// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1998.
// Contents: Language Support
// Classes: CWebLangLocator
// History: 96-Feb-29 DwightKr Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// Method: CWebLangLocator::CWebLangLocator
// Arguments: [locale] -- current locale
// History: 96-Feb-29 DwightKr Created.
CWebLangLocator::CWebLangLocator( LCID locale ) : _locale( LANGIDFROMLCID(locale) ), _localeSys( GetSystemDefaultLangID() ), _fLocaleFound( FALSE ), _fLangFound( FALSE ), _fSysLangFound( FALSE ) { _wcsIDQErrorFile[0] = 0; _wcsHTXErrorFile[0] = 0; _wcsRestrictionErrorFile[0] = 0; _wcsDefaultErrorFile[0] = 0;
EnumLangEntries(); }
// Method: CWebLangLocator::EnumLangEntries, private
// Synposis: Enumerates lang subkeys
// Arguments: none
// returns: none
// History: 4/23/98 mohamedn created
void CWebLangLocator::EnumLangEntries(void) { CWin32RegAccess langKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wcsRegAdminLanguage );
WCHAR wcsSubKeyName[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cwcName = sizeof wcsSubKeyName / sizeof WCHAR;
while ( langKey.Enum( wcsSubKeyName, cwcName ) ) { CWin32RegAccess langSubKey( langKey.GetHKey() , wcsSubKeyName );
DWORD dwLocaleId = 0;
if ( langSubKey.Get( L"Locale", dwLocaleId ) ) { GetLangInfo( dwLocaleId, langSubKey ); } } }
// Method: CWebLangLocator::GetLangInfo, private
// Synposis: Get error files if _locale matches.
// Arguments: [dwLocaleValue] -- value of locale found
// [regLang] -- registry lang. subkey accessor.
// returns: none
// History: 4/23/98 mohamedn created
void CWebLangLocator::GetLangInfo(DWORD dwLocaleValue, CWin32RegAccess & regLang) { if ( _fLocaleFound ) return;
// Temporary state
BOOL fLocaleFound = _fLocaleFound; BOOL fLangFound = _fLangFound; BOOL fSysLangFound = _fSysLangFound;
DWORD dwLocale = LANGIDFROMLCID( dwLocaleValue ); BOOL fFetch = FALSE;
if ( dwLocale == _locale ) { fFetch = TRUE; fLocaleFound = TRUE; } else if ( !fLangFound && PrimaryLangsMatch( dwLocale, _locale ) ) { fFetch = TRUE; fLangFound = TRUE; } else if ( !fLangFound && !fSysLangFound && (dwLocale == _localeSys) ) { fFetch = TRUE; fSysLangFound = TRUE; }
if ( fFetch ) { BOOL fRetVal = FALSE;
fRetVal = regLang.Get( L"ISAPIIDQErrorFile", _wcsIDQErrorFile, sizeof(_wcsIDQErrorFile) / sizeof (WCHAR) );
if ( fRetVal ) { fRetVal = regLang.Get( L"ISAPIHTXErrorFile", _wcsHTXErrorFile, sizeof(_wcsHTXErrorFile) / sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
if ( fRetVal ) { fRetVal = regLang.Get( L"ISAPIRestrictionErrorFile", _wcsRestrictionErrorFile, sizeof(_wcsRestrictionErrorFile) / sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
if ( fRetVal ) { fRetVal = regLang.Get( L"ISAPIDefaultErrorFile", _wcsDefaultErrorFile, sizeof(_wcsDefaultErrorFile) / sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
// if we fail to retrieve error files, don't update internal state.
if ( !fRetVal ) { ciGibDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CWebLangLocator::GetLangInfo() Failed\n" ));
return; } }
// Make sure this is done *after* the fetch, which can fail.
_fLocaleFound = fLocaleFound; _fLangFound = fLangFound; _fSysLangFound = fSysLangFound; }