// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000.
// File: srchwnd.cxx
// Contents:
// History: 15 Aug 1996 DLee Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntquery.h>
// Main Search Window procedure
LRESULT WINAPI SearchWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lRet = 0; // Find search control corresponding to this window
CSearchControl *pControl = (CSearchControl *) GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, 0 );
switch (msg) { //
// Message sent to us by ListView
case wmListNotify: lRet = pControl->wmListNotify (hwnd, wParam, lParam); break; case wmDrawItem : lRet = pControl->wmDrawItem(wParam,lParam); break; case wmMeasureItem: pControl->wmMeasureItem(wParam,lParam); break;
// OLE DB notification
case wmNotification: pControl->wmNotification(wParam,lParam); break;
case wmAccelerator : pControl->wmAccelerator(wParam,lParam); break; case WM_MDIACTIVATE : lRet = pControl->wmActivate( hwnd, wParam, lParam ); break; case WM_DRAWITEM : lRet = pControl->wmRealDrawItem( hwnd, wParam, lParam ); break; case WM_SIZE : lRet = pControl->wmSize(wParam,lParam); break; case wmDisplaySubwindows : pControl->wmDisplaySubwindows(wParam,lParam); break; case WM_CREATE : { CREATESTRUCT *pcs = (CREATESTRUCT *) lParam; MDICREATESTRUCT *pmcs = (MDICREATESTRUCT *) pcs->lpCreateParams; pControl = new CSearchControl(hwnd, (WCHAR *) pmcs->lParam); PostMessage( hwnd, wmDisplaySubwindows, 0, 0 ); break; } case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC : SetTextColor((HDC) wParam, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ) ); // fall through
case WM_CTLCOLORBTN : SetBkColor((HDC) wParam, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) ); lRet = (LRESULT) (LPVOID) App.BtnFaceBrush(); break; case wmNewFont : pControl->wmNewFont(wParam,lParam); break; case wmAppClosing : pControl->wmAppClosing(wParam,lParam); break; case WM_CLOSE : pControl->wmClose(wParam,lParam); lRet = DefMDIChildProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); break; case WM_DESTROY : delete pControl; break; case wmMenuCommand : pControl->wmMenuCommand(wParam,lParam); break; case WM_SETFOCUS : case wmGiveFocus : pControl->wmSetFocus(wParam,lParam); break; case WM_COMMAND : pControl->wmCommand(wParam,lParam); break; case wmInitMenu : pControl->wmInitMenu(wParam,lParam); break; case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE : pControl->wmSysColorChange( wParam, lParam ); lRet = DefMDIChildProc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); break; case WM_NOTIFY : pControl->wmColumnNotify( wParam, lParam ); break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU : pControl->wmContextMenu( hwnd, wParam, lParam ); break; default: lRet = DefMDIChildProc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); break; }
return lRet; } //SearchWndProc
// Scope choice dialog box proc and helper functions
unsigned GetCatalogListCount( HWND hdlg ) { unsigned cChecked = 0;
HWND hCatList = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_CATALOG_LIST ); Win4Assert( hCatList );
unsigned iItem = ListView_GetItemCount( hCatList ) ; LVITEM lvi;
for ( ; iItem > 0; iItem-- ) { lvi.iItem = iItem - 1;
if ( ListView_GetCheckState( hCatList, lvi.iItem ) ) cChecked++; }
return cChecked; } //GetCatalogListCount
void DeleteCatalogSelectedListItems( HWND hdlg ) { HWND hCatList = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_CATALOG_LIST ); Win4Assert( hCatList );
unsigned iItem = ListView_GetItemCount( hCatList ) ;
for ( ; iItem > 0; iItem-- ) { if ( LVIS_SELECTED == ListView_GetItemState( hCatList, iItem - 1, LVIS_SELECTED ) ) ListView_DeleteItem( hCatList, iItem - 1 ); } } //DeleteCatalogSelectedListItems
BOOL IsInList( HWND hCatList, SScopeCatalogMachine const & scm, int & item ) { unsigned iItem = ListView_GetItemCount( hCatList ) ;
LVITEM lvi; WCHAR wTemp[MAX_PATH]; lvi.pszText = (WCHAR*)wTemp; lvi.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH;
for ( ; iItem > 0; iItem-- ) { unsigned iCol = 0;
lvi.iItem = iItem - 1; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; // machine
lvi.iSubItem = iCol++; ListView_GetItem( hCatList, &lvi );
if ( !_wcsicmp( scm.awcMachine, lvi.pszText ) ) { // catalog
lvi.iSubItem = iCol++; ListView_GetItem( hCatList, &lvi ); if ( !_wcsicmp( scm.awcCatalog, lvi.pszText ) ) { // scope
lvi.iSubItem = iCol++; ListView_GetItem( hCatList, &lvi );
if ( !_wcsicmp( scm.awcScope, lvi.pszText ) ) { item = lvi.iItem; return TRUE; } } } }
return FALSE; } //IsInList
void AddCatalogToList( HWND hdlg, SScopeCatalogMachine const & scm, BOOL fChecked ) { HWND hCatList = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_CATALOG_LIST ); Win4Assert( hCatList );
// Don't add duplicates, but check the checkbox if needed
int item; if ( IsInList( hCatList, scm, item ) ) { if ( fChecked ) ListView_SetCheckState( hCatList, item, fChecked );
return; }
unsigned cItems = ListView_GetItemCount( hCatList ) ;
LVITEM lvItem; unsigned iCol = 0;
// Machine
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvItem.iItem = cItems; lvItem.iSubItem = iCol++; lvItem.pszText = (WCHAR*)scm.awcMachine; ListView_InsertItem( hCatList, &lvItem );
// Catalog
lvItem.iSubItem = iCol++; lvItem.pszText = (WCHAR*)scm.awcCatalog; ListView_SetItem( hCatList, &lvItem );
// Scope
lvItem.iSubItem = iCol++; lvItem.pszText = (WCHAR*)scm.awcScope; ListView_SetItem( hCatList, &lvItem );
// Depth
lvItem.iSubItem = iCol++; lvItem.pszText = ( TRUE == scm.fDeep ) ? App.GetYes() : App.GetNo(); ListView_SetItem( hCatList, &lvItem );
ListView_SetCheckState( hCatList, cItems, fChecked ); } //AddCatalogToList
void CheckItIfInList( HWND hdlg, SScopeCatalogMachine const & scm ) { HWND hCatList = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_CATALOG_LIST ); Win4Assert( hCatList );
// Don't add duplicates, but check the checkbox if needed
int item; if ( IsInList( hCatList, scm, item ) ) ListView_SetCheckState( hCatList, item, TRUE ); } //CheckItIfInList
BOOL VerifyCatalogInfo( HWND hdlg, SScopeCatalogMachine & scm ) { CWaitCursor wait;
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg,ID_SCOPE_DEEP)) scm.fDeep = TRUE; else scm.fDeep = FALSE;
GetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_EDIT, scm.awcScope, MAX_PATH );
GetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_CATALOG_EDIT, scm.awcCatalog, MAX_PATH );
if ( 0 == scm.awcCatalog[0] ) {
// If the user didn't specify a Catalog, then look for one using scope.
