// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// Contents: Implementation of the CQueryParser class
// History: 30-Apr-92 AmyA Created.
// 23-Jun-92 MikeHew Added weight parsing.
// 11-May-94 t-jeffc Rewrote to support new queries;
// added exception handling
// 02-Mar-95 t-colinb Added CPropertyValueParser and
// augmented the parser to generate
// a CPropertyRestriction with a
// value
// 25-Sep-95 sundarA Modified relative date calculation;
// Replaced 'c' runtime dependant time
// functions. Modified
// CPropertyValueParser::CheckForRelativeDate
// Notes: See bnf.txt for a complete listing of the grammar.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <parser.hxx>
static const GUID guidSystem = PSGUID_STORAGE; static CDbColId psContents( guidSystem, PID_STG_CONTENTS );
// Member: CQueryParser::ParseQueryPhrase, public
// Synopsis: Parses a query and returns it in the form of a tree.
// Arguments: - none -
// History: 03 Feb 1998 AlanW Added error checks
CDbRestriction * CQueryParser::ParseQueryPhrase() { XDbRestriction prstQuery( Query( 0 ) );
// extraneous input at the end of the query?
if( !_scan.IsEmpty() ) { SCODE sc = QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_EOS; if ( _scan.LookAhead() == NOT_TOKEN ) sc = QPARSE_E_UNEXPECTED_NOT; THROW( CParserException( sc ) ); }
return prstQuery.Acquire(); } //ParseQueryPhrase
// Member: CQueryParser::Query, private
// Synopsis: Recursive function that calls QExpr and creates a vector node
// if necessary.
// Arguments: [prstVector] -- if non-null, a Vector node that can be added to.
// Production: Query : QExpr
// | QExpr COMMA_TOKEN Query
// History: 01-May-92 AmyA Created
// 23-Jun-92 MikeHew Added weight parsing.
// 10-Feb-93 KyleP Convert to restrictions
// 11-May-94 t-jeffc Rewrote to support vectors
CDbRestriction* CQueryParser::Query( CDbNodeRestriction * prstVector ) { XDbRestriction prstExpr( QExpr( 0 ) ); unsigned pos;
if( _scan.LookAhead() == COMMA_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept();
if ( prstVector == 0 ) { //
// Special case: If the first value is a rank method specifier.
if ( prstExpr->GetCommandType() == DBOP_content ) { CDbContentRestriction * pContent = (CDbContentRestriction *)prstExpr.GetPointer();
WCHAR const * pPhrase = pContent->GetPhrase();
if ( pPhrase[0] == L'-') { if ( 0 == _wcsicmp( L"--Jaccard--", pPhrase) ) { _rankMethod = VECTOR_RANK_JACCARD; delete prstExpr.Acquire(); } else if ( 0 == _wcsicmp( L"--Dice--", pPhrase) ) { _rankMethod = VECTOR_RANK_DICE; delete prstExpr.Acquire(); } else if ( 0 == _wcsicmp( L"--Inner--", pPhrase) ) { _rankMethod = VECTOR_RANK_INNER; delete prstExpr.Acquire(); } else if ( 0 == _wcsicmp( L"--Max--", pPhrase) ) { _rankMethod = VECTOR_RANK_MAX; delete prstExpr.Acquire(); } else if ( 0 == _wcsicmp( L"--Min--", pPhrase) ) { _rankMethod = VECTOR_RANK_MIN; delete prstExpr.Acquire(); } } }
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "setting rank method to: %d\n", _rankMethod ));
// create smart Vector node
XDbVectorRestriction prstNew( new CDbVectorRestriction( _rankMethod ) ); if ( prstNew.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// add left expression & release its smart pointer
if ( !prstExpr.IsNull() ) { prstNew->AppendChild( prstExpr.GetPointer() ); prstExpr.Acquire(); }
if ( !prstNew->IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// parse right expression
CDbRestriction * prst = Query( prstNew.GetPointer() );
// release pointer to the vector node
return prst; } else // there already is a vector node
{ // add expression & release its smart pointer
prstVector->AppendChild( prstExpr.GetPointer() ); prstExpr.Acquire();
// parse right expression
return Query( prstVector ); } } else // no more COMMA_TOKENs
{ if( prstVector != 0 ) // add last child
{ // add expression & release its smart pointer
prstVector->AppendChild( prstExpr.GetPointer() ); prstExpr.Acquire();
return prstVector; } else // no vector nodes
{ // release & return expression
return prstExpr.Acquire(); } } } //Query
// Member: CQueryParser::QExpr, private
// Synopsis: Recursive function that calls QTerm and creates an Or
// node if necessary.
// Arguments: [prstOr] -- if non-null, an Or node that can be added to.
