// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1998
// File: dellog.cxx
// Contents: Deletion log for usns
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <mmstrm.hxx>
#include "cicat.hxx"
#include "dellog.hxx"
const LONGLONG eSigDelLog = 0x64656c746e6c6f67i64; // Signature
// Member: CFakeVolIdMap::CFakeVolIdMap
// Synopsis: Constructor
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
CFakeVolIdMap::CFakeVolIdMap() { for ( ULONG i=0; i<COUNT_SPECIAL_CHARS; i++) _aVolIdSpecial[i] = 0; }
// Member: CFakeVolIdMap::VolIdToFakeVolId
// Synopsis: Converts a volume id to a fake volume id in the range
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
// Notes: Drive letters in the range 'a' to 'z' are mapped by subtracting
// 'a', which is the base volume id, i.e. they are in the range
// 0..25 The volume id's for the remaining drive letters are
// maintained in _aVolIdSpecial, and the fake volume ids for these
// special drives are in the range 26..RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS-1.
ULONG CFakeVolIdMap::VolIdToFakeVolId( VOLUMEID volumeId ) { //
// Volume ids are obtained by the ascii value of the drive letter
Win4Assert( volumeId < 0xff );
if ( volumeId >= VolumeIdBase && volumeId-VolumeIdBase < COUNT_ALPHABETS ) { return volumeId-VolumeIdBase; }
// Lookup in _aVolIdSpecial
for ( ULONG i=0; i<COUNT_SPECIAL_CHARS; i++ ) { if ( _aVolIdSpecial[i] == volumeId ) return COUNT_ALPHABETS + i; }
for ( i=0; i<COUNT_SPECIAL_CHARS; i++ ) { if ( _aVolIdSpecial[i] == 0 ) { _aVolIdSpecial[i] = volumeId; return COUNT_ALPHABETS + i; } }
Win4Assert( !"Volume id map overflow" );
return 0; }
// Member: CFakeVolIdMap::FakeVolIdToVolId
// Synopsis: Converts a fake volume id in the range 0..RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS-1
// to a real volume id
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
// Notes: See VolIdToFakeVolId for mapping info.
VOLUMEID CFakeVolIdMap::FakeVolIdToVolId( ULONG fakeVolId ) { Win4Assert( fakeVolId < RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS );
if ( fakeVolId < COUNT_ALPHABETS ) return VolumeIdBase + fakeVolId; else return _aVolIdSpecial[fakeVolId-COUNT_ALPHABETS]; }
// Member: CDeletionLog::CDeletionLog
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: [fileIdMap] -- File id map
// [cicat] -- Ci catalog
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
CDeletionLog::CDeletionLog( CFileIdMap & fileIdMap, CiCat& cicat ) : _fileIdMap(fileIdMap), _cicat(cicat) { }
// Member: CDeletionLog::FastInit
// Synopsis: Initialization
// Arguments: [pStorage] -- Ci storage
// [pwcsCatDir] -- Catalog dir
// [version] -- Version #
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
// 02-Mar-98 KitmanH Used QueryDeletionlog to obtain a new
// CMmStream
// Notes: The persistent format is <vol id><cEntries><entry 1>..<entry cEntries>
// for each volume id, and each entry has <fileid><wid><usn>.
void CDeletionLog::FastInit( CiStorage * pStorage, ULONG version ) {
XPtr<PMmStream> sStrm( pStorage->QueryDeletionLog() );
_xPersStream.Set( new CDynStream( sStrm.GetPointer() ) );
_xPersStream->CheckVersion( *pStorage, version );
ULONG cVolumes = _xPersStream->Count(); _xPersStream->InitializeForRead();
for ( ULONG i=0; i<cVolumes; i++ ) { ULONG cbRead; LONGLONG llSig;
cbRead = _xPersStream->Read( &llSig, sizeof(llSig) ); if ( cbRead != sizeof(llSig) ) FatalCorruption( cbRead, sizeof(llSig) );
if ( eSigDelLog != llSig ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CDeletionLog: Signature mismatch 0x%x:0x%x\n", lltoHighPart(llSig), lltoLowPart(llSig) )); FatalCorruption( 0, 0 ); }
VOLUMEID volumeId; cbRead = _xPersStream->Read( &volumeId, sizeof(VOLUMEID) ); if ( cbRead != sizeof(VOLUMEID) ) FatalCorruption( cbRead, sizeof(VOLUMEID) );
ULONG cEntries; cbRead = _xPersStream->Read( &cEntries, sizeof(ULONG) ); if ( cbRead != sizeof(ULONG) ) FatalCorruption( cbRead, sizeof(ULONG) );
for ( ULONG j=0; j<cEntries;j++ ) { FILEID fileId; cbRead = _xPersStream->Read( &fileId, sizeof(FILEID) ); if ( cbRead != sizeof(FILEID) ) FatalCorruption( cbRead, sizeof(FILEID) );
WORKID wid; cbRead = _xPersStream->Read( &wid, sizeof(WORKID) ); if ( cbRead != sizeof(WORKID) ) FatalCorruption( cbRead, sizeof(WORKID) );
USN usn; cbRead = _xPersStream->Read( &usn, sizeof(USN) ); if ( cbRead != sizeof(USN) ) FatalCorruption( cbRead, sizeof(USN) );
MarkForDeletion( volumeId, fileId, wid, usn ); } } }
// Member: CDeletionLog::ReInit
// Synopsis: Empties the deletion log
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
void CDeletionLog::ReInit( ULONG version ) { CLock lock(_mutex);
_xPersStream->SetVersion( version );
for ( ULONG i=0; i<RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS; i++ ) _aDelLogEntryList[i].Clear();
Flush(); }
