// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2001. All Rights Reserved.
// PROGRAM: qsample.cxx
// PURPOSE: Illustrates a minimal query using Indexing Service.
// Uses CIMakeICommand and CITextToFullTree helper functions.
// PLATFORM: Windows 2000
#define UNICODE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <oledberr.h>
#include <oledb.h>
#include <cmdtree.h>
#include <ntquery.h>
#include "qsample.hxx"
// This is found in disptree.cxx
extern void DisplayCommandTree( DBCOMMANDTREE * pNode, ULONG iLevel = 0 );
// Class: XBStr
// Purpose: Smart BSTR class
class XBStr { public: XBStr(BSTR p = 0) : _p( p ) {} XBStr ( XBStr & x ): _p( x.Acquire() ) {} ~XBStr() { SysFreeString( _p ); } BOOL IsNull() const { return ( 0 == _p ); } void Set ( BSTR pOleStr ) { _p = pOleStr; } BSTR Acquire() { BSTR pTemp = _p; _p = 0; return pTemp; } BSTR GetPointer() const { return _p; } void Free() { SysFreeString( Acquire() ); } private: BSTR _p; };
// Template: XInterface
// Synopsis: Template for managing ownership of interfaces
template<class T> class XInterface { public: XInterface( T * p = 0 ) : _p( p ) {} ~XInterface() { if ( 0 != _p ) _p->Release(); } T * operator->() { return _p; } T * GetPointer() const { return _p; } IUnknown ** GetIUPointer() { return (IUnknown **) &_p; } T ** GetPPointer() { return &_p; } void ** GetQIPointer() { return (void **) &_p; } T * Acquire() { T * p = _p; _p = 0; return p; } BOOL IsNull() { return ( 0 == _p ); }
private: T * _p; };
// Template: XPtr
// Synopsis: Template for managing ownership of memory
template<class T> class XPtr { public: XPtr( unsigned c ) : _p(0) { if ( 0 != c ) _p = new T [ c ]; } ~XPtr() { Free(); } void SetSize( unsigned c ) { Free(); _p = new T [ c ]; } void Set ( T * p ) { _p = p; } T * Get() const { return _p ; } void Free() { delete [] Acquire(); } T & operator[]( unsigned i ) { return _p[i]; } T const & operator[]( unsigned i ) const { return _p[i]; } T * Acquire() { T * p = _p; _p = 0; return p; } BOOL IsNull() const { return ( 0 == _p ); }
private: T * _p; };
// Template: CResString
// Synopsis: Class for loading string resources
class CResString { public: CResString() { _awc[ 0 ] = 0; } CResString( UINT strIDS ) { Load( strIDS ); } WCHAR const * Get() const { return _awc; }
BOOL Load( UINT strIDS ) { _awc[ 0 ] = 0; LoadString( 0, strIDS, _awc, sizeof _awc / sizeof WCHAR ); return ( 0 != _awc[ 0 ] ); }
private: WCHAR _awc[ 200 ]; };
// Function: FormatError
// Synopsis: Formats an error code into a string
// Arguments: [sc] - An Indexing Service or Win32 HRESULT
// [pwc] - Where to write the error string
// [cwc] - Count of characters in pwc
// [lcid] - Locale for the error string
void FormatError( SCODE sc, WCHAR * pwc, ULONG cwc, LCID lcid ) { // FormatMessage works best when based on thread locale.
LCID SaveLCID = GetThreadLocale(); SetThreadLocale( lcid );
// Is this an Indexing Service error? These errors are in query.dll.
if ( ! FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, GetModuleHandle( L"query.dll" ), sc, 0, pwc, cwc, 0 ) ) { // Is this a Win32 error? These are in kernel32.dll
const ULONG facWin32 = ( FACILITY_WIN32 << 16 ); ULONG Win32Error = sc;
if ( (Win32Error & facWin32) == facWin32 ) Win32Error &= ~( 0x80000000 | facWin32 );
if ( ! FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, GetModuleHandle( L"kernel32.dll" ), Win32Error, 0, pwc, cwc, 0 ) ) { // It's not from Indexing Service or Win32; display a default error
CResString str( IDS_UNKNOWNERROR ); wcscpy( pwc, str.Get() ); } }
// Restore the original thread locale
SetThreadLocale( SaveLCID ); } //FormatError
// Function: DisplayError
// Synopsis: Prints an error message from a string resource
// Arguments: [uiError] - The error message resource id
// [pwcArgument] - A string argument for the error message
// [hr] - The error code
// [lcid] - Locale for the error string
void DisplayError( UINT uiError, WCHAR const * pwcArgument, HRESULT hr, LCID lcid ) { WCHAR awcError[ 200 ]; FormatError( hr, awcError, sizeof awcError / sizeof WCHAR, lcid );
CResString str( uiError ); wprintf( str.Get(), pwcArgument, hr, awcError ); } //DisplayError
// Function: DisplayWin32Error
// Synopsis: Prints an error message taken from GetLastError()
// Arguments: [uiError] - The string resource to use for the error
// [pwcArgument] - A string argument for the error message
// [lcid] - Locale for the error string
HRESULT DisplayWin32Error( UINT uiError, WCHAR const * pwcArgument, LCID lcid ) { HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); DisplayError( uiError, pwcArgument, hr, lcid ); return hr; } //DisplayWin32Error
void DisplayStat( DWORD dw, UINT uiMsg ) { CResString str( uiMsg ); wprintf( L"%8d %ws\n", dw, str.Get() ); } //DisplayStat
void DisplayStat( WCHAR const *pwcMsg, UINT uiMsg ) { CResString str( uiMsg ); wprintf( L"%ws: %ws\n", str.Get(), pwcMsg ); } //DisplayStat
void DisplayStat( UINT uiMsg ) { CResString str( uiMsg ); wprintf( L"%ws\n", str.Get() ); } //DisplayStat
// Function: LocaleToCodepage
// Synopsis: Finds the best matching codepage given a locale id.
// Arguments: [lcid] - Locale to check
// Returns: The best matching codepage.
ULONG LocaleToCodepage( LCID lcid ) { ULONG codepage;
int cwc = GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER | LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, (WCHAR *) &codepage, sizeof ULONG / sizeof WCHAR );
// If an error occurred, return the Ansi code page
if ( 0 == cwc ) return CP_ACP;
return codepage; } //LocaleToCodepage
// Function: SetCommandProperties
// Synopsis: Sets the DBPROP_USEEXTENDEDDBTYPES property to TRUE, so
// data is returned in PROPVARIANTs, as opposed to the
// default, which is OLE automation VARIANTs. PROPVARIANTS
// allow a superset of VARIANT data types. Use of these
// types avoids costly coercions.
// Also sets the DBPROP_USECONTENTINDEX property to TRUE, so
// the index will always be used to resolve the query (as
// opposed to enumerating all the files on the disk), even
// if the index is out of date. This is set optionally.
// Both of these properties are unique to Indexing Service's
// OLE DB implementation.