ULONG ccCat = sizeof(scm.awcCatalog)/sizeof(WCHAR); ULONG ccMachine = sizeof(scm.awcMachine)/sizeof(WCHAR);
SCODE sc = LocateCatalogs( scm.awcScope, 0, scm.awcMachine, &ccMachine, scm.awcCatalog, &ccCat ); }
// don't allow empty catalog names
if ( 0 == scm.awcCatalog[0] ) { SearchError( hdlg, IDS_ERR_NO_CATALOG_SPECIFIED, L"" ); return FALSE; }
// if scope is empty make it a global physical scope.
if ( 0 == scm.awcScope[0] ) wcscpy( scm.awcScope, L"\\" ); // entire catalog
// map empty machine name to local machine
if ( 0 == scm.awcMachine[0] ) wcscpy( scm.awcMachine, L"." ); // local machine
// remove leading two backslashes from machine name
if ( L'\\' == scm.awcMachine[0] && L'\\' == scm.awcMachine[1] ) { WCHAR awc[SRCH_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; wcscpy( awc, scm.awcMachine+2 ); wcscpy( scm.awcMachine, awc ); }
CI_STATE cistate; cistate.cbStruct = sizeof cistate;
if (STATUS_NOT_FOUND == CIState( scm.awcCatalog, scm.awcMachine, & cistate ) ) { SearchError( hdlg, IDS_ERR_BAD_CATALOG_SPECIFIED, L"" ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; } //VerifyCatalogInfo
void CatListToString( HWND hdlg, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xCatStr ) { xCatStr.SetSize( 1 ); xCatStr[0] = 0;
HWND hCatList = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_CATALOG_LIST ); Win4Assert( hCatList );
unsigned iItem = ListView_GetItemCount( hCatList ) ; LVITEM lvi; WCHAR wTemp[MAX_PATH]; lvi.pszText = (WCHAR*)wTemp; lvi.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH;
for ( ; iItem > 0; iItem-- ) { unsigned iCol = 0; unsigned cCatStr; unsigned cText;
lvi.iItem = iItem - 1;
if ( ListView_GetCheckState( hCatList, lvi.iItem ) ) { lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; // machine
lvi.iSubItem = iCol++; ListView_GetItem( hCatList, &lvi ); cCatStr = wcslen( xCatStr.Get() ); cText = wcslen( lvi.pszText ); xCatStr.SetSize( cCatStr + cText + 2 ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), lvi.pszText ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), L"," ); // catalog
lvi.iSubItem = iCol++; ListView_GetItem( hCatList, &lvi ); cCatStr = wcslen( xCatStr.Get() ); cText = wcslen( lvi.pszText ); xCatStr.SetSize( cCatStr + cText + 2 ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), lvi.pszText ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), L"," ); // scope
lvi.iSubItem = iCol++; ListView_GetItem( hCatList, &lvi ); cCatStr = wcslen( xCatStr.Get() ); cText = wcslen( lvi.pszText ); xCatStr.SetSize( cCatStr + cText + 2 ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), lvi.pszText ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), L"," ); // depth
lvi.iSubItem = iCol++; ListView_GetItem( hCatList, &lvi ); cCatStr = wcslen( xCatStr.Get() ); cText = 1; xCatStr.SetSize( cCatStr + cText + 2 ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), !wcscmp( App.GetYes(), lvi.pszText ) ? L"d" : L"s" ); wcscat( xCatStr.Get(), L";" ); } } } //CatListToString
BOOL ScopeDlgInit( HWND hdlg, LPARAM lParam, LPWSTR awcScopeOrig) { SScopeCatalogMachine scm;
// search control was passed as lParam
SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, DWLP_USER, lParam); XGrowable<WCHAR> *xCatList = (XGrowable<WCHAR> *) lParam;
CheckDlgButton( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_DEEP, TRUE );
SendDlgItemMessage( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_EDIT, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, MAX_PATH, 0 );
// Setup columns in the multi catalog list box
HWND hCatList = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_CATALOG_LIST ); Win4Assert( hCatList );
CResString str; LVCOLUMN lvc; unsigned iCol = 0;
lvc.cx = 100; lvc.iSubItem = iCol++; str.Load( IDS_CATLIST_COL_MACHINE ); lvc.pszText = str.Get(); ListView_InsertColumn( hCatList, iCol, &lvc) ;
lvc.cx = 90; lvc.iSubItem = iCol++; str.Load( IDS_CATLIST_COL_CATALOG ); lvc.pszText = str.Get(); ListView_InsertColumn( hCatList, iCol, &lvc) ;
lvc.cx = 90; lvc.iSubItem = iCol++; str.Load( IDS_CATLIST_COL_SCOPE ); lvc.pszText = str.Get(); ListView_InsertColumn( hCatList, iCol, &lvc) ;
lvc.cx = 50; lvc.iSubItem = iCol++; str.Load( IDS_CATLIST_COL_SUBDIRS ); lvc.pszText = str.Get(); ListView_InsertColumn( hCatList, iCol, &lvc) ;
BOOL fMultiCat = GetCatListItem( *xCatList, 1, scm.awcMachine, scm.awcCatalog, scm.awcScope, scm.fDeep );
scm.fDeep = TRUE;
// Add the catalogs from the user's environment if present.
// The SRCHDEFAULTS variable is of the form
// server\catalog:scope;server\catalog:scope;+server\catalog:scope
// + indicates that the server should be checked by default. If no
// scope is provided, then \ is used.
WCHAR wszDefaults[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwResult = GetEnvironmentVariableW( L"SRCHDEFAULTS", wszDefaults, MAX_PATH ); if (dwResult && dwResult < MAX_PATH) { LPWSTR psz = wszDefaults; while ( *psz ) { BOOL fChecked = FALSE;
if ( *psz == L'+' ) { fChecked = TRUE; psz++; }
// Everything up to the \ is the server name
LPWSTR pszT = wcschr( psz, L'\\' ); if ( 0 == pszT ) { break; } *pszT++ = L'\0'; lstrcpynW( scm.awcMachine, psz, SRCH_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 );
// Everything up to the ; or end of string is the catalog:scope
psz = pszT; pszT = wcschr( psz, L';' ); if ( 0 != pszT ) { *pszT++ = L'\0'; } else { pszT = psz + wcslen( psz ); }
// If there is a : then that's the scope.
LPWSTR pszColon = wcschr( psz, L':' ); if ( 0 != pszColon ) { *pszColon++ = L'\0'; lstrcpynW( scm.awcScope, pszColon, MAX_PATH ); } else { // Default scope is "\"
wcscpy( scm.awcScope, L"\\" ); }
lstrcpynW( scm.awcCatalog, psz, MAX_PATH );
AddCatalogToList( hdlg, scm, fChecked ); psz = pszT; } } else { // Add the well-known catalogs
wcscpy( scm.awcScope, L"\\" ); HRSRC hrc = FindResource( 0, (LPCWSTR) IDR_CATALOGS, RT_RCDATA );
if ( 0 != hrc ) { HGLOBAL hg = LoadResource( 0, hrc );
if ( 0 != hg ) { WCHAR * p = (WCHAR *) LockResource( hg );
while ( 0 != p && 0 != *p ) { wcscpy( scm.awcMachine, p ); p += ( wcslen( p ) + 1 ); wcscpy( scm.awcCatalog, p ); p += ( wcslen( p ) + 1 ); AddCatalogToList( hdlg, scm, FALSE ); } } } }
if ( ! fMultiCat ) { if ( GetCatListItem( *xCatList, 0, scm.awcMachine, scm.awcCatalog, scm.awcScope, scm.fDeep ) ) { SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_EDIT, scm.awcScope ); SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_CATALOG_EDIT, scm.awcCatalog ); SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_MACHINE_EDIT, scm.awcMachine ); CheckDlgButton( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_DEEP, scm.fDeep );
CheckItIfInList( hdlg, scm ); } } else { for ( unsigned ii = 0; ; ii ++ ) { if ( GetCatListItem( *xCatList, ii, scm.awcMachine, scm.awcCatalog, scm.awcScope, scm.fDeep ) ) AddCatalogToList( hdlg, scm, TRUE ); else break; } }
wcscpy( awcScopeOrig, scm.awcScope );
SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hdlg, ctlID ) ); MySendEMSetSel( GetDlgItem( hdlg, ctlID ), 0, (UINT) -1 );
CenterDialog( hdlg );
return FALSE;
} //ScopeDlgInit
INT_PTR WINAPI ScopeDlgProc( HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// pointer to search control that will receive the new scope
// safe: can have one dlg up at a time!
