// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: RecoverableStream Transactions
// Classes: CRcovStrmTrans,
// CRcovStrmReadTrans,
// CRcovStrmWriteTrans,
// CRcovStrmAppendTrans,
// CRcovStrmMDTrans
// History: 28-Jan-1994 SrikantS Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <rcstxact.hxx>
#include <cifailte.hxx>
#include <eventlog.hxx>
// Function: CiPagesFromCachePages
// Synopsis: Given a number in "cache" page units, it converts into
// "ci" pages. A cache page is 256K in size and a ci page is
// 4K in size.
// Arguments: [cachePage] - A number in cache page units
// History: 10-17-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline LONGLONG CiPagesFromCachePages( const LONGLONG & cachePage ) { Win4Assert( (1 << CACHE_PAGE_TO_CI_PAGE_SHIFT) == CI_PAGES_IN_CACHE_PAGE ); return cachePage << CACHE_PAGE_TO_CI_PAGE_SHIFT; }
inline ULONG PgCachePgTrunc(ULONG x) { return x & ~(VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY - 1); }
inline BOOL IsHighBitSet( ULONG ul ) { return ul & 0x80000000; }
// Member: CRcovStrmTrans::CRcovStrmTrans
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [obj] -
// [op] -
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 1-28-94 srikants Created
// 3-13-98 kitmanh Don't Open backup mmstreams if catalog
// is read-only
// Notes:
CRcovStrmTrans::CRcovStrmTrans( PRcovStorageObj &obj, RcovOpType op ) : _obj(obj), _hdr(obj.GetHeader()), _sObj(_obj) { Win4Assert( opNone != op );
// Read the header from the disk.
_iPrim = _hdr.GetPrimary(); _iBack = _hdr.GetBackup(); _iCurr = _iBack;
// Check if the backup is clean or not.
if ( !_hdr.IsBackupClean() ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CRcovStrmTrans::Cleaning up a Failed Previous Trans\n" ));
// Open the streams and create memory mapped streams for
// accessing the backup in write mode and the primary in
// read mode.
_obj.Open( _hdr.GetPrimary(), FALSE );
// We can't cleanup if the catalog is read only, so just fail
if ( obj.IsReadOnly() ) { PStorage & storage = _obj.GetStorage(); storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"RcovStorageTrans2" ); THROW (CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
_obj.Open( _hdr.GetBackup(), TRUE );
// There is an assumption here that the primary stream
// is as big as the header says but it was not true in a corrupt
// shutdown.
PMmStream & primStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iPrim ); LONGLONG llcbMinimum = _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iPrim) + _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim);
if ( llcbMinimum > primStrm.Size() ) { ciDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "**** CI MAY HAVE LOST IMPORTANT INFO ***\n" )); ciDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "**** EMPTYING CI RCOV OBJECT ***** \n" ));
PStorage & storage = _obj.GetStorage(); Win4Assert( !"Corrupt catalog" );
storage.ReportCorruptComponent( L"RcovStorageTrans1" );
Win4Assert( !"Recoverable object corrupt" ); THROW (CException( CI_CORRUPT_DATABASE ) ); }
CleanupAndSynchronize(); }
Win4Assert( _hdr.IsBackupClean() ); Win4Assert( _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iPrim) == _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) ); Win4Assert( _hdr.IsBackupClean() );
_hdr.SetRcovOp( op );
// Open the stream(s) for read/write access as needed.
if ( opRead == op ) { _obj.Open( _hdr.GetPrimary(), FALSE ); _iCurr = _iPrim; } else { // Win4Assert( !obj.IsReadOnly() );
// We can get here if adding a property to the property map when
// the catalog is read-only by issuing a query on a property we
// haven't seen before.
if ( obj.IsReadOnly() ) THROW( CException( E_ACCESSDENIED ) );
_obj.Open( _hdr.GetBackup(), TRUE ); _obj.WriteHeader(); }
Win4Assert( _obj.IsOpen(_iCurr) ); Seek( 0 );
// Member: CRcovStrmTrans::CleanupAndSynchronize
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 9-12-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmTrans::CleanupAndSynchronize() { Win4Assert( !_hdr.IsBackupClean() );
if ( 0 != _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) ) { //
// Get rid of the bytes to be skipped in the front.