// Arguments: [pICommand] - The ICommand used to set the property
// [fForceUseContentIndex] - TRUE to always use index
// FALSE to allow directory enumeration
// Returns: HRESULT result of setting the properties
HRESULT SetCommandProperties( ICommand * pICommand, BOOL fForceUseContentIndex ) { static const DBID dbcolNull = { { 0,0,0, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } }, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, 0 }; static const GUID guidQueryExt = DBPROPSET_QUERYEXT;
DBPROP aProp[2];
aProp[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_USEEXTENDEDDBTYPES; aProp[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_OPTIONAL; aProp[0].dwStatus = 0; aProp[0].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[0].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; aProp[0].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE;
aProp[1] = aProp[0]; aProp[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_USECONTENTINDEX;
DBPROPSET aPropSet[1];
aPropSet[0].rgProperties = &aProp[0]; aPropSet[0].cProperties = fForceUseContentIndex ? 2 : 1; aPropSet[0].guidPropertySet = guidQueryExt;
XInterface<ICommandProperties> xICommandProperties; HRESULT hr = pICommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, xICommandProperties.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
return xICommandProperties->SetProperties( 1, // 1 property set
aPropSet ); // the properties
} //SetCommandProperties
// Function: Render
// Synopsis: Prints an item in a safearray
// Arguments: [vt] - type of the element
// [pa] - pointer to the item
void PrintSafeArray( VARTYPE vt, LPSAFEARRAY pa );
void Render( VARTYPE vt, void * pv ) { if ( VT_ARRAY & vt ) { PrintSafeArray( vt - VT_ARRAY, *(SAFEARRAY **) pv ); return; }
switch ( vt ) { case VT_UI1: wprintf( L"%u", (unsigned) *(BYTE *)pv ); break; case VT_I1: wprintf( L"%d", (int) *(CHAR *)pv ); break; case VT_UI2: wprintf( L"%u", (unsigned) *(USHORT *)pv ); break; case VT_I2: wprintf( L"%d", (int) *(SHORT *)pv ); break; case VT_UI4: case VT_UINT: wprintf( L"%u", (unsigned) *(ULONG *)pv ); break; case VT_I4: case VT_ERROR: case VT_INT: wprintf( L"%d", *(LONG *)pv ); break; case VT_UI8: wprintf( L"%I64u", *(unsigned __int64 *)pv ); break; case VT_I8: wprintf( L"%I64d", *(__int64 *)pv ); break; case VT_R4: wprintf( L"%f", *(float *)pv ); break; case VT_R8: wprintf( L"%lf", *(double *)pv ); break; case VT_DECIMAL: { double dbl; VarR8FromDec( (DECIMAL *) pv, &dbl ); wprintf( L"%lf", dbl ); break; } case VT_CY: { double dbl; VarR8FromCy( * (CY *) pv, &dbl ); wprintf( L"%lf", dbl ); break; } case VT_BOOL: wprintf( *(VARIANT_BOOL *)pv ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE" ); break; case VT_BSTR: wprintf( L"%ws", *(BSTR *) pv ); break; case VT_VARIANT: { PROPVARIANT * pVar = (PROPVARIANT *) pv; Render( pVar->vt, & pVar->lVal ); break; } case VT_DATE: { SYSTEMTIME st; VariantTimeToSystemTime( *(DATE *)pv, &st ); BOOL pm = st.wHour >= 12;
if ( st.wHour > 12 ) st.wHour -= 12; else if ( 0 == st.wHour ) st.wHour = 12;
wprintf( L"%2d-%02d-%04d %2d:%02d%wc", (DWORD) st.wMonth, (DWORD) st.wDay, (DWORD) st.wYear, (DWORD) st.wHour, (DWORD) st.wMinute, pm ? L'p' : L'a' ); break; } case VT_EMPTY: case VT_NULL: break; default : { wprintf( L"(vt 0x%x)", (int) vt ); break; } } } //Render
// Function: PrintSafeArray
// Synopsis: Prints items in a safearray
// Arguments: [vt] - type of elements in the safearray
// [pa] - pointer to the safearray
void PrintSafeArray( VARTYPE vt, LPSAFEARRAY pa ) { // Get the dimensions of the array
UINT cDim = SafeArrayGetDim( pa ); if ( 0 == cDim ) return;
XPtr<LONG> xDim( cDim ); XPtr<LONG> xLo( cDim ); XPtr<LONG> xUp( cDim );
for ( UINT iDim = 0; iDim < cDim; iDim++ ) { HRESULT hr = SafeArrayGetLBound( pa, iDim + 1, &xLo[iDim] ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return;
xDim[ iDim ] = xLo[ iDim ];
hr = SafeArrayGetUBound( pa, iDim + 1, &xUp[iDim] ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return;
wprintf( L"{" ); }
// slog through the array
UINT iLastDim = cDim - 1; BOOL fDone = FALSE;
while ( !fDone ) { // inter-element formatting
if ( xDim[ iLastDim ] != xLo[ iLastDim ] ) wprintf( L"," );
// Get the element and render it
void *pv; SafeArrayPtrOfIndex( pa, xDim.Get(), &pv ); Render( vt, pv );
// Move to the next element and carry if necessary
ULONG cOpen = 0;
for ( LONG iDim = iLastDim; iDim >= 0; iDim-- ) { if ( xDim[ iDim ] < xUp[ iDim ] ) { xDim[ iDim ] = 1 + xDim[ iDim ]; break; }
wprintf( L"}" );
if ( 0 == iDim ) fDone = TRUE; else { cOpen++; xDim[ iDim ] = xLo[ iDim ]; } }
for ( ULONG i = 0; !fDone && i < cOpen; i++ ) wprintf( L"{" ); } } //PrintSafeArray
// Function: PrintVectorItems
// Synopsis: Prints items in a PROPVARIANT vector
// Arguments: [pVal] - The array of values
// [cVals] - The count of values
// [pcFmt] - The format string
template<class T> void PrintVectorItems( T * pVal, ULONG cVals, char * pcFmt ) { printf( "{ " );
for( ULONG iVal = 0; iVal < cVals; iVal++ ) { if ( 0 != iVal ) printf( "," ); printf( pcFmt, *pVal++ ); }
printf( " }" ); } //PrintVectorItems
// Function: DisplayValue
// Synopsis: Displays a PROPVARIANT value. Limited formatting is done.