SScopeCatalogMachine scm; static WCHAR awcScopeOrig[MAX_PATH];
switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { fRet = ScopeDlgInit( hdlg, lParam, awcScopeOrig ); break; }
case WM_NOTIFY: { if ( ID_CATALOG_LIST == (int) wParam ) { LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR) lParam;
if ( LVN_KEYDOWN == pnmh->code ) { NMLVKEYDOWN * pnkd = (NMLVKEYDOWN *) lParam;
if ( VK_DELETE == pnkd->wVKey ) DeleteCatalogSelectedListItems( hdlg ); } } break; }
case WM_COMMAND : { UINT uiID = MyWmCommandID( wParam, lParam ); switch (uiID) { case ID_SCOPE_EDIT: { if ( EN_KILLFOCUS == HIWORD(wParam) ) { // Try to locate a matching catalog
GetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_EDIT, scm.awcScope, MAX_PATH );
// only look for a cat if the scope changed
if ( 0 != wcscmp( scm.awcScope, awcScopeOrig ) ) { CWaitCursor wait;
ULONG ccCat = sizeof(scm.awcCatalog)/sizeof(WCHAR); ULONG ccMachine = sizeof(scm.awcMachine)/sizeof(WCHAR); SCODE sc = LocateCatalogs( scm.awcScope, 0, scm.awcMachine, &ccMachine, scm.awcCatalog, &ccCat ); if ( S_OK == sc ) { SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_CATALOG_EDIT, scm.awcCatalog ); SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_MACHINE_EDIT, scm.awcMachine ); } } } break; }
case ID_CATALOG_ADD: { if ( VerifyCatalogInfo( hdlg, scm ) ) { AddCatalogToList( hdlg, scm, TRUE );
SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_EDIT, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_CATALOG_EDIT, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_MACHINE_EDIT, L"" );
SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_MACHINE_EDIT ) ); } break; }
case IDOK: { XGrowable<WCHAR> *xCatList = reinterpret_cast<XGrowable<WCHAR> *> (GetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, DWLP_USER));
GetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_EDIT, scm.awcScope, MAX_PATH );
GetDlgItemText( hdlg, ID_SCOPE_CATALOG_EDIT, scm.awcCatalog, MAX_PATH );
// We look at the edit fields only if user has entered some
// value and nothing has been added to the catalog list.
// If anything has been added to catalog list, then we
// only look at the list and ignore these fields
if ( ( scm.awcScope[0] || scm.awcCatalog[0] || scm.awcMachine[0] ) && 0 == GetCatalogListCount( hdlg ) ) { if ( VerifyCatalogInfo( hdlg, scm ) ) AddCatalogToList( hdlg, scm, TRUE ); else break; }
CatListToString( hdlg, *xCatList );
if ( 0 == (*xCatList)[0] ) { SearchError( hdlg, IDS_ERR_NO_CATALOG_SPECIFIED, L"" ); break; } } // fall through!
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog( hdlg, IDOK == uiID ); break; } break; } }
return fRet; } //ScopeDlgProc
static WNDPROC g_DlgWndProc = 0; INT_PTR WINAPI DisplayPropsDlgProc( HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
void EnableOrDisableButtons( HWND hdlg, HWND hAvail, HWND hDisp ) { int iSelAvail = (int) SendMessage( hAvail, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); int iSelDisp = (int) SendMessage( hDisp, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
HWND hAdd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_PROP_ADD ); HWND hRemove = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_PROP_REMOVE );
if ( iSelAvail == -1 && GetFocus() == hAdd ) SetFocus( hAvail );
if ( iSelDisp == -1 && GetFocus() == hRemove ) SetFocus( hDisp );
EnableWindow( hAdd, iSelAvail != -1 ); EnableWindow( hRemove, iSelDisp != -1 ); } //EnableOrDisableButtons
LRESULT WINAPI DlgSubclassProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { static UINT msgDrag = RegisterWindowMessage( DRAGLISTMSGSTRING ); static iDraggedItem;
LRESULT lRet = 0;
if ( msgDrag == msg ) { HWND hAvail = GetDlgItem( hwnd, ID_PROP_AVAIL ); HWND hDisp = GetDlgItem( hwnd, ID_PROP_DISP ); DRAGLISTINFO *pInfo = (DRAGLISTINFO *) lParam;
switch( pInfo->uNotification ) { case DL_BEGINDRAG : { iDraggedItem = LBItemFromPt( pInfo->hWnd, pInfo->ptCursor, TRUE ); lRet = TRUE; break; } case DL_DRAGGING : { int i = -1; HWND hDst = hDisp;
if ( pInfo->hWnd == hAvail ) { i = LBItemFromPt( hDisp, pInfo->ptCursor, TRUE ); } else { i = LBItemFromPt( hDisp, pInfo->ptCursor, TRUE ); if ( -1 == i ) { i = LBItemFromPt( hAvail, pInfo->ptCursor, TRUE ); hDst = hAvail; } }
DrawInsert( hwnd, hDst, i ); if ( -1 == i ) lRet = DL_STOPCURSOR; else lRet = DL_MOVECURSOR; break; } case DL_CANCELDRAG : { DrawInsert( hwnd, pInfo->hWnd, -1 ); lRet = DL_CURSORSET; break; } case DL_DROPPED : { int i = -1; HWND hDst = hDisp; if ( pInfo->hWnd == hAvail ) { i = LBItemFromPt( hDisp, pInfo->ptCursor, TRUE ); } else { i = LBItemFromPt( hDisp, pInfo->ptCursor, TRUE ); if ( -1 == i ) { i = LBItemFromPt( hAvail, pInfo->ptCursor, TRUE ); hDst = hAvail; } }
if ( ( -1 != i && -1 != iDraggedItem ) && ( ! ( pInfo->hWnd == hDisp && hDst == hDisp && i == iDraggedItem ) ) ) { if ( hDst == hAvail ) { // move displayed to avail
DisplayPropsDlgProc( hwnd, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM) MAKELONG(ID_PROP_REMOVE,0), 0 ); } else if ( pInfo->hWnd == hAvail ) { // move avail to displayed
WCHAR awcBuf[ cwcBufSize ]; SendMessage( hAvail, LB_GETTEXT, iDraggedItem, (LPARAM) awcBuf ); SendMessage( hDisp, LB_INSERTSTRING, i, (LPARAM ) awcBuf ); SendMessage( hAvail, LB_DELETESTRING, iDraggedItem, 0 ); } else { // reorder displayed items
WCHAR awcBuf[ cwcBufSize ]; SendMessage( hDisp, LB_GETTEXT, iDraggedItem, (LPARAM) awcBuf ); SendMessage( hDisp, LB_INSERTSTRING, i, (LPARAM ) awcBuf ); if ( iDraggedItem > i ) iDraggedItem++; SendMessage( hDisp, LB_DELETESTRING, iDraggedItem, 0 ); } }
DrawInsert( hwnd, pInfo->hWnd, -1 ); lRet = DL_CURSORSET;
EnableOrDisableButtons( hwnd, hAvail, hDisp ); break; } }
return lRet; }
if ( 0 != g_DlgWndProc ) lRet = g_DlgWndProc( hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
return lRet; } //DlgSubclassProc
INT_PTR WINAPI DisplayPropsDlgProc( HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { // pointer to search control that will receive the new props
// safe: can have one dlg up at a time!
