// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Index Manager
// Classes: CIndexTable
// History: 22-Mar-91 BartoszM Created.
// 12-Feb-92 AmyA Hacked all methods for FAT.
// 01-Jul-93 BartoszM Rewrote to use memory mapped file
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <cistore.hxx>
#include <idxtab.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
CWriteIndexFile::CWriteIndexFile ( PRcovStorageObj & rcovObj ) : _rcovObj(rcovObj), _xact(rcovObj), _iter(_xact, sizeof(CIndexRecord)), _xactPtr(0) { }
void CWriteIndexFile::BackUp() { ciAssert(_xactPtr > 0);
_xactPtr--; _iter.Seek( _xactPtr ); }
BOOL CWriteIndexFile::ReadRecord ( CIndexRecord * pRecord ) { ULONG ulRecCnt = _rcovObj.GetHeader().GetCount(_rcovObj.GetHeader().GetBackup());
if (_xactPtr >= ulRecCnt) return(FALSE);
_iter.GetRec( pRecord ); _xactPtr++;
return(TRUE); }
void CWriteIndexFile::WriteRecord ( CIndexRecord* pRecord ) { _iter.SetRec( pRecord ); _xactPtr++;
ULONG ulRecCnt = _rcovObj.GetHeader().GetCount(_rcovObj.GetHeader().GetBackup());
if (ulRecCnt < _xactPtr) _rcovObj.GetHeader().SetCount(_rcovObj.GetHeader().GetBackup(), _xactPtr); }
// Member: CWriteIndexFile::IncrMMergeSeqNum
// Synopsis: Increments the master merge sequence number in the header.
// History: 3-21-97 srikants Created
void CWriteIndexFile::IncrMMergeSeqNum() {
CRcovStorageHdr & storageHdr = _rcovObj.GetHeader();
CRcovUserHdr usrHdr; CIndexTableUsrHdr * pIdxUsrHdr = (CIndexTableUsrHdr *) &usrHdr;
storageHdr.GetUserHdr( storageHdr.GetPrimary(), usrHdr ); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Current MMerge Seq Num = %d \n", pIdxUsrHdr->GetMMergeSeqNum() ));
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "New MMerge Seq Num = %d \n", pIdxUsrHdr->GetMMergeSeqNum() ));
storageHdr.SetUserHdr( storageHdr.GetBackup(), usrHdr ); }
CReadIndexFile::CReadIndexFile ( PRcovStorageObj & rcovObj ) : _rcovObj(rcovObj), _xact(rcovObj), _iter(_xact, sizeof(CIndexRecord)), _xactPtr(0) { }
void CReadIndexFile::BackUp() { ciAssert(_xactPtr > 0);
_xactPtr--; _iter.Seek( _xactPtr ); }
BOOL CReadIndexFile::ReadRecord ( CIndexRecord * pRecord ) { ULONG ulRecCnt = _rcovObj.GetHeader().GetCount(_rcovObj.GetHeader().GetPrimary());
if (_xactPtr >= ulRecCnt) return(FALSE);
_iter.GetRec( pRecord ); _xactPtr++;
return(TRUE); }
// Member: CAddReplaceIndexRecord::CAddReplaceIndexRecord, public
// Synopsis: Rewinds the file pointer indFile, then reads in IndexRecords until
// either a record with INDEXID iid is found or EOF is reached.
// Notes: Whether or not a record with INDEXID iid is found can be
// determined by calling Found().
// History: 16-Mar-92 AmyA Created.
CAddReplaceIndexRecord::CAddReplaceIndexRecord ( CWriteIndexFile & indFile, INDEXID iid ) : _indFile( indFile )
{ _indFile.Rewind();
do { _found = _indFile.ReadRecord ( this ); } while (_found && Iid() != iid); }
// Member: CAddReplaceIndexRecord::Write()
// Synopsis: Writes the information from CIndexRecord out to the file--
// either replacing the record that was found in the constructor
// (if there was one found) or appending to the end of the file
// indicated by _indFile.