// Arguments: [pVar] - The value to display
void DisplayValue( PROPVARIANT const * pVar ) { if ( 0 == pVar ) { wprintf( L"NULL" ); return; }
// Display the most typical variant types
PROPVARIANT const & v = *pVar;
switch ( v.vt ) { case VT_EMPTY : break; case VT_NULL : break; case VT_I4 : wprintf( L"%10d", v.lVal ); break; case VT_UI1 : wprintf( L"%10d", v.bVal ); break; case VT_I2 : wprintf( L"%10d", v.iVal ); break; case VT_R4 : wprintf( L"%10f", v.fltVal ); break; case VT_R8 : wprintf( L"%10lf", v.dblVal ); break; case VT_BOOL : wprintf( v.boolVal ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE" ); break; case VT_I1 : wprintf( L"%10d", v.cVal ); break; case VT_UI2 : wprintf( L"%10u", v.uiVal ); break; case VT_UI4 : wprintf( L"%10u", v.ulVal ); break; case VT_INT : wprintf( L"%10d", v.lVal ); break; case VT_UINT : wprintf( L"%10u", v.ulVal ); break; case VT_I8 : wprintf( L"%20I64d", v.hVal ); break; case VT_UI8 : wprintf( L"%20I64u", v.hVal ); break; case VT_ERROR : wprintf( L"%#x", v.scode ); break; case VT_LPSTR : wprintf( L"%s", v.pszVal ); break; case VT_LPWSTR : wprintf( L"%ws", v.pwszVal ); break; case VT_BSTR : wprintf( L"%ws", v.bstrVal ); break; case VT_CY: { double dbl; VarR8FromCy( v.cyVal, &dbl ); wprintf( L"%lf", dbl ); break; } case VT_DECIMAL : { double dbl; VarR8FromDec( (DECIMAL *) &v.decVal, &dbl ); wprintf( L"%lf", dbl ); break; } case VT_FILETIME : case VT_DATE : { SYSTEMTIME st;
if ( VT_DATE == v.vt ) { VariantTimeToSystemTime( v.date, &st ); } else { FILETIME ft; FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &v.filetime, &ft ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &ft, &st ); }
BOOL pm = st.wHour >= 12;
if ( st.wHour > 12 ) st.wHour -= 12; else if ( 0 == st.wHour ) st.wHour = 12;
wprintf( L"%2d-%02d-%04d %2d:%02d%wc", (DWORD) st.wMonth, (DWORD) st.wDay, (DWORD) st.wYear, (DWORD) st.wHour, (DWORD) st.wMinute, pm ? L'p' : L'a' ); break; } case VT_VECTOR | VT_I1: PrintVectorItems( v.cac.pElems, v.cac.cElems, "%d" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_I2: PrintVectorItems( v.cai.pElems, v.cai.cElems, "%d" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_I4: PrintVectorItems( v.cal.pElems, v.cal.cElems, "%d" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_I8: PrintVectorItems( v.cah.pElems, v.cah.cElems, "%I64d" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI1: PrintVectorItems( v.caub.pElems, v.caub.cElems, "%u" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI2: PrintVectorItems( v.caui.pElems, v.caui.cElems, "%u" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4: PrintVectorItems( v.caul.pElems, v.caul.cElems, "%u" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_ERROR: PrintVectorItems( v.cascode.pElems, v.cascode.cElems, "%#x" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_UI8: PrintVectorItems( v.cauh.pElems, v.cauh.cElems, "%I64u" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_BSTR: PrintVectorItems( v.cabstr.pElems, v.cabstr.cElems, "%ws" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_LPSTR: PrintVectorItems( v.calpstr.pElems, v.calpstr.cElems, "%s" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_LPWSTR: PrintVectorItems( v.calpwstr.pElems, v.calpwstr.cElems, "%ws" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_R4: PrintVectorItems( v.caflt.pElems, v.caflt.cElems, "%f" ); break; case VT_VECTOR | VT_R8: PrintVectorItems( v.cadbl.pElems, v.cadbl.cElems, "%lf" ); break; default : { if ( VT_ARRAY & v.vt ) PrintSafeArray( v.vt - VT_ARRAY, v.parray ); else wprintf( L"vt 0x%05x", v.vt ); break; } } } //DisplayValue
// Function: GetOleDBErrorInfo
// Synopsis: Retrieves the secondary error from the OLE DB error object.
// Arguments: [pErrSrc] - Pointer to object that posted the error.
// [riid] - Interface that posted the error.
// [lcid] - Locale in which the text is desired.
// [pErrorInfo] - Pointer to memory where ERRORINFO should be.
// [ppIErrorInfo] - Holds the returning IErrorInfo. Caller
// should release this.
// Returns: HRESULT for whether the error info was retrieved
HRESULT GetOleDBErrorInfo( IUnknown * pErrSrc, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, ERRORINFO * pErrorInfo, IErrorInfo ** ppIErrorInfo ) { *ppIErrorInfo = 0;
// See if an error is available that is of interest to us.
XInterface<ISupportErrorInfo> xSupportErrorInfo; HRESULT hr = pErrSrc->QueryInterface( IID_ISupportErrorInfo, xSupportErrorInfo.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
hr = xSupportErrorInfo->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo( riid ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Get the current error object. Return if none exists.
XInterface<IErrorInfo> xErrorInfo; hr = GetErrorInfo( 0, xErrorInfo.GetPPointer() ); if ( xErrorInfo.IsNull() ) return hr;
// Get the IErrorRecord interface and get the count of errors.
XInterface<IErrorRecords> xErrorRecords; hr = xErrorInfo->QueryInterface( IID_IErrorRecords, xErrorRecords.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
ULONG cErrRecords; hr = xErrorRecords->GetRecordCount( &cErrRecords ); if ( 0 == cErrRecords ) return hr;
#if 1 // A good way to get the complete error message...
XInterface<IErrorInfo> xErrorInfoRec; ERRORINFO ErrorInfo; for ( unsigned i=0; i<cErrRecords; i++ ) { // Get basic error information.
xErrorRecords->GetBasicErrorInfo( i, &ErrorInfo );
// Get error description and source through the IErrorInfo interface
// pointer on a particular record.
xErrorRecords->GetErrorInfo( i, lcid, xErrorInfoRec.GetPPointer() );
XBStr bstrDescriptionOfError; XBStr bstrSourceOfError;
BSTR bstrDesc = bstrDescriptionOfError.GetPointer(); BSTR bstrSrc = bstrSourceOfError.GetPointer();
xErrorInfoRec->GetDescription( &bstrDesc ); xErrorInfoRec->GetSource( &bstrSrc );
// At this point, you could call GetCustomErrorObject and query for
// additional interfaces to determine what else happened.
wprintf( L"%s (%#x)\n%s\n", bstrDesc, ErrorInfo.hrError, bstrSrc ); } #endif
// Get basic error information for the most recent error
ULONG iRecord = cErrRecords - 1; hr = xErrorRecords->GetBasicErrorInfo( iRecord, pErrorInfo ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
return xErrorRecords->GetErrorInfo( iRecord, lcid, ppIErrorInfo ); } //GetOleDBErrorInfo
// Function: DisplayRowsetStatus
// Synopsis: Retrieves status information about the rowset and catalog.
// Arguments: [xIRowset] - Rowset about which information is retrieved.
// Returns: HRESULT result of retrieving the status
HRESULT DisplayRowsetStatus( XInterface<IRowset> & xIRowset ) { XInterface<IRowsetInfo> xIRowsetInfo; HRESULT hr = xIRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IRowsetInfo, xIRowsetInfo.GetQIPointer() );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // This rowset property is Indexing-Service specific
DBPROPID propId = MSIDXSPROP_ROWSETQUERYSTATUS; DBPROPIDSET propSet; propSet.rgPropertyIDs = &propId; propSet.cPropertyIDs = 1; const GUID guidRowsetExt = DBPROPSET_MSIDXS_ROWSETEXT; propSet.guidPropertySet = guidRowsetExt; ULONG cPropertySets = 0; DBPROPSET * pPropertySets; hr = xIRowsetInfo->GetProperties( 1, &propSet, &cPropertySets, &pPropertySets );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { DWORD dwStatus = pPropertySets->rgProperties->vValue.ulVal;
CoTaskMemFree( pPropertySets->rgProperties ); CoTaskMemFree( pPropertySets );
DWORD dwFill = QUERY_FILL_STATUS( dwStatus );
if ( STAT_ERROR == dwFill ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_ERROR );
DWORD dwReliability = QUERY_RELIABILITY_STATUS( dwStatus );
if ( 0 != ( STAT_PARTIAL_SCOPE & dwReliability ) ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_PARTIAL_SCOPE ); if ( 0 != ( STAT_NOISE_WORDS & dwReliability ) ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_NOISE_WORDS ); if ( 0 != ( STAT_CONTENT_OUT_OF_DATE & dwReliability ) ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_CONTENT_OUT_OF_DATE ); if ( 0 != ( STAT_REFRESH_INCOMPLETE & dwReliability ) ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_REFRESH_INCOMPLETE ); if ( 0 != ( STAT_CONTENT_QUERY_INCOMPLETE & dwReliability ) ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_CONTENT_QUERY_INCOMPLETE ); if ( 0 != ( STAT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED & dwReliability ) ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ); if ( 0 != ( STAT_SHARING_VIOLATION & dwReliability ) ) DisplayStat( IDS_ROWSET_STAT_SHARING_VIOLATION ); } }
return hr; } //DisplayRowsetStatus
// Function: IssueQuery
// Synopsis: Creates and executes a query, then displays the results.
