<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" RUNAT="Server"> <!-- option explicit --> </SCRIPT> <TITLE>Index Server Search Form</TITLE> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Sample query form for Microsoft Index Server"> <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Index Server Team"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="query, content, hit"> <META NAME="SUBJECT" CONTENT="sample form"> <META NAME="MS.CATEGORY" CONTENT="Internet"> <META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="EN-US"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=Windows-1252"> <% DebugFlag = FALSE NewQuery = FALSE UseSavedQuery = FALSE SearchString = "" if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" then SearchString = Request.Form("SearchString") SortBy = Request.Form("SortBy") Colset = Request.Form("ColChoice") Scope = Request.Form("Scope") ' NOTE: this will be true only if the button is actually pushed. if Request.Form("Action") = "New Query" then NewQuery = TRUE end if end if if Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "GET" then SearchString = Request.QueryString("qu") SortBy = Request.QueryString("so") Colset = Request.QueryString("co") Scope = Request.QueryString("ix") if Request.QueryString("pg") <> "" then NextPageNumber = Request.QueryString("pg") NewQuery = FALSE UseSavedQuery = TRUE else NewQuery = SearchString <> "" end if end if %> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#000066" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#FF0000" TOPMARGIN=0>
<TABLE> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC ="/samples/search/book08.jpg" ALIGN=Middle></TD> <TD VALIGN=MIDDLE><H1>Index Server</H1><BR><H2>Sample Query</H2></TD></TR> </TR> </TABLE>
<HR WIDTH=75% ALIGN=center SIZE=3> <p>
<FORM ACTION="query.asp" METHOD=POST> Enter your query below: <TABLE> <TR> <TD><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="SearchString" SIZE="60" MAXLENGTH="100" VALUE="<%=SearchString%>"></TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="Action" VALUE="New Query"></TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Clear"></TD> </TR>
<TR> <TD ALIGN=right><A HREF="/samples/search/tipshelp.htm">Tips for searching</A></TD> </TR>
<%if DebugFlag then%> <PRE> SearchString = <%=SearchString%> SortBy = <%=SortBy%> Colset = <%=Colset%> Scope = <%=Scope%> NewQuery = <%=CStr(NewQuery)%> UseSavedQuery = <%=CStr(UseSavedQuery)%> </PRE> <%end if%>
<% if NewQuery then set Session("Query") = nothing set Session("Recordset") = nothing NextRecordNumber = 1 set Q = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query") Q.Query = SearchString Q.SortBy = SortBy Q.AddScopeToQuery Scope, "DEEP" if ColSet = 1 then Q.Columns = "DocTitle, vpath, path, filename, size, write, characterization" RecordsPerPage = 10 elseif ColSet = 2 then Q.Columns = "vpath, path" RecordsPerPage = 200 elseif ColSet = 3 then Q.Columns = "filename, vpath, size, write" RecordsPerPage = 25 end if set RS = Q.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential") RS.PageSize = RecordsPerPage ActiveQuery = TRUE elseif UseSavedQuery then if IsObject( Session("Query") ) And IsObject( Session("RecordSet") ) then set Q = Session("Query") set RS = Session("RecordSet") if RS.RecordCount <> -1 and NextPageNumber <> -1 then RS.AbsolutePage = NextPageNumber NextRecordNumber = RS.AbsolutePosition end if ActiveQuery = TRUE else Response.Write "ERROR - No saved query" end if end if
if ActiveQuery then if not RS.EOF then %>
<p> <HR WIDTH=80% ALIGN=center SIZE=3> <p>
<% LastRecordOnPage = NextRecordNumber + RS.PageSize - 1 CurrentPage = RS.AbsolutePage if RS.RecordCount <> -1 AND RS.RecordCount < LastRecordOnPage then LastRecordOnPage = RS.RecordCount end if
Response.Write "Documents " & NextRecordNumber & " to " & LastRecordOnPage if RS.RecordCount <> -1 then Response.Write " of " & RS.RecordCount end if Response.Write " matching the query " & chr(34) & "<I>" Response.Write SearchString & "</I>" & chr(34) & ".<P>" %>
</PRE> <!-- BEGIN column header -->
<% if ColSet = 1 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qryhead1.inc"--> <% elseif ColSet = 2 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qryhead2.inc"--> <% elseif ColSet = 3 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qryhead3.inc"--> <% end if%>
<%if DebugFlag then%> <PRE> RS.EOF = <%=CStr(RS.EOF)%> NextRecordNumber = <%=NextRecordNumber%> LastRecordOnPage = <%=LastRecordOnPage%> </PRE> <%end if%>
<!-- BEGIN first row of query results table --> <% Do While Not RS.EOF and NextRecordNumber <= LastRecordOnPage %>
<% if ColSet = 1 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qrybody1.inc"--> <% elseif ColSet = 2 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qrybody2.inc"--> <% elseif ColSet = 3 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qrybody3.inc"--> <% end if%>
