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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Query Results from OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service</TITLE> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="is2style.css" TYPE="text/css"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>
<TABLE> <TR><TD><A HREF="" target="_top"><IMG SRC ="is2logo.gif" VALIGN=MIDDLE ALIGN=LEFT border=0></a></TD></TR> <TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><H3>Simple SQL Search Results</H3></TD></TR> </TABLE>
<%' !--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/iissamples/issamples/ADOVBS.INC"--%> <% QueryForm = "/iissamples/issamples/sqlqhit.htm" Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.ConnectionString = "provider=msidxs;" Conn.Open Set AdoCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") set AdoCommand.ActiveConnection = Conn %> Executing the following query:
<% if Request.QueryString("CiRestriction")="" then %> <% if Request.QueryString("CiOrderBy")="" then %> <% AdoCommand.CommandText = "Select "&Request.QueryString("CiColumns")&" from " &Request.QueryString("CiScope") %> <% else %> <% AdoCommand.CommandText = "Select "&Request.QueryString("CiColumns")&" FROM " &Request.QueryString("CiScope")&" ORDER BY " &Request.QueryString("CiOrderBy") %> <% end if %> <% else %> <% if Request.QueryString("CiOrderBy")="" then %> <% AdoCommand.CommandText = "Select "&Request.QueryString("CiColumns")&" from " &Request.QueryString("CiScope")&" where "&Request.QueryString("CiRestriction") %> <% else %> <% AdoCommand.CommandText = "Select "&Request.QueryString("CiColumns")&" FROM " &Request.QueryString("CiScope")&" WHERE "&Request.QueryString("CiRestriction")&" ORDER BY " &Request.QueryString("CiOrderBy") %> <% end if %> <% end if%>
<P><I><%=AdoCommand.CommandText%></I> <% Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") AdoCommand.Properties("Bookmarkable") = True RS.CursorType = adOpenKeyset RS.MaxRecords = 300 AdoCommand
CiSearchString = CStr(RS.Properties("Query Restriction")) %> <P> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <% For i = 0 to RS.Fields.Count - 1 %> <TH class=RecordTitle><B><% = RS(i).Name %></B></TH> <% Next %> </TR>
<% Do While Not RS.EOF %> <TR> <% For i = 0 to RS.Fields.Count - 1 %> <%if RS(i).Name = "PATH" or RS(i).Name="VPATH" then %> <%if RS(i).Name="VPATH" and CiSearchString <> "" then %> <% ' Construct the URL for hit highlighting
WebHitsQuery = "CiWebHitsFile=" & Server.URLEncode( RS("vpath") ) WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiRestriction=" & Server.URLEncode( CiSearchString ) WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiBeginHilite=" & Server.URLEncode( "<b class=Hit>" ) WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiEndHilite=" & Server.URLEncode( "</b>" ) WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiUserParam3=" & QueryForm ' WebHitsQuery = WebHitsQuery & "&CiLocale=" & Q.LocaleID %> <TD> <TABLE> <TR><TD><b><a href="<%=RS(i)%>"><% = RS(i) %></a></b></TD></TR> <TR NOWRAP><TD><I> Hit Highlighting:<br> <a href="qsumrhit.htw?<%= WebHitsQuery %>"><IMG src="hilight.gif" align=left alt="Highlight matching terms in document using Summary mode."> Summary</a><br> <a href="qfullhit.htw?<%= WebHitsQuery %>&CiHiliteType=Full"><IMG src="hilight.gif" align=left alt="Highlight matching terms in document."> Full</a> </I></TD></TR> </TABLE> <%else%> <TD><b><a href="<%=RS(i)%>"><% = RS(i) %></a></b></TD> <%end if%> <%else%> <TD><% = RS(i) %></TD> <%end if%> <% Next %> </TR> <% RS.MoveNext Loop RS.Close Conn.Close %> </TABLE>
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