EmptyBackupStream(); }
Win4Assert( 0 == _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) );
SetStrmSize( _iBack, _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) ); _hdr.SetUserDataSize( _iBack, _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) ); _hdr.SetCount( _iBack, _hdr.GetCount(_iPrim) ); CopyToBack( 0, 0, _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) );
if ( _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iPrim) != _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) ) { Unmap( _iPrim ); _obj.Close( _iPrim );
CommitPh1(); Win4Assert( 0 != _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) ); EmptyBackupStream();
SetStrmSize( _iBack, _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) ); _hdr.SetUserDataSize( _iBack, _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) ); CopyToBack( 0, 0, _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) ); }
Win4Assert( _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) == _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) ); Win4Assert( 0 == _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) );
CommitPh2(); }
inline LONGLONG llCommonPageTrunc ( LONGLONG cb ) { return (cb & ~(COMMON_PAGE_SIZE-1)); }
inline LONGLONG llCommonPageRound ( LONGLONG cb ) { return ( cb + (COMMON_PAGE_SIZE-1) ) & ~(COMMON_PAGE_SIZE-1); }
// Member: CRcovStrmTrans::Seek
// Synopsis: Seeks to the specified offset. This is an exported function
// the offset is the offset visible to the user, ie, offset
// after the "bytes to skip" in the front of the stream.
// Arguments: [offset] - offset into the stream. If offset is ENDOFSTRM,
// it will be positioned after the last "user" byte.
// Returns: BOOL - FALSE if seek is to beyond end of data, TRUE otherwise
// History: 9-19-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
BOOL CRcovStrmTrans::Seek( ULONG offset ) { PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iCurr );
// Compute the length of the committed part of the stream.
// (Excluding the hole in the front).
Win4Assert( mmStrm.Size() >= _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iCurr) );
ULONG cbStrmMax = _GetCommittedStrmSize(_iCurr);
if ( ENDOFSTRM == offset ) { offset = _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iCurr); } else if ( offset >= _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iCurr) ) { Win4Assert( 0 == offset || _hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iCurr) == offset ); return FALSE; }
// Add the offset of the starting of user data from the beginning
// of the "present but invisible to user" range of bytes.
offset += _hdr.GetUserDataStart(_iCurr);
_Seek( offset ); return TRUE; }
// Function: _Seek
// Synopsis: Seeks the current stream to the specified offset.
// If the offset specified is ENDOFSTRM, it will be
// positioned after the last valid byte.
// Effects: As long as the current offset is < the full size
// of the stream ( not the valid size in the header but
// the actual size of the strm ), it will be mapped.
// Arguments: [offset] -- byte offset from the beginning of the
// "hole".
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmTrans::_Seek( ULONG offset ) {
Win4Assert( ENDOFSTRM != offset ); Win4Assert( offset >= _hdr.GetUserDataStart(_iCurr) ); Win4Assert( offset <= _hdr.GetFullSize(_iCurr) );
CStrmInfo & si = _aStrmInfo[_iCurr]; PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iCurr );
// Compute the length of the committed part of the stream.
// (Excluding the hole in the front).
Win4Assert( mmStrm.Size() >= _hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iCurr) );
si._oCurrent = offset;
if ( IsMapped(si._oCurrent) || _GetCommittedStrmSize( mmStrm, _iCurr) <= si._oCurrent ) { return; }
Win4Assert( _GetCommittedStrmSize( mmStrm, _iCurr) > si._oCurrent );
// Since the current offset is within the valid range of bytes
// and it is not mapped, we have to unmap the currently mapped
// range (if any) and map the new range.
CMmStreamBuf & sbuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _iCurr ); if ( sbuf.Get() ) { mmStrm.Flush( sbuf, sbuf.Size() ); mmStrm.Unmap( sbuf ); }
// We always map on page boundaries.
si._oMapLow = CommonPageTrunc( si._oCurrent ); si._oMapHigh = si._oMapLow + (COMMON_PAGE_SIZE-1);
LONGLONG llOffset = _hdr.GetHoleLength(_iCurr) + si._oMapLow;
mmStrm.Map( sbuf, COMMON_PAGE_SIZE, lltoLowPart(llOffset), (ULONG) lltoHighPart(llOffset), mmStrm.isWritable() // Map for writing only if the stream
// is writable.
#if CIDBG==1
LONGLONG llHighMap = llOffset+COMMON_PAGE_SIZE-1; Win4Assert( llHighMap < mmStrm.Size() ); #endif // CIDBG==1
Win4Assert( IsMapped( si._oCurrent ) ); }
// Function: Advance
// Synopsis: Advances the current offset by the specified number of
// bytes.
// Arguments: [cb] -- Number of bytes by which to increment the
// current position.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmTrans::Advance( ULONG cb ) {
CStrmInfo & si = _aStrmInfo[_iCurr];
Win4Assert( !IsHighBitSet(si._oCurrent) );
ULONG offset = si._oCurrent + cb; _Seek( offset ); }
// Function: Read
// Synopsis: Reads the specified number of bytes from the current
// stream into the given buffer.