// History: 28-Feb-95 DwightKr Created.
inline void CAddReplaceIndexRecord::WriteRecord() { if ( Found() ) { _indFile.BackUp(); }
_indFile.WriteRecord( this ); }
// Member: CIndexTable::CIndexTable, public
// Synopsis: Constructor.
// History: 28-Mar-91 BartoszM Created.
CIndexTable::CIndexTable ( CiStorage& storage, CTransaction& xact ) : _storage(storage), _pRcovObj(0) { _pRcovObj = _storage.QueryIdxTableObject(); Win4Assert( 0 != _pRcovObj ); }
// Member: CIndexTable::~CIndexTable, public
// Synopsis: Destructor.
// History: 28-May-92 BartoszM Created.
CIndexTable::~CIndexTable () { delete _pRcovObj; }
// Member: CIndexTableIter::CIndexTableIter
// Synopsis: Constructor.
// History: 28-May-92 BartoszM Created.
CIndexTabIter::CIndexTabIter ( CIndexTable& idxTable ) : _idxTable(idxTable), _indFile( idxTable.GetIndexTableObj() ) { }
// Member: CIndexTabIter::Begin, public
// Synopsis: Position cursor at the beginning of table
// History: 28-Mar-91 BartoszM Created.
BOOL CIndexTabIter::Begin () { CNextIndexRecord rec(_indFile);
if (!rec.Found()) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// Member: CIndexTabIter::NextRecord, public
// Synopsis: Called during startup. Reads next record
// Arguments: [indexRecord] -- record to be filled
// History: 28-Mar-91 BartoszM Created.
BOOL CIndexTabIter::NextRecord ( CIndexRecord& indexRecord ) { CNextIndexRecord rec(_indFile);
if (!rec.Found()) return(FALSE);
if ( rec.VersionStamp() < _idxTable._storage.GetStorageVersion() ) { Win4Assert ( !"Corrupt index table" );
PStorage & storage = GetStorage();
storage.ReportCorruptComponent ( L"IndexTable1" );
THROW( CException ( STATUS_INTERNAL_DB_CORRUPTION )); } else if ( rec.VersionStamp() > _idxTable._storage.GetStorageVersion() ) { ciAssert ( !"Unknown index format: upgrade index software" );
PStorage & storage = GetStorage();
storage.ReportCorruptComponent ( L"IndexTable2" );
indexRecord._objectId = rec.ObjectId(); indexRecord._iid = rec.Iid(); indexRecord._type = rec.Type(); indexRecord._maxWorkId = rec.MaxWorkId();
return TRUE; }
// Member: CIndexTabIter::~CIndexTabIter, public
// Synopsis: Iteration finished
// History: 28-Mar-91 BartoszM Created.
CIndexTabIter::~CIndexTabIter() { }
// Member: CIndexTable::SwapIndexes, public
// Synopsis: Replaces old indexes with a new one after merge
// Arguments: [pIndexNew] -- new index
// [cIndexOld] -- count of old indexes to be removed
// [aIidOld] -- array of old index id's
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
// History: 02-May-91 BartoszM Created.
void CIndexTable::SwapIndexes ( CShadowMergeSwapInfo & info ) { CIndexRecord & record = info._recNewIndex;
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "IndexManager: Adding index %lx, maxWid %ld\n", record.Iid(), record.MaxWorkId() ));
CWriteIndexFile indFile( GetIndexTableObj() );
// Mark old indexes deleted
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < info._cIndexOld; i++ ) { CIndexId idFull = info._aIidOld[i]; if ( idFull.IsPersistent()) { CAddReplaceIndexRecord rec(indFile, info._aIidOld[i]); if (!rec.Found()) { //
// We have a persistent index which was not found in the
// index list. This must be an index corruption.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Can't find index 0x%lx\n", info._aIidOld[i] )); Win4Assert( !"Corrupt index table" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexTable3" );
THROW( CException ( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE )); } rec.SetType(itZombie); // And one more....
rec.WriteRecord(); } }
// Add record for the new index.
if ( widInvalid != record.ObjectId() ) AddRecord ( indFile, record.Iid(), record.Type(), record.MaxWorkId(), record.ObjectId() );
// Replace the old fresh test entry with the new fresh test entry.