// Arguments: [pwcQueryCatalog] - Catalog name over which query is run
// [pwcQueryMachine] - Machine name on which query is run
// [pwcQueryScope] - Scope of the query
// [dwScopeFlags] - Scope flags
// [pwcQueryRestrition] - The actual query string
// [pwcColumns] - Output column names
// [pwcSort] - Sort order names, may be 0
// [fDisplayTree] - TRUE to display the command tree
// [fQuiet] - if TRUE, don't display hitcount
// [fForceUseContentIndex] - TRUE to always use index
// FALSE to allow directory enumeration
// [fNoQuery] - if TRUE, just parse and display query
// [ulDialect] - Query dialect (1 or 2)
// [cMaxHits] - Maximum # of hits, or 0 for no limit
// [lcid] - Locale for the query
// Returns: HRESULT result of the query
HRESULT IssueQuery( WCHAR const * pwcQueryCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcQueryMachine, WCHAR const * pwcQueryScope, DWORD dwScopeFlags, WCHAR const * pwcQueryRestriction, WCHAR const * pwcColumns, WCHAR const * pwcSort, BOOL fDisplayTree, BOOL fQuiet, BOOL fForceUseContentIndex, BOOL fNoQuery, ULONG ulDialect, ULONG cMaxHits, LCID lcid ) { // Create an ICommand object. CIMakeICommand is a shortcut for making an
// ICommand. The ADVQUERY sample shows the OLE DB equivalent.
XInterface<ICommand> xICommand; HRESULT hr = CIMakeICommand( xICommand.GetPPointer(), // result
1, // 1 scope
&dwScopeFlags, // scope flags
&pwcQueryScope, // scope path
&pwcQueryCatalog, // catalog
&pwcQueryMachine ); // machine
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Get a command tree object
XInterface<ICommandTree> xICommandTree; hr = xICommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandTree, xICommandTree.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Create an OLE DB query tree based on query parameters.
DBCOMMANDTREE * pTree; hr = CITextToFullTreeEx( pwcQueryRestriction, // the query itself
ulDialect, // query dialect
pwcColumns, // columns to return
pwcSort, // sort order, may be 0
0, // reserved
&pTree, // resulting tree
0, // no custom properties
0, // no custom properties
lcid ); // default locale
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Limit the maximum number of results if requested by putting a DBOP_top
// node at the top of the query tree.
if ( 0 != cMaxHits ) { DBCOMMANDTREE * pTop = (DBCOMMANDTREE *) CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof DBCOMMANDTREE ); if ( 0 == pTop ) { xICommandTree->FreeCommandTree( &pTree ); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
memset( pTop, 0, sizeof DBCOMMANDTREE ); pTop->op = DBOP_top; pTop->wKind = DBVALUEKIND_UI4; pTop->value.ulValue = cMaxHits; pTop->pctFirstChild = pTree; pTree = pTop; }
// If directed, display the command tree.
if ( fDisplayTree ) { wprintf( L"%ws\n", pwcQueryRestriction ); DisplayCommandTree( pTree ); }
// If directed, don't issue the query. Parsing it was sufficient.
if ( fNoQuery ) { xICommandTree->FreeCommandTree( &pTree ); return S_OK; }
// Set the tree in the ICommandTree. Ownership of the tree is transferred.
hr = xICommandTree->SetCommandTree( &pTree, DBCOMMANDREUSE_NONE, FALSE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { xICommandTree->FreeCommandTree( &pTree ); return hr; }
// Set required properties on the ICommand
hr = SetCommandProperties( xICommand.GetPointer(), fForceUseContentIndex ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Execute the query. The query is complete when Execute() returns.
XInterface<IRowset> xIRowset; hr = xICommand->Execute( 0, // no aggregating IUnknown
IID_IRowset, // IID for interface to return
0, // no DBPARAMs
0, // no rows affected
xIRowset.GetIUPointer() ); // result
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { // Get the real error; OLE DB permits few Execute() return codes
ERRORINFO ErrorInfo; XInterface<IErrorInfo> xErrorInfo; HRESULT hr2 = GetOleDBErrorInfo( xICommand.GetPointer(), IID_ICommand, lcid, &ErrorInfo, xErrorInfo.GetPPointer() );
// Post IErrorInfo only if we have a valid pointer to it.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr2 ) && !xErrorInfo.IsNull() ) hr = ErrorInfo.hrError;
return hr; }
// Create an accessor, so data can be retrieved from the rowset.
XInterface<IAccessor> xIAccessor; hr = xIRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, xIAccessor.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Count the number of output columns and make bindings for them.
ULONG cColumns = 1; WCHAR const *pwc = pwcColumns; while ( 0 != *pwc ) { if ( L',' == *pwc ) cColumns++; pwc++; }
// Column iOrdinals are parallel with those passed to CiTextToFullTree,
// so MapColumnIDs isn't necessary. These binding values for dwPart,
// dwMemOwner, and wType are the most optimal bindings for Indexing
// Service.
XPtr<DBBINDING> xBindings( cColumns ); if ( xBindings.IsNull() ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
memset( xBindings.Get(), 0, sizeof DBBINDING * cColumns );
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < cColumns; i++ ) { xBindings[i].iOrdinal = 1 + i; // 1-based column number
xBindings[i].obValue = i * sizeof( PROPVARIANT * ); // offset
xBindings[i].dwPart = DBPART_VALUE; // retrieve value, not status
xBindings[i].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_PROVIDEROWNED; // provider owned
HACCESSOR hAccessor; hr = xIAccessor->CreateAccessor( DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, // rowdata accessor
cColumns, // # of columns
xBindings.Get(), // columns
0, // ignored
&hAccessor, // result
0 ); // no status
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Display the results of the query.
XPtr<PROPVARIANT *> xData( cColumns ); if ( xData.IsNull() ) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; else { DBCOUNTITEM cRowsSoFar = 0;
do { DBCOUNTITEM cRowsReturned = 0; const ULONG cRowsAtATime = 20; HROW aHRow[cRowsAtATime]; HROW * pgrHRows = aHRow; hr = xIRowset->GetNextRows( 0, // no chapter
0, // no rows to skip
cRowsAtATime, // # rows to get
&cRowsReturned, // # rows returned
&pgrHRows); // resulting hrows
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) break;
for ( DBCOUNTITEM iRow = 0; iRow < cRowsReturned; iRow++ ) { HRESULT hr2 = xIRowset->GetData( aHRow[iRow], // hrow being accessed
hAccessor, // accessor to use
xData.Get() ); // resulting data
if ( FAILED( hr2 ) ) { hr = hr2; break; }
for ( ULONG iCol = 0; iCol < cColumns; iCol++ ) { if ( 0 != iCol ) wprintf( L" " ); DisplayValue( xData[ iCol ] ); }
wprintf( L"\n" ); }
// Release the HROWs retrived in GetNextRows
if ( 0 != cRowsReturned ) { cRowsSoFar += cRowsReturned; xIRowset->ReleaseRows( cRowsReturned, // # of rows to release
aHRow, // rows to release
0, // no options
0, // no refcounts
0 ); // no status
// Check if all rows are now retrieved.