// Effects: The current pointer will be advanced by the number of
// bytes read.
// Arguments: [pvBuf] -- Buffer to read the data into.
// [cbToRead] -- Number of bytes to read.
// Returns: The number of bytes read. It will not read beyond the
// end of valid bytes (end of stream).
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
ULONG CRcovStrmTrans::Read( void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToRead ) {
CStrmInfo & si = _aStrmInfo[_iCurr]; ULONG cbRead = 0; BYTE * pbDst = (BYTE *) pvBuf;
while ( (cbToRead > 0) && (si._oCurrent < _hdr.GetFullSize(_iCurr)) ) {
_Seek( si._oCurrent );
ULONG cbMapped = si._oMapHigh - si._oCurrent + 1; ULONG cbCopy = min ( cbToRead, cbMapped ); Win4Assert( cbMapped && cbCopy );
ULONG oStart = si._oCurrent - si._oMapLow; CMmStreamBuf & sbuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _iCurr ); BYTE * pbSrc = (BYTE *)sbuf.Get() + oStart;
memcpy( pbDst, pbSrc, cbCopy );
pbDst += cbCopy; cbToRead -= cbCopy; cbRead += cbCopy; si._oCurrent += cbCopy; }
return cbRead; }
// Function: Write
// Synopsis: Writes the given bytes to the current backup stream
// Effects: The current pointer will be advanced by the number
// of bytes written. If necessary, the stream will be
// grown to accommodate the given bytes.
// Arguments: [pvBuf] -- Buffer containing the data.
// [cbToWrite] -- Number of bytes to write.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmTrans::Write( const void *pvBuf, ULONG cbToWrite ) { Win4Assert( cbToWrite && pvBuf || !cbToWrite ); Win4Assert( _iCurr == _iBack );
CStrmInfo & si = _aStrmInfo[_iCurr]; if ( si._oCurrent+ cbToWrite > _hdr.GetFullSize(_iCurr) ) { //
// Grow the stream for writing the given bytes.
ULONG cbDelta = (si._oCurrent + cbToWrite) - _hdr.GetFullSize(_iCurr); Grow( _iCurr, cbDelta ); }
BYTE * pbSrc = (BYTE *) pvBuf; while (cbToWrite > 0) {
Win4Assert( si._oCurrent < _hdr.GetFullSize( _iCurr ) ); _Seek( si._oCurrent );
ULONG cbMapped = si._oMapHigh - si._oCurrent + 1;
ULONG cbCopy = min ( cbToWrite, cbMapped ); Win4Assert( cbCopy && cbMapped );
ULONG oStart = si._oCurrent - si._oMapLow; CMmStreamBuf & sbuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _iCurr ); BYTE * pbDst = (BYTE *)sbuf.Get() + oStart;
memcpy( pbDst, pbSrc, cbCopy );
pbSrc += cbCopy; si._oCurrent += cbCopy; cbToWrite -= cbCopy; } }
// Function: Unmap
// Synopsis: Unmaps the currently mapped region of the specified
// stream.
// Effects: _aStrmInfo[nCopy] will be updated to indicate that
// nothing is mapped.
// Arguments: [nCopy] -- Stream to unmap.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmTrans::Unmap( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy ) { CStrmInfo & si = _aStrmInfo[nCopy];
if ( ENDOFSTRM == si._oMapLow ) { Win4Assert( ENDOFSTRM == si._oMapHigh ); return; }
PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( nCopy ); CMmStreamBuf & sbuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( nCopy );
if ( sbuf.Get() ) { mmStrm.Flush( sbuf, sbuf.Size() ); mmStrm.Unmap( sbuf ); }
// Reset the high and low end points of the mapping info.
return; }
// Function: Grow
// Synopsis: Grows the current stream to accommodate "cbDelta" more
// bytes in the stream.
// Effects: The valid size entry in the header for the current
// stream will be updated to indicate the new size.
// Arguments: [nCopy] -- The stream which needs to be grown.
// [cbDelta] -- Number of bytes to grow by.
// History: 2-02-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void CRcovStrmTrans::Grow( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy, ULONG cbDelta ) {
// We don't want to do overflow checking or use 64bit arithmetic.
// 2GB for a changelog is huge enough!