// Production: QExpr : QTerm
// | QTerm OR_TOKEN QExpr
// History: 05-May-94 t-jeffc Created
CDbRestriction* CQueryParser::QExpr( CDbBooleanNodeRestriction * prstOr ) { XDbRestriction prstTerm( QTerm( 0 ) );
if ( _scan.LookAhead() == OR_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept();
if ( 0 == prstOr ) { // create smart Or node
XDbBooleanNodeRestriction prstNew( new CDbBooleanNodeRestriction( DBOP_or ) ); if ( prstNew.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// add left term & release its smart pointer
prstNew->AppendChild( prstTerm.GetPointer() );
// release smart Or node pointer
// parse right expression
CDbRestriction * prst = QExpr( prstNew.GetPointer() );
// release smart Or node pointer
return prst; } else // there already is an Or node to add to
{ // add left term & release its smart pointer
prstOr->AppendChild( prstTerm.GetPointer() ); prstTerm.Acquire();
// add more children
return QExpr( prstOr ); } } else // no more OR_TOKENs
{ if( prstOr != 0 ) // add last child
{ // add term & release its smart pointer
prstOr->AppendChild( prstTerm.GetPointer() ); prstTerm.Acquire();
return prstOr; } else // no OR_TOKENs at all
// release & return term
return prstTerm.Acquire(); } } //QExpr
// Member: CQueryParser::QTerm, private
// Synopsis: Recursive function that calls QFactor and creates an And
// node if necessary.
// Arguments: [prstAnd] -- if non-null, an And node that can be added to.
// Production: QTerm : (NOT_TOKEN) QProp (W_OPEN_TOKEN Weight W_CLOSE_TOKEN)
// History: 01-May-92 AmyA Created
// 11-May-94 t-jeffc Added NOTs; moved weights to this level
CDbRestriction* CQueryParser::QTerm( CDbBooleanNodeRestriction * prstAnd ) { XDbRestriction prstTerm;
if ( _scan.LookAhead() == NOT_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept();
// create smart Not node
XDbNotRestriction prstNot( new CDbNotRestriction ); if ( prstNot.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// parse factor
XDbRestriction prst( QProp() );
// set child of Not node & release smart factor pointer
prstNot->SetChild( prst.GetPointer() ); prst.Acquire();
// transfer ownership from prstNot to prstTerm
prstTerm.Set( prstNot.Acquire() ); } else { // wrap just the factor in the smart pointer
prstTerm.Set( QProp() ); }
LONG lWeight; if( _scan.LookAhead() == W_OPEN_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept();
BOOL fAtEnd; BOOL isNumber = _scan.GetNumber( lWeight, fAtEnd );
if( !isNumber ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if( _scan.LookAhead() != W_CLOSE_TOKEN ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_BRACE ) );
if ( lWeight > MAX_QUERY_RANK ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_WEIGHT_OUT_OF_RANGE ) ); } else { lWeight = MAX_QUERY_RANK; }
// We should be able to set weights on all the nodes.
prstTerm->SetWeight( lWeight );
if ( _scan.LookAhead() == AND_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept();
if( 0 == prstAnd ) { // create smart And node
XDbBooleanNodeRestriction prstNew( new CDbBooleanNodeRestriction( DBOP_and ) ); if ( prstNew.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// add left factor & release its smart pointer
prstNew->AppendChild( prstTerm.GetPointer() ); prstTerm.Acquire();
// parse right expression
CDbRestriction * prst = QTerm( prstNew.GetPointer() );
// release smart And node pointer
return prst; } else // there already is an And node to add to
{ // add left factor & release its smart pointer
prstAnd->AppendChild( prstTerm.GetPointer() ); prstTerm.Acquire();
// add more children
return QTerm( prstAnd ); } } else // no more AND_TOKENs
{ if( prstAnd != 0 ) // add last child
{ // add factor & release its smart pointer
prstAnd->AppendChild( prstTerm.GetPointer() ); prstTerm.Acquire();
return prstAnd; } else // no AND_TOKENs at all
// release & return factor
return prstTerm.Acquire(); } } //QTerm
// array for converting token to relop - this relies on the order
// of the token enumeration in scanner.hxx
enum DBOPModifier { DBOPModifyNone = 0, DBOPModifyAll = 1, DBOPModifyAny = 2 };
static const DBCOMMANDOP rgRelopToken[] = { DBOP_equal, DBOP_not_equal, DBOP_greater, DBOP_greater_equal, DBOP_less, DBOP_less_equal, DBOP_allbits, DBOP_anybits,
DBOP_equal_all, DBOP_not_equal_all, DBOP_greater_all, DBOP_greater_equal_all, DBOP_less_all, DBOP_less_equal_all, DBOP_allbits_all, DBOP_anybits_all,
DBOP_equal_any, DBOP_not_equal_any, DBOP_greater_any, DBOP_greater_equal_any, DBOP_less_any, DBOP_less_equal_any, DBOP_allbits_any, DBOP_anybits_any, };
const unsigned cRelopToken = sizeof rgRelopToken / sizeof rgRelopToken[0];
inline DBCOMMANDOP FormDBOP( ULONG op, ULONG opModifier ) { Win4Assert( cRelopToken == (SOMEOF_TOKEN+1) * (DBOPModifyAny+1) ); Win4Assert( op <= SOMEOF_TOKEN ); Win4Assert( opModifier <= DBOPModifyAny );
return rgRelopToken[ opModifier*(SOMEOF_TOKEN+1) + op ]; }
// Member: CQueryParser::QProp, private
// Synopsis: Allows a prop specification or uses the current property
// for the following factor.