if ( DB_S_ENDOFROWSET == hr ) { hr = S_OK; // succeeded, return S_OK from DoQuery
break; }
// Check if the query aborted because it was too costly.
if ( DB_S_STOPLIMITREACHED == hr ) { CResString str( IDS_QUERYTIMEDOUT ); wprintf( L"%ws\n", str.Get() ); hr = S_OK; break; }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) break; } while ( TRUE );
if ( !fQuiet ) { CResString str( IDS_QUERYDONE ); wprintf( str.Get(), cRowsSoFar, pwcQueryRestriction ); } }
xIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor( hAccessor, 0 );
// Get query status information
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && !fQuiet ) hr = DisplayRowsetStatus( xIRowset );
return hr; } //IssueQuery
// Function: DoQuery
// Synopsis: Issues a query and displays an error message on failure
// Arguments: [pwcQueryCatalog] - Catalog name over which query is run
// [pwcQueryMachine] - Machine name on which query is run
// [pwcQueryScope] - Scope of the query
// [dwScopeFlags] - Scope flags
// [pwcQueryRestrition] - The actual query string
// [pwcColumns] - Output column names
// [pwcSort] - Sort order names, may be 0
// [fDisplayTree] - TRUE to display the command tree
// [fQuiet] - if TRUE, don't display hitcount
// [fForceUseContentIndex] - TRUE to always use index
// FALSE to allow directory enumeration
// [fNoQuery] - if TRUE, just parse and display query
// [ulDialect] - Query dialect (1 or 2)
// [cMaxHits] - Maximum # of hits, or 0 for no limit
// [lcid] - Locale for the query
// Returns: HRESULT result of the query
HRESULT DoQuery( WCHAR const * pwcCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcMachine, WCHAR const * pwcScope, DWORD dwScopeFlags, WCHAR const * pwcRestriction, WCHAR const * pwcColumns, WCHAR const * pwcSort, BOOL fDisplayTree, BOOL fQuiet, BOOL fForceUseContentIndex, BOOL fNoQuery, ULONG ulDialect, ULONG cMaxHits, LCID lcid ) { HRESULT hr = IssueQuery( pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, pwcScope, dwScopeFlags, pwcRestriction, pwcColumns, pwcSort, fDisplayTree, fQuiet, fForceUseContentIndex, fNoQuery, ulDialect, cMaxHits, lcid );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) DisplayError( IDS_QUERYFAILED, pwcRestriction, hr, lcid );
return hr; } //DoQuery
// Function: DoQueryFile
// Synopsis: Issues each query in the specified query file. A query file
// is just a text file where each line contains a query.
// Arguments: [pwcQueryCatalog] - Catalog name over which query is run
// [pwcQueryMachine] - Machine name on which query is run
// [pwcQueryScope] - Scope of the query
// [dwScopeFlags] - Scope flags
// [pwcColumns] - Output column names
// [pwcSort] - Sort order names, may be 0
// [fDisplayTree] - TRUE to display the command tree
// [fQuiet] - if TRUE, don't display hitcount
// [fForceUseContentIndex] - TRUE to always use index
// FALSE to allow directory enumeration
// [fNoQuery] - if TRUE, just parse and display query
// [ulDialect] - Query dialect (1 or 2)
// [cMaxHits] - Maximum # of hits, or 0 for no limit
// [lcid] - Locale for the query
// [pwcQueryFile] - File containing queries, 1 per line
// Returns: HRESULT result of the query
HRESULT DoQueryFile( WCHAR const * pwcQueryCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcQueryMachine, WCHAR const * pwcQueryScope, DWORD dwScopeFlags, WCHAR const * pwcColumns, WCHAR const * pwcSort, BOOL fDisplayTree, BOOL fQuiet, BOOL fForceUseContentIndex, BOOL fNoQuery, ULONG ulDialect, ULONG cMaxHits, LCID lcid, WCHAR const * pwcQueryFile ) { // Open and read the query file
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) return DisplayWin32Error( IDS_CANTOPENFILE, pwcQueryFile, lcid );
DWORD cbFile = GetFileSize( hFile, 0 );
if ( 0xffffffff == cbFile ) return DisplayWin32Error( IDS_CANTGETFILESIZE, pwcQueryFile, lcid );
// Allocate a buffer for the file
XPtr<BYTE> xQueries( cbFile + sizeof WCHAR ); if ( xQueries.IsNull() ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return DisplayWin32Error( IDS_CANTGETMEMORY, pwcQueryFile, lcid ); }
// Read the file into the buffer
DWORD cbRead; BOOL fRead = ReadFile( hFile, xQueries.Get(), cbFile, &cbRead, 0 );
CloseHandle( hFile );
if ( ! fRead ) return DisplayWin32Error( IDS_CANTREADFROMFILE, pwcQueryFile, lcid );
// Check if the file is Unicode already
BOOL fUnicode = ( 0xfeff == ( * (WCHAR *) xQueries.Get() ) );
WCHAR * pwcIn = 0; DWORD cwcIn = 0;
if ( fUnicode ) { pwcIn = (WCHAR *) xQueries.Get();
// skip past the Unicode marker
pwcIn++; cwcIn = ( cbFile / sizeof WCHAR ) - 1; } else { // Convert to Unicode. Leave a little room for slack.
DWORD cbTmp = cbFile * sizeof WCHAR + cbFile / 8; XPtr<BYTE> xTmp( cbTmp + sizeof WCHAR ); if ( xTmp.IsNull() ) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return DisplayWin32Error( IDS_CANTGETMEMORY, pwcQueryFile, lcid ); }
cwcIn = MultiByteToWideChar( LocaleToCodepage( lcid ), 0, (const char *) xQueries.Get(), cbFile, (WCHAR *) xTmp.Get(), cbTmp ); if ( 0 == cwcIn ) return DisplayWin32Error( IDS_CANTCONVERTTOUNICODE, pwcQueryFile, lcid );
pwcIn = (WCHAR *) xTmp.Get(); xQueries.Free(); xQueries.Set( xTmp.Acquire() ); }
// Read each line in the file and issue the query
pwcIn[ cwcIn ] = 0; WCHAR * pwc = pwcIn;
do { while ( 0 != *pwcIn && L'\r' != *pwcIn && L'\n' != *pwcIn ) pwcIn++;
BOOL fEOF = ( 0 == *pwcIn );
*pwcIn = 0;
if ( pwc != pwcIn ) { DoQuery( pwcQueryCatalog, pwcQueryMachine, pwcQueryScope, dwScopeFlags, pwc, pwcColumns, pwcSort, fDisplayTree, fQuiet, fForceUseContentIndex, fNoQuery, ulDialect, cMaxHits, lcid ); wprintf( L"\n\n" ); }
if ( fEOF ) break;
pwcIn++; while ( '\r' == *pwcIn || '\n' == *pwcIn ) pwcIn++; pwc = pwcIn; } while ( TRUE );
return S_OK; } //DoQueryFile
// Function: Usage
// Synopsis: Displays information about how to use the app and exits
void Usage() { HRSRC hrc = FindResource( 0, (LPCWSTR) IDR_USAGE, RT_RCDATA );
if ( 0 != hrc ) { HGLOBAL hg = LoadResource( 0, hrc );
if ( 0 != hg ) { void * pv = LockResource( hg );
if ( 0 != pv ) wprintf( L"%ws\n", pv ); } }
exit( -1 ); } //Usage
// Function: LcidFromHttpAcceptLanguage
// Synopsis: Looks up an LCID given an HTTP Accept Language string
// Arguments: [pwc] - The string to look up
// Returns: The matching LCID.
