// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1999.
// File: langreg.hxx
// Contents: Macros for Self-registration of Word Breakers and Stemmers
// Functions: Macros to create DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer
// History: 05-Jan-99 AlanW Created from filtreg.hxx
#pragma once
// Structure to define language resource class
struct SLangClassEntry { WCHAR const * pwszClassId; WCHAR const * pwszClassIdDescription; WCHAR const * pwszDLL; WCHAR const * pwszThreadingModel; };
struct SLangRegistry { WCHAR const * pwszLangName; LONG lcid; SLangClassEntry WordBreaker; SLangClassEntry Stemmer; };
// Sample use of the structures
// SLangClassEntry const NeutralWordBreaker =
// { L"{369647e0-17b0-11ce-9950-00aa004bbb1f}",
// L"Neutral Word Breaker",
// L"query.dll",
// L"both" };
// SLangRegistry const English_US_LangRes =
// { L"English_US", 1033,
// { L"{59e09780-8099-101b-8df3-00000b65c3b5}",
// L"English_US Word Breaker",
// L"infosoft.dll",
// L"both" },
// { L"{eeed4c20-7f1b-11ce-be57-00aa0051fe20}",
// L"English_US Stemmer",
// L"infosoft.dll",
// L"both" }
// };
// Function prototypes
inline long RegisterALanguageResource( SLangRegistry const & LangRes ); inline long RegisterALanguageClass( SLangClassEntry const & LangClass );
inline long UnRegisterALanguageResource( SLangRegistry const & LangRes ); inline long UnRegisterALanguageClass( SLangClassEntry const & LangClass );
#if 0 // defined in filtreg.hxx
// Function: BuildKeyValues, private
// Effects: Given array of key, value, key, value, ... adds the entries
// under CLSID as:
// Key1 : <NO NAME> Value1
// Key2 : <NO NAME> Value2
// :
// :
// Arguments: [awszKeyValues] -- Keys and values
// [cKeyValues] -- Number of entries in array. Must be even.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
// Notes: The *value* entries can be null, signifying no value at a
// given level.
inline long BuildKeyValues( WCHAR const * const * awszKeyValues, unsigned cKeyValues ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH]; wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID" );
long dwError; HKEY hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; unsigned i = 0;
do { if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, awszKeyValues[i] );
DWORD dwDisposition;
dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
if ( 0 != awszKeyValues[i] ) dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
0, // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)awszKeyValues[i], // Value
(1 + wcslen(awszKeyValues[i]) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
i++; } while ( i < cKeyValues );
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey );
return dwError; }
// Function: AddThreadingModel
// Synopsis: Adds the threading model value to the CLSID\GUID\InProcServer32
// key
// Arguments: [wszClsId] - ClassId of the inproc server.
// [wszThreadingModel] -- 0 (for single threaded) or one of
// Apartment, Free, or Both
// History: 3-07-97 srikants Created
inline long AddThreadingModel( WCHAR const * wszClsId, WCHAR const * wszThreadingModel ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH]; wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID" ); wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, wszClsId ); wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, L"InprocServer32" );
long dwError; HKEY hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; unsigned i = 0;
dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) return dwError;
if ( 0 != wszThreadingModel ) dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
L"ThreadingModel", // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *) wszThreadingModel, // Value
(wcslen(wszThreadingModel) + 1) * sizeof WCHAR ); else RegDeleteValueW( hKey, // Key
L"ThreadingModel" ); // Name
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey );
return dwError; }
// Function: DestroyKeyValues, private
// Effects: Given array of key, value, key, value from BuildKeyValues,
// removes the keys.
// Arguments: [awszKeyValues] -- Keys and values
// [cKeyValues] -- Number of entries in array. Must be even.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-97 KyleP Created
inline long DestroyKeyValues( WCHAR const * const * awszKeyValues, int cKeyValues ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
// Build path to deepest component
wcscpy( wcTemp, L"CLSID" ); int i = 0;
do { wcscat( wcTemp, L"\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, awszKeyValues[i] );
i += 2; } while ( i < cKeyValues );
// Remove components in reverse order
unsigned cc = wcslen( wcTemp );
for ( i -= 2; i >= 0; i -= 2 ) { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Delete subkey, if there is one.
if ( i+2 < cKeyValues ) dwError = RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, awszKeyValues[i+2] );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Close key and truncate string to next component.
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
cc -= wcslen( awszKeyValues[i] ); cc --;
wcTemp[cc] = 0; }
// Remove the final top key
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { do { dwError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key -- "CLSID"
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Delete subkey
dwError = RegDeleteKeyW( hKey, awszKeyValues[0] );
} while ( FALSE ); }
return dwError; } #endif // 0 defined in filtreg.hxx
// Function: RegisterALanguageResource, private
// Synopsis: Registers a language resource.