// Production: QProp : QFactor
// | PROP_TOKEN property QFactor
// | PROP_NATLANG_TOKEN property QPhrase
// History: 05-May-92 AmyA Created
// 11-May-94 t-jeffc Added regex support and expanded
// property restrictions
CDbRestriction* CQueryParser::QProp() { XDbRestriction prstFactor; XPtrST<WCHAR> wcsProperty;
switch( _scan.LookAhead() ) { case PROP_TOKEN: { _scan.Accept();
// parse property name & cache in smart pointer
wcsProperty.Set( _scan.AcqColumn() );
if( wcsProperty.GetPointer() == 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PROPERTY ) );
// make this property the current one
SetCurrentProperty( wcsProperty.GetPointer(), CONTENTS );
prstFactor.Set( QFactor() ); break; }
case PROP_REGEX_TOKEN: // process 'PROP_REGEX_TOKEN property regex' rule
{ _scan.Accept();
// get property name & cache in smart pointer
wcsProperty.Set( _scan.AcqColumn() );
if( wcsProperty.GetPointer() == 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PROPERTY ) );
SetCurrentProperty( wcsProperty.GetPointer(), REGEX );
// allow optional equal token in regex queries
if ( EQUAL_TOKEN == _scan.LookAhead() ) _scan.Accept();
prstFactor.Set( QPhrase() ); break; }
case PROP_NATLANG_TOKEN: // process 'PROP_NATLANG_TOKEN property QGroup' rule
// get property name & cache in smart pointer
wcsProperty.Set( _scan.AcqColumn() );
if( wcsProperty.GetPointer() == 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PROPERTY ) );
SetCurrentProperty( wcsProperty.GetPointer(), NATLANGUAGE );
prstFactor.Set( QPhrase() ); break;
default: // No property name
prstFactor.Set( QFactor() ); break;
} // switch( _scan.LookAhead() )
// release & return smart factor
return prstFactor.Acquire(); } //QProp
// Member: CQueryParser::QFactor, private
// Synopsis: Calls Query if parentheses are detected. Processes property
// query if a PROP_TOKEN, PROP_REGEX_TOKEN or OP_TOKEN are found.
// Otherwise calls QGroup.
// Production: QFactor : QGroup
// | OP_TOKEN phrase
// History: 05-May-92 AmyA Created
// 11-May-94 t-jeffc Added regex support and expanded
// property restrictions
CDbRestriction* CQueryParser::QFactor() { XDbRestriction prstFactor; XPtrST<WCHAR> wcsProperty;
switch( _scan.LookAhead() ) { case OPEN_TOKEN: // process 'OPEN_TOKEN Query CLOSE_TOKEN' rule
{ _scan.Accept();
// save-away the current property so it can be restored after
// the expression in parenthesis is parsed.
