\n", sc );
xRS->ReleaseRows( 1, aBmkHRows, 0, 0, 0 ); } else LogError( "can't GetRowsAt the bmk row: %#x\n", sc );
ReleaseAccessor( pAccessor, hBmkAccessor ); } //FetchAtWill
void RunPerfQuery( CDbRestriction & CiRst, WCHAR const * pwcQuery, unsigned cExpectedHits, ICommand * pCommand, BOOL fSeq, BOOL fAsynchronous ) { CDbColumns cols( 5 ); BOOL fOk = cols.Add( psName, 0 ); if ( fOk ) cols.Add( psSize, 1 ); if ( fOk ) cols.Add( psWriteTime, 2 ); if ( fOk ) cols.Add( psPath, 3 ); if ( fOk ) cols.Add( psRank, 4 );
if ( !fOk ) { LogError(" can't create column specification\n" ); return; }
unsigned cRetries = 0; DBCOUNTITEM cRowsReturned = 0; IRowset * pRowset = 0;
{ CDbSortSet ss( 1 );
#ifdef STRESS
int x = Rand( cColIds ); int y = rand(); fOk = ss.Add( *aColIds[x], isEven( rand() ) ? QUERY_SORTDESCEND : QUERY_SORTASCEND, 0 ); #else
fOk = ss.Add( psRank, QUERY_SORTDESCEND, 0); #endif
if ( !fOk ) { LogError(" can't create sort specification\n" ); return; }
XPtr<CDbCmdTreeNode> xCmdTree( FormQueryTree( &CiRst, cols, fSeq ? 0 : &ss ) );
if ( xCmdTree.IsNull() ) return;
pRowset = InstantiateRowset( pCommand, QUERY_DEEP, // Depth
L"\\", // Scope
pwcQuery, fSeq ? IID_IRowset : IID_IRowsetScroll, fAsynchronous );
if ( 0 == pRowset ) { LogError(" can't get rowset\n" ); return; }
XInterface<IRowset> xRowset( pRowset );
// Get data
DBID aDbCols[5]; aDbCols[0] = psName; aDbCols[1] = psSize; aDbCols[2] = psWriteTime; aDbCols[3] = psPath; aDbCols[4] = psRank;
IUnknown * pAccessor = pRowset; HACCESSOR hAccessor = MapColumns( pAccessor, 5, aPropTestCols, aDbCols ); if ( 0 == hAccessor ) return;
#endif // GET_DATA_TOO
#ifdef STRESS
const unsigned cFetchPasses = g_fFetchRowsAtWill ? 1000 : 5; #else
const unsigned cFetchPasses = 3; #endif
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cFetchPasses; i++ ) { #ifdef STRESS
if ( g_fStopNow ) break; #endif
HROW aHRow[10]; HROW * pgrhRows = aHRow;
SCODE sc = pRowset->GetNextRows(0, 0, 10, &cRowsReturned, &pgrhRows);
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "'%ws' IRowset->GetNextRows returned 0x%x, cTotal: %d, cRowsReturned: %d\n", pwcQuery, sc, cTotal, cRowsReturned ); break; }
cTotal += cRowsReturned;
for ( ULONG r = 0; r < cRowsReturned; r++ ) { SCODE sc = pRowset->GetData( pgrhRows[r], hAccessor, &data ); } #endif // GET_DATA_TOO
if ( 0 != cRowsReturned ) pRowset->ReleaseRows( cRowsReturned, pgrhRows, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( DB_S_ENDOFROWSET == sc ) break; }
if ( !fSeq && g_fFetchRowsAtWill ) FetchAtWill( pRowset, pAccessor, hAccessor, cTotal );
ReleaseAccessor( pAccessor, hAccessor );
//printf( "query %ws returned %d hits\n", pwcQuery, cTotal );
#endif // GET_DATA_TOO
if ( 0 == cTotal ) printf( "query %ws returned no hits\n", pwcQuery );
#if 0
if ( cTotal < __min( 30, cExpectedHits ) ) printf( "query %ws returned %d hits, expecting %d\n", pwcQuery, cTotal, cExpectedHits ); #endif
} //RunPerfQuery
struct SQuery { WCHAR const * pwcQuery; unsigned cEncartaHits; };
static SQuery aQueries[] = {
#ifdef STRESS