// Arguments: [LangRes] -- Language resource description
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-99 AlanW Created
inline long RegisterALanguageResource( SLangRegistry const & LangRes ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
wcscpy( wcTemp, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ContentIndex\\Language\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, LangRes.pwszLangName );
do { DWORD dwDisposition; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize;
dwError = RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Root
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
0, // Class
0, // Flags
0, // Security
&hKey, // Handle
&dwDisposition ); // Disposition
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Write the locale ID
dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
L"Locale", // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_DWORD, // Type
(BYTE *)&LangRes.lcid, // Value
sizeof DWORD );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Create the word breaker class description
if (LangRes.WordBreaker.pwszClassId != 0) { dwError = RegisterALanguageClass( LangRes.WordBreaker ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
L"WBreakerClass", // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)LangRes.WordBreaker.pwszClassId, // Value
(1 + wcslen(LangRes.WordBreaker.pwszClassId) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
// Create the stemmer class description
if (LangRes.Stemmer.pwszClassId != 0) { dwError = RegisterALanguageClass( LangRes.Stemmer ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
dwError = RegSetValueExW( hKey, // Key
L"StemmerClass", // Name
0, // Reserved
REG_SZ, // Type
(BYTE *)LangRes.Stemmer.pwszClassId, // Value
(1 + wcslen(LangRes.Stemmer.pwszClassId) ) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) break;
} while( FALSE );
if ( (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hKey ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
return dwError; }
// Function: UnRegisterALanguageResource, private
// Synopsis: Unregisters a language resource.
// Arguments: [LangRes] -- Language resource description
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-99 AlanW Created
inline long UnRegisterALanguageResource( SLangRegistry const & LangRes ) { WCHAR wcTemp[MAX_PATH];
wcscpy( wcTemp, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ContentIndex\\Language\\" ); wcscat( wcTemp, LangRes.pwszLangName );
wcTemp, // Sub key
0, // Reserved
&hKey ); // Handle
// Delete the word breaker class description
if (LangRes.WordBreaker.pwszClassId != 0) { dwError = UnRegisterALanguageClass( LangRes.WordBreaker );
if (hKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) dwError = RegDeleteValueW( hKey, // Key
L"WBreakerClass" ); // Name
// Create the stemmer class description
if (LangRes.Stemmer.pwszClassId != 0) { dwError = UnRegisterALanguageClass( LangRes.Stemmer );
if (hKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) dwError = RegDeleteValueW( hKey, // Key
L"StemmerClass" ); // Name
if (hKey != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwNumofKeys = 0; DWORD dwNumofValues = 0; dwError = RegQueryInfoKeyW( hKey, // Hkey
0, // Buffer for class string
0, // Size of class string buffer
0, // reserved
&dwNumofKeys,// number of subkeys
0, // longest subkey name length
0, // longest class string length
&dwNumofValues,// number of value entries
0, // longest value name length
0, // longest value data length
0, // security descriptor length
0 ); // last write time);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError ) { if ( (dwNumofValues == 1) && (dwNumofKeys==0) ) {
// There is only one value and no sub-keys under this key,
// Delete the Locale value and then the sub-key for this Lang
// if that succeeded.
RegDeleteValueW( hKey, // Key
L"Locale" ); // Name
dwError = RegQueryInfoKeyW( hKey, // Hkey
0, // class string
0, // Size of class string
0, // reserved
&dwNumofKeys, 0, // max subkey name len
0, // max class string len
&dwNumofValues, 0, // max value name len
0, // max value data len
0, // security desc len
0 ); // last write time);
} } RegCloseKey( hKey );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError && (0 == dwNumofValues) && (0 == dwNumofKeys) ) dwError = RegDeleteKeyW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Root
wcTemp ); // Sub key
} return dwError; }
// Function: RegisterALanguageClass, private
// Synopsis: Registers a language resource classID in registry
// Arguments: [LangClass] -- IWordBreaker or IStemmer description
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-99 AlanW Created
inline long RegisterALanguageClass( SLangClassEntry const & LangClass ) { WCHAR const * aKeyValues[4] = { LangClass.pwszClassId, LangClass.pwszClassIdDescription, L"InprocServer32", LangClass.pwszDLL };
long retVal = BuildKeyValues( aKeyValues, sizeof(aKeyValues)/sizeof(aKeyValues[0]) ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == retVal ) retVal = AddThreadingModel( LangClass.pwszClassId, LangClass.pwszThreadingModel );
return retVal; }
// Function: UnRegisterALanguageClass, private
// Synopsis: Unregisters a language resource classID
// Arguments: [LangClass] -- IWordBreaker or IStemmer description
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success
// History: 05-Jan-99 AlanW Created
inline long UnRegisterALanguageClass( SLangClassEntry const & LangClass ) { WCHAR const * aKeyValues[4] = { LangClass.pwszClassId, LangClass.pwszClassIdDescription, L"InprocServer32", LangClass.pwszDLL };
return DestroyKeyValues( aKeyValues, sizeof(aKeyValues)/sizeof(aKeyValues[0]) ); }