unsigned cwc = wcslen( GetCurrentProperty() );
XGrowable<WCHAR, 20> xSaveProp( cwc + 1 ); wcscpy( xSaveProp.Get(), GetCurrentProperty() ); PropertyType ptSave = _propType;
// parse expression
prstFactor.Set( Query( 0 ) );
if( _scan.LookAhead() != CLOSE_TOKEN ) { SCODE sc = QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PAREN; if ( _scan.LookAhead() == NOT_TOKEN ) sc = QPARSE_E_UNEXPECTED_NOT; THROW( CParserException( sc ) ); }
SetCurrentProperty( xSaveProp.Get(), ptSave );
break; }
case EQUAL_TOKEN: // process 'OP_TOKEN phrase' rule
case NOT_EQUAL_TOKEN: // (only if in non-regex mode)
case GREATER_TOKEN: case GREATER_EQUAL_TOKEN: case LESS_TOKEN: case LESS_EQUAL_TOKEN: case ALLOF_TOKEN: case SOMEOF_TOKEN: if( !IsRegEx() ) { prstFactor.Set( ParsePropertyRst() ); break; }
default: // No parentheses or op token
prstFactor.Set( QGroup( 0 ) ); break;
} // switch( _scan.LookAhead() )
// release & return smart factor
return prstFactor.Acquire(); } //QFactor
// Member: CQueryParser::ParsePropertyRst, private
// Synopsis: Parses a relational property restriction and returns
// a CPropertyRestriction
// History: 26-May-94 t-jeffc Created
// 02-Mar-95 t-colinb Added the parsing of vector properties
CDbRestriction * CQueryParser::ParsePropertyRst() { // create smart Property node
XDbPropertyRestriction prstProp( new CDbPropertyRestriction ); if ( prstProp.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
DBID *pdbid = 0; DBTYPE ptype;
if( FAILED(_xList->GetPropInfoFromName( GetCurrentProperty(), &pdbid, &ptype, 0 )) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY ) );
CDbColId * pps = (CDbColId *)pdbid; Win4Assert( 0 != pps && pps->IsValid() );
if (! prstProp->SetProperty( *pps ) ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// don't allow @contents <relop> X -- it's too expensive and we'll
// never find any hits anyway (until we implement this feature)
if ( *pps == psContents ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PHRASE ) );
ULONG op = _scan.LookAhead(); _scan.Accept();
ULONG opModifier = DBOPModifyNone;
// look for a relop modifier like allof or anyof
switch( _scan.LookAhead() ) { case ALLOF_TOKEN : opModifier = DBOPModifyAll; _scan.Accept(); break; case SOMEOF_TOKEN : opModifier = DBOPModifyAny; _scan.Accept(); break; }
prstProp->SetRelation( FormDBOP( op, opModifier ) );
switch( _scan.LookAhead() ) { case PROP_TOKEN: case PROP_REGEX_TOKEN: // process 'PROP_TOKEN property OP_TOKEN PROP_TOKEN property' rule
#if 0
{ _scan.Accept(); THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED ) ); } #endif // 0
default: // process 'PROP_TOKEN property OP_TOKEN string' rule
CPropertyValueParser PropValueParser( _scan, ptype, _locale );
XPtr<CStorageVariant> pStorageVar( PropValueParser.AcquireStgVariant() );
if ( 0 != pStorageVar.GetPointer() ) { // This should always be the case - else PropValueParser would have thrown
if ( ! ( ( prstProp->SetValue( pStorageVar.GetReference() ) ) && ( prstProp->IsValid() ) ) ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); } }
} // switch
// release & return property restriction
return prstProp.Acquire(); } //ParsePropertyRst
// Member: CQueryParser::QGroup, private
// Synopsis: Recursive function that calls QPhrase and creates a Proximity
// node if necessary.
// Arguments: [prstProx] -- if non-null, a Proximity node that can be added to.
// Production: QGroup : QPhrase
// | QPhrase PROX_TOKEN QGroup
// History: 04-May-92 AmyA Created
CDbRestriction* CQueryParser::QGroup( CDbProximityNodeRestriction * prstProx ) { XDbRestriction prst;
if ( 0 == prstProx ) prst.Set( QPhrase() ); else prst.Set( QProp() );
if( _scan.LookAhead() == PROX_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept();
if ( 0 == prstProx ) { // create smart Prox node
XDbProximityNodeRestriction prstNew(new CDbProximityNodeRestriction());
if( prstNew.IsNull() || !prstNew->IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// add left phrase & release its smart pointer
prstNew->AppendChild( prst.GetPointer() ); prst.Acquire();
// parse right expression
CDbRestriction * prst = QGroup( prstNew.GetPointer() );
// release smart Prox node pointer
return prst; } else // there already is a Prox node to add to
{ // add left phrase & release its smart pointer
prstProx->AppendChild( prst.GetPointer() ); prst.Acquire();
// add more children
return QGroup( prstProx ); } } else // no more PROX_TOKENs
{ if( prstProx != 0 ) // add last child
{ // add phrase & release its smart pointer
prstProx->AppendChild( prst.GetPointer() ); prst.Acquire();
return prstProx; } else // no PROX_TOKENs at all
// release & return phrase
return prst.Acquire(); } } //QGroup
// Member: CQueryParser::QPhrase, private
// Synopsis: If expecting a content query, acquires the phrase, determines
// the fuzzy level and creates a ContentRestriction. If expecting
// a natural language query, acquires the phrase and creates a
// NatLanguageRestriction. If expecting a regular expression,
// acquires that from the scanner and creates a new PropertyRestriction.