{ L"stereo", 4 }, { L"flex", 2 }, { L"agassi", 1 }, { L"detroit", 108 }, { L"miami", 60 }, { L"edison", 25 }, { L"bulb", 33 }, { L"elephant", 87 }, { L"radius", 43 }, { L"amplifier", 17 }, { L"drunk", 10 }, { L"grunt", 3 }, { L"war", 4241 }, { L"peace", 812 }, { L"river", 3402 }, { L"not", 4002 }, { L"city", 5567 }, { L"century", 4470 },
{ L"stereo", 4 }, { L"flex", 2 }, { L"agassi", 1 }, { L"detroit", 108 }, { L"miami", 60 }, { L"edison", 25 }, { L"web", 57 }, { L"bulb", 33 }, { L"microsoft", 15 }, { L"elephant", 87 }, { L"radius", 43 }, { L"amplifier", 17 }, { L"drunk", 10 }, { L"grunt", 3 },
#endif // STRESS
DWORD __stdcall RunPerfTest(void *pv) { static long cQueriesSoFar = 0;
// #ifdef STRESS
// srand( GetTickCount() + GetCurrentThreadId() );
// #endif
XInterface<ICommand> xCommand;
do { ICommand * pCommand = 0; SCODE sc = CICreateCommand( (IUnknown **) &pCommand, 0, IID_ICommand, g_awcCatalog, g_awcMachine ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) LogError( "CICreateCommand failed: 0x%x\n", sc ); else xCommand.Set( pCommand ); } while ( xCommand.IsNull() );
for ( int x = 0; x < cLoopTimes; x++ ) { try { const int cQueries = sizeof aQueries / sizeof aQueries[0];
#ifdef STRESS
int j = Rand( cQueries ); #else
int j = ( x % cQueries ); #endif // STRESS
CDbContentRestriction CiRst( aQueries[j].pwcQuery, psContents );
if ( !CiRst.IsValid() ) continue;
#ifdef STRESS
if ( 0 != g_cmsSleep ) Sleep( Rand( g_cmsSleep ) );
ICommand *pCmd = isEven( x ) ? xCommand.GetPointer() : 0; BOOL fSeq = ( Rand( 100 ) < 70 ); BOOL fAsynchronous = FALSE; if ( !fSeq ) fAsynchronous = ( Rand( 100 ) < 30 );
RunPerfQuery( CiRst, aQueries[j].pwcQuery, aQueries[j].cEncartaHits, pCmd, fSeq, fAsynchronous );
InterlockedIncrement( &cQueriesSoFar ); if ( 0 == ( cQueriesSoFar % 10 ) ) printf( "%d queries on catalog '%ws', machine '%ws'\n", cQueriesSoFar, g_awcCatalog, g_awcMachine );
if ( g_fStopNow ) return 0; #else
RunPerfQuery( CiRst, aQueries[j].pwcQuery, aQueries[j].cEncartaHits, xCommand.GetPointer(), g_fSequential, FALSE ); #endif //STRESS
} catch( CException & e ) { // ignore
} }
return 0; } //RunPerfTest
// Function: FormQueryTree
// Synopsis: Forms a query tree consisting of the projection nodes,
// sort node(s), selection node and the restriction tree.
// Arguments: [pRst] - pointer to Restriction tree describing the query
// [Cols] - Columns in the resulting table
// [pSort] - pointer to sort set; may be null
// Returns: A pointer to the query tree. It is the responsibility of
// the caller to later free it.
// History: 06 July 1995 AlanW Created
CDbCmdTreeNode * FormQueryTree( CDbCmdTreeNode * pRst, CDbColumns & Cols, CDbSortSet * pSort ) { CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree = 0; // return value
if ( 0 != pRst ) { //
// First create a selection node and append the restriction tree to it
CDbSelectNode * pSelect = new CDbSelectNode(); if ( 0 == pSelect ) { LogError("FormQueryTree: can't make CDbSelectNode\n" ); return 0; }
pTree = pSelect; if ( !pSelect->IsValid() ) { delete pTree; LogError("FormQueryTree: select node isn't valid\n" ); return 0; }
// Clone the restriction and use it.