Win4Assert( !IsHighBitSet( _hdr.GetUserDataSize(nCopy) ) ); ULONG cbNew = _hdr.GetUserDataSize(nCopy) + cbDelta;
PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream(nCopy);
Win4Assert( mmStrm.Size() >= _hdr.GetCbToSkip(nCopy) );
ULONG ulCommittedSize = lltoul( mmStrm.Size() - _hdr.GetCbToSkip(nCopy) );
// Check if the stream is big enough to accommodate the additional
// bytes.
if ( ulCommittedSize >= cbNew ) { _hdr.SetUserDataSize(nCopy, cbNew); return; }
// We have to grow the stream also.
SetStrmSize( nCopy, cbNew ); _hdr.SetUserDataSize(nCopy, cbNew );
// Function: SetStrmSize
// Synopsis: Sets the size of the given stream to be the specified
// number of bytes. The size will be rounded up to the
// nearest COMMON_PAGE_SIZE. However, the stream will
// never be reduced below COMMON_PAGE_SIZE, ie, the minimum
// size of the stream will be adjusted to be COMMON_PAGE_SIZE.
// Effects: The stream will be unmapped after this operation.
// Arguments: [nCopy] -- The stream whose size must be set.
// [cbNew] -- New size of the stream.
// History: 2-03-94 srikants Created
// Notes: This is an internal function and it is assumed that the
// necessary transaction protocol is being followed. Also
// note that the size in the header is NOT set by this
// method.
void CRcovStrmTrans::SetStrmSize( CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum nCopy, ULONG cbNew ) { PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( nCopy );
// Size must be atleast one OFS page in size.
if ( 0 == cbNew ) cbNew = COMMON_PAGE_SIZE;
Unmap( nCopy );
LONGLONG llTotalLen = cbNew + _hdr.GetCbToSkip(nCopy); llTotalLen = llCommonPageRound( llTotalLen );
if ( mmStrm.Size() != llTotalLen ) // optimization.
{ mmStrm.SetSize( _obj.GetStorage(), lltoLowPart(llTotalLen), (ULONG) lltoHighPart(llTotalLen) ); } }
// Function: EmptyBackupStream
// Synopsis: Empties the contents of the backup stream by setting its
// size to "0" (in user space to COMMON_PAGE_SIZE).
// History: 10-18-95 srikants Created
// Notes: When there is a hole in a sparse stream, we have to first
// set its size to 0 to remove the sparseness completely.
// Otherwise, we will try writing/reading into decommitted
// space.
// For example, if there is a 256K hole in a 1M stream, setting
// the size of the stream to 64K will leave a 64K hole in the
// front. To avoid this, we first set the size to 0 and then
// set size to 64K to get committed 64K stream.
void CRcovStrmTrans::EmptyBackupStream() {
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Emptying contents of backup stream\n" ));
PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iBack ); Unmap( _iBack );
// In use space we cannot have a 0 length stream because mapping
// of a zero length stream fails. Also, there are no "holes" in
// user space.
mmStrm.SetSize( _obj.GetStorage(), cbLow, 0 );
_hdr.SetUserDataSize(_iBack,0); _hdr.SetCbToSkip(_iBack,0); _obj.WriteHeader(); }
// Function: CopyToBack
// Synopsis: Copies the specified number of bytes from the current
// primary stream to the backup stream.
// Effects:
// Arguments: [oSrc] -- Starting byte offset in the primary where
// to start the copying from (Offset from the beginning of the
// user data).
// [oDst] -- Starting byte offset in the backup where
// to copy the data to. (Offset from the beginning of the user
// data.)
// [cbToCopy] -- Number of bytes to copy.
// History: 2-03-94 srikants Created
// Notes: This does not modify the "valid size" of the backup
// stream - it is upto the caller to change it. Also, it
// is assumed that the backup stream is big enough to
// hold all the data and the primary data is big enough
// to give the data.
void CRcovStrmTrans::CopyToBack( ULONG oSrc, ULONG oDst, ULONG cbToCopy ) {
// Transform the offsets to the offset from the beginning of the
// hole.