static CSearchControl *s_pControl = 0;
switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { // subclass the dlgproc -- we need a window proc, not a dlgproc
g_DlgWndProc = (WNDPROC) GetWindowLongPtr( hdlg, GWLP_WNDPROC ); SetWindowLongPtr( hdlg, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) DlgSubclassProc );
// search control was passed as lParam
s_pControl = (CSearchControl *) lParam;
CColumnList & columns = s_pControl->GetColumnList(); IColumnMapper & map = s_pControl->GetColumnMapper();
// fill the displayed and available listboxes
HWND hAvail = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_PROP_AVAIL ); HWND hDisp = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_PROP_DISP ); unsigned cDisp = columns.NumberOfColumns();
MakeDragList( hAvail ); MakeDragList( hDisp );
ULONG iEntry = 0; WCHAR const *pwcName; DBID *pdbid; DBTYPE dbtype; unsigned int uiWidth;
while ( SUCCEEDED( map.EnumPropInfo( iEntry, &pwcName, &pdbid, &dbtype, &uiWidth ) ) ) { if ( 0 != uiWidth ) { XArray<WCHAR> xLower( 1 + wcslen( pwcName ) ); wcscpy( xLower.Get(), pwcName ); _wcslwr( xLower.Get() + 1 );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cDisp; i++ ) { if ( !_wcsicmp( xLower.Get(), columns.GetColumn( i ) ) ) { fIsDisp = TRUE; break; } }
if (!fIsDisp) SendMessage( hAvail, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) xLower.Get() ); }
iEntry++; }
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cDisp; i++ ) SendMessage( hDisp, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) columns.GetColumn( i ) );
CenterDialog( hdlg );
EnableOrDisableButtons( hdlg, hAvail, hDisp ); fRet = FALSE; break; }
case WM_COMMAND : { HWND hAvail = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_PROP_AVAIL ); HWND hDisp = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_PROP_DISP ); WORD cmd = MyWmCommandCmd( wParam, lParam );
switch ( MyWmCommandID( wParam, lParam ) ) { case ID_PROP_ADD : { int iSelDisp = (int) SendMessage( hDisp, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); int iSelAvail = (int) SendMessage( hAvail, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
if ( LB_ERR != iSelAvail ) { WCHAR awcBuf[ cwcBufSize ]; SendMessage( hAvail, LB_GETTEXT, iSelAvail, (LPARAM) awcBuf ); SendMessage( hDisp, LB_INSERTSTRING, iSelDisp != LB_ERR ? iSelDisp : -1, (LPARAM ) awcBuf ); SendMessage( hAvail, LB_DELETESTRING, iSelAvail, 0 ); }
EnableOrDisableButtons( hdlg, hAvail, hDisp ); break; }
case ID_PROP_REMOVE : { int iSelDisp = (int) SendMessage( hDisp, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
if ( LB_ERR != iSelDisp ) { WCHAR awcBuf[ cwcBufSize ]; SendMessage( hDisp, LB_GETTEXT, iSelDisp, (LPARAM) awcBuf ); SendMessage( hAvail, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM ) awcBuf ); SendMessage( hDisp, LB_DELETESTRING, iSelDisp, 0 ); }
EnableOrDisableButtons( hdlg, hAvail, hDisp ); break; } case ID_PROP_AVAIL : { if ( LBN_DBLCLK == cmd ) DisplayPropsDlgProc( hdlg, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM) MAKELONG(ID_PROP_ADD,0), 0 ); EnableOrDisableButtons( hdlg, hAvail, hDisp ); break; } case ID_PROP_DISP : { if ( LBN_DBLCLK == cmd ) DisplayPropsDlgProc( hdlg, WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM) MAKELONG(ID_PROP_REMOVE,0), 0 );
EnableOrDisableButtons( hdlg, hAvail, hDisp ); break; } case IDOK : { HWND hDisp = GetDlgItem( hdlg, ID_PROP_DISP ); ULONG cDisp = (ULONG)SendMessage( hDisp, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0 ); WCHAR awcDisp[ cwcBufSize ]; awcDisp[0] = 0;
cDisp = __min( cDisp, maxBoundCols );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cDisp; i++ ) { WCHAR awcBuf[ cwcBufSize ];
SendMessage( hDisp, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM) awcBuf ); if ( 0 != awcDisp[0] ) wcscat( awcDisp, L"," ); wcscat( awcDisp, awcBuf ); }
SetReg( CISEARCH_REG_DISPLAYPROPS, awcDisp ); s_pControl->SetupDisplayProps( awcDisp ); EndDialog( hdlg, TRUE ); break; }
case ID_PROP_DEFAULT : { WCHAR awcDisp[ cwcBufSize ]; wcscpy( awcDisp, DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_PROPERTIES ); SetReg( CISEARCH_REG_DISPLAYPROPS, awcDisp ); s_pControl->SetupDisplayProps( awcDisp ); EndDialog( hdlg, TRUE ); break; }
case IDCANCEL : { EndDialog( hdlg, FALSE ); break; } } break; } }
return fRet; } //DisplayPropsDlgProc
// Subclass window procedure for edit control
LRESULT WINAPI EditSubclassProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lRet = 0; HWND hParent = GetParent(GetParent(hwnd));
if (0 != hParent) { CSearchControl *pControl = (CSearchControl *) GetWindowLongPtr (hParent, 0);
if (0 != pControl) lRet = pControl->EditSubclassEvent(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); }
return lRet; } //EditSubclassProc
// Search Control
CSearchControl::CSearchControl( HWND hwnd, WCHAR * pwcScope) : #pragma warning(disable : 4355)
_view( hwnd, *this, _columns ), #pragma warning(default : 4355)
_hInst( 0 ), _hwndSearch( hwnd ), _hwndQuery( 0 ), _hwndQueryTitle( 0 ), _hwndHeader( 0 ), _hwndList( 0 ), _lpOrgEditProc( 0 ), _pSearch( 0 ), _fDeep( TRUE ) { ISimpleCommandCreator & cmdCreator = *App.GetCommandCreator(); XInterface<IColumnMapperCreator> xMapper;
SCODE sc = cmdCreator.QueryInterface( IID_IColumnMapperCreator, xMapper.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
sc = xMapper->GetColumnMapper( L".", L"SYSTEM", _xColumnMapper.GetPPointer() );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
SetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) this );
_sort.SetSort( App.GetSortProp(), App.GetSortDir() );
_lcid = App.GetLocale(); _hInst = MyGetWindowInstance( _hwndSearch );
_xCatList = App.CatalogList();
// Get the first cat item
GetCatListItem( App.CatalogList(), 0, _awcMachine, _awcCatalog, _awcScope, _fDeep );
InitPanes(); } //CSearchControl
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmActivate( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if ( hwnd == (HWND) lParam ) { SIZE size; { HDC hdc = GetDC( _hwndQueryTitle );
if ( 0 != hdc ) { CResString str( IDS_COUNTTITLE ); GetTextExtentPoint32( hdc, str.Get(), wcslen( str.Get() ), &size ); ReleaseDC( _hwndQueryTitle, hdc ); } }
int apos[] = { size.cx + 2, size.cx + 102, -1 }; SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETPARTS, sizeof apos / sizeof apos[ 0 ], (LPARAM) apos ); _UpdateStatusWindow( L"", L"" );
if ( ( 0 != _pSearch ) && ( _pSearch->IsSelected() ) ) cEnable++; else cDisable++;
UpdateButtons( aDisable, cDisable, FALSE ); UpdateButtons( aEnable, cEnable, TRUE );
_UpdateCount(); }
return 0; } //wmActivate
void CSearchControl::_UpdateStatusWindow( WCHAR const * pwcMsg, WCHAR const * pwcReliability ) { SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETTEXT, SBT_OWNERDRAW | idStatusRatio, 0 ); SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETTEXT, idStatusMsg, (LPARAM) pwcMsg ); SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETTEXT, idStatusReliability, (LPARAM) pwcReliability ); } //_UpdateStatusWindow
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmRealDrawItem( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam;
if ( lpdis->hwndItem == App.StatusBarWindow() ) { ULONG iPct = 0; if ( 0 != _pSearch ) iPct = _pSearch->PctDone();
RECT rc; CopyRect( &rc, &lpdis->rcItem ); rc.right += iPct; FillRect( lpdis->hDC, &rc, App.BtnHiliteBrush() ); CopyRect( &rc, &lpdis->rcItem ); rc.left += iPct; FillRect( lpdis->hDC, &rc, App.BtnFaceBrush() );