CDbCmdTreeNode * pExpr = pRst->Clone(); if ( 0 == pExpr ) { delete pTree; LogError("FormQueryTree: can't clone the restriction\n" ); return 0; } #ifdef STRESS
else { CDbContentRestriction * p = (CDbContentRestriction *) pExpr; if ( !p->IsValid() ) { LogError( "clone failed illegally!\n" ); DebugBreak(); } } #endif
// Now make the restriction a child of the selection node.
pSelect->AddRestriction( pExpr ); } else { //
// No restriction. Just use table ID node as start of tree.
pTree = new CDbTableId(); if ( 0 == pTree ) { LogError("FormQueryTree: can't make CDbTableId\n" ); return 0; } }
// Next create the projection nodes
CDbProjectNode * pProject = new CDbProjectNode(); if ( 0 == pProject ) { delete pTree; LogError("FormQueryTree: can't make CDbProjectNode\n" ); return 0; }
// Make the selection a child of the projection node.
pProject->AddTable( pTree ); pTree = pProject;
// Next add all the columns in the state.
unsigned int cCol = Cols.Count(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < cCol; i++ ) { if ( !pProject->AddProjectColumn( Cols.Get(i) )) { delete pTree; LogError("FormQueryTree: can't add project column\n" ); return 0; } }
// Next add a sort node and make the project node a child of the
// sort node
if (pSort && pSort->Count()) { unsigned int cSortProp = pSort->Count(); CDbSortNode * pSortNode = new CDbSortNode();
if ( 0 == pSortNode ) { delete pTree; LogError("FormQueryTree: create sort node\n" ); return 0; }
// Make the project node a child of the sort node.
if ( ! pSortNode->AddTable( pTree ) ) { delete pTree; delete pSortNode; LogError( "FormQueryTree: can't add table to sortnode\n" ); return 0; }
pTree = pSortNode;
for( i = 0; i < cSortProp; i++ ) { //
// Add the sort column.
CDbSortKey const &key = pSort->Get( i );
#ifdef STRESS
if ( 0 == &key ) { LogError( "0 sort key!\n" ); DebugBreak(); } #endif
if ( !pSortNode->AddSortColumn( key ) ) { delete pTree; LogError("FormQueryTree: can't add sort column\n"); return 0; }
#ifdef STRESS
DBCOMMANDTREE *p = (DBCOMMANDTREE *) (void *) pSortNode; p = p->pctFirstChild; p = p->pctNextSibling; p = p->pctFirstChild;
if ( DBOP_sort_list_element != p->op || DBVALUEKIND_SORTINFO != p->wKind || 0 == p->value.pdbsrtinfValue ) { LogError( "p: %#p, bad sort element!\n", p ); DebugBreak(); } #endif
} }
return pTree; } //FormQueryTree
// Class: CAsynchNotify
// Synopsis: Class for the IDBAsynchNotify callbacks
// History: 07 May 1999 dlee Created
class CAsynchNotify : public IDBAsynchNotify { public: CAsynchNotify() : _cRef( 1 ), _cLowResource( 0 ), _hEvent( 0 ) { _hEvent = CreateEventW( 0, TRUE, FALSE, 0 );
if ( 0 == _hEvent ) LogError( "can't create notify event, %d\n", GetLastError() ); }
~CAsynchNotify() { if ( 0 != _cRef ) LogError( "CAsynchNotify refcounting is broken: %d\n", _cRef );
if ( 0 != _hEvent ) CloseHandle( _hEvent ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != _hEvent; }
// IUnknown methods.
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) ( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppiuk ) { *ppiuk = (void **) this; // hold our breath and jump
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, AddRef ) () { return InterlockedIncrement( &_cRef ); }
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, Release) () { return InterlockedDecrement( &_cRef ); }
// IDBAsynchNotify methods
STDMETHOD( OnLowResource ) ( DB_DWRESERVE dwReserved ) { _cLowResource++;
// If we've failed a few times due to low resource, give up
// on the query since there may not be sufficient resources
// to ever get an OnStop call.
if ( _cLowResource >= 5 ) SetEvent( _hEvent );
return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD( OnStop ) ( HCHAPTER hChap, ULONG ulOp, HRESULT hrStat, LPOLESTR pwszStatus ) { // If the query is complete (successfully or not), set the event
if ( DBASYNCHOP_OPEN == ulOp ) SetEvent( _hEvent );
return S_OK; }
void Wait() { WaitForSingleObject( _hEvent, INFINITE ); }
private: LONG _cRef; LONG _cLowResource; HANDLE _hEvent; };
// Function: WaitForQueryToComplete
// Synopsis: Waits for the query to complete.