Win4Assert( oSrc != ENDOFSTRM ); Win4Assert( oDst != ENDOFSTRM );
oSrc += _hdr.GetUserDataStart(_iPrim); oDst += _hdr.GetUserDataStart(_iBack);
ULONG cbLeft = cbToCopy; const CRcovStorageHdr::DataCopyNum iStartCurr = _iCurr;
CStrmInfo & siPrim = _aStrmInfo[_iPrim]; CStrmInfo & siBack = _aStrmInfo[_iBack];
while ( cbLeft > 0 ) {
SetCurrentStrm( _iPrim ); _Seek( oSrc ); Win4Assert( IsMapped( oSrc ) );
SetCurrentStrm( _iBack ); _Seek( oDst ); Win4Assert( IsMapped( oDst ) );
PMmStream & mmPrimStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iPrim ); PMmStream & mmBackStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iBack );
CMmStreamBuf & sPrimBuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _iPrim ); CMmStreamBuf & sBackBuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _iBack );
const BYTE *pbSrc = (const BYTE *) sPrimBuf.Get(); pbSrc += ( oSrc - siPrim._oMapLow);
BYTE * pbDst = (BYTE *) sBackBuf.Get(); pbDst += ( oDst - siBack._oMapLow);
ULONG cbMapRead = siPrim._oMapHigh - oSrc + 1; ULONG cbMapWrite = siBack._oMapHigh - oDst + 1;
Win4Assert( cbMapRead && cbMapWrite );
ULONG cbCopy = min( cbLeft, min(cbMapRead, cbMapWrite) ); Win4Assert( cbCopy );
memcpy( pbDst, pbSrc, cbCopy );
oSrc += cbCopy; oDst += cbCopy; cbLeft -= cbCopy; }
// Restore the current index stream to be the same as the
// original.
_iCurr = iStartCurr;
// Function: CommitPh1
// Synopsis: Commits the changes to the current backup stream and
// makes it the primary. It also opens the new backup
// stream in a write mode for making changes to the new backup
// stream in the phase 2 of the commit process.
// Effects: The backup stream gets flushed to the disk.
// Arguments: (none)
// History: 2-05-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmTrans::CommitPh1() {
// Flush the backup stream.
PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iBack ); CMmStreamBuf & sbuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _iBack ); Unmap( _iBack ); // Should unmap before flushing.
// Swap the primary and backup in the header and write
// out the header.
_hdr.SwitchPrimary(); _obj.WriteHeader();
Win4Assert( _iPrim == _hdr.GetBackup() );
// Swap the primary and backup streams and make
// _iCurr the new backup. This is to prepare for
// the phase 2 of the commit process.
_iCurr = _iPrim; _iPrim = _iBack; _iBack = _iCurr;
// Now open the current backup stream for writing.
_obj.Open( _iBack, TRUE );
// Function: CommitPh2
// Synopsis: Commits the phase 2 of the transaction. It writes out
// the changes to the backup stream. Upon successful
// completion, it marks that both streams are clean in
// the header and closes the streams.
// Effects: After this returns, the streams are no longer accessible
// as they are closed. They should be re-opened for another
// transaction.
// Arguments: (none)
// History: 2-10-94 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmTrans::CommitPh2() { //
// Close the primary stream and mark that it has been unmapped.
_obj.Close( _iPrim ); // close automatically unmaps if it is
// mapped.
// Now Flush the backup and close it.
PMmStream & mmStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _iBack ); CMmStreamBuf & sbuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _iBack ); Unmap( _iBack ); // Must unmap before flushing.
_obj.Close( _iBack );
// Update the header that the object is now clean.
_hdr.SyncBackup(); _obj.WriteHeader(); }
#if 0
void CRcovStrmTrans::Compare() { #if CIDBG == 1
Win4Assert( !_obj.IsOpen( _hdr.GetPrimary() ) ); Win4Assert( !_obj.IsOpen( _hdr.GetBackup() ) );
if( _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetPrimary() ) != _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetBackup() ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Primary (%u) = 0x%x, Secondary (%u) = 0x%x\n", _hdr.GetPrimary(), _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetPrimary() ), _hdr.GetBackup(), _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetBackup() ) )); Win4Assert( _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetPrimary() ) == _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetBackup() ) ); }
_obj.Open( _hdr.GetPrimary(), FALSE ); _obj.Open( _hdr.GetBackup(), FALSE );
ULONG oSrc = _hdr.GetUserDataStart( _hdr.GetPrimary() ); ULONG oDst = _hdr.GetUserDataStart( _hdr.GetBackup() );
if ( oSrc != oDst ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Primary (%u) = 0x%x, Secondary (%u) = 0x%x\n", _hdr.GetPrimary(), oSrc, _hdr.GetBackup(), oDst ));
Win4Assert( oSrc == oDst ); }
if ( _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetPrimary() ) != _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetBackup() ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Primary (%u) = 0x%x, Secondary (%u) = 0x%x\n", _hdr.GetPrimary(), _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetPrimary() ), _hdr.GetBackup(), _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetBackup() ) ));