// Production: QPhrase : phrase(FUZZY_TOKEN | FUZ2_TOKEN)
// | REGEX
// | QUOTES_TOKEN extended_phrase(FUZZY_TOKEN | FUZ2_TOKEN)
// History: 01-May-92 AmyA Created
// 25-May-93 BartoszM Changed fuzzy syntax
// 10-May-94 t-jeffc Recognizes regex phrases
CDbRestriction* CQueryParser::QPhrase() { CDbColId * pps = 0; DBID *pdbid = 0; DBTYPE dbType;
if( FAILED(_xList->GetPropInfoFromName( GetCurrentProperty(), &pdbid, &dbType, 0 )) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY ) );
pps = (CDbColId *)pdbid;
if( IsRegEx() ) // used PROP_REGEX_CHAR to specify property
{ if ( ( ( DBTYPE_WSTR|DBTYPE_BYREF ) != dbType ) && ( ( DBTYPE_STR|DBTYPE_BYREF ) != dbType ) && ( VT_BSTR != dbType ) && ( VT_LPWSTR != dbType ) && ( VT_LPSTR != dbType ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_REGEX_PROPERTY ) );
XPtrST<WCHAR> phraseRegEx( _scan.AcqRegEx() );
if( phraseRegEx.GetPointer() == 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_REGEX ) );
// create smart Property node
XDbPropertyRestriction prstProp( new CDbPropertyRestriction ); if ( prstProp.IsNull() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
prstProp->SetRelation(DBOP_like); // LIKE relation
if ( ( ! prstProp->SetProperty( *pps ) ) || ( ! prstProp->SetValue( phraseRegEx.GetPointer() ) ) || ( ! prstProp->IsValid() ) ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// release & return smart Property node
return prstProp.Acquire(); } else { XPtrST<WCHAR> phrase; if ( _scan.LookAhead() == QUOTES_TOKEN ) { _scan.AcceptQuote(); phrase.Set( _scan.AcqPhraseInQuotes() ); } else phrase.Set( _scan.AcqPhrase() );
if( phrase.GetPointer() == 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PHRASE ) );
int fuzzy = 0; Token tok = _scan.LookAhead();
if ( tok == FUZZY_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept(); fuzzy = 1; } else if ( tok == FUZ2_TOKEN ) { _scan.Accept(); fuzzy = 2; }
if ( _propType == CONTENTS ) // used PROP_TOKEN to specify property
{ // create smart Content node
XDbContentRestriction prstContent( new CDbContentRestriction( phrase.GetPointer(), *pps, fuzzy, _locale )); if ( prstContent.IsNull() || !prstContent->IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// release & return smart Content node
return prstContent.Acquire(); } else // used PROP_NATLANG_TOKEN to specify property
{ // create smart Natural Language node
XDbNatLangRestriction pNatLangRst( new CDbNatLangRestriction( phrase.GetPointer(), *pps, _locale )); if ( pNatLangRst.IsNull() || !pNatLangRst->IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// release & return smart Natural Language node
return pNatLangRst.Acquire(); } } } //QPhrase
// Member: CQueryParser::SetCurrentProperty, private
// Synopsis: Changes the property used in content and property restrictions
// from this point on in the input line.
// Arguments: wcsProperty -- friendly name of property
// (can be 0)
// propType -- specifies the property type
// Notes: Makes its own copy of the property name
// (unlike GetCurrentProperty, which just returns a pointer)
// History: 18-May-94 t-jeffc Created
void CQueryParser::SetCurrentProperty( WCHAR const * wcsProperty, PropertyType propType ) { delete [] _wcsProperty; _wcsProperty = 0;
if ( 0 != wcsProperty ) { int cwc = wcslen( wcsProperty ) + 1;
_wcsProperty = new WCHAR[ cwc ]; RtlCopyMemory( _wcsProperty, wcsProperty, cwc * sizeof WCHAR ); }
_propType = propType; } //SetCurrentProperty
// Member: CPropertyValueParser::CPropertyValueParser, public
// Synopsis: This constructor reads token from scanner and
// generates the corresponding CStorageVariant
// History: 02-Mar-95 t-colinb Created.