// Arguments: [pRowset] -- the asynchronous rowset
// History: 07 May 1999 dlee Created
SCODE WaitForQueryCompletion( IRowset * pRowset ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
if ( Rand( 100 ) < 50 ) { // Register for notifications
XInterface<IConnectionPointContainer> xCPC; sc = pRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IConnectionPointContainer, xCPC.GetQIPointer() ); if (FAILED(sc)) { LogError( "Can't QI for IConnectionPointContainer: %#x\n",sc ); return sc; }
XInterface<IConnectionPoint> xCP; sc = xCPC->FindConnectionPoint( IID_IDBAsynchNotify, xCP.GetPPointer() ); if (FAILED(sc) && CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION != sc ) { LogError( "FindConnectionPoint failed: %#x\n",sc ); return sc; }
CAsynchNotify Notify;
if ( !Notify.IsValid() ) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
DWORD dwAdviseID; sc = xCP->Advise( (IUnknown *) &Notify, &dwAdviseID ); if (FAILED(sc)) { LogError( "IConnectionPoint->Advise failed: %#x\n",sc ); return sc; }
// In a real app, we'd be off doing other work rather than waiting
// for the query to complete, but this will do.
// MsgWaitForSingleObject is a good choice for a GUI app. You could
// also post a user-defined windows message when a notification is
// received.
sc = xCP->Unadvise( dwAdviseID );
if ( S_OK != sc ) { LogError( "IConnectionPoint->Unadvise returned %#x\n", sc ); return sc; }
Notify.Release(); } else { // Poll. In a real app, real work would happen between checks.
XInterface<IDBAsynchStatus> xIDBAsynch; sc = pRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IDBAsynchStatus, xIDBAsynch.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) return sc; do { DBCOUNTITEM Numerator, Denominator; DBASYNCHPHASE Phase; sc = xIDBAsynch->GetStatus( DB_NULL_HCHAPTER, DBASYNCHOP_OPEN, &Numerator, &Denominator, &Phase, 0 ); if ( FAILED( sc ) || ( DBASYNCHPHASE_COMPLETE == Phase ) ) break; Sleep( 20 ); // Give the query a chance to run
} while ( TRUE ); } return sc; } //WaitForQueryCompletion
// Function: InstantiateRowset
// Synopsis: Forms a query tree consisting of the projection nodes,
// sort node(s), selection node and the restriction tree.
// Arguments: [dwDepth] - Query depth, one of QUERY_DEEP or QUERY_SHALLOW
// [pswzScope] - Query scope
// [pTree] - pointer to DBCOMMANDTREE for the query
// [riid] - Interface ID of the desired rowset interface
// Returns: IRowsetScroll* - a pointer to an instantiated rowset
// History: 22 July 1995 AlanW Created
// Notes: Although the returned pointer is to IRowsetScroll, the
// returned pointer may only support IRowset, depending
// upon the riid parameter.
// Ownership of the query tree is given to the ICommandTree
// object. The caller does not need to delete it.
// Use InstantiateMultipleRowsets for categorized queries.