if ( 0 != _pSearch ) { int iOldMode = SetBkMode( lpdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT ); COLORREF crOld = SetTextColor( lpdis->hDC, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNTEXT ) );
WCHAR awc[40];
if ( QUERY_FILL_STATUS( _pSearch->QueryStatus() ) == STAT_ERROR ) { CResString strError( IDS_QUERYERROR ); wcscpy( awc, strError.Get() ); } else if ( _pSearch->MostlyDone() ) { CResString strDone( IDS_QUERYDONE ); wcscpy( awc, strDone.Get() ); } else wsprintf( awc, L"%d%%", iPct );
DrawText( lpdis->hDC, awc, wcslen( awc ), & lpdis->rcItem, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_CENTER );
SetTextColor( lpdis->hDC, crOld ); SetBkMode( lpdis->hDC, iOldMode ); } }
return 1; } //wmRealDrawItem
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmColumnNotify( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HD_NOTIFY * pn = (HD_NOTIFY *) lParam;
switch ( pn->hdr.code ) { case HDN_ENDTRACK : { if ( (int) _view.ColumnWidth( pn->iItem ) != pn->pitem->cxy ) { _view.SetColumnWidth( pn->iItem, pn->pitem->cxy );
InvalidateRect( _hwndList, 0, TRUE ); } break; } case HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK : { HD_ITEM hdi; hdi.mask = HDI_FORMAT | HDI_WIDTH | HDI_TEXT; hdi.cxy = _view.SetDefColumnWidth( pn->iItem ); hdi.pszText = (WCHAR *) _columns.GetColumn( pn->iItem ); hdi.hbm = 0; hdi.cchTextMax = wcslen( hdi.pszText ); hdi.fmt = HDF_STRING | HDF_LEFT; hdi.lParam = 0; Header_SetItem( _hwndHeader, pn->iItem, &hdi );
InvalidateRect( _hwndList, 0, TRUE ); break; } case HDN_ITEMCLICK : { //BOOL fUp = ( 0 == ( 0x8000 & GetAsyncKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) ) );
// invert the old sort order
int dir = ( _sort.GetSortDir() == SORT_UP ) ? SORT_DOWN : SORT_UP;
_sort.SetSort( _columns.GetColumn( pn->iItem ), dir );
wcscpy( App.GetSortProp(), _columns.GetColumn( pn->iItem ) ); App.GetSortDir() = dir;
PostMessage ( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break; } }
return DefMDIChildProc( _hwndSearch, WM_NOTIFY, wParam, lParam ); } //wmColumnNotify
void CSearchControl::SetupDisplayProps( WCHAR *pwcProps ) { _columns.SetNumberOfColumns( 0 );
WCHAR *pwc = pwcProps; unsigned iPos = 0;
do { WCHAR *pwcStart = pwc;
while ( *pwc && ',' != *pwc ) pwc++;
if ( ',' == *pwc ) { *pwc = 0; pwc++; }
if ( *pwcStart ) _columns.SetColumn( pwcStart, iPos++ ); else break; } while ( TRUE );
// if the list is bad -- no props added, add the default props
if ( 0 == iPos ) { WCHAR awcProp[ cwcBufSize ]; wcscpy( awcProp, DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_PROPERTIES ); SetupDisplayProps( awcProp ); }
} //SetupDisplayProps
void CSearchControl::_AddColumnHeadings() { // delete any existing column headers
int cItems = Header_GetItemCount( _hwndHeader ); for ( int i = 0; i < cItems; i++ ) Header_DeleteItem( _hwndHeader, 0 );
// add the current column headers
HD_ITEM hdi; hdi.mask = HDI_FORMAT | HDI_WIDTH | HDI_TEXT; hdi.hbm = 0; hdi.fmt = HDF_STRING | HDF_LEFT; hdi.lParam = 0;
for ( unsigned x = 0; x < _columns.NumberOfColumns(); x++ ) { hdi.cxy = _view.ColumnWidth( x ); hdi.pszText = (WCHAR *) _columns.GetColumn( x ); hdi.cchTextMax = wcslen( hdi.pszText ); Header_InsertItem( _hwndHeader, x, &hdi ); } } //_AddColumnHeadings
void CSearchControl::InitPanes () { // Query pane
_hwndQuery = CreateWindow( L"COMBOBOX", 0, WS_VSCROLL | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | WS_GROUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, _hwndSearch, (HMENU) idQueryChild, _hInst, 0 );
// Get the edit field from the combobox
// This is a hack, but I can't find any way of getting the
// edit field from the combo box
HWND hEdit = FindWindowEx( _hwndQuery, 0, L"EDIT", 0 );
if ( 0 == hEdit ) return;
_lpOrgEditProc = (WNDPROC) GetWindowLongPtr( hEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC ); SetWindowLongPtr( hEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) EditSubclassProc );
_hLastToHaveFocus = _hwndQuery;
// List View pane
// to be replaced by ListView
_hwndList = CreateWindow( LIST_VIEW_CLASS, L"", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_GROUP | WS_VSCROLL | WS_BORDER, 0, 0, 0, 0, _hwndSearch, (HMENU) idListChild, _hInst, 0 ); DWORD err; if (_hwndList == 0) err = GetLastError();
const long styleStatic = SS_LEFT | WS_CHILD; CResString strQuery (IDS_QUERYTITLE);
_hwndQueryTitle = CreateWindow( L"static", strQuery.Get(), styleStatic, 0,0,0,0, _hwndSearch, (HMENU) idQueryTitle, _hInst, 0 );
_hwndHeader = CreateWindowEx( 0, WC_HEADER, 0, WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | HDS_HORZ | HDS_BUTTONS, 0,0,0,0, _hwndSearch, (HMENU) idHeader, _hInst, 0 );
_view.InitPanes ( _hwndQueryTitle, _hwndQuery, _hwndList, _hwndHeader );
WCHAR awcDisplayProps[cwcBufSize]; ULONG cb = sizeof awcDisplayProps; if ( !GetReg( CISEARCH_REG_DISPLAYPROPS, awcDisplayProps, &cb ) ) wcscpy( awcDisplayProps, DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_PROPERTIES );
SetupDisplayProps( awcDisplayProps );
PostMessage( _hwndSearch, wmGiveFocus, 0, 0 ); } //InitPanes
CSearchControl::~CSearchControl() { SetWindowLongPtr( _hwndSearch, 0, 0 ); delete _pSearch; } //~CSearchControl
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmListNotify( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if (!_pSearch) { *(long *)lParam = -1; return LRESULT(FALSE); }
BOOL f = (BOOL)_pSearch->ListNotify (hwnd, wParam, (long *)lParam);
static UINT aItem[] = { IDM_BROWSE }; UpdateButtons( aItem, 1, _pSearch->IsSelected() );
return (LRESULT) f; } //wmListNotify
// Edit control procedure
LRESULT CSearchControl::EditSubclassEvent( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lRet = 0;
switch (msg) { #if 0
case WM_KEYDOWN : { if ( VK_UP == wParam ) pwc = _history.Previous(); else if ( VK_DOWN == wParam ) pwc = _history.Next();
else lRet = CallWindowProc( _lpOrgEditProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
if ( 0 != pwc ) { SetWindowText( hwnd, pwc ); MySendEMSetSel( hwnd, 0, (UINT) -1 ); } break; } #endif
case WM_KEYUP : { if ( VK_ESCAPE == wParam ) { if ( SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0 ) ) { SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0 ); } } lRet = CallWindowProc( _lpOrgEditProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); break; }
case WM_CHAR : { if ( VK_RETURN == wParam || 11 == wParam ) { // Handle 'enter' only if combobox list is closed. If it is open,
// then we handle the selection message in wmCommand
if ( FALSE == SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0 ) ) { SendMessage ( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); // swallow cr/lf
break; } } else { // Match the user entered string with the strings in the combobox
// list box...
lRet = CallWindowProc( _lpOrgEditProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
UINT uiLen = GetWindowTextLength( hwnd );
if (0 != uiLen && VK_BACK != wParam ) { XGrowable<WCHAR> xBuf; xBuf.SetSize( uiLen + 1 );
GetWindowText( hwnd, xBuf.Get(), uiLen + 1 );
int index = (int)SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_FINDSTRING, -1, (LPARAM) xBuf.Get() );
if ( CB_ERR != index) { unsigned uiFullLen = (unsigned)SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, index, 0 ); xBuf.SetSize( uiFullLen + 1 );
if ( CB_ERR != SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (LPARAM) xBuf.Get() ) )
{ SetWindowText( hwnd, xBuf.Get() ); MySendEMSetSel( hwnd, uiLen, (UINT) -1 ); } } } break; }
// no break, fall through!
