// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 2000.
// File: SeqExec.cxx
// Contents: Sequential Query execution class
// Classes: CQSeqExecute
// History: 22-Jan-95 DwightKr Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <query.hxx>
#include "seqexec.hxx"
// Member: CQSeqExecute::CQSeqExecute, public
// Synopsis: Start a query
// Arguments: [qopt] -- Query optimizer
// History: 20-Jan-95 DwightKr Created
CQSeqExecute::CQSeqExecute( XQueryOptimizer & xOpt ) : _status(STAT_BUSY), _fCursorOnNewObject( TRUE ), _fAbort( FALSE ), _TimeLimit( xOpt->GetTimeLimit() ), _cRowsToReturnMax( xOpt->MaxResults() ), _xOpt( xOpt ) { Win4Assert( !_xOpt->IsMultiCursor() && _xOpt->IsFullySorted() );
if ( 0 != _xOpt->FirstRows() ) _cRowsToReturnMax = _xOpt->FirstRows();
if (_cRowsToReturnMax == 0) _cRowsToReturnMax = 0xFFFFFFFF;
TRY { _objs.Set( _xOpt->QueryNextCursor( _status, _fAbort ) ); } CATCH(CException, e) { if ( e.GetErrorCode() == QUERY_E_TIMEDOUT ) { //
// Execution time limit has been exceeded, not a catastrophic error
// Update local copy of execution time
_TimeLimit.SetExecutionTime( 0 ); } else RETHROW(); } END_CATCH
if ( !_objs.IsNull() ) { _objs->Quiesce(); _objs->SwapOutWorker(); } } //CQSeqExecute
// Member: CQSeqExecute::GetRows, public
// Synopsis: Get the next set of rows from a query
// History: 20-Jan-95 DwightKr Created.
SCODE CQSeqExecute::GetRows( CTableColumnSet const & OutColumns, unsigned &cRowsToSkip, CGetRowsParams & GetParams ) { if ( _TimeLimit.IsTimedOut() ) return DB_S_STOPLIMITREACHED;
if ( ( STAT_DONE == QUERY_FILL_STATUS( _status ) ) || _objs.IsNull() ) return DB_S_ENDOFROWSET;
_TimeLimit.SetBaselineTime( ); SCODE scResult = S_OK;
TRY { //
// If this is not the first call to GetRows, then advance to the
// next object. We've already seen the current object.
if ( !_fCursorOnNewObject ) _objs->NextWorkId();
// Skip the # of rows specified
for ( WORKID widEnd = _objs->WorkId(); cRowsToSkip > 0 && widEnd != widInvalid; widEnd = _objs->NextWorkId() ) { cRowsToSkip--;
if (_cRowsToReturnMax == 0) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "Query row limit exceeded for %08x\n", this ));
scResult = DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; widEnd = widInvalid; break; } _cRowsToReturnMax--;
if ( CheckExecutionTime() ) { scResult = DB_S_STOPLIMITREACHED; widEnd = widInvalid; break; } }
// Get the # of rows requested
BYTE * pbBuf = 0;
while ( widEnd != widInvalid ) { if ( _cRowsToReturnMax == 0 ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "Query row limit exceeded for %08x\n", this ));
scResult = DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; break; } if ( ( 0 == ( GetParams.RowsTransferred() % 5 ) ) && ( CheckExecutionTime() ) ) { scResult = DB_S_STOPLIMITREACHED; break; }
if ( 0 == pbBuf ) pbBuf = (BYTE *) GetParams.GetFixedVarAllocator().AllocFixed();
scResult = GetRowInfo( OutColumns, GetParams, pbBuf );
// If object is deleted, just skip to the next one and re-use
// the row buffer space from the GetParam's allocator.
if (scResult == S_OK) { // fetched a row -- record that fact
GetParams.IncrementRowCount(); Win4Assert(_cRowsToReturnMax != 0); _cRowsToReturnMax--; pbBuf = 0; } else { if ( scResult == STATUS_FILE_DELETED ) scResult = S_OK; else break; }
// Do we need to get another?
if ( 0 == GetParams.RowsToTransfer() ) break;
widEnd = _objs->NextWorkId(); }
if ( widEnd == widInvalid ) { scResult = cRowsToSkip ? DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION : DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; _status = STAT_DONE | QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS(_status); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { _fCursorOnNewObject = TRUE;
// A common error returned here is E_OUTOFMEMORY. This needs
// to be translated and passed back to the caller to be
// handled appropriately. It is a non-fatal error.
if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == e.GetErrorCode() ) { if ( GetParams.RowsTransferred() > 0 ) scResult = DB_S_BLOCKLIMITEDROWS; else scResult = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else if ( QUERY_E_TIMEDOUT == e.GetErrorCode() ) { //
// Execution time limit has been exceeded, not a catastrophic error
// Update local copy of execution time
_TimeLimit.SetExecutionTime( 0 ); } else { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x caught in CQSeqExecute::GetRows\n", e.GetErrorCode() ));
scResult = e.GetErrorCode(); } } END_CATCH
if ( S_OK == scResult ) _fCursorOnNewObject = FALSE;
return scResult; } //GetRows
// Member: CQSeqExecute::GetRowInfo, private
// Synopsis: Get the next row from a query without advancing the cursor
// History: 20-Jan-95 DwightKr Created.