Win4Assert( _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetPrimary() ) == _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetBackup() ) ); }
ULONG cbLeft = _hdr.GetUserDataSize( _hdr.GetPrimary() );
CStrmInfo & siPrim = _aStrmInfo[_hdr.GetPrimary()]; CStrmInfo & siBack = _aStrmInfo[_hdr.GetBackup()];
while ( cbLeft > 0 ) {
SetCurrentStrm( _hdr.GetPrimary() ); _Seek( oSrc ); Win4Assert( IsMapped( oSrc ) );
SetCurrentStrm( _hdr.GetBackup() ); _Seek( oDst ); Win4Assert( IsMapped( oDst ) );
PMmStream & mmPrimStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _hdr.GetPrimary() ); PMmStream & mmBackStrm = _obj.GetMmStream( _hdr.GetBackup() );
CMmStreamBuf & sPrimBuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _hdr.GetPrimary() ); CMmStreamBuf & sBackBuf = _obj.GetMmStreamBuf( _hdr.GetBackup() );
const BYTE *pbSrc = (const BYTE *) sPrimBuf.Get(); pbSrc += ( oSrc - siPrim._oMapLow);
BYTE * pbDst = (BYTE *) sBackBuf.Get(); pbDst += ( oDst - siBack._oMapLow);
ULONG cbMapRead = siPrim._oMapHigh - oSrc + 1; ULONG cbMapWrite = siBack._oMapHigh - oDst + 1;
Win4Assert( cbMapRead && cbMapWrite );
ULONG cbCopy = min( cbLeft, min(cbMapRead, cbMapWrite) ); Win4Assert( cbCopy );
if ( 0 != memcmp( pbDst, pbSrc, cbCopy ) ) { ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CRcovStrmTrans::Compare -- mismatch\n" )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " Primary (%u) offset 0x%x, pb = 0x%x\n", _hdr.GetPrimary(), oSrc, pbSrc )); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " Backup (%u) offset 0x%x, pb = 0x%x\n", _hdr.GetBackup(), oDst, pbDst )); Win4Assert( !"CRcovStrmTrans::Compare -- mismatch" ); }
oSrc += cbCopy; oDst += cbCopy; cbLeft -= cbCopy; }
_obj.Close( _hdr.GetPrimary() ); _obj.Close( _hdr.GetBackup() );
#endif // CIDBG
} #endif
void CRcovStrmWriteTrans::Commit() { Win4Assert( XActAbort == CTransaction::GetStatus() );
// After phase1 is successfully committed, the transaction will be
// completed by making "forward progress". So, we should not throw
// now even if the phase2 fails. Even if phase2 fails now, it will
// be eventually completed later when a new transaction is created
// for this object.
TRY { //
// Copy the entire contents from the new primary to the
// new backup.
SetStrmSize( _iBack, GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) ); GetStorageHdr().SetUserDataSize( _iBack, GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) );
CopyToBack( 0, 0, GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iPrim));
CommitPh2(); Win4Assert( GetStorageHdr().IsBackupClean() ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { GetRcovObj().Close( _iPrim ); GetRcovObj().Close( _iBack );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Phase2 of CRcomStrmWriteTrans failed 0x%X\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH
void CRcovStrmWriteTrans::Empty() { Win4Assert( _iCurr == _iBack ); SetStrmSize( _iBack, 0 ); GetStorageHdr().SetUserDataSize( _iBack, 0 ); Seek(0); }
CRcovStrmAppendTrans::CRcovStrmAppendTrans( PRcovStorageObj & obj ) : CRcovStrmTrans( obj, opAppend ) { //
// Seek to end of file.
END_CONSTRUCTION( CRcovStrmAppendTrans ); }
void CRcovStrmAppendTrans::Commit() { Win4Assert( XActAbort == CTransaction::GetStatus() );
Win4Assert( GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) <= GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iBack) );
CTransaction::_status = XActAbort; CommitPh1(); //
// After phase1 is successfully committed, the transaction will be
// completed by making "forward progress". So, we should not throw
// now even if the phase2 fails. Even if phase2 fails now, it will
// be eventually completed later when a new transaction is created
// for this object.
TRY { //
// Now copy the contents of the primary to the backup
// from the point where append started.
ULONG cbToCopy = GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) - GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iBack); ULONG offset = GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iBack);
Grow(_iBack, cbToCopy);
CopyToBack( offset, offset, cbToCopy );
} CATCH ( CException, e ) { GetRcovObj().Close( _iPrim ); GetRcovObj().Close( _iBack );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Phase2 of CRcomStrmAppendTrans failed 0x%X\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH
CRcovStrmTrans::Commit(); }
CRcovStrmMDTrans::CRcovStrmMDTrans( PRcovStorageObj & obj, MDOp op, ULONG cb ) : CRcovStrmTrans( obj, opMetaData ), _op(op), _cbOp(cb) {
void CRcovStrmMDTrans::Commit() { Win4Assert( XActAbort == CTransaction::GetStatus() );
switch ( _op ) {
case mdopSetSize: SetSize( _cbOp ); break;
case mdopGrow: Grow( _cbOp ); break;
case mdopFrontShrink: ShrinkFromFront( _cbOp ); break;
case mdopBackCompact: CompactFromEnd( _cbOp ); break;
default: Win4Assert( ! "Control Should Not Come Here" ); break; }
CRcovStrmTrans::Commit(); }
void CRcovStrmMDTrans::SetSize( ULONG cbNew ) {
// set the size on the backup first.