// 02-Sep-98 KLam Added locale
CPropertyValueParser::CPropertyValueParser( CQueryScanner &scanner, DBTYPE PropType, LCID locale ) : _pStgVariant( 0 ), _locale ( locale ) { unsigned cElements=0; BOOL fParsingVector = (C_OPEN_TOKEN == scanner.LookAhead());
if ( fParsingVector ) { // this is a vector
scanner.Accept(); VARENUM ve = (VARENUM ) PropType; if ( PropType == ( DBTYPE_VECTOR | DBTYPE_WSTR ) ) ve = (VARENUM) (VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR); else if ( PropType == ( DBTYPE_VECTOR | DBTYPE_STR ) ) ve = (VARENUM) (VT_VECTOR | VT_LPSTR);
_pStgVariant.Set( new CStorageVariant( ve, cElements ) ); } else { // ok to look for singletons with a vector (sometimes)
_pStgVariant.Set( new CStorageVariant() ); }
if ( 0 == _pStgVariant.GetPointer() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
// first check for an empty vector -- these are legal
if ( ( fParsingVector ) && ( C_CLOSE_TOKEN == scanner.LookAhead() ) ) { scanner.Accept(); return; }
BOOL fFinished = FALSE; do { XPtrST<WCHAR> wcsPhrase;
if ( QUOTES_TOKEN == scanner.LookAhead() ) { // this is a phrase in quotes
scanner.AcceptQuote(); wcsPhrase.Set( scanner.AcqPhraseInQuotes() ); if ( wcsPhrase.GetPointer() == 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PHRASE ) ); } else { wcsPhrase.Set( scanner.AcqPhrase() ); if ( wcsPhrase.GetPointer() == 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_PHRASE ) );
} scanner.Accept();
switch ( PropType & ~DBTYPE_VECTOR ) {
case DBTYPE_WSTR : case DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF : { if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetLPWSTR( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetLPWSTR( wcsPhrase.GetPointer() );
break; } case DBTYPE_BSTR : { BSTR bstr = SysAllocString( wcsPhrase.GetPointer() );
if ( 0 == bstr ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetBSTR( bstr, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetBSTR( bstr );
SysFreeString( bstr ); break; } case DBTYPE_STR : case DBTYPE_STR | DBTYPE_BYREF : { // make sure there's enough room to translate
unsigned cbBuffer = 1 + 3 * wcslen( wcsPhrase.GetPointer() ); XArray<char> xBuf( cbBuffer );
int cc = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), -1, xBuf.Get(), cbBuffer, NULL, NULL );
if ( 0 == cc ) { #if CIDBG
ULONG ul = GetLastError(); #endif
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetLPSTR( xBuf.Get(), cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetLPSTR( xBuf.Get() );
break; }
case DBTYPE_I1 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); LONG l = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( l, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( ( l > SCHAR_MAX ) || ( l < SCHAR_MIN ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetI1( (CHAR) l, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetI1( (CHAR) l );
break; } case DBTYPE_UI1 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); ULONG ul = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( ul, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( ul > UCHAR_MAX ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetUI1( (BYTE) ul, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetUI1( (BYTE) ul );
break; } case DBTYPE_I2 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); LONG l = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( l, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( ( l > SHRT_MAX ) || ( l < SHRT_MIN ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetI2( (short) l, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetI2( (short) l );
break; } case DBTYPE_UI2 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); ULONG ul = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( ul, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( ul > USHRT_MAX ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetUI2( (USHORT) ul, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetUI2( (USHORT) ul );
break; } case DBTYPE_I4 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); LONG l = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( l, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetI4( l, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetI4( l );
break; } case DBTYPE_UI4 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); ULONG ul = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( ul, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetUI4( ul, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetUI4( ul );
break; } case DBTYPE_ERROR : { // SCODE/HRESULT are typedefed as long (signed)
CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); SCODE sc = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( sc, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetERROR( sc, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetERROR( sc );
break; } case DBTYPE_I8 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); _int64 ll = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( ll, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
LARGE_INTEGER LargeInt; LargeInt.QuadPart = ll;
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetI8( LargeInt, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetI8( LargeInt );
break; } case DBTYPE_UI8 : { CQueryScanner scan( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), FALSE, locale ); unsigned _int64 ull = 0; BOOL fAtEndOfString; if ( ! ( scan.GetNumber( ull, fAtEndOfString ) && fAtEndOfString ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_INTEGER ) );
ULARGE_INTEGER LargeInt; LargeInt.QuadPart = ull;
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetUI8( LargeInt, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetUI8( LargeInt );
break; } case DBTYPE_BOOL : { if( wcsPhrase.GetPointer()[0] == 'T' || wcsPhrase.GetPointer()[0] == 't' ) if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetBOOL( VARIANT_TRUE, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetBOOL( VARIANT_TRUE ); else if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetBOOL( VARIANT_FALSE, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetBOOL( VARIANT_FALSE );