LCID LcidFromHttpAcceptLanguage( WCHAR const * pwc ) { // Default to the system locale
if ( 0 == pwc ) return GetSystemDefaultLCID();
struct SHttpLocale { WCHAR const * pwcLanguage; LCID lcid; WCHAR const * pwcHttpAcceptLanguage; WCHAR const * pwcHttpAcceptLanguageAbbr; };
const struct SHttpLocale aHttpLocale[] = { L"Afrikaans", 0x0436, L"af", L"af", L"Albanian", 0x041c, L"sq", L"sq", L"Arabic(Saudi Arabia)", 0x0401, L"ar-sa", L"arsa", L"Arabic(Iraq)", 0x0801, L"ar-iq", L"ariq", L"Arabic(Egypt)", 0x0C01, L"ar-eg", L"areg", L"Arabic(Libya)", 0x1001, L"ar-ly", L"arly", L"Arabic(Algeria)", 0x1401, L"ar-dz", L"ardz", L"Arabic(Morocco)", 0x1801, L"ar-ma", L"arma", L"Arabic(Tunisia)", 0x1C01, L"ar-tn", L"artn", L"Arabic(Oman)", 0x2001, L"ar-om", L"arom", L"Arabic(Yemen)", 0x2401, L"ar-ye", L"arye", L"Arabic(Syria)", 0x2801, L"ar-sy", L"arsy", L"Arabic(Jordan)", 0x2C01, L"ar-jo", L"arjo", L"Arabic(Lebanon)", 0x3001, L"ar-lb", L"arlb", L"Arabic(Kuwait)", 0x3401, L"ar-kw", L"arkw", L"Arabic(U.A.E.)", 0x3801, L"ar-ae", L"arae", L"Arabic(Bahrain)", 0x3C01, L"ar-bh", L"arbh", L"Arabic(Qatar)", 0x4001, L"ar-qa", L"arqa", L"Basque", 0x042D, L"eu", L"eu", L"Bulgarian", 0x0402, L"bg", L"bg", L"Belarusian", 0x0423, L"be", L"be", L"Catalan", 0x0403, L"ca", L"ca", L"Chinese(Taiwan)", 0x0404, L"zh-tw", L"zhtw", L"Chinese(PRC)", 0x0804, L"zh-cn", L"zhcn", L"Chinese(Hong Kong SAR)", 0x0C04, L"zh-hk", L"zhhk", L"Chinese(Singapore)", 0x1004, L"zh-sg", L"zhsg", L"Croatian", 0x041a, L"hr", L"hr", L"Czech", 0x0405, L"cs", L"cs", L"Danish", 0x0406, L"da", L"da", L"Dutch(Standard)", 0x0413, L"nl", L"nl", L"Dutch(Belgian)", 0x0813, L"nl-be", L"nlbe", L"English", 0x0009, L"en", L"en", L"English(United States)", 0x0409, L"en-us", L"enus", L"English(British)", 0x0809, L"en-gb", L"engb", L"English(Australian)", 0x0c09, L"en-au", L"enau", L"English(Canadian)", 0x1009, L"en-ca", L"enca", L"English(New Zealand)", 0x1409, L"en-nz", L"ennz", L"English(Ireland)", 0x1809, L"en-ie", L"enie", L"English(South Africa)", 0x1c09, L"en-za", L"enza", L"English(Jamaica)", 0x2009, L"en-jm", L"enjm", L"English(Caribbean)", 0x2409, L"en", L"en", L"English(Belize)", 0x2809, L"en-bz", L"enbz", L"English(Trinidad)", 0x2c09, L"en-tt", L"entt", L"Estonian", 0x0425, L"et", L"et", L"Faeroese", 0x0438, L"fo", L"fo", L"Farsi", 0x0429, L"fa", L"fa", L"Finnish", 0x040b, L"fi", L"fi", L"French(Standard)", 0x040c, L"fr", L"fr", L"French(Belgian)", 0x080c, L"fr-be", L"frbe", L"French(Canadian)", 0x0c0c, L"fr-ca", L"frca", L"French(Swiss)", 0x100c, L"fr-ch", L"frch", L"French(Luxembourg)", 0x140c, L"fr-lu", L"frlu", L"Gaelic(Scots)", 0x043c, L"gd", L"gd", L"Gaelic(Irish)", 0x083c, L"gd-ie", L"gdie", L"German(Standard)", 0x0407, L"de", L"de", L"German(Swiss)", 0x0807, L"de-ch", L"dech", L"German(Austrian)", 0x0c07, L"de-at", L"deat", L"German(Luxembourg)", 0x1007, L"de-lu", L"delu", L"German(Liechtenstein)", 0x1407, L"de-li", L"deli", L"Greek", 0x0408, L"el", L"el", L"Hebrew", 0x040D, L"he", L"he", L"Hindi", 0x0439, L"hi", L"hi", L"Hungarian", 0x040e, L"hu", L"hu", L"Icelandic", 0x040F, L"is", L"is", L"Indonesian", 0x0421, L"in", L"in", L"Italian(Standard)", 0x0410, L"it", L"it", L"Italian(Swiss)", 0x0810, L"it-ch", L"itch", L"Japanese", 0x0411, L"ja", L"ja", L"Korean", 0x0412, L"ko", L"ko", L"Korean(Johab)", 0x0812, L"ko", L"ko", L"Latvian", 0x0426, L"lv", L"lv", L"Lithuanian", 0x0427, L"lt", L"lt", L"FYRO Macedonian", 0x042f, L"mk", L"mk", L"Malaysian", 0x043e, L"ms", L"ms", L"Maltese", 0x043a, L"mt", L"mt", L"Norwegian(Bokmal)", 0x0414, L"no", L"no", L"Norwegian(Nynorsk)", 0x0814, L"no", L"no", L"Polish", 0x0415, L"pl", L"pl", L"Portuguese(Brazilian)", 0x0416, L"pt-br", L"ptbr", L"Portuguese(Standard)", 0x0816, L"pt", L"pt", L"Rhaeto-Romanic", 0x0417, L"rm", L"rm", L"Romanian", 0x0418, L"ro", L"ro", L"Romanian(Moldavia)", 0x0818, L"ro-mo", L"romo", L"Russian", 0x0419, L"ru", L"ru", L"Russian(Moldavia)", 0x0819, L"ru-mo", L"rumo", L"Sami(Lappish)", 0x043b, L"sz", L"sz", L"Serbian(Cyrillic)", 0x0c1a, L"sr", L"sr", L"Serbian(Latin)", 0x081a, L"sr", L"sr", L"Slovak", 0x041b, L"sk", L"sk", L"Slovenian", 0x0424, L"sl", L"sl", L"Sorbian", 0x042e, L"sb", L"sb", L"Spanish(Spain - Traditional Sort)", 0x040a, L"es", L"es", L"Spanish(Mexican)", 0x080a, L"es-mx", L"esmx", L"Spanish(Spain - Modern Sort)", 0x0c0a, L"es", L"es", L"Spanish(Guatemala)", 0x100a, L"es-gt", L"esgt", L"Spanish(Costa Rica)", 0x140a, L"es-cr", L"escr", L"Spanish(Panama)", 0x180a, L"es-pa", L"espa", L"Spanish(Dominican Republic)", 0x1c0a, L"es-do", L"esdo", L"Spanish(Venezuela)", 0x200a, L"es-ve", L"esve", L"Spanish(Colombia)", 0x240a, L"es-co", L"esco", L"Spanish(Peru)", 0x280a, L"es-pe", L"espe", L"Spanish(Argentina)", 0x2c0a, L"es-ar", L"esar", L"Spanish(Ecuador)", 0x300a, L"es-ec", L"esec", L"Spanish(Chile)", 0x340a, L"es-cl", L"escl", L"Spanish(Uruguay)", 0x380a, L"es-uy", L"esuy", L"Spanish(Paraguay)", 0x3c0a, L"es-py", L"espy", L"Spanish(Bolivia)", 0x400a, L"es-bo", L"esbo", L"Spanish(El Salvador)", 0x440a, L"es-sv", L"essv", L"Spanish(Honduras)", 0x480a, L"es-hn", L"eshn", L"Spanish(Nicaragua)", 0x4c0a, L"es-ni", L"esni", L"Spanish(Puerto Rico)", 0x500a, L"es-pr", L"espr", L"Sutu", 0x0430, L"sx", L"sx", L"Swedish", 0x041D, L"sv", L"sv", L"Swedish(Finland)", 0x081d, L"sv-fi", L"svfi", L"Thai", 0x041E, L"th", L"th", L"Tsonga", 0x0431, L"ts", L"ts", L"Tswana", 0x0432, L"tn", L"tn", L"Turkish", 0x041f, L"tr", L"tr", L"Ukrainian", 0x0422, L"uk", L"uk", L"Urdu", 0x0420, L"ur", L"ur", L"Venda", 0x0433, L"ve", L"ve", L"Vietnamese", 0x042a, L"vi", L"vi", L"Xhosa", 0x0434, L"xh", L"xh", L"Yiddish", 0x043d, L"ji", L"ji", L"Zulu", 0x0435, L"zu", L"zu", L"Neutral", MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL ), SORT_DEFAULT ), L"neutr", L"neutr", };