} default : lRet = CallWindowProc( _lpOrgEditProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); break; }
return lRet; } //EditSubclassEvent
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmSize( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { // no need to do this since User doesn't have the repaint bug with
// comboboxes that it does with edit controls
//if (_hwndQuery)
// InvalidateRect(_hwndQuery, 0, TRUE);
LRESULT lr = DefMDIChildProc(_hwndSearch, WM_SIZE, wParam, lParam);
if ( _hwndQuery ) _view.Size( LOWORD (lParam), HIWORD (lParam));
return lr; } //wmSize
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmDisplaySubwindows( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { ShowWindow(_hwndQuery,SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(_hwndList,SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(_hwndQueryTitle,SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(_hwndHeader,SW_SHOW); return 0; } //wmDisplaySubwindows
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmContextMenu( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { POINT pt; pt.x = LOWORD( lParam ); pt.y = HIWORD( lParam );
GetCursorPos( &pt );
RECT rc; GetWindowRect( _hwndHeader, &rc );
WCHAR *pwcMenu = L"bogus";
// is the click over the properties header?
if ( PtInRect( &rc, pt ) ) { pwcMenu = L"HeaderContextMenu"; } else { // do hit testing on listview -- on a hit?
int iHit = (int) SendMessage( _hwndList, wmContextMenuHitTest, 0, MAKELPARAM( pt.x, pt.y ) );
if ( -1 != iHit ) pwcMenu = L"ResultsContextMenu"; }
HMENU hMenu = LoadMenu( App.Instance(), pwcMenu );
if ( 0 != hMenu ) { HMENU hTrackMenu = GetSubMenu( hMenu, 0 ); if ( 0 != hTrackMenu ) { if ( !wcscmp( pwcMenu, L"ResultsContextMenu" ) ) SetMenuDefaultItem( hTrackMenu, IDM_BROWSE, FALSE );
// yes, the function returns a BOOL that you switch on
BOOL b = TrackPopupMenuEx( hTrackMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, hwnd, 0 ); switch ( b ) { case IDM_EDITCOPY : case IDM_EDITCOPYALL : case IDM_DISPLAY_PROPS : { wmMenuCommand( b, 0 ); break; } case IDM_BROWSE : { _DoBrowse( fileBrowse ); break; } case IDM_BROWSE_OPEN : { _DoBrowse( fileOpen ); break; } case IDM_BROWSE_EDIT : { _DoBrowse( fileEdit ); break; } } }
DestroyMenu( hMenu ); }
return 0; } //wmContextMenu
void CSearchControl::_DoBrowse( enumViewFile eViewType ) { if (_pSearch) { CWaitCursor curWait; TRY { BOOL fIsZoomed = IsZoomed( _hwndSearch ); BOOL fOK = _pSearch->Browse( eViewType );
if ( !fOK && fIsZoomed ) { App.ZoomMDI( _hwndSearch ); InvalidateRect( _hwndSearch, NULL, TRUE ); } } CATCH (CException, e) { } END_CATCH; } } //_DoBrowse
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmCommand( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { UINT uiID = MyWmCommandID( wParam, lParam ); HWND hCtl = MyWmCommandHWnd( wParam, lParam ); UINT uiCmd = MyWmCommandCmd( wParam, lParam );
switch (uiID) { case idQueryChild : switch (uiCmd) { case CBN_SETFOCUS: _hLastToHaveFocus = _hwndQuery; break;
case CBN_SELENDOK : PostMessage ( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break;
case CBN_DROPDOWN: // This list is getting dropped
// Set its size
_view.ResizeQueryCB(); break; } break; case idListChild : switch (uiCmd) { case LBN_SETFOCUS : _hLastToHaveFocus = _hwndList; break; case LBN_DBLCLK : { BOOL fCtrl = ( 0 != ( 0x8000 & GetAsyncKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) ) ); _DoBrowse( fCtrl ? fileOpen : fileBrowse ); break; } } break; }
return 0; } //wmCommand
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmAccelerator( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (wParam) { case ACC_ALTQ : SetFocus(_hwndQuery); break; case ACC_ALTR : SetFocus(_hwndList); break; case ACC_TAB : case ACC_SHIFTTAB : if (_hLastToHaveFocus == _hwndQuery) SetFocus(_hwndList); else SetFocus(_hwndQuery); break; }
return 0; } //wmAccelerator
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmNewFont( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HFONT hfontNew = (HFONT) wParam;
_view.FontChanged (hfontNew);
WCHAR awcDisplayProps[cwcBufSize]; ULONG cb = sizeof awcDisplayProps; if ( !GetReg( CISEARCH_REG_DISPLAYPROPS, awcDisplayProps, &cb ) ) wcscpy( awcDisplayProps, DEFAULT_DISPLAYED_PROPERTIES ); SetupDisplayProps( awcDisplayProps );
SendMessage( _hwndList, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hfontNew, 1L );
SendMessage( _hwndQuery, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hfontNew, 1L );
RECT rc; GetClientRect( _hwndSearch, &rc );
_view.Size( rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top );
return 0; } //wmNewFont
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmDrawItem( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam;
if (lpdis->hwndItem == _hwndList) { if (lpdis->itemID == (UINT) -1) lpdis->itemAction = ODA_FOCUS;
if ( lpdis->itemAction & ODA_DRAWENTIRE ) { if ( _pSearch && _pSearch->IsSelected( lpdis->itemID ) ) lpdis->itemState |= ODS_SELECTED;
RECT rc; _view.PrimeItem( lpdis, rc );
//if ( lpdis->itemState & ( ODS_SELECTED | ODS_FOCUS ) )
// DrawFocusRect( lpdis->hDC, &rc );
if ( 0 != _pSearch ) _view.PaintItem( _pSearch, lpdis->hDC, rc, lpdis->itemID ); } }
return 1; } //wmDrawItem
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmAppClosing( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_NEWSEARCH, 0 );
return 0; } //wmAppClosing
void CSearchControl::ResetTitle() { SScopeCatalogMachine scm;
XGrowable<WCHAR> xTitle; xTitle.SetSize( wcslen(_xCatList.Get()) + 50 ); xTitle[0] = 0;
unsigned ii; for ( ii = 0; ; ii++ ) { if ( ! GetCatListItem( _xCatList, ii, scm.awcMachine, scm.awcCatalog, scm.awcScope, scm.fDeep ) ) { break; }
if ( ii > 0 ) { wcscat( xTitle.Get(), L", " ); }
if ( scm.awcMachine[0] != L'.' ) { wcscat( xTitle.Get(), scm.awcMachine ); wcscat( xTitle.Get(), L" " ); }
wcscat( xTitle.Get(), scm.awcCatalog ); wcscat( xTitle.Get(), L" " ); wcscat( xTitle.Get(), scm.awcScope ); }
SetWindowText( _hwndSearch, xTitle.Get() ); } //ResetTitle
// Function: MyForceMasterMerge
// Synopsis: Forces a master merge on the catalog
// Arguments: [pwcCatalog] - Catalog name
// [pwcMachine] - Machine on which catalog resides
HRESULT MyForceMasterMerge( WCHAR const * pwcCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcMachine ) { // Create the main Indexing Service administration object.
CLSID clsid; HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID( L"Microsoft.ISAdm", &clsid ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
XInterface<IAdminIndexServer> xAdmin; hr = CoCreateInstance( clsid, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IAdminIndexServer), xAdmin.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Set the machine name.
BSTR bstrMachine = SysAllocString( pwcMachine ); if ( 0 == bstrMachine ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
XBStr xbstr( bstrMachine ); hr = xAdmin->put_MachineName( bstrMachine ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Get a catalog administration object.
BSTR bstrCatalog = SysAllocString( pwcCatalog ); if ( 0 == bstrCatalog ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
xbstr.Free(); xbstr.Set( bstrCatalog ); XInterface<ICatAdm> xCatAdmin; hr = xAdmin->GetCatalogByName( bstrCatalog, (IDispatch **) xCatAdmin.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Force the merge.