SCODE CQSeqExecute::GetRowInfo( CTableColumnSet const & OutColumns, CGetRowsParams & GetParams, BYTE * pbBuf ) { SCODE scResult = S_OK;
// Get the current row from the cursor
Win4Assert( !_objs.IsNull() ); CRetriever & obj = _objs.GetReference();
// Transfer each of the columns to the output buffer
for ( unsigned iColumn=0; iColumn < OutColumns.Size(); iColumn++ ) { CTableColumn & rColumn = *OutColumns.Get(iColumn);
Win4Assert( VT_EMPTY != rColumn.GetStoredType() );
ULONG cbBuf = sizeof _abValueBuf; CTableVariant* pVarnt = (CTableVariant *) &_abValueBuf; RtlZeroMemory( pVarnt, sizeof CTableVariant );
GetValueResult eGvr = obj.GetPropertyValue( rColumn.PropId, pVarnt, &cbBuf );
CTableColumn::StoreStatus stat = CTableColumn::StoreStatusOK; XPtr<CTableVariant> sVarnt(0);
// Really large values must be deferred in cisvc due to the limit on
// the size of named pipe buffers.
if ( ( GVRNotEnoughSpace == eGvr ) && ( cbBuf <= cbMaxNonDeferredValueSize ) ) { sVarnt.Set( (CTableVariant *) new BYTE[cbBuf] ); // Smart pointer
pVarnt = sVarnt.GetPointer(); eGvr = obj.GetPropertyValue( rColumn.PropId, pVarnt, &cbBuf ); } if ( GVRSuccess != eGvr ) { if ( GVRNotAvailable == eGvr ) { pVarnt->vt = VT_EMPTY; stat = CTableColumn::StoreStatusNull; } else if ( GVRSharingViolation == eGvr ) { pVarnt->vt = VT_EMPTY; stat = CTableColumn::StoreStatusNull; // don't set this until it's implemented everywhere
} else if ( GVRNotEnoughSpace == eGvr ) { stat = CTableColumn::StoreStatusDeferred; } }
if ( rColumn.IsLengthStored() ) rColumn.SetLength( pbBuf, cbBuf );
Win4Assert( rColumn.IsValueStored() );
if ( ( GVRSuccess == eGvr ) || ( GVRNotAvailable == eGvr ) || ( GVRSharingViolation == eGvr ) ) { BYTE *pRowColDataBuf = pbBuf + rColumn.GetValueOffset(); DBLENGTH ulTemp;
DBSTATUS dbStatus = pVarnt->CopyOrCoerce( pRowColDataBuf, rColumn.GetValueSize(), rColumn.GetStoredType(), ulTemp, GetParams.GetVarAllocator() );
if ( DBSTATUS_S_OK != dbStatus ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Sequential query column 0x%x copy failed " "srcvt 0x%x, workid 0x%x, dbstat 0x%x\n", iColumn, pVarnt->vt, _objs->WorkId(), dbStatus ));
stat = CTableColumn::StoreStatusNull; } } else if ( GVRNotEnoughSpace != eGvr ) // deferred
{ vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Sequential fetch of property for row (wid = 0x%x) failed %d\n", _objs->WorkId(), eGvr )); scResult = E_FAIL; break; }
Win4Assert( rColumn.IsStatusStored() ); rColumn.SetStatus( pbBuf, stat ); }
return scResult; } //GetRowInfo
// Member: CQSeqExecute::CheckExecutionTime, private
// Synopsis: Check for CPU time limit exceeded
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: TRUE if execution time limit exceeded.
// Notes: The CPU time spent executing a query since the last
// check is computed and compared with the remaining time
// in the CPU time limit. If the time limit is exceeded,
// the query is aborted and a status bit is set indicating
// that. Otherwise, the remaining time and the input time
// snapshots are updated.
// History: 08 Apr 96 AlanW Created
BOOL CQSeqExecute::CheckExecutionTime( void ) { if ( _TimeLimit.CheckExecutionTime() ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "Execution time limit exceeded for %08x\n", this ));
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CQSeqExecute::FetchDeferredValue
// Synopsis: Checks if read access is permitted
// Arguments: [wid] - Workid
// [ps] -- Property to be fetched
// [var] -- Property returned here
// History: 12-Jan-97 SitaramR Created
BOOL CQSeqExecute::FetchDeferredValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, PROPVARIANT & var ) { return _xOpt->FetchDeferredValue( wid, ps, var ); }