Win4Assert( _iCurr == _iBack ); CRcovStrmTrans::SetStrmSize( _iBack, cbNew ); GetStorageHdr().SetUserDataSize( _iBack, cbNew );
// Do the phase1 commit now.
// After phase1 is successfully committed, the transaction will be
// completed by making "forward progress". So, we should not throw
// now even if the phase2 fails. Even if phase2 fails now, it will
// be eventually completed later when a new transaction is created
// for this object.
TRY { //
// Apply the same operation on the new backup.
Win4Assert( _iCurr == _iBack ); CRcovStrmTrans::SetStrmSize( _iBack, cbNew ); CommitPh2();
Win4Assert( GetStorageHdr().IsBackupClean() ); } CATCH( CException,e ) { GetRcovObj().Close( _iPrim ); GetRcovObj().Close( _iBack );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Phase2 of CRcovStrmMDTrans failed 0x%X\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH }
void CRcovStrmMDTrans::Grow( ULONG cbDelta ) { const ULONG cbNew = GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iCurr)+cbDelta; CRcovStrmMDTrans::SetSize( cbNew ); }
void CRcovStrmMDTrans::CompactFromEnd( ULONG cbDelta ) { Win4Assert( cbDelta <= GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize( _iCurr ) ); Win4Assert( _iCurr == _iBack );
cbDelta = min (cbDelta, GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize( _iCurr )); const ULONG cbNew = GetStorageHdr().GetUserDataSize(_iCurr) - cbDelta;
CRcovStrmMDTrans::SetSize( cbNew );
// Member: CRcovStrmMDTrans::IncreaseBytesToSkip
// Synopsis: Increases the number of bytes to be "skipped" in the front
// by the specified amount.
// Arguments: [cbDelta] - Number of additional bytes to skip.
// History: 9-19-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmMDTrans::IncreaseBytesToSkip( ULONG cbDelta ) { CRcovStorageHdr & hdr = GetStorageHdr();
// Update the hole length and the valid data length.
Win4Assert( hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iBack) >= cbDelta ); const ULONG cbNewValid = hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iPrim) - cbDelta; hdr.SetUserDataSize( _iBack, cbNewValid );
Win4Assert( hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iPrim) == hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack) ); const LONGLONG llcbNewSkip = hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iBack)+cbDelta; hdr.SetCbToSkip( _iBack, llcbNewSkip );
// Phase1 complete - just set the values for the backup.
hdr.SwitchPrimary(); Win4Assert( _iPrim == hdr.GetBackup() );
_iCurr = _iPrim; _iPrim = _iBack; _iBack = _iCurr;
// phase 2 complete. Commit the changes
GetRcovObj().WriteHeader(); }
// Member: CRcovStrmMDTrans::CopyShrinkFromFront
// Synopsis: Implements a shrink from front by copying bytes.
// Arguments: [cbNew] - Number of bytes that will be in the stream after
// doing a shrink from front.
// [cbDelta] - Number of bytes to shrink in the front.
// History: 10-02-95 srikants Created ( Moved from ShrinkFromFront()
// methoed )
// Notes:
void CRcovStrmMDTrans::CopyShrinkFromFront( ULONG cbNew, ULONG cbDelta ) {
CRcovStorageHdr & hdr = GetStorageHdr();
ULONG oDst = 0; ULONG oSrc = cbDelta;
// this check is an optimization
if ( hdr.GetHoleLength(_iBack) > SHRINK_FROM_FRONT_PAGE_SIZE ) { //
// If the hole in front is <= SHRINK_FROM_FRONT_PAGE_SIZE, then
// this there is no "sparseness" in the front.
EmptyBackupStream(); }
// Open the Primary in a read-only mode and close it before
// calling CommitPh1().
// Copy the contents from oSrc in the primary to oDst in the
// backup stream.
hdr.SetCbToSkip(_iBack,0); CRcovStrmTrans::SetStrmSize( _iBack, cbNew ); hdr.SetUserDataSize( _iBack, cbNew );
GetRcovObj().Open( _iPrim, FALSE ); CopyToBack( oSrc, oDst, cbNew ); Unmap( _iPrim ); GetRcovObj().Close( _iPrim );
// Commit the phase1 changes now.