DeleteObject( indFile, partidDefault, itFreshLog, info._widOldFreshLog ); AddRecord( indFile, CIndexId( 0, partidDefault ), itFreshLog, 0, info._widNewFreshLog );
indFile.Commit(); }
// Function: SwapIndexes
// Synopsis: This method marks the old indexes as "zombie" in the index
// table, deletes the MMLog, MMFreshLog and NewMasterIndex
// entries. It then adds an entry making the NewMaster the
// current master.
// This is done as a single TRANSACTION - either the entire
// step succeeds or the previous state is retained.
// Effects: All the indexes that participated in the master merge will
// be deleted from the index list and the new master will be
// made the only master index.
// Arguments: [partid] -- Partition Id where the master merge just
// completed.
// [cIndexOld] -- Count of the indexes in aIidOld.
// [aIidOld] -- Array of index ids to be marked zombie.
// [recNewMaster] -- CIndexRecord for the new master index.
// [widMMLog] -- WorkId of the MMLog object.
// History: 4-04-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CIndexTable::SwapIndexes ( CMasterMergeSwapInfo & info ) { CIndexRecord & recNewMaster = info._recNewIndex; CIndexRecord & recNewKeyList = info._recNewKeyList;
ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Master Merge Completed\n"));
CWriteIndexFile indFile( GetIndexTableObj() );
// Mark old indexes as "Zombie".
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < info._cIndexOld; i++ ) { CIndexId idFull = info._aIidOld[i]; Win4Assert( idFull.IsPersistent() ); Win4Assert( idFull.PartId() == info._partid );
CAddReplaceIndexRecord rec(indFile, info._aIidOld[i]);
if (!rec.Found()) { //
// We have a persistent index which was not found in the
// index list. This must be an index corruption.
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Can't find index 0x%lx\n", info._aIidOld[i] )); Win4Assert( !"Corrupt index table" ); _storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"IndexTable4" );
THROW( CException ( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE )); } rec.SetType(itZombie); // And one more....
rec.WriteRecord(); }
// Delete the MMLog entry.
DeleteObject( indFile, info._partid, itMMLog, info._widMMLog );
// Delete the itMMKeyList entry.
DeleteObject( indFile, partidKeyList, itMMKeyList, recNewKeyList.ObjectId() );
// Delete the old itKeyList entry and add an entry for the new
// key list.
{ //
// DeleteRecord assumes that the record is found. When we create
// the key list for the first time, it may not be present.
CAddReplaceIndexRecord rec( indFile, info._iidOldKeyList ); if ( rec.Found() ) { rec.SetIid( CIndexId(iidInvalid,partidInvalid) ); rec.WriteRecord(); } }
AddRecord( indFile, recNewKeyList.Iid(), recNewKeyList.Type(), recNewKeyList.MaxWorkId(), recNewKeyList.ObjectId() ); //
// Delete the entry for the new master index and make it the
// current master index.
DeleteRecord( indFile, recNewMaster.Iid() ); AddRecord ( indFile, recNewMaster.Iid(), itMaster, // Note the change from itNewMaster to itMaster
recNewMaster.MaxWorkId(), recNewMaster.ObjectId());
// Replace the old fresh test entry with the new fresh test entry.
DeleteObject( indFile, partidDefault, itFreshLog, info._widOldFreshLog ); AddRecord( indFile, CIndexId( 0, partidDefault ), itFreshLog, 0, info._widNewFreshLog );
// Increment the master merge sequence number.
indFile.IncrMMergeSeqNum(); indFile.Commit(); }
PIndexTabIter* CIndexTable::QueryIterator() { return new CIndexTabIter ( *this ); }
PStorage& CIndexTable::GetStorage() { return(_storage); }
// Member: CIndexTable::RemoveIndex, public
// Synopsis: Removes index from table
// Arguments: [iid] -- index id
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
// History: 02-May-91 BartoszM Created.
#pragma optimize( "", off )
void CIndexTable::RemoveIndex ( INDEXID iid ) { CImpersonateSystem impersonate;
CWriteIndexFile indFile( GetIndexTableObj() );
DeleteRecord( indFile, iid );
indFile.Commit(); } #pragma optimize( "", on )
// Function: AddObject
// Synopsis: Appends a record for the specified object to the
// index table.