const unsigned cHttpLocale = sizeof aHttpLocale / sizeof aHttpLocale[0];
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cHttpLocale; i++ ) if ( !_wcsicmp( aHttpLocale[ i ].pwcHttpAcceptLanguage, pwc ) || !_wcsicmp( aHttpLocale[ i ].pwcHttpAcceptLanguageAbbr, pwc ) ) return aHttpLocale[ i ].lcid;
Usage(); return 0; } //LcidFromHttpAcceptLanguage
// Function: LookupCatalog
// Synopsis: Looks for a catalog and machine matching the scope
// Arguments: [pwcScope] - The scope used to find the catalog
// [pwcMachine] - Returns the machine name
// [cwcMachine] - In/Out: Count of characters in pwcMachine
// [pwcCatalog] - Returns the catalog name
// [cwcCatalog] - In/Out: Count of characters in pwcCatalog
// [lcid] - Locale to use for errors
HRESULT LookupCatalog( WCHAR const * pwcScope, WCHAR * pwcMachine, ULONG & cwcMachine, WCHAR * pwcCatalog, ULONG & cwcCatalog, LCID lcid ) { HRESULT hr = LocateCatalogs( pwcScope, // scope to lookup
0, // go with the first match
pwcMachine, // returns the machine
&cwcMachine, // buffer size in/out
pwcCatalog, // returns the catalog
&cwcCatalog ); // buffer size in/out
if ( FAILED( hr ) || ( S_FALSE == hr ) ) { DisplayError( IDS_CANTFINDCATALOG, pwcScope, hr, lcid ); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; } //LookupCatalog
// Function: NormalizeScope
// Synopsis: Normalizes a scope and sets scope flags.
// Arguments: [pwcIn] - The scope for the query
// [pwcOut] - Returns the scope for the query
// [dwScopeFlags] - Returns the scope flags for the query
HRESULT NormalizeScope( WCHAR const * pwcIn, WCHAR * pwcOut, BOOL fShallow, DWORD & dwScopeFlags ) { if ( wcslen( pwcIn ) >= MAX_PATH ) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ( fShallow ) dwScopeFlags = QUERY_SHALLOW; else dwScopeFlags = QUERY_DEEP;
wcscpy( pwcOut, pwcIn );
// Check if the scope is an IIS virtual scope.
WCHAR wc = pwcIn[0];
if ( L'/' == wc ) { // Set the virtual scope flag and flip the slashes.
dwScopeFlags |= QUERY_VIRTUAL_PATH; for ( WCHAR * pwc = pwcOut; *pwc; pwc++ ) if ( '/' == *pwc ) *pwc = '\\'; } else if ( ( !( L'\\' == wc && L'\\' == pwcIn[1] ) ) && ( !( L'\\' == wc && 0 == pwcIn[1] ) ) && L':' != pwcIn[1] && 0 != wc ) { // Turn the relative path into a full path based on the current dir.
_wfullpath( pwcOut, pwcIn, MAX_PATH ); }
return S_OK; } //NormalizeScope
// Function: DisplayStatus
// Synopsis: Displays status information about a catalog
// Arguments: [pwcCatalog] - Catalog name
// [pwcMachine] - Machine on which catalog resides
// [lcid] - Locale to use
HRESULT DisplayStatus( WCHAR const * pwcCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcMachine, LCID lcid ) { CI_STATE state; state.cbStruct = sizeof state;
DisplayStat( pwcMachine, IDS_STAT_MACHINE ); DisplayStat( pwcCatalog, IDS_STAT_CATALOG );
HRESULT hr = CIState( pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, &state );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { DisplayStat( state.cTotalDocuments, IDS_STAT_TOTALDOCUMENTS ); DisplayStat( state.cFreshTest, IDS_STAT_FRESHTEST ); DisplayStat( state.cFilteredDocuments, IDS_STAT_FILTEREDDOCUMENTS ); DisplayStat( state.cDocuments, IDS_STAT_DOCUMENTS ); DisplayStat( state.cSecQDocuments, IDS_STAT_SECQDOCUMENTS ); DisplayStat( state.cUniqueKeys, IDS_STAT_UNIQUEKEYS ); DisplayStat( state.cWordList, IDS_STAT_WORDLIST ); DisplayStat( state.cPersistentIndex, IDS_STAT_PERSISTENTINDEX ); DisplayStat( state.cQueries, IDS_STAT_QUERIES ); DisplayStat( state.dwIndexSize, IDS_STAT_INDEXSIZE ); DisplayStat( state.dwPropCacheSize / 1024, IDS_STAT_PROPCACHESIZE );
DisplayStat( ( state.eState & CI_STATE_SCANNING ) ? state.cPendingScans : 0, IDS_STAT_SCANS );
if ( 0 != ( ALL_CI_MERGE & state.eState ) ) { UINT idStr; if ( state.eState & CI_STATE_SHADOW_MERGE ) idStr = IDS_STAT_MERGE_SHADOW; else if ( state.eState & CI_STATE_ANNEALING_MERGE ) idStr = IDS_STAT_MERGE_ANNEALING; else if ( state.eState & CI_STATE_INDEX_MIGRATION_MERGE ) idStr = IDS_STAT_MERGE_INDEX_MIGRATION; else if ( state.eState & CI_STATE_MASTER_MERGE ) idStr = IDS_STAT_MERGE_MASTER; else idStr = IDS_STAT_MERGE_MASTER_PAUSED;
DisplayStat( state.dwMergeProgress, idStr ); }
if ( CI_STATE_READ_ONLY & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_READ_ONLY ); if ( CI_STATE_RECOVERING & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_RECOVERING ); if ( CI_STATE_LOW_MEMORY & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_LOW_MEMORY ); if ( CI_STATE_HIGH_IO & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_HIGH_IO ); if ( CI_STATE_BATTERY_POWER & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_BATTERY_POWER ); if ( CI_STATE_USER_ACTIVE & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_USER_ACTIVE ); if ( CI_STATE_STARTING & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_STARTING ); if ( CI_STATE_READING_USNS & state.eState ) DisplayStat( IDS_STAT_READING_USNS ); } else { DisplayError( IDS_CANTDISPLAYSTATUS, pwcCatalog, hr, lcid ); }
return hr; } //DisplayStatus
// Function: DisplayUpToDate
// Synopsis: Checks if the index is up to date.