static const DBID dbcolNull = { {0,0,0,{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}},DBKIND_GUID_PROPID,0}; static const GUID guidQueryExt = DBPROPSET_QUERYEXT;
IRowsetScroll * InstantiateRowset( ICommand * pCommandIn, DWORD dwDepth, LPWSTR pwszScope, XPtr<CDbCmdTreeNode> & xTree, WCHAR const * pwcQuery, REFIID riid, BOOL fAsynchronous ) { ICommand * pCommand; XInterface<ICommand> xCommand; if ( 0 == pCommandIn ) { SCODE sc = CICreateCommand( (IUnknown **) &pCommand, 0, IID_ICommand, g_awcCatalog, g_awcMachine ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset - error 0x%x, Unable to create icommand'\n", sc ); return 0; }
xCommand.Set( pCommand ); } else { pCommand = pCommandIn; }
if ( 0 == pCommand ) return 0;
if ( g_fSQL ) { XInterface<ICommandText> xCommandText; SCODE sc = pCommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandText, xCommandText.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset error %#x, can't qi ICommandText\n", sc ); return 0; }
WCHAR awc[ 300 ]; swprintf( awc, L"SELECT %ws FROM %ws..SCOPE('\"%ws\"') WHERE CONTAINS('%ws')", L"Filename, Size, Write, Path, Rank", //g_awcMachine,
g_awcCatalog, pwszScope, pwcQuery );
sc = xCommandText->SetCommandText( DBGUID_SQL, awc ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset error %#x, can't set text\n", sc ); return 0; }
#if 1
XInterface<ICommandProperties> xCommandProperties; sc = xCommandText->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, xCommandProperties.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED (sc) ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset error %#x, can't qi commandprops\n", sc ); return 0; }
// set the machine name
PropSet.rgProperties = &Prop; PropSet.cProperties = 1; PropSet.guidPropertySet = guidQueryCorePropset; Prop.dwPropertyID = DBPROP_MACHINE; Prop.colid = DB_NULLID; Prop.vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; Prop.vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString( g_awcMachine );
if ( 0 == Prop.vValue.bstrVal ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset error %#x, can't allocate sql machine\n", sc ); return 0; }
sc = xCommandProperties->SetProperties ( 1, &PropSet ); VariantClear( &Prop.vValue );
if ( FAILED (sc) ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset error %#x can't set sql machine\n", sc ); return 0; } #endif
XInterface<ICommandPrepare> xCommandPrepare; sc = xCommandText->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandPrepare, xCommandPrepare.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED (sc) ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset error %#x, can't qi prepare\n", sc ); return 0; }
sc = xCommandPrepare->Prepare( 1 ); if ( FAILED (sc) ) { LogError( "InstantiateRowset error %#x, can't prepare\n", sc ); return 0; } } else { XInterface<ICommandTree> xCmdTree; HRESULT sc = pCommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandTree, xCmdTree.GetQIPointer() ); if (FAILED (sc) ) { LogError( "QI for ICommandTree failed %#x\n", sc ); return 0; } DBCOMMANDTREE * pRoot = xTree->CastToStruct(); sc = xCmdTree->SetCommandTree( &pRoot, DBCOMMANDREUSE_NONE, FALSE); if (FAILED (sc) ) { LogError("SetCommandTree failed, %08x\n", sc); return 0; } xTree.Acquire(); }
{ const unsigned MAX_PROPS = 8; DBPROPSET aPropSet[MAX_PROPS]; DBPROP aProp[MAX_PROPS]; ULONG cProps = 0;
// We can handle PROPVARIANTs
aProp[cProps].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_USEEXTENDEDDBTYPES; aProp[cProps].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL; aProp[cProps].dwStatus = 0; aProp[cProps].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[cProps].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; aProp[cProps].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE;
aPropSet[cProps].rgProperties = &aProp[cProps]; aPropSet[cProps].cProperties = 1; aPropSet[cProps].guidPropertySet = guidQueryExt;
XInterface<ICommandProperties> xCmdProp; SCODE sc = pCommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, xCmdProp.GetQIPointer() ); if (FAILED (sc) ) { LogError( "can't qi to commandprops\n", sc ); return 0; }
sc = xCmdProp->SetProperties( cProps, aPropSet );
if (FAILED (sc) || DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED == sc ) { LogError( "can't set commandprops: 0x%lx\n", sc ); return 0; } } #endif // GET_DATA_TOO
#ifdef STRESS
{ const unsigned MAX_PROPS = 1; DBPROPSET aPropSet[MAX_PROPS]; DBPROP aProp[MAX_PROPS]; ULONG cProps = 0;
// Mark the icommand as synch or asynch. Note that we always have
// to set it since we may have an old ICommand that previously had
// a different state set.