break; } case DBTYPE_R4 : { WCHAR *pwcEnd = 0;
float Float = (float)( wcstod( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), &pwcEnd ) );
if( *pwcEnd != 0 && !iswspace( *pwcEnd ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_REAL ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetR4( Float, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetR4( Float );
break; } case DBTYPE_R8 : { WCHAR *pwcEnd = 0; double Double = ( double )( wcstod( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), &pwcEnd ) );
if( *pwcEnd != 0 && !iswspace( *pwcEnd ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_REAL ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetR8( Double, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetR8( Double );
break; } case DBTYPE_DECIMAL : { WCHAR *pwcEnd = 0; double Double = ( double )( wcstod( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), &pwcEnd ) );
if( *pwcEnd != 0 && !iswspace( *pwcEnd ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_REAL ) );
// Vectors are not supported by OLE for VT_DECIMAL (yet)
Win4Assert( 0 == ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) );
PROPVARIANT * pPropVar = (PROPVARIANT *) _pStgVariant.GetPointer(); VarDecFromR8( Double, &(pPropVar->decVal) ); pPropVar->vt = VT_DECIMAL; break; } case DBTYPE_DATE : { FILETIME ftValue; ParseDateTime( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), ftValue );
SYSTEMTIME stValue; BOOL fOK = FileTimeToSystemTime( &ftValue, &stValue );
if ( !fOK ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_DATE ) );
DATE dosDate; fOK = SystemTimeToVariantTime( &stValue, &dosDate );
if ( !fOK ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_DATE ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetDATE( dosDate, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetDATE( dosDate );
break; } case VT_FILETIME : { FILETIME ftValue; ParseDateTime( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), ftValue );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetFILETIME( ftValue, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetFILETIME( ftValue );
break; } case DBTYPE_CY : { double dbl;
if( swscanf( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), L"%lf", &dbl ) < 1 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_CURRENCY ) );
CY cyCurrency; VarCyFromR8( dbl, &cyCurrency );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetCY( cyCurrency, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetCY( cyCurrency );
break; } case DBTYPE_GUID : case DBTYPE_GUID | DBTYPE_BYREF: { CLSID clsid;
if( swscanf( wcsPhrase.GetPointer(), L"%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", &clsid.Data1, &clsid.Data2, &clsid.Data3, &clsid.Data4[0], &clsid.Data4[1], &clsid.Data4[2], &clsid.Data4[3], &clsid.Data4[4], &clsid.Data4[5], &clsid.Data4[6], &clsid.Data4[7] ) < 11 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_GUID ) );
if ( PropType & DBTYPE_VECTOR ) _pStgVariant->SetCLSID( clsid, cElements ); else _pStgVariant->SetCLSID( &clsid ); break; } default: { THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY_TYPE ) ); } } // switch
// make sure memory allocations succeeded
if ( !_pStgVariant->IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
if ( fParsingVector ) { cElements++; switch( scanner.LookAhead() ) { case COMMA_TOKEN : scanner.Accept(); break; case C_CLOSE_TOKEN : scanner.Accept(); fFinished = TRUE; break; default: THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_COMMA ) ); } } else { fFinished = TRUE; }
} while ( !fFinished ); } //CPropertyValueParser
// Member: CPropertyValueParser::ParseDateTime, private
// Synopsis: Attempts to parse a date expression.
// Arguments: phrase -- pointer to the phrase to parse
// ft -- reference to the FILETIME structure to fill in
// with the result
// History: 31-May-96 dlee Created
// 23-Jan-97 KyleP Better Year 2000 support
// 02-Sep-98 KLam Use user settings for Y2K support
void CPropertyValueParser::ParseDateTime( WCHAR const * phrase, FILETIME & ft ) { if( !CheckForRelativeDate( phrase, ft ) ) { SYSTEMTIME stValue = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int cItems = swscanf( phrase, L"%4hd/%2hd/%2hd %2hd:%2hd:%2hd:%3hd", &stValue.wYear, &stValue.wMonth, &stValue.wDay, &stValue.wHour, &stValue.wMinute, &stValue.wSecond, &stValue.wMilliseconds );
if ( 1 == cItems ) cItems = swscanf( phrase, L"%4hd-%2hd-%2hd %2hd:%2hd:%2hd:%3hd", &stValue.wYear, &stValue.wMonth, &stValue.wDay, &stValue.wHour, &stValue.wMinute, &stValue.wSecond, &stValue.wMilliseconds );
if( cItems != 3 && cItems != 6 && cItems != 7) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_DATE ) );
// Make a sensible split for Year 2000 using the user's system settings
if ( stValue.wYear < 100 ) { DWORD dwYearHigh = 0; if ( 0 == GetCalendarInfo ( _locale, CAL_GREGORIAN, CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX | CAL_RETURN_NUMBER, 0, 0, &dwYearHigh ) ) { THROW ( CException ( ) ); }
if ( ( dwYearHigh < 99 ) || ( dwYearHigh > 9999 ) ) dwYearHigh = 2029;
WORD wMaxDecade = (WORD) dwYearHigh % 100; WORD wMaxCentury = (WORD) dwYearHigh - wMaxDecade; if ( stValue.wYear <= wMaxDecade ) stValue.wYear += wMaxCentury; else stValue.wYear += ( wMaxCentury - 100 ); }
if( !SystemTimeToFileTime( &stValue, &ft ) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_DATE ) ); } } //ParseDateTime
// Member: CPropertyValueParser::CheckForRelativeDate, static
// Synopsis: Attempts to parse a relative date expression. If successful,
// it fills in the FILETIME structure with the calculated
// absolute date.
// Notes: Returns TRUE if the phrase is recognized as a relative
// date (i.e., it begins with a '-'). Otherwise, returns FALSE.
// The format of a relative date is
// "-"{INTEGER("h"|"n"|"s"|"y"|"q"|"m"|"d"|"w")}*
// Case is not significant.