// Arguments: [pwcCatalog] - Catalog name
// [pwcMachine] - Machine on which catalog resides
// [lcid] - Locale to use
HRESULT DisplayUpToDate( WCHAR const * pwcCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcMachine, LCID lcid ) { CI_STATE state; state.cbStruct = sizeof state;
HRESULT hr = CIState( pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, &state );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // It's up to date if there are no documents to filter, no scans or
// usn activity, and the index isn't starting or recovering.
BOOL fUpToDate = ( ( 0 == state.cDocuments ) && ( 0 == ( state.eState & CI_STATE_SCANNING ) ) && ( 0 == ( state.eState & CI_STATE_READING_USNS ) ) && ( 0 == ( state.eState & CI_STATE_STARTING ) ) && ( 0 == ( state.eState & CI_STATE_RECOVERING ) ) );
DisplayStat( fUpToDate ? IDS_STAT_UP_TO_DATE : IDS_STAT_NOT_UP_TO_DATE ); } else { DisplayError( IDS_CANTDISPLAYSTATUS, pwcCatalog, hr, lcid ); }
return hr; } //DisplayUpToDate
// Function: wmain
// Synopsis: Entry point for the app. Parses command line arguments and
// issues a query.
// Arguments: [argc] - Argument count
// [argv] - Arguments
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain( int argc, WCHAR * argv[] ) { WCHAR const * pwcCatalog = 0; // default: lookup catalog
WCHAR const * pwcMachine = L"."; // default: local machine
WCHAR const * pwcScope = L"\\"; // default: entire catalog
WCHAR const * pwcRestriction = 0; // no default restriction
WCHAR const * pwcColumns = L"path"; // default output column(s)
WCHAR const * pwcSort = 0; // no sort is the default
WCHAR const * pwcQueryFile = 0; // no query file specified
WCHAR const * pwcLocale = 0; // default: system locale
BOOL fDisplayTree = FALSE; // don't display the tree
BOOL fForceUseContentIndex = TRUE; // always use the index
ULONG ulDialect = 1; // original query language dialect
BOOL fQuiet = FALSE; // show the hitcount
ULONG cMaxHits = 0; // default: retrieve all hits
BOOL fDisplayStatus = FALSE; // default: don't show status
BOOL fDisplayUpToDate = FALSE; // default: don't show up to date
ULONG cRepetitions = 1; // # of times to repeat command
BOOL fShallow = FALSE; // default: all subdirectories
BOOL fNoQuery = FALSE; // default: execute query
// Parse command line parameters
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( L'-' == argv[i][0] || L'/' == argv[i][0] ) { WCHAR wc = (WCHAR) toupper( (char) argv[i][1] );
if ( ':' != argv[i][2] && 'D' != wc && 'J' != wc && 'N' != wc && 'Q' != wc && 'U' != wc && 'T' != wc ) Usage();
if ( 'C' == wc ) pwcCatalog = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'M' == wc ) pwcMachine = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'P' == wc ) pwcScope = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'O' == wc ) pwcColumns = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'S' == wc ) pwcSort = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'X' == wc ) cMaxHits = _wtoi( argv[i] + 3 ); else if ( 'I' == wc ) { if ( 0 != pwcRestriction ) Usage(); pwcQueryFile = argv[i] + 3; } else if ( 'R' == wc) { // get the next arg as a number
cRepetitions = _wtol(argv[i]+3); } else if ( 'D' == wc ) fDisplayTree = TRUE; else if ( 'J' == wc ) fShallow = TRUE; else if ( 'N' == wc ) fNoQuery = TRUE; else if ( 'Q' == wc ) fQuiet = TRUE; else if ( 'T' == wc ) fDisplayStatus = TRUE; else if ( 'U' == wc ) fDisplayUpToDate = TRUE; else if ( 'E' == wc ) pwcLocale = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'L' == wc ) { if ( '1' == argv[i][3] ) ulDialect = 1; else if ( '2' == argv[i][3] ) ulDialect = 2; else Usage(); } else if ( 'F' == wc ) { if ( '+' == argv[i][3] ) fForceUseContentIndex = TRUE; else if ( '-' == argv[i][3] ) fForceUseContentIndex = FALSE; else Usage(); } else Usage(); } else if ( 0 != pwcRestriction || 0 != pwcQueryFile ) Usage(); else pwcRestriction = argv[i]; }
// A query restriction, query file, or status request is necessary.
if ( 0 == pwcRestriction && 0 == pwcQueryFile && !fDisplayStatus && !fDisplayUpToDate) Usage();
// Get the locale identifier to use for the query
LCID lcid = LcidFromHttpAcceptLanguage( pwcLocale );
// Normalize relative and virtual scopes
WCHAR awcScope[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwScopeFlags; HRESULT hr = NormalizeScope( pwcScope, awcScope, fShallow, dwScopeFlags );
// Initialize OLE
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = CoInitialize( 0 ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) fCoInit = TRUE; }
// If no catalog was specified, infer one based on the scope
WCHAR awcMachine[ MAX_PATH ], awcCatalog[ MAX_PATH ];
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && ( 0 == pwcCatalog ) && !fNoQuery ) { ULONG cwcMachine = sizeof awcMachine / sizeof WCHAR; ULONG cwcCatalog = sizeof awcCatalog / sizeof WCHAR; hr = LookupCatalog( awcScope, awcMachine, cwcMachine, awcCatalog, cwcCatalog, lcid ); pwcMachine = awcMachine; pwcCatalog = awcCatalog;
// Turn scopes like \\machine into \ now that the lookup is done
// and we've found a catalog and machine name.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && L'\\' == awcScope[0] && L'\\' == awcScope[1] && 0 == wcschr( awcScope + 2, L'\\' ) ) awcScope[1] = 0; }
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { for (ULONG j = 0; j < cRepetitions; j++) { if ( 0 != pwcQueryFile ) hr = DoQueryFile( fNoQuery ? L"::_noquery" : pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, awcScope, dwScopeFlags, pwcColumns, pwcSort, fDisplayTree, fQuiet, fForceUseContentIndex, fNoQuery, ulDialect, cMaxHits, lcid, pwcQueryFile ); else if ( 0 != pwcRestriction ) hr = DoQuery( fNoQuery ? L"::_noquery" : pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, awcScope, dwScopeFlags, pwcRestriction, pwcColumns, pwcSort, fDisplayTree, fQuiet, fForceUseContentIndex, fNoQuery, ulDialect, cMaxHits, lcid );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && fDisplayStatus ) hr = DisplayStatus( pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, lcid );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && fDisplayUpToDate ) hr = DisplayUpToDate( pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, lcid ); } }
if ( fCoInit ) CoUninitialize();
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return -1;
return 0; } //wmain