return xCatAdmin->ForceMasterMerge(); } //MyForceMasterMerge
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmMenuCommand( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch (wParam) { case IDM_EDITCOPY : if ( ( 0 != _hwndList ) && ( _hwndList == GetFocus() ) && ( 0 != _pSearch ) && ( _pSearch->IsSelected() ) ) { WCHAR *pwcPath; HROW hrow;
if ( _pSearch->GetSelectedRowData( pwcPath, hrow ) ) { PutInClipboard( pwcPath ); _pSearch->FreeSelectedRowData( hrow ); } }
case IDM_SCOPE_AND_DEPTH: { if ( DoModalDialog( ScopeDlgProc, _hwndSearch, L"ScopeBox", (LPARAM) &_xCatList ) ) { // Get the first cat list item
GetCatListItem( _xCatList, 0, _awcMachine, _awcCatalog, _awcScope, _fDeep );
SendMessage(_hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM (1,0)); } break; } case IDM_DISPLAY_PROPS: if ( DoModalDialog( DisplayPropsDlgProc, _hwndSearch, L"DisplayPropsBox", (LPARAM) this ) ) { SendMessage(_hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM (1,0)); } break;
case IDM_EDITCOPYALL : if (0 != _pSearch) { CWaitCursor curWait; _pSearch->WriteResults(); } break; case IDM_BROWSE: MyPostWmCommand(_hwndSearch, idListChild, _hwndSearch, LBN_DBLCLK); break;
case IDM_LIMIT_10: App.Limit() = 10; SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break; case IDM_LIMIT_300: App.Limit() = 300; SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break; case IDM_LIMIT_NONE: App.Limit() = 0; SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break; case IDM_FIRSTROWS_5: App.FirstRows() = 5; SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break; case IDM_FIRSTROWS_15: App.FirstRows() = 15; SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break; case IDM_FIRSTROWS_NONE: App.FirstRows() = 0; SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_SEARCH, MAKELPARAM( 1, 0 ) ); break;
case IDM_DIALECT_1: case IDM_DIALECT_2: if ( wParam == IDM_DIALECT_1 ) App.Dialect() = ISQLANG_V1; else App.Dialect() = ISQLANG_V2; break;
case IDM_DIALECT_3: App.Dialect() = SQLTEXT; break;
case IDM_FORCE_USE_CI : { BOOL fTmp = App.ForceUseCI(); App.ForceUseCI() = !fTmp; break; } case IDM_CATALOG_STATUS: // what about distributed queries? They aren't supported
CreateDialogParam( _hInst, L"CatalogStatusBox", App.AppWindow(), StatusDlgProc, (LPARAM) this ); break; case IDM_MASTER_MERGE: { // what about distributed queries?
SCODE sc = MyForceMasterMerge( CatalogOrNull(), Machine() ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) { WCHAR awcError[MAX_PATH]; FormatSrchError( sc, awcError, _lcid ); MessageBox( _hwndSearch, awcError, _awcScope, MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } break; } case IDM_SEARCH : case IDM_SEARCHCLASSDEF : case IDM_SEARCHFUNCDEF : { CWaitCursor curWait;
// Scope change invokes a new query, so make sure title bar is ok
CSearchQuery *ptmp = _pSearch; _pSearch = 0;
// Let the user know we're doing something
{ CResString strHitCount(IDS_COUNTEND); _UpdateStatusWindow( strHitCount.Get(), L"" ); UpdateWindow( App.StatusBarWindow() ); }
SendMessage( _hwndList, wmResetContents, 0, 0 ); delete ptmp;
static UINT aItem[] = { IDM_BROWSE }; UpdateButtons( aItem, 1, FALSE );
// Let the user know we're doing something
{ CResString strHitCount(IDS_COUNTSTART); _UpdateStatusWindow( strHitCount.Get(), L"" ); UpdateWindow( App.StatusBarWindow() ); }
HWND hEdit = FindWindowEx( _hwndQuery, 0, L"EDIT", 0 );
UINT uiLen = GetWindowTextLength(hEdit);
if (0 == uiLen) { CResString strCount (IDS_COUNTTITLE); SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETTEXT, idStatusMsg, (LPARAM) strCount.Get() ); } else { WCHAR * pwcBuf = new WCHAR [uiLen + 1];
TRY { GetWindowText (hEdit, pwcBuf, uiLen + 1);
ESearchType st = srchNormal;
if (IDM_SEARCHCLASSDEF == wParam) st = srchClass; else if (IDM_SEARCHFUNCDEF == wParam) st = srchFunction;
_pSearch = new CSearchQuery( _xCatList, pwcBuf, _hwndSearch, _view.Lines(), _lcid, st, _xColumnMapper.GetReference(), _columns, _sort, App.Dialect(), App.Limit(), App.FirstRows() ); _pSearch->InitNotifications(_hwndList);
// Scope may have changed if server was down
// Let the user know we're doing something
{ WCHAR awcCount[100]; CResString strHitCount(IDS_HITCOUNT); swprintf( awcCount, strHitCount.Get(), 0, 0.0f ); SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETTEXT, SBT_OWNERDRAW | idStatusRatio, 0 ); SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETTEXT, idStatusMsg, (LPARAM) awcCount ); UpdateWindow( App.StatusBarWindow() ); }
MySendEMSetSel( hEdit, 0, (UINT) -1 );
if ( CB_ERR == SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, (LPARAM) pwcBuf ) ) { SendMessage( _hwndQuery, CB_INSERTSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) pwcBuf ); }
//_history.Add( pwcBuf );
delete [] pwcBuf; pwcBuf = 0; } CATCH (CException, e ) { SCODE sc = e.GetErrorCode(); if ( 0 == _pSearch ) { // check for version mismatch, otherwise just report
// the error
if ( STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_MIX == sc ) { SearchError( _hwndSearch, IDS_ERR_BAD_VERSION, _awcScope ); } else // if ( QUERY_E_ALLNOISE != sc )
{ WCHAR awcError[MAX_PATH]; FormatSrchError( sc, awcError, _lcid ); CResString strErr( IDS_ERR_QUERY_ERROR ); WCHAR awcMsg[MAX_PATH]; swprintf( awcMsg, strErr.Get(), awcError ); MessageBox( _hwndSearch, awcMsg, _awcScope, MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); } } else { delete _pSearch; _pSearch = 0; }
delete [] pwcBuf;
CResString strCount (IDS_COUNTTITLE); SendMessage( App.StatusBarWindow(), SB_SETTEXT, idStatusMsg, (LPARAM) strCount.Get() ); } END_CATCH; } } break; case IDM_NEWSEARCH : { CWaitCursor curWait;
CSearchQuery *ptmp = _pSearch; _pSearch = 0;
// Let the user know we're doing something
{ CResString strHitCount(IDS_COUNTEND); _UpdateStatusWindow( strHitCount.Get(), L"" ); UpdateWindow( App.StatusBarWindow() ); }
delete ptmp;
static UINT aItem[] = { IDM_BROWSE }; UpdateButtons( aItem, 1, FALSE );
CResString strCount (IDS_COUNTTITLE); _UpdateStatusWindow( strCount.Get(), L"" );
SetWindowText( _hwndQuery, L"") ; SendMessage( _hwndList, wmResetContents, 0, 0 ); SetFocus( _hwndQuery ); } break; }
return 0; } //wmMenuCommand
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmSetFocus( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if (0 != _hLastToHaveFocus) SetFocus(_hLastToHaveFocus);
return 0; } //wmSetFocus
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmClose( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { SendMessage( _hwndSearch, ::wmMenuCommand, IDM_NEWSEARCH, 0 );
return 0; } //wmClose
void _CheckReliability( DWORD dwStatus, DWORD bit, UINT msg, WCHAR * pwcMsg ) { if ( QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS( dwStatus ) & bit ) { CResString str( msg ); if ( 0 != pwcMsg[ 0 ] ) wcscat( pwcMsg, L" / " ); wcscat( pwcMsg, str.Get() ); } } //_CheckReliability
void CSearchControl::_UpdateCount() { if ( _hwndSearch == App.GetActiveMDI() ) { WCHAR awcCount[200]; CResString strHitCount; WCHAR awcReliability[MAX_PATH]; awcReliability[ 0 ] = 0;
DWORD dwStatus = 0;
if ( _pSearch ) { strHitCount.Load( IDS_HITCOUNT );
swprintf( awcCount, strHitCount.Get(), _pSearch->RowCount(), (float) _pSearch->QueryTime() );
dwStatus = _pSearch->QueryStatus();
if ( 0 != _pSearch->LastError() ) { FormatSrchError( _pSearch->LastError(), awcReliability, _lcid ); } else { _CheckReliability( dwStatus, STAT_CONTENT_OUT_OF_DATE, IDS_RELIABILITY_OUTOFDATE, awcReliability );
_CheckReliability( dwStatus, STAT_NOISE_WORDS, IDS_RELIABILITY_NOISE, awcReliability );
_CheckReliability( dwStatus, STAT_PARTIAL_SCOPE, IDS_RELIABILITY_PARTIAL, awcReliability );
_CheckReliability( dwStatus, STAT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, IDS_RELIABILITY_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, awcReliability ); } } else { CResString strCount( IDS_COUNTTITLE ); wcscpy( awcCount, strCount.Get() ); }
_UpdateStatusWindow( awcCount, awcReliability ); UpdateWindow( App.StatusBarWindow() ); } } //_UpdateCount
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmNotification( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (0 != _pSearch) { _pSearch->ProcessNotification( _hwndList, DBWATCHNOTIFY(wParam), (IRowset*)lParam);
BOOL fMore; _pSearch->UpdateProgress( fMore ); PostMessage( _hwndList, wmSetCountBefore, 0, (LPARAM)_pSearch->RowCurrent() ); PostMessage( _hwndList, wmSetCount, 0, (LPARAM)_pSearch->RowCount() ); _UpdateCount();
_pSearch->ProcessNotificationComplete(); }
return 0; } //wmNotification
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmInitMenu( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HMENU hmenu = (HMENU) wParam;
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < cLocaleEntries; i++ ) { DWORD option = aLocaleEntries[ i ].iMenuOption; EnableMenuItem( hmenu, option, MF_ENABLED );