aProp[cProps].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_IDBAsynchStatus; aProp[cProps].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; aProp[cProps].dwStatus = 0; aProp[cProps].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[cProps].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; aProp[cProps].vValue.boolVal = fAsynchronous ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
aPropSet[cProps].rgProperties = &aProp[cProps]; aPropSet[cProps].cProperties = 1; aPropSet[cProps].guidPropertySet = guidRowsetProps;
XInterface<ICommandProperties> xCmdProp; SCODE sc = pCommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, xCmdProp.GetQIPointer() ); if (FAILED (sc) ) { LogError( "can't qi to commandprops\n", sc ); return 0; }
sc = xCmdProp->SetProperties( cProps, aPropSet );
if (FAILED (sc) || DB_S_ERRORSOCCURRED == sc ) { LogError( "can't set commandprops: 0x%lx\n", sc ); return 0; } } #endif
XInterface<IRowsetScroll> xRowset; SCODE sc = pCommand->Execute( 0, // no aggr. IUnknown
riid, // IID for i/f to return
0, // disp. params
0, // chapter
(IUnknown **) xRowset.GetPPointer() );
if ( FAILED (sc) ) { LogError("ICommand::Execute failed, %08x\n", sc); if ( !xRowset.IsNull() ) LogError( "pRowset is 0x%x when it should be 0\n", xRowset.GetPointer() ); }
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) && fAsynchronous ) { sc = WaitForQueryCompletion( xRowset.GetPointer() );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) xRowset.Free(); }
return xRowset.Acquire(); } //InstantiateRowset
// Function: MapColumns, public
// Synopsis: Map column IDs in column bindings. Create an accessor
// for the binding array.
// Arguments: [pUnknown] -- Interface capable of returning IColumnsInfo and
// IAccessor
// [cCols] -- number of columns in arrays
// [pBindings] -- column data binding array
// [pDbCols] -- column IDs array
// Returns: HACCESSOR - a read accessor for the column bindings.
// History: 18 May 1995 AlanW Created
static DBORDINAL aMappedColumnIDs[20];
HACCESSOR MapColumns( IUnknown * pUnknown, ULONG cCols, DBBINDING * pBindings, const DBID * pDbCols ) { XInterface<IColumnsInfo> xColumnsInfo; SCODE sc = pUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IColumnsInfo, xColumnsInfo.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "IUnknown::QueryInterface for IColumnsInfo returned 0x%lx\n", sc ); return 0; }
sc = xColumnsInfo->MapColumnIDs(cCols, pDbCols, aMappedColumnIDs);
if (S_OK != sc) { LogError( "IColumnsInfo->MapColumnIDs returned 0x%lx\n",sc); return 0; }
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cCols; i++) pBindings[i].iOrdinal = aMappedColumnIDs[i];
XInterface<IAccessor> xAccessor; sc = pUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, xAccessor.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "IRowset::QueryInterface for IAccessor returned 0x%lx\n", sc ); return 0; }
HACCESSOR hAcc = 0; sc = xAccessor->CreateAccessor( DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, cCols, pBindings, 0, &hAcc, 0 );
if (S_OK != sc) LogError( "IAccessor->CreateAccessor returned 0x%lx\n",sc);
return hAcc; } //MapColumns
// Function: ReleaseAccessor, public
// Synopsis: Release an accessor obtained from MapColumns
// Arguments: [pUnknown] -- Something that we can QI the IAccessor on
// [hAcc] -- Accessor handle to be released.
// Returns: nothing
// History: 14 June 1995 AlanW Created
void ReleaseAccessor( IUnknown * pUnknown, HACCESSOR hAcc ) { XInterface<IAccessor> xAccessor; SCODE sc = pUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, xAccessor.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { LogError( "IUnknown::QueryInterface for IAccessor returned 0x%lx\n", sc ); return; }
sc = xAccessor->ReleaseAccessor( hAcc, 0 );
if (S_OK != sc) LogError( "IAccessor->ReleaseAccessor returned 0x%lx\n",sc); } //ReleaseAccessor
// Function: LogError, public
// Synopsis: Prints a verbose-mode message.
// Arguments: [pszfmt] -- Format string
// History: 13-Jul-93 KyleP Created
void LogError( char const * pszfmt, ... ) { va_list pargs; va_start(pargs, pszfmt); vprintf( pszfmt, pargs ); va_end(pargs); _flushall(); } //LogError