// After phase1 is successfully committed, the transaction will be
// completed by making "forward progress". So, we should not throw
// now even if the phase2 fails. Even if phase2 fails now, it will
// be eventually completed later when a new transaction is created
// for this object.
TRY { //
// We have to synchronize the new backup with the new primary.
Win4Assert( _iCurr == _iBack );
// this check is an optimization
if ( hdr.GetHoleLength(_iBack) > SHRINK_FROM_FRONT_PAGE_SIZE ) { //
// If the hole in front is <= SHRINK_FROM_FRONT_PAGE_SIZE, then
// this there is no "sparseness" in the front.
EmptyBackupStream(); }
hdr.SetCbToSkip(_iBack,0); CRcovStrmTrans::SetStrmSize( _iBack, cbNew );
CopyToBack( 0, 0, cbNew );
hdr.SetUserDataSize( _iBack, cbNew ); CommitPh2();
Win4Assert( hdr.IsBackupClean() ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { GetRcovObj().Close( _iPrim ); GetRcovObj().Close( _iBack );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Phase2 of ShrinkFromFront() failed 0x%X\n", e.GetErrorCode() )); } END_CATCH }
void CRcovStrmMDTrans::ShrinkFromFront( ULONG cbDelta ) {
CRcovStorageHdr & hdr = GetStorageHdr();
Win4Assert( cbDelta <= hdr.GetUserDataSize( _iCurr ) ); Win4Assert( _iCurr == _iBack );
cbDelta = min (cbDelta, hdr.GetUserDataSize( _iCurr ));
Win4Assert( hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iCurr) >= hdr.GetHoleLength(_iCurr) );
const ULONG cbCommittedSkip = lltoul( hdr.GetCbToSkip(_iCurr) - hdr.GetHoleLength(_iCurr) );
// If the total number of bytes "present but invisible" to user is
// < the threshold, don't do any copying or shrinking. Just increment
// the bytest to skip and return.
if ( cbCommittedSkip + cbDelta < SHRINK_FROM_FRONT_PAGE_SIZE ) { IncreaseBytesToSkip( cbDelta ); return; }
const ULONG cbNew = hdr.GetUserDataSize(_iCurr) - cbDelta;
CopyShrinkFromFront( cbNew, cbDelta ); }
// Member: CCopyRcovObject::_SetDstSize
// Synopsis: Sets the size of the destination object to be same as
// the source object.
// History: 3-17-97 srikants Created
void CCopyRcovObject::_SetDstSize() { CRcovStrmMDTrans trans( _dst, CRcovStrmMDTrans::mdopSetSize, _cbSrc ); trans.Commit(); }
// Member: CCopyRcovObject::_CopyData
// Synopsis: Copies the data from the source object to the destination
// object.
// History: 3-17-97 srikants Created
void CCopyRcovObject::_CopyData() {
const cbPageSize = 4096; // Read and write 4k at a time.
XArray<BYTE> xByte( cbPageSize );
// Start a read transaction on the source object
CRcovStrmReadTrans srcTrans( _src );
// Start a write transaction on the destination.
CRcovStrmWriteTrans dstTrans( _dst );
dstTrans.Empty(); dstTrans.Seek(0);
ULONG cbRemaining = _cbSrc;
while ( cbRemaining > 0 ) { ULONG cbToCopy = min( cbRemaining, cbPageSize ); srcTrans.Read( xByte.GetPointer(), cbToCopy ); dstTrans.Write( xByte.GetPointer(), cbToCopy );
cbRemaining -= cbToCopy; }
// Set the user header.
CRcovUserHdr usrHdr; _srcHdr.GetUserHdr( _srcHdr.GetPrimary(), usrHdr ); _dstHdr.SetUserHdr( _dstHdr.GetBackup(), usrHdr );
// Set the number of records.
ULONG nRec = _srcHdr.GetCount( _srcHdr.GetPrimary() ); _dstHdr.SetCount( _dstHdr.GetBackup(), nRec );
// Commit the transaction.
dstTrans.Commit(); }
// Member: CCopyRcovObject::DoIt
// Synopsis: Copies the contents of one object to another object.
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;
// Other error code if there is an error.
// History: 3-17-97 srikants Created
NTSTATUS CCopyRcovObject::DoIt() {
TRY { _SetDstSize(); _CopyData(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { status = e.GetErrorCode(); ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CCopyRcovObject::DoIt. Error 0x%X\n", status )); } END_CATCH
return status; }