// Arguments: [partid] -- Id of the partition to which the object
// belongs.
// [it] -- Index type of the object.
// [wid] -- WorkId of the object.
// History: 2-18-94 srikants Created
void CIndexTable::AddObject( PARTITIONID partid, IndexType it, WORKID wid ) { CWriteIndexFile indFile( GetIndexTableObj() );
AddRecord ( indFile, CIndexId ( 0, partid ), it, 0, wid );
indFile.Commit(); }
// Function: AddMMergeObjects
// Synopsis: This method adds records for the NewMaster Index,
// and MasterMerge Log to the index table.
// Arguments: [partid] -- Partition id of the partition in which
// master merge is being done.
// [recNewMaster] -- The index record for the new master index.
// [widMMLog] -- WorkId of the MasterMerge Log.
// [deletedIndex] -- Index id for the current index
// History: 4-04-94 srikants Created
// Notes: The recNewMaster must be fully initialized with the correct
// indexType, WorkId and MaxWorkId.
void CIndexTable::AddMMergeObjects( PARTITIONID partid, CIndexRecord & recNewMaster, WORKID widMMLog, WORKID widMMKeyList, INDEXID iidDelOld, INDEXID iidDelNew ) {
CWriteIndexFile indFile( GetIndexTableObj() );
Win4Assert( recNewMaster.Type() == itNewMaster ); Win4Assert( iidDeleted1 == iidDelOld && iidDeleted2 == iidDelNew || iidDeleted2 == iidDelOld && iidDeleted1 == iidDelNew );
#if CIDBG == 1
CIndexId iid( recNewMaster.Iid() ); Win4Assert( iid.PartId() == partid ); #endif // CIDBG == 1
AddRecord( indFile, recNewMaster.Iid(), itNewMaster, recNewMaster.MaxWorkId(), recNewMaster.ObjectId() ); AddRecord( indFile, CIndexId( 0, partid ), itMMLog, 0,widMMLog ); AddRecord( indFile, CIndexId( 0, partidKeyList ), itMMKeyList, 0, widMMKeyList );
DeleteRecord( indFile, iidDelOld ); AddRecord( indFile, iidDelNew, itDeleted, 0, 0 );
indFile.Commit(); }
inline BOOL IsMatched( const CIndexRecord & rec, INDEXID iid, IndexType it, WORKID wid ) { return rec.Type() == (ULONG) it && rec.Iid() == iid && rec.ObjectId() == wid ; }
// Function: DeleteObject
// Synopsis: Deletes the record for the specified object by marking
// it as "iidInvalid". The record will be deleted only
// if there is an exact match with the partid, it and wid.
// Arguments: [partid] -- Partition Id.
// [it] -- Index type of the object.
// [wid] -- Work Id to match on.
// History: 2-18-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CIndexTable::DeleteObject( PARTITIONID partid, IndexType it, WORKID wid ) { CWriteIndexFile indFile( GetIndexTableObj() ); DeleteObject( indFile, partid, it, wid ); indFile.Commit(); }
void CIndexTable::DeleteObject( CWriteIndexFile & indFile, PARTITIONID partid, IndexType it, WORKID wid ) { CIndexRecord rec; BOOL found; indFile.Rewind(); do { found = indFile.ReadRecord ( &rec ); } while ( found && !IsMatched( rec, CIndexId(0, partid), it, wid) );
if ( found ) { indFile.BackUp(); rec._iid = (INDEXID) CIndexId(iidInvalid, partidInvalid); rec._objectId = widInvalid; indFile.WriteRecord( &rec ); } }
// Member: CIndexTable::AddRecord, private
// Synopsis: Adds new record to table
// Arguments: [iid] -- index id
// [type] -- type of record
// [maxWorkId] -- max work id in the index
// [objectId] -- id of the index object
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
// History: 02-May-91 BartoszM Created.