LCID lcid = aLocaleEntries[ i ].lcid; CheckMenuItem( hmenu, option, _lcid == lcid ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED ); } EnableMenuItem(hmenu,IDM_SEARCH,MF_ENABLED);
if ( SQLTEXT == App.Dialect() ) { EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_SEARCHCLASSDEF, MF_GRAYED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_SEARCHFUNCDEF, MF_GRAYED ); } else { EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_SEARCHCLASSDEF, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_SEARCHFUNCDEF, MF_ENABLED); }
EnableMenuItem(hmenu, IDM_FORCE_USE_CI, MF_ENABLED); CheckMenuItem(hmenu, IDM_FORCE_USE_CI, App.ForceUseCI() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED );
EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_DIALECT_1, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_DIALECT_2, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_DIALECT_3, MF_ENABLED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_DIALECT_1, ISQLANG_V1 == App.Dialect() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_DIALECT_2, ISQLANG_V2 == App.Dialect() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_DIALECT_3, SQLTEXT == App.Dialect() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED );
EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_LIMIT_10, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_LIMIT_300, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_LIMIT_NONE, MF_ENABLED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_LIMIT_10, 10 == App.Limit() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_LIMIT_300, 300 == App.Limit() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_LIMIT_NONE, 0 == App.Limit() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED );
EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_FIRSTROWS_5, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_FIRSTROWS_15, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_FIRSTROWS_NONE, MF_ENABLED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_FIRSTROWS_5, 5 == App.FirstRows() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_FIRSTROWS_15, 15 == App.FirstRows() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED ); CheckMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_FIRSTROWS_NONE, 0 == App.FirstRows() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED );
if ( 0 != _hwndList && _hwndList == GetFocus() ) { if (0 != _pSearch && _pSearch->IsSelected()) { EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_BROWSE, MF_ENABLED ); EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_EDITCOPY, MF_ENABLED ); } }
if ( 0 != _pSearch && 0 != _pSearch->RowCount() ) EnableMenuItem( hmenu, IDM_EDITCOPYALL, MF_ENABLED );
return 0; } //wmInitMenu
LRESULT CSearchControl::wmMeasureItem( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MEASUREITEMSTRUCT* lpmis = (MEASUREITEMSTRUCT*) lParam;
if (lpmis->CtlType == odtListView) lpmis->itemHeight = _view.GetLineHeight();
return 0; } //wmMeasureItem
void SStatusDlg::SetCaption() { CResString str( IDS_STATUS_CAPTION ); WCHAR awc[ MAX_PATH + 100 ]; WCHAR *pwcCat = _CatalogOrNull(); WCHAR *pwcScope = _Scope(); WCHAR *pwcMachine = _Machine(); WCHAR awcM[ SRCH_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 2 ]; if ( L'.' == *pwcMachine ) awcM[0] = 0; else { awcM[0] = ' '; wcscpy( awcM+1, pwcMachine ); } wsprintf( awc, str.Get(), awcM, pwcCat ? pwcCat : pwcScope ); SetWindowText( _hdlg, awc ); } //SetCaption
void SStatusDlg::Update() { CI_STATE state; RtlZeroMemory( &state, sizeof state ); state.cbStruct = sizeof state;
SCODE sc = CIState( _CatalogOrNull(), _Machine(), & state );
if ( SUCCEEDED( sc ) ) { SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FTF, state.cDocuments, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_SECQ, state.cSecQDocuments, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FF, state.cFilteredDocuments, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FTE, state.cFreshTest, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_WL, state.cWordList, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_PI, state.cPersistentIndex, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_KEYS, state.cUniqueKeys, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FILES, state.cTotalDocuments, FALSE ); SetDlgItemInt( _hdlg, ID_STAT_Q, state.cQueries, FALSE );
if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_SCANNING ) ) { WCHAR awcTmp[50]; swprintf( awcTmp, L"%ws: %d", App.GetYes(), state.cPendingScans ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_SCANNING, awcTmp ); } else { SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_SCANNING, App.GetNo() ); }
unsigned idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_OK;
if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_RECOVERING ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_RECOVER; else if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_HIGH_IO ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_HIIO; else if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_LOW_MEMORY ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_LOMEM; else if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_BATTERY_POWER ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_BATTERY; else if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_READ_ONLY ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_READ_ONLY; else if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_USER_ACTIVE ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_USER_ACTIVE; else if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_STARTING ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_STARTING; else if ( 0 != ( state.eState & CI_STATE_READING_USNS ) ) idStatus = IDS_CI_STATE_READING_USNS;
{ CResString str( idStatus ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_STATUS, str.Get() ); }
if ( 0 != ( state.eState & ALL_CI_MERGE ) ) { unsigned idStr; if ( state.eState & CI_STATE_SHADOW_MERGE ) idStr = IDS_MERGE_SHADOW; else if ( state.eState & CI_STATE_ANNEALING_MERGE ) idStr = IDS_MERGE_ANNEALING; else if ( state.eState & CI_STATE_MASTER_MERGE ) idStr = IDS_MERGE_MASTER; else idStr = IDS_MERGE_MASTER_PAUSED;
CResString str( idStr ); WCHAR awc[ cwcBufSize ]; swprintf( awc, L"%ws %d%%", str.Get(), state.dwMergeProgress ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_MT, awc ); } else { SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_MT, App.GetNo() ); } } else { WCHAR awcTmp[80]; swprintf( awcTmp, L"0x%x", sc ); //FormatSrchError( sc, awcTmp, App.GetLocale() );
SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_STATUS, awcTmp );
SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FTF, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_SECQ, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FF, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FTE, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_WL, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_PI, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_KEYS, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_FILES, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_Q, L"" );
SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_SCANNING, L"" ); SetDlgItemText( _hdlg, ID_STAT_MT, L"" ); } } //Update
INT_PTR WINAPI StatusDlgProc( HWND hdlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; SStatusDlg * pstat = (SStatusDlg *) GetWindowLongPtr( hdlg, DWLP_USER );
switch( msg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { CSearchControl &ctrl = * (CSearchControl *) lParam; pstat = new SStatusDlg( ctrl, hdlg ); SetWindowLongPtr( hdlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR) pstat ); fRet = TRUE; SetTimer( hdlg, 2, 1000, 0);
int left,top,right,bottom; if ( LoadWindowRect( &left, &top, &right, &bottom, CISEARCH_REG_STATUSPOSITION ) ) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect( hdlg,(LPRECT) &rc ); MoveWindow( hdlg, left, top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, FALSE ); }
pstat->SetCaption(); pstat->Update(); break; } case WM_ACTIVATE : { if ( 0 == wParam ) App.GetCurrentDialog() = 0; else App.GetCurrentDialog() = hdlg; break; } case WM_TIMER : { if ( ! IsIconic( App.AppWindow() ) ) pstat->Update(); break; } case WM_DESTROY : { KillTimer( hdlg, 2 ); App.GetCurrentDialog() = 0; SaveWindowRect( hdlg, CISEARCH_REG_STATUSPOSITION ); SetWindowLongPtr( hdlg, DWLP_USER, 0 ); delete pstat; break; } case WM_COMMAND : { UINT uiID = MyWmCommandID( wParam, lParam );
switch( uiID ) { case IDCANCEL : { DestroyWindow( hdlg ); fRet = TRUE; break; } } break; } }
return fRet; } //StatusDlgProc