// Arguments: phrase -- pointer to the phrase to parse
// ft -- reference to the FILETIME structure to fill in
// with the result
// History: 26-May-94 t-jeffc Created
// 02-Mar-95 t-colinb Moved from CQueryParser to
// be more accessible
// 22-Jan-97 KyleP Fix local/UTC discrepancy
// 25-Sep-98 sundarA Removed dependency on 'c' runtime
// functions for time.
BOOL CPropertyValueParser::CheckForRelativeDate( WCHAR const * phrase, FILETIME & ft ) { if( *phrase++ == L'-' ) { SYSTEMTIME st; LARGE_INTEGER liLocal; LONGLONG llTicksInADay = ((LONGLONG)10000000) * ((LONGLONG)3600) * ((LONGLONG) 24); LONGLONG llTicksInAHour = ((LONGLONG) 10000000) * ((LONGLONG)3600); int iMonthDays[12] = {1,-1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1}; int iLoopValue, iPrevMonth, iPrevQuarter, iQuarterOffset; WORD wYear, wDayOfMonth, wStartDate; //
//Obtain system time and convert it to file time
//Copy the filetime to largeint data struct
GetSystemTime(&st); if(!SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft)) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_INVALID_LITERAL )); liLocal.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; liLocal.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; LONGLONG llRelDate = (LONGLONG)0; for( ;; ) { // eat white space
while( iswspace( *phrase ) ) phrase++;
if( *phrase == 0 ) break;
// parse the number
WCHAR * pwcEnd; LONG lValue = wcstol( phrase, &pwcEnd, 10 );
if( lValue < 0 ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_DATE ) );
// eat white space
phrase = pwcEnd; while( iswspace( *phrase ) ) phrase++;
// grab the unit char & subtract the appropriate amount
WCHAR wcUnit = *phrase++; switch( wcUnit ) { case L'y': case L'Y': lValue *= 4; // Fall through and handle year like 4 quarters
case L'q': case L'Q': lValue *= 3; // Fall through and handle quarters like 3 months
case L'm': case L'M': // Getting the System time to determine the day and month.
if(!FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st)) { THROW(CParserException(QPARSE_E_INVALID_LITERAL)); } wStartDate = st.wDay; wDayOfMonth = st.wDay; iLoopValue = lValue; while(iLoopValue) { // Subtracting to the end of previous month
llRelDate = llTicksInADay * ((LONGLONG)(wDayOfMonth)); liLocal.QuadPart -= llRelDate; ft.dwLowDateTime = liLocal.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = liLocal.HighPart; SYSTEMTIME stTemp; if(!FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &stTemp)) { THROW(CParserException(QPARSE_E_INVALID_LITERAL)); } //
// if the end of previous month is greated then start date then we subtract to back up to the
// start date. This will take care of 28/29 Feb(backing from 30/31 by 1 month).
if(stTemp.wDay > wStartDate) { llRelDate = llTicksInADay * ((LONGLONG)(stTemp.wDay - wStartDate)); liLocal.QuadPart -= llRelDate; ft.dwLowDateTime = liLocal.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = liLocal.HighPart; // Getting the date into stTemp for further iteration
if(!FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &stTemp)) { THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_INVALID_LITERAL )); } } wDayOfMonth = stTemp.wDay; iLoopValue--; } //End While
case L'w': case L'W': lValue *= 7;
case L'd': case L'D': llRelDate = llTicksInADay * ((LONGLONG)lValue) ; liLocal.QuadPart -= llRelDate; ft.dwLowDateTime = liLocal.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = liLocal.HighPart; break;
case L'h': case L'H': llRelDate = llTicksInAHour * ((LONGLONG)lValue) ; liLocal.QuadPart -= llRelDate; ft.dwLowDateTime = liLocal.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = liLocal.HighPart; break;
case L'n': case L'N': llRelDate = ((LONGLONG)10000000) * ((LONGLONG)60) * ((LONGLONG)lValue) ; liLocal.QuadPart -= llRelDate; ft.dwLowDateTime = liLocal.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = liLocal.HighPart; break;
case L's': case L'S': llRelDate = ((LONGLONG)10000000) * ((LONGLONG)lValue); liLocal.QuadPart -= llRelDate; ft.dwLowDateTime = liLocal.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = liLocal.HighPart; break;
default: THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_DATE ) ); }
} // for( ;; )
FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st); liLocal.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; liLocal.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; qutilDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Low part : %d ; High part ; %d \n", liLocal.LowPart, liLocal.HighPart )); qutilDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "64 bit number %I64d \n", liLocal.QuadPart )); qutilDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "st.Year %d ; month %d ; day %d ; hour %d ; min %d ; sec %d ; msec %d \n", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds));
return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } //CheckForRelativeDate