void CIndexTable::AddRecord( CWriteIndexFile & indFile, INDEXID iid, ULONG type, WORKID maxWorkId, WORKID objectId ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "Indexes: AddRecord %lx, %ld %s\n", iid, maxWorkId, (type == itMaster)? "master": "not-master" ));
CAddReplaceIndexRecord rec(indFile, CIndexId(iidInvalid,partidInvalid) );
rec.SetIid(iid); rec.SetType(type); rec.SetWid(maxWorkId); rec.SetObjectId ( objectId ); rec.WriteRecord(); }
// Member: CIndexTable::AddIndex, public
// Synopsis: Adds new index to table
// Arguments: [iid] -- index id
// [type] -- type of record
// [maxWorkId] -- max work id in the index
// [objectId] -- id of the index object
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
// History: 14-Jul-94 DwightKr Created.
void CIndexTable::AddIndex( INDEXID iid, IndexType type, WORKID maxWorkId, WORKID objectId ) { CWriteIndexFile indFile( GetIndexTableObj() ); AddRecord( indFile, iid, type, maxWorkId, objectId ); indFile.Commit(); }
// Member: CIndexTable::LokEmpty, public
// Synopsis: Deleted everything from the index table
// Notes: ResMan LOCKED
// History: 16-Aug-94 DwightKr Created
void CIndexTable::LokEmpty() {
PRcovStorageObj & rcovObj = GetIndexTableObj(); CRcovStrmWriteTrans xact( rcovObj );
rcovObj.GetHeader().SetCount( rcovObj.GetHeader().GetBackup(), 0 ); xact.Empty(); xact.Seek(0);
xact.Commit(); }
// Member: CIndexTable::LokMakeBackupCopy
// Synopsis: Makes a backup copy of the index table.
// Arguments: [storage] - Storage to use for creation of the
// destination index table.
// [fFullSave] - Set to TRUE if a full save is being performed.
// [progressTracker] - Progress tracker.
// History: 3-18-97 srikants Created
void CIndexTable::LokMakeBackupCopy( PStorage & storage, BOOL fFullSave, PSaveProgressTracker & progressTracker ) {
// Create a new index table object using the storage provided.
PRcovStorageObj * pDstObj = storage.QueryIdxTableObject(); XPtr<PRcovStorageObj> xDstObj( pDstObj );
PRcovStorageObj & srcObj = GetIndexTableObj();
// Copy the contents of source to destination.
CCopyRcovObject copier( *pDstObj, srcObj ); NTSTATUS status = copier.DoIt();
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != status ) { THROW(CException(status) ); }
// Set the Full/Partial Save bit appropriately.
CRcovStrmAppendTrans xact( *pDstObj );
CRcovStorageHdr & storageHdr = pDstObj->GetHeader();
CRcovUserHdr usrHdr; CIndexTableUsrHdr * pIdxUsrHdr = (CIndexTableUsrHdr *) &usrHdr;
storageHdr.GetUserHdr( storageHdr.GetBackup(), usrHdr );
if ( fFullSave ) pIdxUsrHdr->SetFullSave(); else pIdxUsrHdr->ClearFullSave();
storageHdr.SetUserHdr( storageHdr.GetBackup(), usrHdr );
// Member: CIndexTable::GetUserHdrInfo
// Synopsis: Retrieves the information in the user header.
// Arguments: [mMergeSeqNum] - Master Merge sequence number.
// [fFullSave] - Set to TRUE if a full save was performed.
// History: 3-21-97 srikants Created
void CIndexTable::GetUserHdrInfo( unsigned & mMergeSeqNum, BOOL & fFullSave ) { PRcovStorageObj & obj = GetIndexTableObj();
CRcovUserHdr usrHdr; CIndexTableUsrHdr * pIdxUsrHdr = (CIndexTableUsrHdr *) &usrHdr;
CRcovStorageHdr & storageHdr = obj.GetHeader();
storageHdr.GetUserHdr( storageHdr.GetPrimary(), usrHdr ); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Current MMerge Seq Num = %d \n", pIdxUsrHdr->GetMMergeSeqNum() ));
mMergeSeqNum = pIdxUsrHdr->GetMMergeSeqNum(); fFullSave = pIdxUsrHdr->IsFullSave();