// Member: CDeletionLog::Flush
// Synopsis: Serializes the deletion log to disk
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
void CDeletionLog::Flush() { Win4Assert( !_xPersStream.IsNull() );
CLock lock(_mutex);
_xPersStream->InitializeForWrite( GetSize() ); LONGLONG llSig = eSigDelLog;
ULONG cVolumes = 0; for ( ULONG i=0; i<RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS; i++ ) { if ( _aDelLogEntryList[i].Count() > 0 ) { cVolumes++;
_xPersStream->Write( &llSig, sizeof(llSig) );
VOLUMEID volumeId = _fakeVolIdMap.FakeVolIdToVolId( i ); _xPersStream->Write( &volumeId, sizeof(VOLUMEID) );
ULONG cEntries = _aDelLogEntryList[i].Count(); _xPersStream->Write( &cEntries, sizeof(ULONG) );
#if CIDBG==1
ULONG cEntriesInList = 0; USN usnPrev = 0; #endif
for ( CDelLogEntryListIter entryListIter( _aDelLogEntryList[i] ); !_aDelLogEntryList[i].AtEnd(entryListIter); _aDelLogEntryList[i].Advance( entryListIter) ) { FILEID fileId = entryListIter->FileId(); _xPersStream->Write( &fileId, sizeof(FILEID) );
WORKID wid = entryListIter->WorkId(); _xPersStream->Write( &wid, sizeof(WORKID) );
USN usn = entryListIter->Usn(); _xPersStream->Write( &usn, sizeof(USN) );
#if CIDBG==1
// Check usn's are monotonically increasing
cEntriesInList++; Win4Assert( entryListIter->Usn() >= usnPrev ); usnPrev = entryListIter->Usn(); #endif
#if CIDBG==1
Win4Assert( cEntriesInList == _aDelLogEntryList[i].Count() ); #endif
} }
_xPersStream->SetCount( cVolumes ); _xPersStream->Flush(); }
// Member: CDeletionLog::MarkForDeletion
// Synopsis: Adds a deletion entry
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
void CDeletionLog::MarkForDeletion( VOLUMEID volumeId, FILEID fileId, WORKID wid, USN usn ) { CLock lock(_mutex);
XPtr<CDelLogEntry> xEntry( new CDelLogEntry( fileId, wid, usn ) ); ULONG fakeVolId = _fakeVolIdMap.VolIdToFakeVolId( volumeId );
Win4Assert( fakeVolId < RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS );
if ( _aDelLogEntryList[fakeVolId].Count() == 0 ) { //
// Empty list case
_aDelLogEntryList[fakeVolId].Queue( xEntry.Acquire() ); } else { CDelLogEntry *pEntryLast = _aDelLogEntryList[fakeVolId].GetLast(); if ( xEntry->Usn() > pEntryLast->Usn() ) { //
// If the usn is less than the last entry's usn, then it means that it
// is a usn that is being replayed, and there is no need to add it
// to the deletion log again.
_aDelLogEntryList[fakeVolId].Queue( xEntry.Acquire() ); } } }
// Member: CDeletionLog::ProcessChangesFlush
// Synopsis: Process the list of changes that has been flushed by
// framework/changelog and do the actual deletes from
// the file id map.
// Arguments: [usnFlushInfoList] -- List of changes flushed
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
void CDeletionLog::ProcessChangesFlush( CUsnFlushInfoList & usnFlushInfoList ) { CLock lock( _mutex );
for ( ULONG i=0; i<usnFlushInfoList.Count(); i++ ) { CUsnFlushInfo *pFlushInfo = usnFlushInfoList.Get(i);
ULONG fakeVolId = _fakeVolIdMap.VolIdToFakeVolId( pFlushInfo->VolumeId() );
Win4Assert( fakeVolId < RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS );
CDelLogEntryList& entryList = _aDelLogEntryList[fakeVolId]; #if CIDBG==1
USN usnPrev = 0; #endif
CDelLogEntryListIter entryListIter( entryList ); while ( !entryList.AtEnd( entryListIter ) ) { CDelLogEntry *pEntry = entryListIter.GetEntry(); entryList.Advance( entryListIter );
#if CIDBG==1
// Check that usn's are monotonically increasing
Win4Assert( pEntry->Usn() >= usnPrev ); usnPrev = pEntry->Usn(); #endif
if ( pEntry->Usn() <= pFlushInfo->UsnHighest() ) { entryList.RemoveFromList( pEntry ); _fileIdMap.Delete( pEntry->FileId(), pEntry->WorkId() ); delete pEntry; } else { //
// Since the list is in increasing usn order, we are done
// with this volume id.
break; } } } }
// Member: CDeletionLog::GetSize
// Synopsis: Returns the size of the serialized stream in bytes
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
ULONG CDeletionLog::GetSize() { //
// Start with a slop factor
ULONG ulSize = 1024;
for ( ULONG i=0; i<RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS; i++ ) { ulSize += sizeof(VOLUMEID) // volume id field
+ sizeof(ULONG) // cEntries field
+ _aDelLogEntryList[i].Count() * sizeof(CDelLogEntry); }
return ulSize; }
// Member: CDeletionLog::FatalCorruption
// Synopsis: Handles deletion log corruption
// Arguments: [cbRead] -- Count of bytes read
// [cbToRead] -- Count of bytes to read
// History: 28-Jul-97 SitaramR Created
void CDeletionLog::FatalCorruption( ULONG cbRead, ULONG cbToRead ) { Win4Assert( !"Corrupt deletion log" );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CDeletionLog: read %d bytes instead of %d\n", cbRead, cbToRead ));
PStorage & storage = _cicat.GetStorage(); storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"Deletion log" );