<% RS.MoveNext NextRecordNumber = NextRecordNumber+1 Loop %>
<% if ColSet = 1 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qrytail1.inc"--> <% elseif ColSet = 2 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qrytail2.inc"--> <% elseif ColSet = 3 then%> <!--#include virtual="/srchasp/qrytail3.inc"--> <% end if%>
<% else ' NOT RS.EOF if NextRecordNumber = 1 then Response.Write "No documents matched the query<P>" else Response.Write "No more documents in the query<P>" end if
end if ' NOT RS.EOF %>
<!-- If the index is out of date, display the fact -->
<%if Q.CiOutOfDate then%> <P> <I><B>The index is out of date.</B></I><BR> <%end if%>
<!-- If the query was not executed because it needed to enumerate to resolve the query instead of using the index, but AllowEnumeration was FALSE, let the user know -->
<%if Q.CiQueryIncomplete then%> <P> <I><B>The query is too expensive to complete.</B></I><BR> <%end if%>
<!-- If the query took too long to execute (for example, if too much work was required to resolve the query), let the user know -->
<%if Q.CiQueryTimedOut then%> <P> <I><B>The query took too long to complete.</B></I><BR> <%end if%>
<!-- This is the "previous" button. This retrieves the previous page of documents for the query. -->
<%SaveQuery = FALSE%> <%if CurrentPage > 1 and RS.RecordCount <> -1 then ' could use RS.Supports(adMovePrevious)%> <td align=left> <form action="query.asp" method="get"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="qu" VALUE="<%=SearchString%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="so" VALUE="<%=Q.SortBy%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="co" VALUE="<%=ColSet%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="ix" VALUE="<%=Q.CiScope%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" name="pg" VALUE="<%=CurrentPage-1%>" > <input type="submit" value="Previous <%=RS.PageSize%> documents"> </form> </td> <%SaveQuery = TRUE%> <%end if%>
<!-- This is the "next" button for unsorted queries. This retrieves the next page of documents for the query. This is different from the sorted version of "next" because that version can use the CiRecordsNextPage parameter for the text of the button. This variable is not available for sequential queries. -->
<%if Not RS.EOF then%> <td align=right> <form action="query.asp" method="get"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="qu" VALUE="<%=SearchString%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="so" VALUE="<%=Q.SortBy%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="co" VALUE="<%=ColSet%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="ix" VALUE="<%=Q.CiScope%>"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" name="pg" VALUE="<%=CurrentPage+1%>" >
<% NextString = "Next " if RS.RecordCount <> -1 then NextSet = (RS.RecordCount - NextRecordNumber) + 1 if NextSet > RS.PageSize then NextSet = RS.PageSize end if NextString = NextString & NextSet & " documents" else NextString = NextString & " page of documents" end if %> <input type="submit" value="<%=NextString%>"> </form> </td> <%SaveQuery = TRUE%> <%end if%>
<!-- Display the page number -->
Page <%=CurrentPage%> <%if RS.PageCount <> -1 then Response.Write " of " & RS.PageCount end if %>
<% ' If either of the previous or back buttons were displayed, save the query ' and the recordset in session variables. if SaveQuery then set Session("Query") = Q set Session("RecordSet") = RS else RS.close Set RS = Nothing Set Q = Nothing set Session("Query") = Nothing set Session("RecordSet") = Nothing end if %> <% end if %>
<p> <HR WIDTH=80% ALIGN=center SIZE=3> <p>
<CENTER> <TABLE WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=50> <TR> <TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE WIDTH=200> <font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="1"> <b> Best experienced with <br> <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/ie/ie.htm"><img src="/samples/search/bestwith.gif" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="Microsoft Internet Explorer" vspace="7"></a> <br> Click here to start. </b> </font> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE WIDTH=200> <A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/default.htm"><IMG WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=45 BORDER=0 SRC="/samples/search/home.gif"></A> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE WIDTH=200> <A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/Powered/"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="/samples/search/powrbybo.gif" WIDTH=114 HEIGHT=43></A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER>
<CENTER><I><FONT SIZE=-1>© 1996 Microsoft Corporation</FONT></I></CENTER> <BR>
<CENTER> <I><A HREF="/samples/search/disclaim.htm">Disclaimer</A></I> </CENTER>